#daniel rueda
fotoing · 9 months
Arquitectos que juegan con la fotografía, la geometría y el humor
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Anna Devis y Daniel Rueda son dos fotógrafos españoles que se conocieron en la Universitat Politècnica de València, donde ambos se graduaron en la Escuela de Arquitectura. Hoy, este dúo creativo utiliza sus conocimientos arquitectónicos para contar historias a través de imágenes divertidas y sorprendentes que se alejan de la fotografía convencional de arquitectura.
Su estilo particular se caracteriza por su sentido del humor visual, su creatividad, su precisión y su estética delicada inspirada en la ciudad, la geometría y el minimalismo. Combinando su conciencia espacial y su visión artística, basada principalmente en formas simples y patrones llamativos, han logrado establecer narrativas magnéticas y alegres que sugieren inteligentemente tanto la naturaleza de las relaciones humanas como la fascinación por el entorno urbano.
Aunque pueda parecer sorprendente o difícil de creer, además de un procesado básico de la imagen, Anna y Daniel crean estas escenas surrealistas sin el uso de software de edición fotográfica. En su lugar, preparan cuidadosamente la escena en la vida real utilizando objetos, lugares y luz natural.
Fotografías llenas de imaginación, humor y creatividad. Chévere! 
Por: @JulianDBernal
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sheltiechicago · 3 months
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“Window Shopping.”
Daniel Rueda and Anna Devís’ New Book ‘Happytecture’ Finds Beauty and Whimsy in Architectural Details
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“Weight For It”
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“Strong HER”
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“Verti-go or Verti-stay?”
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mossandfog · 1 year
Playing with Shape and Form in Charming Photographic Series
Spanish duo Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda make everyday architectural wanderings and normal scenery seem special and magical. Their fun approach to pattern, props, and color make seemingly ordinary moments feel fun. Below are a collection of bright, pop moments from the couple’s Instagram pages that really caught our eye.  Their sense of fashion, adventure and joy is infectious. Take a look, get…
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radicalit · 1 year
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StrongHer, by Ana Davís and Daniel Rueda from What the Hat series
Artist Ana Devís has explained on twitter: "Our idea was to create a piece of art to empower girls and women worldwide, capable of celebrating self-acceptance while also being able to spark difficult but necessary conversations like gender-based censorship, misogyny or the hyper-sexualization of the female body."
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hexasaurus · 10 months
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every witch way + text posts
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carebooks · 29 days
Emma and Daniel did not belong together.
After extensively rewatching Every Witch Way during Spring Break (yep, that's how I spent Spring Break), I went through tumblr and saw people wondering if this fandom still exists. Well, even if there's only like fifteen people on it, let's discuss Emma and one of her main love interests: Daniel.
I would like to disclose that I am a Jemma fan, after Jax showed up in S2, Daniel went out the window for little thirteen-year-old me. This isn't a Daniel VS Jax post, this is just about Emma and Daniel's relationship. This post will mainly reflect on why I think that, in the long run, they did not belong together. They're definitely a first loves ship, but not an endgame ship.
In S1 both were still young and finding their footing, but mainly Emma. Daniel had already dated Maddie for a while and then went through the whole first season flirting and liking Emma after his break up with Maddie. Daniel was also on top of his game, being the Sharks Swim Captain, and other than Maddie being his girlfriend, his life was happy and fine. Emma coming in merely improved it, she was nicer, thoughtful, and down to earth. But Emma's story was just beginning, she was discovering being a witch, having to deal with her powers, a witch bully Maddie at school, and daily shenanigans that entailed the magical world. Daniel is the last person to discover Emma is a witch and he also has the worst reaction to it. Not that surprising considering how regular his life has been, but that kind of tells us where this was headed.
In S2 Emma and Daniel have been together for months now, all through the summer. The thing is, Daniel's been happier than ever and he thinks Emma's powers never came back, something that she's been hiding from him this entire time. Lying to your SO is never a good thing, especially about something this big, something that is literally part of you. There are reasons for both of them however:
Emma knew how happy Daniel was that she was 'regular' and didn't want to ruin what they had by bringing in all her witch stuff, which tended to bring all sorts of chaos and antics.
