#dan shelter rp
nabeyya · 4 months
Nabella in Roleplayer Worlds
Nabella is now active in RP with muse : stayc J, Chiquita from babymonster and Giselle from aespa.
and below are some prev usernames and open agencies and others in roleplayer :
prev username : JANGYEEUNl, JAEYID, JAEYIF, ofJaeyi, Jaebyi, Jeaeyi.
was part : Affection, Lucky in August, WEBE, ByHangout, 19like99, 90sHighway, 500rtunity, Lascostra, Thence, GetLife65, Shelter Station, ABreadDay, AsTheLine, TinyRaskals, Famitie, Roses Club, JourneyGraph, Lovadies, Talesfsoul, Deestellation, THESLAYC, staycest, StarcyCrowns, STAYSURE, 04zzz, ENOLINE, kids planet, B4NTENG, anak kambing [left], 4EON, Class Of 2004.
beberapa akunku dulu dan sekarang sudah tidak aktif lagi :
bphiyyih was part : TheYoungLuvs revamp, Greatest Utopia, Summer In Tokyo, Aoshima Spring, Unfriendless, Vivacioucs, nuevesphere, 04 ajalah, girls take over, GDM CWK 2004.
jyiwoo was part : NMIXXTOPIA, Adorerity & Grup Keceh 03-05
enamiasai was part : Capytown [unver], 404OutLaw, OfReadyToShine, WORLDOFBAEMON, BABYOMONSTER, BAEMONSTREASURE, ASAYANG.
Younaapark was part : BadReputation
mjongseob was part : TheTrickyHouse
CT littlehopesong — bianca shanika [sumin]
CT inanothermood — kizia [rena]
CT begoodparts — Khairuddin [hueningkai]
CT scoopsofglace — Kamala [sumin]
CatCafetaria : patronsEZAKI
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com - Pendaki Gunung Kerinci dapat pengelaman nih seru, guys! Sekarang, pendaki bisa turun dari atas pake paralayang, loh! Gak cuma buat atlet olahraga ekstrem aja. Tapi buat kita-kita yang pengen nyobain sensasi terbang dari ketinggian juga bisa, nih. Kalo kalian belum pernah coba terbang dengan paralayang, bisa pilih penerbangan tandem bareng penerbang profesional, bro. Di Gunung Kerinci, ada paket seru bernama Hike and Fly yang dijamin bikin kalian ketagihan. Biayanya sekitar Rp 13,5 juta per orang buat penerbangan paralayang tandem. Paket ini lengkap banget, deh! Dari penjemputan di Bandara Internasional Minangkabau, penginapan, makanan-minuman, sampe transportasi selama 5 hari 4 malam, semuanya udah diurusin. Kalian juga gak perlu khawatir soal perlengkapan paralayang. Penerbang profesional bakal ngajarin dan jagain kalian selama penerbangan. BACA JUGA: Air Terjun Berasap, Surga Tersembunyi di Balik Gunung Kerinci Jambi Ada petugas rangers dari Basarnas dan petugas medis dari Puskesmas juga siap standby, jadi aman dan nyaman banget! Sebelum terbang, kalian bakal naik dulu ke Gunung Kerinci, Jambi bro. Hari pertama, kalian bakal bermalam di camp terakhir di shelter 3, yang udah ada di ketinggian 3350 mdpl. Terus, keesokan harinya, jam 04.00 pagi, perjalanan dilanjutin menuju puncak gunung. Setelah puas menikmati pemandangan indah dari puncak Gunung Kerinci, kalian bakal diajak ke tempat namanya Tugu Yudha. Tempatnya sekitar 200 meter dari puncak. Nah, dari sini, kalian bakal terbang dari ketinggian sekitar 3.675 mdpl, guys! BACA JUGA: Festival Kerinci ke-20, Hadirkan Seni dan Budaya Unik, Sampai Kapan? Lokasi Pendaratan Lokasi take off ini sekaligus jadi yang tertinggi di Indonesia, loh! Bener-bener seru, kan? Durasi terbangnya tergantung sama kondisi cuaca dan alam sekitar, jadi sekitar 30-40 menit. Nggak perlu takut nyasar pas landing, bro, karena udah ada titik pendaratan yang udah ditentuin dengan matang. Tempatnya di hamparan karpet teh yang luas banget dan gak ada halangan sama sekali. Tim penjaga, tim penyelamat, dan petugas medis udah siap standby juga. Intinya, sebelum terbang, pendaki Gunung Kerinci harus tahu dimana kita akan mulai terbang dan dimana tempat pendaratannya. Supaya penerbangan kita terarah, tapi kalo ada halangan, ya tetep harus diatasi dengan tenang, bro. BACA JUGA: Terpesona Danau Kaco Jambi yang Cantik dengan Air Sebening Kaca Gagal Take Off Ada juga nih cerita seru dari Nia, dia udah coba paralayang tandem di Gunung Kerinci. Dia cerita pengalaman serunya di Instagramnya, loh! Video pengalamannya udah ditonton sama 36,8 ribu orang dan dapet 1,2 ribu likes dalam 4 hari aja. Dia bilang sempet gagal take off 3 kali karena harus nunggu angin yang stabil. Tapi dia bilang pengalaman ini luar biasa banget meskipun nggak bisa diterima akal sehat, tapi tetep seru banget! "Nggak nyangka banget bisa terbang di atas awan tebal dengan cuaca super cerah, guys! Pas masuk dan lewat awan, rasanya lembab dan sejuk banget," akunya. BACA JUGA: Danau Ugo, Hidden Gem di Batanghari Jambi yang Indah dan Menenangkan "Ada sedikit goyang juga pas lewat awan karena nggak bisa lihat apa-apa. Tapi begitu keluar dari awan, muncul pemandangan sawah yang indah dan kebun teh yang bikin mata terpukau. Pengen banget nahan lama-lama di atas sana," ceritanya. Nia juga cerita sebelumnya udah nyobain paralayang dua kali di Bukit Gado-Gado, Padang. Tapi kali ini dia tetep didampingi sama penerbang profesional. "Pilotnya emang keren banget, bisa ngaturnya dengan baik walaupun angin masih kencang. Jadi rasanya aman banget saat terbang," katanya. Jadi, buat kalian yang pengen sensasi baru dan pengalaman tak terlupakan, cobain deh paralayang di Gunung Kerinci. Pasti seru banget, guys! ***
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jagakarsarealty · 2 years
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[ 𝙁𝙊𝙍 𝙎𝘼𝙇𝙀 ] RUMAH SIAP HUNI DALAM KOMPLEK DI KEBAGUSAN - 𝙅𝘼𝙆𝘼𝙍𝙏𝘼 𝙎𝙀𝙇𝘼𝙏𝘼𝙉 RUMAH BARU 2 LANTAI FULL FURNITUR SIAP HUNI DALAM KOMPLEK ELIT KEBAGUSAN JAKARTA SELATAN Luas Tanah : 195 m² Luas Bangunan : 165 m² Kamar Tidur : 4 +1 Kamar Mandi : 4 +1 Listrik 3.200 Carpot 2 mobil Scurity 24 Jam Lingkungan Aman Akses Jalan Lebar Row Cluster Lebar 2 Mobil ✓. Free Kitchenset ✓. Free Bonus Ac HARGA : Rp.3.900.000.000 (NEGO) Cash / KPR Proses KPR kami bantu sampai akad kredit Notaris. Selling point : Lokasi Strategis Dekat Shelter Busway Ragunan Premium Area Di Jagakarsa Dekat TB Simatupang Dekat Cilandak dan Ragunan Hanya 3 Menit Ke Tol Andara Kualitas Air dan Udara Bagus Area Bebas Banjir Dekat Sekolah Internasional (Montessori, Avicena, Al Azhar, Smart School ✓ CARA PEMBAYARAN : • CASH • CASH BERTAHAP • KPR-Kami Bantu Sampai Tuntas ✓✓{•SHM•IMB•PBB•}✓✓ More info : Erwin 081294788234 #dijualrumahbaru #vasakebagusan #clusterjakartaselatan #dijualrumahmurah #dijualrumahjakarta #rumahjagakarsadijual #rumahsederhana #rumahasri #cluster #rumah123 #rumahunik #rumahdijual #jagakarsarealty #latansaproperty #jagakarsaproperti (di Jagakarsa, Kota Jakarta Selatan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpBafCCB3Bw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kelanaaksara · 2 years
Gunung Semeru “Keindahan Surga di Atas Pulau Jawa”
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Gunung Semeru adalah surga keindahan di puncak tertinggi pulau jawa. Gunung Semeru atau biasa disebut Sumeru adalah gunung berapi kerucut di Pulau Jawa, Indonesia. Gunung Semeru merupakan gunung tertinggi di Pulau Jawa, dengan puncaknya Mahameru, 3.676 meter dari permukaan laut (mdpl). Gunung Semeru juga merupakan gunung berapi tertinggi ketiga di Indonesia setelah Gunung Kerinci di Sumatera dan Gunung Rinjani di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Kawah di puncak Gunung Semeru dikenal dengan nama Jonggring Saloko. Gunung Semeru secara administratif termasuk dalam wilayah dua kabupaten, yakni Kabupaten Malang dan Kabupaten Lumajang, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Gunung ini termasuk dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru.
