#daniel desousa
karimac · 1 year
...in the details, Part 13
A/N: Warning for this series: 18+ audience (minors DNI), some cinematic level violence, some fluff and angst. Doubt that smut will be involved, but it may be implied. I’ll make sure that is noted clearly if it pops up.
All relationships, at this point in the story, are platonic, but there is romance in the cards for Kari and Bucky.
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Word count: 5.3k, give or take a word. Not beta read. All mistakes are my own.
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It was the morning after the final battle with the Flag Smashers, and all you wanted to do was sleep and not talk to anyone, but here you were, in your kitchen, frosting cupcakes.
Sarah Wilson had been on the phone with you earlier talking about the party she was organizing to celebrate Sam’s accepting the mantle of Captain America, and while you were not planning to actually go to the party, you decided to drop off some cupcakes for the event. And maybe that cake Sam and Bucky drooled over when they last visited your bakery. The one with the Oreo cookies all over the top.
You were not about to tell Sarah that you had gotten your clock cleaned during that fight last night. Oh no. Never admit stuff like that, even if your body was still a long way from being fully healed.
“Why do I do this to myself, Hickory?” you asked your cat as he sat on the floor near the kitchen window, the streams of light from this early Brooklyn morning splashing their sunny glow over his orange fur. “I really am a pushover. But her boys were so sweet, and I couldn’t let them not have good desserts for the party, could I?”
Hickory was a cat of many words most of the time, so his tiny mewls this morning seemed a bit off. He must have been as exhausted as you felt at the moment.
“I’ll be fine, Hickenboogie,” you said as you watched the orange tabby roll over to let the sun warm his belly. “Even if I’m making, what? A hundred cupcakes?”
As you went to set your bowl of frosting to the side, there was loud rapping at your apartment door. Someone had gotten into the building without being buzzed in. Fantastic! Just what you needed.
“Kari? Are you in there? Sarah called and asked me to check on you.”
Bucky. For crying out loud, what was he doing here? You really doubted Sarah asked him to do anything. He was likely just being nosy after last night.
“James, would you just leave me alone! I am not going to Delacroix. Just go down and have a good time. Sarah knows I’m not going to be there. I’d only be a fifth wheel anyway. I saw you flirting with her. She seems like a really nice person, and even if Sam kicks up a fuss, I think you should go for it.”
You never called Bucky by his first name. Ever. OK, maybe once in 1943. And here he was, standing outside the front door of your apartment, suddenly developing the ability to get under your skin.
“I flirt with everybody. Just ask Sam!” Bucky said a bit too loudly for your liking. The funny thing was, you remembered when Bucky flirted with everybody. That was not what he was doing now. He was trying to see if he still knew how to flirt with everyone. Very different concept, and you fully understood why he needed to be able to do it on his own terms. You also wished he were flirting with you, but you really had no one to blame for this mess except yourself.
“What exactly are you afraid of this time? I’m sure Bruce and Wong can live without seeing you for another 24 hours, or was Darcy bugging you again? You do not need to go out on some speed dating thing with her. She means well, but, you know, she doesn’t really understand how big it is for both of us,” he explained as you heard him fidgeting with the door handle. Master assassin and lock picker? Of course he’d have that skill set, but he seemed to be nothing more than antsy at the moment. Then he hit you with the question you didn’t want to hear.
“Was it what happened after Sam’s speech?”
“You mean when Walker decided to be my new best buddy and make sure I was OK?” you replied in a very fake chipper tone. “Or when you decided to start asking too many questions about my health? You don’t want me in your head. Fine. I get it. I don’t need you babysitting me. I just get tired sometimes. Especially if my empathic filtering goes off the charts. The kids in that tour bus were terrified. I drank in a lot of their pain to keep them calm. It isn’t exactly fun, Buck. And I left myself open. I am only human. I do make mistakes.”
While you did your best not to think about what happened, your mind raced as you remembered the group of grade schoolers from Cottonwood, Arizona, all scared beyond words as Flag Smashers boarded their bus. Those poor kids witnessed their driver being tossed out the door and one of their teachers being knocked out before you could even get into the bus. You had to pull out all the stops to keep them calm, even if it meant you falling apart by the end of the night.
“Can I at least come in? Your neighbors might not appreciate me playing 20 Questions outside your do…”
You flicked your hand and opened the door just as Bucky leaned into it a tad. He wasn’t expecting it, so he stumbled slightly as it opened. “Sorry. I’m kind of busy making cupcakes. I’ll get them to Sarah by tomorrow morning. And that cake you and Sam liked. The Oreo cookie one. I thought Cass and AJ might enjoy it, too.”
“You are dodging. Again,” Bucky said as he sat down on a stool near your kitchen counter. “Whoa, sorry, Hickory,” he added as the orange tabby looked up at him but then went back to sleep. “What are you trying to avoid now?”
“Buck, please. You haven’t wanted to share every memory you have, and for good reason. Some of the things that happened since we started working together, they remind me a bit too much of when my husbands died. I don’t exactly want to relive all that.”
That was only a fraction of what was going on in your life at the moment, but you were not about to drop that ton of bricks in Bucky’s lap, even if it meant you had to keep up some stupid façade and lie as if your life depended on it.
“You had two, right? Husbands,” Bucky asked as you nodded. “Can I help frost or something?”
“Yes, Galen and Thomas,” you said as you put a tray of cupcakes in front of Bucky and got him a bowl of frosting, a spatula and a knife. “Pick your instrument of choice for the frosting,” you added before you looked at Bucky’s clothes and shook your head. “Want an apron? Don’t want you messing up your Henley.”
“What does it say? The apron, I mean?” he asked as you grabbed him a plain blue one. “Oh. No jokes on it?”
“Not everything is a joke, Buck. Not for me. Not for anyone,” you sniffed as you tried to hold back a stray tear before you got another pan of cupcakes and a bowl of frosting. You were still not fully pain free from what happened to those kids or to yourself. “Once the frosting sets, we can put these little shields on top of the cupcakes. I know. Cheesy. But the kids should love them.”
“Hmmm…” Bucky said as he tried to slather the frosting on his first cupcake without using too much. “I’m not exactly good at this…”
“You will be fine. It takes practice,” you whispered as you set down another frosted cupcake. “Thanks for helping. What else do you want to know about me?” Your hands shook slightly, and you flexed them a bit to get yourself centered again. “Lingering issues after that mess on the bus. I couldn’t go in sword swinging, so I had to take a different tack. It was a spell Wong told me about. Got the kids off the bus and me onto it just in time to take out that fool. It switches people’s locations. Nice one to keep in my back pocket. Just wish I had seen that other lunatic behind the driver’s seat.”
“Yeah, I saw the kids appear on the sidewalk before you blasted that guy out the doors of the bus,” Bucky noted as he kept frosting more cupcakes. “Kids. Did you ever have them? I mean, you like them. You get along great with Cass and AJ. And again, sorry if I got stupid on the docks. Joke fell really flat.”
You were not about to go back to the talk about that mess on the docks. Not today anyway. “Sadly, no. I’ve never had children.”
