armorbird-archive · 7 years
Tweet shirtless vinny to vinny It's the only way to get closure
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3.  Show a thing you last drew, no matter how small or a “doodle” it is.12. Any weird artist behaviour you admit doing?
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i sorta mentioned this already in 1. but i almost always draw while watching videos (been watching a lot of MAHVEL HYPE recently, mostly lythero because i love viewtiful joe, dante, and phoenix wright). this is also probably why i’m so slow because i just draw for a minute and then watch for 10 aand rinse and repeat oops. apart from that nothing too weird i guess sorry i’m boring :[
also here’s a wip of part 6 jotaro–whose gonna be in a pink dolphin suit ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )–because i haven’t drawn him yet and he still looks like a baby no matter what i do help
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glutko · 7 years
At this point, yeah. 
I’ve even got a food-related URL (Glutko being the Vore Daddy and all)
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hilarioustextposts · 7 years
It's april 1st
Ah I see, I guess that makes sense
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wildlifeneko · 8 years
dankman-cringename replied to your photo
Are you suggesting that josuke being the second coming of christ isnt a completely reasonable theory that makes 100% sence?
well, jesus was the son of joseph
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Shoutout to @aorticarchnemesis @trained-chimpanzee @dankman-cringename and @smash-chu for being cool and not awful
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glutko · 7 years
Can I use one of your king harkinian pics as my profile my dude?
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