#lay yixing mini-series
marshmallow-phd · 6 months
AMoSaB Mini Masterlist
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Genre: Regency Gothic AU
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: A stormy night brought you to the manor in the middle of the woods. Nine strange men occupied its halls. They won’t let you leave. A dangerous secret haunts this estate. Learning it might either be your saving grace or it could lead to the last breath you ever take.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5
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Dance With Me {2} || zyx
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(Photo ctto)
Genre: Fluff (though it might get a little hot—)
Pairing/s: YouxYixing
Description: Yixing was attempting to learn the tango. You just happened to be one of the tango instructors in the dance studio he frequents in. Me attempting to write a mini-series. *dabs*
Parts:  {1, 2, 3, MB & PL}
Word Count: 4, 406
Practicing tango with Yixing had become a daily routine and you unwittingly found yourself looking forward to it. It wasn’t missed by your best friend when she saw you constantly glancing at the wall clock situated at the very back of the room. She was helping you that day with teaching the beginners’ tango class.
“Got a date?” she teased you. You snapped out of your reverie and instantly blushed, looking at her. The reaction was immediate and you couldn’t stop it, especially with your spaced-out state.
Mentally cursing yourself, you avoided her knowing eyes and ignored that irritating smirk as you said as nonchalantly as you could, “No, I’m not going out on a date. I just don’t want to be late to... somewhere.”
“And that somewhere would be Zhang Yixing’s practice room? You’re not fooling anyone by your candidness, Y/N. People are speculating if what happens behind closed doors is really only practicing tango” your best friend said lightly although you knew she was already giving you a warning. You smiled at her gratefully, comforted that she had your back with such a simple gesture. “I’m all for being adventurous, sweetheart, but I’m curious as well. Are you guys really just practicing?”
“Of course, we are! Why would anyone think otherwise?” you asked, bewildered. Did anything nowadays really equate to sexual relations? Couldn’t thing be simply labeled as ‘strictly business’? It amazed you how people could still be narrow-minded even at this modern age when two persons of the opposite sex don’t necessarily have to be attracted to each other to spend time together.
“Well, for one, you always spend your after-work hours in his practice room — and sometimes, in yours — and you don’t come out until late into the night. You guys literally close up the studio with how late you leave” your best friend reasoned out. “Second, the Zhang Yixing always has his eyes on you—“
“In which circle of hell did you pull up that bullshit?” You couldn’t help the words escaping your lips, attracting the attention of your students. Your best friend waved her hand, signaling that they should continue minding her their own businesses. You clamped your mouth shut, slightly embarrassed by your own outburst.
“Well, MIss Oblivious, he does follow your every movement with his eyes whenever you’re in the vicinity. So, even I myself am saying ‘No shit, Sherlock’ to the rumors that’s circulating in the studio. You guys would be the cutest couple, though. Just confess already” she teased you and you just blushed in reply because you still don’t believe what she said.
You were saved from the best-friend-obligation of saying something in reply to her statement when your phone’s timer went off, signaling that your class is done. “Alright, everyone! Make sure to wrap up your presentation by Friday this week, okay? Class dismissed! Don’t leave anything valuable behind and pack up as fast as you could. It’s getting colder nowadays and the night is longer, too.”
Your speed matched those of her students’ as you cleaned up as fast as you could to escape your friend’s inevitable interrogation. Fortunately, you finished up before her while she was double-checking the equipment everyone used earlier.
‘I’ll talk to you later, baby girl! Right now, I have a routine to perfect!” you called over your shoulder as you made your way out of the room.
“Make sure that’s really a dance routine you’re perfecting, no some other stuff. Lock the door and seal it tight if you’re planning on doing something crazy! And don’t forget protection. No glove, no love!” she retorted cheekily. You blushed profusely at her words, refusing to meet the eyes of the people milling around the hallways who probably heard your exchange. You sped your way through the halls until you reached Yixing’s practice room.
Immediately, you felt the familiar rush of anticipation that you’ve learned to convince yourself was from dancing tango with someone skilled and confident with their talent. It surely wasn’t because of the Chinese man you’ve grown rather fond of over the past few days, right?
Wordlessly, you simply twisted the knob and pushed the door open. You’ve made an agreement after the first practice to just come inside whichever practice room you agreed on using for your sessions. It helped add to the illusion of closeness as Yixing was a little uncomfortable and shy at first with how intimate tango could be. Heck, he couldn’t even properly look you in the eyes when you had simply placed his hand on your hip and locked your leg around his waist in frustration when you said that he had to lead the routine as a man since it was what made tango to look so sultry and powerful.
And so, you were making your way in as usual and it took you a few seconds to realize that a thumping bass was echoing inside the room. Your mind then jolted to life afterwards, recognizing the music as hiphop. You quietly inched inside, eyes locked on the masterpiece in front of you.
Yixing, in his element, was truly a sight to behold. Your jaw slackened, unable to help yourself as he delivered sharp and precise moves while matching the beat. You could barely register the presence of two other dancers beside him until they came in your line of sight. You observed them, both appreciating their skills as dancers and evaluating their performance as a colleague.
“How was it, Miss Y/N?” You were snapped out of your reverie when Yixing said your name out loud. Your eyes flew towards him and you finally realized that they had finished dancing. Clearing your throat awkwardly, you smiled up at them.
“It was good...” you said, addressing Yixing. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at you.
“But?” he prodded on. A corner of your lips twitched upwards. This had been something that the two of you just naturally slip into whenever you practice something other than your routine. You would give constructive criticisms to each other to help improve your dances and it was useful every time.
“It lacked power. Details are good but you have to pay attention to the mood, too. What do you want your viewers to feel? Keep that in mind while dancing. And you need to work on your footwork” you said to one of the two dancers with Yixing. You briefly recalled his name as Sehun who also taught here, although part-time since he has his own crew. He simply raised an eyebrow at you and you tried not to let your expressionless face crack because damn, he was giving you a run for your money for possibly having the bitchiest resting bitch face there ever was.
Yixing nodded out of the corner of your eye and you turned towards him again as he said, “Thanks for that, Miss Y/N. Oh, by the way, this is Sehun–” he pointed at the guy you gave your feedback to about his footwork– “and this is Jongin.” Your eyes were drawn to the tanned, muscular man next to Yixing’s lean frame. Like any other hot-blooded female, of course, you blushed when his dark eyes met yours. However, it was just a reflex on your part since it wasn’t everyday you met someone so ruggedly handsome. You missed the way Yixing slowly blinked at your reaction.
You simply nodded at them before your eyes drifted back to Yixing. He took that as the cue to turn to his fellow dancers and give some last-minute pointers before sending them off. Sehun and Jongin both gave you a final curious glance before they left. You were able to breathe a little better with the reduced amount of testosterone in the room.
“Do they really make you that nervous?” Yixing teased you. You playfully rolled your eyes at him as you stood up to approach him.
“Shut up, I’m just not good around good-looking guys” you mumbled as you positioned yourself in front of him.
He kept his gaze steady in front of you as he casually said, “So, you think I’m not good-looking?”
You blushed and mentally cursed yourself when you realized how it must have sounded to him. Hastily, you backtracked. “It’s not that you’re not good-looking–“
“Average, then?” You didn’t catch the twitching of his lips as you turned an even darker shade of red.
“No! God, no! You’re probably one of the most handsome men I’ve laid my eyes on. I just got better at handling myself around you, thank you very much” you admitted. “It also helped that you were awkward during our first meeting. Makes you more human than surreal.”
“You compliment me too much, Miss Y/N” he said in a cheeky tone. It was then that you realized that you’ve been played. Groaning in frustration and embarrassment, you pulled him closer as you put his hands on your body, the both of you posed for the opening of your routine. He grinned wider at the action, showing his deep-set dimples. “Manhandling now, aren’t we, Miss Y/N.”
“Shut up. And it’s just plain Y/N; enough with the Miss in front of my name” you absently muttered. You were too busy trying to hide your red face that you didn’t notice how his eyes were on you the whole time, a sparkle hidden behind the dark irises.
“Okay... Y/N.” You head snapped up, stunned by the sudden drop of formalities. Before you could say anything else, he had the music turned on already, filling the room with the sound of violin of the intro.
Instantly, the two of you rehearsed the routine flawlessly. You had it memorized like the back of your hand, as well as Yixing, as you both seamlessly wen through the choreography. He spun you once, twice, thrice before dipping your body low for the nth time as the song came to a close. Like always, you held the stance for a few seconds as you caught your breaths. Your eyes were trained on your reflection until they wandered upwards... where you saw how intense Yixing was looking at you as he breathed heavily. The slow creeping of redness from the top of your chest to your face was evident and you could see him following its path until his dark, glittering orbs made contact with yours on the mirror.
Suddenly, it was too silent and loud all at once. You were acutely aware of the sound of your breath, as well as his. Your could hear the blood rushing in your ears and the dangerously hard thumping of your heart. You wanted to look away but he held you captive. As if spellbound, he hoisted up your body until you were standing straight and flush against him. It was embarrassing how weak your knees were just from that strange moment. You didn’t know why you’re still breathing hard but you can’t stop it, unable to help yourself.
Clearing your throat, you tried taking a step back but found that his strong arm was still wrapped around your waist. You didn’t really want to look up. You had no choice, though. It would be weird to shyly ask him to kindly remove his arm because that wasn’t the image of yourself that you presented to him. You met people straight in the eye and that was what you did. You had to fight the urge to gasp when you discovered that his eyes were already on you.
“Hey, so there’s this thing called personal space...” you trailed off slightly, a little nervous because his blank expression didn’t change. “Yixing? You okay?”
He blinked then and was a foot away from you faster than you could say “thanks”. Awkwardly, he cleared his throat and smiled shyly at you. “Sorry, I got lost in thought for a moment” he explained. You only nodded but in your heart, you could stop the slight twinge of disappointment. But why were you disappointed? You weren’t sure but you wanted to find out.
“It’s okay. Let’s go at it one more time?” you suggested in a soft voice. He merely nodded in response.
“By the way, I have tteokbokki.”
“Are they spicy?”
“I also have the sweet variety.”
“You’re my hero. I also have cola. I bought a 1.5-L bottle this time. I hope you have some clean cups lying around here somewhere.”
“You bet I do. Let’s practice now so we can eat earlier.”
Saturdays were special for you. You dressed in your most comfortable outfit: a huge, fluffy sweater, a pair of jeans and sneakers. You rode the bus to your destination, a sling bag on your shoulder. Excitedly, you boarded off the stop that was nearest to the place you were headed to. After a few minutes, the soup kitchen was already in sight.
You hummed a cheery tune as you went through the front doors, instantly greeted by the workers. They cheered upon seeing the boxes of cookies and trays of coffee cups you promised them last week. Many hollered their thanks as they went through their tasks. You had refused help, saying you got it covered but frankly, your arms were ready to fall off. You just didn’t want to bother anyone since you were all getting ready to work for the day. Dawn was barely breaking when you arrived and you didn’t blame them for probably still being sluggish at this time of the day. You nearly jumped out of your skin when someone took half of the things you’ve piled into your arms, splitting it right in the middle and allowing you to see past the boxes you’re carrying.
“Here, let me help y – Miss Y/N?” Your eyes immediately snapped up to meet a pair of familiar, brown orbs. Yixing blankly blinked at your face before his face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Y/N! You volunteer here, too?”
Before you were given the chance to reply, someone butted into your conversation. “What’s with the Miss Y/N? Are you guys co-workers?” one nosy worker asked.
“Yes, we are. We worked in the same dance studio” she answered cordially. “I did mention I teach tango there. He teaches hiphop.”
“Oh, that’s so cool! Anyways, it’s his first day today although he called in the middle of the week. Y/N, do you mind if you show him the ropes? I thought he would be more comfortable around you and you’re mostly in charge of the breakfast shift” the head of staff told you. You nodded in agreement and turned to Yixing.
“Well, let’s go, fledgling. I’ll teach you how things work here. I sure do hope they already gave you your shifts” you said in a light tone as you lead him inside the kitchen area. “And it’s Y/N. Geez, I’ve been telling you for so long to just drop the Miss. You already did the last time. What’s with today?”
He flushed, a dusting of light pink appearing on his cheeks. “It just slipped. I’ll keep in mind to call you by your name then. Oh, and my shift is breakfast service, lunch shift in the kitchen, and then dinner service.”
“Hmm, I’ll have to make your lesson as quick and informative as possible because we only have–” you checked the wall clock– “two hours at best before we open up for the crowd.” 
You instructed him to place the boxes and trays on the counter as the coffee was for everyone and the cookies were for dinner. Once you had everything set, you turned to him.
“Okay, so this is how it goes. For breakfast service, you’re either assigned to one of the two jobs: service or clean-up. Since you’re in breakfast service, your job is to serve people their food. The system around here is a first come, first serve basis. They will fall in line in front of the counter where we’ll put the food and the bowls, plates and eating utensils. We put the food in either a bowl or a plate – sometimes both, it depends on the food – and give it to them. It’s up to them where they want to take a seat. Then, clean-up would come and take their dishes away after they leave when they’ve had their fill. Clean-up is also in charge of washing those used dishes. However, it’s a joint effort to clean the hall when there’s trash littered around or something like that. Still with me so far?” You paused to look at him to see him seriously listening, slightly leaning towards you as he took everything in with interest.
“Yep, I’m still listening. So, is that it for breakfast service?” he asked. You nodded in reply.
“Yes, that’s basically all you’ll have to do. We usually have an hour or two of slow traffic before it picks up again for the lunch crowd. Now, since you’re in the kitchen shift at this time of the day, a word of advice: just keep cooking. It’s more of a hassle to cook only when the food runs out. The key is cooking in small amounts, just enough to feed or tide over the first wave. Then, you keep the momentum.You’ll have to estimate that, though. If you want, you can ask and coordinate with the others who share the kitchen shift with you.
“Dinner service is similar to breakfast service, instead it’s in dinner so yes, that’s about it. You’re ready for battle” you joked. He smiled at you in amusement and he just stood there, taking in everything with his eyes silently until they landed back on yours. You took the time that he was preoccupied to take in his appearance. It was a little strange to see him out of his jogger pants and tank top. Instead, he was wearing an outfit rather similar to yours. He was also dressed in a sweater, although it was a little fit on his frame. The same goes for his jeans, highlighting how muscularly lean he really was. Even his sneakers were of the same color as yours.
“We look like a couple with our coordinating outfits” he said so suddenly, you nearly got whiplash with how fast you snapped your head up to meet his eyes. You both reddened at the statement before you burst out laughing.
“It would be fun trolling everyone and getting a kick out of their reaction” you said, playfully nudging his elbow with yours. “Come on, we should probably start working. We have to start the prep for the food to be served for breakfast.”
“Is that only for the kitchen shift to do or can the others help?” he asked you. You shook your head at that.
“Anyone can help. I just like doing it on my own but an extra hand is always welcome. They usually just help whenever they walk in on me” you told him. He nodded and watched you take a pair of plastic, disposable gloves, putting them on. He followed what you did and you smiled at that.
“What are we cooking for today?” you called out to everyone through the opening in the kitchen as you and Yixing put on hair nets. Someone replied with a “Seaweed soup, radish kimchi, vegetable omelette and rice!” and another added with “Don’t forget the tofu with seasoned soy sauce!” You laughed at their answers as you wrote it down on the small chalkboard they kept in sight for everyone.
“Okay, let’s start!”
Needless to say, you were knackered by the time your breakfast kitchen shift was done. Your coffee had gone cold and you were irritable because of that. It also didn’t help that there just seemed to be a never-ending stream of poor and homeless people who were the beneficiaries of the soup kitchen. It broke your heart just how many people out there were suffering while people like you could live in comfort. As much as helping was fun, sometimes, it would take a toll on you as it would make you think, “What else can I do to help more?”
