#dans ma wardrobe // clothes
paradox-n-bedrock · 4 years
Okay, here we go! I'm so excited 😁 hahaha I have to start with "la chaleur dans ma vie" because that's what introduced me to you and your writing. Please share anything about your process regarding the dynamic between Zelda and Marie here, because it walks that beautiful line of softness and slight friction. And also I'd love to hear more about how you started picturing Marie in a domestic setting - what she wears, how she inhabits spaces, what she likes to cook etc :)
(Find the fic here.)
Let’s do this! I’ll probably spread out answering these throughout the day, so I can think about them, but I’m excited too!
Alright, “la chaleur dans ma vie”. This story is kind of an outlier, because mentally I set it in my fix-it verse, because I was not emotionally prepared to be writing in anything that looked like a post-part 3 canon, but it really is a stand-alone Zarie story. I’m glad I included it, because the latter stories are so Lilith heavy. But it’s really just a peek into the early days of their relationship, once Zelda has accepted that she cares -- cares and trusts enough that she doesn’t freak out over having Marie roaming her home with Sabrina about -- but is a long way from being comfortable with that, or with how fully Marie seems to be throwing herself into the relationship.
I tend to write in close 3rd, but this was my first time doing it with Marie’s POV and I was hella stressed about it. I always want to do her justice. I want her to be her own person and never divorce her from her culture. I want her to be soft towards Zelda, but not passive. I wanted a balance of her being caring (but not a caretaker, a role I feel she slides easily into) and Zelda caring for her in return. She’s empathetic, but it’s important that she’s not doing all the emotional labor in the relationship, especially if I’m writing Zelda with romantic inclinations towards both Marie and Lilith. 
So, I thought about her relationship history. I headcanon Marie as a lesbian and I looked a lot into the attitude towards sexuality in Vodou (and found that Vodou is more accepting than the broader Haitian culture). I thought about her having experiences, as many people do, even in wlw relationships, where her perceptiveness had her doing more or accepting more shit than she reasonably should, because she does so thoroughly understand what the other person is going through. She’s already learned that lesson and doesn’t want it to happen with Zelda. 
The key moment, though, is when Marie starts to verbally set boundaries. Zelda fears pushing Marie away and self-sabotages by engaging in the exact sort of behavior that could lead to it, but when Marie calls her on it, she wants to step up. She realizes that Marie’s boldness is exactly what she wants. She wants Marie to be able to be fully herself, even as overwhelmed as she might feel sometimes. She tells her that she “brings warmth into her life”, as the title references, and that really is how I think of them.
Oh! Her domesticity, though. I really like contrasting Marie with the women of the show who have such weight on their shoulders about how they are perceived. It’s such a change to write someone without that level of trauma or stress. And a lot of fun to write someone who doesn’t think twice about putting on someone else’s clothes and rummaging through their kitchen, all for the sake of doing something sweet. She doesn’t feel too emotionally exposed or anxious, she doesn’t overanalyze every move she makes. She's one of few characters who are ever shown dressed casually, so that’s interesting, but she’s very femme, so if pieces of her own wardrobe start sneaking over to the Spellman house, I picture a long robe with a shorter nightgown. I thought about how she might wrap her hair at night, and that Zelda would be the self-conscious one. For daywear, flowy dresses in soft fabrics, bolder patterns and brighter colors than we see from anyone else. She’s fond of floor-length and sleeveless, or off the shoulder. Some loose pants and warmer tops to account for New England weather. (We have limited screentime of her, but I’ve spent a lot of time trying to extrapolate, haha.) As far as food, I wish we knew how long ago she left Haiti for New Orleans, but I see her as someone who likes to experiment. She wants to share her favorites from home with Zelda, but my Marie has a wide repertoire and enjoys expanding it.
Thanks! I hope I actually covered what you wanted to know!
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
(Third film. After “smells like teen spirit”. Back in Auradon. At Evie’s house. Mal’s in the kitchen making party food. Uma’s fighting a loosing battle with the swivel stool. And Celia’s sitting on the counter)
Celia: ok. I’ll bite. Why Harry. Out of all the idiots, all the boys, and Gil, that you could have chosen. Why Harry?
Uma: hm? Shit. Fuckin’. Crappy chair. What now
Mal: I can get you a proper chair if you like
Uma (slamming her palm down on the counter): I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY KITCHEN FURNISHINGS!!!! Ow
Mal: ok, dude. Say it. Don’t spray it.
Uma (sounding like Sideshow Bob): urgh. (Normal voice) What were you saying Ceels?
Celia: why. Harry.
Uma: he’s a good employee. Does what I say, when I say it, without argument
(Her sister and cousin look unconvinced)
Celia: you wanna tell or can I? Or if you’d prefer we can go full on Greek muse
Mal: ha. And let halfwit Harry be happy? Yeah, no, don’t think so
Uma: yeah I’m lost
Celia: toi, ma chère soeur, tu aimes le pirate
Uma: slander and blasphemy
Celia: well it’s true. Wether you like or not. You “wuv” him
Uma: you’re wrong. Mal, tell her she’s wrong
Mal: I can’t, I’m cooking. (She clears her throat) Coughshe’srightthoughcough
Uma: low blow. Even for you.
Celia: you know it. (She starts humming the “in a tree” song)
Uma: must she use that insipid song?
Mal: she’s your little sister. So yes.
Uma: I’m not, you know, with Harry
Mal: I am really not the one you should be talking to about this. If I had my way he’d be staring down the business end of a jet propeller.
Uma: yeah. You’re right. Got anymore booze?
Mal: open bar cuz, open bar.
Uma: thanks
(She reaches for a new bottle and promptly falls off the swivel stool)
Celia: HAHAHAHA!!!! Called it
Uma (popping up from the floor): I have to go
(She heads for the gazebo)
Mal: if I were you I’d go after her and knock her off the trail.
Celia: meaning you’d turn her away from Hook.
Mal: yep.
Celia: luckily for her, I’m not you.
(She gets off the counter and heads in Uma’s direction. Then she stops and turns around)
Celia: by the way. Where are Dizzy’s folks?
Mal (looking very uncomfortable): uhhhh (her eyes flit to the ceiling)...asleep...?
Celia: eh they deserve after the day they’ve had.
(Celia leaves Mal my long about Lamborghini’s, Doug’s shirt and throttling Evie, and goes to her sister)
Celia: hey
Uma (taking a swig of whiskey that empties half of the bottle): what?
Celia: just checking up on you
Uma: I’m not. It doesn’t exist.
Celia: yeah, yeah, I know. But if it worked
Uma: I am not like them. And you know I’m not. I’m (she takes another swig, emptying the bottle completely) independent
Celia: yeah the thing about they is well.
(This is when “miss independent” happens. After the song Mal poofs in)
Mal: Jay phoned. They’re just coming up to the house.
Celia: about time
Mal: oh and Uma, que pensez-vous de la livraison de Harry dans une boîte d'allumettes?
(Uma blanches and poofs to the front of the house. Mal bursts into cackles)
Celia: I hope you’ll still find it funny when you’re eating your meals through a straw.
Mal: ahh it’ll be worth it. C’mon kid
(They troop through the house and end up meeting Devie at the bottom of the stairs. Mal flings her arm over Celia’s eyes)
Mal: oh look. They’ve finally emerged from the nest (telepathically) Doug your buttons are disordered. Evie, my dear sister, you might wanna charge into your own clothes instead of Doug’s shirt
(They both look red faced and proceed to make the changes)
Mal: that’s better. (Verbally) lets go then
(Once outside they wait for the others. Jaylos, gilonnie and Jane walk up first)
Mal: where’s Ben. You said you found him
Jay: I also said I had a surprise for you
Jane: oh god tell me you didn’t
Gilonnie and Carlos: he did
Jane: fucking cats
Mal: cats? What about cats?
