#scotchy things
freepassbound · 1 year
1,3, 8, 12 please handsome 😘😘
1. What is your preferred size?
There is a cheeky, bit-of-a-cop-out answer to this - that also happens to be completely true! - which is: my preferred size is whatever size my partner (like, ideal scenario, love-of-my-life, partner) wants me to be, at that moment.
That said, there are a few I tend to default to on my own - which, because I have a strong sexy-times tilt, tend to be for... *ahem*... those purposes. Simplest answer is there's basically three - a handful of inches shorter than my partner (which isn't even G/t, but it is shrinking - or them growing - so...), half-size, and a bit under a foot. Among those, I would my favorite is half-size.
3. What would your tiny/giant home look like?
Well, given the previous answer, it would look largely normal, I think? (Also, it would be her home) Maybe a few accommodations for a tiny, but at half-size, largely just me schlepping a step-stool around to access things. 😄
8. Sci-fi shrinking or magic shrinking?
My initial thought is, aren't they about the same thing? Clarke's Law and all that. My most fantasized method - their innate power - is more magical, I suppose?
12. If you suddenly grew/shrunk where you are right now, what would happen?
Well, the laptop would be a lot heavier! 😂 I'd have to hop down from the couch, I imagine - legs would be dangling. And I don't have a light portable step-stool, so getting at things would be a bit of trouble.
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genderfluid-insomniac · 8 months
Mechanic Wukong and Street Artist Macaque with a poly reader
Artists: pedrinho_lmk (left) and @scotchy-pie-art (right)
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Mechanic Sun Wukong
Originally met you when your car broke down for seemingly no reason on your way to work and called a tow company that took your car into his shop. Wukong’s always been a morning person, even though he loves sleeping in, so he’s working down his list of chores with a white tank top covered in spots of grease and oil.
Wukong usually has his hair pulled back and will ask you to tie his fluffy ginger hair back so it doesn’t get caught in any car parts or dirty from oil. Loudly purrs when you comb through his mane, carefully detangling knots and cleaning any bits of dirt or grit.
Whenever you have a day off to stop by the shop he’ll purposely wipe off anything on his face with his tank top which shows bits of his bare stomach. He’ll use any and every excuse to take off his shirt, saying it’s too hot out or he doesn’t want to ruin his clothing which is already covered in oil and grease.
Wukong’s very strong already from training but his job only enhances that because cars are a couple of tons and he has a habit of sticking part of his tongue out when he’s focused which makes your mind wander.
A good part about your mate being a mechanic in addition to being the great sage is that with his powers he can find the issue with the vehicle quickly with the help of his eyes of truth which helps him end the day early a lot of the time and lets him get back to you earlier than usual.
You both love it when he throws and catches you in the air or carries you in an absurd but secure position partially to show off to others and you. You love it because it gives you butterflies and you’re never scared he’s going to drop you because he cares so much for you and he’s not that much of an airhead when it comes to you.
He's a great multitasker cause he can use his tail which comes in hand for both working and at home ;) Unfortunately, it is usually used for the various colors of paint splattered on a car, sometimes in a design or pattern, while his main focus is the engine or undercarriage.
Street Artist Macaque
Speaking of paint, Macaque is a well-known street artist who only leaves a special signature of his and so because of that he doesn’t have to worry about being recognized or harassed by police. All of his work is done with passion and originality, very rarely his art is on private property or people’s belongings and some are inspired by things he’s seen or people that are interesting to him (i.e. you).
However, a fair amount of his work is purposely painted on cars because he knows Wukong’s probably going to be the one to deal with it and adores the groans of agony from his frenemy. You’re kind of disappointed at his smug grin whenever Wukong throws a wrench or whatever is in reach of him at your boyfriend who partially deserves it and shouts an apology to the mechanic who greets you kindly.
He first met you when he was spray painting a unique design about a recent protest to raise awareness in his special way on a sidewall of a coffee shop when you walked out to take out the trash and saw him floating mid-spray as your eyes met his golden ones. You turned your head to call for your manager but got silenced by Macaque’s hand covering your mouth and gave him 2 minutes to explain, long story short you both intrigued each other and started to have dates discussing both of your jobs. Mainly he doesn’t solely rely on his work as an artist but also as a performer and combat instructor.
He does adore it when you sneak out with him to help with his art or to provide company as he paints although he’d much prefer you get a healthy amount of sleep each night even if he feels a bit lonely without you. Your health is a priority to him but if it’s during the day and in a more discreet place whether alleyway or back of the building he’ll bring you with him, often taking breaks to eat lunch while you both talk about certain aspects of that design that could be improved or highlighted.
You’re well aware of his artistic gifts because of the looks he gives you before you leave or anytime you’re near a work of his art and usually the crowd surrounding the artwork gives it away as well. It’s never expressed obviously that it’s you in the piece of art because if it was then you might be questioned about the identity of the rogue artist who is secretly your boyfriend and Macaque wouldn’t want that ever. So a lot of them have the symbolism of you and what he loves about you, some of them having somewhat clear images of your face if you squint and those are personally his favorites.
He assures you he’s very good at remaining hidden when doing his “illegal” street art because of his advanced hearing shadow powers so with both it’s very easy to make a quick escape if he hears the police or sees something that’d get him caught. It also comes in handy when you’re out with him if he’s ever in danger or if someone attacks since it means he can get you out of there quickly. This goes the same for if you run into trouble with him at night since you have self-defense and your boyfriend has helped by giving you tips on how to improve. He’s going to prioritize you if anything happens despite any claims from you and he won’t let anything hurt you regardless if it’s to get back at him or not.
Mechanic Sun Wukong + Street Artist Macaque (poly)
Surprise surprise you met both of them when they were trying to spite one another which as one could guess is when Macaque was trying to get back at Wukong so he spray-painted your car with a crude design and so you had to forget heading to work. That led you to Wukong’s repair shop and saw the very annoyed look on his face when he saw the trouble you were facing, especially since you both found the other very attractive eventually when he was able to remove the paint you both exchanged numbers. He threw out some obvious flirts about how beautiful you were and you couldn’t ignore how he was shirtless surely because of how hot it was showing off how toned and gorgeous he was.
Macaque however followed his “victim” through their shadow and relished in the annoyance he saw he gave the king, turning to see the no-doubt pain on his victim’s face only to see your divine face twisted in a frown and now regretting defacing your car. On the one hand, he was glad he met you but on the other, he already ruined your day and you seemed like a nice person. The fact that Wukong flirted with you only made him annoyed and he already wanted to know you more (after he apologized first of course), spiting him by becoming closer to you was a bonus now since he’d already planned to ask you out and now he had the perfect introduction planned. Shortly after you got out of work, he popped up beside your car and apologized in his own special way, flirting with you with a smirk proudly on his face and genuinely apologizing before getting your number.