You were in this state of mind when Yixing managed to find you after all the hustle and bustle outside. He was exhausted as well but you looked worse, even though he was kind enough not to mention it. You had already opened one of the ten cookie boxes you left for the staff, munching on a piece like there was no tomorrow.
“Whoa, slow down” he told you when you nearly bit off your finger. You just looked at him with solemn eyes before standing up to get yourself a glass of water. He was quiet as he watched you move around the kitchen, taking inventory of the ingredients left and the condition of the cookware. Once you stopped moving again, he unexpectedly grabbed your wrist and gently guided you out of the soup kitchen.
“Where do you think you’re taking me? We’re still at work. Well, technically, we’re volunteering but it still involves work” you deadpanned. You couldn’t help but be grumpy at him, at yourself and at everybody else. No one stopped you on your way out which confused you.
“I already asked for permission. We’re going to have your caffeine fix” he said. And just like that, your mood was lifted. He looked back, over his shoulders and laughed at how you beamed up at him.
“You don’t know how much coffee means to me. Thank you so much, you kind and beautiful soul” you gushed, your thoughts unfiltered as you said what was simply on your mind. He quickly looked away but it was too late. You already saw the flush that was on his face. Also, his red neck and ears were a dead giveaway. You didn’t call him out for that. But it did make you wonder if you had the same effect on him as he did to you.
“In all honesty, though, tea is a healthier alternative to coffee. I highly recommend that you should try it. It’s just a suggestion, though” he said in a conversational tone. He effectively maneuvered you through the crowd until you reached the nearest coffee shop. You nearly wept in joy at the sight of the familiar signage. You breezed through the front doors and were at the counter in an instant.
“Okay, Zhang Yixing” you started saying. It immediately caught his attention as he turned his head so fast towards you, you thought it gave him whiplash. “Since you were the one who suggested I try tea, what do you recommend I should start try to start off my journey to rediscovery?”
He laughed, laughed at your words and the sight was enough to render you into a puddle at his feet. His dimples peeked out at you, as if saying ‘Hi’, and you had to make a conscious effort of focusing to his words. “Well, I think peppermint is a great place to start. I’ll have a cup of green tea for myself. Anything else?”
“A plate of your freshest batch of chocolate chip cookies” you said to the woman behind the counter. She nodded and punched in your orders before pausing, waiting for your signal that you’re done.
“I’ll have the same as hers” Yixing said. “And I want mine chewy.”
You grinned slowly up at him. “Well, what do you know? I also like my cookies chewy.”
“Is that all?” the woman asked in confirmation. You nodded and she forwarded the order to the people preparing the tea and snacks. Yixing guided you to a booth next to a window and you sank down to the soft cushion, almost moaning in delight now that you could rest your aching legs and feet.
“Thank you for this, Yixing” you said in a grateful tone. He flashed you his dimples again before he looked out of the window. Again, you couldn’t seem to keep your eyes anywhere but on his as you drank in his side profile. The way the soft morning light hit his pale skin made him look ethereal. You were too busy looking at him that it took you a moment to realize that he was staring back, amusement evident on his features.
“You seem spaced out there for a moment” he teased you. “Am I that disarming?”
You blinked. Holy guacamole, is he actually teasing you? Pinching your arm, you confirmed that you were indeed awake. He noticed the action and his dimple deepened, a chuckle slipping past his lips.
“Okay, that had me reevaluating my life choices. I think my world just shifted off its axis” you said without thinking. He tilted his head, intrigued by your choice of words.
“Why is that? Is it so out-of-character for me to be like that?” he asked in bewilderment, leaning towards you across the table. You shrugged bashfully, trying to find the right string of words to pull together to form a coherent sentence as a reply.
“No, not really. It’s just... you’re this awkward, professional guy when we’re practicing at the studio” you told him. “This is just a fresh change, I guess? You’re more relaxed. Heck, you just teased me. A new side of you that I haven’t seen, you could say. Am I making sense? Well, bottomline is it’s disarming. Caught me off-guard.”
He smiled after your embarrassing rambling and stayed quiet for a few seconds. Then, he spoke up again, “Well, would you like to get to know this side better, then?”
You felt something shift inside you. Or maybe it was between the two of you. You weren’t quite sure but when you glanced up, considering his offer, he wasn’t the same Yixing you painted in your mind anymore.
“I have a better idea” you countered with a quirk of your lips. “How about I get to know as many sides of you as I can unearth?”
He mimed someone who was deep in thought before his eyes landed on yours, a glint evident in them. “It depends.”
“Depends on what?”
He grinned. “It depends on how many sides of you I can unearth. So, are you up for some deep talks over tea and cookies?”
You leaned forward, closer to his face as you whispered, “Just don’t forget we have to go back two hours before lunch and we’re good to go.”
Here’s part two of Dance With Me! Thank you so much for reading my work. I might add more parts to the series if I can’t wrap it all up in part three. Anyways, here’s to 2018! *raises champagne flute*
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A Place Only We Know [Lay] [III]
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Do not reuse, edit or copy any portion of my works. Copyright © 2018
Pairings: Yixing/Lay x Reader
Genre: Mostly angst, some fluff
Warnings: Do not read if you are easily triggered by angst, heartbreak, depression, alcohol use etc.
Requested by Anon
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Requests are open :) xx
My Masterlist :) xx
Word Count: 2,835
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | 
If the person I love must eventually leave, then I’d rather never have loved in the first place.
| A Place Only We Know |
Part 3: 
“Yixing, what’s going on?”
Your heart was thumping in your ears while you looked between Yixing and the blonde women which seems to be his partner or at least the mother of his child. You felt as if someone just dropped a ton of bricks on you and you had no idea what you should do. Should you just run away? Should you confront Yixing? You didn’t want to jump to conclusions but it was obvious he had a child he didn’t mention to you once. You felt lied to and betrayed even though your brain told you nothing was official between the two of you so you had no right to be angry with him. 
Before you knew what was happening Yixing and the women went out of the room without Yixing answering your question. He didn’t even make eye contact with you since they showed up. You felt invisible and right now, you really just wanted to disappear into thin air. You took a deep breath telling yourself it’s all a misunderstanding that will be cleared up once you talk to Yixing. 
“Who are you?” The little girl asked, her eyes big and curious while yours looked scared and unsure. You knew there was no need to be intimidated by a child but you really had no idea how to answer her question because you yourself needed the answer. 
“Well I’m your dads friend, Y/N. What’s you name sweetheart?” You crouched down smiling at her, trying to start up a conversations as shouting could be heard from the other room. 
“I’m Ai. Can we be friends?” Ai said with a smile as you nodded but before you could say anything else, you heard Yixing shouting so much that Ai flinched looking at the door with a sad face. 
“Stop for goodness sake, just stop!” 
“I just want us to be a family again. Yixing please.”
“Again?! We were never a family in the first place, Ana! Because you chose to leave us so you could live out your twenties while I stayed and took care of Ai. The first time you saw her was for her fifth birthday and even then I had to beg you to come see her because she needed you! You never wanted her so you ran away and now you want to be a ‘family’?!”
“Yixing please, I’m sorry. I’ve made mistakes but I’ve changed. I grew up and I realised that you were the best thing that ever happened to me. I want to be us again.”
“No that wasn’t a mistake; it was a choice you made for your own selfish reasons. Nothing more and nothing less. Do you want to know something? You were the worst thing that has ever happened to me and Ai is the best thing that ever happened to me. She was the only good thing that came from our messed up relationship. Ai is my first priority while, from your words, your first priority is still you and only you.”
“Don’t imply that I don’t care about our daughter, of course I do but if it wasn’t for her we would still be together, still happy.”
You gasped at the words being exchanged between the two. You simply couldn’t believe a mother could say something so horrendous about her own flesh and blood. It was impossible for Ai not to hear the conversation and when she started crying you knew she understood what her mum was saying. 
“My mummy and daddy always fight like this and now my mummy doesn’t love me anymore.” The little girl cried which pulled at your heart strings. No child should ever hear those words coming from their parents, especially at such a young age. You couldn’t imagine how she must be feeling right now so you were trying your best to console her.
“Darling I’m sure your mum loves you, she’s just angry with your dad so she’s saying things she doesn’t mean. Grown ups do that sometimes.” You were hoping your words made Ai feel at least a bit better but with the growing argument in the next room, you weren’t so sure. 
“I just want my mummy and daddy to be together.” She cried, her hands on her ears trying to block out the constant shouting coming from the other room. 
“Get. Out.” 
“Yixing ple-”
“I said get the hell out of my house!”
“But I love you Yixing!”
“Do you love Ai!? Why did you bring her back after only a day! She was supposed to spend a week with you before she started school again and she was looking forward to spending time with you so why did you bring her back?”
“She wanted to come home and so do I-”
“STOP! That’s a lie.You said the same thing last time and Ai told me she never asked you to come home but that you told her that we would get back together and be a family! You bring her hopes up just so you can get what you want. What kind of a mother even are you?! Get out and don’t ever come back if the reason you spend time with Ai is to get to me!”
The next thing you knew the woman named Ana was running out of the room with tears streaming down her face. Ai moved out of your lap running after her mum, hugging her leg crying for her not to go. The scene was heartbreaking to watch but what made it even worse was the fact that Ana pushed Ai away before shouting at her. 
“Get off me you brat! And you-” She pointed to Yixing who was helping Ai up trying to stop her from crying “-You act like you’re the example of morality while sleeping around with this whore. You’re no better.” Ana pointed to you acknowledging your existence for the first time she appeared and not in a good way.  
“Don’t you dare call her that and don’t talk that way-”
“We don’t talk that way in front of children Ana. You should know that.” Yixing mum walked in looking at Ana before raising her eyebrow at you making you feel like you did something to make this happen. “Yixing, son take Ai to bed she seems shaken up. Ana you should leave, you and my son can talk once you both have calmed down.” 
His mother was intimidatingly calm while she spoke but that seemed to make Ana leave with a smile which made you feel infuriated because Yixing’s mother smiled back and seemed to actually like her yet she seemed to be irritated by your presence. After a while it was only you and Mrs Zhang which had you petrified in your spot, your chest feeling like someone was sitting on it as she stared you down. 
“What are you doing here? This is a family matter and you are certainly not family.” As if you didn’t already feel out of place, her words just solidified that thought by her harsh remarks. You didn’t know how to respond but you didn’t want to let yourself be stomped on. 
“Mrs Zhang, with all due respect I really wasn’t trying to impose myself on a family matter but I came before the woman even showed up and I didn’t-”
“So you don’t know when it’s your time to leave? Didn’t your mother teach you some rudimentary manners? And ‘that woman’ is my sons fiance so you should leave because no one wants to be a home wrecker, not even a woman of your standards.” 
Her words cut deep, every word hitting you as if they were all true and even though you knew deep inside that wasn’t who you were, she made her statement very believable. You felt utterly humiliated even if only you heard the offensive words Mrs Zhang directed toward you. Your vision was becoming blurry from the tears coating your waterline so before they could fall and have you look even more pitiful you out feeling more than worthless. As you were running out on the street you heard Yixing shouting your name but you didn’t want to hear it. You knew all you needed to know; he wasn’t yours and he never would be.
“Wait Y/N, wait up! Hey...” Yixing caught up to you, grasping your wrist making you turn around pushing him away. You found out a million things about a person you thought you knew, you were called a whore and were humiliated by his mother; saying you were angry would be an understatement. You were beyond furious knowing this was happening to you again. Being betrayed once is one thing, but when it happens again it’s your own fault. 
“Let go of me Yixing! You lying bastard!” You didn’t care for the cracks in your voice, you couldn’t hold in the anger and despair any longer. 
“I never lied to you. Why is this such a big deal? Let’s go inside and talk about it, come on baby.” His eyes were pleading and he did look sincere in his attempts to explain everything but you didn’t know we you wanted to risk it. 
“Hiding the truth is lying by default so you were lying to me by hiding the ‘small’ fact that you have a daughter and a finance. I told you practically everything there is to know about me yet you forget to mention having a whole different life when you’re not with me? What’s next? You actually live a double life with a different name at night? Lay out all the excuses why don’t you!” 
Your words seemed to offend him and for a slight second you wanted to take them back but you promised yourself you would never again let yourself be lead on just to have your heart broken. 
“They’re not excuses Y/N. Just hear me out, please. I didn’t want to tell you about Ai too soon because I was afraid of your reaction and Ana is not my fiance. She’s nothing more than a past mistake and the mother of my child. I promise you there is absolutely nothing between us, there hasn’t been for ten years.” Yixing pleaded pulling you closer, hugging you tight trying to prevent you from leaving but your mind was made. 
“Your mother would disagree. Also my reactions isn’t important anymore since I don’t date or waste my time with liars.”
The moment you left Yixing you regretted it. You realised you overreacted and should’ve at least let him explain things to you but, as always, you’re the best when it comes to ruining good things in your life. You let Mrs Zhang’s words get to you and it infuriated you how easy it was for someone to get under your skin. Now you knew that you made a mistake by pushing him away without having a civil conversation first. Ever since your parents passed away and your best friend turned fiance left you, you didn’t have many people you trusted. There was nothing holding you back from leaving the world you knew behind and move to Prague. You wanted to revive yourself where no one knew your history and in a way you did that. You found remarkable people you now call friends, you’re slowly finding out more about your mum and here is where you met Yixing. The first person in a long time that made you feel like you could tell him anything knowing he wouldn’t judge you for it. He is the first person who made you trust again and you wanted to slap yourself for being so ruthless and insensitive towards him. 
It’s been a week since your falling out with Yixing and you knew you messed up royally because he hasn’t contacted you since that day. No calls, no texts; nothing. It was eating you inside and all you wanted to do was send him a text apologising but you couldn’t. For the past hour you’ve been sitting in your flat staring down your phone and a written text that remained unsent. 
‘Yixing, I completely understand if you’re angry but I had to apologise for how I acted the other night. I felt lied to and betrayed so when your mother said all those things I believed her and I didn’t want to listen to your explanation. I’m sorry.’ 
“Ugh, stop being so proud!” You hissed to yourself hitting your forehead, letting yourself fall back first onto the mattress. Your pride was your biggest weakness, maybe even bigger than your insecurity when it came to love and relationships. You were well aware that this time it was you who overreacted and was in the wrong, yet you simply couldn’t admit it. Confronting your own mistakes was something you were horrible at, so instead you would just run away or avoid talking about it at all costs. Up until now it was easier to push thoughts like this aside, brushing them off and going forward with your life, but this time, it was impossible to get Yixing off your mind. Your flat was littered with Polaroids of you and your friends and in every picture there he was, standing next to you. He wasn’t even there but the pictures were torturing you as if he was. Only now you realised how much he actually grew on you in these last few months. He became the thing you looked forward to every day you woke up, itching to see his face and hear his voice as soon as you possibly could. It scared you how much you actually cared about him. It was definitely a feeling you have felt before but never at this intensity. You were falling in love with Zhang Yixing faster than you could comprehend and it was terrifying. You didn’t want to get your hopes up just so they could crash when everything falls apart, if it already hasn’t. You sighed and with a trembling finger you sent the message cursing yourself the moment you did it. 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid! Now he’ll think I’m desperate.” You scolded yourself looking at the screen seeing the message was received. Minutes passed by and there was no reply from Yixing. It was driving you insane so you went outside to get some air hoping to get your mind off of this whole mess you created. 