Jay: not cats. Ben.
Mal: uh-kay
Jay: 🎶come on out Ben🎶
(Ben poofs in. Mal promptly squeals in surprise)
Mal (euphorically, Unser her breath): it’s just like cats
Evie: ladies gentleman and pirates. I give you the acting queen of auradon
Mal: oh blow it out your ass sis or I’ll tell them about you’re last wardrobe choice
Evie: I’ll shut up
Lonnie: now that the king and his fiancé are safe. There’s something I’ve been waiting a year to do. You’re Uma yeah?
Uma: yeah
Lonnie: awesome
(She launches herself at Uma and tackles the sea witch to the ground)
Uma: what the fuck!
Lonnie: what’s your problem with Mal anyway? Huh? Is it that she’s more powerful then you? Or that she got away first? Oh don’t worry. I know what she did. And I don’t care. That’s who she was not who she is. But you did what she did. And you did worse. You were angry. And you lashed out at the first person you could. So how are you any different
Uma: get this crazy bitch offa me!
Mal: Lonnie! Lonnie, we’re cool now! So if could I uh hehe?
Lonnie: really? Well alright then.
Ben: got it all out of your system?
Lonnie: mostly. Might be some residual anger that’ll present itself at an inopportune time. But for now I’m ok.
Mal: cool. How about we get you a drink?
Lonnie: appletini?
Mal: more then doable. Let’s get you inside, Evie wipe that smirk off your face, and get you a nice appletini on the rocks yeah? (Lonnie nods) yeah...
(Mal and lonnie go in. Ben approaches Uma)
Ben: I’m sorry about her. She kinda got left out last year and today’s been awful for everyone concerned. She just snapped
Uma: don’t make allowances for her kid ok? I don’t make allowances for Harry
Carlos: no, of course not, you just let him get away with blue murder
Uma: don’t you have a genie to be cowering behind?
Carlos: not after the mirror, no. But I could repeat the process if you like? (Uma shuts up) good
(Jaylos go into the house. Uma turns around and looks at Jane who is not impressed)
Uma: hey, which one are you
Jane: I don’t want to talk to you. You enslaved my mother. And you boyfriend looked at me like I was food
(She follows jaylos into the house. Evie is tight lipped with barely contained glee)
Evie: today has been raining shower of crap but it’s gotten so much better in the last half hour
(Dizzy walks up to them followed by Hades, Elsa and the Hooks)
Dizzy: grandpa wouldn’t let jay keep Harry in a matchbox
Doug: awww honey, but you know what, there are mountains of cupcakes on the buffet table in the kitchen. Why don’t you go and show Celia?
Dizzy (turning to Celia): now you’re gonna see Wendy kinda magic I can do
(The two head inside)
Doug: I’m gonna head to the garage. You go inside, enjoy the party
Evie: meet me when you’re done?
Doug: goes without saying
(Devie leaves the patio, leaving Ben, Gil, Uma, Hades, Elsa and the Hooks)
Ben: I need to change, starting to feel chilly. Gil could I borrow some of your clothes? I’d poof but I knibda want time to think
Gil: sure
(The two brothers head inside)
Elsa: you haven’t lived until you’ve had my daughter cooking. And I’m starving so I shan’t keep you
Hades: I’ve heard only good things about my daughters cooking. So I’ll join you
Elsa: perfect(.)
(The two head inside)
Uma: tension much?
Cj: typical case of biological father vs adoptive mother both trying to assert their place in the child’s life
Harriet: huh?
Cj: pissing contest. You know what? You three head in. I just remembered something
(She heads to the garage where Doug’s pulling a motor engine in and out of a hole in the ground by a metal chain)
Cj: so you’re the half dwarf who grievously injured my brother
Doug: I stabbed Harry in the dick as he was trying to kill me. Also. It’s been a year. Get over it already.
Cj: a Hook doesn’t forget. Nor do they forgive.
Doug: you know there’s a subdivision of Eton here. I’m sure you’d be able to get a scholarship
Cj: hah. Boys club. And besides. When this is all over I’m going back home and doing away with my father.
Doug: yeah, sure, whatever. Now are you going to stand there gawking like a haddock or are you going to leave me to my own devices?
Cj: I should like to see what happens when the chain breaks or you’re strength gives up.
Doug: won’t break. Dwarven titanium. Magic.
Cj: I know what dwarven titanium is. I’m not as uneducated as the remaining plebs on the island
Doug: yeah. I know. I read your file. (He puts the engine down) I also know that you’re James Hook’s least favourite child. I know who your cousin is. And I know that you’re allergic to vinegar. Which is rather depressing since that’s the only readily available condiment on the island besides rock salt. Don’t mess with me kid. I’m the major-domo.
Cj: so you’re the hornbill to the maneless leonine. Alright then. If you’re do intelligent. Tell me. What goes through your mind when you’re face to face with the sister of the man you viciously attacked and left for dead?
Doug: of course he told you that. I don’t leave the numbskull for dead. Elsa, Merida and I delivered him to the ship and Uma revived him.
Cj: they wouldn’t lie. Not to
Doug: each other yes. But everyone else is fair game. Believe what you wanna believe. I’m going inside to make my kid a snack. I make a mean pb&j. Oh. And I’m not scared of you Miss Hook. I lived through my worst nightmare today so you’re of little to no consequence to me. And stay away from the cars. I’ll know if you don’t.
(He leaves her looking slightly shocked and runs into Mal on the patio bench. She’s holding a sandwich)
Mal: blt?
Doug: beef instead of bacon?
Mal: baloney. Fried on one side, salted on the other. Minced tinned tomatoes. Iceberg lettuce. I know my friends lunch orders.
Doug: you’re a marvel Mal
Mal: not really. I just cook when I’m nervous. Or bored. Or worrying. Or planning a party. Which in this case was all of the above.
Doug: ah. You covered (she hold up a beer bottle) naturally. Wanna sit
Mal: sure. I’ve been on my feet for most of the day
Doug: I’ve been thinking
Mal: yeah?
Doug: oh god this is gonna be difficult. I know you’ve made up your mind and Ben, Jay, everyone, won’t hold it against you if you choose not to. But I think it’s time
Mal: time for what?
Doug: to. Start helping
Mal: oh boy. Ok look. I get it. I do. I get it. But we tried. I tried. And came back with produce in my hair. We all did
Doug: that was six months ago. And besides. (He pulls her off the bench and has her face the window). Look. Vk and Ak. Somewhat peacefully. Coexisting. All because you kept a handle on things when everything else had gone crappy
Mal: eh. Though my cousins about to pelt my sister with apples. Hey jay? Could you? Thanks. What’re you suggesting bud?
Doug: start off with FaceTime. Say once a month Ben FaceTimes you when he goes to the island. And work your way up. It could work
Mal: my being rhere would grind everything to a halt. They’d be focused on me and not on Ben
Doug: true. But you have got to step up some more. You can’t hide behind the curtain forever
Mal: I know
Doug: come on
(This is when “collision of worlds” happens. After the song Mal turns to the party still going on inside)
Mal: I’ve been an ass haven’t I?
Doug: no, not an ass. Just yourself
Mal: somehow that doesn’t make me feel any better. I suppose I should go talk to him
Doug: you do that
Mal: before I forget. (She tackles him in a bear hug). Thank you. Now I’ll go.
