divineluckfuckoff · 1 year
Danganmayhem is currently making me cry because ch2 and no, its not bevause of the victim or the killer. Spoilers for it btw.
Ace just let himself be hugged by Nico, Kanon gently patting his back as he cried his heart out. "Let it all out, Ace." the photographer whispered. The redhead did just that, burying his face on Nico's shoulder.
"I-I don't- Why?! Why would- Why would Levi be working with-with the mastermind?!" Ace hiccuped, his hands shaking at the thought of the mastermind being all buddy buddy with his boyfriend. The person he held dear to his heart.
Him and Levi had just gotten together before the trial. And now... Now Shinji died, Wenona turned out to be his killer, and not only that, but she was planning on killing Mark too. And it turned out that Levi knew about that, but he kept quiet about it.
"...F-Fuck him..."
"A-Ace? Do you..." Nico hesitated before handing the jockey a pillow. The redhead took it, staring at it for a second before harshly throwing it on the ground. He then kept repeatedly punching it.
"FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU LEVI! I HATE YOU!" he screamed while doing so, all the sadness now replaced with anger and frustration. Nico and Kanon just watched with nervousness as the jockey kept spitting out curses and insults at Levi, despite him not being here.
"I HATE HIM! I HATE HIS STUPID SMILE, I HATE HIS STUPID VOICE, I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM! SO WHY?!" Ace questioned as he looked back at Nico and Kanon, tears streaming down his face, a look of despair in his eyes "Why... Why can't I hate him? Why am I still worried for him? Why do I care for him so much?" he asked them. Nico slowly walked over to Ace, bringing him into a hug.
"Because that's how love is, Ace." they whispered. The jockey just choked back a sob, hugging back. He hated this.
Levi was their enemy, he was working with the mastermind, and yet he can't bring himself to hate him...
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alizachan · 1 year
Nightmares and Plan
Man Chapter 3 of Danganmayhem was a rollercoster so have a writing idea i had
P:s, this takes place after chap 3 and before the start if chap 4
“Gah!?” Harukia sits up, gasping..that nightmare again…why does she always have a nightmare of those she cares about dying…she already lost Naomi…shinji..and…..Moni….
Naomi…they may not have chatted much but Harukia already knew that she grew attached to her, after all
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She reminds her of Moni…her first friend…. That she lost later one…
“harukia..?” Aliza was sleeping on  floor (she chose to sleep there-)  and looked at Harukia with a worried look, “What’s wrong? Did you have a bad dream?” Harukia nodded,
How much longer will this killing game go for…? Harukia shook her head, she needed to do something…that’s when she came up with something, “Hey Aliza?” Aliza looked at harukia,”yea what is it?” She tilited her head a bit
“i…i’m planning on revealing my talent to emma and shin.” The girl blink, “W-wait what!? Harukia are you sure? You,,,don’t you hate it when-” Harukia interrupted her, “Aliza…i haven’t been useful ever since this started…so…i’ll tell them..in the Art’s and Crafts room…and…i’ll…” she paused
“no….Harukia you better not think about a murder or…or ending yourself!” Aliza yelled out, She knows Harukia very well,…it wasn’t the first time she thought about it but in here!? How would Shin and Emma react!?
“Besides…who knows…someone may be already planning a murder…i’m not going to the dining hall today as well…i can’…knowing one of them might die next…so..who knows…”
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“Who knows what the future holds…for..us all….”
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Togo after being told that (internally):
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danganmayhem · 1 year
Friendly reminder your story rocks and I am digging for the continuation
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How will this work??
Like in Danganmayhem, you just say the name of the characters
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prisonofparanoia · 1 year
// okay so… i made it.. @danganmayhem intro post soon!!
// this blog wont be discontinued or anything, i’ll be doing both
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fanganronpaliminal · 2 years
@danganmayhem Go follow!! ]]
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divineluckfuckoff · 1 year
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While I still finish the little thing I am writing for Levi's birthday, have this lil birthday card! Togo did it in @danganmayhem ^^
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divineluckfuckoff · 1 year
"Something bad's about to happen to me."
Based of a 'What if?' in the Danganmayhem AU. Maybe we get to see how manipulative Togo can be?
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divineluckfuckoff · 1 year
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alizachan · 1 year
Catching up and comfort
Since school wifi be a bish adn won’t let me be on here during school i thought i would wrote this to make up for it
Decsription: Aliza and Harukia catch up and Harukia vents to Aliza about what happened..and a little bit of fluff in the end
“So i had to stop Fushi and Piper from causing chaos to the others!” Aliza and Harukia are walking though the Emotional wounds ward, Harukia has been nodding in response,
“So….Harukia…are you all right? Your more quiet then usual…”, She looked at Harukia worried, Harukia was a quiet girl, but once she warms up she’s a kind person..
“it happened again…” Haurkia letted out a mutter and it took Aliza a minute to know what she meant “..Y-you..got attached…” Harukia nodded “..naomi…and..shinji….” She closes her eyes, Naomi…who went along with Eva’s plan..but couldn’t succeed it in the end…and Shinji, the one who was kind to the others AND stopped her from poisoning herself to death..and now both of them…are dead..
“I..i..didn’t have a chance to thank shinji…..he told me to stay with him or emma..so that i would be safe….he..didn’t have to..but he did and yet he…” Harukia gripped her chest, the pain came back but it hurted even more now..
“Why..? Why is this pain getting worse? WHY!?” Harukia was shaking, she wants this pain to go away..why won’t it, She let out a small gasp when she felt Aliza arms around her “It hurts cause you care about them…and cause you lost them..it’s called Grief…” Aliza sounded sad, she lost people close to her as well, and she knew Harukia, ..after Moni went into a coma Harukia swore to never get attached to anyone again..
“and..now i’m attached to two more…i’m…i’m afraid of losing them too..” Aliza hugs Harukia, “Mind..telling me who they are?” Harukia nodded “Emma..she’s…a kind person.. she looks out to the others..and then there’s Shin..who’s-”
*ba-dump ba-dump* “huh?” She pulled away from Aliza’s hug and put her hand on her chest..it just skipped a beat just now “Harukia? What is it?” Aliza tilited her head “my..heart it…just skipped a beat…when i brought up Shin..”
*ba-dump ba-dump* “T-there it goes again..” Aliza already knows, she smiles at her “Then That means you like him a lot.” Harukia looked at her confused, “I..don’t get it?” Aliza giggled “Well you can ask Emma then.” Harukia nodded, when they hear talking from the Art’s and Crafts room
“Looks like the others are doing something wanna go see what they’re doing?” Aliza asked Harukia and she nodded and thus they start making their way to the Arts and Crafts room
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divineluckfuckoff · 1 year
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They're bonding you guys :D
Wdym? Ch1 never happened
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alizachan · 1 year
You know the reason i wanted do a next gen killing game rp blog..
Was cause i was heavily inspired by @danganmayhem :>
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divineluckfuckoff · 1 year
Yeah... But like im just kinda insecure y'know? Im trying but im scared people/my moots wont like my fangan- im working really really hard..
I know what thats like, I was actually scared when I first used Togo in danganmayhem, same when I started @fanganliminalspace and @fanganronpathemafiagame.
But I told myself I wouldn't know unless I tried. And I tried. And they're going well so far.
Being scared of trying is normal. But you should not let it stop you.
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