Both of them ended up finding out they were attempting to date you and only tried to one-up each other in terms of winning your heart, making it a bit too obvious that you were the center of their affections and trying to make help understand you loved them both. You were able to get them both inside your apartment and sit them down to say that you loved them both dearly and couldn’t choose, all of you agreeing to a polyamorous relationship and ending the night in cuddles.
In your free time, you can often find both of your boyfriends playing their silly game of back and forth which leads to a repeated war of the whole thing. Meanwhile, all you want is to just be cuddled and not pay for excess repairs if it’s your car even with your boyfriend doing it free of cost. It takes little to convince them to give up their squabbles and give each of them kisses or any kind of affection and they’ll melt into your hands. Both of them will protect you from any harm (whether it’s from police from Mac’s illegal art or enemies who want to use you to get to Wukong) and it’s one of the few things there’s never any arguing on, focusing on your safety and taking care of the threat while the other makes sure you’re alright or hidden.
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onlycosmere · 5 months
Questioner: I was thinking, what's your favorite cookie and where do you like to get it from?
Brandon Sanderson: You really want that instead of the end of book ten?
Questioner: You know what, yeah, we can talk about that later.
Brandon Sanderson: Okay, okay.
I'd say that my favorite cookie is an oatmeal scotchie followed very closely by a milk chocolate chip chunk with big milk chocolate chips and things in it.
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Hey there! List five things that make you happy, then put this is the askbox of the last ten people who reblogged something from you! spread the happiness and positivity 💚
Five things that make me happy:
My dog Darji, short for Darjeeling. She's a Scotchi - Scottish terrier/chihuahua mix, and therefore a "designer breed." I adopted her from a foster program north of me, and I get the feeling they rescued her from a shitty breeder because she's very scared of other people, especially men. It took her a year to warm up to my brother who is super gentle with furbabies. But she makes me laugh every single day because she's silly and cute and gives tons of kisses.
My relationship with my sister. She's 20 years older than me, the oldest of me and my three other siblings (her included, duh), and we've always been pretty close. We frustrate each other. I mean, we're human, but overall, my friendship with her is solid. She's always been there for me, and we share a lot of the same interests.
Cooking. For a long time, cooking was just something I mostly made sides for because my ex was the "star" of the kitchen scene. I was never really allowed to enjoy cooking or to shine at it because he got super jealous and bitchy if I made something that our friends adored and asked for constantly for gaming nights. But when one of our mutual friends said that I was going to starve to death because I wouldn't have my ex cooking for me anymore, I started cooking all the time out of spite. Eventually I surpassed all my ex's recipes, and by watching several cooking shows on the Food Network, I learned other techniques and recipes, and now I LOVE to cook. It's a very relaxing thing, the prep, the cooking, the creating something delicious and healthy and sometimes really really pretty.
Writing. Okay sometimes writing frustrates me, but overall, it is the one "hobby" I've had since I was 11-12 that consistently makes me happy more than it frustrates me. I'm not a popular fanfic writer by any means. I don't get hundreds of kudos and comments (I have on a few fics, but overall, my stuff just doesn't register on anyone's excitement radar other than my closest friends), but what kudos and comments I get tell me that what I write makes people happy and laugh and feel really groovy at the end of their day, and that means the world and moon and stars to me.
My friends - my really really close friends, many of whom I have not met face to face yet, who've stuck by me as the greatest emotional and mental support system and cheerleading squad EVER. I'm not going to list them by name, though they're the ones I've sent this to, so they'll know. If I had the power to move mountains for them, I would do it without hesitation, but since my covid shots/boosters haven't activated my mutant powers, I will at the very least have their backs in any fight and cheer on their success at whatever makes them the happiest pandas they can be. I love them 3000.
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damnfancyscotch · 5 years
So things have been... things...
The last few months have been so difficult.
I’m in the middle of losing a parent that I have insanely mixed emotions about - suffice to say, bad childhood - and all the weird human emotions that come with that sort of thing.
I’ve also been dealing with a new job and all the bullshit that that entails.
I haven’t written in so long.
It hurts me, for multiple reasons.
Mostly because I hate that I’ve fallen off the face of the earth for my readers, but also because writing is something that I really love to do. It’s something that’s cathartic in the oddest ways for me and it’s something that makes me feel really good about myself.
I’ve been feeling really shitty about myself lately.
I’ve made some dumb decisions lately too, due to this feeling, and it’s also shitty to realize that you’ve fucked up, whether it’s something small or something large.
Either way, I’m finally in a... idk... “good” enough headspace to start writing again.
It feels... really good. 
I want to get back to this, to the feeling of shouting into the ether and hearing y’all shout back.
Thank you to all of you that have been so sweet and stuck it out while I’ve been taking my break.
I’ve missed you, babbies, and I’m so happy to be back.
kisskiss ♡ Scotch
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theboatbuilderswife · 5 years
I'd fuck you.... up... with a knife..... xoxo Lycan filth
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                s c REE CH ES   & grabs gun
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aelfred · 6 years
Alfred land though
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beck-a-leck · 3 years
Okey doo let the christmas baking begin!
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Cutting back this year and only making 4 kinds of cookies.
(Not that we will have Fewer cookies, but I don't have to make all 11 varieties the family insists on this year)
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luckyredeyes · 6 years
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apparitionism · 2 years
Here are some of the “Alarm” story outtakes I mentioned. I’m calling them “Smoke,” both because I can and because that’s all they are—evidence/traces of something, rather than the thing itself. I’ve tried to give a sense of where they were intended to fit, and why they didn’t... I do get explainy about process, but I hope it all at least suggests the shaping that (I think) is important for even a trifle such as “Alarm.” Format-wise, I’ve put my extratextual thinking in brackets, and I’ve left the “story” bits pretty rough. So without further ado...
[In one of my stabs at the ending, the alarms went off not when Myka and Helena were on the elevator, but rather in the middle of the night, after they’d already sealed the deal:]
As Myka wrenched to consciousness, she recognized one element of the situation immediately: no smoke. Thus this was another malfunction, unless electricity, and walls... not quite as immediately, she registered another extremely salient element of the situation: she wasn’t alone. Rather than being able to revel in that astonishing new fact, she had to struggle to get out of bed and deal with the situation.
