Dance With Me {2} || zyx
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(Photo ctto)
Genre: Fluff (though it might get a little hot—)
Pairing/s: YouxYixing
Description: Yixing was attempting to learn the tango. You just happened to be one of the tango instructors in the dance studio he frequents in. Me attempting to write a mini-series. *dabs*
Parts:  {1, 2, 3, MB & PL}
Word Count: 4, 406
Practicing tango with Yixing had become a daily routine and you unwittingly found yourself looking forward to it. It wasn’t missed by your best friend when she saw you constantly glancing at the wall clock situated at the very back of the room. She was helping you that day with teaching the beginners’ tango class.
“Got a date?” she teased you. You snapped out of your reverie and instantly blushed, looking at her. The reaction was immediate and you couldn’t stop it, especially with your spaced-out state.
Mentally cursing yourself, you avoided her knowing eyes and ignored that irritating smirk as you said as nonchalantly as you could, “No, I’m not going out on a date. I just don’t want to be late to... somewhere.”
“And that somewhere would be Zhang Yixing’s practice room? You’re not fooling anyone by your candidness, Y/N. People are speculating if what happens behind closed doors is really only practicing tango” your best friend said lightly although you knew she was already giving you a warning. You smiled at her gratefully, comforted that she had your back with such a simple gesture. “I’m all for being adventurous, sweetheart, but I’m curious as well. Are you guys really just practicing?”
“Of course, we are! Why would anyone think otherwise?” you asked, bewildered. Did anything nowadays really equate to sexual relations? Couldn’t thing be simply labeled as ‘strictly business’? It amazed you how people could still be narrow-minded even at this modern age when two persons of the opposite sex don’t necessarily have to be attracted to each other to spend time together.
“Well, for one, you always spend your after-work hours in his practice room — and sometimes, in yours — and you don’t come out until late into the night. You guys literally close up the studio with how late you leave” your best friend reasoned out. “Second, the Zhang Yixing always has his eyes on you—“
“In which circle of hell did you pull up that bullshit?” You couldn’t help the words escaping your lips, attracting the attention of your students. Your best friend waved her hand, signaling that they should continue minding her their own businesses. You clamped your mouth shut, slightly embarrassed by your own outburst.
“Well, MIss Oblivious, he does follow your every movement with his eyes whenever you’re in the vicinity. So, even I myself am saying ‘No shit, Sherlock’ to the rumors that’s circulating in the studio. You guys would be the cutest couple, though. Just confess already” she teased you and you just blushed in reply because you still don’t believe what she said.
You were saved from the best-friend-obligation of saying something in reply to her statement when your phone’s timer went off, signaling that your class is done. “Alright, everyone! Make sure to wrap up your presentation by Friday this week, okay? Class dismissed! Don’t leave anything valuable behind and pack up as fast as you could. It’s getting colder nowadays and the night is longer, too.”
Your speed matched those of her students’ as you cleaned up as fast as you could to escape your friend’s inevitable interrogation. Fortunately, you finished up before her while she was double-checking the equipment everyone used earlier.
‘I’ll talk to you later, baby girl! Right now, I have a routine to perfect!” you called over your shoulder as you made your way out of the room.
“Make sure that’s really a dance routine you’re perfecting, no some other stuff. Lock the door and seal it tight if you’re planning on doing something crazy! And don’t forget protection. No glove, no love!” she retorted cheekily. You blushed profusely at her words, refusing to meet the eyes of the people milling around the hallways who probably heard your exchange. You sped your way through the halls until you reached Yixing’s practice room.
Immediately, you felt the familiar rush of anticipation that you’ve learned to convince yourself was from dancing tango with someone skilled and confident with their talent. It surely wasn’t because of the Chinese man you’ve grown rather fond of over the past few days, right?
Wordlessly, you simply twisted the knob and pushed the door open. You’ve made an agreement after the first practice to just come inside whichever practice room you agreed on using for your sessions. It helped add to the illusion of closeness as Yixing was a little uncomfortable and shy at first with how intimate tango could be. Heck, he couldn’t even properly look you in the eyes when you had simply placed his hand on your hip and locked your leg around his waist in frustration when you said that he had to lead the routine as a man since it was what made tango to look so sultry and powerful.
And so, you were making your way in as usual and it took you a few seconds to realize that a thumping bass was echoing inside the room. Your mind then jolted to life afterwards, recognizing the music as hiphop. You quietly inched inside, eyes locked on the masterpiece in front of you.