That wasn’t true. Not exactly anyway. But there was no way you could explain everything without looking like a lunatic. Saying “Well, a part of me that lives in another universe has about five of them last time I counted. I can list them all from all the timelines. I was tasked with birthing an army. No one ever said how…”
Yeah, that sounded so very sane and normal.
“Not that I don’t want them still,” you continued as you found some patriotic sprinkles in your cupboard. “It just never worked out for me. And I didn’t want to adopt a child on my own just to have me die and leave them alone. That would be cruel. And what agency would let someone like me adopt a child? It just isn’t very realistic to think it is even possible.”
You wanted nothing more than to change the topic, but you said Bucky could ask you questions, so in this quagmire you would stay for the moment.
“That day Steve and Sam had me in that vice,” Bucky started but stopped just as he finished another cupcake. “Why the hell did you do what you did to prove who you were? I knew who you were. Steve knew. You didn’t need to sing that song…”
“I needed to prove who I was because, let’s face it, who in their right mind—besides you and Steve, I guess—would believe my story? And Sam. Bless his heart, he doesn’t think I escaped Bellevue.” Bucky chuckled at the name of the most famous psychiatric hospital in New York City. “Was my singing that bad? I did flub some of the words, I know, but I didn’t think I was that bad.”
“Your singing was never an issue,” Bucky chuckled as a bit of frosting slid off one cupcake. “And the way you did that thing with the drinks was great. I remember that from the Whip and Fiddle. But you didn’t need to put on a show. Not for us anyway.”
“It’s always an issue, Bucky,” you said quietly as you noticed the vanilla frosting you had been using was running low, so you got out the ingredients to make more. “I always need to prove myself. I…did Steve ever tell you about what happened during the five years you were gone? Not my most shining hours.”
“The thing that scared everyone? Yeah, he told me, but I didn’t want to broadcast it to anyone. I don’t understand what makes you you,” Bucky said as he set down his knife and cupcake, “and I was not about to dredge up what happened. You were trying to get us back. Steve said you kind of lost it when it didn’t work. And Tony…”
“Tony wanted to lock me away in a padded cell, but Thor told him to stop, because he understood my grief. And Bruce told Tony to give it a rest because I was trying things that none of them could. Steve took me to the infirmary so I could heal when it all came crashing down. I was weaker than I realized. He saved my life. IV fluids can work wonders when you push yourself too much.”
“Wait, what? What did you do?” Bucky was suddenly very agitated, and you were not fully focused on his tone and body language at first. He was truly freaked out.
“What?” you asked as your eyes bugged out a little bit when it finally hit you. “Oh! No. I wasn’t doing…”
It took you much too long to realize Bucky was worried you had done some odd, old and draining blood spell. You had done them long, long ago, but that was back before electricity was the norm.
“It was a very old spell, one my Mamo used when I was a baby when she wanted to talk to the deceased members of our clan. Sorry. My grandmother. Mamo is the Irish word for grandma. It just takes a toll on your spirit, and I tried it a few times before Bruce saw me naked as a jay bird in the gardens they had at the facility. Yeah, that is part of the spell too, as is doing it on Samhain. Halloween. But there was no one there to talk to, so continuing to do it made it worse. As I said, not my finest hour. It broke me when I couldn’t find your spirit…”
Now it was Bucky’s turn to look at you with saucer-like eyes.
“Well, I couldn’t try to zero in on a million different people, so I picked you. I tried Sam, too, but it was like you guys never existed. If I were to do the spell this year, I’d be able to see any number of people across the veil. My family. Your family. Natasha and Tony. Loki. That night? I saw no one except my siblings, and while I love them, I knew they would be there. That failure sent me reeling. I didn’t talk for days. And we both know that could not be normal.”
“For two minutes, could you please stop with the put downs? Some of us don’t like to hear them. Me. Sam. Sarah. The boys…”
“I am so used to people just working around them that I don’t…” you started to say before you set down everything and just pulled up a stool next to the one Bucky was sitting on. “I don’t realize how it affects everyone else. Sorry.”
Bucky started to chuckle, and then he let out a loud laugh. “Your hair. Frosting,” he said as he pointed to a few wisps that were now very sticky from the vanilla frosting making a few spikes on the tips.
“Didn’t catch it all in the hairband. Again,” you muttered as you started to laugh along with Bucky. “Why did you really show up today, Buck? It can’t be because your inner baker was screaming to come out and play.”
“Last night was scary. You zoned out, and that scared me and Sam. We thought you were dying. We have no idea how this all works with you, and I’ve been afraid to ask. Steve was, too, I guess, and Sam, when you guys were in hiding.”
“Why are you remembering all this nonsense about me?” That was the only thing you could say as you looked Bucky in the eye and prayed something from your past was not trying to catch up with you again. “Or better yet worrying so much about me?”
“And why do you remember things about me?” he asked with an equally deadpan expression. “We are both old. We’re both likely going to outlive most of the people around us now, at least for a little while. Being connected is…nice. Now, back to last night. What happened?”
“After I helped those kids, I did exactly what you said. I zoned when I cracked my head on that building. I can go into a fugue state and start connecting in weird ways to the world around me. I knew you were there, but my brain wasn’t connecting all the dots. If that makes sense.”
That last part you hated. You wanted nothing more than to tell Bucky everything about your life. How the person he saw was only a tiny part of everything you were. That at this very moment there was another Kari dancing with another Bucky at something called the Hellfire Gala in a world where a group called The X-Men were protectors alongside The Avengers. She was thanking him for an assist a very long time ago on the steps of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, if killing her was truly an assist. Yes, that Kari was reborn thanks to the bladed excellence of The Winter Soldier, but this part of Kari could not tell Bucky all that. Not yet anyway.
“Do you want some coffee? A beer? I should have asked when you got here,” you said as you looked down to see Hickory had finally decided to get up and go eat his kibble while you chatted with Bucky.
“Beer, thanks. I just wanted to convince you to come down to Delacroix, mostly so everyone can see for themselves that you are OK. I know once Wong and Bruce get involved, it may take weeks until we see you again. And Parker. That trip of his for school.”
“Look, Sarge,” you started to say as you handed Bucky the beer. His eyes lit up, so the nickname seemed to be a good choice. “If it will make you feel better, then down to Delacroix I’ll go. But you and I can go together. I am going to need help hauling these cupcakes. But I may not stay the whole time. Does that work for you?”
“Yup,” Bucky said as he drank his beer. “And the Sarah thing…”
“Look, if you and Sarah hit it off, well, that is beautiful. You deserve happiness, Buck. I am not going to stand in the way of your happiness. Ever.”
{{Even if it would make me happier being with you}} you thought as you smiled at Bucky again.
“And yes, I know Sam is likely sticking his oar into the water and messing it up for you guys. Having eight brothers taught me a lot, and I am betting you might have played the part yourself back in the day, right? Maybe I can help there, if you need me to? Your call.”
“Whatever happens, well, happens,” Bucky noted as he looked at the tray of tiny shields again. “I think we all want the day to be about Sam. That’s what really matters.”