Helena sprang up as well—clearly disoriented for a moment—but then she too realized. She flung herself from the bed.
Myka: You aren’t wearing anything!
Helena: What does that have to do with smoke alarms!
Myka: I’m guessing that’s what set them off!
Helena: Flattery does not remove batteries! And you aren’t wearing anything either!
[I probably should apologize for being in love with the flattery/battery rhyme, but I have to admit I would totally have shoehorned it into the final version if I’d got the line itself right. Which I didn’t manage to do: what comes between “flattery” and “batteries” really ought to be another dactyl, and nothing I came up with worked at all in Helena’s voice. Anyway, after battery removal:]
Myka: Well, that was exhausting.
Helena: I thought you said I exhausted you earlier.
Of course, in response to the alarms, there came a banging on the door.
Helena moved as if she might be about to answer that door.
Myka: You don’t even have your dressing gown! Clothes—I have them! (This she said as she pulled on T-shirt and shorts, trying to ignore how inaccurate the term “clothes” was, given the inadequate coverage they provided.)
“I have them.” Helena said. She gestured vaguely around the bedroom, where it was true her clothes were. Most of them.
Myka: Okay, great. Put them on. You answering the door fully dressed at this time of night? What would that say about the masquerade?
Helena: Perhaps that we play particular roles at this time of night.
Myka: File that under ‘things I don’t want anybody thinking about me—or knowing, even it turns out to be true.’
That prompted a raised eyebrow from Helena, and how did Myka manage to notice that in the continued absence of clothes?
Myka: Just let me deal with this.
[Which she would have done, and Helena would have found Myka’s dismissal of Nate impressively emphatic. (I wrote her telling him off at least three different ways, and it refused to sound anything other than clichéd—one of several reasons I backtracked and had the alarms go off while they were on the elevator.) Myka would then have cautioned Helena thusly:]
Myka: I’m sure he can make our lives miserable.
Helena: If we’re truly together? I don’t see how. Won’t we be deliriously happy?
“Measures,” Myka reminded her, even as she was transported by “deliriously happy.”
Helena: (suddenly vicious) I’ll measure him right back. We’ll see who’s more persuasive in conversation with the super. We’ll see who, that is, might bring to any such conversation a professionally executed oatmeal scotchie. Of which I’ve been reliably informed the super is fond.
Myka: You seem alarmingly well prepared for this conflict. Armed for it, even.
Helena: Nate’s been pursuing me for some time, but your arrival intensified the situation. (Pause, clearly intended to recast what “the situation” actually meant.) The masquerade. I so wanted it—subtle as it was—to become real.
Myka: I have to push back a little on ‘subtle.’ Given the initial dressing-gown event.
Helena: Subtle between us.
[Something something something here. The conversation wasn’t working, but eventually:]
Myka: I wanted that too. For it to be real. For just about the whole time.
Helena: I hope we continue wanting the same things.
Myka: I hope we get better about showing it.
Helena: These hopes seem productive. And I know you have an affinity for the productive.
[Another version: in the kitchen, after Myka asks if they’re really talking about chairs, Helena initially gives no answer (just like in the “real” version), but then she’s the one who speaks into the silence, like so:]
Helena said, “I might be...” She winced. “Afraid.”
“Of?” Myka asked, as she prayed to the universe, Don’t let her say “you.”
What Helena did say, eventually, was, “Fire.”
Myka had never heard that strong word said so tentatively. An unexpected boon: it relieved her own fears of how differently she and Helena might be feeling, relieved her additional fears of how differently they might be weighting their feelings. She said, “Somebody told me ‘where there is no smoke there is no fire unless it is electrical,’ and while I’m not real clear on how the metaphor works here, I’m pretty sure you said you were going to hold your thought.”
“I intended to,” Helena said. Her fingers were fidgeting... a tell? “But circumstances change, and so does mood, and one begins to...”
“Lose hold?” said Myka, to which Helena nodded. “Okay. If we have to get back in the elevator for you to talk yourself back into something, then let’s go.” Myka took a step toward the door, but Helena didn’t respond.
[To which non-response Myka in turn responds with the suggestion that they bake cookies, and Helena has the same reaction to the expensive chocolate as she does in the “real” version. The bedroom conversation then had Helena rethinking, saying that “afraid” had been the wrong word for the moment. Myka counters with how she (Helena) had come up with the right word, before—“midnight” for the cookies—and Helena goes on to say that no, “afraid” really had been wrong; she should have spoken not about fear but about obstacles, e.g., time. My margin notes there were mostly just frustrated reiterations of “This is not right!” But in any case, there was never a version in which I didn’t call back to the “where there is no smoke” line.]
[There was also a draft that went on for longer—it didn’t cohere with the rest of the story at all, but in possibly positive news it did involve a bit more Claudia, and also some Pete, at various stages:]
They weren’t too busy, or too sleep-deprived, when it mattered.
They managed to find time to insinuate themselves into each other’s worlds.
Myka said to Claudia, in a moment of unusual candor, “She’s so important to me. I want to impress her—daily, hourly, minute-ly—but I don’t know how.”
Claudia: You could try to talk her into publishing her cookbook.
Myka: How do you know she has a cookbook?
Claudia: First, every chef has a cookbook. But second, even if she pretends she doesn’t, she’ll be impressed that you think she does.
This turned out to be true. All of it.
It led to Myka and Helena talking, seriously and not, about what such a tome should be titled. “How Not to Set Off Smoke Alarms,” Myka suggested.
“How to Repurpose Recipes As Attempts at Seduction,” Helena countered.
They eventually agreed on “The Midnight Baker.”
In lieu of immediately publishing said cookbook, Claudia booked Helena on one of her podcasts; giving Myka the scoop afterward, all she could say was, “She. Is. A. Smoke. Show.”
“I know,” Myka said, keeping to herself her many and varied feelings about, and theories of, smoke.
[As for the Pete-involved version: he works with Helena at the restaurant. He does the fancy chocolate work, sculpting and decorating and whatnot, at which he’s surprisingly talented, and he’s not allowed to touch anything else. On Myka’s first visit to the restaurant, I wanted Helena to introduce them, and for things to proceed kind of like so:]
Pete: So how did you two meet?
Myka: The smoke alarms in my apartment went off.
Pete (to Helena): Because she’s so hot, right?
Helena: I’m embarrassed to admit that didn’t immediately occur to me. It should have. (to Myka:) You in those quite-short shorts. (fanning herself)
Pete: Shorts? Quite short shorts?