Yixing, in his element, was truly a sight to behold. Your jaw slackened, unable to help yourself as he delivered sharp and precise moves while matching the beat. You could barely register the presence of two other dancers beside him until they came in your line of sight. You observed them, both appreciating their skills as dancers and evaluating their performance as a colleague.
“How was it, Miss Y/N?” You were snapped out of your reverie when Yixing said your name out loud. Your eyes flew towards him and you finally realized that they had finished dancing. Clearing your throat awkwardly, you smiled up at them.
“It was good...” you said, addressing Yixing. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at you.
“But?” he prodded on. A corner of your lips twitched upwards. This had been something that the two of you just naturally slip into whenever you practice something other than your routine. You would give constructive criticisms to each other to help improve your dances and it was useful every time.
“It lacked power. Details are good but you have to pay attention to the mood, too. What do you want your viewers to feel? Keep that in mind while dancing. And you need to work on your footwork” you said to one of the two dancers with Yixing. You briefly recalled his name as Sehun who also taught here, although part-time since he has his own crew. He simply raised an eyebrow at you and you tried not to let your expressionless face crack because damn, he was giving you a run for your money for possibly having the bitchiest resting bitch face there ever was.
Yixing nodded out of the corner of your eye and you turned towards him again as he said, “Thanks for that, Miss Y/N. Oh, by the way, this is Sehun–” he pointed at the guy you gave your feedback to about his footwork– “and this is Jongin.” Your eyes were drawn to the tanned, muscular man next to Yixing’s lean frame. Like any other hot-blooded female, of course, you blushed when his dark eyes met yours. However, it was just a reflex on your part since it wasn’t everyday you met someone so ruggedly handsome. You missed the way Yixing slowly blinked at your reaction.
You simply nodded at them before your eyes drifted back to Yixing. He took that as the cue to turn to his fellow dancers and give some last-minute pointers before sending them off. Sehun and Jongin both gave you a final curious glance before they left. You were able to breathe a little better with the reduced amount of testosterone in the room.
“Do they really make you that nervous?” Yixing teased you. You playfully rolled your eyes at him as you stood up to approach him.
“Shut up, I’m just not good around good-looking guys” you mumbled as you positioned yourself in front of him.
He kept his gaze steady in front of you as he casually said, “So, you think I’m not good-looking?”
You blushed and mentally cursed yourself when you realized how it must have sounded to him. Hastily, you backtracked. “It’s not that you’re not good-looking–“
“Average, then?” You didn’t catch the twitching of his lips as you turned an even darker shade of red.
“No! God, no! You’re probably one of the most handsome men I’ve laid my eyes on. I just got better at handling myself around you, thank you very much” you admitted. “It also helped that you were awkward during our first meeting. Makes you more human than surreal.”
“You compliment me too much, Miss Y/N” he said in a cheeky tone. It was then that you realized that you’ve been played. Groaning in frustration and embarrassment, you pulled him closer as you put his hands on your body, the both of you posed for the opening of your routine. He grinned wider at the action, showing his deep-set dimples. “Manhandling now, aren’t we, Miss Y/N.”
“Shut up. And it’s just plain Y/N; enough with the Miss in front of my name” you absently muttered. You were too busy trying to hide your red face that you didn’t notice how his eyes were on you the whole time, a sparkle hidden behind the dark irises.
“Okay... Y/N.” You head snapped up, stunned by the sudden drop of formalities. Before you could say anything else, he had the music turned on already, filling the room with the sound of violin of the intro.
Instantly, the two of you rehearsed the routine flawlessly. You had it memorized like the back of your hand, as well as Yixing, as you both seamlessly wen through the choreography. He spun you once, twice, thrice before dipping your body low for the nth time as the song came to a close. Like always, you held the stance for a few seconds as you caught your breaths. Your eyes were trained on your reflection until they wandered upwards... where you saw how intense Yixing was looking at you as he breathed heavily. The slow creeping of redness from the top of your chest to your face was evident and you could see him following its path until his dark, glittering orbs made contact with yours on the mirror.
Suddenly, it was too silent and loud all at once. You were acutely aware of the sound of your breath, as well as his. Your could hear the blood rushing in your ears and the dangerously hard thumping of your heart. You wanted to look away but he held you captive. As if spellbound, he hoisted up your body until you were standing straight and flush against him. It was embarrassing how weak your knees were just from that strange moment. You didn’t know why you’re still breathing hard but you can’t stop it, unable to help yourself.