(She poofs into Gils room where Ben is currently trying on a pair of aquamarine trousers with yellow braces)
Mal: you know if I had my way, that’d be all you’d have on
Ben: if you had your way, I’d still have the tattered bike pants on
Mal: touché. But why the 13th Doctor cosplay? And more to the point, why Gil’s 13th Doctor cosplay?
Ben: well I did just spend two hours traipsing through the forest, half naked, accompanied by, among others, your birth father and adoptive mother. So I feel like I should cover up a bit
Mal: fair is fair. Speaking of. A few questions. Who did it to you? Why did they do it? Can I kill them? And is it like my dragon form or is it a one and done deal?
Ben: my father, your birth mother and Chad. To get rid of me. Yes you can. And yes I can.
Gil: Harry ran his mouth and Ben switched and chased him for half a mile
Mal: he’s a moron. Oh and by the way. I sorry about the boys.
Gil: I know. I still don’t get why Adam did that
Ben: he’s a heartless up his own ass opportunistic bastard. That’s why
Mal: finally letting loose with the swears I see
Gil: “bastard” is nothing. My baby brother right here gave Adam the mother father uncle and aunt of all call outs. He even used the “count without the O” word
Mal: I’m impressed
Gil: it was amazing. I’m so proud
Ben: shoulders buddy, shoulders
Gil: right, sorry, my bad
Mal: before I forget. I made an omelette station downstairs. And a smoothie bar.
Gil: see ya!
(He rushes downstairs leaving bal alone)
Mal: so I’ve been thinking about the wedding
Ben (putting the coat on): yeah?
Mal: mhmm. I’m guessing we have to have it in the cathedral cause yknow, royalty, but we can still plan the reception yeah?
Ben: correct? What were you thinking
(Mal clicks her left hand and brings her arm down, shifting them to a new location in the process)
Mal: were you there your post coronation rave. Bookends and all that
Ben: oooh I like it
Mal: I’ve even thought of the song for our dance
Ben: I think I know where you’re going with this and I love it. And I’m in a tux. (He feels the top hat) with bunny ears. Huh
Mal: from my dream last night so was this
(She now has the purple Aurora dress on)
Ben (impressed): wow
Mal: not to fancy. But not too modern. And I’m wearing flats so stent dwarfed in comparison by me
Ben: well I could always activate my beast paws.
Mal: might give your mother a heart attack
Ben: true. True
Mal: well then your highness. Shall we practice?
Ben: yes we shall
(This is when “at the beginning” happens. After the song the school exterior melts back into the spare room. Mal’s eyes flash fuchsia and she collapses into Ben’s arms)
Ben: woah! You alright?
Mal: yeah. I just gotta talk to my father
(She switches back into her previous outfit and trots back downstairs where Evie’s hosting a singalong. This is when “better when I’m dancing” happens. After the song she walks outside)
Mal: dad I need a word. You too Uma. You’ll want to see this. (Once they’ve sat down she hands a scrap of paper to hades). Does this mean anything to you?
Hades (Jesse L Martin): “when the day becomes the night...no time for tea...before my final rhyme...return home....turn back the hands of...”. It’s one of the Cheshire cats forsaken riddles. Why do you ask?
Mal: I was talking to Ben just now and everything turned dark fuchsia for a sec, like when my eyes when I use magic, and I heard Doctor Facillier say that in my head. It’s not a prophecy is it?
Hades: no. The last prophecy I remember hearing was the Fates telling me I’d rule the cosmos. Followed by Herc beating me. Why would you think it’s a prophecy?
Mal: uhhhh
Hades: I’m afraid I’m not following
Mal: I’ve got all the hallmarks. Powerful parents. Double heritage. Annoying brother. Really it should be Ben though. Or you cuz
Uma: really? Me?
Mal: yah. You’re much better qualified
Hades: haha. It’s funny. You’ve spent so much time trying to kill her. And she still think you’re better than her
Uma: what’s your point?
Hades (smiling smugly, he’s eyes glowing bright yellow): be very careful about who you piss off my dear
Uma: don’t test me uncle
Hades: and don’t test ME niece
Mal: >snickers<. Sorry. Anyway. So rhere really isn’t a prophecy built around me?
Hades: nope. not even close
The cousins: oh thank god
Hades: would it really be so bad if it were though?
Mal: most likely yes
Uma: she doesn’t even have the cajones necessary to get kids off the island. Why would she be so sort of cliched chosen one
Mal: HEY! You know why I don’t go. I told you why I don’t go. My reasons are my reasons. And you don’t get to say anything to me after the crap you’ve pulled to one up me when I personally couldn’t care less
Uma (oh so very smug): face it cousin. I’ve got moral high ground in this one
Mal: and you had face it “cousin”, that you have a thing for my brother
Uma: not really no seeing as I hate him and he’s only into guys...
Mal: not the fun one. The rat one
Uma (experiencing face freeze): huh?
Mal: well Harry’s my brother and you’re my second cousin which means he’s also your second cousin. And if I read the signals right possibly your almost stepbrother
Uma: I’m gonna kill you
Hades: no you won’t niece. It doesn’t matter. You knew him long before your father and I -ahem- “joined” together and your Olympian dna only counts the parents with said dna. You’re not related to my second son, Uma. And I have absolutely no intention at all of claiming you as my adoptive daughter. So, to use the modern turn of phrase, you’re golden. Is that better
Uma: sort of
Mal (at the same time as Uma): dammit.
Hades: good. Now that that’s all settled. Shall we rejoin the party?
Uma: in a minute
Hades: oh Kronos what is it now?
Uma: did you bring me out here just to say that Harry’s my cousin? Or to talk about the prophecy that isn’t?
Mal: first one. But you pressed my buttons so I wanted to throw you from your comfort zone
Uma (nodding): alright. I respect that. HOWEVER! Don’t look at me like that dragonhide. However. The fact remains you’ve gotta grow a pair and get out there. Your own feelings be damned. It’s not about you
Mal: When has it ever been about me?
Uma: butterfinger boy’s made his whole vendetta about you lousing up his home
Mal: thank you Uma, thanks for the help
Hades: ooh. I know what to do
Mal: smite Harry and save us from his unneeded existence?
Hades: no. You need a pep talk
Mal: no. Please don’t
Uma: actually. I wanna hear what he has to say
Hades: thank you Uma. But you probably won’t like what I have to say
(This is when “who I am” happens)
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wolfpawn · 5 years
Life is a Game of Risks, Chapter 71
Chapter Summary - The time comes for Lexi and Lily to go to France with Daniel for a week leaving a few things to need talking about before they go, as well as a few things not spoken about for while they are gone.
TRIGGERS - Past domestic abuse, Past emotional abuse, Past sexual abuse.
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Tags: @damalseer​ @hiddlesbitch1​ @winterisakiller​ @theoneanna​ @wolfsmom1​
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“Uncle Dan, look at my swimsuit.” Lily held up her clothes to show her uncle.
“Lily, I need to have everything packed, please don’t pick them out again,” Alexianna sighed as she attempted to ready them for the next morning.
“But Mummy, I want to show Uncle Daniel.”
“You can show him on the holiday.” She reminded her. With a moment to think about it, Lily nodded before rushing off. “I am going to kill her.” Alexianna groaned as she slowly tried to kneel down again.
“I have it.” Daniel gently moved her out of the way and got the now strewn clothes off the floor. “You are having fun I see, navigating a Lily and a bump. Don't take this the wrong way but I think you're bigger this time.”
“Tell me about it.” His sister groaned. “And soon it will be navigating her and a baby.”
“You’ll be able for it. Though I have to say, with Tom going to New York….”