Helena: Eyes up, reprobate.
“Does that mean ‘leg man’? Because I am definitely a leg man. Also”—he gestured at his chest—“a you-know man. Basically an all-parts man.”
Helena (to Myka): I’m incredibly sorry. All I can do is repeat that he’s brilliant with chocolate.
Pete said to Myka, “Here, I just made these.” He presented her with a small perfect sphere of a truffle. “It’s Mars,” he said, and it... was. Realistic rusty-red swirls decorated its surface, and it was so beautiful, so Mars, that she immediately forgave “you-know.” And everything else. In perpetuity.
She couldn’t imagine damaging its perfection by biting into it.
Pete said, as if concerned by her reticence, “I’ve got little model Oppys too, if that’s more your thing. They’re crunchy.”
[And then I have a note about how Myka would probably have remarked on how Oppy couldn’t possibly have been to scale, which... who cares, right? I had the Mars thing in there in the first place because I thought it was cool—who wouldn’t want a perfect chocolate Mars?—but of course it had nothing to do with the story. So then I wondered if he could have made something that would be germane in context... like maybe Myka’s Yellowstone-adjacent rock? But that would’ve required a lot of intentionality and surreptitious planning on Helena’s part, which I wouldn’t put past her, in a “Come to the restaurant because I have something special for you” sense, but that would probably have to have been a later visit, not the first.
However, if there had been such a chocolate replica-rock, somebody would have needed to note that it wouldn’t survive a fire unscathed.
The Pete part continued:]
Pete: So is the smoke alarm thing a joke or what?
Myka: No. Literally. Smoke alarms in my apartment, shrieking at four in the morning. Waking Helena up, across the hall in her apartment... but there wasn’t any smoke.
Helena: They were malfunctioning, and I reset them for her. The alarms. Because as Myka mentioned, there was no smoke.
Pete: But I guess there was a fire though.
Myka: I guess there was.
Helena: I’m glad it caught.
[That might have been an okay line to end it on, but that’s all it was: just okay, not particularly resonant. Also if they were going to retell their meeting to Pete, it would have needed to be more interesting. Why recap it unless it adds something?
In the ultimate end of the lengthier version, maybe everybody would’ve met everybody (except Nate), and they would have formed a restaurant and/or podcasting and/or publishing collective that had “13” in its name. But that would’ve been exhausting, and it wouldn’t have had anything to do with the story’s premise.
There was also a really boring ending where I punted and had Myka and Helena just shrug and say “Well, it wouldn’t take much more time to actually date than the masquerade takes, so hey, let’s go for it.”
And finally, I tried to make them go chair shopping for Myka (Helena continuing her insistence on the point), with the idea that it would start to seem obvious that they’d be sharing the chairs—the furniture salesperson would assume they were a couple and treat them accordingly, and it would essentially have been another case of a masquerade becoming real.
And so ends this excursion through some wisps of smoke...]
Oh, one last thing: If these were real outtakes, in the blooper-reel sense, I would hope they’d include somebody, or a couple of somebodies, coming real close to falling off folding chairs. (I had to restrain myself mightily to keep from knocking them off chairs in the actual story; I’ve had occasion to refamiliarize myself with some of Buster Keaton’s work recently, and it reminded me of the abject delight I take in slapstick. Not that I ever really need reminding, but even so.) Or somebody would be completely incapable of unfolding such a chair, and that would probably have been whichever random actor happened to be playing Helena—far be it from me to speculate about casting—when she’s supposed to be impressing Myka with how smooth and competent she is during the first alarm incident.
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saltyscotchy-blog · 7 years
Self Care Prayer & Spell Ritual
UNDER THE READ MORE IS a long ass spell I wrote as an act of self care! Feel free to adapt it to your own pantheon or possibilities because it may be that you don’t have all the resources I used for this spell!
In this spell, I called upon Freya and Skadhi because of the connection I carry with them. Again, you can switch these parts to adjust the spell to a deity of your choice (or you can work without a deity and just skip right to the actual self care spell I wrote and add on a whole load of intent!)
crystals: carnelian (joy, confidence, courage)               lapis lazuli (self awareness, balance)               rose quartz (love)               moonstone (tenderness, support)               amazonite (trust)               blue lage agate (honesty, patience)               other crystals that invoke positive/lovely feelings.
Runes: dagaz (hope)             mannaz (support)             ehwaz (trust, faith, companionship)             berkanan (growth)             eihwaz (strength, stability)             wunjo (joy, ecstasy)             ansuz (prosperity, vitality)
Tarot cards; chariot (control, willpower, determination)                     strength (strength, courage, patience)                     death (endings - beginnings, change)                     temperance (balance, moderation)                     stars (hope, moderation)                     sun (fun, positivity, vitality)                     nine of cups (comfort, happiness, satisfaction)                     king of cups (emotional balance and control)                     other cards that invoke positive/lovely feelings.
Candles: pink (love, nurturing, caring)                blue (trust, calm, serenity, safety)                orange (joy, friendship, family)
An offering for your deity/deities.
Optional: incense, flowers, things/pictures/decorations that make you happy.
Cleanse the crystals in the moonwater. Keep some moonwater in a cup. Set out the incense, flowers and/or other decorations that you associate with your personal wellbeing and positive feelings.
The spell:
Cleanse your tarot deck and set it out. Enter a moment of silence and greet your deity. Light the candles and call upon them.
Freya, protector of families and children, mother of mothers. I call upon thee. May you be with me in this moment and may you lend me your love and guidance into better times. Skadhi, goddess of frost and winter, cold lady who brings warmth into my heart. I call upon thee. May you be with me in this moment and may you lend me your strength and wisdom into stability.
Leave out the crystals on your altar. Cleanse the runes by sparking some moonwater over them and leave them out on your altar. Hold your hands out over the crystals and the runes, and speak the words:
Beloved Freya, magnificent Skadhi. May you find and accept  these symbols and gifts, and may you bless them with your wisdom and love. Hail to you, almightly goddesses!
Set out the offering to your deity and take the cup of moonwater, speaking the following words:
May we drink tonight, for prosperity and strength. I raise this glass to you, Freya, for may you bless me with your love. I raise this glass to you, Skadhi, for may you bless me with your strength. Hail to you, almighty goddesses!