Clearing your throat, you tried taking a step back but found that his strong arm was still wrapped around your waist. You didn’t really want to look up. You had no choice, though. It would be weird to shyly ask him to kindly remove his arm because that wasn’t the image of yourself that you presented to him. You met people straight in the eye and that was what you did. You had to fight the urge to gasp when you discovered that his eyes were already on you.
“Hey, so there’s this thing called personal space...” you trailed off slightly, a little nervous because his blank expression didn’t change. “Yixing? You okay?”
He blinked then and was a foot away from you faster than you could say “thanks”. Awkwardly, he cleared his throat and smiled shyly at you. “Sorry, I got lost in thought for a moment” he explained. You only nodded but in your heart, you could stop the slight twinge of disappointment. But why were you disappointed? You weren’t sure but you wanted to find out.
“It’s okay. Let’s go at it one more time?” you suggested in a soft voice. He merely nodded in response.
“By the way, I have tteokbokki.”
“Are they spicy?”
“I also have the sweet variety.”
“You’re my hero. I also have cola. I bought a 1.5-L bottle this time. I hope you have some clean cups lying around here somewhere.”
“You bet I do. Let’s practice now so we can eat earlier.”
Saturdays were special for you. You dressed in your most comfortable outfit: a huge, fluffy sweater, a pair of jeans and sneakers. You rode the bus to your destination, a sling bag on your shoulder. Excitedly, you boarded off the stop that was nearest to the place you were headed to. After a few minutes, the soup kitchen was already in sight.
You hummed a cheery tune as you went through the front doors, instantly greeted by the workers. They cheered upon seeing the boxes of cookies and trays of coffee cups you promised them last week. Many hollered their thanks as they went through their tasks. You had refused help, saying you got it covered but frankly, your arms were ready to fall off. You just didn’t want to bother anyone since you were all getting ready to work for the day. Dawn was barely breaking when you arrived and you didn’t blame them for probably still being sluggish at this time of the day. You nearly jumped out of your skin when someone took half of the things you’ve piled into your arms, splitting it right in the middle and allowing you to see past the boxes you’re carrying.
“Here, let me help y – Miss Y/N?” Your eyes immediately snapped up to meet a pair of familiar, brown orbs. Yixing blankly blinked at your face before his face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Y/N! You volunteer here, too?”
Before you were given the chance to reply, someone butted into your conversation. “What’s with the Miss Y/N? Are you guys co-workers?” one nosy worker asked.
“Yes, we are. We worked in the same dance studio” she answered cordially. “I did mention I teach tango there. He teaches hiphop.”
“Oh, that’s so cool! Anyways, it’s his first day today although he called in the middle of the week. Y/N, do you mind if you show him the ropes? I thought he would be more comfortable around you and you’re mostly in charge of the breakfast shift” the head of staff told you. You nodded in agreement and turned to Yixing.
“Well, let’s go, fledgling. I’ll teach you how things work here. I sure do hope they already gave you your shifts” you said in a light tone as you lead him inside the kitchen area. “And it’s Y/N. Geez, I’ve been telling you for so long to just drop the Miss. You already did the last time. What’s with today?”
He flushed, a dusting of light pink appearing on his cheeks. “It just slipped. I’ll keep in mind to call you by your name then. Oh, and my shift is breakfast service, lunch shift in the kitchen, and then dinner service.”
“Hmm, I’ll have to make your lesson as quick and informative as possible because we only have–” you checked the wall clock– “two hours at best before we open up for the crowd.” 
You instructed him to place the boxes and trays on the counter as the coffee was for everyone and the cookies were for dinner. Once you had everything set, you turned to him.
“Okay, so this is how it goes. For breakfast service, you’re either assigned to one of the two jobs: service or clean-up. Since you’re in breakfast service, your job is to serve people their food. The system around here is a first come, first serve basis. They will fall in line in front of the counter where we’ll put the food and the bowls, plates and eating utensils. We put the food in either a bowl or a plate – sometimes both, it depends on the food – and give it to them. It’s up to them where they want to take a seat. Then, clean-up would come and take their dishes away after they leave when they’ve had their fill. Clean-up is also in charge of washing those used dishes. However, it’s a joint effort to clean the hall when there’s trash littered around or something like that. Still with me so far?” You paused to look at him to see him seriously listening, slightly leaning towards you as he took everything in with interest.