You were walking down the streets of Prague still surprised at the hospitality of people here. They all smiled at you, greeting you warmly. It was most likely because you looked like a tourist but it was nice feeling nonetheless unlike how Yixing’s mother acts when you’re there. ‘Stop thinking about him’ you told yourself walking by a small cafe seeing elderly people sitting reading their newspapers and couples cuddled up close to each other. You already knew walking outside was a bad idea but it just kept getting worse and in that moment you wanted the ground to swallow you up. 
“Y/N! I was looking all over for you!” The voice sent shivers down your spine and you wished you could ignore it except for the fact that he was right in front of you, looking at you in surprise. “How could you just disappear like that?! You scared me to death.” 
You stood frozen in your spot seeing the face you came to hate over the last year. His worry made you want to slap him but you controlled yourself as he made eye contact with you. You honestly couldn’t believe he had the face to show up and stand proudly in front of you after everything he put you through. You were about to turn around and leave before he spoke up again. 
“Can we talk? It’s important.” His words were laughable. What could your ex fiance have to talk to you about that was so important after leaving you high and dry like it was the easiest thing in the world. 
“I don’t want to talk.” You finally spoke up looking up with anger in your eyes. It didn’t matter if you still loved him or not, you didn’t, but what he did to you not just as your boyfriend but as your best friend is unforgivable and it still hurt. His actions left a permanent scar that you were still trying to heal and he just opened it right up, just by showing up. 
“It’s about your mother, I-”
“Hey baby, sorry I’m late.” Yixing said pulling you into a short kiss before turning to look at Jackson, your fiance, with a hostile expression. “And you are?” Yixing asked raising his eyebrow evidently making Jackson uncomfortable as he cleared his throat. 
“Um, I was Y/N’s, well, fiance.” Jackson muttered out, obviously feeling awkward as he played with his fingers. Yixing scoffed under his breath but you still heard which made you crack a small smile. 
“Oh, what a pleasure. I am Y/N’s boyfriend.” 
AN: And here it is; part 3. Thank you to everyone reading my stories, it means so so much and I appreciate it. Please give me any feedback you can because it’s really a confidence booster and I want to improve as well, as much as I can. Thank you again and part 4 will be coming sometime next week cause I got a new laptop. :) xx Hope you like it!! xx 
Requests are open :) xx
My Masterlist :) xx
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kimjongdaely · 7 years
Ninth [Mini Masterlist]
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Pairing: Yixing x Reader
Status: Completed
Warning: Language
*Part of the Elyxion Chronicles*
Summary: Seven supernatural beings are captured and imprisoned in the governments’ most secure and secretive department. The eighth is on the loose and agents are hot on his tail. What they don’t know is that there’s a ninth member that has never appeared in any records, and you are in charge of finding him.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Yixing’s POV
Meeting reader for the first time
When reader wakes up after the attack
Request and let’s love!
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yehet-me-up · 3 years
EXO Support Overview Post ✨
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🪐 New To EXO + Where To Start 🪐
➙ New to EXO post! (need-to-know info, career overview, and best songs to start with) ➙ Spreadsheet with Every EXO Song Ever™️ including Title, Artist, Album, Release Date, Language, and More. 
⚡️Sub-Unit + Individual Member Support Posts ⚡️
⇢ EXO-CBX sub-unit (Chen, Baekhyun, Xiumin) ⇢ EXO-SC sub-unit (Sehun, Chanyeol) ⇢ Kim Minseok (Xiumin) ⇢ Kim Junmyeon (Suho) ⇢ Zhang Yixing (Lay) ⇢ Byun Baekhyun ⇢ Kim Jongdae (Chen) ⇢ Park Chanyeol ⇢ Doh Kyungsoo (D.O.) ⇢ Kim Jongin (Kai) ⇢ Oh Sehun 
💗 Why This Post Series Exists + How To Support EXO 💗
This post is part of an effort to celebrate the accomplishments of EXO over the past 10 years and to provide tangible avenues for supporting these artists in 2022 (when they will likely be leaving SM Ent.) and beyond 🖤
EXO Official Accounts (individual members accounts are on their post) ➸ Instagram: @weareone.exo ➸ Twitter: @weareoneexo0​ ➸ Facebook: weareoneEXO ➸ Tiktok @weareone.exo_official ➸ V-Live: EXO Channel ➸ Youtube: EXO Channel, SMTOWN
📓 EXO Information 📓
⇢ Information on Exo’s endorsements, philanthropy, and awards found here!
⇢ The design and creation of their logos for each era is so fascinating! Check out the history and progression here.
⇢ This page shows the roles and details for each of the members in age order.
⇢ For some lore behind EXO’s concept and powers, check out these videos: Part 1 + Part 2
⇢ This site (fyexovideos) has so many fantastic resources! Including lists of exo dramas, movies, interviews, and more.
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Albums + Singles 🎙
➙ Mama (2012) 1st EP/mini-album *Korean version (EXO-K) + Mandarin version (EXO-M)
1. Mama 2. What Is Love  3. History (历史) 4. Angel (너의 세상으로 + 你的世界 lit. Into Your World)  5. Two Moons (두 개의 달이 뜨는 밤 lit. Two Moons Floating Tonight + 双月之夜; lit. Night of Two Moons)  6. Machine (机械)
➙ XOXO (2013) 1st Studio Album *Kiss (Korean version) + Hug (Chinese version)
1. Wolf - all EXO ver. (늑대와 미녀 lit. Wolf and the Beauty) 2. Baby Don’t Cry (인어의 눈물 + 魚的眼淚 lit. A Mermaid's Tears)  3. Black Pearl (검은 진주 + 黑珍珠) 4. Don’t Go (나비소녀 + 蝴蝶少女 lit. Butterfly Girl) 5. Let Out The Beast (짐승을 보자 + (让出兽) 6. 3.6.5 (세 여섯 다섯 + 三 六 五) 7. Heart Attack (심장 마비 + 心脏病发作) 8. Peter Pan (피터팬 + 彼得潘) 9. Baby (아가 + 第一步 lit. The First Step) 10. My Lady (내 여자 + 我的女士) 11. Wolf (in Korean) - EXO-K ver. / Wolf (in Mandarin) - EXO-M ver. 12. Wolf (in Mandarin) - all EXO ver. (狼與美女 lit. Wolf and the Beauty)
➙ Growl (2013) XOXO repackage - just listing the new tracks *Also released as Kiss (Korean version) + Hug (Chinese version)
1. Growl - all EXO Korean ver. / Mandarin ver. (으르렁 + 咆哮) 2. XOXO (Kisses & Hugs) 3. Lucky (운이 좋은 + 幸运) 4. Growl - EXO-K version / EXO-M version
➙ Miracles in December (2013) 2nd EP/1st Winter mini-album *Korean version + Chinese version
1. Miracles in December (12월의 기적 + 十二月的奇迹) 2. Christmas Day (圣诞节) 3. The Star (星) 4. My Turn to Cry (첫 눈 + 爱离开 lit. Love Has Left) 5. The First Snow (初雪) 6. Miracles in December - Classical Orchestra Version
➙ Overdose (2014) 2nd EP/mini-album  *Korean version and Chinese version
1. Overdose (중독 lit. Addiction + 上瘾) - EXO-K ver./EXO-M ver. 2. Moonlight (월광) 3. Thunder (月光) 4. Run (奔跑) 5. Love, Love, Love (梦中梦) 6. Overdose - all EXO ver. Korean/Mandarin
➙ Exodus (2015) 2nd Studio Album *Korean version and Chinese version
1. Call Me Baby (叫我) 2. Transformer (变形女) 3. What If… (两个视线, 一个视线) 4. My Answer (시선 둘, 시선 하나 + 我的答案) 5. Exodus (逃脱) 6. El Dorado (黄金国) 7. Playboy (坏男孩) 8. Hurt (伤害) 9. Lady Luck (유성우 + 流星雨) 10. Beautiful (美)
➙ Love Me Right (2015) Exodus repackage - just listing new tracks  *Korean version and Chinese version
1. Love Me Right 2. Tender Love (就是愛) 3. First Love (初戀) 4. EXO 2014 (약속 + 約定 lit. Promise) 
➙ Sing For You (2015) 4th EP/2nd Winter mini-album *Korean version + Chinese version
1. Unfair (불공평해 + 偏心) 2. Sing For You (爲你而唱) 3. Girl x Friend (女 x 友) 4. On The Snow (발자국 + 脚印 lit. Footprint) 5. Lightsaber (bonus track) (光剑)
➙ Ex’Act (2016) 3rd Studio Album *Korean version + Chinese version
1. Lucky One 2. Monster 3. Artificial Love 4. Cloud 9 5. Heaven 6. White Noise (백색소음 + 白色噪音) 7. One and Only (유리어항 + 玻璃鱼缸 lit. Glass Fishbowl) 8. They Never Know 9. Stronger 10. Lucky One (instrumental) 11. Monster (instrumental)
➙ Lotto (2016) Ex’Act repackage - just listing new tracks  *Korean version + Chinese version
1. Lotto 2. Can’t Bring Me Down  3. She’s Dreaming (꿈 + 梦 lit. Dream) 4. Monster - LDN Noise Creeper Bass remix
➙ Dancing King (2016) collaboration with Yoo JaeSuk
➙ For Life (2016) 5th EP/3rd Winter mini-album *Korean version + Chinese version
1. For Life (一生一事) 2. Falling for You (亿万分之一的奇迹) 3. What I Want for Christmas (再续冬季) 4. Twenty Four (二十四小时) 5. Winter Heart (暖冬)
➙ The War (2017) 4th Studio Album *Korean version + Chinese version
1. The Eve (전야 + 破风) 2. Ko Ko Bop (叩叩趴) 3. What U Do? (可爱·可恶) 4. Forever (我加你等于永远) 5. Diamond (다이아몬드 + 乐章) 6. Touch It (너의 손짓 + 指语 lit. Your Signs) 7. Chill (소름 + 寒噤 lit. Creeps) 8. Walk on Memories (기억을 걷는 밤 + 梦回暮夜) 9. Going Crazy (내가 미쳐 +疯语者)
➙ War: The Power of Music (2017) The War repackage - just listing new tracks *Korean version + Chinese version. Power remixes released as a mini-album through SM Station
1. Power (超音力) - R3HAB remix - Dash Berlin remix - IMLAY remix - SHAUN remix 2. Sweet Lies (甜蜜謊言) 3. Boomerang (부메랑 + 愛��旋) 4. Power (instrumental)
➙ Universe (2017) 6th EP/4th Winter mini-album
1. Universe 2. Universe (為心導航) - Chinese ver. 3. Been Through (지나갈 테니 lit. I Will Pass) 4. Stay 5. Fall 6. Good Night 7. Lights Out 8. Universe - CD version
➙ Countdown (2018) 1st Japanese Studio Album
1. Electric Kiss 2. Coming Over 3. Love Me Right ~romantic universe~  4. Lightsaber 5. Tactix 6. Into My World 7. Lovin’ You Mo’ 8. Drop That 9. Run This 10. Cosmic Railway
➙ Don’t Mess Up My Tempo (2018) 5th Studio Album
1. Tempo 2. Sign 3. Ooh La La La (닿은 순간 lit. Moment of Touch) 4. Gravity 5. With You (가끔 lit. Sometimes) 6. 24/7 7. Bad Dream (후폭풍 lit. After Storm) 8. Damage 9. Smile On My Face (여기 있을게 lit. I'll Be Here) 10. Oasis (오아시스) 11. Tempo (节奏) Chinese version
➙ Love Shot (2018) Tempo repackage - just listing new tracks
1. Love Shot 2. Trauma (트라우마) 3. Wait 4. Love Shot (宣告) Chinese version
➙ Obsession (2019) 6th Studio Album
1. Obsession 2. Trouble 3. Jekyll (지킬) 4. Groove (춤 lit. Dancing) 5. Ya Ya Ya 6. Baby You Are 7. Non Stop 8. Day After Day (오늘도) 9. Butterfly Effect 나비효과 10. Obsession (嗜) Chinese Version
➙ Bird (2019) Japanese Single 
➙ Don’t Fight the Feeling (2021) 7th EP
1. Don’t Fight the Feeling 2. Paradise (파라다이스) 3. No Matter (훅!) 4. Runaway 5. Just as Usual (지켜줄게 lit. I'll Protect You))
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Concerts + Live Albums 🎤
➙ Exo from Exoplanet 1 – The Lost Planet (2014)
Disc 1
- VCR intro 1. The lost planet live 2. Haka live 3. MAMA rearranged version live 4. Let out the beast live 5. I’m Lay (LAY solo) live 6. 월광 Moonlight live 7. Delight (CHANYEOL solo) live 8. Angel live or 너의 세상으로 (Into Your World) for some concerts 9. Black Pearl rearranged version live 10. Up Rising (CHEN solo) live - SM Medley: 쏘리 쏘리 (Sorry Sorry) (KR) - Super Junior, Dream Girl (KR) & 링딩동 (Ring Ding Dong) - Shinee , Genie (KR) & Gee (CH) - Girls Generation 11. XOXO (Hugs & Kisses) live 12. Beat Maker (SEHUN solo) live 13. Love, Love, Love rearranged version live 14. Thunder live 15. Tell me what is love (D.O. solo) live 16. My lady live 17. My turn to cry (BAEKHYUN solo) live 18. 인어의 눈물 Baby don’t cry live
Disc 2
1. Machine live 2. Breakin’ Machine (XIUMIN solo) live 3. 3.6.5. Live 4. History live 5. Beautiful (SUHO solo) live 6. 피터팬 Peter pan live 7. Metal (TAO solo) live - Heart Attack VCR 8. Deep breath (KAI solo) live 9. Overdose live 10. Wolf - the legend begins - live 11. 늑대와 미녀 Wolf live 12. 으르렁 Growl live 13. Lucky live - VCR and end of concert 14. Black pearl rearranged version studio version (without audience noise) 15. Love, love, love acoustic live version studio version (without audience noise) 16. Wolf stage version live 17. Growl stage version studio version live 18. December, 2014 (the winter’s tale) live
➙ Exo Planet 2 – The Exo'luxion (2015–2016) *don’t see this online, so I’m not sure if it was released as an album?!