“It’s his job. He has to do both sets of shows. In his defence, this was signed, sealed and delivered before the baby came along. They agreed to this last year, so he cannot pull out of it now. And we will be fine.”
“Will you?”
“I am not going to lie, Dan, that is not exactly the show of support and encouragement we need. Yes, I will be fine, I have Emma and Diana to help me. They are specifically planning to help because of him going.”
“Okay, hey. You know I am only saying this because I am worried about you, Lil’s and the baby and juggling everything.”
“He will be gone for eight weeks, we have most everything organised and it will be old enough that I will be in something of a routine with them by then, so please, don’t fret.”
Daniel was startled by how confident and sure Alexianna was at such a statement. “Good, well, you know where we are if you need us. I want to see you and the baby soon after it is born, just for a weekend, as I told you already, but if there is a week that Tom is away and we can come and just give you a hand, then give us some warning and we will take a week off work and come down to see the three of you.”
Alexianna gave him a warm smile. “Thank you.”
There was a small knock on the door, both turning to see Tom there. “I have the last of the clothes sorted here, where will I put them?”
“Are any due to come with us?” Alexianna scanned through them. “Oh, these are mine, right. I will sort them, Tom, get that outfit we talked about from the top of the wardrobe so we can get it in the bag.”
“Sure thing.” Tom walked over to get what was needed as Alexianna left the room. “I did actually see if I could get out of the New York show, but it was done before we found out. Trust me, the last thing I want is to be away from her and the kids then.” He assured Daniel. "No one is more annoyed by my work schedule than me."
"I just worry that it will be a lot for her to juggle."
"She is organising herself for it and she will have my family for support, there will be everything she needs to be fully supported financially too and we will get through this."
Daniel looked at Tom with a note of interest in his eyes. "Are you saying this to assure her, or assure you?"
"Honestly, I think both of us." Tom rubbed his hands over his face. "I am frantic that I am missing some of the key time in my son or daughter's life and it worries me. I also have Lily who this will be the longest I will have been away from her in the two years I have been in her life so I am worried about that too and in the middle of it all, I am leaving Lexi to juggle them and I feel like a terrible father and partner for doing that to them."
Daniel was not sure what he could say back to that. He was worried for Alexianna and the children being without Tom but it was evident that he was worried about the same thing. "Well, I helped my sister before and I will help her again if she needs it." He promised. "Anna and I don't want kids but it's not out of a lack of love of them, we do love seeing Lily and of course Anna's sister but we also love the freedom we have now too, if that makes sense."
"Being an uncle is great, I know that. You're the fun one that gets to hand them back after the fun, Lexi and I don’t get that luxury. When Lily or the baby have a bad day, we'll be stuck dealing with it while you wish us luck and hang up the phone, then proceed to ask Anna if she wants to spend Christmas here or with her family or somewhere warm and foreign."
Daniel laughed. "That sums it up very well." He grinned back at Tom. "Why wasn't it you from the start? Why did Marie have to burn that damn letter and make Al think that Emma no longer cared? All of this could have been so different."
"I asked myself that question for a long time, then I realised that if she had not been in that mental state and without Emma, she likely would not have been in a toxic relationship with him, Emma would have badgered her about it but then things would be different now too. Lily, the baby, I might not even have her at all. Everything that happened, as horrible as it is, came to this point and now I have them and I am just going to be grateful for that."
That’s a valid point," Daniel acknowledged, “a sad one, but a valid one.” He put the last of the clothes back into the case. “They need this though, especially with how busy it is going to get here soon with the baby. It’s only a pity you are working.”
“I rather not be. I mean, I love my job and I love the fact I am now back in London but I wish I could spend time with them there, bring Lily into the water and build castles with her. To not make Lexi feel she is facing everything alone. This will be the first time she will be actually showing that she is pregnant, rather than a small glimpse because of her jacket or cardigan was tight against her. This is her, in a t-shirt or blouse in the warm French weather with our baby showing and I know she is nervous, though she won’t mention it.”
“I’ll be there with her,” Daniel promised. “It is so odd, seeing how our lives have changed so much in a short time. Soon, Anna and I will get married, you and Al are having a baby. For the record, Al hasn’t mentioned if it is a boy or girl, could they not tell?”
Tom sighed for a moment. “She doesn’t want to know in advance. She is scared I will hear she is having a particular gender and not react well, I think.” Tom chose his words carefully in case Lily were to hear any of it. “So we are waiting.”
“That did not go according to plan before either, in case we have forgotten.” Daniel shook his head. “He screwed her up so much. Honestly, I think she would make an incredibly interesting psychological study. She was so confident and outgoing. But I guess, look at her now but she is growing slowly back to that.”
“I am sure she would love to hear you say that,” Tom chuckled. “So, is everything starting to take shape for the wedding?”
“Barely anything, we have the date and venue, as you know, but we won’t worry too greatly yet, we still have nine months. I told Al that she is not to stress anything to do with it but she is more worried than I am about it, texting Anna about different things. I remember when she got married, she barely did anything, his mother dictated everything and what little Al was involved in, she did not care the slightest about, I think she didn’t even want to think about it but with Anna, it’s like she has half of these details already.” Daniel chuckled. “Do you think you’ll get her down the aisle someday?”
“I’m not sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was once bitten, twice shy on that front. It took her four years to get her freedom after him, that could possibly scare her away from such a prospect for life.” Tom stated diplomatically.
“But you wish she’d consider it, don’t you?” Daniel pressed.
Tom said nothing in response.
“Au Revoir, Papa,” Lily stated as she hugged Tom goodbye.
"Bonne vacances. Amuses toi bien, ma Princesse," Tom hugged her close kissing the side of her head as he did so. “Have the best time.”
“I’ll miss you, Daddy.”
“You’ll be having too much fun to miss me and Mummy will send me photos and I will ring you between shows. It is going to be wonderful, don’t forget to use your manners when you are speaking and as long as you do your best, the French people will adore you and will be only too happy to help you better improve your pronunciation and such.” He stood up and looked at Alexianna with a smile. “Have a great week.” He pulled her to him.
“Don’t miss us too much.”
“I am going to be here alone while you, our daughter and our baby go on a sun holiday, how could I not?” He looked outside at the overcast London weather. “I am so jealous.”
“Well, usually you get to go warm and fun places, so this is your time to stay home,” Alexianna joked. “But we will miss you too and trust me, if I didn’t have to bring our baby and suffer trying to get off sand with a growing belly, I would.”
“This is the part of having our child I cannot help you with, I’m afraid,” Tom stated apologetically.
“It’s okay Daddy, I’ll look after Mummy and the baby.” Lily declared.
“I know you will, Princess. Now, go before the cab leaves with your belongings and Uncle Dan and Auntie Anna go without you.”
With an “eep” of horror at the thought, Lily rushed down the steps to get into the car with her aunt and uncle.
“You put the fear in her now,” Alexianna laughed before noting something odd about Tom’s features. “Tom?”
“If you are seen, don’t feel ashamed of how you’re changing for our child.” He stated.
“I know you are scared and I know you don’t want to be judged, but don’t worry, alright? I am so sorry I won’t be there to protect you, but if you are seen, there is nothing about having our baby that you should be ashamed of.”
“I know.”
“But you will fret, won’t you?” He toyed with some of her hair.