“Yep, I’m still listening. So, is that it for breakfast service?” he asked. You nodded in reply.
“Yes, that’s basically all you’ll have to do. We usually have an hour or two of slow traffic before it picks up again for the lunch crowd. Now, since you’re in the kitchen shift at this time of the day, a word of advice: just keep cooking. It’s more of a hassle to cook only when the food runs out. The key is cooking in small amounts, just enough to feed or tide over the first wave. Then, you keep the momentum.You’ll have to estimate that, though. If you want, you can ask and coordinate with the others who share the kitchen shift with you.
“Dinner service is similar to breakfast service, instead it’s in dinner so yes, that’s about it. You’re ready for battle” you joked. He smiled at you in amusement and he just stood there, taking in everything with his eyes silently until they landed back on yours. You took the time that he was preoccupied to take in his appearance. It was a little strange to see him out of his jogger pants and tank top. Instead, he was wearing an outfit rather similar to yours. He was also dressed in a sweater, although it was a little fit on his frame. The same goes for his jeans, highlighting how muscularly lean he really was. Even his sneakers were of the same color as yours.
“We look like a couple with our coordinating outfits” he said so suddenly, you nearly got whiplash with how fast you snapped your head up to meet his eyes. You both reddened at the statement before you burst out laughing.
“It would be fun trolling everyone and getting a kick out of their reaction” you said, playfully nudging his elbow with yours. “Come on, we should probably start working. We have to start the prep for the food to be served for breakfast.”
“Is that only for the kitchen shift to do or can the others help?” he asked you. You shook your head at that.
“Anyone can help. I just like doing it on my own but an extra hand is always welcome. They usually just help whenever they walk in on me” you told him. He nodded and watched you take a pair of plastic, disposable gloves, putting them on. He followed what you did and you smiled at that.
“What are we cooking for today?” you called out to everyone through the opening in the kitchen as you and Yixing put on hair nets. Someone replied with a “Seaweed soup, radish kimchi, vegetable omelette and rice!” and another added with “Don’t forget the tofu with seasoned soy sauce!” You laughed at their answers as you wrote it down on the small chalkboard they kept in sight for everyone.
“Okay, let’s start!”
Needless to say, you were knackered by the time your breakfast kitchen shift was done. Your coffee had gone cold and you were irritable because of that. It also didn’t help that there just seemed to be a never-ending stream of poor and homeless people who were the beneficiaries of the soup kitchen. It broke your heart just how many people out there were suffering while people like you could live in comfort. As much as helping was fun, sometimes, it would take a toll on you as it would make you think, “What else can I do to help more?”
You were in this state of mind when Yixing managed to find you after all the hustle and bustle outside. He was exhausted as well but you looked worse, even though he was kind enough not to mention it. You had already opened one of the ten cookie boxes you left for the staff, munching on a piece like there was no tomorrow.
“Whoa, slow down” he told you when you nearly bit off your finger. You just looked at him with solemn eyes before standing up to get yourself a glass of water. He was quiet as he watched you move around the kitchen, taking inventory of the ingredients left and the condition of the cookware. Once you stopped moving again, he unexpectedly grabbed your wrist and gently guided you out of the soup kitchen.
“Where do you think you’re taking me? We’re still at work. Well, technically, we’re volunteering but it still involves work” you deadpanned. You couldn’t help but be grumpy at him, at yourself and at everybody else. No one stopped you on your way out which confused you.
“I already asked for permission. We’re going to have your caffeine fix” he said. And just like that, your mood was lifted. He looked back, over his shoulders and laughed at how you beamed up at him.
“You don’t know how much coffee means to me. Thank you so much, you kind and beautiful soul” you gushed, your thoughts unfiltered as you said what was simply on your mind. He quickly looked away but it was too late. You already saw the flush that was on his face. Also, his red neck and ears were a dead giveaway. You didn’t call him out for that. But it did make you wonder if you had the same effect on him as he did to you.
“In all honesty, though, tea is a healthier alternative to coffee. I highly recommend that you should try it. It’s just a suggestion, though” he said in a conversational tone. He effectively maneuvered you through the crowd until you reached the nearest coffee shop. You nearly wept in joy at the sight of the familiar signage. You breezed through the front doors and were at the counter in an instant.