- Opening VCR 1. 중독  Overdose live 2. History live (half Korean ver. half Chinese ver.) 3. El Dorado live 4. 나비소녀 Don’t go live 5. Playboy live 6. 인어의 눈물 Baby don’t cry live 7. My answer live - VCR 2: my turn to cry 8. The star live 9. Exodus live 10. Hurt live 11. 피터팬 Peter plan live 12. XOXO live 13. Lucky live 14. 3.6.5. Live 15. Christmas day live 16. 첫 눈 First snow live 17. 12월의 기적 Miracles in december live 18. Full moon (extended ver) live 19. Machine live 20. Drop that (extended version) live 21. Let out the beast (extended ver) live 22. Run (extended ver) live - VCR 4 23. Call me baby live 24. 으르렁 Growl (extended ver) live 25. Love me right live - VCR 5 tour highlights 26. Girlfriend live 27. Unfair live 28. Sing for you live 29. Promise live
➙ Exo Planet 3 – The Exo'rdium (2016–2017)
Disc 1
- Opening VCR 1. MAMA live (remix) 2. Monster live (remix) 3. 늑대와 미녀 Wolf live (remix) 4. 백색소음  White noise live 5. Thunder live 6. Playboy live 7. Artificial love live - VCR 8. 불공평해 Unfair live 9. My lady live (acoustic medley) - My Turn to cry (acoustic medley) 10. 월광 Moonlight live (acoustic medley) 11. Sing for you live (acoustic medley) 12. Call me baby live (acoustic medley) - love love love (acoustic medley) 13. Lady luck live (acoustic medley) 14. Tender love live 15. Cloud 9 live 16. Love me right live
Disc 2
- VCR 1. Heaven live 2. XOXO 2. Girl x friend live 3. 3.6.5. Live VCR 4. Overdose live 5. Transformer live 6. Lightsaber live 7. 같이해 (Do It Together) Together live - Twenty four 8. Full moon live 9. Drop that live 10. Exo keep on dancing live or let out the beast at some concerts 11. Lucky live 12. Run live (remix) 13. Lotto live ‘louder’ 14. 으르렁 Growl live (remix) - lucky one 15. For life live
➙ Exo Planet 4 – The Elyxion (2017–2018)
Disc 1
- Opening VCR 1. The eve live (remix) 2. Forever live + Kai dance break 3. Ko ko bop live 4. Growl live (remix) - JMT sehun solo just dancing - VCR 2 5. I see you live KAI solo - VCR 3 6. Call me baby live (remix) 7. Touch it live + Kai dance break 8. Chill live 9. For life english version live D.O. solo (Chanyeol on piano) 10. Going crazy live 11. Sweet lies live 12. Boomerang live 13. Lotto live 14. Ka-CHING! Korean version live 15. Sing for you live (jazz version) 16. Playboy live SUHO solo - VCR 4 - hand chanyeol solo - cloud 9 17. Psycho live BAEKHYUN solo
Disc 2
VCR 5 1. Heaven live CHEN Solo 2. What u do? Live 3. Lucky one live 4. Tender love live 5. 3.6.5. Live 6. Walk on memories live 7. Moonlight live (Suho, Baek, Chen, DO) 8. We young live CHANYEOL/SEHUN 9. Electric kiss live 10. Coming over korean version live 11. Run this korean version live 12. Drop that korean version live 13. Power live (remix) Fanchanting + Bloopers VCR 14. Beyond live XIUMIN solo 15. Years korean version live CHEN solo 16. Lucky live 17. Run live 18. Universe live
➙ Exo Planet 5 – Exploration (2019)
Disc 1
Opening VCR 1. EXplOration live intro 2. Tempo live 3. Transformer live 4. Gravity live 5. Sign live Baekhyun VCR 6. Un village live BAEKHYUN solo VCR 7. 24/7 live 8. Love shot live 9. Ooh la la la live 10. Monster live 11. Oasis live 12. Been through live SUHO solo 13. Lights out live CHEN solo
Disc 2
VCR 1. What a life live CHANYEOL/SEHUN 2. Closer to you live Chanyeol sehun 3. Falling for you live 4. Wait live 5. Power live 6. Confession live KAI solo VCR 7. Bad dream live 8. Damage live Sehun solo 9. Growl live (shortened) 10. Overdose live (shortened) 11. Call me baby live VCR encore 12. Unfair live 13. On the snow live 14. Smile on my face live Ending VCR
*Additional performances added for the encore tour in December 2019/some replaced other songs from the first run of concerts
- Obsession - Jekyll - Miracles in December chen solo - Just us 2 chan sehun + junmyeon - Nonstop - Butterfly effect - Day after day - Spoiler kai solo - First snow - Angel
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Acting + TV Appearances 🎬
➙ (2013) Exo’s Showtime ➙ (2013) Midsummer Night’s Growl  ➙ (2014) XOXO EXO ➙ (2014) Exo 90:2014  ➙ (2015) Exo Next Door TV show ➙ (2015) Surplines EXO ➙ (2015) EXO Channel ➙ (2015) Exocast #OnAir ➙ (2016) Infinite Challenge ➙ (2016) Exomentary Live ➙ (2017) Exo Tourgram ➙ (2017) Midsummer Night’s Ko Ko Bop ➙ (2018, 2019, 2022) Exo's Travel the World, Through a Ladder of Fortune  ➙ (2020) Workman ep. 34 “A Day In The Life of EXO’s Manager” ➙ (2017, 2018, 2019) Knowing Bros variety show  ➙ (2017) JYP's Party People ➙ (2018, 2021) Exo Arcade
📺 DVDs + Misc.
➙ Exo's First Box Released: March 27, 2014 ➙ Exo's Second Box Released: October 30, 2015 ➙ From Happiness Released: December 7, 2017 ➙ Exo PRESENT: the moment photo book ➙ Exo PRESENT: the gift photo book ➙ Magazine covers (so freaking many lmao)  ➙ Olympics 2018 closing ceremony performance ➙ Dubai Fountain at Burj Khalifa Lake - “Power”  ➙ 0xFESTA with EXO special concert ➙ 10th Anniversary fan meeting
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myforeverforlife · 5 years
thinking about you.
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For another anon! Chanyeol + Soulmates!au (Mental link) + Enemies to lovers + 1. “Are you sure this is legal?”
Note: (Words in bold and italics like this are character’s thoughts.)
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“Y/N, catch!”
You turned around just in time to see the bottle of Gatorade being thrown your way, hands instinctively coming up to catch it. You studied it closely, nose scrunching up in disgust.
“You’re the worst, Nini. Who even likes purple Gatorade?”
Jongin gasped in mock horror, jogging over before taking a seat on the turf beside you. “Don’t knock it till you try it,” he warned.
“I have tried it.” You eyed the Gatorade in his hand — yep, also grape flavored — and sighed. Well, there went your chances of switching with him. “Thanks, but you can have mine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive.” You smiled to yourself when Jongin took the bottle happily. “How much longer until our break is over?”
“Don’t know, don’t care.” Jongin was struggling to get the cap of his drink off, alternating between using his shirt and wiping the sweat off of his hands. “Yixing will come get us when it’s time to head back inside.”
“You know, sometimes I feel bad that he’s our section leader. He’s too nice for his own good.”
“Well then maybe you should help him out by focusing more during band practice.” With a grunt, Jongin finally got his drink open, guzzling down the sugary treat like he had been parched for days.
“Hey, I do focus! Come on, you can’t honestly say that I haven’t been working my ass off.”
Jongin shrugged, taking a break from his Gatorade to give you the side-eye. “You’d do better if you stopped checking out the football team every chance you got.” He nodded towards the other end of the field, the uniformed group of boys talking to each other in small groups.
“Listen, it’s not my fault that the football team is full of attractive guys. Well, except for one.”
“You know, Chanyeol really isn’t that bad — ”
“He brought his ferret to school in second grade and laughed when it pooped in my desk! And, he got mad at me when I told the teacher he was trying to copy off of Jongdae’s test in Chemistry last year.”
“Okay, but still — ”
“No, no ‘buts’ about it. Park Chanyeol has done nothing but be a pain in my ass since we were kids. He hasn’t changed since then, and he never will. I hope one day during one of his games, he falls flat on his face in front of everyone.”
“Ouch.” The new voice had you flinching in surprise, your ponytail a blur as you spun around to see who was talking — although you had a pretty good guess who it was. Sure enough, Park Chanyeol stood there in his uniform, football helmet cradled under his arm. “You know, they say that karma’s a bitch. I wouldn’t want you to be on the receiving end of that,” he said with a smirk.
Rolling your eyes, you stood up, arms crossed over your chest as you stomped past him. “The field’s all yours, Chanyeol. Try not to let your ego take up too much space,” you hissed as you passed.
“Have fun at practice!” he called out after you, voice booming. “Make sure you don’t drop your clarinet, Butterfingers!”
You bit back the retort waiting at the tip of your tongue. Of course he just had to keep bringing up the one mishap you had during a football game, nearly two years ago. It had been your first time performing at a halftime show, and your hands been so shaky that you had dropped your clarinet while performing on the field, right in front of the football teams and the entire crowd. You didn’t talk to him often, but whenever you came face to face with Chanyeol, it always ended up with him teasing you mercilessly.
You were absolutely sure that Chanyeol would never be anything more than a jerk.
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You didn’t hate your creative writing class, but since it was your first class of the day, you were often tempted to just close your eyes and take a mini-nap.
Just as you were about to lay your head down on your desk, you could hear Park Chanyeol worry about how to find the derivative of some equation. Sitting upright, you looked around the classroom only to find no trace of Chanyeol anywhere. So why in the hell could you hear him like he was sitting right behind you?
Chanyeol continued to go through the steps of his math equation, driving you crazier with each passing second. You stood up, desk bumping into the seat in front of you. “I need to go to the nurse, I’m not feeling well,” you blurted out.
Your teacher stared at you, caught off guard in the midst of his lecture before nodding towards the door. “Take the hall pass with you.”
And so, with the hall pass lanyard hanging from your neck, you went stomping through the hallways in search of Park Chanyeol. He had moved through a series of equations, and no matter how hard you tried to block his voice out, you could still hear his thoughts.
You weren’t sure which class he was in, but there were only two teachers who taught pre-calculus. Heading down the math hallway, you peeked inside one room, blushing when everyone in the class turned to look at you. Another cursory glance proved that Chanyeol wasn’t in this room. “Sorry,” you mumbled, dashing down the hall to the other class.
This room was rowdier than the last one, students working in groups on the worksheets scattered over their desks. Spotting Chanyeol in the back, you paused in the doorway when he noticed you. “Y/N?”
“Sir, can I borrow Chanyeol for a minute? We’re supposed to collect and put up the flyers for the football game this week.”
Chanyeol’s math teacher brushed this off, not even looking up from his laptop. Chanyeol, on the other hand, remained in his seat, clearly puzzled. “Why is she here?”
“Come on!” you were waving him over, foot tapping impatiently against the floor. The sooner you two got to the bottom of this, the sooner you’d be free of his thoughts — you hoped.
Hesitantly, Chanyeol got up from his seat, weaving between chairs and desks before reaching the door. “What?” he grumbled out.
You grabbed onto his hand, pulling him away from the classroom. Chanyeol’s thoughts were colored with surprise and oddly enough, shyness? You led him to the library, knowing that people wouldn’t spot either one of you from this side of the building. Dropping his hand, you were taken aback to hear how Chanyeol immediately missed having your hand in his. You shook your head to rid the thoughts, trying to focus on why you had dragged him out here.
“This is gonna sound insane, but I can literally hear everything you’re thinking right now. Yes, everything,” you added when he raised an eyebrow in doubt.
Chanyeol laughed skeptically. “Yeah, right. What’s next, you’re gonna tell me you have x-ray vision too? Nice try, Y/N, but I’m not that dumb. Why did you even pull me out of class?” His eyes widened, eyebrows shooting upwards. “Wait, there’s no flyers to collect, huh? Are you sure this is legal, just talking in the hallways like this during class? Ah crap, we’re gonna get detention if we’re caught and — ”
“Listen to me! I don’t know how this happened, but one second I was trying not to fall asleep in creative writing, and the next thing I knew, I could hear you thinking about how to do pre-calc.”
Chanyeol stared at you like you had three eyeballs, backing away slowly. “Okay, I’m gonna say that you need to lay off the coffee and get some more sleep at night.” You could hear the thoughts racing in his head, all about how he was worried and yet curious as to why you were having a decent conversation with him.
“I’m telling the truth, I’ll prove it! Think of something right now.”
One corner of Chanyeol’s lips jumped up as he snorted, crossing his arms across his chest. “I’m not doing this.”
“Yes you are! Now, quick!”
He sighed, staring up at the hallway overhang above both of you.
“Pokemon! You’re thinking about getting the new game before Baekhyun does!” you blurted out, no longer caring about sounding crazy.
Chanyeol’s mouth fell open, trying to speak and failing to string together a comprehensive sentence. “You... how... how did you know that?”
“You believe me now?”
“Wait, but how come you only hear me? And why don’t I get to hear your thoughts? This is so unfair!”
You shrugged. “Maybe it’s because I’m more mature. Oh — I am half a year older than you.”
Chanyeol rolled his eyes with a huff. “Yeah, well whatever it is, it’s already getting on my nerves. Just try to stay out of my head.”
“Uh, I would if I could. Just try to keep your thoughts PG for my sake. God, I really hope that this goes away soon.”
Unluckily for both of you, you were plagued with listening to Chanyeol’s not even for the rest of the day, but for the rest of the week.
“This is fucking torture,” you groaned, lying down on the football field as Jongin shrugged sympathetically. “Do you know many times I’ve wished I could clean out my brain in the past week?”
“We still don’t know why this is happening though,” Jongin thought aloud. “I’ve never heard of this before. Do you think its another soulmate thing?”
You scoffed, rolling over onto your side as the fake grass poked your arms and legs. “If we were soulmates, I’d have a dream about it, not be able to hear his every thought.”
“Well, there’s not much difference. Dreams, hearing thoughts — they both have to do with the mind. Maybe soulmate links just manifest in different ways. Are you sure you don’t want to tell your parents?”
“And end up in the hospital? Nah, I’ll just wait it out and hope for the best. I mean, this is just a really long and weirdly descriptive hallucination, right?”
You sighed, sitting up as soon as you recognized the voice. “What is it now, Chanyeol?”
The bane of your existence this past week stared at you blankly, his football bag in one hand and hair sweaty from running. God, you hated to admit it, but he actually did look sort of hot.
Chanyeol’s already large eyes grew bigger, if that was even possible, and he dropped his bag in surprise. “You think I look hot?”
“What the fuck?” you spluttered out, back of your neck heating up in embarrassment. “How do you know that?”
“Y/N, I can hear you. I literally just started hearing your thoughts as I was entering the locker room,” Chanyeol explained slowly, still trying to make himself believe it.
“No fucking way.”
“I’m not kidding.”
You gasped upon hearing his response in your head, hand flying up to your mouth while Jongin stared from you to Chanyeol in confusion. “What, so now you guys can both hear each other?” He didn’t get an answer, seeing as you and Chanyeol were mentally yelling at each other. He rolled his eyes, poking you in the shoulder. “Hey, I want to know what’s happening too.”
“I think you’re right,” Chanyeol spoke up, addressing Jongin. “About the soulmate thing. It’s not common, but there have been people out there like us.”
“Like who?” you countered.
“My aunt and uncle. I didn’t want to say anything at first cause I was worried I’d be wrong, you know since it was only you hearing me. And well,” Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck. “You’ve never really liked me anyways.”
“Because all you did was annoy the hell out of me!”
“I’m sorry, okay! It’s just... you’re cute when you get all mad like that. You’re funny, especially when you get mad at me,” he admitted with a sheepish smile.
You were at a loss for words. Park Chanyeol had a crush on you?
“Yes,” he answered your thoughts. God, it would take a while to get used to this. “I... can we talk about this after practice? We can call my aunt and ask her about this too.”
There really was no other choice, since this was the first time you had ever heard about any sort of soulmate link like this. And hard as you might try to deny it, Chanyeol was slowly growing on you. Getting to know him through his thoughts this past week hadn’t been the worst, despite what you had been complaining to Jongin not less than ten minutes ago. He was charming and sweet, something you had never noticed because of the limited view you had of him.
Chanyeol smiled to himself as he could hear you thinking, the tips of his ears turning pink. “So is that a yes?”
You nodded, finding it hard to look him in the eye.
Chanyeol laughed in relief, picking up his football bag and starting to walk backwards, towards the locker room. “I’ll meet you outside the band room!” he called out, before breaking into a run.
From this angle, he looked much like the other football players you had spent hours checking out. You blinked rapidly, unable to look away even as Chanyeol stopped to look over his shoulder. His eyes searched until he found you, smile turning playful and sending shivers down your spine. “I can hear you thinking about how good I look. I mean, how good my butt looks.”
“Just go to practice, Chanyeol.”
Chanyeol laughed, able to hear you sulking even in your thoughts even as he ran off, disappearing into the locker room.
“See you later.”
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A/N: these drabble requests aren’t even drabbles anymore, I’m enjoying all of these prompts way too much to keep them under 1k lol
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Kpop Albums Pt.1
These are albums I have the audio for. Physical albums will be in a different post.