“Agreed,” you said as you looked at all the cupcakes and smiled. “Now, want to learn how to make that cake? Care to smash up some cookies for me to mix in the batter?”
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The rest of the baking session with Bucky went well enough, and you were able to box everything and have it ready to portal to Delacroix the next morning when he made it back to your place. You made sure your portal was near the house but around the back so no one could get spooked by it. You just wished the rest of the team could have been there, but there was technically no team at the moment anyway.
You smiled as you watched Bucky run over to the table where Sam, Sarah and the boys were sitting, with Cass and AJ trying to get Bucky into some sort of play fight as he brought over the cake.
“So, this is the famous cake?” Sarah asked as you pulled a small red wagon full of cupcakes behind you. “Sam has talked about this cake for weeks. Thanks for making it.”
“Hey, anything for our new Cap and his family!” you replied as a group of kids came over to check out the wagon’s load of goodies. “There are plenty of these to go around, but I think you guys better eat your lunches first.”
“Are you going to show us any magic?” Cass asked as you sat down at the table with everyone.
“Guys, what did we talk about?” Sam said as you looked at everyone there and realized this was not going to be a simple picnic event for Sam.
“We can talk about that later. Maybe when everyone else heads home,” you said quietly as you looked at the boys and then Sarah. “And only if your Mom is OK with it. Her house. Her rules. Always.”
You really had not been planning on any sort of show today, but letting Sarah have the final call was likely the easiest way to keep this sort of thing away from prying eyes. Not everyone liked magic, and that was no exception for this part of Louisiana. The preternatural might have been more accepted here, but it was still not a thing everyone loved or fully understood.
The conversation, thankfully, turned to much more mundane things, and you were very happy it did when you saw Bucky and Sarah chatting as the boys and their friends tried to hang off Bucky’s arm. It looked right. He looked stress-free and happy for the first time in ages.
“And is that what you were hoping for?” Sam asked as he, too, watched his nephews hanging off Bucky’s arm. “That cyborg and my sister would hit it off? I thought you two were, you know, getting closer? Beer?”
You looked at the bottle in Sam’s hand. Crimson Voodoo. A local favorite indeed.
“Thanks,” you said as you took the bottle from his hand and tried to convince yourself and Sam that this is what you wanted. “Sam, Bucky deserves a family. He deserves peace and happiness. Your sister deserves someone who thinks the world of her and can take care of her and the boys. It’s a win-win. My life is too messed up for anyone to feel at peace with me. Someday I’ll try to explain everything, but today is not that day. Today is your day.”
As it started to get dark outside, no one seemed to be heading home, and the kids were a bit upset that there were no fireworks set up to cap off the night.
“Guess I need to take care of this,” you said under your breath as you got to your feet and walked toward Sarah and the boys. “Sarah, I can fix this, but as I said before, your house, your rules.”
“You have fireworks in your bag?” Sarah chuckled as she shook her head. “Wait. You aren’t kidding.”
“Nope, I’m not,” you replied as you walked to the end of the pier where the kids were all looking pretty forlorn. “Sam, a gift for you and your family and friends here today,” you said as you turned to look at everyone there. Sparks started to dance on your fingertips, and soon the night sky filled with magically-created fireworks. “A gift from the Tara Mount and from Asgard,” you added as more pyrotechnics danced above the crowd. “Frigga and Loki showed me this trick long ago. It’s only fitting to share it tonight.”
“What the hell is that on your back?” Sarah asked as you slowly lifted off the ground.
“I forgot you’ve never seen these,” you said to Sarah as your raven wings unfurled. “I need to get a bit of lift before I do the next part.”
Sure, Sam and Bucky had seen you fly. But the dance you were about to do was not anything you had done since, well, the day your cousin Rhys got married to his beautiful bride Alice back in the 1850s! Oh, that was a bit of craic! Well, it would have been more fun if Rhys’ sister Rhiannon had not fed that dragon wedding cake and Champagne on top of Westminster.
“I usually don’t do this for anyone but family, but if you all are Captain America’s extended family, then that is good enough for me,” you said as your wings slowly transformed to something akin to gossamer and glitter, the light of the fireworks dancing off the delicate lacework of the fairy wings you now sported on your back. “My grandmother, Siofra O’Cathain MacOrish, was called the Black Faerie of the battlefield. Tonight I wear these wings to thank her for making it possible to be here with you today.”
As you hovered in mid-air, you started to dart over the water, well clear of the shore and the boats anchored there. The sky lit up with a multicolored display that at times looked like ribbons of red, white and blue and at others like the giant bursts of color in the event that Macy’s held each July 4th on the East or Hudson Rivers in New York City. The shrieks of delight from the children made it all worthwhile as you finally landed back on the dock after about 15 minutes of flash and sizzle.
Maybe it was the music that helped make it special? No one could tell exactly where it was coming from because it was all around them. A bit of remembered sound from your cousin’s wedding night and a snatch of air current, and suddenly the air was full of a song played long ago on a starry night for your tribe back then, the lovely lot you called The Avalonians.
The flight was glorious, and you wondered why you did not do it more often over the years.
The way you did not stick the landing, on the other hand, was annoying. Especially when Sam, Sarah and Bucky ran over. The lift of raven-like angel’s wings was one thing in battle, but the faerie wings on your back now were another thing entirely. The fact you had not called them out in over 100 years meant you had forgotten much about maneuvering in them once you got back to Terra Firma.
“I am fine!” you protested as you finally pulled back your wings and flexed your arms a bit. “Just didn’t time the footfall properly. I am not Simone Biles by any means. She would have aced it.”
“No more jokes. You could have gotten hurt,” Bucky said as he reached out his hand to you, but you pulled back slightly as he did. Muscle memory was a bitch at times, and a tiny part of you could not help but remember Katowice, St. Petersburg, Budapest and several other places where you and Bucky did more bodily harm to each other than you had let on to anyone else. Even Steve never knew the full extent of the battles you and his best friend were part of over the years. It was probably better that way.
“It’s nothing that a good night’s sleep won’t fix. I’m still not right after that mess with the bus,” you answered as Sarah shot you the mother of all looks. “Even old warriors like me need time to heal.”
“You could have said something,” Sarah said as she just kept looking at you, concern and pain mixed in equal measure in her eyes. “You did not have to bring all that food, and you did not need to do all that fireworks stuff. These two said you’d pull some crazy stunt eventually...”
“And they were right,” you replied, tucking your hands behind your back so the slight tremor you felt was not visible to everyone else. “Because, well, this is how I was raised. Never say no when your help is needed. Always take care of family, even if you are dead on your feet. Leave a place better than you found it if at all possible…”
“Kari, did your fireworks have a finale you didn’t mention?” Bucky asked as he pointed behind you, a multicolored fissure opening above the bayou waters.
“That isn’t me!” you shouted as the raven wings of your office appeared, along with your armor, sword and shield. “Get everyone to safety! Now!”
“Wait. Is that a Quinjet?” Sam shouted as he worked to get everyone off the dock as quickly as possible as a plane maneuvered through the fissure.