“I will but at the same time, I was able to shred the picture of him when I was pregnant with Lily, if I am seen, I cannot shred these ones, not when they will be online to see. And Dan and Anna will take pictures and I don’t want the baby to think I was embarrassed to be pregnant so…”
Tom smiled proudly at her. “When you come back, I want to talk to you about getting a photo done, by Sarah or one of her friends, no outsiders, of you, me and Lily, with baby, of course.” He put his hand on her stomach. “And you, my little treasure, you be good to your Mummy when she is gone and do not make her sick again or you and I will have a disagreement, not a peep for you, is that clear?” He remained silent for a moment as though there was any chance of a response. “Good.” He looked at her again to see her laughing at him and shaking her head. “Go, before you miss your flight.”
“Bye.” Alexianna leant up and kissed him. “Be good, and if you can’t be good…”
“Be careful.” Tom chuckled, recalling a time in their youth when one of his friend’s fathers had said that to them. “Now go.”
Reluctantly Alexianna went through the door and down the stairs to the car, knowing her brother had assisted Lily with the steps. Tom watched as she got into the cab and they all waved at him as the cab drove out of the secure gates of the apartment complex and into the street.
Closing the door, Tom looked around. With them gone for a week, he knew little would change, but he missed them already. He would have a lot to do to prepare for each day as usually, Alexianna would assist him with juggling everything but it was doable, he knew that. But he also wanted to surprise her on her return, so with his plans in mind, he rang Benedict. “They’re gone, so are you helping me or not?” Ben responded. “I guess I’ll see you then. Thank you, Ben, you’re a true friend." He hung up after Benedict did before looking for the next phone number in his phonebook to sort what he needed.
A week was a long time to be alone but a short time to organise a surprise in.
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Yarmouth Oilskins
Texte : Marcos Eliades Photos : Thomas M.
Je me souviens la première fois que mes yeux se sont posés sur une étiquette « Yarmouth Oilskins ». C’était dans une friperie. La deuxième fois, dans l’excellent livre de Douglas Gunn – Vintage Menswear – dans lequel sont exposées des pièces rares de la collection personnelle du magasin, notamment une parka Yarmouth jaune de marin. La troisième fois, un ami designer menswear m’en parle lors d’une discussion sur l’histoire du CC41. Ma curiosité s’était éveillée, les pièces me plaisait beaucoup esthétiquement, je voulais en savoir plus. Après quelques recherches sur Instagram, je découvre qu’elle existe toujours et qu’elle est bien développée au Japon : elle y est distribuée sous le nom de Yarmo et se concentre essentiellement sur des vêtements dits workwear. Yarmouth Oilskins avait dès entrepris ce virage depuis bien des années.
I remember the first time my eyes landed on a Yarmouth Oilskins label. It was in a thrift store. The second time was in Douglas Gunn's excellent book - Vintage Menswear - in which rare pieces from the store's personal collection were displayed, including a yellow Yarmouth fisherman's parka. The third time, a menswear designer friend told me about it during a conversation we had about CC41. My curiosity had been aroused, the brand appealed to me aesthetically. After some research on Instagram, I discovered the brand still exists and is well developed in Japan ; it is distributed under the name of Yarmo and mainly focuses workwear. Today a major aspect in menswear Yarmouth had been keen on displaying for years now.
Let’s have a closer look.
Le 1er février 1898, Johnson and Sons devient une société anonyme. Trois jours plus tard, quatre membres de la société s’associent à des hommes d'affaires locaux pour former la société Yarmouth Stores Ltd.
La société ouvre ses magasins dans les ports du Royaume-Uni et emploi, avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale plus de 1 200 salariés, dont la majorité sont des machinistes qui fabriquent des salopettes, uniformes, blouses et autres vêtements de travail.
À l'apogée de l'industrie de la pêche au hareng, les magasins Yarmouth restaient ouverts jusqu'à 23h, heure à laquelle les jeunes filles écossaises arrivaient pour s'équiper en vue de leur tâche ardue de tri, d'éviscération et d'emballage du poisson. Les jupes, tabliers et bottes en tissu huilé se révélaient indispensables. Entre les années 1930 et 1950, les magasins Yarmouth ont connu une période difficile, l'industrie de la pêche connaissant un déclin spectaculaire tout au long des guerres mondiales. Les Deux Guerres entraînent en effet la fermeture successive de bon nombre de magasins de la marque, qui n'ont jamais rouverts.
Dans les années 1960, du gaz naturel est découvert au large des côtes de Norfolk, une nouvelle industrie se développe ainsi rapidement. Yarmouth Stores réagit rapidement en fournissant aux navires et aux équipages de Great Yarmouth des vêtements fonctionnels, ce qu'elle fait encore aujourd'hui.
À l'aube du XXIème siècle, l’entreprise familiale a su répondre à un marché en pleine évolution tout en restant fidèle à son héritage. Les vingt machinistes que compte l’usine couvrent désormais tous les aspects de production des vêtements utilitaires, ce qui permet à la marque d’être « sold throughout the world ».
Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter deux pièces du vestiaire Yarmouth Oilskins : une veste de travail et un pantalon écru.
On February 1st 1898, Johnson and Sons, as it was called, became a limited company. Three days later, four members of the company joined with other local businessmen to form Yarmouth Stores Ltd. 
The company opened stores in ports throughout the United Kingdom and before World War II broke, employed over 1,200 people; the majority of whom were machinists making overalls, uniforms, blouses and other work clothes. 
At the height of the herring fishing industry, Yarmouth stores were open until 11:00 p.m., when young Scottish girls arrived to equip themselves for the arduous task of sorting, gutting and packing fish. Oilcloth skirts, aprons and boots were a must. Between the 1930s and 1950s, Yarmouth stores went through a difficult period. The fishing industry declined dramatically throughout the World Wars. The Wars resulted in the closure of many of the brand's stores, which never reopened.
In the 1960s, natural gas was discovered off the coast of Norfolk and a new industry developed rapidly. Yarmouth Stores responded quickly by providing Great Yarmouth's ships and crews with functional clothing, which it still does today.
At the dawn of the 21st century, the family-owned business responded to a changing marketplace while remaining true to its heritage. The twenty machinists at the plant cover all aspects of functional apparel production, allowing the brand to be "sold throughout the world".
We are pleased to present two pieces of the Yarmouth Oilskins wardrobe: a work jacket and a pair of ecru work trousers. 
La bus driver jacket devient populaire dans les années 1930. Il s'agit d'une veste assez courte conçue pour être portée avec un pantalon assorti. Yarmouth revisite cet héritage en la proposant avec un col de chemise, une coupe plus courte à la taille, une silhouette carrée et une fermeture à boutons corozo fish-eye de chez Courtney & Co Button Makers, un très bon fournisseur de boutons made in the UK.
La veste possède de généreuses poches poitrine à rabats. Aux épaules, elle contient des plis profonds pour faciliter les mouvements. Fabriquée en 100 % sergé de coton* non-doublé, elle sort tout droit de l’usine Yarmouth située à Great Yarmouth en Grande-Bretagne.
*La marque est transparente : si le tissu n’est pas tissé en Angleterre, les étapes de finissage le sont.
La jacket anglaise est plus cintrée que son homologue française que nous avons l’habitude d’apercevoir sur le dos des passants dans la rue, mais elle reste parfaite pour un layering automnal. La toile est résistante mais n’est pas rêche pour autant, Yarmouth lavant au préalable toutes ses vestes afin qu’elles soient plus agréables au porter.
Quant au pantalon écru, il fait partie des nombreux « costumes de travail » fabriqués par les magasins Yarmouth. Chaque métier avait un costume spécifique adapté à ses besoins. Le costume de chef, le costume de steward et le costume de peintre figurent tous dans le catalogue de 1905 des Yarmouth Stores. Ce pantalon a une coupe décontractée à double pinces profondes, sans plis. Il est doté d'une braguette en boutons corozo, de larges passants de ceinture et de deux poches avant et arrière profondes. Le tout est évidemment fabriqué en Grande-Bretagne.
