#dante sparad
polarisbibliotheque · 5 months
Are you into MBTI? If yes, may I ask for your idea on DMC characters types? If no then feel free to skip this ask, sorry for bothering you.
First things first, my beloved: DON’T APOLOGIZE. None of you are EVER bothering me by sending an ask – unless, of course, you’re completely crass, deranged, borderline criminal (or full criminal) with your words or just gratuitously rude. Those types are bothersome and will get blocked and ignored.
Unless I’m on an Axl Rose like rampage and want to burn and fistfight people along my way, then I’ll use the stupid being in question to pour all my anger and have a good reason to spend hours in therapy :)
But you are NOT one of those, my dear. That’s a very fun question and do feel free to ask me random things like that, I enjoy answering!
Now, I’m not really big on MBTI – I know enough about mine and my family’s so I can make things work between me and them. I also like to know my friends MBTI’s because the memes are usually freakishly accurate with all our personalities xD
I am an INTP! Quite proud, if I might say so hahahaha I like the weird vibes and I have adopted in my heart Sherlock Holmes as an INTP ‘cause he was my role model when I was a teen (I know, HORRIBLE role model, but it is what it is) – and that’s how I got into MBTI.
(more under the cut, this answer is LONG)
I’ll start with him and then Dante. I won’t share my 2 cents on the rest of the crew because either they aren’t that much developed as the twins or I’m not really trusting my MBTI judging abilities here.
Without further ado…
I debated quite a WHILE on Vergil, to be honest, because we all know INTJ is the typical villain archetype used everywhere on media because heaven forbid a villain is not calculating and devoided of emotions.
And there’s where I got a little stuck: emotions.
Vergil does have emotions, and I dare to say his run even deeper than Dante’s, so I got a little sidetracked. But then I took my own personality, INTP, and thought about it for a while. I have the same problem as Vergil: my emotions do run deep and I’m always guarding them in a dark, secret place inside of me so I won’t get hurt, opting for a more thinking, analytical and practical approach rather than the feeling approach. And oh boy does my life get difficult with feeling types like my aunt, my mom and even my sister.
I got to the conclusion, then, it’s not how you feel, but rather how you present yourself. I took the test as if I was Dante (I needed that to figure him out, not sorry) and a lot of questions are more leaning on that. It’s not that you don’t feel or don’t understand feelings, it’s more like you have a different approach when doing things and processing all of that – because it can be quite overwhelming.
So, there we go, Vergil is BLATANTLY Introverted and Thinking. The Introverted I got from what I heard some people saying that it’s not that “oh I like talking to people/I don’t like talking to people”, it’s energy: at the end of the day, do you prefer being alone to recharge or around people to recharge?
Me and my sister are opposites on that. My sister was always quieter and shy when she was a kid, and I was expansive and always came back with a new friend. Lo and behold, I’m an Introvert and she is an Extrovert. How? I HAVE and I NEED time alone, completely for myself, with NO ONE around at certain times of the day and I do get AWFULLY tired when I’m being social for too long, needing some me time with tea and a good book. My sister NEEDS to be around her friends after a long, tiring week at work, famously going to 3 parties in a row, in 3 different days, different groups, outfits and all, exiting one party to go to the other, and then BAM going to work on a Monday completely replenished. I’m an Introvert. She is an Extrovert.
Dante and Vergil seal of approval here hahahahaha
His Intuitive part, though, comes from the art – poetry, philosophy, reading, education. Vergil is obviously BIG on that, loving poetry since he was a child and always being found in libraries, we can all picture him going to art galleries, concerts, operas and such. But, particularly, I extend that to his thirst for knowledge: everyone who enjoys reading the dense stuff he does, tends to fall for philosophy, sociology, the metaphysical part of physics, mathematics, all that. There was a reason why great mathematicians of the past were also philosophers: knowledge walks together.