“No, that’s the Zephyr…” you said as you stood with our mouth open. “SHIELD ship that vanished a few years ago. Fury was never able to track it down.”
The jet landed on the shore away from several houses, and you, Bucky and Sam made your way to the landing site. By now, thanks to some quick thinking by Cass and AJ, Sam had his shield at the ready, but you prayed he would not have to use it.
“SHIELD ship Zephyr One. Damn,” you muttered under your breath as you got to the now lowered ramp. “I thought you were dead! And so does Fury!” you said as two men made their way to the top of the ramp.
Standing in front of you were Phil Coulson and Daniel Sousa.
“Nice to see you again, Chief,” Coulson said as Sousa gave him an odd look. “One of my trainers back in the day.”
“And Peggy Carter’s best friend in mine,” Sousa added the duo was soon joined by Melinda May.
“She never told you? Either of you? She was the original 0-8-4,” May noted as she walked down the ramp.
“No, I helped Howard Stark coin the term,” you growled as you looked at May. “The world knows full well where I am from and how long I have walked this ground. I’m just a hell of a lot older than I look.”
“Oh my God, we are home,” Daisy Johnson said as she walked up next to Sousa, his arm snaking around her waist, leaving no question about their status as a couple. You had heard about the Inhuman’s encounters with some preternatural allies, and you wanted to hear more about that, as well as how Sousa was actually there with them now.
“Home?” Bucky whispered in your ear as Sam leaned in to hear his comments.
“If you weren’t home, where were you?” you asked Coulson as the rest of his team filtered off the ship. You vaguely knew them by physical attributes, but not all the names were clicking in your mind at the moment.
“I was hoping you might be able to tell us,” he said as you looked at him, and you could tell already this was not the Phil Coulson you knew. Not totally anyway. “From our calculations, we’ve been gone about five years.”
“The blip,” Sam said as you shook your head. “Oh, tá sé seo ach iontach. I mean, this is just great,” you said as you rolled your eyes. “You lot like cupcakes, right? Please say you like cupcakes. And beer.”
You grabbed Bucky’s hand without thinking and prayed he could actually hear the words you were thinking in that crazy link of Wanda’s. {{I wanted this to be a happy day for Sam. Not one where his family would be in the middle of this nonsense. I’ll get them all out of here fast. Just…could you please help me figure this out?}}
A brief nod let you know Bucky heard at least some of your request.
“Sarah, I’ll get these folks out of here and back to New York ASAP. I just hope I can find Maria Hill or Nick Fury. How do I explain that their world is about to get turned upside down again?”
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My wonderful tag crew--thank you!: @historygeekfics, @arrthurpendragon, @starryeyes2000, @chickensarentcheap
And up to lucky Part 14—What in the world do you do with Agents of SHIELD if there is no more SHIELD? And how will the surviving OG Avengers feel when they learn Phil Coulson is not quite as dead as Nick Fury lead them to believe?
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joyffree · 2 years
Chase Tinker and the HOUSE OF MAGIC: YA Fantasy Adventure by Malia Ann Haberman
The Bequest: Women's Romance Fiction by B. E. Baker
Sleepover: Steamy Single Dad Romantic Comedy by Serena Bell
All The Little Things: New Adult Romance by Linda Shantz
Dead Before Dinner: A Maddie Swallows Mystery Kat Bellemore
Alien Hunters: Space Fleet Science Fiction by Daniel Arenson
Down on Her Luck: Chick Lit by Carmen DeSousa
Forsaken Kingdom: Epic Fantasy by J.R. Rasmussen
314: Horror by A.R. Wise
Her Scottish Wolf: Paranormal Romance by Theodora Taylor
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warondegrassi · 4 years
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↳ Data Loading....
Age: &&. nineteen  Grade: &&. twelve  Label: &&. the hellkite  Horoscope:  &&.capricorn  Class: &&. elite  Faceclaim:  &&. daniel kelly  Availability: &&. open
☛ Owen Milligan is the oldest son of two sucessful parents. You have his mother who is known for her acting career, and you have his father who was a professional hockey player who recently retired, and has been coaching Owen’s hockey team at Degrassi. Owen has always felt the pressure from his father, his father only gave him one card to play, and the only option was to go professional. Owen has never thought about if he actually wants to go professional with hockey, but he was never give any other options. Sometimes Owen wishes his father would ease up on him, and just let him be a teenager, but his father always tells him to keep his eye on the prize and  once he goes pro he can have fun. 
☛ Owen is a troubled teen, he has always been known to be quite mean, and vicious to students who weren’t as popular as him. He has a way to have trouble find him, but he always knows how to get out of whatever comes his way. If it’s dragracing, breaking and entering Owen has done it all, and he loves the thrill of getting caught, but he doesn’t want the penalty, so he usually pays off the police officers so they teenage rebellions wont show up on his record. 
✉ Owen is the kind of person that trouble follows him, sometimes because of the company he keeps, sometimes he is just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but none of it has gone on his record he always pays the law enforcement officers off so he won’t have to face the consequences. 
✉ Owen has failed the second grade and because of this he repeated a grade, he has kept this a secret from all of his friends not wanting them to think he was a moron. 
♥ Tristan Milligan &&. brother ♡ &&. When you look at Tristan and Owen you would not guess that these two come from the same household.Owen is the jock and Tristan is the theater geek, but even if Owen makes fun of Tristan he’s the only one allowed to.  ♥ Tori Santamaria &&. Rasha Zuabi  &&.suitemates ♡  &&.Owen and Tori had a rocky start, owen thought Tori was some prissy princess, and Tori thought he was just some meathead jock, and even if they don’t necessarily like each other they tolerate eachother. Rasha is a different story Owen has rubbed Rasha the wrong way since day one, owen will say comments about women that just makes Rasha’s skin crawl. ♥ Campball Saunders &&. Mike Dallas &&. teammates ♡ &&. Your not a team, your family. That is what his father has always told him about his teammates, you put them as number one, if they are in trouble you step in. Cam has always been the star of the team, and a little shy so Owen has always looked out for him more than the other teammates.  ♥ Bianca Desousa && alcohol you later ♡ &&.  The number one rules of any friendship is do not sleep with your friends, then they are no longer a friend. Owen and Bianca have never followed that rule. Whenever they are drunk they are always eachothers first call and usually wake up next to eachother. 
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zayadriancas · 7 years
Rules: list 10 of your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.
I was tagged by @maya-matlin
1: Bianca DeSousa (Degrassi)
2: Maya Matlin (Degrassi: Next Class)
3: Darcy Edwards (Degrassi: The Next Generation)
4: Lizzie McGuire (Lizzie McGuire)
5: Topanga Lawrence (Boy Meets World)
6: Riley Matthews (Girl Meets World)
7: Jessica Davis (13 Reasons Why)
8: Lilly Trustcott (Hannah Montana)
9: Zoey Brooks (Zoey 101)
10: Chelsea Daniels (That’s So Raven)
I tag: @itsjustchlamydia @danarenee101 @outfound @hollingsjerk @claresblazers @seancamerons @milesxdegrassi @anyamacphersons @richie-eds
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citizentruth-blog · 6 years
Judge Set to Lead Investigations into the Baltimore Gun Trace Task Force Corruption Scandal - POLICE/PRISON, U.S.