“Okay, Zhang Yixing” you started saying. It immediately caught his attention as he turned his head so fast towards you, you thought it gave him whiplash. “Since you were the one who suggested I try tea, what do you recommend I should start try to start off my journey to rediscovery?”
He laughed, laughed at your words and the sight was enough to render you into a puddle at his feet. His dimples peeked out at you, as if saying ‘Hi’, and you had to make a conscious effort of focusing to his words. “Well, I think peppermint is a great place to start. I’ll have a cup of green tea for myself. Anything else?”
“A plate of your freshest batch of chocolate chip cookies” you said to the woman behind the counter. She nodded and punched in your orders before pausing, waiting for your signal that you’re done.
“I’ll have the same as hers” Yixing said. “And I want mine chewy.”
You grinned slowly up at him. “Well, what do you know? I also like my cookies chewy.”
“Is that all?” the woman asked in confirmation. You nodded and she forwarded the order to the people preparing the tea and snacks. Yixing guided you to a booth next to a window and you sank down to the soft cushion, almost moaning in delight now that you could rest your aching legs and feet.
“Thank you for this, Yixing” you said in a grateful tone. He flashed you his dimples again before he looked out of the window. Again, you couldn’t seem to keep your eyes anywhere but on his as you drank in his side profile. The way the soft morning light hit his pale skin made him look ethereal. You were too busy looking at him that it took you a moment to realize that he was staring back, amusement evident on his features.
“You seem spaced out there for a moment” he teased you. “Am I that disarming?”
You blinked. Holy guacamole, is he actually teasing you? Pinching your arm, you confirmed that you were indeed awake. He noticed the action and his dimple deepened, a chuckle slipping past his lips.
“Okay, that had me reevaluating my life choices. I think my world just shifted off its axis” you said without thinking. He tilted his head, intrigued by your choice of words.
“Why is that? Is it so out-of-character for me to be like that?” he asked in bewilderment, leaning towards you across the table. You shrugged bashfully, trying to find the right string of words to pull together to form a coherent sentence as a reply.
“No, not really. It’s just... you’re this awkward, professional guy when we’re practicing at the studio” you told him. “This is just a fresh change, I guess? You’re more relaxed. Heck, you just teased me. A new side of you that I haven’t seen, you could say. Am I making sense? Well, bottomline is it’s disarming. Caught me off-guard.”
He smiled after your embarrassing rambling and stayed quiet for a few seconds. Then, he spoke up again, “Well, would you like to get to know this side better, then?”
You felt something shift inside you. Or maybe it was between the two of you. You weren’t quite sure but when you glanced up, considering his offer, he wasn’t the same Yixing you painted in your mind anymore.
“I have a better idea” you countered with a quirk of your lips. “How about I get to know as many sides of you as I can unearth?”
He mimed someone who was deep in thought before his eyes landed on yours, a glint evident in them. “It depends.”
“Depends on what?”
He grinned. “It depends on how many sides of you I can unearth. So, are you up for some deep talks over tea and cookies?”
You leaned forward, closer to his face as you whispered, “Just don’t forget we have to go back two hours before lunch and we’re good to go.”
Here’s part two of Dance With Me! Thank you so much for reading my work. I might add more parts to the series if I can’t wrap it all up in part three. Anyways, here’s to 2018! *raises champagne flute*
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monsterfandoms · 6 years
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A little piece I did for TheAmazingWadey’s A Body Roll or Two MiraculousAU. If you have a chance read it, it’s amazing. https://archiveofourown.org/works/8670517/chapters/19875928 Do Not Repost Art. 
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Dance With Me {1} || zyx
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Genre: Fluff (though it might get a little hot—)
Pairing/s: YouxYixing
Description: Yixing was attempting to learn the tango. You just happened to be one of the tango instructors in the dance studio he frequents in. Me attempting to write a mini-series. *dabs*
Parts:  {1, 2 , 3, MB & PL}
Word Count: 1, 984
You found him with his arms raised up awkwardly in the air and it took you a moment to realize that he was doing the posture required for tango. You paused at the open doorway, unable to help it as you quietly peeked in. The familiar opening notes of El Tango De Roxanne played in the quiet room. You watched without sound as he tried to practice the dance without a partner. You knew it was difficult to do so and soon, he was discovering it for himself as well. Sighing in frustration, he stopped halfway to the routine and went to his phone, pausing the music playing from the speakers connected by Bluetooth. You were just about to leave when he looked up and caught your eyes through the mirror.