Semeru mempunyai kawasan hutan Dipterokarp Bukit, hutan Dipterokarp Atas, hutan Montane, dan Hutan Ericaceous atau hutan gunung.
Posisi geografis Semeru terletak antara 8°06′ LS dan 112°55′ BT.
Pada tahun 1913 dan 1946 Kawah Jonggring Saloka memiliki kubah dengan ketinggian 3.744,8 m hingga akhir November 1973. Disebelah selatan, kubah ini mendobrak tepi kawah menyebabkan aliran lava mengarah ke sisi selatan meliputi daerah Pronojiwo dan Candipuro di Lumajang.
Diperlukan waktu sekitar empat hari untuk mendaki puncak gunung Semeru pergi-pulang. Untuk mendaki gunung dapat ditempuh lewat kota Malang atau Lumajang. Dari terminal Kota Malang naik angkutan umum menuju desa Tumpang. Disambung lagi dengan jeep atau truk/pickup yang banyak terdapat di belakang pasar terminal Tumpang dengan biaya per orang Rp20.000,00 hingga Pos Ranu Pani.
Sebelumnya mampir di Gubugklakah untuk memperoleh surat izin, dengan perincian, biaya surat izin Rp6.000,00 untuk maksimal 10 orang, Karcis masuk taman Rp2.000,00 per orang, Asuransi per orang Rp2.000,00
Dengan menggunakan truk sayuran atau jip perjalanan dimulai dari Tumpang menuju Ranu Pani, desa terakhir di kaki semeru. Di sini terdapat Pos pemeriksaan, terdapat juga warung dan pondok penginapan. Bagi pendaki yang membawa tenda dikenakan biaya Rp 20.000,00/tenda dan apabila membawa kamera juga dikenakan biaya Rp 5.000,00/buah. Di pos ini pun dapat mencari portir (warga lokal untuk membantu menunjukkan arah pendakian, mengangkat barang dan memasak). Pendaki juga dapat bermalam di Pos penjagaan. Di Pos Ranu Pani juga terdapat dua buah danau yakni Ranu Pani (1 ha) dan Ranu Regulo (0,75 ha). Terletak pada ketinggian 2.200 mdpl.
Setelah sampai di gapura “selamat datang”, memperhatikan terus ke kiri ke arah bukit, tapi jangan mengikuti jalanan yang lebar ke arah kebun penduduk. Selain jalur yang biasa dilewati para pendaki, juga ada jalur pintas yang biasa dipakai para pendaki lokal, jalur ini sangat curam.
Jalur awal landai, menyusuri lereng bukit yang didominasi dengan tumbuhan alang-alang. Tidak ada tanda penunjuk arah jalan, tetapi terdapat tanda ukuran jarak pada setiap 100 m. Banyak terdapat pohon tumbang, dan ranting-ranting di atas kepala. Setelah berjalan sekitar 5 km menyusuri lereng bukit yang banyak ditumbuhi bunga edelweis, lalu akan sampai di Watu Rejeng. Di sini terdapat batu terjal yang sangat indah. Pemandangan sangat indah ke arah lembah dan bukit-bukit, yang ditumbuhi hutan cemara dan pinus. Kadangkala dapat menyaksikan kepulan asap dari puncak semeru. Untuk menuju Ranu Kumbolo masih harus menempuh jarak sekitar 4,5 km. Di Ranu Kumbolo dapat didirikan tenda. Juga terdapat pondok pendaki (shelter). Terdapat danau dengan air yang bersih dan memiliki pemandangan indah terutama di pagi hari dapat menyaksikan matahari terbit disela-sela bukit. Banyak terdapat ikan, kadang burung belibis liar. Ranu Kumbolo berada pada ketinggian 2.400 m dengan luas 14 ha.
Dari Ranu Kumbolo sebaiknya menyiapkan air sebanyak mungkin. Meninggalkan Ranu Kumbolo kemudian mendaki bukit terjal, dengan pemandangan yang sangat indah di belakang ke arah danau. Di depan bukit terbentang padang rumput yang luas yang dinamakan oro-oro ombo. Oro-oro ombo dikelilingi bukit dan gunung dengan pemandangan yang sangat indah, padang rumput luas dengan lereng yang ditumbuhi pohon pinus seperti di Eropa. Dari balik Gn. Kepolo tampak puncak Gn. Semeru menyemburkan asap wedus gembel.
Selanjutnya memasuki hutan cemara di mana kadang dijumpai burung dan kijang. Daerah ini dinamakan Cemoro Kandang.
Pos Kalimati berada pada ketinggian 2.700 m, disini dapat mendirikan tenda untuk beristirahat. Pos ini berupa padang rumput luas di tepi hutan cemara, sehingga banyak tersedia ranting untuk membuat api unggun.
Terdapat mata air Sumber Mani, ke arah barat (kanan) menelusuri pinggiran hutan Kalimati dengan menempuh jarak 1 jam pulang pergi. Di Kalimati dan di Arcopodo banyak terdapat tikus gunung.
Untuk menuju Arcopodo berbelok ke kiri (Timur) berjalan sekitar 500 meter, kemudian berbelok ke kanan (Selatan) sedikit menuruni padang rumput Kalimati. Arcopodo berjarak 1 jam dari Kalimati melewati hutan cemara yang sangat curam, dengan tanah yang mudah longsor dan berdebu. Dapat juga berkemah di Arcopodo, tetapi kondisi tanahnya kurang stabil dan sering longsor. Sebaiknya menggunakan kacamata dan penutup hidung karena banyak abu beterbangan. Arcopodo berada pada ketinggian 2.900m, Arcopodo adalah wilayah vegetasi terakhir di Gunung Semeru, selebihnya akan melewati bukit pasir.
Dari Arcopodo menuju puncak Semeru diperlukan waktu 3-4 jam, melewati bukit pasir yang sangat curam dan mudah merosot. Sebagai panduan perjalanan, di jalur ini juga terdapat beberapa bendera segitiga kecil berwarna merah. Semua barang bawaan sebaiknya tinggal di Arcopodo atau di Kalimati. Pendakian menuju puncak dilakukan pagi-pagi sekali sekitar pukul 02.00 pagi dari Arcopodo.
Siang hari angin cendurung ke arah utara menuju puncak membawa gas beracun dari Kawah Jonggring Saloka.
Ketika sampai di Mahameru, Anda akan disambut dengan suhu sekitar 4-10 derajat celcius. Selain itu, tentu saja pemandangan indah yang mungkin saja tidak akan pernah Anda lupakan seumur hidup. Ya, ini merupakan puncak tertinggi di Pulau Jawa.
Matahari terbit akan tampak cantik dari Mahameru. Belum lagi kabut tebal yang menyelimuti kawasan gunung, sangat sayang jika tidak segera diabadikan.
Akan tetapi, pemandangan yang indah di puncak gunung jangan sampai membuat Anda kurang memerhatikan daerah sekitar. Di sebelah selatan Mahameru terdapat gas beracun dan aliran lahar. Adalah Soe Hok Gie, seorang aktivis Indonesia yang wafat di Puncak Mahameru pada tahun 1969 akibat menghirup gas beracun tersebut.
Pendakian sebaiknya dilakukan pada musim kemarau, yaitu antara bulan Juni, Juli, Agustus, dan September. Pada musim hujan, jalur pendakian sering longsor dan rawan badai.
Tapi kini Semeru mulai kehilangan keindahannya, dikarenakan ada banyak pendaki yang mulai tidak peduli akan kelestarian dan kebersihan kawasan gunung Semeru yang dipercaya sebagai tempat tinggal Para dewa ini.
"Kita seharusnya ikut serta dalam menjaga kelestarian dan keindahan gunung terindah ini dengan cara tidak membuang sampah sembarangan maupun melakukan vandalisme, atau bahkan merusak tatanan kawasan yang ada."
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dan-shelter · 2 years
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frdustinhenderson · 2 years
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okay, so i made a list of everyone in #sthings rp (sorry for tagging all of you dhshd)
the main kids 
@themikewheeler @actuallywillbyers 
@theoneandonlylucasinclair @elevenbyerz
@maybe-maxmayfield @frdustinhenderson
fruity six older kids (there’s 2 nancys)
@jonathanbyerspptd @theargyles 
@stevegoodhairharrington @thetownsfreakmunson 
@nancyspost @nancy-wheelerofficial
@joyce-byerz @hopping-jim-hopper 
@officialmurraybauman @karenwheelerreal
@ted-wheeler @dr-owens 
@iampapa @mr-scottclarke 
upside down creatures ??