New Post has been published on https://citizentruth.org/judge-set-to-lead-investigations-into-the-baltimore-gun-trace-task-force-corruption-scandal/
Judge Set to Lead Investigations into the Baltimore Gun Trace Task Force Corruption Scandal
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Alexander Williams Jr. a retired U.S District Judge has been tasked with leading an investigation panel that will look into the Baltimore Police Gun Trace Task Force (GTTF) corruption scandal. The investigation comes at a time when citizens are looking for answers on just how police tasked with fighting crime went rogue and became criminals themselves.
The GTTF is comprised of eight members, all of whom ranked highly within the Baltimore Police Department. They had been tasked with the responsibility of ridding of illegal guns from the streets of the Maryland city which were responsible for an increased rate of crime. But contrary to this, an investigation by the Baltimore Sun newspaper revealed the unit was busy cutting corrupt deals with criminals, stealing from innocent citizens and drug dealers and defrauding the Baltimore Police Department.
Before they were exposed, the Gun Trace Task Force had managed to convince the public that they were indeed a ray of hope for a police department that was reeling in darkness. Their leader, Sergeant Wayne Jenkins, was portrayed as a hero and that through his leadership, the team was cleaning guns from the streets at an astonishingly high rate. This, to the public, was welcome as the rate of homicide in the city was increasing at the time.
On March 1, 2017, Wayne, together with his team, were arrested by the FBI and arraigned in court. They were then charged with multiple counts of crimes that stretched back to at least three years before their arrest. Some of the crimes they were charged with included racketeering, robbing civilians, planting drugs such as cocaine and heroin on innocent civilians, false overtime filing and extortion among others.
Since their arrest and having pled guilty, six of the GTTF members have been tried and convicted while the trials of two others await scheduling. Sergeant Wayne Jenkins, their leader, was sentenced on June 7 to 25 years in prison while Thomas Allers, a fellow sergeant in the team had, on May 11, been sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Detectives Marcus Taylor and Daniel Hersl were both sentenced to 18 years in prison on June 7 and June 22 respectively. On June 8, Evodio Hendrix and Maurice Ward – both ranking as detectives – were sentenced to 7 years each. For Momodu Gondo and Jemel Rayam, also ranking as detectives, their trials are yet to be scheduled but each faces up to 40 years and 20 years imprisonment respectively.
A ninth accomplice, Officer Eric Snell from Philadelphia, was also arrested in November 2017 and charged with conspiring with the GTTF to commit crime. According to authorities, his role was to distribute some of the guns, cocaine and heroin that the other members brought in from their missions of crime. He is scheduled to be tried on October.
Even as the Gun Trace Task Force scandal continues to be investigated, the Baltimore Police Department woes seems to be far from over. Dean Suitor, a detective with the department was found dead a day before he was to appear in court as a witness in the GTTF case. The authorities are still divided on the coincidence of his death and whether he committed suicide or was murdered.
The department also lacks a commissioner as Darryl DeSousa, the last sitting commissioner, resigned in May after being charged with failure to file tax returns for three years. Kevin Davis, the commissioner who preceded DeSousa, had been fired on January by Catherine Pugh, the Mayor of Baltimore, for being lethargic in fighting crime.
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constantwar-a2-blog · 6 years
“    hey.    ”     it’s more aggressive than you intended,     weeks worth of heartbreak and frustration pouring into your tone,    but you don’t care enough to apologize.    you need to ride this wave of courage before it washes out,   after all.    (    not that you’re usually afraid.   you only are when it comes to her.    )     all feigned sweetness is gone now,   replaced instead by a look eerily similar to that you get in war.    anger.   rage,   even.     “     stop ——       ”    ignoring me,   is what you mean to say,    but you don’t want to force her.    your charmspeak slips out easily at times like this,   when your emotions are harder to control;    you want to give her a choice.    unlike you had with cain,   only a minute ago,    telling him to get the hell out of your way when he suggested that maybe ariana didn’t want to see you.   he listened.    they almost always do.  
.a deep breath is taken to steady yourself,   jaw clenching for a moment before you find a different choice of words,    ones that aren’t an order.     “    you’ve been avoiding me.    ”     /     @fromache for ariana.
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hotgirljosie · 4 years
not tumblr recommending me a daniel desousa blog i couldn’t stand him 
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airborn64 · 6 years
EBEL: 15. Runde: spusu Vienna Capitals vs. HCB Südtirol Alperia 1:4
EBEL: 15. Runde: spusu Vienna Capitals vs. HCB Südtirol Alperia 1:4
Erste Bank Eishockey Liga, 15. Runde: Di, 30.10.2018: spusu Vienna Capitals vs. HCB Südtirol Alperia 1:4 (1:1 – 0:2 – 0:1)
Referees: SIEGEL, STOLC, Bärnthaler, Gatol; 3.600 Zuschauer
Tor Wien: 06:00 Chris DeSousa (1:0) Tore Bozen: 19:07 Andrew Crescenzi (1:1) – 28:46 PP1 Markus Nordlund (1:2) – 28:54 Mike Blunden (1:3) – 44:00 Daniel Glira (1:4)
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gigglesndimples · 6 years
Boston Freedom Rally: Three Days of Weed & Music
The 29th Annual Boston Freedom Rally commences on Friday, Sept. 14 on Boston Common and continues until Sunday, Sept. 16. More than 40 bands will perform on the two stages and over 100 speakers will address the crowd from the stages and Education Village. Freedom Leaf’s Steve Bloom will be there, speaking and reporting back from the East Coast’s No. 1 cannabis event. Thousands of supporters are expected to attend the rally. No rain is in the forecast and temps will be in the high 70s and low 80s. Here’s the schedule:
Charles Stage
3 pm – welcome**
3:05 – DJ D Good*
4:05 – Dr. Uma Dhanabalan**
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4:10 – DJ Slim*
4:45 – Kamani Jefferson**
4:50 – Kate Phillips**