“Um, could you please leave? I’d like to practice al—“ He paused open getting a clearer look of your face. “Oh, Miss Y/N! I’m so sorry! I didn’t recognize you because the lights were too dim.”
Zhang Yixing is one of the instructors of the dance studio you work in. While you taught tango, he taught hiphop. You never really crossed paths unless there was a general meeting or you happen to assist other instructors in their classes or presentations.
You chuckled a bit, saying, “It’s okay. It was rude of me to snoop, anyways. So, you’re practicing tango, right?”
He nodded, smiling slightly and his cute dimples showed. You tried not to get too distracted by them as you heard him answer, “Uh, I am. Now, I feel awkward because a professional tango instructor is in front of me and I’m pretty sure my dance earlier wasn’t up to my usual caliber.”
You shook her head gently then, leaning against the door frame. “It’s understandable. Tango is done with two people dancing. Be glad I recognized the dance even though you’re doing the routine alone” you half-teased although it was true. It’s quite hard to guess tango if it’s danced by a single person who doesn’t have enough skills. Yixing obviously had the potential in being a fantastic tango dancer and given his background in dancing, has the good foundation for skills development, too.
“May I come inside the room?” you asked politely, noticing Yixing drifting off into space again. It seemed like he did that a lot, even when he’s in dance classes. No, you don’t stalk him in class. Sometimes, you pitch in and help your fellow instructor every once in a while whenever they need class demonstrations. You just so happened to be quite versatile when it comes to various dance genres.
He looked up in surprise, jolted out of his reverie. Slowly, he nodded and you tentatively moved inside the room. You opted to lean against the wall right beside the door, thinking this as a comfortable distance for him.
“You can come closer, Miss Y/N. I don’t bite” he joked. You quirked an eyebrow upwards in reply, not really expecting that from him but not entirely surprised. You’ve seen how much of a tease and joker he could be around people he was comfortable with.
Chuckling to yourself, you retorted just as playfully, “I don’t exactly have a reason to move closer towards you, MIster Yixing.”
He blinked in a daze for a few moments before a light dusting of pink spread across his cheeks. “... Right. I actually need your help for this routine since you’re a tango instructor. I thought i asked you already, that’s why I said that. And I mean, you don’t have to say yes. I’m fine if you decline due to reasons.”
You couldn’t help it. A giggle escaped past your lips as you pushed yourself off the wall and approached him. “Relax, I’d actually like to help you so you can stop fidgeting” you told him reassuringly, stopping just a few steps away from him. Crossing your arms, you asked, “So, what kind of help do you need, Mister Yixing?”
He was slightly taken aback by how you simply addressed him using his first name and an honorific. He knew you were like this with everyone but seeing as you looked almost the same age as he is, it felt a little... weird for him for you to speak like that to him. Also, he figured you would be a little more relaxed since you’re both alone. It confused you for a moment because you were just being professional so why did he look bewildered? Of course, you were only doing that since it was strictly a colleague-to-colleague interaction at the moment. However, he offered you a dazzling smile that had butterflies erupting in your stomach.
“You can call me Yixing if you want, Miss Y/N” he told you. “I, um, actually needed help with the tango routine because... I don’t have a partner.”
You raised an eyebrow at him in incredulity. Practicing tango without a partner? It was obvious he knew how ridiculous it sounded, too, because he was grinning sheepishly at you. “You mean to tell me that you’re doing this routine but you don’t have a partner yet?” you said slowly, trying to understand and see if you got that right. Wordlessly, he nodded. You let out a low whistle. “Zhang Yixing, how the hell are you going to push through with this performance if you don’t have a partner?”
“I was actually on a hunt for a partner” he admitted, his eyes wide at your use of his full name. He had only talked to you for a few minutes and you already had him scrambling as he tried to keep up with your unpredictability. “However, no one seemed to be skilled enough to keep up with the routine.”
“What do you mean ‘not skilled enough’? Dude, that’s like, your average tango routine!” you said in indignation, not realizing how informal you were with your speech until you saw his eyes widening. Cursing yourself mentally, you hastily added, “Sorry, it just slipped. I didn’t mean to be—”
“It’s okay” he said politely. “I really don’t mind. I think it makes me more comfortable if you’re slightly more casual around me. We’re colleagues, anyways, and we look just about the same age and yeah, the routine was average so I was really wondering why no one wanted to partner up with me.”