Enter a moment of silence. Let it last for about 15 heartbeats. Turn to your tarot deck and hold out your hands over the deck. Speak the following words to call upon your deck:
I call upon the earth Far plains and lofty mountains For power and strength to my spell
I call upon the waters Wide lakes and ever moving streams For power and strength to my spell
I call upon the sky The four winds of earth And the far reaches, infinite space For power and strength to my spell
I call upon the fires That burn in the heart of the earth At one with energies of life itself For power and strength to my spell
Pause for the length of five heartbeats, then pick up your tarot deck and search out the cards you need for the spell, saying these words:
Reaching far into the archaic past I draw forth these symbols To shape the spell I cast Here will be woven chance, fortune and fate That my deepest wish may be swiftly attained
Now turn to the spell. Hold the chosen cards in both hands and lay them out on your altar as you speak the following words:
I reach out with the power of my heart And the power of my mind I call those with kindred spirits Hearts and minds that care and cherish and love And may they answer me
May they bless me with peace May they bless me with balance May they bless me with joy May they bless me with hope
Grant me happiness and trust and faith Grant me growth and strength and vitality Control, courage and patience may come Comfort and optimism may come
May negativity end And positivity begin Blessed be the kindred spirits Who guide me onto the righteous path
Hold your hands out over the cards to charge them with the power that you visualize being drawn from your body as you say these words:
Into these cards I direct great powers Powers drawn from within me And powers called from those kindred spirits Which are at work around me
Wide ruling powers Mark well what I have done here And work to make it manifest
I call upon the beings of nature Of plains and mountains, of oceans and lakes Of deserts and forests, and distant tundra Of the heart of the planet itself
Wide ruling powers Mark well what I have done here And work to make it manifest
I place my petition before you Earth, giver of all life May you lend me strength and power To this, my spell So shall it be!
Remain before your card arrangement and your altar for a period of at least 25 heartbeats and keep your hands over the cards, runes and crystals. Visualize the subject of your spell as completed.
Put out your candles and render a salute before departing.
(TN: words used to call upon and charge the tarot cards are inspired by information found on llewellyn.com, the self care spell itself is written entirely by myself)
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Sunday 1 July 1838
5 40
12 ½
Rainy morning F64 ½° at 6 am by 6 ½ nearly fair or merely damp and small rain – good beds and comfortable last night – off from Langon (hotel de la poste) at 7 ¼ left 5/. with the maitre de poste for Pierre at Bordeaux – Langon small town – the people standing in group as if a market day – Damp rainy disagreeable morning at 7 ¼ - asleep – at Bazas (1 3/4p.) at 8 ½ - stopt at bon Pasteur hotel to breakfast – was beginning to write but breakfast soon ready – Rained from setting out till afternoon – A- and I out at 10 to see the church, formerly cathedral, in the picturesque Italian-like, arcaded grande place la fête de St. Jean – a weed or herb common here  [?] into crossed over peoples’ doors – very handsome old gothic church the top part of west end modern and 3 chiefly sculptured west doorways the history of our saviour – in the style of Reims cathedral – the handsome interior plain and clean – the people at high mass – organ west end of nave – one side aisle and 1 aisle of little chapels – no transepts – 5 massive-round columns in the nave up to the organ, and then 6 clustered columns up to the apse, so that the nave is of 2 periods – very picturesque little ville –walked about while A- sketched the west front – we had breakfasted well and been very comfortable but the woman charged 5/. and on my quietly observing afterwards to the man that I had never paid so much for breakfast not even in Paris – he said it was 4/. for breakfast and 1/. for the room (double bedded room) in which we breakfasted – things dearer here than in Paris! – Road rough pavé last stage and this – the parterre quite cut up, so much rain lately – country hedged like England – no heath – all the ground in cultivation – at 11 40 the amphitheatric line of hill en face, and right and left as far as one can see, covered with wood – at 11 43 cross the little Ciron brook and enter the plantation of pins à resine (Scotchy fir) the trees in great numerous cut (little more than the bark cut 3 or 4 or 5ft. in length from the bottom) the piece as it were shaved off, so as to let the sap (turpentine) gush our; and here ‘on entre dans les immenses plaines des lands qui se me présentement que l’image de la stérilité et de la tristesse; quelques champs dérobés à ces landes offent seuls à l’habitant laborieux une modique nourriture’ midi. p. 49. Itinèraire de France – and here along the road-side charcoal-rings 6 or 8 yards diameter – the charcoal burnt in a conical heap in the middle covered over with sand, and, when sufficiently burnt, raked out and placed in a circle all round, so as to form the rings mentioned – the charcoal sent to Langon for the six bateaux à vapeur that ply on the Garonne – white sandy soil the firs when largeish seem mossy – a little cut-leaved oak intermixed with the firs – the commerce of Bazas is in wood and charcoal – at 12 10 en sortant from the fire-forest, a little heathery common (left) then rye (right) 1st we have seen cut – bad road – the wood pavé all in holes – at 12 25 very bad for ¼ hour – acacia hedges roadside – Captieux at 12 ½ picturesque little white, red-tile-roofed, scattered town – the blue clad men and crimson petticoated women of Bazas and here very picturesque – 5 minutes from Captieux white sand and heather, and fir and oak forest all round at a little distance – still bad wooden road – heather and whins on the ground clear of wood – From Captieux to Trévers (Porteau
not correspond with
supprimé as a poste aux chevaux) great deal of heathery land, and at 1 ¼ the covering of the nutty way seems a mixture of black bog earth with white sand – obliged to go foots’ pace – if we went off the starting boards, the carriage wheels would sink up to the nave in sand of the parterre – at 1 ¾ rough stone pavé again after another piece of this board-road ‘planchéiée avec des madriers on des poutres équarries et assemblées comme des planchers’ Itinéraire de France midi. p.51 – these pieces of timber 8 or 9ft. long – mud and water gushing out from them at every joining as we pass along – at 1 48 leave the Gironde and enter the department of the Landes and have a bit of tolerable going on the parterre the sand now hard enough to bear us – at 2 5 la poste at Trevers (1 3/4p.) a large barn-like stable with a 3 roomed wood cabin (cahutte) at the back and a little bit of corn land in the midst of heather and wood – better road from here – a new stone pavé in progress and the road newly planted on each side with poplar, acacia and platanus – bad bits of road now and then – pulled up and not yet pavé at all – still heather brackens and pine forest – at 2 ¾ a deepish drain shews yellow-ochre coloured sand at the depth of a foot or 2 – all this stage and the last patches of rye every now and then near the picturesque little farmsteads, a good deal of it cut – now at 3 5 road bad again but commonly