4:55 – Greg Joslin*
5:25 – Beth Waterfall**
5:30 – Hope Marian**
5:35 – Judith Foster**
5:40 – Morah*
6:10 – Kebra Smith-Bolden**
6:15 – Scott Churchill**
6:20 – Takiya Anthony-Price**
6:25 – Millyz*
7 pm – Samson Racioppi**
7:05 – Mike Whiter**
7:10 – Real One/Busy Bee*
The Boston skyline hovers behind Boston Common, home of the Freedom Rally (photo by Russ Belville)
Parkman Stage
3 pm – welcome**
3:05 – DJ Cakewalk*
3:50 – George Armstrong**
3:55 – Kevin Young**
4 pm – Loppside*
4:30 – Martha Sorensen**
4:45 – Unbalanced*
5:30 – Shokazoba*
6 pm – Robby Blaze**
6:05 – Michelle Herman**
6:10 – Perry Bailes**
6:15 – Whale Tail*
6:45 – Ed DeSousa**
6:50 – Adam Sutton**
7 pm – Doom Lover*
* band
** speaker
Freedom Leaf’s Steve Bloom speaking at the 2017 Freedom Rally (photo by JENuineVision)
Charles Stage
12 pm – Bill Flynn**
12:05 – Justin James Bridges*
12:30 – Joe Gilmore**
12:35 – TaShonda Vincent-Lee**
12:40 – Dan Pomerantz**
12:45 – Resonate*
1:15 – Mike Hsu**
1:20 – Andy Gaus**
1:25 – Merch giveaway
1:30 – Luke Bars*
2 pm – Ed Forchion (a.k.a. NJ Weedman)**
2:05 – Kyle Corrao (a.k.a. Elmo)**
2:10 – Chief S. Samura**
2:15 – Myster DL*
2:45 – Ebony Knight**
2:50 – Cara Crabb-Burnham**
3 pm – The Quins*
3:30 – Sean Black**
3:45 – Van Gordon Martin*
4:15 – “Big Mike” Straumietis**
4:25 – Mendo Dope*
4:55 – Zairilla Bacon**
5 pm – Danny Danko**
5:05 – Diane Fornbacher**
5:10 – Steve Bloom**
5:15 – The Rupert Selection*
5:45 – Theresa Nightingale**
5:50 – Nichole West**
5:55 – Merch giveaway
6 pm – Crooked Coast*
6:45 – Michael Latulippe**
6:50 – Laura Beohner**
6:55 – Ellen Brown**
7 pm – The Elovaters*
The Parkman stage (a.k.a. the Gazebo) at Boston Freedom Rally (photo by JENuineVision)
Parkman Stage
12 pm – welcome**
12:05 – Tutta Crumbs*
12:30 – Michael Maloney**
12:35 – Claire Walsh**
12:45 – Contact*
1:15 – Krystal Lopez**
1:20 – Christian Palermo**
1:30 – panel discussion
2 pm – Viondy Claude Merisma**
2:05 – Carol-Anne Renee Sabol**
2:10 – Hillary King**
2:15 – One Drop (Bob Marley tribute)*
2:45 – Brian Essenter**
2:50 – Scott Brodsky**
2:55 – Kathleen McKinnon**
3 pm – panel discussion
3:30 – Grant Ellis**
3:35 – Crosby**
3:45 – Denroy Morgan*
4:20 – Matthew Gordon**
4:25 – Haley Games**
4:30 – Hybrid Thoughts*
5:15 – Yesai*
5:45 – Terry Hopper**
5:50 – Chris Mueller**
6 pm – Rival Roots*
6:45 – Joe Passy**
6:50 – Eric Bevivino**
6:55 – Kyle Gairhan (a.k.a. Tuna) **
7 pm – HeartAFiya*
* band
** speaker
The MassCann tent at Boston Freedom Rally (photo by JENuineVision)
Cannabis Education Village Roundtables, Discussions & Demonstrations
12:25 – “Small Business Start Up” with Chris Cote, Hillary King, Hope Marian, Zach McInnis, Marie Robinson, Beth Waterfall and Nichole West
1 pm – “Nora’s Story and Patient Pediatric Rights” with Jessica Montville
1:25 – “Cannabis in the Media” with Sean Black, Steve Bloom, Diane Fornbacher, Mike Hsu, Bobby Nuggz, TaShonda Vincent-Lee and Mike Whiter
2 pm – “Tinctures and Herbal Medicine” with Rachel Foti
2:25 – “Docs and Jocks” with Riley Cote, Dr. Uma Dhanabalan, Eric Martin, Jim McMahon and Viondy Claude Merisma
3 pm – “Patient and Caregivers” with Donna Hackett, Rob Marcelonis and Sam Marcelonis
3:25 – “How to Grow” with Eric Bevivino, Peter Dougherty, Ben Hadley, Steve OG, Eric Schwartz and Adam Sutton
4 pm – Mila Jansen
4:25 – “Extraction” with Daniel de Sailles, Kyle “Elmo” Corrao, Frenchy Cannoli, Kyle “Tuna” Gairhan, Mr. Bond, Nikka T and Bobby Nuggz
5 pm – “Bath and Body Essentials” with Krystal Lopez
5:25 – “Families and Cannabis” with Melissa Bouchard, Cara Crabb-Burham, Theresa Nightingale and Carol-Anne Renee Sabol
6 pm – “Consumer to Connoisseur” with Kate Phillips
6:25 – “Edibles” with Zairilla Bacon, Fred Karp, Captain Kirk, Chef Joe, Emily Ellman, Devin Tellier and Kevin Young
7 pm – “Cannabis Science” with Scott Churchill and Sam Milton
One of the more colorful performers on the Charles stage at a previous Freedom Rally (photo by Russ Belville)
Charles Stage
12 pm – welcome**
12:05 – DJ D Good*
12:40 – Sonia Erika**
12:45 – Wordsmith*
1:15 – Melissa Bouchard**
1:30 – The Space Cade7s*
2 pm – Eric Schwartz**
2:05 – Michael Maloney**
2:10 – Jordan Carlson**
2:15 – Phokus*
2:45 – John Dvorak**
2:50 – Shaleen Title**
2:55 – Stanley Atkins II**
3 pm – BuddahFly*
3:30 – Uncle Stoner**
3:35 – Mila Jansen**
3:45 – Higher Education*
4:20 – Mike Clinton**
4:25 – Addison Demoura**
4:30 – Over the Bridge*
5 pm – Brett Cogill**
5:05 – Wendy Love Edge**
5:15 – Joe Sambo*
5:45 – Bobby Nuggz**
5:50 – thanks from MassCann**
6 pm – Fortunate Youth*
Huge crowd at Boston Freedom Rally (photo by JENuineVision)
Parkman Stage
12 pm – welcome**
12:05 – Fresh Perspective*
12:35 – Marie Robinson**
12:40 – Kris Burnes**
12:45 – panel discussion
1:15 – Will Luzier**
1:20 – Glenn Lewis**
1:30 – Christina Holmes*
2 pm – Chris Cote**
2:10 – David Sorgman**
2:15 – panel discussion
2:45 – Erik Hunter**
2:50 – Sylvia Zelaya**
2:55 – Captain Kirk**
3 pm – The Party Band**
3:30 – Christina Miyabe Shields**
3:35 – Robin Striar**
3:45 – Leon Trout*
4:15 – Kyle Ricci**
4:20 – Hannah Jane**
4:30 – MDMA*
5 pm – Yong Soo Kim**
5:15 – Woke/AJ Reynolds**
* band
** speaker
The production tent (that’s Bill Downing inside) at Boston Freedom Rally (photo by JENuineVision)
Cannabis Education Village Roundtables, Discussions & Demonstrations
12:25 – “Veterans” with George Armstrong, David Duhart, Chris Mueller, Lisa Silver Crow Perreault, Sarah Stenuf and Devin Tellier
1 pm – “Reiki Healing” with Kyle Ricci
1:25 – “Mental Health for Entrepreneurs” with Laura Beohner, Haley Games, Jen Grue and Kebra Smith-Bolden
2 pm – “How to Set Up a Co-Op” with Kamani Jefferson and Eric Schwartz
2:25 – “Social Media for the Cannabis Community” with Laura Beohner, Derek Cloutier and Bobby West
3 pm – “Cancer Patient and Caregiver” with Catherine Lewis and Glenn Lewis
3:25 – “How to Grow” with Ellen Brown, Addison Demoura, Matthew Gordon, Mendo Dope and Kevin Young
4 pm – Danny Danko
4:25 – “Social Justice and Activism” with Sonia Erika, Joe Gilmore, Tito Jackson, Nicole Snow, Robin Striar and Shaleen Title
5 pm – “Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine” with Kris Burnes
5:25 – “Cannabis Is Medicine” with Brooke Andrade, Lyle Craker, Wendy Love Edge and Hannah Jane
6 pm – “Cannabis Curriculum” with John Dvorak
6:25 – “Opiates” with Brian Essenter and Christina Miyabe Shields
7 pm – “Prohibition Then and Now” with Samson Racioppi
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If you enjoyed this Freedom Leaf article, subscribe to the magazine today!