@therealvecnussy @realdemogorgon
other teens  
@kaliprasad-8 @brilliantsuzie 
@the-edenbingham @heatherheartz 
@chrissyhaswokenup @gareth-emerson-chews-drumsticks
@jeff-chewz-guitar-pickz  @troywalsh
@the-one-and-only-billy-hargrove @dan-shelter
duffers 😰
@rossdufferstrangerthings @therealmattdufferswife
it <3
@eddiekasbracks @richierecordstozier 
extras from st 
@gothic-claire-weber @barrettangelo
original characters ig? 
@mikhail-antonov @jupiter-jayfield-official 
@wheelerfamilydog @wiliscool 
@mishaeel-weber @michelecarrettoofficial
@micahladler @nicoandersons
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if i forgot anyone, please tell me. there’s just so many people it’s hard to keep track shdhshd 
if you made an account for a character and want to be added, just comment/dm me !
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vry-sorcha · 2 years
For all the people already in the Sthings RP I created a server for it
Come in private i'll send you the link if you want to be part of it
You're not obligated at all, but know that we risk to create the characters we don't have for consistency
Thanks you <3
Tagging everyone:
@themikewheeler @actuallywillbyers
@theoneandonlylucasinclair @elevenbyerz @maybe-maxmayfield @frdustinhenderson
@jonathanbyerspptd @theargyles
@stevegoodhairharrington @thetownsfreakmunson
@nancyspost @officialrobinbuckley
@joyce-byerz @hopping-jim-hopper
@officialmurraybauman @karenwheelerreal @ted-wheeler @dr-owens
@iampapa @mr-scottclarke
@therealvecnussy @realdemogorgon
@kaliprasad-8 @brilliantsuzie
@the-edenbingham @heatherheartz
@chrissyhaswokenup @gareth-emerson-chews-drumsticks @jeff-chewz-guitar-pickz @troywalsh @the-one-and-only-billy-hargrove @dan-shelter
@eddiekasbracks @richierecordstozier
@gothic-claire-weber @barrettangelo @girlwhoflirtedwithwill
@mikhail-antonov @jupiter-jayfield-official
@wheelerfamilydog @wiliscool
@mishaeel-weber @michelecarrettoofficial @micahladler @nicoandersons
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Quick PSA
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Love Dan Torrance...fell asleep watching him.
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Enjoying great RP centered around Roman with @theblackmaskclub ...has two mini fics in the works (ty for the idea for one of them, @vcat55 ) the holidays are coming to “Gotham Lockdown 2020”....and “Being Rescued” by Roman Sionis is always interesting.
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On the cusp of posting some smut with this guy....🥵
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And as for me...still in my shelter and place for the forseeable future....
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But I will be writing!
PS...In about a week...there will be some new portions of my Charlie Sisters fic! Wanted...been writing and revisiing..hence the delay... @cheyennejonas22 & @kat-o-combs
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PPS and...who is banging on the door of Joe’s house?
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prehistoricsounds · 4 years
Great Australian Warehouse Sale
Today was originally supposed to be Record Store Day Australia 2020 (it will be later in the year) But today is the beginning of the Great Australian Warehouse Sale. We have over 500 items on offer!
We have plunged the depths of our own warehouse as well as some great offers from our suppliers. Some of the items could have slight imperfections but are priced accordingly.
Items start at less than $10! With discounts of up to 60%!
We're open from 11am till 2pm today or visit https://www.prehistoricsounds.com.au/store/Warehouse-Sale-c48362068
Warrnambool Residents can choose the local pick up option and either pick up or we will deliver for free!
Here’s The List
!!! - All U Writers / Gonna Guetta Stomp [12"], Single, Ltd - $9.50 !!! - Thr!!!er [LP] - $22.00 Adam Torres - Pearls To Swine [LP] - $20.00 Aerosmith - Permanent Vacation [LP] - $25.00 Agenda Of Swine - Waves Of Human Suffering [LP], Ltd, Gre - $14.00 Agustin Pereyra Lucena - Agustin Pereyra Lucena [LP], RE, RP - $20.00 AIR - Casanova 70 [12"], Single, Ltd, RE, (Clear) - $20.00 Albino Python - The Doomed And The Damned [LP], Ltd, (Purple) - $22.00 Alexandre Desplat - Godzilla (OST) [2LP], Ltd, Num, (Red) - $30.00 Alicja-Pop - Rats (Home Recordings 2009-2013) [LP] - $20.00 Aloe Blacc - Lift Your Spirit [LP] - $22.00 Alpha Tiger - iDENTITY [LP], (Red) + CD - $20.00 Amanda Palmer & Edward Ka-Spel - I Can Spin A Rainbow [2LP] - $32.00 American Wrestlers - American Wrestlers [LP] - $20.00 Amorphous Androgynous - A Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble Exploding In Your Mind - The Wizards Of Oz [2LP], Comp, Mixed, Gat - $50.00 Andrew W.K. - 55 Cadillac [LP], Ltd - $40.00 Angry Angles - Angry Angles [LP], Comp - $25.00 Angus & Julia Stone - A Book Like This [2LP] - $25.00 Animal Collective - Danse Manatee [LP], RM, DMM - $25.00 Armored Saint – Armored Saint [12"], EP, Ltd, RE, (Red) - $22.00 Art & Language And Red Krayola - Corrected Slogans [LP], RE - $18.00 Atomic Suplex - Bathroom Party [LP] - $18.00 Atreyu - Long Live [LP] - $25.00 Audacity - Butter Knife [LP], Ltd, (Gold) - $18.00 Augie March - Bootikins [LP] - $34.00 Austra - Future Politics [LP], Ltd, (Red) - $24.00 Axegrinder - The Rise Of The Serpent Men [LP], RE, (Red) - $30.00 AXIS:SOVA - Motor Earth [LP] - $25.00 Barb Wire Dolls - Desperate [LP] - $20.00 Bardo Pond - Looking For Another Place [12"], Ltd - $32.00 Bayside - Vacancy [LP], (Yellow) - $24.00 Beat Connection - Product 3 [LP] - $20.00 Beck - Dreams [12"], Single, Ltd, Emb - $25.00 Becky Lee And Drunkfoot - Hello Black Halo [LP] + CD - $20.00 Beech Creeps - Beech Creeps [LP] - $20.00 Belphegor - Conjuring The Dead [LP], Ltd - $34.00 Bible Of The Devil - For The Love Of Thugs & Fools [LP], Ltd, (Clear) - $20.00 Big Jim Sullivan - Sitar Beat [LP], RE - $22.00 Big Scary - Four Seasons [LP], Comp - $30.00 Big Smoke - Time Is Golden [LP], RE - $32.00 Big Star - Complete Columbia: Live At University Of Missouri 4/25/93 [2LP], Ltd, RE - $32.00 Birth - Birth [12"] - $18.00 Bison Machine - Hoarfrost [LP], Ltd - $28.00 Blaak Heat Shujaa - The Edge Of An Era [LP] - $20.00 Black Magic Six - Halfway To Hell [12"], MiniAlbum, Ltd - $18.00 Blackwood Jack - Triggers [12"], EP - $18.00 Blank Realm - Illegals In Heaven [LP] - $17.50 Blessed Feathers - There Will Be No Sad Tomorrow [LP], Club, (Purple) - $19.50 Blues Control - Valley Tangents [LP] - $15.00 Bob Evans - Familiar Stranger [LP] - $32.00 Bobby Darin - Bobby Darin [LP], RE - $16.00 Bon Jovi - This House Is Not For Sale [LP] - $30.00 Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Wolfroy Goes To Town [LP] - $22.00 Born From Pain - Reclaiming The Crown [LP], Ltd, RE - $25.00 Born Of Osiris - The Eternal Reign [LP], (Orange) - $42.00 Brat Farrar - Brat Farrar [LP], (Clear) - $15.00 Brendan Welch - The Gleaner [LP] - $18.00 Brian May - Mad Max 2: Road Warrior OST [LP] - $18.00 Brian May - Patrick (OST) [LP], Ltd, RE, RM, (Blood Red) - $24.00 Brian May - The Day After Halloween (OST) [LP], Ltd, RE, RM, (Orange) - $30.00 Brian May - Thirst (OST) [LP], Ltd, RM, (Blood Red) - $24.00 British Sea Power - Machineries Of Joy [LP] - $25.00 Bruce Gilbert · Graham Lewis - 3R4 [LP], RE - $25.00 Bubbles - Raw And Unreleased [LP], Comp - $20.00 Buffalo Summer - Second Sun [LP], Ltd, (Orange) - $25.00 Bunny Lee - Kingston Flying Cymbals (Dubbing With The Flying Cymbals Sound 1974 - 1979) [LP], Comp - $20.00 Burn Pilot - Riots In Jerusalem [LP] - $20.00 Bushman - Higher Ground [LP] - $15.00 Buzzcocks - A Different Kind Of Tension [LP] - $30.00 Carcass - Choice Cuts [2LP], Comp, Ltd, (Red) - $36.00 Catherine's Horse - Garage (Blue)es From Connecticut [LP], Ltd, RP - $24.00 CCR Headcleaner - Lace The Earth 2013 With Arms Wide Open [LP] - $16.00 Cellar Darling - This Is The Sound [2LP] - $26.00 Cellophane Suckers - White Pants, White Heat. [12"] - $24.00 Cellos - Bomb Shelter [12"], EP, Ltd, (Gold) - $20.00 Chadwick Stokes - The Horse Comanche [LP], Gat - $32.00 Charley Patton - Complete Recorded Works In Chronological Order Volume 4 [LP], Comp, 180 - $25.00 Cheater Slicks - Destination Lonely [LP], RE - $18.00 Cherry Glazerr - Stuffed & Ready [LP], Ltd, (Red) - $38.00 Children Of Bodom - I Worship Chaos [LP] - $24.00 Clever - Kewdi Udi  [12"], Ltd - $22.00 Clint Mansell - In The Wall (OST) [LP], Ltd, Bro - $26.00 Clock Cleaner - Auf-Wiedersehen [12"] - $18.00 Coda Chroma - Coda Chroma [LP], Ltd, Num, (White) - $25.00 Coin Banks - Heads & Tails [LP], Comp, Ltd, Sil - $22.00 Cola Freaks - Cola Freaks [LP] - $16.00 Conan - Existential Void Guardian [2LP] - $25.00 Courtney Barnett - Kim's Caravan [12"], Ltd - $15.00 Cowbell - Skeleton Soul [LP] - $18.00 Crobot - Welcome To Fat City [LP] - $28.00 Crystal Fairy - Crystal Fairy [LP] - $26.00 Cuntz - Force The Zone [LP] - $20.00 Cuntz - Here Come The Real Boys [LP] - $20.00 Cuntz - Solid Mates [LP], Ltd - $18.00 Cybotron - Sunday Night At The Total Theatre [LP], RE - $22.00 Damien Jurado - Brothers And Sisters Of The Eternal Son [LP] - $20.00 Dan Melchior - K-85 [LP] - $20.00 Daniel Vega - La Noche Que Precede A La Batalla [LP], RE - $17.50 Danny Graham - Danny Graham [LP], RE, RM - $25.00 Dark Angel - Live Scars [LP], Ltd, RE, 180 - $20.00 Daughter - Not To Disappear [LP] - $24.00 David Bridie - Wake [LP], Ltd - $34.00 David Guetta Feat. Sam Martin - Dangerous (Remixes EP) [12"], EP - $16.50 Dead Farmers - Wasteland [LP] - $18.00 Dead Fucking Last - Proud To Be [LP], RE, Gre - $20.00 Dead Hookers - The Burial/The Rebirth [LP] - $18.00 Deaf Wish - Deaf Wish [LP], Ltd, RE, Gre - $22.00 Deap Vally - Femejism [LP], Ltd, Mar - $40.00 Deftones - Covers [LP], Comp, Ltd - $22.00 Dexter Romweber - Carrboro [LP], 180 - $25.00 Diablo Blvd - Follow The Deadlights [LP] - $20.00 Die Kreuzen - October File [LP], RE - $20.00 Diskaholics Anonymous Trio - Live In Japan Vol. 1 [LP] - $22.00 Dixie Witch - Let It Roll [LP] - $20.00 Doctor Midnight & The Mercy Cult - I Declare: Treason [LP], Ltd, Glo - $16.00 Dor Koren - Bigfoot [LP], (Purple) - $22.00 Drakkar Sauna - 20009 [LP] - $12.00 Dreadnaught - Caught The Vultures Sleeping [LP] - $25.00 Drnwyn - Gypsies In The Mist [LP], RE - $20.00 Dub Narcotic Sound System - Boot Party [LP] - $22.00 Duran Duran - Budokan [LP], Ltd - $36.00 Dwarves - Invented Rock & Roll [LP] - $20.00 Earthless - Sonic Prayer Jam [12"], Gre - $26.00 Eat Skull - III [LP] - $16.00 Els Masturbadors Mongolics - Els Masturbadors Mongolics [LP] - $22.00 Empire Of The Sun - Two Vines [LP], Gat - $26.00 Ennio Morricone - Butterfly (Original Soundtrack) [LP], RE - $20.00 Esben And The Witch - Wash The Sins Not Only The Face [LP] + 7" + CD + Ltd - $22.00 Every Time I Die - Low Teens [LP] - $20.00 Exene Cervenka - The Excitement Of Maybe [LP], Ltd - $16.00 Exhaustion - Biker [LP] - $25.00 Exhaustion - Phased Out [12"], EP - $14.00 Exhumed - Garbage Daze Re-Regurgitated [LP] - $24.00 Exploded View - Exploded View [LP] - $30.00 Eyes Ninety - Eyes Ninety [LP] - $18.00 Fear Like Us - Succour [LP] - $18.00 Finch - What It Is To Burn X Live [2LP], (White) - $32.00 Finntroll – Bloodsvept [LP] - $26.00 Flat Duo Jets - Go Go Harlem Baby [LP], RE - $22.00 Footy - Record [LP] - $15.00 Gerald V. Casale w/ Italy's Phunk Investigation - It's All Devo [LP], Ltd - $22.00 Germs - Germicide [LP], RE, 180 - $32.00 Get The Hater - Get The Hater [12"] - $12.50 GG King - Unending Darkness [LP] - $20.00 Giuda - Racey Roller [LP], RE - $28.00 Godflesh - Decline & Fall [12"], EP - $20.00 Gone Is Gone - Gone Is Gone [12"], EP, Ltd, (Clear) - $24.00 GravelRoad - Psychedelta [LP], (Yellow) - $20.00 Grim Tower - Anarchic Breezes [LP], (White) - $18.00 Guided By Voices - Let's Go Eat The Factory [LP] - $24.00 Guided By Voices - The Bears For Lunch [LP] - $20.00 Handguns - Disenchanted [LP], Hal - $18.00 Hanni El Khatib - Moonlight [LP] - $20.00 Heads. - Heads. [LP], Ltd, 180 - $20.00 Heavy Times - Fix It Alone [LP] - $18.00 Heavy Trash - Midnight Soul Serenade [LP] - $22.00 High Priest Of Saturn - High Priest Of Saturn - $22.00 Holy Balm - It's You [LP] - $16.00 Home Blitz - Frozen Track [12"], EP, Ltd - $10.00 Honey Hahs - Dear Someone, Happy Something [LP] - $28.00 Howard Eynon - So What If Im Standing In Apricot Jam [LP], RE + Flexi, 7", Ltd - $20.00 Howl At The Moon - A Slave To The Ghost [2LP], Dlx, Bla - $30.00 Howlin Rain - Mansion Songs [LP] - $20.00 Hudson Mohawke - Ded5ec - Watch Dogs 2 O5T [2LP], Ltd - $26.00 I Am Duckeye - Songs From The Gunt [LP], Ltd, Gre - $20.00 Iggy Azalea - Reclassified [2LP] - $30.00 Indica - Stone Future Hymns [LP], Ltd - $30.00 Jaala - Joonya Spirit [LP] - $26.00 Jad Fair & Norman Blake - Yes [LP], (Red) - $22.00 Jaga Jazzist - Starfire [LP] - $20.00 Jail Weddings - Four Future Standards [12"], EP, Ltd, (Red) - $16.00 Jail Weddings - Love Is Lawless [LP] - $18.00 James Mccann And The New Vindictives - James Mccann And The New Vindictives [LP] - $22.00 James McCann's Dirty Skirt Band - Lost Property [12"], MiniAlbum, Ltd, Num - $18.00 Jay Reatard - Blood Visions [LP] - $20.00 Jayne Mansfield - Jayne Mansfield In Las Vegas [LP], RE, Unofficial, Pin - $15.00 Jeff Grace - The House Of The Devil [LP] - $32.00 Jeff The Brotherhood - Wasted On The Dream [LP] - $25.00 Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On [LP], Comp, RE, 180 - $25.00 Joe Delia - Ms.45 - OST [LP], Ltd, RM, (Clear) - $26.00 Joe Satriani - Joe Satriani [12"], EP, Ltd, Num, RE, RM, 180 - $25.00 Joe Strummer - Gangsterville [12"], EP - $18.00 John Sangster - Ahead Of Hair [LP], Ltd, RE - $26.00 John Sangster - The Joker Is Wild [LP], Ltd, RE - $26.00 John Wesley Coleman - The Last Donkey Show [LP] - $18.00 Junior Kimbrough + Daft Punk - I Gotta Try You Girl (Daft Punk Edit) [12"], S/Sided, Etch, Ltd - $15.00 Justin Greaves - The Devil's Business [LP] - $24.00 Kalevala - People No Names [LP], Ltd, RE, RM - $55.00 Katastrophy Wife - All Kneel [LP], S/Edition, (Blue) - $30.00 Keith Hudson - Entering The Dragon [LP], RE - $25.00 Kelley Stoltz - Double Exposure [LP] - $24.00 Kid Creole And The Coconuts - I Wake Up Screaming [2LP], Gat - $22.00 Kid Rock - Cocky [2LP], RE, Tur - $36.00 King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - 12 Bar Bruise (Green) [LP] - $32.00 King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard - Gumboot Soup (Baby Blue) - $32.00 Kitty, Daisy & Lewis - Superscope [LP] - $24.00 KLOZAPIN - Klozapin [LP] - $16.50 Kurt Cobain - Montage Of Heck: The Home Recordings [2LP], Dlx, 180 - $45.00 Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things 2 OST [2LP] - $25.00 Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things: Halloween Sounds From The Upside Down (Pic Disc) [LP] - $18.00 L.A. Takedown - II [LP], 180 - $34.00 L7 - The Best Of The Slash Years (Green) [LP] - $50.00 Lacksley Castell - Princess Lady [LP], RE - $50.00 Leadfinger - Friday Night Heroes [LP], Num + CD - $32.00 Lee Perry - Holiness Righteousness [LP], Ltd, 180 - $22.00 Les Baxter - Les Baxter's Barbarian [LP], RE, 180 - $26.00 Little Cub - Still Life [LP], 180 - $24.00 Long John Baldry - Long John's Blues [LP], Mono, Ltd - $25.00 Lorelle Meets The Obsolete - On Welfare [LP] - $20.00 Lower Plenty - Life/Thrills [LP] - $15.00 Lower Plenty - Sister Sister [LP] - $20.00 Lymbyc Systym - Shutter Release [LP], (White) - $24.00 Lyres - A Promise Is A Promise [LP], RE, Gat - $22.00 Lyres - Lyres Lyres [LP], RE, 180 - $28.00 Lyres - On Fyre [LP], RE, 180 - $28.00 Machine Gun Fellatio - Paging Mr. Strike [2LP] - $45.00 Mad River - Mad River [LP], RE - $25.00 Madball - Hardcore Lives [LP] - $34.00 Man Man - Six Demon Bag [LP], Ltd, RE, 180 - $32.00 Man Or Astro-Man? - Your Weight On The Moon [LP], Comp, Pic - $30.00 Mark Lanegan - Scraps At Midnight [LP], RE, 180 - $28.00 Mark Lanegan Band - A Thousand Miles Of Midnight (Phantom Radio Remixes) [2LP] - $32.00 Mark Lanegan Band - Phantom Radio [LP], 180 - $35.00 Marty Friedman - Inferno [LP], Ltd - $20.00 Marvelous Darlings - Single Life [LP], Comp - $18.00 Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine (Purple) [LP] - $20.00 Mastodon - The Motherload [12"], Single, Ltd, Pic - $25.00 Matthew  E. White, Flo Morrissey - Gentlewoman, Ruby Man [LP] - $20.00 MDC - Elvis - In The Rheinland (Live In Berlin) [LP], RE - $32.00 MDC - Shades Of Brown [LP], RE, (Blue) - $32.00 MDC - This (Blood Red)od's For You [LP], RE, (Clear) - $22.00 Meat Loaf - Welcome To The Neighbourhood [LP] - $45.00 Meat Puppets - Monsters [LP], RE, RM - $22.00 Megadeth - The Threat Is Real [12"], Ltd, (White) - $18.00 Melbourne Ska Orchestra - Sierra Kilo Alpha [LP], 3D - $36.00 Men With Chips - Attention Spent [12"], Ltd - $25.00 Mike & Rich - Expert Knob Twiddlers [3LP], RE, RM - $49.50 Mike Adams At His Honest Weight - Casino Drone [LP] - $22.00 Mike Patton - Mondo Cane [LP], RE - $40.00 Miles Tackett - The Fool Who Wonders [LP] - $18.00 Minkions - Distorted Pictures From Distorted Reality [LP], Ltd, (Yellow) - $16.00 Miriam Linna - Nobody's Baby [LP] - $20.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order Volume 4 [LP], Comp, 180 - $25.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order Volume 5 [LP], Comp, 180 - $25.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order, Volume 1 [LP], Comp - $25.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order, Volume 2 [LP], Comp - $25.00 Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Presented In Chronological Order, Volume 3 [LP], Comp - $25.00 Missy Higgins - On A Clear Night (Clear) [LP] - $24.00 Missy Higgins - The Sound Of White (White) [LP] - $24.00 Mmoss - I [LP] - $20.00 Modest Mouse - Building Nothing Out Of Something [LP], Comp, RE, 180 - $25.00 Moon Duo - Escape [LP] - $24.00 Mordbrand - Imago [LP] - $22.00 Mother Earth - Stoned Woman [LP], Ltd, RE, 180 - $30.00 Movie Star Junkies - Son Of The Dust [LP] + CD - $20.00 MS MR - How Does It Feel [LP], (Red) - $30.00 Mudhoney - My Brother The Cow [LP], RE, 180 + 7", Promo, RE - $35.00 Mudhoney - Since We've Become Translucent [LP], RE - $26.00 Nachtmystium - Addicts - Black Meddle Pt. II [2LP], Ltd, Gre - $26.00 Nathan Bowles - Whole & Cloven [LP] - $25.00 Necronomicon Beast - Sowers Of Discord [LP] - $18.00 Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Colorado [2LP+7"] - $55.00 New Memphis Legs - Aaaa The New Memphis Legs [12"] - $20.00 Nickelback - The State [LP], RE - $24.00 Nico Fidenco - Emanuelle Perche' Violenza Alle Donne? - The Degradation Of Emanuelle [LP], Ltd, RE, (White) - $30.00 Night Horse - Perdition Hymns [2LP], (Red) - $20.00 Nü Sensae - Sundowning [LP], (Blue) - $18.00 OBN III's - Third Time To Harm [12"] - $20.00 Obnox - The Juke That Sat By The Door [12"], EP, (Clear) - $20.00 Of Montreal - Snare Lustrous Doomings [2LP], (Orange) + LP, (Yellow) + Album, Dlx, Ltd, 180 - $26.00 Old 97's - They Made A Monster: The Too Far To Care Demos [LP], Comp, Ltd, (Yellow) - $26.00 Omar Rodriguez-Lopez - Octopus Kool Aid [LP], Tra - $45.00 Oneohtrix Point Never - Commissions II [12"], EP, Ltd - $15.00 Opeth - Watershed (Gold) [2LP] - $28.00 Oren Ambarchi, Jim O'Rourke - Behold [LP] - $24.00 Otis Clay - I Can't Take It [LP], RE - $20.00 P.O.D. - The Awakening [LP] - $22.00 P'Taah - Staring At The Sun [2LP] - $24.00 Painted Wives - Obsessed With The End [LP] - $22.00 Palace Of The King - Valles Marineris [LP], Ltd, (Orange) - $26.00 Palma Violets - Danger In The Club [LP] - $22.00 Pascal Comelade + The Limiñanas - The Nothing-Twist [LP], Ltd, RE, (Yellow) - $24.00 Paul McCartney - Egypt Station [2LP] - $18.00 Peace - The World Is Too Much With Us [LP] - $18.00 Pere Ubu - Lady From Shanghai [2LP] - $26.00 Pererin - Tirion Dir [LP], Ltd, RE - $20.00 Perfect Pussy - Say Yes To Love [LP] - $22.00 Peter Buck - Peter Buck [LP], Ltd - $20.00 Philm - Fire From The Evening Sun [2LP], Ltd - $24.00 Pissed Jeans - The Best Of Sub Pop 2009-2013: "Live" At The BBC [12"], EP - $16.00 Powerwolf - Blessed & Possessed [LP], Ltd - $32.00 Prince Fatty Meets Mutant Hi-Fi - In Return Of Gringo! [LP] - $20.00 Purling Hiss - High Bias [LP] - $22.00 Purling Hiss - Weirdon [LP] - $20.00 Puscifer - Donkey Punch The Night [12"] - $15.00 Quatrain - Quatrain [LP], RE, (Red) + LP, (Orange) + Album - $25.00 Queen - A Day At The Races [LP] - $32.00 R.L. Burnside - An Ass Pocket Of Whiskey [LP] - $25.00 Ralph Jones - The Slumber Party Massacre [LP], Ltd, RE, (Clear) - $32.00 Rammstein - Rammstein [2LP] - $25.00 Rat Vs Possum - Let Music And Bodies Unite [LP] - $16.00 Rattus - Turta [LP] - $25.00 Raw Power – Tired And Furious [LP], Ltd, Gre - $32.00 Ray Campi - Rockabilly [LP], Mono, Ltd, RE - $20.00 Red Krayola - Amor And Language [12"], RE - $22.00 Red Krayola With Art & Language - Black Snakes [LP], RE - $20.00 Reggie And The Full Effect - No Country For Old Musicians [LP], Ltd, (Orange) - $18.00 Regurgitator - Mish Mash! [LP], RE, RM - $32.00 Retox - Beneath California  [LP] - $20.00 Rimauri - D.O.C. [LP] - $10.00 Roger McGuinn - Cardiff Rose [LP], RE, 180 - $30.00 Rozwell Kid - Precious Art [LP], (Orange) - $24.00 Russell St Bombings - Russell St Bombings [LP] - $20.00 Samiam - Astray [LP], Ltd, Sil - $32.00 Sarofeen And Smoke - Sarofeen And Smoke [LP], RE - $40.00 Sea Bastard - Scabrous [2LP] - $30.00 Seaweed - Actions And Indications [LP], RE, RM - $26.00 Sewers - Hoisted [LP], Ltd - $15.00 Sewers - Weight [LP], Ltd - $18.00 Shawn Lee & Clutchy Hopkins - Fascinating Fingers [2LP] - $35.00 Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra - Moods And Grooves [2LP] - $28.00 Shihad - The General Electric [2LP] - $50.00 Shovels - Shovels [LP], Ltd - $20.00 Silver Apples - The Garden [LP], RE - $26.00 Silverchair - Diorama (White) [LP] - $24.00 Silverchair - Young Modern (Blue) [LP] - $24.00 Silverstein - This Is How The Wind Shifts [LP], RP, Hal - $22.00 Sixtyniners - Too Drunk To Truck [LP] - $20.00 Sky Needle - Rave Cave [LP] - $16.00 Sleaford Mods - Fizzy [12"], S/Sided, Etch - $22.00 Sleaford Mods - Live At SO36 [LP] - $25.00 Sleaford Mods - Tiswas EP [12"], EP, Ltd, (Orange) - $25.00 Soma Coma - Dust [12"] - $15.00 Some Jerks - Strange Ways [LP], Ltd, Num - $30.00 Sonic Youth - Slaapkamers Met Slagroom [12"], EP, RE - $25.00 Sonny And The Sunsets - Talent Night At The Ashram [LP], (Red) - $22.00 Sonny Vincent - Cyanide Consommé [LP] - $22.00 Sons Of Otis - Seismic [LP], Ltd - $24.00 Space God Ritual - Eldritch Tales [LP], Ltd, Num, (Clear) - $28.00 Spacejunk - Bite Your Tongue [LP] - $30.00 Speedy Ortiz - Major Arcana [LP] - $20.00 Spider Fever - Spider Fever  [LP] - $18.00 Spock's Beard - The Oblivion Parti(Clear) [2LP], 180 + CD - $30.00 Spray Paint - Dopers [LP] - $20.00 Spray Paint - Punters On A Barge [LP] - $22.00 Stark Reality - Roller Coaster Ride [2LP], RE, RM - $28.00 Stereo Total - Les Hormones [LP], (Blue) + CD - $30.00 Steve Earle - Copperhead Road [LP] - $25.00 Steven Wilson - Transience [2LP] - $25.00 Stickmen - Man Made Stars [LP], Ltd, RE, RM, (Blue) - $26.00 Stickmen - The Stickmen [LP], Ltd, RE, RM, Tip - $25.00 Straight Arrows - Rising [LP], Bla - $22.00 Strand Of Oaks - Hard Love [LP], Ltd, Gre - $28.00 Strawberry Alarm Clock - Best Of The Strawberry Alarm Clock [LP], Comp, RE, 180 - $26.00 Stray Trolleys - Barricades And Angels [LP], RE - $28.00 Subtle Turnhips – Redhair With Some [LP], Ltd, (Orange) - $24.00 Summer Blood - Comet [12"], MiniAlbum, Num, (Red) - $15.00 Sun Dial - Sun Dial [LP], Ltd - $24.00 Superchunk - I Hate Music [LP] - $24.00 Superchunk - No Pocky For Kitty [LP], RE, 180 - $25.00 Surfer Blood - Astro Coast [LP], Ltd, RP, (Red) - $26.00 Sweet Apple - The Golden Age Of Glitter [LP], (Blue) - $22.00 Sylvie Simmons - Sylvie [LP] - $18.00 Tad - Infra(Red) Riding Hood [LP], RE, 180 - $28.00 Tapiman - The Singles [LP], MiniAlbum, Comp, RM - $25.00 Teramaze - Her Halo [2LP] - $25.00 Terveet Kädet - Musta Jumala [LP], Comp, RE - $32.00 Tess Parks & Anton Newcombe - Cocaine Cat - $19.50 Tex Napalm & Dimi Déro - Sticky Singers [LP] - $16.00 The Acacia Strain – Gravebloom [2LP], (Clear) - $34.00 The Afghan Whigs - Do To The Beast [2LP], 180 - $24.00 The Ancients - Night Bus [LP] - $17.50 The Black Keys - Thickfreakness [LP] - $25.00 The Cairo Gang - Goes Missing [LP] - $20.00 The Casualties - Under Attack [LP], Ltd, RE, (Red) - $26.00 The Clang Group - The Clang Group - $22.00 The Comfort - What it is to Be [LP], Sea - $40.00 The Dacios - Monkey's (Blood Red)od [LP], Ltd, Num, RM - $20.00 The Daisy Chain - Straight Or Lame [LP], Mono, Ltd, RE - $26.00 The Deathtrip - Deep Drone Master [LP], Ltd - $28.00 The Devil Wears Prada - 8:18 [LP], Gat - $30.00 The Devil Wears Prada - Transit Blues [LP], Ele - $20.00 The Easybeats - Absolute Anthology 1965-1969 [2LP] - $40.00 The Flesh Eaters - No Questions Asked [LP], RE - $20.00 The Fleshtones Featuring Lenny Kaye - Brooklyn Sound Solution [LP] - $17.50 The Future Primitives - Into The Primitive [LP], Spl + CD - $22.00 The Hecks - The Hecks [LP] - $24.00 The Hives - Barely Legal (Bronze) [LP] - $36.00 The Ides Of March - Ideology 1965-1968 [LP], Comp, Mono - $25.00 The John Steel Singers - Midnight At The Plutonium [LP] - $26.00 The Junior Raymen - Rumble '66 [12"], MiniAlbum - $14.00 The Kills - Ash & Ice [2LP] - $32.00 The King Khan & BBQ Show - Bad News Boys [LP] - $25.00 The Krewmen - Klassic Tracks [LP], Comp - $24.00 The Lions - Soul Riot [2LP] - $25.00 The Love Language - Libraries [LP] - $20.00 The Loved Ones - Magic Box (Pink) [LP] - $22.00 The Mekons - Ancient & Modern 1911-2011 [LP] - $20.00 The Men - Tomorrow's Hits [LP] - $22.00 The Midwest Beat - Singles 2005 - 2011 [LP], Comp - $20.00 The Monochrome Set - Cosmonaut [LP] + CD - $24.00 The Murlocs - Old Locomotive (Blk/Silver) [LP] - $32.00 The Murlocs - Young Blindness (Neon Pink) [LP] - $32.00 The New Pornographers - Brill Bruisers [LP], Gat - $25.00 The Ocean Party - Restless [LP] - $30.00 The Order Of Apollyon - The Sword And The Dagger [LP], (Red) - $25.00 The Pandoras - It's About Time [LP], RE - $20.00 The People's Temple - More For The Masses [LP], Bla - $20.00 The Phenomenal Handclap Band & Peaches - Walk The Night [12"] - $12.00 The Psyched - The Psyched [LP] - $15.00 The Psychic Paramount - II [LP] - $22.00 The Raveonettes - Pe'ahi [LP] - $19.50 The Reach Around Rodeo Clowns - Rockabilly Deluxe [LP], (Gold) - $20.00 The Red Paintings - The Revolution Is Never Coming [2LP], Num - $34.00 The Residents - Intermission [12"], EP, Ltd, Num, RE - $25.00 The Revelators - We Told You Not To Cross Us... [LP] - $20.00 The Ronettes - Volume 2 [LP], Comp - $25.00 The Scrapes - The Songs Of Baron Samedi [LP], Ltd - $26.00 The Spinning Rooms - Complicating Things  [LP], Ltd, GAT - $16.00 The Spoils - The Spoils [LP], Comp - $18.00 The Staple Singers - Freedom Highway [2LP], RE - $40.00 The Stevens - A History Of Hygiene  [LP] - $22.00 The Still - The Still [LP] - $30.00 The Strollers - Waiting Is . . . [LP], Gat - $22.00 The Third Power - Believe [LP], RE, (Red) - $32.00 The Treble Spankers - Hasheeda [LP], RE, 180 - $25.00 The Tree People - Human Voices [LP], RE - $18.00 The Tree People - It's My Story [LP] - $18.00 The Tunas - The Tunas [LP] - $18.00 The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan [2LP] - $32.00 The White Stripes - Icky Thump [2LP] - $25.00 The Youngbloods - Earth Music [LP], Mono, RE - $20.00 The Yum Yums - ...Play Good Music [LP] - $18.00 The Zingers - The Zingers [LP], Ltd - $12.00 Thee Mighty Fevers - Fuckin' Great R'N'R [LP], Bla - $22.00 Therapy? - Nurse [LP], RE - $36.00 Thom Yorke - Tomorrow's Modern Boxes [LP], RE, (White) - $34.00 Tim Hart - The Narrow Corner [LP] - $25.00 Titus Andronicus - S+@dium Rock: Five Nights at the Opera [LP] - $22.00 Tombstoned - Tombstoned [LP] - $22.00 Torres - Sprinter [LP], Club, 180 - $24.00 Totally Mild - Down Time [LP], Ltd, RP, Fou - $28.00 Totally Unicorn - Sorry [LP] - $25.00 Tracer - El Pistolero [LP], (Red) - $20.00 Tracer - Water For Thirsty Dogs [LP], (Yellow) - $28.00 Trap Them - Blissfucker [LP], 180 - $22.00 Tricky Featuring Milo Johnson & Luke Harris - Skilled Mechanics [LP] + CD - $22.00 Turbonegro - Sexual Harassment [LP], Pin - $40.00 Turbowolf - Two Hands [LP] + CD - $24.00 TV Haze - Scrap Museum [LP] - $20.00 Twitch - Dark Years [LP], Mono, Num, RM - $32.00 Tyrannamen - Tyrannamen  [LP] - $28.00 Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats - Wasteland [LP], (Orange) - $40.00 Unity Floors - Life Admin [LP] - $32.00 upsidedownhead - complex [12"], EP - $30.00 UV Race - Made In China [LP] - $22.00 Vader - Live In Decay [12"], RE, (White) - $25.00 Various - "Doused In Mud, Soaked In Bleach" [LP], Comp, Ltd, Sil - $30.00 Various - 20 Big Ones 1992-2012 [2LP], Pin + LP, Gre + Comp - $24.00 Various - Absolute Belter [2LP], Comp - $32.00 Various - Axels & Sockets (The Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project) [2LP], 180 + CD - $40.00 Various - Bill Brewster After Dark (Nocturne) [2LP], Comp, Ltd - $35.00 Various - Bonehead Freaks [LP], Comp, Ltd - $30.00 Various - Epitaph For A Legend [2LP], Comp, RE - $32.00 Various - Generations: A Hardcore Compilation [LP], Comp, RP, Gre - $20.00 Various - Greased Buckskin Belters [LP], Comp, Ltd - $30.00 Various - Head Start To Purgatory [LP], Comp - $15.00 Various - Hot Wacks [LP], Comp - $10.00 Various - Just A Little Bit Of The Jumpin' Bean [2LP], Comp - $30.00 Various - Kanine Records Presents Non Violent Femmes [LP], Comp, Ltd, Pin - $18.00 Various - Kaptain Kavemen From Brisbane [LP], Mono - $28.00 Various - Land Of Nod: An Atlanta Punk And Hardcore Omnibus [LP] - $16.50 Various - Like Nashville In Naija [2LP], Comp, Ltd - $34.00 Various - Live At The Bootleggers:  Featuring Lattie Murrell And William Floyd Davis [LP] - $22.00 Various - Live From High Fidelity: The Best Of The Podcast Performances [LP], Ltd, Tra - $24.00 Various - Los Alamos Grind! [LP], Comp, Ltd, (Blue) - $24.00 Various - Monster Skies [LP], Comp - $25.00 Various - Normalised : The Detonic Collection [LP], Comp, (Clear) - $18.00 Various - Recutting The Crap, Volume One [LP], Comp, Ltd, Num - $20.00 Various - Reverend Beatman's Dusty Record Cabinet Vol. 2 [LP], Comp - $24.00 Various - She Bop [LP], Comp + CD - $22.00 Various - Sub Pop 1000 [LP], Comp, (Blue) - $18.00 Various - Sugar Lumps 3 [LP], Comp - $26.00 Various - Suicide Squeeze Records Presents:Forever Singles [LP], Comp, Ltd, Num, Gre - $16.50 Various - Sunday Nights: The Songs Of Junior Kimbrough [2LP], Comp, Ltd, (Blue) - $32.00 Various - Texas Flashbacks Vol. 1 Dallas [LP], Comp - $22.00 Various - The Rough Guide To South African Jazz [LP], Comp - $25.00 Various - This Is Fort Apache [LP], Comp - $25.00 Various - Todo Muere Volume 4 [LP], Smplr - $20.00 Various - Todo Muere Volume 5 [LP], Comp, Ltd - $24.00 Various - Yesterdays Universe [2LP], Comp - $20.00 Various – Bored Teenagers Vol.8: 19 Great British Punk Originals '77-'82 [LP], Comp - $25.00 Velvet Illusions - The Velvet Illusions  [LP], Comp - $22.00 Voïvod - Target Earth [2LP], Ltd, (Purple) - $32.00 Weezer - Everything Will Be Alright In The End [LP] - $22.00 White Kaps - Cannonball Man [LP] - $16.00 Wil Malone - Wil Malone [LP], RE, (Blue) - $28.00 Willie Nelson - Summertime: Willie Nelson Sings Gershwin [LP] - $26.00 Winters - Winters [12"], EP - $12.00 Witch Hats - Deliverance [LP] - $20.00 With The Dead - With The Dead [LP], Sol - $35.00 Wooden Shjips - Vol. 1 [LP], Comp - $20.00 Wymyns Prysyn - Head In A Vise [LP] - $18.00 Yes I'm Leaving - Mission Bulb [LP] - $15.00 Yes I'm Leaving - Slow Release [LP] - $19.50 Yo La Tengo - Here To Fall Remixes [12"] - $16.00 Yonatan Gat - Iberian Passage [12"], EP - $18.00 Zodiac - Grain Of Soul [LP], Ltd - $25.00 Zombiefication - Procession Through Infestation [LP] - $18.00
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😲 Smack my muse’s butt - Dan >:)c
Mission inventories are never the most exciting aspect of preparing to leave the village, but they are a necessary evil. Everything that a team might need should be prepped and sealed for easy transport, accounted for in all documentation - after all, orderly reports make for simplified billing when the mission succeeds. It’s a simple truth; as much as Konoha shinobi like to consider them otherwise, all optional missions tend to exist primarily for the purpose of increasing village revenue. 
Notified in advance of his assignment as team leader, Dan peruses the stockrooms of Jounin HQ, gathering supplies for an upcoming two week-long mission to Yugakure. Well, two weeks if their intelligence gathering proves fruitful.
Any trip to Yuga guarantees cold and snow, requiring careful attention to shelter, sustenance and heat sources not fueled by chakra. Dan considers all of these things as he gathers, notates, and seals every item, including failsafes and additional supplies should the mission run longer than intended. The budget may allow them a measure of flexibility, but it’s better to be prepared. 
With these possibilities in mind, Dan works through his checklist until only a first aid kit remains. The problem is that he can’t find the selection anywhere - which means he’ll have to make a run to the next building to retrieve another. Easy enough. 
He picks up the scrolls he has sealed thus far, places them in his weapons pouch, and heads to the opposite building to check the storage cache there. After a moment searching, Dan finds med kits on the bottom shelf opposite the door, and he bends to review the contents. Experience prompts him to ensure that nothing has been removed from the first kit he opens before he adds it to the inventory.
SMACK! A startling blow warms his right buttock, forcing Dan to stand straight up on reflex almost immediately. Pure heat creeps up his neck and across his cheeks. 
What. The. Hell?  He spins around to catch sight of one smirking toad sage a couple of steps away, trying not to laugh.
“Jiraiya? What was that for?” Dan asks, willing the florid blush on his cheeks to fade quickly.
[Nonverbal RP Starters...]