2PM - Grown Grand Edition (2013), Hands Up [FULL ALBUM], NO 5 Vol 5 (Full Album)
4Minute - 4Minute World 5th Mini Album(FULL ALBUM+DOWNLOAD), Act.7 (Full Album), CRAZY [ FULL ALBUM ], For Muzik [Full Album], HuH [Complete Album], Volume Up [Complete Album]
9Muses/Nine Muses - Prima Donna [Album] & 9Muses/Nine Muses - Wild - Full Album
[FULL ALBUM] A Pink NoNoNo [Japanese Ver.]; [Full Album] Apink(에이핑크) - PERCENT, [Full Album] Apink – ONE & SIX (Mini Album), [FULL ALBUM] OH HAYOUNG  - OH!
B.A.P - Best. Absolute. Perfect, Blue (7th Single Album), EGO (8th Single Album)(full), PUT'EM UP [5TH SINGLE ALBUM] (Full Album)
BEAST - Beast Is The B2ST [FULL ALBUM], Fiction And Fact Full Album HQ, Midnight Sun [Full Mini Album]; Yang Yoseob The First Collage [Full Album]
[ALBUM] MADE - BIGBANG, Made Series 2015 - Full Album, Special Edition [Full Album], Best of BIGBANG 2006-2014 [FULL ALBUM]  Disc 1; G-Dragon - Heartbreaker [FULL ALBUM]
Bigstar - Blossom (Full EP) [AudioHQ], Hang Out (Full Mini Album) [AudioHQ], Shine A Moonlight (Full Mini Album - Vol. 3) [AudioHQ]
Best of Block B Greatest Hits, Block B - BLOCKBUSTER (FULL ALBUM), Blooming Period [5th Mini Album], ReMONTAGE (Full Album); Block B BASTARZ - BASTARZ [FULL ALBUM]
BOYFRIEND  - Bouquet [Full Album], JANUS (Full Album), Witch (Full album)
[BEG] 1st Album Your Story (2006) BROWN EYED GIRLS (FULL ALBUM) &[FULL ALBUM] Brown Eyed Girls 7 REvive
BTOB - Feel'eM (Mini Album), FULL [I Mean - 7th Mini Album], HOUR MOMENT [Full Album], NEW MEN (Mini Album), Press Play Album, Remember That  (8th Mini Album) [Full Album], This Is Us (11th Mini Album)
DBSK - Five in the Black (Full Album), Heart, Mind and Soul (Full Album), Mirotic [FULL ALBUM], O Jung.Ban.Hap. [FULL ALBUM 39:37], O. Jung.Ban.Hap. (Full Album 48:21) (I'm not sure which one is the real full album), Rising Sun [FULL ALBUM], Tri-Angle [FULL ALBUM], DBSK 東方神起メドレ
EXO - COMING OVER (Full Album), DON'T MESS UP MY TEMPO The 5th Album (Full Album), EXODUS (The 2nd Album) CD1 (Full Album), LOTTO - The 3rd Album Repackage (Korean Ver.) (Full Album),  LOVE ME RIGHT (The 2nd Album Repackage) (Korean Ver.) (Full Album), LOVE SHOT (The 5th Album Repackage) (Full Album), XOXO (Kiss & Hug) (The 1st Album Repackage) (Korean Ver.) (Full Album), EXO K - OVERDOSE (The 2nd Mini Album) (Full Album), EXO K - MAMA (Full Album); [FULL ALBUM] LAY (Zhang Yixing  - NAMANANA (Chinese Version.) & [FULL ALBUM] LAY (Zhang Yixing  - NAMANANA (English Version.)
[Full Album] GOT7 FLIGHT LOG ARRIVAL (Mini Album), [Full Album] GOT7 FLIGHT LOG DEPARTURE (Mini Album), [Full Album] GOT7 FLIGHT LOG TURBULENCE (Album)
H.O.T - 1 We Hate All Kind Of Violence [Full Album]
HISTORY - 5th Mini Album 'HIM' [Full Album], Beyond The History (album), Blue Spring (2nd Mini Album), DESIRE [Full Album],  JUST NOW (1st Mini Album )
[Full Album] iKON  - NEW KIDS _ CONTINUE 
INFINITE - 4th Mini Abum - New Challenge, Evolution [Full Mini Album], One Great Step Returns Live Album (Part 1), One Great Step Returns Live Album (Part 2), TOP SEED (Album)
Kim Jaejoong - I (Full album), Kim Jaejoong - WWW (Full Album), Kim Jaejoong - Y [Repackage Mini Album ]
KARA - Summer Magic (Full Album)
[FULL ALBUM] (Lovelyz) - Once upon a time (6th Mini Album) & Lovelyz - SancTuary (5th Mini Album)
MBLAQ - BLAQ% Ver [FULL ALBUM], Broken [6th Mini Album], JUST BLAQ, Love Beat [5th Mini Special Album], Mona Lisa [FULL ALBUM], 7th Mini Album (Winter) [Full Album]
Miss A- 1 A Class (Full Album) & Bad But Good (Full Album)
MONSTA X - ARE YOU THERE THE 2ND ALBUM TAKE.1 (Full Album), BEAUTIFUL (Full Album), PIECE [1st Japanese full album], SHINE FOREVER (The 1st Album Repackage) (Full Album), THE CODE (5th Mini Album) (Full Album), THE CONNECT DEJAVU (Full Album), TRESPASS [1st Mini Album] (Full Album), Follow; Find You album audio
[Full Album] NU'EST() 6th Mini Album [Happily Ever After], Hello (The 2nd Mini Album),  ACTION (The 1st Mini Album), Bridge The World (Full Album), CANVAS (The 5th Mini Album) (Full Album),  Face [Complete Album], HELLO (Full Album), Q is. (4th Mini Album) - FULL ALBUM, Re BIRTH (1st Album) (Full Album 39:15) & ReBIRTH [Full Album(35:31)] (again I don't know which of these is the real full album because they're different times), Sleep Talking (The 3rd Mini Album) 
Orange Caramel (오렌지 캬라멜) - Lipstick (Full album
RAINBOW 4TH Mini Album 'Prism' - Full Album & Syndrome Part 2 Full Album
SHINee-Boys Meet U album,  I'm Your Boy (album), 1 of 1  (The 5th Album) (Full Album), Dream Girl The Misconceptions of You' (Full Album), Everybody [The 5th Mini Album] FULL, Lucifer (Full album), Odd the 4th Album (2015) (Full Album), The misconceptions of You, Me & Us (I think this is audio of all three albums), Why So Serious (Full Album), The 3rd Album 'DREAM GIRL' Highlight Medley, FIVE ALBUM SHORT VER (I think this is like a Highlight Medley)
SISTAR - LOVING U Summer Special Album [FULL] &  타이틀곡 모음 (Title songs compilation)
SUPER JUNIOR - A~Cha FULL ALBUM, Don't Don (Full Album), Hero (Japanese Version.) [Full Album], Time Slip (Full Album), SuperJunior05 (Twins) [Album],  Sorry Sorry (Full Album), [Full Album] Bonamana, SORRY SORRY (Repackage Album) [FULL ALBUM]; 
Super Junior M - Break Down [Full Album], Perfection (The 2nd Mini Album) [Full Album], Super Girl (The 1st Mini Album), Swing [3rd Mini Album] [FULL Album], Me [Full Album], SUPER JUNIOR M BEST SONG; 
Super Junior H- Cooking Cooking! full album; 
Yesung 3rd mini album -  PINK MAGIC [AUDIO]
SuperM - The 1st Mini Album
UKISS - Bran New Kiss (Full Album), DoraDora [FULL ALBUM],  Neverland (Full Album)
[FULL ALBUM] VAV  - 3rd Mini Album 'Spotlight', [Full ALbum] VAV - NO DOUBT [2nd Mini Album Part.2], [Full Album] VAV  - Under The Moonlight [1st Mini Album], [FULL ALBUM] VAV - THRILLA KILLA
[Full Album] VIXX Kratos (MIni Album), BOYS' RECORD (Special Single Album) (Full Album), Chained Up [FULL ALBUM], VOODOO [1st Album] (Full Album)
Other Albums:
[2014.04.03] SPEED - Look At Me Now Mini album (FULL+DL), & SPEED - SPEED CIRCUS (Mini Album)
[Single] VARSITY  - ROUND ONE [1st Single Album]
2NE1 - To Anyone [FULL ALBUM]
4th Mini Album Rebirth SS501 
AOA - BINGLE BANGLE (5th Mini Album)  (Full Album)
Boys Republic - BRevolution [3rd Mini Album] (Full Album)
C-Clown Not Alone Full Album HQ
Epik High - Map The Soul [Full Album]
F(x) - Pinocchio [Complete Album]
SHINHWA  10 - The Return (album)
VICTON - Voice To New World (Mini Album) (Full Album)
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byuniieo · 6 years
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。・゜              ♡ ・ 。       。・゜ ♡   。・゜       ♡ ・ 。
A - angst M- mature content F - fluff
✖- completed series 🔅 - mini series ☁️ - series
☆ main masterlist
。・゜              ♡ ・ 。       。・゜ ♡   。・゜       ♡ ・ 。
kim minseok ・ xuimin ”
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kim junmyeon ・ suho ”
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zhang yixing ・ lay ”
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byun baekhyun ”
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lovely guardian : mafia!au A + F + M ☁️
kim jongdae ・ chen ”
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park chanyeol ”
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small nights F
do kyungsoo ・ D.O ”
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kim jongin ・ kai ”
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darkest nights : A
oh sehun ”
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soft melody  : F
。・゜              ♡ ・ 。       。・゜ ♡   。・゜       ♡ ・ 。
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Playlist of September
The month of September came with a few comebacks and songs, some being BTS’s “IDOL” with the finish of the “Love Yourself” series, NCT DREAM’s “We Go Up” album, and GOT7’s “Lullaby” and their album “Present: YOU.” In this blog post, I will talking about some my favorite songs to listen to this month, including both new releases and older ones. Most songs in this playlist are kpop songs, but their are some other songs as well.
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GOT7’s Mark Tuan
-GOT7 “Lullaby”
    This song really had a “groovy” vibe, not too energetic but still really catchy. Youngjae’s voice blew me away (as usual) but I was most shocked by the amount of center time he got. The whole album was a masterpiece and I was pleasantly surprised that each member had their own solo songs in the album, my current favorites being Youngjae’s and Yugyeom’s.
-BTS: “Just Dance”
    This song was a new addition in the repackage “Love Yourself: Answer,” which is the last installment of the “Love Yourself” series. Hoseok’s voice is so smooth and beautiful and I was fell in love with his singing in the chorus. I really enjoyed the calmer, “groovy” vibes of the song.
-BTS: “Epiphany”
    This song technically wouldn’t be considered a new release, as it came out on August 24, however, the album came out this month, so I’ll be counting it as a September release. I fell in love with the song first listen. Jin’s voice has improved greatly over the years and I felt that this song displayed his massive growth as a singer. Moreover, I loved the message of this song, which is about learning to love yourself for who you are. I really love the sound of the song and the message behind it.
-NCT DREAM: “We Go Up”
    I just really loved the whole mini -album overall. In this comeback, all the members had a chance to shine, whether it be dancing, singing, or rapping. My only regret with this comeback is that they didn’t get a win with this song. The younger rappers, Jaemin, Jeno, and Jisung, have all really improved their rap and dance, and the singers somehow continue to improve. Another song I really loved from this song was the ballad “Dear Dream.” The song seemed to be Mark’s good-bye to NCT DREAM, with slower, calmer rap and soft vocals. It is a sad, yet beautiful song, and Haechan’s adlibs in the song make it that much better.
-[STATION x 0] Baekhyun x Loco “YOUNG”
    I already did a way-too long blog post on this song, but I need to talk about it one more time. I love Baekhyun’s voice and Loco’s rap just compliments the sound of the song  and makes it so addicting. I probably listened to “YOUNG” about fifty times this month, but I can never sick of it.
-[STATION x 0] Chanyeol x Sehun “We Young”
I was looking forward to a studio version of this song when I saw fancams of it on Instagram. Thankfully, they released a studio version of the song with a music video as well. The song and music video are both very cute and soft, which I loved seeing from the two rappers. Unfortunately, I was too busy and couldn’t find any time to do a proper review on the song.
-SHINee “Countless”
    I have also already written a blog post raving about how much I love the song and album, however I just need to say once more how much I love this song. Each member’s voice is so different from each other and they all really stood out. I also managed to pick up the album repackage “The Story of Light: Epilogue.”
-Kris Wu feat. Jhené Aiko “Freedom”
    This song isn’t a kpop song, however I just want to talk about my love for Kris Wu. I love his singing and how well Jhene Aiko’s voice complimented it. I look forward to Kris’s album, which will, hopefully, also include some Chinese songs.
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NOIR’s Shin Seunghoon
-NOIR “Between”
    When NOIR first released their song and album, I immediately fell in love with their song, however soon forgot about them because their lack of promotion. However, I was finally able to find videos of NOIR with English subtitles, relistened to their album about 85 times, and I have fallen in love with them all over again. They are coming back October 2, so please support their new song!
-VIXX “Circle”
    I relistened to their album “EAU DE VIXX” this month and remembered why I was so obsessed with it. The sound of the whole album is beautiful, each song was beautiful. However, “Circle” happened to really stick to me listened to this album again, along with “My Valentine.”
-Hitchhiker “11”
    11 is an amazing, addicting song, and nothing will ever change my mind. That’s all there is to it.
-SUPER JUNIOR D&E “Illusion (Obsessed)”
    Eunhyuk’s solo song in this album really drew me the first time I listened to it when the album came out. Relistening to it, I still really enjoy the song, especially the beginning with the whispering.
-EXO-CBX “Vroom Vroom”
    To be completely honest, I forgot about EXO-CBX’s mini album “Blooming Days” pretty quickly, as I started listening to more and more groups. But this month, I had all my songs on Spotify on shuffle, and “Vroom Vroom” played, which led me to fall back into my strong EXO phase. I really loved the sound of the song, different from the usual sound of EXO.
-3RACHA “Placebo”
    3RACHA is a rap, pre-debut sub-unit of Stray Kids. This song, along with “Matryoshka” are my current favorite songs off their album “Horizon.” Something I really appreciate about 3RACHA and Stray Kids is how meaningful their songs are, and these two songs have some of my favorite lyrics.
    When NU’EST W performed this song at K-CON LA I was hooked. The vocals in this song are no joke. I really enjoyed NU’EST W at K-CON LA, and I plan on listening to more of their songs soon.
-SHINee “Odd Eye”
    I began to listen to a lot more of SHINee’s older songs, and this song really stood out. Kibum’s voice in the beginning of the song and the falsetto throughout the song was what really made me fall in love with the song all over again.
-DAY6 “I Smile”
Wow, I love DAY6’s music so much. The instrumental of the song and the members’ voices (excluding Dowoon because he doesn’t sing) never fail to amaze me. I also love the bittersweet lyrics, and how they are such with so much emotion. This song and “I Wait” were my favorite DAY6 songs this month.
-Ryeowook “The Little Prince”
    Super Junior has ended their second season of their TV series “Super Junior TV” with Ryeowook’s return from the military. In one of their final episodes, Yesung sings “The Little Prince” with Ryeowook, and I remembered how much I loved the song. Ryeowook is an amazing vocalist, and this song displays that talent.
-EXO “Sweet Lies” (Chinese Ver.)
    The Korean version of the song is great, but the Chinese version of this song is a work of art. I love sound of the song in Mandarin, I don’t know why, but it just sounds so beautiful.
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Zhang Yixing (also known as EXO’s Lay)
Those are just some of my favorite songs this month. I look forward to the month of October, because there are many comebacks that month, including NOIR, iKON, The Rose, Super Junior, NCT 127, and Yixing’s US debut.