bad – a rubbled road, worn in consequence of the great quantity of rain – Roquefort at the poste at 3 ¾ (1 3/4p. from Trevers) not the place celebrated for its cheese – handsome new stone 3 arch bridge over the picturesque little river Douze just before arriving at the post, and hill – alight for a minute or 2 to look back upon the picturesque town with its old little chateau in the midst – at the top of the hill (left) new looking road to Tarbes – our road is now a rubble-road – not paved – and tho’ wet and worn, it is a godsend after the holy stone pavé and starting planks that we have come over – our road lies chiefly thro’ forest of fir, and oak, on these 2 mixed – row of trees on each side of the road – now good, large, handsome, old oaks (many of them having been once over truncated) and now fine, handsome (beautiful) large Spanish chestnuts in full flower – at 4 ¾ took up Dr. Léon merchant on mineral waters very interesting – at 5 Caloy a single house farmstead – From Roquefort to Caloy most interesting drive today – the road generally below the level of the forest which slopes up [?] on each side – the forest, too, the most interesting and continuous tho’ every now and then broken as it had been more or less all today by picturesque little farmsteads and patches of rye – rye in foot broad ridges with foot broad spaces between – off from Caloy at 5 10 along straight line of poplar avenue reaching as far as one can see, and in fact reaching to Pont de Marsan – the ground clear of wood, but covered with brackens, for some distance on each side the road – all the amphitheatric line of hill in the distance en face seems forest – rubble-road – cut up – but very fair considering the great quantity of rain – it has rained almost incessantly (they say) for the last 3 weeks – They said at Langon, we should probably sleep at Mont de Marsan – they better knew the state of the road than I did – it seems they sent word from there by courier de poste to tell the people at the postes on the road that we were coming .:. we have not had to wait for horses anywhere – It takes the malle poste 48 hours to go  go the 26 ¾ p. from Bordeaux to Bayonne – at Mont de Marsan at 5 55 hotel des ambassadors and du roi de Naples who was here 1 May 1830. very nice hotel – the courtyard very pretty with creepers etc. growing against the external gallery against the house – very nice people – veuve and her son and daughter – out soon after 6 for ¾ hour – peeped into the modern  good church – then to the 8 good Bains du nord very picturesque midway the picturesque bank of the now muddy Douze, and then immediately crossed the picturesque wood bridge over this little river to the Pépinière Départemental – very pretty so interesting (determined to breakfast here tomorrow, and see it in the morning for instructions’ sake as to the different trees) dinner at 7 – soup and salmon – mutton rouleau piqué and mutton cutlets, and fricandeau de veau, and a large roast fowl au cusson – potatoes au naturel (with their skins on served in a napkin as everywhere here nowadays) and good pears and 4 most excellent ortolans (which last made our dinner 5/. a piece instead of 4/. well worth it) besides an ample dessert gateau de riz (good) biscuits and macaroons sweetmeat, and honey as I had desired Roquefort being famous for it (and it is very good) and strawberries and cherries – by far the most bountiful dinner we have had and by far the best – the ortolans would have satisfied the veriest epicure – never ate ortolans so parfaits before – like marrow dissolving in one’s mouth – sent from here to Paris – killed by holding their little heads in brandy, then picking and packing them in vine-leaves – (sent to table here on a silver skewer) a thin crisp bit of toast between each, and each wrapt in a thin leaf of lard, and even that a shred of vine-leaf – fed in the dark in a cage on millet – cost 2 or 3 sols a piece at 1st but ¾ die in the feeding, and if they are not taken just at the moment and cooked (roasted) au point (to ½ a turn) they are spoilt – the murier very like the ortolan – rather smaller and never so fat as the ortolans fed here – aux eaux the ortolans will be muriers – diner downstairs in a private salle à manger and came upstairs at 8 – sat with A- in her room talking till 9 – then (having had Josephine about 9 ¾ or 10) till 11 55 wrote out the whole of today – Rainy day till near 5 pm afterwards fair and finish – F63 1/2° at 11 66 pm A- right today I shall take no notice when she gets wrong again and core [care] for and think of it less and less by degrees
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hogwartsmysteryho · 3 years
Hello, can I have 3,5 and 13 and 22 for, don't be mad, all your characters if you want and can? ✨✨✨✨✨
thanks for the ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ngl it took some effort 😅
3. a scent that fits them? doesn't have the be what they actually smell like!
for this one i’m just gonna go with my favorite of each of their amortentia scents!
nolan - green tea | vinny - brown sugar (fun fact: i changed vin’s amortentia smell to the components of my personal foavortie cookie, the oatmeal scotchie) | anastasia - mint | allison - lemonade | marty - ramen noodles | samuel - stones | aiden - chocolate | ryan - honey
5. a touch/feeling that fits them?
nolan - a firm handshake | vinny - big bonfire heat | anastasia - blood rushing back into flow after your circulation was cut off for a little | allison - locking arms | marty - waking up and lying in bed in your covers | samuel - sliding a ring on your finger | aiden - bear hug | ryan - a brainfreeze has just passed
13. if they could change one thing about themselves, what'd it be?
nolan - give himself a photographic memory | vinny - make himself better at focusing | anastasia - would make herself care less about what other people think of her | allison - wise enough to not change anything | marty - would make himself more charismatic | samuel - better work ethic | aiden - also, but more unexpectedly, wise enough to not change anything | ryan - no more honesty curse
22. any embarassing tattoo/scar stories?
nolan - bowtruckle bite scar on his right index finger | vinny - barely visible burn on his left forearm/wrist from trying to make pancakes | anastasia - small nick above her eyebrow from dropping a book on herself when trying to unshelf it | allison - all tats intentional and unembarrassing | marty - not embarrassing but his left forearm and wrist were twisted badly in the vault of fear, and madam pomfrey was unable to fully heal it because of the curse, so his left arm is twisted nearly 180 degrees. he can hold his arm twisted back if he feels like it, but that makes his elbow stick out awkwardly | sam & aiden - nothing embarrassing, but have sported various cuts and bruises over the years | ryan - always picks dare when playing truth or dare, was dared to get a tattoo (i’m not sure what of yet, but i’m thinking maybe a teapot?)
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Hey y'all it's time for a special episode of Sin Eats. Today... Sin actually does something in the kitchen! That's right. We're making...
Oatmeal Scotchies
These cookies were a rare treat in my childhood. As a human who can't stand the taste or texture of raisins and vehemently disagrees with everything they stand for, oatmeal raisin cookies were an affront to all things good in this world. But every once in a while my mom would make something other than chocolate chip cookies or snickerdoodles and bless me with the masterpiece that is the marriage of oatmeal cookies and butterscotch chips.
