damnfancyscotch · 5 years
So things have been... things...
The last few months have been so difficult.
I’m in the middle of losing a parent that I have insanely mixed emotions about - suffice to say, bad childhood - and all the weird human emotions that come with that sort of thing.
I’ve also been dealing with a new job and all the bullshit that that entails.
I haven’t written in so long.
It hurts me, for multiple reasons.
Mostly because I hate that I’ve fallen off the face of the earth for my readers, but also because writing is something that I really love to do. It’s something that’s cathartic in the oddest ways for me and it’s something that makes me feel really good about myself.
I’ve been feeling really shitty about myself lately.
I’ve made some dumb decisions lately too, due to this feeling, and it’s also shitty to realize that you’ve fucked up, whether it’s something small or something large.
Either way, I’m finally in a... idk... “good” enough headspace to start writing again.
It feels... really good. 
I want to get back to this, to the feeling of shouting into the ether and hearing y’all shout back.
Thank you to all of you that have been so sweet and stuck it out while I’ve been taking my break.
I’ve missed you, babbies, and I’m so happy to be back.
kisskiss ♡ Scotch
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