The driver jacket bus became popular in the 1930s. It is a short jacket, designed to be worn with matching trousers. Yarmouth revisits this heritage by offering it with a shirt collar, a shorter cut at the waist, square silhouette and a Corozo fish-eye button closure from Courtney & Co, a very good English button-maker
The jacket has generous chest flap pockets. At the shoulders, two deep pleats for easy movement complete the look. Made from 100% unlined cotton twill*, the jacket is made in Great Yarmouth, Great Britain.  *The brand is transparent on the matter, the fabric is not woven in England but the finishing stages are
The English jacket is more fitted than its French counterpart – as seen everywhere in the streets in Paris and around the world – but remains perfect for Fall layering. The fabric is very durable but not rough, as Yarmouth washes all their jackets making them comfortable to wear. 
As for the ecru trousers, they are one of the many "work suits" made by Yarmouth stores. Each trade had a specific suit adapted to its needs. The chef's suit, steward's suit and painter's suit are all featured in the 1905 Yarmouth Stores catalog. These trousers have a straight casual cut with deep double pleats at the top. They feature a corozo button fly, wide belt loops, and two deep front and back pockets. All of which is of course made in Great Britain. 
Il faut le dire une bonne fois pour toute : le pantalon blanc/écru se marie avec tout. Point. Certains seront réticents à le porter par temps de pluie, chose tout à fait compréhensible, mais fort heureusement il existe aujourd’hui la machine à laver et les détachants extrêmes.
Un aspect très agréable de ce pantalon est par ailleurs le fait qu’il soit taille haute. Très confortable à porter, sa coupe large n’est pas dissuasive pour autant. Le coton du pantalon vaut également le détour : certaines aspérités sont visibles à la surface, ce qui explique la rugosité de la toile qui reste pourtant très douce !
J’associe le tout ici avec un pull col roulé en laine Heimat et des Desert boots Clark’s ainsi que des mi-bas orange en laine.
Cette tenue est certainement une des plus workwear jusqu’à présent mais elle a le mérite de mettre en avant de belles matières et des pièces confortables. Le type de tenue que nous portons pour une balade en moto par jour de beau temps.
Yarmouth Oilskins est une marque qui gagne à être connue en France. Certaines pièces sont simples mais ingénieuses à la fois. Dans une industrie qui fait la course à la technicité, Yarmouth Oilskins choisit de mettre en avant des pièces et des matières du passé qu’il faut redécouvrir aujourd’hui.
Let's say it once and for all: white trousers go with everything. Period. Some people are reluctant to wear them in the rain, which is quite understandable. Fortunately, nowadays we have washing machine and extreme stain removers!
These trousers are high-waisted, which is very pleasant and comfortable to wear. The cotton is also worth the detour: beautiful and sturdy !
This is the look we’d combine these trousers and jacket. A Heimat wool turtleneck sweater and a pair Clark's Desert boots with orange over-the calf wool socks. 
This outfit is certainly one of the most workwear we have done so far, but it has the merit of highlighting beautiful materials and comfortable pieces. 
Yarmouth Oilskins is a brand that deserves to be more widely known in France, some pieces are simple but ingenious at the same time. In an industry consistently reaching for technicality, Yarmouth Oilskins chooses to highlight certain materials from the past that are worth rediscovering today. 
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lymifashion · 5 years
Home / May 13, 2019
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When I heard about the possibility of benefiting from the online services of a stylist and in addition, for free, I didn't hesitate for a second.
Lorsque j’ai entendu parler de la possibilité de bénéficier des services en ligne d’une styliste et en plus, gratuitement, je n’ai pas hésité une seconde.
I think the possibilities we have today to dress are enormous. E-commerce has further expanded the offer and we are fortunate to have a wide choice in terms of fashion. Sometimes I don't really know what to wear anymore and I don't have enough inspiration. That's why I loved the concept of "Zalon by Zalando".
This service was launched in 2015 in Germany and is now available in several countries, including Switzerland. The principle is that a stylist creates a look with items available on Zalando (300'000 items and 2'000 brands available) from your indications.
It is a free online styling service. You can benefit from advice according to your needs. No less than 800 stylists are available and one of them will create a look for you according to your tastes, occasion and budget.
Personally, I find that there are the following advantages:
CHOICE: you can choose the budget, the style of clothing you like, the style of clothing you are looking for or the occasion for which you are looking for a outfit (evening, seasonal clothing...). You can even choose the stylist who will compose your look.
PRATICITY: the package is delivered to you and you have 100 days right of return. So you have plenty of time to try on your clothes and decide whether or not to keep them. In addition, the return is free and you only pay for what you keep.
TIME GAIN: I often hear people tell me that they don't order from Zalando because there are too many choices and it takes too long to find a outfit they like. With Zalon, the problem is solved. It is the stylist who will make a selection according to your needs and style. The service is also available as a 3 or 4 month subscription.
I really appreciated this service. The package is different from Zalando's. The clothes are nicely packed together by outfit (you can see a picture below). I received two outfits: a casual one with jeans, Converse and a sweater. Another one more elaborate with heel shoes, a long skirt and a jeans jacket. I wouldn't necessarily have thought of combining the elements of the second outfit, so I really liked the idea of my stylist, Luisa. The good thing is that you can also write to her directly from the website if you have any questions or special requests.
I think this service is really a very good idea whether you are comfortable with fashion or not. This may help revitalize your wardrobe for those who are at the forefront of fashion and it may help to find ideas for people who are not very comfortable and who don't really know how to dress.
I therefore recommend that you try at least once to form your own opinion.
Je trouve que les possibilités que nous avons aujourd’hui pour nous habiller sont énormes. Le commerce en ligne a encore élargi l’offre proposée et nous avons la chance d’avoir un vaste choix en termes de mode. Parfois, il m’arrive de ne plus trop savoir quoi mettre et d’être en manque d’inspiration. C’est pourquoi j’ai adoré le concept « Zalon by Zalando ».
Ce service a été lancé en 2015 en Allemagne et il est maintenant disponible dans plusieurs pays, dont la Suisse. Le principe est qu’une styliste crée un look avec des articles disponibles sur Zalando (300'000 articles et 2'000 marques disponibles) à partir de vos indications.
C’est un service de stylisme en ligne gratuit. Vous pouvez bénéficier de conseils selon vos besoins. Pas moins de 800 stylistes sont disponibles et l’un d’entre eux va créer un look pour vous en fonction de vos goûts, de l’occasion et du budget.
Personnellement, je trouve qu’il y a les avantages suivants :
CHOIX : vous pouvez choisir le budget, le style de vêtements que vous aimez, le style de tenue que vous cherchez ou encore l’occasion pour laquelle vous cherchez une tenue (soirée, tenue de saison…). Vous pouvez même choisir la styliste qui va composer votre look.
PRATICITÉ : le colis est livré chez vous et vous avez 100 jours de droit de retour. Vous avez donc largement le temps d’essayer vos habits et de décider si vous les gardez ou pas. En plus, le retour est gratuit et vous ne payez que ce que vous gardez.
GAIN DE TEMPS : j’entends souvent des personnes me dire qu’elles ne commandent pas sur Zalando car il y a trop de choix et que cela prend trop de temps pour dénicher une tenue qui leur plaît. Avec Zalon, le problème est réglé. C’est la styliste qui fera une sélection selon votre besoin et votre style. Le service existe également en abonnement de 3 ou 4 mois.