The post Boston Freedom Rally: Three Days of Weed & Music appeared first on Freedom Leaf.
Source: https://www.freedomleaf.com/boston-freedom-rally-schedule/
The article Boston Freedom Rally: Three Days of Weed & Music See more on: https://gigglesndimples.com/
from Giggles N Dimples - Feed https://gigglesndimples.com/2018/09/13/boston-freedom-rally-three-days-of-weed-music/
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Soothe your dog during 4th of July fireworks
The booming noise of fireworks may signify a celebration for humans, but the loud bangs and whistles can be overwhelming for pets on the Fourth of July.
Many animal services report that dozens of dogs end up at shelters around the Independence Day holiday.
“Dogs can panic and they’ll do anything to escape from the noise…that includes digging under, climbing over or even breaking through gates, screens, fences, windows and doors," according to San Diego County Department of Animal Services Director, Daniel DeSousa. 
There are ways to soothe your pet.
Stay calm
Keep your dog inside during fireworks
Play white noise or music
Make a fort or place where your dog can hide
Close and lock your doors
Talk with your veterinarian about medication
If your dog runs away, you can search for him or her on the county’s found animal database.
You can also register your dog on Finding Rover, a free dog facial recognition app that matches dogs which have been lost or found.
from Local News | KSHB https://www.kshb.com/news/national/keep-your-dog-calm-during-fourth-of-july-fireworks
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2018/07/02/soothe-your-dog-during-4th-of-july-fireworks/
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kansascitywatch · 6 years
Soothe your dog during 4th of July fireworks
The booming noise of fireworks may signify a celebration for humans, but the loud bangs and whistles can be overwhelming for pets on the Fourth of July.
Many animal services report that dozens of dogs end up at shelters around the Independence Day holiday.
“Dogs can panic and they’ll do anything to escape from the noise…that includes digging under, climbing over or even breaking through gates, screens, fences, windows and doors," according to San Diego County Department of Animal Services Director, Daniel DeSousa. 
There are ways to soothe your pet.
Stay calm
Keep your dog inside during fireworks
Play white noise or music
Make a fort or place where your dog can hide
Close and lock your doors
Talk with your veterinarian about medication
If your dog runs away, you can search for him or her on the county’s found animal database.
You can also register your dog on Finding Rover, a free dog facial recognition app that matches dogs which have been lost or found.
from Local News | KSHB https://www.kshb.com/news/national/keep-your-dog-calm-during-fourth-of-july-fireworks
from Kansas City Watch https://kansascitywatch.wordpress.com/2018/07/02/soothe-your-dog-during-4th-of-july-fireworks/
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Hyperallergic: Art Movements
The Paris catacombs (photo by Joe deSousa, via Wikimedia Commons)
Art Movements is a weekly collection of news, developments, and stirrings in the art world. Subscribe to receive these posts as a weekly newsletter.
Two teenage boys were rescued after getting lost in the Paris catacombs for three days. The remains of some 6 million people are housed in the catacombs’ 150 miles of tunnels.
A painting found in the attic of a home in Arizona’s Sun City retirement community is believed to be a previously unknown work by Jackson Pollock. According to auction house J. Levine Auction and Appraisal, which commissioned forensic reports to verify its authenticity, it could be worth up to $15 million.
The artist Khadija Saye is missing following the fatal blaze that consumed west London’s Grenfell Tower on Wednesday. She lived with her mother on the building’s 20th floor.
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker called for the relocation of the state’s only Confederate monument, currently located on Georges Island in Boston Harbor. Meanwhile, in St. Louis, a dispute over the Confederate Memorial in Forest Park escalated after the Missouri Civil War Museum claimed to own a deed to the monument and the municipal government asserted the city owns the monument because the deed is no longer valid.
Two Australian museums, including the National Museum, agreed to return the remains of several Ainu people to Japan.
Forty-six years after the song “Imagine” was first released, John Lennon’s widow Yoko Ono has finally been given a co-writer credit on the song.
A 118-year-old watercolor painting of a dead tree creeper by Dr. Edward Wilson was found in a hut in Antarctica.
Nearly a decade after its Rafael Viñoly-designed renovation opened, the Brooklyn Children’s Museum will finally open its rooftop terrace to the public.
Statue of Zeus Enthroned, artist unknown, Greek (circa 100 BCE), marble, 29 1/8 x 18 1/8 x 17 15/16 in (photo courtesy the J. Paul Getty Museum)
The J. Paul Getty Museum returned a 29-inch marble statue of Zeus from the first century BCE to Italy. The Getty acquired the object in 1992 but no export documents were ever found for it; a fragment from the same sculpture was discovered in recent years near Naples.
A mural by the street artist David Choe on Manhattan’s Lower East Side was repeatedly tagged. Choe’s commission for the high-profile mural site caused controversy due to the artist’s claim that he had sexually assaulted a woman.
The East Village’s Vladimir Lenin statue, which was removed from the rooftop of East Houston Street’s Red Square apartment building in September 2016, was reinstalled nearby on the roof of 178 Norfolk Street.
A commission for a 41-foot-tall public sculpture by Tim Hawkinson that was to stand outside downtown San Francisco’s new, $6-billion Transbay Transit Center, was canceled after its costs ballooned from $1.67 million to $3.7 million.
The architect Jeehoon Park has filed a lawsuit against Skidmore, Owings & Merrill alleging that the firm’s design for One World Trade Center was stolen from a graduate student project he created in 1999.
Members of Newfoundland indigenous groups demanded the return of the skulls of their ancestors, Nonosabasut and Demasduit, from the National Museums of Scotland.
Google launched a new initiative, “We Wear Culture,” a digitized collection of over 30,000 fashion garments and objects.
The California Academy of Sciences became the first museum to commit to the Paris Accords to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The main building of Houston’s Menil Collection will be closed for eight months, beginning February 26, 2018, while its floors are sanded and finished. The museum’s other buildings, including the Rothko Chapel and Cy Twombly Gallery, will remain open.