I've been having a craving for them lately, and when I asked Jay what he wanted me to bake for Valentine's Day, I may have slyly suggested them. He was on board. So on board, in fact, he wouldn't stop talking about it for like the week leading up to it.
Let's do it!
Butterscotch chips (I put a whole bag cause why the eff not)
1 cup butter (softened)
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup brown sugar (I used dark brown sugar but it doesn't matter)
2 large eggs
2... ish tsp vanilla extract
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
Ground cinnamon
3 cups old-fashioned oats
Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).
If you're a weak baby like me, use a stand or electric mixer to cream together the butter and sugars until creamy. Yes, it did feel disgusting to type that. If you don't have a mixer, use some old-fashioned elbow grease. Beat that shit until you're so swole your enemies will cower in fear before you. On second thought, I feel like "creamy" is the wrong word. It just looks kinda smooth. It's a doughy consistency. Don't overthink it. If there aren't butter chunks, you're good. Don't forget when measuring your brown sugar that you have to pack it into the measuring cup so that when you dump it in the bowl it looks like a little sand castle. Awww. Cute.
Add in your eggs and vanilla and beat to combine. I should add that I laughed at the amount of vanilla in the recipe. I haven't used a measuring spoon to measure vanilla since like 2002 and that's because I like flavor. If you're using a good quality vanilla paste or something you don't need much, but I always just pour it in until the little devil on my shoulder begs me to stop.
I'm gonna tell you two secrets right now. The first is that the key to the best baked goods you've ever eaten is to sift your flour before measuring it. When I was a young thing, I used to sift my flour out onto some wax or parchment paper every time I was baking. Now that I'm old and tired from the trials and tribulations of life, I do what I affectionately call "quick sifting" but should probably call "half-assed sifting." You just take a spoon and fluff up the flour in whatever container you have it in. The goal is to incorporate air into it so it's nice and light. Whether you go all out and properly sift or use the lazy ass method, make sure you gently spoon your flour into the measuring cup. The goal is not to knock all that air out of it and ruin all your hard (or not) work. Level it with a knife, your finger, whatever.
The second secret is that we're going to pretend this recipe did NOT say to add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. What in the fuck? Literally what the fuck. I took the lid off of the spice jar and dumped it in the bowl until it felt and/or smelled right. I'm not joking. I measure with my heart, not with my white people feelings.
I don't know what kind of crack the Pinterest mom I stole this recipe from was smoking, but she totally skipped this step. For the love of god, please put the flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt in a separate bowl and mix to combine. I like to use a fork but you can use a whisk. Use your hands if you want. It doesn't matter. Gordon Ramsay isn't going to bust down your door and tell you that you're an idiot sandwich. He can't stop you.
Add the dry ingredients to the wet in a few stages, mixing between each addition. It's a good idea to start the mixer on low, unless you want to get white flour dust all over your kitchen.
If you're a moron like me, decide that you're done with the mixer. Scrape most of the dough off of the paddle and give it a taste test. Let your partner lick it clean because you know they're just sitting in on the couch waiting anxiously for you to gift them with the holy grail of cookie dough.
Add in the oats. I used some organic oats that I found at the grocery store because I am bougie like that. Mix to combine. If you're me, struggle painfully before adding in the butterscotch chips, struggle some more, and then beg your partner to please come help you. Let him mix it til it's nice and combined.
Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and either use a spoon or a cookie scoop to drop little balls of dough on the sheet. Size wise, idk. Make them too big cause you worked all day and you're tired and want out of the kitchen. Make a Frankencookie. Don't worry about it.
Baking 8 to 10 minutes. They are gonna look a bit raw still, but don't worry about it. Definitely don't put them back in for 5 minutes and overbake them.
Remove from oven and let cool on cookie sheet for about 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to completely cool.
That's it! Just rinse and repeat til you're done. They're best when they're warm. Eat as many as you can stomach while they're fresh.
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a   day   later   (   because   yesterday   i   was   with   my   parents   and   we   did   nothing   but   eat  ,   drink   and   celebrate   )  ,   i   am   finally   putting   up   a   post   i   wanted   to   write   ever   since  .   2020   is   coming   to   an   end   and   for   the   first   time   in   weeks   i   have   the   chance   to   properly   sit   down   and   thank   everyone   who   accompanied   me   through   this   year   and   made   it   bearable  .   i   could   probably   write   an   entire   essay   about   how   grateful   i   am   for   every   single   of   my   mutuals   who   stuck   around   despite   my   activity   was   spotty  ,   who   sent   me   nice   messages   and   asks   when   times   were   tough   and   to   all   the   amazing   people   who   fought   so   hard   themselves   and   got   through  .   this   time   i   want   to   make   it   a   little   more   personal  ,   because   through   hardship   and   bad   experiences   i   learned   what   FRIENDSHIP   really   means   and   that   even   though   disappointments   happen  ,   there   will   always   be   those   worth   keeping   on   for  .   i   hope   EVERYONE   WHO   READS   THIS   knows   that   i   am   happy   to   have   you   here  ,   to   see   you   on   my   dash   and   that   this   platform   still   is   my   main   safe   space   to   be   creative   and   escape   reality   from   time   to   time  .   you   matter  .   every   single   one   of   you  .   but   now  ,   to   some   more   personal   lines  .