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Dance With Me {1} || zyx
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Genre: Fluff (though it might get a little hot—)
Pairing/s: YouxYixing
Description: Yixing was attempting to learn the tango. You just happened to be one of the tango instructors in the dance studio he frequents in. Me attempting to write a mini-series. *dabs*
Parts:  {1, 2 , 3, MB & PL}
Word Count: 1, 984
You found him with his arms raised up awkwardly in the air and it took you a moment to realize that he was doing the posture required for tango. You paused at the open doorway, unable to help it as you quietly peeked in. The familiar opening notes of El Tango De Roxanne played in the quiet room. You watched without sound as he tried to practice the dance without a partner. You knew it was difficult to do so and soon, he was discovering it for himself as well. Sighing in frustration, he stopped halfway to the routine and went to his phone, pausing the music playing from the speakers connected by Bluetooth. You were just about to leave when he looked up and caught your eyes through the mirror.
“Um, could you please leave? I’d like to practice al—“ He paused open getting a clearer look of your face. “Oh, Miss Y/N! I’m so sorry! I didn’t recognize you because the lights were too dim.”
Zhang Yixing is one of the instructors of the dance studio you work in. While you taught tango, he taught hiphop. You never really crossed paths unless there was a general meeting or you happen to assist other instructors in their classes or presentations.
You chuckled a bit, saying, “It’s okay. It was rude of me to snoop, anyways. So, you’re practicing tango, right?”
He nodded, smiling slightly and his cute dimples showed. You tried not to get too distracted by them as you heard him answer, “Uh, I am. Now, I feel awkward because a professional tango instructor is in front of me and I’m pretty sure my dance earlier wasn’t up to my usual caliber.”
You shook her head gently then, leaning against the door frame. “It’s understandable. Tango is done with two people dancing. Be glad I recognized the dance even though you’re doing the routine alone” you half-teased although it was true. It’s quite hard to guess tango if it’s danced by a single person who doesn’t have enough skills. Yixing obviously had the potential in being a fantastic tango dancer and given his background in dancing, has the good foundation for skills development, too.
“May I come inside the room?” you asked politely, noticing Yixing drifting off into space again. It seemed like he did that a lot, even when he’s in dance classes. No, you don’t stalk him in class. Sometimes, you pitch in and help your fellow instructor every once in a while whenever they need class demonstrations. You just so happened to be quite versatile when it comes to various dance genres.
He looked up in surprise, jolted out of his reverie. Slowly, he nodded and you tentatively moved inside the room. You opted to lean against the wall right beside the door, thinking this as a comfortable distance for him.
“You can come closer, Miss Y/N. I don’t bite” he joked. You quirked an eyebrow upwards in reply, not really expecting that from him but not entirely surprised. You’ve seen how much of a tease and joker he could be around people he was comfortable with.
Chuckling to yourself, you retorted just as playfully, “I don’t exactly have a reason to move closer towards you, MIster Yixing.”
He blinked in a daze for a few moments before a light dusting of pink spread across his cheeks. “... Right. I actually need your help for this routine since you’re a tango instructor. I thought i asked you already, that’s why I said that. And I mean, you don’t have to say yes. I’m fine if you decline due to reasons.”
You couldn’t help it. A giggle escaped past your lips as you pushed yourself off the wall and approached him. “Relax, I’d actually like to help you so you can stop fidgeting” you told him reassuringly, stopping just a few steps away from him. Crossing your arms, you asked, “So, what kind of help do you need, Mister Yixing?”
He was slightly taken aback by how you simply addressed him using his first name and an honorific. He knew you were like this with everyone but seeing as you looked almost the same age as he is, it felt a little... weird for him for you to speak like that to him. Also, he figured you would be a little more relaxed since you’re both alone. It confused you for a moment because you were just being professional so why did he look bewildered? Of course, you were only doing that since it was strictly a colleague-to-colleague interaction at the moment. However, he offered you a dazzling smile that had butterflies erupting in your stomach.
“You can call me Yixing if you want, Miss Y/N” he told you. “I, um, actually needed help with the tango routine because... I don’t have a partner.”
You raised an eyebrow at him in incredulity. Practicing tango without a partner? It was obvious he knew how ridiculous it sounded, too, because he was grinning sheepishly at you. “You mean to tell me that you’re doing this routine but you don’t have a partner yet?” you said slowly, trying to understand and see if you got that right. Wordlessly, he nodded. You let out a low whistle. “Zhang Yixing, how the hell are you going to push through with this performance if you don’t have a partner?”
“I was actually on a hunt for a partner” he admitted, his eyes wide at your use of his full name. He had only talked to you for a few minutes and you already had him scrambling as he tried to keep up with your unpredictability. “However, no one seemed to be skilled enough to keep up with the routine.”
“What do you mean ‘not skilled enough’? Dude, that’s like, your average tango routine!” you said in indignation, not realizing how informal you were with your speech until you saw his eyes widening. Cursing yourself mentally, you hastily added, “Sorry, it just slipped. I didn’t mean to be—”
“It’s okay” he said politely. “I really don’t mind. I think it makes me more comfortable if you’re slightly more casual around me. We’re colleagues, anyways, and we look just about the same age and yeah, the routine was average so I was really wondering why no one wanted to partner up with me.”
You smiled at him in amusement before saying, “Well, we are of same age, though you’re older by at least half a year. So, what are you going to do if you don’t end up finding a partner before your dance presentation?”
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. It was obvious he had thought about this and the end result of his mulling wasn’t good. “I guess I’d have to change my routine and probably end up doing something else entirely” he answered. “I really wanted to do the tango, though. I just want to show people that I can dance other genres, not just the hiphop, hard-hitting stuff.”
You looked at him for a long moment, contemplating. He was still standing there, frozen under your otherwise out-of-it gaze as you thought. Then, your eyes refocused on his face as you tentatively said, “Well... if you want, I can help you practice while you look for a partner. Then... if you don’t find anybody else, I’m willing to help a colleague out.”
His face was blank for a moment, his usual expression, before his lips cracked into a wide, delightedly relieved grin. “You have no idea how much weight was just taken off my chest” he said, the tips of is ears turning red. You kept the small smile on your face as he continued, “I’m really grateful for the help but I want to be really sure that you’re okay with this and everything because— “
“Yixing, it’s fine. Really. I like helping out people” you told him sincerely, playing it off with a light shrug. That didn’t remove the grin off his face, though.
“Thank you so much, Miss Y/N” he finally said, flashing you his million-watt smile. And you had to laugh at his expression; otherwise, you’ll turn into mush because that was how soft he could make you with just his angelic smile and cute dimples.
“You’re welcome, Yixing” you replied, his name easily rolling off your tongue. You had started walking backwards, keeping your eyes trained on his face. “For now, you should rest. I’ll let you know when we could start practicing together and when I’m usually available.”
“You didn’t get my number” he said in confusion. You breathed out an amused laugh and replied, “There are other ways to keep in touch other than getting someone’s number, Zhang Yixing.”
And with that, you left the confused and bewildered man alone in the practice room.
It was three days after when you managed to find the time to talk to him. It was lunch break and like the last time you saw him, he was practicing alone. You frowned because why didn’t anyone want to step up to the challenge of learning the tango routine? Besides, wouldn’t they consider it a nice bargain if your partner is as handsome as—
Okay, don’t go there, Y.N.
“Hey. It’s Y/N.” You made a beeline towards the stunned man, who stopped in the middle of a spin and flashed him a smile.
“Sorry, I’ve been really busy and my beginners’ tango class was frustrating me. They weren’t progressing like I hoped. I’ve tried every method I knew to motivate them to work harder but no such luck. Oops, I think I’m rambling already. I’m sorry. Again...” you awkwardly trail off, unsure on how to transition from this atmosphere to a professional one so you could start the routine.
He smiled and saved you from further embarrassment as he said, “No, it’s okay. Do you want me to start with the routine so you could distract yourself from that stressor?”
You nodded gratefully, finding the gesture oddly sweet and stepped back as he started dancing to the routine. You could guess how some positions would go based on how they progressed but you still listened intently to Yixing when he started teach you the sequence of the dance.
“I would say you did a fantastic job but it is expected from a tango instructor. Still, great job, Miss Y/N. I’d like to think we make a great team” he said, his dimples making an appearance again as he smiled. You both were panting after practicing the parts that you’ve finished learning. It may not be complete yet but you knew that the end result would be absolutely satisfying.
“We are a great team” you agreed in a light manner, nudging him slightly. You smiled and started walking backwards, away from him. “That concludes our session for now. Are you still going to practice later?”
Yixing seemed to hesitate to answer before finally nodding. “Yes, I am. After my last hiphop class at six-thirty. You don’t have to join me if you’re busy. I think I got the hang of it already. Practicing with you just helps polish how the moves should go with a partner.”
You nodded in understanding then and abruptly stopped. He looked at you curiously before you beamed at him widely and said, “Well, do you like spicy tteokbokki?”
He looked stunned for a moment. “Um, yes. Why—?”
“I’m free by seven in the evening since that’s the dismissal of my last class” you said simply.
He smiled, illuminating his angelic features as he replied, “I hope you like cola, then.”
You turned on your heels to walk away. “I’m holding you to that, Zhang Yixing” you called over your shoulder. You didn’t look back to see his reaction. You just continued on your merry way, humming the tune of his tango piece under your breath.
Just popping by to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
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oh-beyond · 8 years
🛸 EXO Masterlist
Please note that updates will be made from now in the new all writing blog @myeoning-call this masterlist will be updated linking works to the side blog.
➡✴EXO Hybrid series✴⬅
✿ Multifandom Kpop Masterlist ✿
Ⓜ Mature content + 18 
💯 Recommended
✔ Completed
🔛 Ongoing
🔜 Coming soon
🕳️ Hiatus
👑 EXO K 👑
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♔ Suho ~ 수호 /  Kim Junmyeon ~ 김준면
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❁ She’s Dreaming Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2  ✔ 💯
❁ Monotony Ⓜ : Part 1-  Part 2 - Part 3  ✔ 💯
❁ Monster Stalker *Suho’s mate story* Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2  ✔ 💯
❁ Wasted Ⓜ part of Dismissal series collab with @messyscriptorium​ & @sootemptation 🔛
❁ Sweat Ⓜ : (Oneshot) ✔
❁ Despacito, Suhito Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 ✔
❁ Pusillanimous Ⓜ : (Oneshot) ✔ 💯
❁ Ocean’s deep: (Drabble) ✔
❁ The prince’s visit Ⓜ : (Oneshot) ✔
❁ Unintentional (Super Junior’s Siwon - Suho fic) Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 10 Parts ✔💯
❁ Stay Ⓜ Part of ‘EXO Coming Home’ series by @ninibears-erigom collab with other writers: (Oneshot) ✔
❁ Just the way you are: (Oneshot) ✔
❁ Jeweller: (Drabble) ✔
❁ Red Triangle: (ft. Red Velvet’s Irene) (Oneshot) ✔💯
❁ EXO as animals series: My bunny Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  ✔ 💯
♕ Byun Baekhyun ~ 변백현
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❁ Monster Stalker Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 15 Parts  ✔ 💯 
❁ Saviour Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 27 Parts ✔ 💯
❁ Sway Ⓜ collab with @rockeryeol : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4.A - Part 4.B ✔ 💯
❁ Paths Ⓜ (Baekhyun-Luhan fic) Part 1 - Part 2 🔛 💯
❁ EXO as animals series: Puppy love: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Epilogue  ✔ 💯
♖ Park Chanyeol ~ 박찬열
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❁ I’m not your friend Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4  ✔  
❁ Specialist : (One shot) ✔
❁ Cuddled Up! : (One shot) ✔
❁ EXO as animals series: Gentle Monster by @yourkeeperoftherunners : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Epilogue  ✔
♗ D.O. ~ 디오 / Do Kyungsoo ~ 도경수
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❁ EXO as animals series: Peek-a-boo, I can see you: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  ✔ 💯
♘ Kai ~ 카이 / Kim Jongin ~ 김종인
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❁ Stronger Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 8 Parts 🔛 💯
❁ Aroha means 사랑 : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 ✔
❁ EXO as animals series: Wishes Come True Ⓜ by @ninibears-erigom​ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 🔛
♙ Oh Sehun ~ 오세훈
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❁ My Queen Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 16 parts  ✔ 💯
❁ Off Limits Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2  ✔ 💯
❁ EXO as animals series: Cry Wolf Ⓜ :  Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Epilogue ✔ 💯
💎 EXO M 💎
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♚ Xiumin ~ 시우민 / Kim Minseok ~ 김민석
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❁ Are you bored? Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  ✔
❁ No! Not Xiumin please! Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2  ✔
❁ Kyosu-nim’s passion Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 🔛 💯
❁ Minseok oppa will fix it Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2  ✔
❁ Unwind Ⓜ (Xiumin-Luhan fic) collab with @xiubaek-13​ : [Masterpost] 15 Parts 🔛 💯
❁ It’s also your birthday!: (Drabble) ✔
❁ EXO as animals series: Bad kitty Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  ✔ 💯
♛ LuHan ~ 루한 ~ 鹿晗
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❁ A what job for EXO? Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  ✔ 💯
❁ Don’t be afraid Deer Lu: Part 1 - Part 2  🕳️
❁ Unwind (Xiumin-Luhan fic) Ⓜ collab with @xiubaek-13​ : [Masterpost] 15 Parts 🔛 💯
❁ Paths Ⓜ (Baekhyun-Luhan fic) Part 1 - Part 2 🔛 💯 
❁ Fear the Forbidden Faerie Forest Ⓜ : (Oneshot) ✔
❁ EXO as animals series: Little deer (Xiao Lu): Part 1 🕳️
♜ Kris ~ 크리스 / Wu Yifan ~ 吴亦凡
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❁ That’s Lucie…: (One shot) ✔
❁ EXO as animals series: A dragon’s heart: Part 1 - Part 2 by @shyukchimark 🕳️
♟ Lay ~ 레이 / Zhang Yixing ~ 张艺兴 
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❁ You have no idea Yixing Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2  ✔  
❁ The Postman Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 15 Parts 🔛 💯
❁ EXO as animals series: Lost and enchanted Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Epilogue  ✔
♞ Chen ~ 첸 / Kim Jongdae ~ 김종대
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❁ Idol’s life: [Masterpost] 14 Parts ✔ 💯
❁ Healer - Part 1 - Part 2  ✔ 💯
❁ Tinted Lips Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 6 Parts 🔛 💯
❁ Chen’s Lil’ Something Ⓜ : [Masterpost] 9 Parts  ✔
❁ I really hate that dress: (One shot)  ✔
❁ Compliments (Highlight’s Gikwang-Chen fic) Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 🔛 
❁ The Whisper in the Ashes Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 ✔ 💯
❁ EXO as animals series: Soft Ⓜ : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3  ✔
♝ Tao ~ 타오 / Huang Zitao ~ 黄子韬
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❁ EXO as animals series: by @heebiejbies 🔜
❤ Reactions/Headcanons OT12:  
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🌌 OK But Imagine... (Mini Drabbles Masterlist)
❁ How your first shared kiss with EXO would be
❁ Chen dating a non idol headcanon
❁ Chanyeol in bed headcanon
❁ Chanyeol dating a non idol headcanon
❁ EXO seeing you first time in a library while you’re absorbed in a book 
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kimjongdaely · 5 years
Gone [Alluring]
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Mafia!AU & Motorcycle!AU
Pairing: Lay x Reader
Warning: Drugging someone, sexual situations, addiction
Summary: You learn the hard way that your new neighbor isn’t as kind and sweet as he seems.