Daniel didn't want Emma to have powers out of fear that other evil witches would come after her because she was the Chosen One.
While these are reasonable explanations for both of them, they're not fixing any of their real issues. Emma should not be lying to her boyfriend, eventually, it did catch up to her and she tried using magic to make him forget. Also not a good thing, even if she wanted a 'redo' at telling him. When he does find out, it causes their downfall. The thing is, Emma lied because Daniel just can't handle her being a witch. He's said that her powers being back would "ruin everything" and has shown a fear of witches when magic was brought up in S2E05. Emma keeps telling him that powers or no powers, she's still a witch. Still, she chose to hide a part of herself to try to have a normal relationship with her boyfriend. But hiding a part of yourself is never the answer and it eats away at you.
S2 also explores the fact that witches can't date humans, it's not allowed. The Council tries to have Emma break up with him otherwise they must take the witches magic away, but Emma being the Chosen One is a special case. Her magic removal is not on the table and she wants to keep her powers regardless. (I mean I agree with Emma, let the girl date whoever she wants) But it is another thing that drives them further apart, unfortunately, the Council ended up being right, most humans just can't handle the magical world. (Andi can handle it, so can Katie and Sophie, but Daniel can't.)
When it comes to the Fool Moon, it has a different effect on all sorts of witches. Jax's greed and envy magnify, Desdemona turns vindictive and wants Emma's powers, and Emma's impulse control is gone. This leads to Emma casting spells without really thinking about the consequences and out in the open. The Fool Moon is just a witch or wizard's desires coming to the surface. In retrospect, Maddie was just as affected, she started improving (slightly, but still progress) and didn't run from her feelings toward Diego. She was more open and entered a relationship with him.
We also see Emma's clones in this season. Her first clone, E, encompasses her dark side with none of the good. She calls Daniel dull, she's bored with him and his ideas for dates, and she finds Jax fun and wants to do magic whenever she wants. She's happy when Daniel breaks up with Emma because 1. She found him boring and 2. They get to keep their powers now and the Council can stop hounding them. This may be Emma's darkest side but it's still Emma. Some part of her does believe that Daniel is dull and finds Jax fun. Granted, her third clone, the Nerdy Emma is all about Daniel. This is why the clone spell is so very illegal, a witch is essentially pulling out a part of themselves and without the rest to balance it, they become a paragon of just one emotion or drive or aspect of their original personality. They're not whole. The Real Emma shares all these traits inside herself, she does like Daniel, she does find him dull sometimes, she does like math, she does find it boring at times, and she does like Jax but she does think he goes overboard sometimes.
See, this is where we come into an important piece of dialogue in S2 E16 between Maddie and Daniel talking about their romantic troubles.
Maddie: But if you two were still together, you'd want her to stop using her powers? Daniel: Maybe. Maddie: Then you don't accept Emma for who she is. And as a fellow witch, I'm offended for her!
This is an interesting moment in which someone like Maddie, someone who doesn't like Emma but is a witch just like her, sees that while Emma lied to Daniel, she did it because Daniel doesn't accept her as who she is.
Daniel has openly expressed anger and disinterest at the magic world. And hey, I understand, after all the spells Jax has cast on him to make him look bad in front of Emma's dad, or just the usual magic hijinks from Emma or Maddie, magic is not Daniel's friend. He doesn't find it fun or cool like Andi, he's not desensitized to it like Katie and Sophie. He's suffered from it and doesn't want anything to do with it and hey I can respect that. But this isn't good when you're in a relationship with a witch, the most powerful one in fact. So he's tiptoeing a line constantly between wanting to be with his girlfriend but disliking and fearing something that's part of her (and part of his friends' lives: Maddie and Diego).
Let's get to S3 when he was marked by Mia with her Kanay spider. Spider!Daniel broke up with Emma, started dating Mia, was a general jerk at school, even tied up his little siblings. It turns out that Mia's Spider doesn't cause him to act strange or evil, it just unleashes someone's 'inner wild'. It makes them do what they most want to do. So, Daniel did want to break up with Emma. He called Emma and Maddie trouble-brewing witches and had no problem telling a complete stranger all about their powers.