You smiled at him in amusement before saying, “Well, we are of same age, though you’re older by at least half a year. So, what are you going to do if you don’t end up finding a partner before your dance presentation?”
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. It was obvious he had thought about this and the end result of his mulling wasn’t good. “I guess I’d have to change my routine and probably end up doing something else entirely” he answered. “I really wanted to do the tango, though. I just want to show people that I can dance other genres, not just the hiphop, hard-hitting stuff.”
You looked at him for a long moment, contemplating. He was still standing there, frozen under your otherwise out-of-it gaze as you thought. Then, your eyes refocused on his face as you tentatively said, “Well... if you want, I can help you practice while you look for a partner. Then... if you don’t find anybody else, I’m willing to help a colleague out.”
His face was blank for a moment, his usual expression, before his lips cracked into a wide, delightedly relieved grin. “You have no idea how much weight was just taken off my chest” he said, the tips of is ears turning red. You kept the small smile on your face as he continued, “I’m really grateful for the help but I want to be really sure that you’re okay with this and everything because— “
“Yixing, it’s fine. Really. I like helping out people” you told him sincerely, playing it off with a light shrug. That didn’t remove the grin off his face, though.
“Thank you so much, Miss Y/N” he finally said, flashing you his million-watt smile. And you had to laugh at his expression; otherwise, you’ll turn into mush because that was how soft he could make you with just his angelic smile and cute dimples.
“You’re welcome, Yixing” you replied, his name easily rolling off your tongue. You had started walking backwards, keeping your eyes trained on his face. “For now, you should rest. I’ll let you know when we could start practicing together and when I’m usually available.”
“You didn’t get my number” he said in confusion. You breathed out an amused laugh and replied, “There are other ways to keep in touch other than getting someone’s number, Zhang Yixing.”
And with that, you left the confused and bewildered man alone in the practice room.
It was three days after when you managed to find the time to talk to him. It was lunch break and like the last time you saw him, he was practicing alone. You frowned because why didn’t anyone want to step up to the challenge of learning the tango routine? Besides, wouldn’t they consider it a nice bargain if your partner is as handsome as—
Okay, don’t go there, Y.N.
“Hey. It’s Y/N.” You made a beeline towards the stunned man, who stopped in the middle of a spin and flashed him a smile.
“Sorry, I’ve been really busy and my beginners’ tango class was frustrating me. They weren’t progressing like I hoped. I’ve tried every method I knew to motivate them to work harder but no such luck. Oops, I think I’m rambling already. I’m sorry. Again...” you awkwardly trail off, unsure on how to transition from this atmosphere to a professional one so you could start the routine.
He smiled and saved you from further embarrassment as he said, “No, it’s okay. Do you want me to start with the routine so you could distract yourself from that stressor?”
You nodded gratefully, finding the gesture oddly sweet and stepped back as he started dancing to the routine. You could guess how some positions would go based on how they progressed but you still listened intently to Yixing when he started teach you the sequence of the dance.
“I would say you did a fantastic job but it is expected from a tango instructor. Still, great job, Miss Y/N. I’d like to think we make a great team” he said, his dimples making an appearance again as he smiled. You both were panting after practicing the parts that you’ve finished learning. It may not be complete yet but you knew that the end result would be absolutely satisfying.
“We are a great team” you agreed in a light manner, nudging him slightly. You smiled and started walking backwards, away from him. “That concludes our session for now. Are you still going to practice later?”
Yixing seemed to hesitate to answer before finally nodding. “Yes, I am. After my last hiphop class at six-thirty. You don’t have to join me if you’re busy. I think I got the hang of it already. Practicing with you just helps polish how the moves should go with a partner.”
You nodded in understanding then and abruptly stopped. He looked at you curiously before you beamed at him widely and said, “Well, do you like spicy tteokbokki?”
He looked stunned for a moment. “Um, yes. Why—?”
“I’m free by seven in the evening since that’s the dismissal of my last class” you said simply.
He smiled, illuminating his angelic features as he replied, “I hope you like cola, then.”
You turned on your heels to walk away. “I’m holding you to that, Zhang Yixing” you called over your shoulder. You didn’t look back to see his reaction. You just continued on your merry way, humming the tune of his tango piece under your breath.
Just popping by to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
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