Kurt Schwitters’s unfinished Dada installation in England’s Lake District, the “Merz Barn,” is at risk of being sold to developers who may bulldoze it unless an arts organization or institution steps in to preserve it.
Kurt Schwitters’s “Merz Barn” in the Lake District (photo by Luke McKernan/Flickr)
Agnes Gund confirmed that she sold a 1962 painting by Roy Lichtenstein for a reported $165 million (including fees). The sale has been used to establish the Art for Justice Fund, an “initiative designed to make meaningful progress on key reforms in the U.S. criminal justice system.”
The J. Paul Getty Museum secured its acquisition of Parmigianino’s “The Virgin and Child with Saint Mary Magdalen and the Infant St John the Baptist” (ca 1535–40).
Monty Python member Michael Palin donated more than 50 of his personal notebooks, spanning 22 years, to the British Library.
The National Museum of Women in the Arts received a $9 million bequest from the estate of California businesswoman Madeleine Rast — the largest single gift in the museum’s history.
Jean-Léon Gérôme, “Portrait of Claude-Armand Gérôme,” (ca 1848) (© Fitzwilliam Museum)
The Fitzwilliam Museum acquired Jean-Léon Gérôme’s “Portrait of Claude-Armand Gérôme” (ca 1848).
Jordan Schnitzer donated $5 million to the construction of an arts museum on the campus of Portland State University.
Zach Rawling pledged to donate Frank Lloyd Wright’s David and Gladys Wright House to the School of Architecture at Taliesin.
The province of Quebec gave grants totaling Canadian $4.5 million (~US $3.4 million) to 18 museums.
The Art Gallery of New South Wales received a $184-million grant to help build an expansion.
The Carnegie Museum of Art acquired five photographs by William Henry Fox Talbot.
In its final round of grants for 2017, the National Endowment for the Arts awarded 1,196 grants for a total of $82 million.
The Joslyn Art Museum received a gift of 124 photographs from the collection of Bruce Berman. The gift includes works by Walker Evans, Russell Lee, John Vachon, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, and Graciela Iturbide.
The J. Paul Getty Museum also received a gift from Bruce Berman, totaling 186 works. The gifted works include pieces by Harry Callahan, Dorothea Lange, and Camilo José Vergara.
Camilo José Vergara, “Saint Peter’s Pentecostal Deliverance Center, 937 Home Street, South Bronx” (2002), chromogenic print (© Camilo José Vergara; the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, gift of Bruce Berman and Lea Russo)
Daniel H. Weiss was appointed president and chief executive officer of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The museum also named Allison Rutledge-Parisi as its Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer.
The Los Angeles County Museum of Art appointed three new members to its board of trustees: Allison Berg, Troy Carter, and Carter Reum.
Hemma Schmutz was appointed director of Linz’s Lentos Kunstmuseum.
Rebecca Salter will succeed Eileen Cooper as Keeper of the Royal Academy Schools.
David Lan will stand down as artistic director of the Young Vic.
The Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, completed construction of its permanent home in the Miami Design District.
The inaugural Kuala Lumpur Biennale will open in November.
A major renovation of the Cattle Raisers Museum was completed.
On Stellar Rays will close its gallery at 213 Bowery later this Summer. Stellar Projects will be open by appointment at 1 Rivington Street.
Toby Kamps was named the new director of the Blaffer Museum.
Phillips auction house appointed Meiling Lee as an international specialist in 20th Century & Contemporary Art.
The Institute of Contemporary Art in London added artist Wolfgang Tillmans, collector Delya Allakhverdova, and arts patron Maria Sukkar to its council.
Tracy K. Smith was named the next US Poet Laureate, a role she’ll begin in the fall.
Kevin Jennings was appointed as the next director of the Tenement Museum.
Jenny Dixon, the longtime director of the Noguchi Museum, announced that she will retire at the end of 2017.
Leora Maltz-Leca was appointed curator of contemporary projects at the Redwood Library and Athenaeum in Newport, Rhode Island.
Tarah Hogue was appointed as the Vancouver Art Gallery’s first Senior Curatorial Fellow, with a focus on Indigenous Art.
Paul O’Neill was appointed as the new artistic director of Checkpoint Helsinki.
Switzerland’s federal office of culture announced the winners of the Swiss Art Awards and the Swiss Design Awards.
The Museum of Modern Art’s film curator, Dave Kehr, received the insignia of Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters.
Adam West as Batman (film still by Shed On The Moon/Flickr)
Chana Bloch (1940–2017), poet and Hebrew translator.
David Boxer (1946–2017), artist, collector, and scholar. Former chief curator of the National Gallery of Jamaica.
Andy Cunningham (1950–2017), entertainer and ventriloquist.
Samuel D. Cook (1928–2017), educator.
Edit DeAk (1950–2017), artist and writer. Co-editor of Art-Rite.
Vin Garbutt (aka the Teesside troubadour) (1947–2017), folksinger and songwriter.
Juliana Young Koo (1905–2017), diplomat, supercentenarian, and author of 109 Springtimes: My Story in 2015 (2015).
Ndary Lo (1961–2017), sculptor.
Edith Shiffert (1916–2017), poet.
Diane Marian Tor (1948–2017), artist, writer, and educator. Renowned for her “Man for a Day” and gender-as-performance workshops.
Ed Victor (1939–2017), literary agent.
Adam West (1928–2017), actor. Best known for portraying Batman.
The post Art Movements appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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dester · 7 years
New Post on Pfalzfussball.de
New Post has been published on http://www.pfalzfussball.de/landesliga-sv-ruelzheim-svw-mainz/
Landesliga: SV Rülzheim - SVW Mainz
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Landesliga: SV Rülzheim – SVW Mainz 5:1 (1:0)
Nach einer läppischen 1:0 Führung zur Halbzeit – Strafstoß von Gökhan Istanbullu in der 39. – schickte Rülzheim die Gäste in der 2. Halbzeit mit einer deftigen Packung nach Hause.
In der 56. köpfte Raphael Gehrlein einen Eckball von Michael Bittner zum 2:0 ins Netz. Moritz Stock erhöhte in der 59. auf 3:0. Daniel Geiger zog aus 14m ab zum 4:0 in der 61. Von 2m weiter hinten erzielte Michael Bittner in der 77. das 5:0. Der Ehrentreffer gelang Dennis Desousa in der 80. und hatte lediglich kosmetischen Wert. Auch nicht ins Gewicht fiel, dass Rülzheim mehrere Hochkaräter liegen ließ. Die Überlegenheit war in der 2. Halbzeit zu extrem, als dass man sich über vergebene Chance hätte ärgern können.
Foto: Der Kopfball von Raphael Gehrlein (ganz links) auf dem Weg ins Netz
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Foto: Daniel Geigers Schuss zum 3:0
Foto: Michael Bittner gelingt aus 16m das 5:0
Foto: Achtung Regelkunde >> Kein Strafstoß 🙂
Video: Ein Freistoß von Marc Socher kurz vor Schluss und die letzten Sekunden des Spiels
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