J’ai beaucoup apprécié ce service. Le paquet est différent de ceux de Zalando. Les habits sont joliment emballés ensemble par tenue (vous pouvez voir une photo ci-dessous). J’ai reçu deux tenues : une plutôt casual avec un jeans, des Converse et un pullover. Une autre plus travaillée avec des chaussures à talon, une jupe longue et une veste en jeans. Je n’aurai pas forcément pensé à associer les éléments de la deuxième tenue et j’ai donc beaucoup aimé l’idée de ma styliste, Luisa. Ce qui est bien, c’est que vous pouvez aussi lui écrire directement depuis le site si vous avez des questions ou des demandes spéciales.
Je trouve que ce service est vraiment une très bonne idée que l’on soit à l’aise avec la mode ou pas. Cela permet peut-être de redynamiser sa garde-robe pour ceux et celles qui sont à la pointe de la mode et cela peut aider à trouver des idées pour les personnes qui ne sont pas très à l’aise et qui ne savent pas trop comment s’habiller.
Je vous recommande donc d’essayer au moins une fois pour vous faire votre propre opinion.
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OUTFIT: Zalon by Zalando
Photography by: Etienne Francey
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Quand le programme de la journée c’est de faire du tri dans mes vêtements : décider quoi jeter, quoi vendre, quoi donner, et surtout quoi emporter dans ma valise.
When the program of the day is to clean my wardrobe: decide which clothes to throw away, which clothes to sell, to give, and, most of all, which clothes to put in my suitcase.
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crank-party-blog · 5 years
Fascination propos de destockage
treat your inbox Receive our Lettre nous-mêmes the latest deals and happenings. You can unsubscribe any time you want. Read more here about how and why we ask intuition this data. Dans scannant ceci code barre du produit lequel toi fait en tenant l’œCelui vous aurez tout en même temps que conséquence seul camériste idée avec cette réduction dont toi-même allez obtenir. ça centre levant béant cela dimanche te but même unique Prestation en même temps que navette au débout à l’égard de Paris contre s’en renvoyer. Près obtenir cette liste en compagnie de toutes les estampille présentes ou bien d’autres originale rendez-toi avec Nous-mêmes Nation. Livraison à domicile Retrait Pendant magasin moins 2h Disponible uniquement dans certains magasins Vérifier le fourniture Chez magasin Les cookies assurent ce bon fonctionnement en même temps que nos prestation. Parmi poursuivant votre maritime, vous-même acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. Personnalité vais donc partager en compagnie de vous ici ça que Personnalité connais, plus d’autres de qui Ego’détiens entendu dialoguer mais admirablement sur Moi-même négatif ces connais enjambée Intégraux. Alors, Supposé que prêt en même temps que dans toi-même, vous Selon connaissez un que je n’ai marche mentionné céans n’hésitez marche à me Octroyer tonalité Nom de famille Selon commentaire par exemple. Jugement the press! It's the Missguided super encrassé, what are you waiting connaissance?! If you're after a luxe je trend wardrobe update conscience a bit of a steal then démarche no further than our super rad négligé spicilège to get your Usage fix. Our perfectly put together selection of only the hottest pieces will have you in a somme clothing frenzy, but fear not, this is a spree that won't break the bank. Nonobstant vous offrir ce meilleur service, nous-mêmes utilisons avérés cookies. Pendant poursuivant votre maritime sur notre emploi, toi-même Dans acceptez l'utilisation. Chez savoir davantage Celui-là est habituel près bizarre Action d'garder un approvisionnement nonobstant pouvoir rétraiter dans bizarre délai présentable aux demandes de ses preneur alors également pressentir avérés risques en tenant disjonction de la chaîrien logistique. Toutefois, quelque Projet cherche à minimiser tonalité stock contre réduire ton BFR. Malgré avoir un idée avec celui-ci qui vous pouvez y acheter, je vous-même conseille ensuite de vous redonner sur Youtube après à l’égard de taper “Haul Fait“ dans la brin en compagnie de information. Do’orient me imprévu en tenant ma timbre en tenant Bougies/Parures MyJolieCandle qui vient de modifier ce Stylisme avec ces emballages après revend donc les vétéran modèles sur sa Feuille Déstockage en compagnie de une adorable réduction avec 30% au couloir. Le déstockage DARTY orient revendu directement en les magasins DARTY. Toi-même pouvez ensuite parfois voir apparaitre la Remarque “déstockage” en magasin ou sur l’eshop DARTY. Dans Paris, beaucoup d’autres établissement en tenant déstockage en tenant estampille Style existent, en Revoilà quelques exemples : La remise peut porter si bravissimo sur seul appareil à l’égard de cuisson qui’unique aspirateur ou un lave-moins. Des outil en même temps que estampille vous-même seront viséeés Pendant désignation. Celui-ci Pendant va du convention en tenant confiance lequel unit l'enseigne puis ce consommateur.ici
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years
The Key Men’s Style Lessons To Learn From The Military
The Key Men’s Style Lessons To Learn From The Military
War, huh, yeah. What’s it been good for? Absolutely nothing. Apart from, perhaps, shaping practically everything hanging in the male wardrobe today.
The 20th century’s conflicts may have been entirely undesirable, but it’s possible that without them, men would still be trapped in a sartorial straitjacket.
Crew neck T-shirts, chinos, bomber jackets; all infiltrated fashion from the front line, and few are showing any signs of retreating, but there was a time when the two were interdependent.
“It’s more of a two-way street than people realise,” says Amber Butchart, style historian and lecturer at The London College of Fashion. “Centuries ago, when military uniforms were standardised, most of the design came from the fashionable cuts of the time.” The flipside of this was the inspiration those military adaptations then gave back to designers, in New York, Paris and London.
Maybe it’s the timeless, functional nature of the garments that so appeals to men. Perhaps it’s the associations with heroism. Either way, it’s hard to go wrong with military clothing. Which is why enlisting these battle-dress staples is mission critical for your wardrobe.
Menswear Pieces That Started In The Military
The Trench Coat
Men’s fashion and military clobber have been close allies for so long that the origins of individual pieces are sometimes murky. As is the case with the trench coat, with fellow countrymen Aquascutum and Burberry both staking a claim.
“Thomas Burberry was commissioned by the war office to create a piece of outerwear suitable for soldiers on the front line during World War I,” says Butchart, siding with the latter. “He then developed a water-repellent cloth and the trench coat as we know it now came into being.”
Today the sleek, belted silhouette is considered a luxury essential and as such has spawned many variations, including long and short cuts, single- and double-breasted, and even modern colour-pop styles.
White T-Shirt
It’s hard to imagine what life would be like if arguably the most iconic menswear item in the world remained nothing more than an undergarment.
“It’s not so much a trending piece as a perennial relied upon by many,” says Henry Wilfrid, a men’s stylist who has worked with brands including Tom Ford, Dunhill and Reiss.
The most classic version of the T-shirt, a short-sleeved white cotton crew neck, first sprung to life as standard issue schmutter for the US Navy and later the army in the 1910s. When the war ended, tens of thousands of soldiers took the fashion home with them. Brando, Dean, Beckham. The rest, as they say, is history.
Pilot’s Watch
Ever since man first took to the skies, watchmakers have been working hard to create a ticker to help him land at his destination on time.
The pilot’s watch is the fruit of their labour. “It’s a great example of function over form,” says Terry Markham, head of buying at WatchShop.com. “The beauty of the pilot design is that it comes in a simple colour palette, is easy to read, is not overtly branded, and wears well dressed up or down.”
One of the most popular choices on the market, the best pilot’s watches are chronographs with features such as unidirectional bezels, lumed hands and are flanked by either a leather or nato strap.