“Good morning, Yixing!” You greet, smiling at your neighbor as the two of you leave at the same time. Yixing has moved in only recently, and it was quite a surprise when you constantly saw him leave at the same time as you did for work.
But because of that, the two of you were quick to be friends. He’s always kind and friendly, quite a soft-spoken person so you liked him instantly.
He smiles. “Morning!”
“Off to work?” You ask him, which he nods as you watch him get on his motorcycle, parked in front of the apartment. Apparently he’s some sort of sales person...you didn’t ask for details.
“Yeah,” he smiles, revving the vehicle. “Lots of customers to please!”
How true is that. You wave him goodbye as you head the opposite direction for the bus stop, laughing. “Have fun!”
Your days working behind a desk in an office are long and boring. You can hear the clock tick, loud in the silence, the only thing that seems to remind you that time is, in fact, moving. 12:30 and it’s off to lunch. 7:00 and it’s time to go home.
Exhausted, you try not to fall asleep on the bus ride home. You’d hate to miss your stop and have to wait for the next bus back. You’re also famished—do you have anything at home to eat?
You groan at the thought, sighing. You think there might be leftover spaghetti in your fridge...but did you eat that yesterday? Or is it still there? Do you have anything else?
In your half-dazed state, you see something through the window.
You blink, pressing up against the window as the bus zooms by. The next stop is the stop you get off, and you practically run off, back towards the spot you think you saw Yixing.
Something feels wrong.
You hear voices down the street, coming from an alleyway a little ways from your apartment. There are still people out on the street, so you’re not immensely worried. It’s still quite early.
You peak in, indeed seeing Yixing.
He seems to be arguing with someone, and you’ve never seen him angry before...or heard him raise his voice. The man he’s with is slightly shorter, but standing tall like he has authority over Yixing.
You catch snippets as their voices travel.
“So what are you going to do with her, huh?” Yixing hisses, shaking his head. “We can’t keep her locked up forever! What was Kyungsoo thinking?”
“Like I said,” the other man says, frustrated, “He was seen. He had no choice.”
“What do you mean ‘no choice?’” Yixing says. “Bribe her! Or better yet, kill her! You should know how troublesome kidnapping is!”
You cover your mouth to keep in your gasp. You never thought you would hear such things come from the sweet, kind Yixing’s mouth. Kill? Kidnap?
“Look,” the other man says, voice lowering and dripping with authority. “Let’s just get this one job done and we’re out of here, alright?”
“Of course.” Yixing seethes out. “Can’t wait.”
You can tell their conversation is over. You hurry away, heading back towards your apartment and praying he doesn’t catch you eavesdropping.
This is very bad.
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The next morning, you don’t know how to greet Yixing. You’re scared to, actually. How can you not be, when you realized you live next to a potential murderer or kidnapper?
Still, you force out a smile and try to keep your tone light, like usual. “Morning, Yixing!”
He smiles at you, the gesture bring chills down your spine now. “Morning.”
You feel your heart hammer in your chest as you go down the elevator with him. You feel paranoid, every little gesture he does makes you jump and flinch. He looks at you oddly, and you smile again.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” you lie, feigning a laugh. “Watched a horror movie last night. Still not over it.”
He laughs back, nodding. “Ah, I see. I’m not too scared of movies like that. Next time you could come over and watch it together.”
“Sure.” You gulp, feeling your mouth go dry.
Of course you’re not scared! You’re literally a criminal!
You take a deep breath as the elevator door opens. “Well, see you later!”
“See you.” He waves, getting on his motorcycle.
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You hear the doorbell ring that night. You feel your heart stop, peaking through the peephole and feeling your veins fill with dread.
Oh no.
You open the door halfway, trying to look relaxed. “Hey! What’s up?”
“Hey,” he greets, politely. “I wanted to ask if you were still up to watching horror movies?”
You feel your blood freeze. “Oh, uh, I’m a little tired today. Maybe next time?”
He cocks his head, his eyes watching you carefully. “You sure? You’ve been acting weird all morning...and you’re still acting weird.”
“I’m fine.” You try to close the door on him, but he sticks his foot in, pushing past your door. You step back, feeling vulnerable under his gaze.
Something about the look in his eyes are different.
You begin to tremble. “W-What are you doing? I’m just not feeling well, Yixing.”
"I’m worried about you.” He says, though his tone sounds nothing worried. “Do you have a fever? Should I take you to the hospital?”
“No.” You shake your head, still stepping back as he steps forward. “I’m fine. I just need some rest. If you would please just—”
“I have some cold medicine.” He says. “I brought it in case. I kinda of knew you were acting up.”
You stay silent, watching him carefully.
He smiles. “If you take the medicine, I’ll leave immediately, okay?” His tone is surprisingly tender, and it makes you second-guess yourself.
You sigh. “You’ll leave right after?”
“Of course.”
You nod, sitting down on your couch. You feel your skin prickle, feeling so incredibly anxious like you just willingly let in a murderer. Which you probably did.
He goes to the kitchen, coming back out with a spoon and a small bottle you’ve never seen before. It doesn’t have a brand, just a plastic bottle with a pretty pink colored liquid inside.
“Just a spoonful will do.” He says, pouring the liquid out carefully onto the spoon. “Say ‘ah!’”
You hesitate, your mind running wild but you can’t back out of this now. It would be better to do as he says, since you don’t know what he’ll—or can—do.
You gulp down the spoonful, and it tastes surprisingly sweet, slightly tangy. It’s a taste that gently resembles alcohol...
“Whoa.” You mumble, feeling your head begin to spin. “T-The medicine’s p-pretty strong.”
“Yeah.” He answers, though his voice sounds faraway. “Just sleep it off.”
Your eyes slide closed involuntarily, and you are met with darkness.
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You wake up feeling weird. Like you crave something, though you can’t exactly pinpoint what it is.
You groan as you get out of bed...not remembering having gotten in. The memories come flooding back, and you realize Yixing must’ve helped you into bed. Well, at least you’re alive and well.
As you go through your morning routine, the craving gets worse. You begin to feel annoyed, grumpy because you don’t even know what it is you crave...you just feel the emptiness gnaw away at you like a starving beast.
Like you’re addicted to something but you don’t know what.
The doorbell rings, and without much thought, you open the door. Yixing is there with his bright smile and fresh clothes. “Morning! Do you feel better?”
“I—uh,” you look at him, and it’s as if a switch had flipped inside of you.
The craving inside you grows worse like hunger, insatiable hunger and you lunge at him. “Yixing! Yixing, I need you.”
“Oh?” He cocks his head at you, though not looking the slightest bit surprised. He comes in, closing the door shut but you don’t care. You feel the emptiness grow triple its size, the hunger painful.
“Please Yixing.” You beg, throwing yourself all over him because you need to feel him. You want him so badly it hurts. You love him, god you love him so much this feeling is euphoric and you need him need him need him—
He kisses you, the feeling like an explosion in your mind, a dam breaking because those intense feelings are overwhelming, overflowing and you can’t stop it. You don’t know what to do, as you cling onto him more, more, more—
He chuckles. “So it works.”
He pushes you away, ignoring your pleas and whines for him to hold you, kiss you, anything. You feel weak, limp, as if you can’t function if he’s not touching you. He calls someone, refusing your approaches no matter what you do.
“Junmyeon? Yeah, it’s me.” He says. “The Love Shot works like a charm. It’s time to get out of here.”
He puts his phone away, grinning down at you. If you weren’t so dazed and desperate, you could tell his eyes are filled with mirth, as if you look like a dying animal in his eyes.
He pulls you towards him, his voice washing over you so, so pleasantly, like honey and chocolate. “Sorry. I couldn’t let you get off the hook after you heard.”
“Y-Yixing,” you sob desperately, clawing at him, wanting to crawl inside of his skin so you’ll never have to part. “I need you. I love you so much.”
“Yeah.” He whispers, “So you’ll sacrifice yourself for me, right?”
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Yixing puts on his helment, revving up the engine. His job here is done, and his brothers have also moved to their new location.
He looks over the horizon, memorizing the skyline of this city. It really is quite pretty...but what’s a pretty city if there isn’t a little crime?
His motorcycle kicks up dirt as he zooms off towards a new, promising horizon. It’ll surely be interesting.
“Well then.” He smiles to himself, speeding up. “Off to the next place.”
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Previous Chapter
Alluring Mini Masterlist
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A/N: Somehow this got a little darker than I intended...With everything going on, I wasn’t really feeling like writing, but I’m glad I got this series done. It was fun and pretty twisted. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
Tags: @ninibears-erigom @loser-dot-com @lifewithsehun @shesdreaminginoverdose @fuzzy-melonlord @enchanting-exo@shxrl4747 @drealsweetrebel @skjdln @sehunnies-hunnie96 @solarsa @bluepsycopanda @harryhooksgazebos267 @ilook-soperfectstandinghere14 @anxietyishell (It’s been a while so forgive me if I forgot to tag you)
Talk to me!
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yehet-me-up · 2 years
Zhang Yixing 张艺兴 (LAY) 🐑 Overview
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Zhang Yixing, known professionally as Lay Zhang or simply Lay, is a Chinese rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, director, dancer, actor, author, and brand ambassador. He has been listed on Forbes list of the top 100 Chinese celebrities since 2017, at 20th, 11th, 5th, and 6th respectively for the subsequent years. In 2012 he debuted as a rapper, singer, and dancer with EXO. Please join me in celebrating EXO’s 🐑
Yixing is also an accomplished film and television actor, and has been active since his first role at six years old in the 1998 Chinese drama We The People. He later began his career as a child star after winning third place in a competition organized by the Hunan-based television show Star Academy in 2005. In November 2015, Zhang made his film debut with a supporting role in the Chinese romantic comedy movie Ex-Files 2: The Backup Strikes Back, which was a box office hit and garnered 2 billion in sales within 10 days of its release. The Mystic Nine series that he starred in placed first in television ratings and has accumulated over 12 billion views in total. 
In 2015, he founded a personal agency for his solo activities that serves as a management firm, and in 2020 Zhang established his own group of companies in China, called Chromosome Entertainment Group, and began the process of recruiting trainees from all over the world. His autobiography, Standing Firm at 24, was a best-seller in China, breaking several sales records. Yixing has additionally served as a mentor, producer, and presenter for numerous singing and dancing reality shows in China. Zhang also currently tops the list for K-Pop idols with the most endorsement deals, partnering with over 30 companies.
"Monodrama," written by Lay and co-composed and arranged with Divine Channel, broke records by staying at number one on YinYueTai's V Chart for five consecutive weeks. In 2016, Zhang released his first EP, Lose Control, in South Korea and China to commercial success; it peaked at number one on the Gaon Album Chart and number four on Billboard's US World Albums chart. His first studio album, Lay 02 Sheep, broke five records on QQ Music: Gold, Double Gold, Triple Gold, Platinum and Diamond Record. Lit, his third studio album, had pre-orders of over 1.5 million copies within seven minutes; Lit went on to sell 2.5 million records, making Lay the best-selling artist in China in 2020. 
Lay is involved in much of the production of his albums as a producer, and is often personally in charge of the composition, arrangement and writing of every song – as well as translation of the lyrics himself into other languages, including English, Korean and Japanese.
This post is part of an effort to celebrate the accomplishments of EXO over the past 10 years and to provide tangible avenues for supporting these artists in 2022 and beyond 🖤 On 8 April 2022, Lay announced that he would be departing from SM Entertainment after the conclusion of his ten-year contract with the company - we look forward to his future projects, both as a solo artist and as a member of EXO 💕
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*Due to time/energy levels (not because I don’t love Yixing!) I won’t be including links this time, but this should be a thorough summary of his projects, music-related and otherwise :) His songs and albums are all available to listen on Spotify and Youtube, and his albums are for sale at most major retailers!*
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🎵 Individual Music 🎶
🌔 Lose Control (2016) 1st EP/mini-album 🌔
1. Lose Control (失控) 2. What U Need? (你要什么) 3. Tonight 4. MYM 5. MYM (Acoustic Ver.) 6. Relax (守望)
❄️ Winter Special Gift (2017) 2nd EP/mini-album ❄️
1. Goodbye Christmas (聖誕又至) 2. Can You Feel Me (你的感覺) 3. Christmas Love (聖誕的愛) 4. Gift to XBACK (小小禮物) 5. Goodbye Christmas (English Ver.) 6. Goodbye Christmas (Instrumental Ver.)
🐑 Lay 02 Sheep (2017) 1st Studio Album 🐑
1. Sheep (羊) *Alan Walker re-lift version ∴ Lollapalooza 2018* 2. I Need U (需要你) 3. Peach (桃) 4. Hand (匕首) 5. Boss (老大) 6. Shake (摇摆) 7. Too Much (太多) 8. Mask (面罩) 9. Director (导演) 10. X Back (兴迷)
🌲 Namanana (2018) 2nd Studio Album 🌲 *2 Disc CD - first side is Chinese versions and second is English versions
1. 集结号 (The Assembly Call) 2. 梦不落雨林 (Namanana) *also a single remix in 2020* 3. 爱到这 (Give Me a Chance) 4. 催眠术 (Lay U Down) 5. 爱的引力 (Save You) 6. 坚持 (Hold On) 7. 幸福上瘾 (Thing for You) 8. 麻婆豆腐 (Mapo Tofu) 9. 香水 (Flavour) 10. 快门回溯 (Don't Let Me Go) 11. 贝壳女孩 (Tattoo)
🍯 Honey (2019) 3rd EP/mini-album 🍯
1. Honey (和你) (English version) 2. Bad (坏的) 3. Amusement Park (游乐园) 4. Honey (和你) (Chinese version)
🐲 蓮 LIT (2020) 3rd Studio Album 🐲  *Was released in two parts, each with 6 songs
1. 蓮 (Lit) 2 玉 (Jade) 3. 鷹 (Eagle) 4. 水 (H2O) 5. 飛 (Fly) 6. 靈 (Soul) 7. 沸 (Changsha) 8. 妈 (Mama) 9. 蹦 (Boom) *also Boom R3HAB remix* 10. 唤 (Call My Name) 11. 夜 (Late Night) 12. 愿 (Wish)
🎼 Producer (2021) 4th Studio Album 🎼 
1. Joker 2. 愛蓮說 (Love Lay) 3. 小城姑娘 (Flipped) 4. 十面埋伏 (Ambush) 5. 略過 (Stay With Me) 6. 馬 (Horse) 7. 炎黃子孫 (Descendants of the Dragon) *also has a remix* 8. 癡 (Obsessed) 9. 湘江水 (XiangJiang River) (Ft. 功夫胖 (Kungfu Pen))
🌄 東 EAST (2021) 4th EP/mini-album 🌄
1. 飛天 (Flying Apsaras) 2. 三昧真火 (Samadhi Real Fire) by LAY & GALI 3. 苦行僧 (Ascetic Monk) 4. 牧童 (The Shepherd Boy)
🚀 Singles and OSTs 🚀
⇢ Spectrum (2012) SM The Performance group single ⇢ Because of You (2013) Non-Album Single ⇢ I'm Coming (2014) Hunan TV special performance ⇢ Alone (One Person) (2015) Ex-Files 2 OST ⇢ Happy Youth with Jiang Wen and Li Xiaolu (2015) Oh My God OST  ⇢ Monodrama (2016) SM Station single  ⇢ A Man Thing with Royal Treasure cast (2016) Royal Treasure OST ⇢ Pray (2017) Operation Love OST  ⇢ Dream High (夢想起飛) (2017) SPD Bank Theme Song ⇢ When It’s Christmas (2018) Non-Album Single ⇢ Youth Day (theme song) (2018) ⇢ Everything Like You (2018) I'm Around You OST ⇢ Let’s Shut Up & Dance with Jason Derulo + NCT 127 (2019) Non-Album Single ⇢ No Man's Land with Anti-General and Jasmine Sokko (无人之域) Non-Album Single ⇢ Lovebird with Far East Movement (2019) Non-Album Single ⇢ I'm Not Well (我不好) (2019) Non-Album Single ⇢ Grandma (外婆) (2019) Non-Album Single ⇢ Love You More with Steve Aoki and will.i.am (2020) Steve Aoki's Neon Futures IV ⇢ Clear Sky Ballad with Panta Q (晴空谣) Non-Album Single ⇢ Gluttony (2020) Non-album Single ⇢ Bee With You (2021) Non-Album Single  ⇢ Dawn to Dusk with 24kGoldn (2022) Single Album ⇢ Jiu (酒) (2022) Non-Album Single 🌌
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🎭 Acting Roles 🎭
⇢ (1998) We The People tv show - Huan Huan ⇢ (2015) Oh My God movie - Le Yi ⇢ (2015) Ex-Files 2: The Backup Strikes Back movie - Lee Xianghe ⇢ (2016) Royal Treasure movie - self ⇢ (2016) To Be A Better Man TV show - Xiao Cai (Cai Mingjun) ⇢ (2016) The Mystic Nine TV show - Er Yuehong ⇢ (2016) The Mystic Nine Side Story: Flowers Bloom in February web movie - Er Yuehong ⇢ (2017) Operation Love TV show - Yan Xiaolai ⇢ (2017) Kung Fu Yoga movie - Zhu Xiaoguang ⇢ (2017) Cars 3 movie - Jackson Storm (Chinese dub voice) ⇢ (2017) The Founding of an Army movie - Lu Deming ⇢ (2018) The Island movie - Xiao Xing  ⇢ (2018) Tomb of The Sea TV show - Jie Yuchen ⇢ (filmed 2018, release ?) Unexpected Love movie - Han Bin ⇢ (2019) The Golden Eyes TV show - Zhuang Rui ⇢ (2019) Empress of The Ming TV show - Zhu Qizhen ⇢ (2021) Faith Makes Great TV show - Xiong Dachen ⇢ (2021) Crime Crackdown TV show - Lin Hao ⇢ (2022) Challenges at Midlife TV show - Ning Shu
*TBD release - No More Bets movie - main role
📺 Other TV Credits 📺
⇢ (2014) Star Chef reality show - contestant ⇢ (2016, 2018) Happy Camp reality show - guest ⇢ (2019-present) Go Fighting! variety Series - main cast ⇢ (2018, 2019) Idol Producer reality show - main mentor, presenter ⇢ (2018) Rave Now reality show - mentor ⇢ (2019) Youth with You (Idol Producer S2) - main mentor, presenter ⇢ (2019) Roast reality show - guest ⇢ (2020) I'm CZR II reality show - singer-songwriter ⇢ (2020) We Are Young reality show - main mentor, presenter ⇢ (2020, 2021) Street Dance of China reality show - team captain ⇢ (2020, 2021) Let's Chat variety show - main cast ⇢ (2020) Dance Smash - team leader ⇢ (2021) The winter dream promise (TV Special) Self ⇢ (2021) Youth and Melody - Producer ⇢ (2021) Back to Field variety show - main cast
🏆 Awards 🏆
⇢ Awards and nominations complete list! 