Loving that deeply, Vergil has to be quite Intuitive. Yes, he will do things with discipline and how they should be done to achieve the result – but he will rebel and do things his own way if the knowledge he acquired so far points him to another direction; he will follow his intuition. He’s not one to dismiss the big questions in life: quite the contrary, I think one of his favorite past-times would be drinking wine along his s/o while talking about philosophy into the wee hours of the night as if they are the only people in the world.
Vergil is an open minded, curious and always searching for the meaning of things kind of person, and I will die on this hill. There is no way a guy who likes learning so much would be against challenging his own point of views: to learn, you have to first be a novice; and to improve, you have to admit there’s much you still don’t know and keep an open mind to fail and do it again, and again, and again, until you master what you are learning. Just the way he fights tells me he is very much like that and I’m still dying on this hill.
And lastly, Judging. No, not because he’s the judgy bitch of the series who’s always side-eying someone and sighing while saying “pathetic” just because they got scared by their own shadow. I have to say I wasn’t too sure on this one when I realized Vergil could end up as an INTP and that bitch can’t be an INTP like me, I claimed it.
Jokes aside, Vergil can be quite Perceiving at times, because, wanting or not, he has had his moments of needing to improvise and spot opportunities that weren’t quite on his schedule… But, I do have to admit, INTPs are a mess and Vergil is FAR from being a mess – and when I say a mess, we are everywhere: reading 5 books at the same time, leaving them scattered all around the house, laying upside down in bed to think and come up with a great idea for something… INTPs aren’t pragmatic or schedule oriented. And Vergil would DIE in an environment like this, I think.
So, my conclusion was: his ability to survive does come from his Perceiving characteristics, but his pragmaticism comes from his Judging – and the second is a lot stronger in him. He would like the schedule, he would do things as he has programmed and, if you interrupt him, he’s counting the minutes to go back to his schedule or else everything he has carefully programmed for the week will be delayed and his plans are all but GONE (read: Verge at the Temen-ni-gru screaming “WHY ISN’T THIS WORKING?!” when ALL the plans he carefully executed for WEEKS so he could get to THAT moment and open the gates of Hell just went down the drain ‘cause he missed something in his calculations. Man is in excruciating pain he missed something and ALL was for NOTHING and he’d have to TRY again).
Verdict: Vergil is an INTJ. Expected, annoyingly villainous personality, but it does fit him wonderfully.
Plus, we are the 'we don't have feelings' types :D
Oh, Dante. My beloved. My red devil. The man who haunts my dreams.
Seriously, I had a REALLY hard time pinpointing his MBTI.
Remember I said I took the test as him? Yes. I did. To check some things and argue against others hahahahaa
I don’t think Dante is as black and white as Vergil. The blue devil is almost textbook INTJ, but Dante…? I have my doubts on SO many parts of his personality, because, unlike Vergil, Dante does a LOT just for show.
Starting with the Extroverted/Introverted. Most people won’t even think before saying Dante is an Extrovert, but I had my doubts when taking things in consideration. What we usually see is that, yes, he does love being around people – but Dante spends most of his time alone, without electricity, reading his old magazines at his shop, sleeping or eating pizza by himself.
Depression? Yes. YES. This man is more depressed than the San Andreas Fault. This can make people behave differently from their personalities, so I had to think a little more about it. Dante doesn’t really go out of his way to be around people, to party with his friends or just have a nice time with them around. Dante wants to be alone, because he thinks he doesn’t deserve to be with people – and that they are better off without him, safer. He puts them in danger, at least that’s what’s on his mind. So, he isolates himself and prefers to spend time on his own, away from everything and everyone.
That’s where the energy thing comes into play! What gives Dante energy? Honestly, my man looks drained and just the dust of his being whenever they get to his shop and he’s been living in that condition for months. During the games AND after the games, though? He looks a lot better – even if he has been beaten up by a bunch of demons. And that’s because, I think, Dante gets energized by being around people – friends, family, loved ones. Just like my sister, he can conquer the world after going to 5 parties in a row. Vergil, in the other hand, would be drained and dying by the second one, just like Dante is when he hasn’t been around people too much, always isolating himself.