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aslipoerworedjo · 5 years
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#MozaikPetualang | Pengen tau tentang ular sambil nunggu Buka Puasa? | via @heru.gundul YUK IKUTI *SELASA MELATA* Program Yayasan Sioux Ular Indonesia di Bulan Ramadhan 2019. *Melata* atau _Menambah ketrampilan tentang karakter ular Indonesia_ akan digelar selama 100-110 menit menjelang Buka Puasa, dari jam 15.30-17.30 setiap hari Selasa bulan Mei 2019. Setiap pertemuan akan membahas minimal 2 spesies Ular lebih detil dan lengkap hingga penanganannya. Berikut detilnya dan pilihan waktu: . *Melata #1* Materi : *Ular Kobra vs King Cobra* *Latihan Handling KC dan Welang (Bungarus fasciatus) Raksasa* Hari, Tanggal : *Selasa, 7 Mei 2019* Pukul 16.00-18.30 Lokasi : Shelter Sioux Jogja,Alas Kuliner Watu lumbung Pemateri 1. Aji Rachmat (Ketua Yayasan Sioux Ular Indonesia, Trainer Utama Sioux) 2. Heru Gundul (Host Jejak Si Gundul, trainer Utama Sioux) 3. Tim Muscle Depok Jawa Barat Gmaps Loc; Alas Kuliner Watu Lumbung Pundong, Jelapan, Seloharjo, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55772 0817-6800-446 https://goo.gl/maps/AGMZGEmC8BNbzSTM9 Acara ini dapat diikuti UMUM dan siapa aja tanpa batasan usia dgn mendaftar dahulu: syarat peserta 1. WA daftar ke Mely +62 821-5200-3665 Kirim data Nama Lengkap # Usia # Domisili # Ikut Melata Berapa 2. Membayar biaya MELATA sebesar Rp 50.000 per orang. pembayaran dapat di transfer ke Rekening Yayasan Sioux Bank Mandiri,Yayasan Sioux Ular Indonesia, No. Rek. 1370014431544 3. Fasilitas peserta - area belajar santai lesehan - hidangan buka puasa - Makan malam - file materi sesuai tema - piagam ikut serta kegiatan 4. Pendaftaran ditutup hinggap hari H sesuai jadwal yg akan diikuti. 5. Khusus Muscle Sioux FREE.. IG : Ular_indonesia #SnakeEducation #SnakeRescue #siouxIndonesia #janganlupasenyum #janganlupapiknik #janganlupabahagia https://www.instagram.com/p/BxI1us5ANIi/?igshid=3k3zh60hnpp2
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ummunanik · 2 years
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FOR SALE !!!  Rumah premium klasik brand new bangunan kokoh dalam townhouse exclusive paling murah di Kp.Tengah Kramatjati Condet Jakarta Timur.   Tinggal 1 unit lagi !!! Point plus :  - Dijamin Murah dgn luas tanah dan bangunan serta kualitas material bagus, Jarang Ada!!!  - Super Strategis  - 10 menit ke Gate toll Jorr TB Simatupang  - 10 menit ke shelter Transjakarta PGC & Pasar Rebo  - 15 menit ke Stasiun Kereta Tanjung Barat  - Selangkah ke Kampus Unindra   Spesifikasi:  Luas Tanah 85 m2   Luas Bangunan 115 m2  2 Lantai  Kamar tidur 3+1  Kamar Mandi 3   Garasi 1 mobil  Carport 1 mobil  Hadap Utara SHM dan IMB   Harga : Rp 1,850 M Call/wa : Nanik 0812 1888 670 ====================== #rumahdijualcondetmurah #rumahmurahcondet #rumahmurahkalisari #rumahbarucondetjaktim #rumahdijualkramatjati #rumahdijualcondetjaktim #rumahsyariahcondet #rumahmurahmewahcondet #rumahmurahkramatjati #condetkramatjatijaktim #rumahdijualpoltanganjaksel #rumahpasarminggudijual #rumahpasarrebojaktim #rumahdijualjaktim #rumahjabodetabekdijual #rumahjakartatimur #rumahjagakarsajaksel (at Condet, Jakarta Timur) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chqy5PnPXIk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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turisiancom · 2 years
TURISIAN.com – Mengisi liburan akhir pekan nanti, sesekali arahkan perjalanan rekreasi Sobat Turisian ke Kabupaten Boyolali. Di sana banyak objek wisata mulai dari taman di daerah perbukitan, pemandian mata air, berbagai kerajinan. Salah satu yang terbaru ada Kebun Raya Indrokilo. Penyebutan kebun raya sendiri karena di sini sengaja banyak ditanam tumbuhan dan pohon yang sudah jarang ada di lingkungan sekitar kita. Menariknya, di sini tersedia beberapa arena seperti arena outbound, Air Terjun Niagara buatan, flying fox, green house, dan sebagainya. Kebun Raya Indrokilo ini berlokasi di Desa Kemiri, Kecamatan Mojosongo, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah. Dengan luas area menacapai 8,9 hektare yang sebelumnya merupakan lahan milik kas desa. Tak jauh dari objek wisata ini terdapat situs budaya Pemakaman Indrokilo. Destinasi wisata yang mengusung tema “Tumbuhan Hutan Hujan Dataran Rendah Jawa Bagian Timur” tersebut, lebih menekankan pada wisata edukasi ilmiah dan budaya. Konsep ini terwujud dalam bentuk display dan pengelompokan koleksi tumbuhan berdasarkan pada pola tematik. Baca juga: Ayo Wisata Trackking di Desa Wisata Samiran Boyolali! Konsep wisata Kebun Raya Indrokilo ini, lengkap dengan dukungan beberapa fasilitas. Seperti papan interpretasi dan ruang pamer (eksibisi). Lalu ada Dome Taman Tematik Paku yang menjadi daya tarik tersendiri untuk para pengunjung berfoto. Fasilitas & Wahana  Fasilitas dan wahanapendukung wisata lainnya, di antaranyaarena outbond dan spot menarik lain. Serta fasilitas umum yang meliputi toilet, gazebo/shelter, dan tempat ibadah di dalam kebun. Begitu tiba di lokasi Kebun Raya Indrokilo, Sobat Turisian akan melihat Patung Cokro Birowo yang menyambut di dekat pintu masuk. Selain keindahan untuk swafoto, banyak nilai-nilai edukasi yang kalian dapat di sini. Di tempat ini, Sobat Turisian bisa belajar mengenal jenis-jenis tanaman. Sembari bisa bermain di arena outbound untuk menumbuhkan keberanian. Serta dapat menjadi lokasi berolahraga. Baca juga: Rasakan Kenyamanan dan Ketenangan Berlibur di Tretes Taman Tani Boyolali Bagi Sobat Turisian yang ingin bersepeda, Kebun Raya Indrokilo memiliki E-House yang menyediakan penyewaan sepeda ontel dengan harga hanya Rp.5000,-. Kalian dapat berkeliling menyusuri kawasan wisata Boyolali yang satu ini. Tempat tersebut buka setiap hari, mulai pukul 07.00 WIB hingga pukul 17.30 WIB.*  
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dan-shelter · 2 years
whoops I've been rehlogging byler stuff on the wrong account whoopsies
But who knows maybe Dan shelter is all for 2 little gay dudes that he's never met, and has no idea who they are
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chandrasugiharto · 3 years
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Hi Manusia . Jangankan Kamu Tinggalkan Kucing-Kucing Yang Tidak Bersalah ini Taruh Di Depan Gerbang Shelter. Tunjukan Rasa Sosial ANDA . Kami bukan Panti Kucing yang sembarang Kamu Bisa Taruh Kucing Kami Hanya Sebagian Komunitas . Hanya Allah swt Dan Para Sahabat Rosulloh yang Mencintai Kucing. Selain itu Tidak !!! . ANDA Jadi #OrangBaik Berdonasipun Kami Selalu Bersyukur Walaupun ANDA Donasi Rp 1000 . Hasbunallah Wanikmal Wakil Nikmal Maula Wanikman Nasir adalah bacaan yang dianjurkan untuk dipanjatkan umat Muslim. Kalimat dzikir sederhana ini artinya adalah “cukuplah Allah sebagai tempat diri bagi kami, sebaik-baiknya pelindung dan sebaik-baiknya penolong kami”. Mau Jadi #OrangBaik Donasi !!! (at Cat Shelter Cirebon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUy6trdB2e5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jktinformasi · 4 years
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Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta memastikan pembangunan Kampung Susun Akuarium segera dimulai pasca peletakan batu pertama pada Senin (17/7) lalu.⁣ ⁣ Shelter yang selama ini digunakan pun dipindahkan demi keamanan warga selama pembangunan. Selasa (8/9)⁣ ⁣ Ketua RT 12/04 Kampung Akuarium, Topas Juanda mengatakan, shelter yang selama ini digunakan warga dipindahkan ke sisi Utara dan Timur Kampung Akuarium. Pemindahan ditargetkan rampung sebelum Selasa (15/9) mendatang.⁣ ⁣ Dijelaskannya, shelter yang dipindahkan ditempati sebanyak 93 kepala keluarga. Sedangkan 10 Kepala Keluarga lainnya direlokasi ke Rumah Susun Pesakih, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat.⁣ ⁣ Sebelumnya, Pelaksana Tugas (plt) Kepala Dinas Perumahan Rakyat dan Kawasan Permukiman Provinsi DKI Jakarta Sarjoko menerangkan, pembangunan Kampung Susun Akuarium ditargetkan rampung pada Desember 2021 mendatang.⁣ ⁣ Pembangunan ini tidak murni bersumber dari Angara Pendapatan Belanja Daerah (APBD) Provinsi DKI Jakarta, namun direncanakan dari dana kewajiban pengembang senilai Rp 62 miliar.⁣ ⁣ Dalam rancangan pembangunan, tanah seluas hampir 10.300 meter persegi ini akan dibangun sebanyak lima blok kampung susun dengan total 241 unit hunian. Masing-masing blok diisi sekitar 32 unit hingga 56 unit bertipe hunian 36.⁣ ⁣ Selain itu, Kampung Susun Akuarium juga akan memiliki ruang publik seperti lapangan olahraga dan lain sebagainya. Termasuk rencana pembuatan galeri untuk mendokumentasikan cagar budaya yang ditemukan saat penggalian tanah di lokasi pembangunan pada beberapa bulan lalu.⁣ ⁣ Source @kominfotik_ju . @jakut.informasi . #jktinformasi #jktinfo https://www.instagram.com/p/CE3NHbHpVJx/?igshid=h8yodmes33xp
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