Now we could get into how Daniel's life was turned upside down more than plenty of times because of magic, but nothing beats S4 when Emma literally rewrites time when Daniel disappears. He and his family end up running an animal sanctuary and dating Mia. Then his life gets put back and it's for the worse because now he has no animals, no girlfriend, and he's back in a school hated by the principal. Overall, Daniel was not having a good time in S4. One of the many reasons why Emma puts him back where he was happy. (I would also like to remind everyone that Mia and her previously deceased parents were alive in the new accidental timeline of S4. I believe that Emma also was the cause of this, not only did she unintentionally give Daniel a better life but the same to Mia. And then she restored that life at the end of the season.)
In conclusion, Jemma forever.
But really, I hope someone reads this and enjoys or sees the situation from both sides and how they weren't really a good couple. Kind of doomed in the end when you think about it. I mean the girl loves butterflies and he's allergic to butterflies. I don't think the writers were subtle with that one, huh.
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maryeditss · 1 month
Who I like more Grachi vs Every witch way:
Emma > Grachi
I think Grachi is a sweet person, but she lacks personality. She is sometimes quite irritating because she's so good, not to mention that sometimes she's either stupid or self-righteous, and I also hate what she did to Matilda (Maddie) in the first The season is already with Emma, she is very temperamental and intelligent, she can solve problems that Grachi would take episodes of quickly in minutes, I also like the fact that Emma has a lot more personality she is bold and sassy and I definitely love that.
Maddie = Matilda
I have pros and cons for both of them, I don't really like Maddie, from 3-4 I feel like she didn't make much of a difference in the show, Matilda is a very notable character in the seasons she's present (she left in season 2 That's about 120 chapters ) I think they are both bad friends, but Maddie was a good friend with Sophie, Between the two, I prefer Matilda because I think she's much more charismatic than Maddie, Don't get me wrong maddie was a sweetheart.
Daniel Miller > Daniel Esquivel
I'm not Daniel's biggest fan, they are both good friends, and good sons/brothers, most definitely Daniel Miller is a WAY better boyfriend than Daniel Esquivel, I would NEVER date someone like Daniel Esquivel in real life, Daniel Miller if it weren't for the magic thing and everything, maybe I would date Daniel from Grachi was a jerk with both Matilda and Grachi, in the 1st season he WAS DATING during the first 10 episodes with Matilda and he was simply in love with Grachi and flirting and not breaking up with Matilda, and when Mia appeared he did the same , he even CHEATED on Grachi and she NEVER knew, I just can't stand this boy and I also can't stand the way he gets irritated with Grachi because she has more male friends, but he has a best friend (Mia) who is always causing problems for him he simply defends her even though he knows about the spider thing, even though she TRYING TO KILL the grachi, in short he is one of the worst boyfriends on a children's show I've ever seen.
Mia Black = Mia Novoa
A lot of people don't like the fact that mia is a kanay in every witch way, but I just LOVED this idea, In the original she was just obsessed with being Daniel's girlfriend and being willing to kill Grachi, in eww she was a kanay (and not a witch like in grachi) this gave her a better story of a girl who lost her parents very early, and had to grow up running away from witches to protect herself this made her grow up without feeling opening up to anyone, daniel was genuinely the first person she opened up to, so she started to fall in love with him, I think this is much better than love at first sight, like mia(grachi) and daniel, The problem is that they didn't know how to develop the character in season 4, like you could do so many cool things with Mia, like she could be the Chosen One of the kanays, that would explain why she's been a very powerful kanay since she was 7 years old.
Diego Rueda < Diego forlán
I find Diego's character annoying in Every Witch Way, it's as if he didn't have any history after he started dating Maddie, don't get me wrong I LOVE MIEGO but they basically made him just Maddie's puppy, in Grachi he has more personality and doesn't spend all his time with Matilda, he has more plot and is better developed.