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@rgerscap​   /   @serpernt​   /   @hunterheroes​ bea  .   you   are   and   have   been   my   best   friend   ever   since   i   can   remember   writing   over   here  .   i   do   not   even   know   how   long   we   have   been   plotting   and   talking  ,   but   from   this   point   on   i   can   not   even   imagine   a   life   without   you  .   meeting   up   in   february   was   one   of   the   best   things   that   happened   this   year  ,   because   you   are   such   a   beautiful  ,   kind   and   funny   person   inside   and   out  .   i   am   beyond   grateful   to   have   you   at   my   side  ,   to   be   able   to   reach   out   to   you   when   i   feel   alone  ,   when   i   feel   troubled  ,   but   also   when   we   are   just   two   stupid   knobheads  .   thank   you   so   much   for   everything   you   did   for   me  .   thank   you   for   existing  ,   for   being   my   friend  ,   for   being   you  .   i   love   you   so   much  . @bluemoontm​   /   @demonify​   /  @impaladrove​ i   dont   even   know   where   to   start  .   we   two   have   been   through   quite   some   stuff   this   year  ,   but   you   were   always   there  .   you   always   helped   me  ,   you   listened   and   our   constant   motivation   we   tried   to   give   each   other   was   what   brought   me   through   2020  .   no   matter   what   or   where   we   start   to   write  ,   i   enjoy   our   plots   and   endless   ideas   so   much  ,   that   i   would   not   even   be   here   anymore   if   it   wasnt   for   you  .   even   when   everything   seemed   to   fall   apart   you   remained   at   my   side  ,   encouraged   me  ,   never   doubted   me   and   for   that   i   will   be   forever   thankful  .   you   became   one   of   my   closest  ,   best   friends   which   i   can  ,   at   this   point  ,   say   without   any   doubts  .   i   mean  .   listen  .   bringing   me   to   make   two   more   blogs   ? ?   you   did   the   impossible  .   i   just   hope   covid   is   over   soon   and   we   can   do   our   coffee   shop   tour  ,   hang   out   and   have   wine   and   italian   food  .   you   mean   the   world   to   me  .   thank   you   for   everything   slate  . @adstellar​  antonia  ,   meine   liebste   popocreme  .   its   been   a   year   since   we   met   at   my   place   and   surely   three   since   we   started   talking  .   we   do   not   only   work   in   the   same   job  ,   but   also   helped   each   other   through   so   many   things   that   i   stopped   counting  .   talking   to  you   on   discord   or   the   phoney   phone  ,   writing   our   babies   on   tumblr   or   just   planning   another   holiday   together  .   you   mean   so   much   to   me    and   i   am   beyond   grateful   to   have   you   in  my   life  .   you   are   an   amazing   person  ,   so   please   never   ever   change  . @villeneuvetm​   /   @margirfolk​ scotchy   ! !   of   course   you   belong   on   this   list   of   special   people  ,   simply   because   you   are  .   i   know   that   sometimes   you   feel   left   out   or   overlooked  ,   but   you   are   a   wonderful  ,   talented   writer   and   such   a   joy   to   talk   to   ooc   as   well  .   weve   been   talking   for   quite   some   time   now   and   been   mutuals   since   forever  ,   which   i   am   very   grateful   for  .   your   constant   interest   in   amelia  ,   your   will   to   plot   with   me   and   throw   your   amazing   muses   my   way   just   makes   me   so   happy   so   please   know   that   i   will   always   and   forever   write   all   the   things   with   you  .   thank   you   for   being   my   friend   ! ! @absolveres​ cyn   my   favorite   co   pilot   and   fellow   flame   thrower   enthusiast  .   youve   been   dealing   with   my   slow   potato   ass   for   ages   now   and   i   have   no   words   to   say   how   thankful   i   am   you   did   not   just   yeeted   me   out   of   the   plane   right   into   the   next   best   river  .   you   are   such   a   generous  ,   talented   and   caring   person   that   i   will   always   and   forever   wait   for   you   and   replies   -   ic   and   ooc  .   talking   to   you   about   personal   stuff  ,   about   our   beloved   disaster   game   or   plotting   endless   things   for   our   two   lost   causes   is   everything   and   something   i   will   love   forever  .   i   hope   you   are   reading   this   despite   your   little   break  ,   because   you   are   missed   deeply  .   i   am   sending   you   all   the   love  . @lastfulcrum​ you   thought  .   i   just   went   through   my   blog   and   -   believe   it   or   not   -   our   first   threads   are   three   damn   years   old  .   lucy  ,   when   you   reached   out   a   few   days   ago  ,   i   was   so   shocked   that   i   had   no   words   to   express   how   happy   i   am   that   you   are   back   from   your   hiatus  .  i   always   loved   writing   with   you  ,   talking   ooc  ,   plotting   and   do   like   34234324   aus  ,   simply   because   you   are   such   a   good   writer   and   great   person  .   i   hope   you   are   aware   that  you   glued   yourself   to   me   and   my   blog   with   invisible   glitter   glue   and   are   trapped   forever  .   again  .   i   am   so  ,   so   glad   you   are   back  . @takemetochrch​ oh  ,   of   course   you   wont   be   left   out   here  .   i   think   i   dont   have   to   say   how   much   i   adore   you   and   jack   ? ?   i   am   so   grateful   we   started   writing   and   so   happy   to   have   you   in   my   tumblr   life  .   our   dynamics   -   no   matter   if   its   jack   and   amelia  ,   or   jack   and   castiel   -   warm   my   heart   and   lighten   up   my   dash   so   much  ,   that   i   am   excited   about   every   reply   and   every   edit   that   comes   my   way  .   thank   you   for   writing   all   of   this   with   me  ,   for   being   so   loving   and   invested  .   it   means   the   world   to   me  .   you   are   amazing   ! ! and   then   there   are   some   amazing  ,   outstanding   people   on   my   dash   i   wanted   to   mention   as   well  .   simply   because   they   have   been   good   friends  ,   mutuals  ,   inspiring   souls   i   enjoy   seeing   every   time   their   names   pop   up  .   i   love   you   all   to   bits  .   thank   you   for   following   me  ,   writing   with   me  ,   being   so   wonderful  .   i   am   sending   you   all   the   cookies  ,   snowflakes   and   positive   thoughts   for   holidays   and   the   next   year   to   come  .   please   stay   safe  . @soulstcne​  ,   @fcxedbecty​  ,  @conniidel​  ,  @itshellscrown​  ,  @myersbprd​  ,  @seidmadr​  ,  @wxrldkiller​  ,  @alongingwithin​​  ,  @outlawiism​​  ,  @venuscommissions​​  ,  @sicarea​​  ,  @batisms​​  ,  @failedhero​​  ,  @waywardfeathered​​  ,  @willchosen​​  ,  @horrorempathy​​  ,  @crimsonshe​​  ,  @atomiism​​  ,  @icameasiam​​  ,  @sunsymbols​​  ,  @experimcnts​​  ,  @optmstc​​  ,  @timidstrcngth​​  ,  @pepperpxtts​​  ,  @lunelios​​  ,  @thunderbringer​​  ,  @risaen​​  ,  @unsnare​​  ,  @viividpurity​​ and   everyone   else   who   sees   this  .   merry   christmas  ,   happy   holidays  .   thank   you   for   existing  .
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damnfancyscotch · 4 years
I’ve been reading a wonderful Teen Wolf fic with time travel and Steter: The Various Triumphs of Mischief Bilinksi, by Whispering_Sumire. I thought I’d send it your way. It is still in progress, so wait a while if you don’t like to start unfinished works. The author has been updating once a week. Enjoy!
You are so stinkin sweet to think of me! I love Time Travel fics like nobody's business - I'll def give it a read. :]
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