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🕺🏻 Fashion + Brands 🕺🏻
⇢ Zhang attended a Samsung event held at the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Shanghai, China as the ambassador of Samsung Galaxy A8s and performed on-stage alongside ASAP Ferg and Steve Aoki. ⇢ Zhang attended the 61st Annual Grammy Awards as its promotion ambassador on the red carpet event and live ceremony. ⇢ Yixing’s third wax figure was revealed in Madame Tussauds Hong Kong in 2019, following his wax figures in Madame Tussauds Shanghai and Beijing. ⇢ Zhang is a brand ambassador of over 30 brands, including Converse, MAC Cosmetics, Chaumet Paris, Ray-Ban, Milka Chocolate, H&M and Perrier. ⇢ In 2019, he was announced as Calvin Klein's first Chinese global spokesperson for Calvin Klein's underwear and jeans lines. ⇢ As an ambassador of high-end fashion brand Valentino, Zhang has attended multiple fashion shows and events in Asia and Europe, as well at the annual Met Gala wearing a custom-made suit titled "Time Traveller" designed by Valentino Creative Director Pierpaolo Piccioli. ⇢ He served as a promotional ambassador for Huawei Nova smartphones from 2015 to 2018. ⇢ Since 2016 Zhang has served the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) of Changsha as a publicity ambassador, the first celebrity to hold such title. ⇢ In October 2017, Zhang signed a contract with the vice president of Tencent Music Entertainment Group and became a member of "Music+ Plan" (Music+ 计划) alongside TFBoys, Wang Leehom, and more. ⇢ In September 2018, Zhang signed an agreement with Easy Entertainment in which his personal studio will collaborate with Easy Entertainment to create a new team to manage Zhang's promotional activities.
🌟 Miscellaneous 🌟
⇢ Grand Line: The First Concert (2019) Solo concert ⇢ In 2015 Zhang's autobiography, Standing Firm at 24, was published. The book documents important events throughout his life and broke several online sales records with 400,000 copies sold within six months. He took the fourth place on the 10th Chinese Celebrity Writers List, becoming the youngest celebrity author to enter the charts. He was also the champion of the 2015 installment of the Annual Celebrity Book Sales and took the top spot of Asia's Best Books twice during its monthly ranking and six times on the weekly chart.  ⇢ At CCTV’s Spring Gala Festival in 2017 he sang a duet alongside Chinese actor Jing Boran ⇢ Goosebump music video (2017) Kung Fu Yoga OST featured dancer ⇢ 2019 20 January, Zhang attended a Samsung event held at the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Shanghai, China as the ambassador of Samsung Galaxy A8s and performed on-stage alongside ASAP Ferg and Steve Aoki, respectively new level and boom shakalaka ⇢ On the 2011 SHINee world tour he was a stand in for Jonghyun, who was briefly unable to participate in the tour ⇢ Zhang performed a Chinese New Year song alongside Dilraba Dilmurat, Phoenix Legend, Wallace Chung, and Zhou Dongyu at the 2019 CCTV New Year's Gala. ⇢ Zhang attended the 2018 CCTV New Year's Gala where he performed a dance collaboration stage with Huang Bo and William Chan. ⇢ Yixing is also a talented songwriter and composer of most of his own solo music, as well as the song "Promise" from the repackaged edition of Exo's second studio album, Love Me Right. He also wrote the lyrics for the Chinese version of the song, while the Korean version was co-written by Chen and Chanyeol. Apart from Karen Mok, he holds composition credits to songs released by Yu Quan, MC Jin and Show Luo. ⇢ He participated in the national anthem and its music video for Youth Day in China in May 2018. ⇢ Magazine Covers listed here
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⇢ Follow Yixing on Instagram @ layzhang, on Twitter @ layzhang, and on YouTube at LAY
Thank you for supporting EXO Yixing 😘
And if you want to help spread this post to folks who haven’t experienced the magic of Yixing yet, please reblog this and tell me what your favorite Yixing moments and performances are! ✨
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yaysehun · 7 years
something abt exo i guess
I don’t know where this will go or what this even is, but I just need to rant about these nine men. These nine men include Kim Junmyeon (Suho), Kim Jongin (Kai), Byun Baekhyun (Baekhyun), Park Chanyeol (Chanyeol), Do Kyungsoo (D.O.), Oh Sehun (Sehun), Kim Jongdae (Chen), Kim Minseok (Xiumin), and last but most definitely not least, Zhang Yixing (Lay). Some others might count three more men, all from China, as well as Yixing—Wu Yifan (Kris), Lu Han (Luhan), and Huang Zitao (Tao). I’ll talk about those three later. Otherwise, you could say all twelve had made me happy and changed my life, but for now, we’ll address the current nine.
It was a normal night. February 8, 2017. I had just come home from my piano lesson, and I was bored, and decided to watch an online series called “Youtubers React.” The particular episode I had been watching was youtubers reacting to K-Pop. As you can probably guess, the first video shown was EXO’s “Monster.” The production and vocal of the song immediately caught my attention, for it sounded somewhat like the electronic music I had enjoyed at the time. I added it to my playlist, became in love with it, and it stayed on that playlist for a month.
A month went by, and during those thirty days, I had been in love with BTS, or Bangtan Sonyeondan. They are another K-Pop group, one that is often compared to EXO. With that, I had become biased towards Bangtan, often having bitter thoughts about EXO. I would tell myself, “They’re nothing next to BTS,” or “I’d never stan them.” Boy, was I wrong.
The amazing song that is Monster almost forced me to listen to more of their songs. I checked out their most recent album, “Ex’act.” I listened to “Lucky One” and I fell in love. Then, I clicked on more songs that were intriguing just by their name. I listened to “Artificial Love”, which turned out to be another hit with me due to its deep-house vibe. It immediately reminded me of something Disclosure or Oliver Heldens would produce—two EDM artists I had loved (and still do). Then, I listened to tracks “Heaven” and “Stronger.” As you could expect, they both impressed me. So I figured I’d just listen to the whole album.
That led me to the repackage of Ex’act, “Lotto.” I listened to the title track—Lotto—and didn’t like it. But, I still went on and listened to the rest of the album. I remember songs “They Never Know” and “Can’t Bring Me Down” sticking out to me. Over time, I got familiar with those seven songs that I really enjoyed.
The next couple weeks consisted of me trying to learn each member’s name and their appearance. I will not lie—that was quite a task. I remember always mixing up Suho and D.O., along with Lay and Baekhyun. But eventually, I got it down. I declared Chanyeol as my bias, for he is a rapper (I always love the rappers most), and you can’t resist his adorable eyes and smile. He just stuck out to me.
More and more days turned into weeks, that resulted in me learning each member’s names and distinguishing their faces. That’s when a certain someone began to stick out to me—none other than EXO’s maknae, Sehun. I seemed to fall in love with him. With his somewhat closed-off personality, which eventually turns into a bright and outgoing soul, along with absolutely perfect face, I fell head over heels. He kind of trapped me. That’s a very true statement, for I still love him to death, and he always seems to be the one catching my eye. Every time I see him, I just get a warm and fuzzy feeling, I can’t help but smile, because that’s just what he does.
Not only him, but the group’s one and only leader, Junmyeon. I always had a soft spot for him, for he is the leader, and I’ve always thought he was not only cute/attractive, but I could just sense something about his morals and the love he has for his members. I could sense that it was passionate and genuine. I found myself falling in love with him more and more each day, and this feeling is quite fresh, for I still don’t know if I consider him an ult-bias or not. You could probably say that I can, because I appreciate him more than anyone else.
Over the past four/five months, you could easily say that a large majority of these 150+ days have consisted of me listening to EXO. I don’t think I have ever listened to a single artist as intensely as I have been with EXO. This is mainly because their music has come so far. They have a wide variety of styles when it comes to their music. With their very first album, “MAMA”, we got your normal upbeat pop, along with a hardcore title song, and more relaxed ballads.
With “XOXO”/”Growl”, we heard more upbeat pop.
Their next mini-album had one of their first electronic styled songs, “Overdose.” We also heard R&B styles with “Thunder.” After the release of this mini-album, we’d have to continue to hear more music from EXO without two members, Kris and Luhan. Their lawsuit against SM Entertainment put a big weight on not only the shoulders of the EXO members, but the fandom as well.
We move on with the ten remaining members with more relaxed R&B sounds. Their next album, “Exodus”/”Love Me Right” also had some dark and heavy songs on this album, such as “Hurt”, “Transformer”, and “El Dorado.” The variety of music on this particular album is what makes it my favorite out of the ten they have released.
Soon, Tao would file a lawsuit, joining Luhan and Kris. At this point, EXO had become stronger than ever. They lost ¼ of their group. On another group of people, losing even one member could break them down. Not EXO.
Months later, they release their second Christmas album, “Sing For You.” This is probably one of my favorite EXO albums of all time. I personally believe that the title track, “Sing For You”, is one of EXO’s best songs ever. The musicality is graceful and just beautiful. Also, we got to hear all nine members sing. That includes Sehun. Every time I hear his voice in this song particularly, I get that same warm and fuzzy feeling. His voice is so soothing and warm, I wish I could listen to it forever.
The next year, they released their third full-length album, “Ex’act.” Their lead single, “Monster”, absolutely changed me. This song became an addiction. I could ramble on about this song for hours. From the musicality to the production to the vocals, it seemed to indulge my entire being. I still am addicted to this song. This is the first time I’ve been so obsessed with a song. Monster has been on my playlist since I first heard it, and still, I don’t ever skip it. I will even listen to it more than once in a row. Otherwise, Ex’act will really hold a special place in my heart, for it gave me a dosage of the music I’ve loved for four years—there were so many songs that had the production of a electronic/deep house song. “White Noise”, “Monster”, and “Artificial Love” specifically gave me EDM vibes.
On a different note, throughout my discovery of my love and passion for EXO, I was finishing my final year of middle school. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it—throughout the past three years, I’ve felt shittier than ever. Sixth grade was probably the worst. I fell into depression and my anxiety spiked. You’d probably think that’s a young age to be diagnosed with such illnesses, but, I was a year older than everybody in my class, and I always will be. Maybe even throughout college. That’s because I have severe social anxiety. It’s so severe that my mother held back a year in school. I didn’t have friends for a long time. Around second/third grade, I made a few friends. Those are people I’m still friends with today, for I just can’t talk to people because of my anxiety. Throughout the past three years in particular, I’ve felt so alone. But since February of this year, eighth grade, I stopped feeling so alone. Because I had EXO.
I don’t know if this will ever resolve. But honestly, I’m not scared. I’ve made so many friends in the EXO fandom who are there to remind me that I’m cared for. If I don’t make any new friends in real life, I may not be okay mentally, but at the end of the day, there’s an entire playlist full of EXO, Kris Wu, Z.Tao, and Luhan waiting for me. They can take my mind off of just about anything.
The final part of this letter is somewhat hard to write due to the unknown.
Tomorrow, EXO is releasing their next song, “Ko Ko Bop”/”The War.” This will be the first comeback I get to witness with EXO and all my EXO-L friends. I can’t wait. This comeback is already so special to me, mainly because it’s the first time I’ll get to look forward to hearing new music, the first time I get to watch the clock turn 11:00, the first time I get to feel giddy and excited for EXO. I didn’t think my love for their music would reach to this extent, but it did. Who knows if I’ll like EXO at the end of the year. Either way, they will definitely be a group that I hold near and dear to my heart. This is special, for the list of bands/DJs/singers/groups I listen to is endless. My love for music varies from alternative, to EDM, to singer-songwriter, and of course, K-Pop. And it’s easy for me to say that EXO have impressed me more than any other musician I listen to, and are definitely my favorite of all time.
Another thing I want to say is something that I’ve learned over the past five months. That is, it does not matter at all how long you’ve been into a musician/group. I’ve seen fans who have been here as long as I have, then there are some who have been an EXO-L for years. Sometimes, I feel guilty because I’ve only been here for 150 days. But, I’ve learned that time is just another component in life. Seconds continue to pass, and those seconds turn into days, and those days turn into months. Which is what I’ve learned since discovering EXO. Time doesn’t matter. Because a passion larger than life can grow within those months.
Thank you EXO for becoming my best friends, thank you for your amazing music which has healed me in more ways than ever, thank you for sharing your beautiful personalities with us, thank you for being strong. Most of all, thank you for being you—Kim Junmyeon, Kim Jongin, Byun Bakehyun, Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo, Oh Sehun, Kim Jongdae, Kim Minseok, and Zhang Yixing.
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