Andi > Mecha
Both are loyal and good friends, but Andi is MUCH better as a guardian than mecha, but any guardian of every witch way wins for those of grachi, I like Andi's personality much more than Mecha, Mecha in 1-2 basically only humiliated herself to men, in 3 she really changed and that was good.
Jax = Axel
They basically have the same personality, but Jax used magic to cheat, Axel doesn't like cheating and the only time he did it was out of pressure to please his father. I just love them both, which makes the difference between the ending and Jax giving up on the plan with And, Axel didn't do that. something very noticeable is the fact that Jax doesn't seem to care about what his father wants, as if he followed his father's plan but didn't seem to care about his father, equally Jake didn't care about him before Jessie appeared in Eww . In Grachi, it's as if Axel needed his father's approval to live as an emotional dependency, but I find this compressible considering that even though he lived under the same roof, his father didn't care about him, and always despised him and demanded more from him and the At the same time he was praising, being kind and understanding towards his sister Amaya, like imagine you growing up with your sister/brother being favorite and you being despised, honestly to this day I wonder how Axel didn't feel angry at Amaya or his father, I just couldn't stand them, to be honest I know Jax grew up alone and all, but everything got better after Jessie, but in Grachi, I just hate their one-sided relationship, like Axel was a great brother to her(amaya), but she was bad with him.
Jessie > Amaya
They have totally different stories because Jessie is an 11 year old child and Amaya is only 1 year younger than Axel (teenager) I simply prefer Jessie for 2 reasons: 1 she was a good sister, 2 - I like her whole plot in wits academy
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saraw4ters · 5 months
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andrescasciani · 1 year
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“El rojo del Guernica”, collage de Andrés Casciani adquirido para la Colección Patrimonial del MMAMM (Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno de Mendoza). *En la fotografía Daniel Rueda y Andrés Casciani (15-2-23) Infinitas gracias a Daniel Rueda y Mariana Mattar por este inmenso honor! andrescasciani.com
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noticieropoblano · 2 years
Fue detenido Daniel Tavera, socio de Arturo Rueda y Nacho Mier
Fue detenido Daniel Tavera, socio de Arturo Rueda y Nacho Mier
Florentino Daniel Tavera, representante de 32 empresas fachada, con movimientos por más de 400 millones de pesos en México y el extranjero, presuntamente involucrado en la red de lavado de dinero en la que se salpica el director del Diario Cambio, fue detenido este lunes. Tavera Ramos es protagonista en la trama de lavado de más de 420 millones de pesos, que fue bautizada como “Operación…
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itscolossal · 10 months
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Daniel Rueda and Anna Devís’ New Book ‘Happytecture’ Finds Beauty & Whimsy in Architectural Details
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paolo-streito-1264 · 6 months
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Anna Devís + Daniel Rueda.
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mybenia1 · 1 year
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hexasaurus · 11 months
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id-element0 · 5 months
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Daniel Rueda & Anna Devís Art - for TS3
Hello, simblrs and art lovers. I've come with the first result of my little project that I've been working on for some time. I believe most of you will agree if I say that I find EA art displeasing, at the very least. It's understandable because of reasons and that's why the CC can be powerful.
I hate the idea of having things that I will never use in my game. And here comes the advantage of default replacements as we can put EA meshes to good use.
TL;DR: This is a texture replacement for the wall art that comes with ITF: “Doppler Shift, First Movement” Painting by D.T. Art Collective. It has 12 swatches. No price or category changes.
I also considered the people who don't own ITF or don't want to, for some reason, replace the unique EA art. For those, I prepared a BGC version - cloned from a base game wall art. Same categories as the DR one. Price: §112. You'll only need one. I didn't test the BGC version in a base game environment so do tell if it doesn't work. It should, though.
- Credits -
Art by Daniel Rueda and Anna Devís also on Instagram
Mesh by EA
Made with: GIMP, s3oc, s3pe, Texture Tweaker 3, and TSRW
@pis3update @kpccfinds @sssvitlanz
- DOWNLOAD - The Default Replacement *requires ITF
- DOWNLOAD - The Base Game Compatible version
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