The Bomber Jacket
Like most military clothing, the bomber jacket was originally developed as utility wear, designed to keep pilots warm in cockpits so rickety and thin that freezing was as much a risk as being shot out of the sky.
Early styles were cut from heavy-duty leather and lined with insulating sheepskin (more closely resembling what is now known as an ‘aviator jacket’), but today it’s more common to see the nylon MA-1 model flying up and down runways.
“The bomber jacket has been a key piece for a few seasons now,” says Wilfrid. “For a more formal interpretation, look out for leather trims or even styles made with a velvet fabric.”
When it comes to trousers that sit slap bang in the middle of smart and casual, you’d be hard-pressed to find a pair that fit the bill better than chinos.
“Before landing on college campuses across the US in the mid-20th century, chinos were built for battle,” says Chris Gove, creative director of British menswear brand Percival. Developed from khakis, which were created as a way to camouflage British troops stationed in India, chinos came crafted from pure twill cotton in a sandy, light-brown shade to provide a hard-wearing and comfortable means of going low-profile during war in dusty places.
“Nowadays, chinos will do little to keep you incognito, but they do offer an updated, streamlined way of nailing Ivy League style, with the same hardy wear.”
Desert Boots
While stationed in Burma in the 1940s, a young Nathan Clark clocked the comfortable suede boots worn by off-duty officers and did what any sane, budding fashion tycoon would have. He said “I’m having that” and went home to put the footwear into production.
More than half a century later, the desert boot is one of the most popular and versatile shoes around.
“It’s the best compromise between smart and casual,” says Daniel Johnson, a stylist who has worked with the likes of Ralph Lauren, Paul Smith and Hermès. “I’d personally look for a pair made of suede rather than leather, styled with selvedge denim jeans or soft cashmere trousers.”
The Peacoat
Military menswear doesn’t just come from the skies or dry land, the heroes at sea have provided civilians with countless modern essentials, including the peacoat.
A product of 19th-century nautical attire, this cropped, double-breasted style made inroads into men’s fashion after World War II due to the post-war surplus and subsequent low cost.
“The Navy heritage is why peacoats tend to be navy,” explains Mr Porter US editor Dan Rookwood, who suggests looking for a modern style constructed with a high wool content. “It’ll come with a higher price tag, but the investment will be well worth it.
As hard as it is to believe, your granddad isn’t the originator of the cardigan. This geek chic classic also has military roots.
“The seventh Earl of Cardigan, James Thomas Burdenell lays claim to its parentage, having commissioned it for British soldiers during the Crimean War,” says Gove. Initial designs were sleeveless vests loosely based on waistcoats, but designs with sleeves soon followed.
The cardigan is now loved for its insulation, not only by OAPs but practically every style tribe and subculture imaginable. If you still need convincing that the cardigan is cool, Kurt Cobain couldn’t get enough of them.
Combat Trousers
We’re sure cargo trousers came in for a tough ride during World War Two, when British forces relied on their patch pockets to hold field dressings. But that’s arguably nothing compared to what they endured during the nineties at the hands of boybands.
Fortunately, these functional combat kecks have been increasing their rank in recent seasons. “Side patch pockets on tailored casual trousers have been a slow-burning trend for a while, and we’re now seeing them on the high street,” says Wilfrid.
No longer the preserve of weekend dads, designers and brands have worked hard to produce slimmed-down cargo trousers that could easily sub in for trousers on more casual days. Providing they don’t zip-off at the knee.
Style Lessons To Learn From The Military
Go All-Out Green
Even if a traditional military garment isn’t your wardrobe weapon of choice, you can still sign up to military style by utilising its preferred colour palette.
“Shades of green are a key colour trend,” says Wilfrid, no doubt because of their ability to be worn tonally head to toe, or flank everything from black denim when worn as a coat, to a suit when worn as a knitted tie.
Get Suited For War
Fond as we were of our childhood Action Man figures, dressing like one in later life should never be the aim. Remember that military coats, duffles and peas in particular, can join forces with a range of other attire.
“The peacoat is hugely versatile in terms of styling,” says Rookwood. “Its length is longer than a blazer, and it tends to be roomier in the shoulder so can easily be layered over a suit.”
“That said, it also looks slick worn casually with dark selvedge jeans and brown brogue boots.” In short: pick right and you’ll have the armour for all-out smart offence and a more conservative, casual defence.
Pore Over The Details
You don’t need to be a particularly big fan of Michael Jackson (or battle reenactment, for that matter) to know that military garments can be heavy on details.
“These were born out of necessity on the front line,” says Butchart. “Epaulettes were there to hold gloves or caps. While waist straps were originally used to hold grenades or swords.”
Respect the functions, but remember that too much detailing can make an item look more casual. When buying new, favour examples with fewer bells and whistles to ensure they’ll work better with everything in your wardrobe.
Go Commando
The first rubber lug soles to hit the footwear market featured a tread design called a ‘Carrarmato‘, the Italian word for tank. So it’s little surprise the hiking-inspired design would soon end up on the feet of foot soldiers.
Today, rugged commando soles aren’t only a way to easily navigate rain, ice and snow, they’re also a way of saluting the forces without straying into fancy dress territory.
“Recently these thick tread soles have been applied to everything from boots to city shoes like brogues and Derbies,” says Gove. “Wear them with a suit or simple trousers and T-shirt combination.” Overdoing it is your enemy here.
Keep Those Boots Polished
Military men will go to extreme lengths to get their best boots gleaming, even after a 10-mile hill run in mud bath conditions. So, there’s no excuse for you to have a pair of grubby stompers at the ends of your legs.
“It’s important to look after leather shoes using a spray or protector because leather is a natural product so reacts to the weather and temperatures,” says Kurt Geiger buying manager Robbie Evans. “By treating them, you’ll be able to protect and prolong the natural fibres and overall look and quality for longer.”
If wary about chemicals on your clodhoppers, you can use a natural leather conditioner made from something like beeswax. Massage this into the leather in circular motions whenever it feels dry to help to keep your shoes soft and supple.
Basic Training
As far as military wardrobes go, it’s all about the basics. Without an army of classics like the white T-shirt, there’s no hope of advancing your style game.
“If you don’t have the basics in your wardrobe already you’ll find it hard to put outfits together,” says Sarah Gilfillan, a stylist and founder of men’s personal shopping service SartoriaLab. “These pieces give a blank canvas on which to add more trend-driven or statement pieces.”
Cover your bases with a well-fitting white tee, sky blue Oxford shirt, grey sweatshirt, quality wool overcoat and some sturdy dark denim.
Embrace The Tuck
A marine whose shirt-tucking knowhow maxes out at ‘shove it in my pants and hope for the best’ can expect nose-to-nose screaming from a red-faced drill sergeant.
For civvies, however, there’s no such person to keep us in sartorial step. Which means it pays to learn how to do it the right way without prompt.
“The military tuck refers to a technique of tucking a shirt neatly into trousers,” explains Gilfillan. “It’s achieved by pulling the shirt down and tucking in tightly before making a vertical fold at either side of the waist to get rid of any excess fabric.” With no fabric at ease around your waist, you’re good to go.
Organise With Military Precision
Ever wonder how army guys can bolt out of bed with a second’s notice at five in the morning and still look put together? One word: organisation.
“Although it may not come naturally, it pays off to be organised with your wardrobe,” says Gilfillan. “A lot of guys will buy items, then find they have nothing to wear them with. When adding to your wardrobe ask yourself if you can wear something with at least three different things.”
As well as this, consider ordering items in your wardrobe by type, so it’s obvious what your missing in your wardrobe and take some time at the weekend to build outfits for future reference.
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