So, despite his depression that makes him behave differently, Dante is an Extrovert in my book.
One that I don’t even think too much about him is the Perceiving trait. Dante is like that, 10/10. He can’t thrive on a schedule, things in his life are Everything Everywhere All At Once, and my man is in his lane with that. Try to fit Dante in a box with a set routine and too many rules, he’s dying. Aside from that, he has a knack for improvising and finding the best opportunities in unexpected situations.
Hence why he has so many freaking weapons and is just using all of them and all of his fighting styles at the same time, taunting demons and dancing Macarena right after – and making it all look like it makes the most absolute fucking sense. No one can pull that off like Dante, king of winging it.
Now, I do believe he is Intuitive. Dante might not be the art and poetry type like Vergil, but he is well educated. He has to be, to do what he does. And I do believe his thing for philosophy shows when Dante is lecturing demons: that WHOLE answer he gives Agnus about what demons lack compared to humans, that is VERY much philosophy. Dante doesn’t just go and takes everything at face value, because, if he did, he would very much say the obvious: demons are, objectively, stronger than humans. But all the heart, all the internal things that make humans stronger than demons… That’s philosophy.
I can see Dante enjoying movies – blockbusters, yes, packed with action and special effects, but let’s remember… Titanic is a blockbuster. And there’s so much heart in that movie, so much philosophy, so much about choosing your own fate and not being tied to the one that was handed to you… Titanic can pack one hell of an existential punch and make you think about so much in your life – you just have to be open to it.
Differently from Vergil, Dante wasn’t the library and heavy books sort of guy. But he was the guy to go to the movies, to watch all of that. To go back home (wherever his home was at the moment, even if just a place for him to crash for a while) and think about everything he watched in the silent darkness of his room. To think about the things Eva taught him – and see the value of all that.
He’s not the type to go to an art gallery, or read philosophy, or go to the opera. But he will go if he is invited, he will discuss things the way he learned them, and he will enjoy it. He’d be more than willing to talk about what makes humans so precious and spend hours doing so, as he would be open to listen to his s/o explaining what makes him so human despite his demonic heritage. And he would spend days thinking about it, always willing to discuss those topics if his s/o wanted to.
He's not textbook Intuitive like Vergil, I think, but he still is, in his very own way. I’d say Vergil is academically Intuitive, while Dante learned his Intuitive trait on the streets – we all say Dante is a safespace for everything, and a man like has to be open minded and curious. If he wasn’t, he would have never welcomed Trish and given her a chance to be human: he would’ve killed her right away for being a demon. And that isn’t our red devil.
Last but not least, Dante is a Feeling. I’m always dying on this hill, even if that one ALSO made me have some doubts.
Because you see, Dante just pretends to be a goof, but he isn’t. He is very intelligent and cunning, very perceiving and observing, but wrapped in a reckless rockstar package. It’s his own way of coping, but that is what makes him SUCH a great devil hunter (sorry, Nero). Even if we might disagree on this, I do believe Dante has his emotions very much controlled.
Which is a little evidenced by the lyrics on his theme song in DMC V, Subhuman (I know we ALL love Bury The Light and Devil Trigger but OH MY GOD, I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT HOW SUBHUMAN IS AWESOME AND FITTING FOR DANTE). The song is VERY explicit how Dante is always controlling his rage and keeping his demon on a very tight leash so he has control over it all the fucking time. That isn’t very Feeling in my book – it’s quite Thinking, like Vergil.
That’s what made me think a little about Vergil’s as well. I have what might be an unpopular opinion about the twins after thinking so much about them and seeing how they react and act in all of the games: Vergil has a tendency to loose control and overkill, while Dante has a tendency to let his rage burn at the exact moment he needs it and use his power just as much as he needs to get the job done. Dante is more controlled with his emotions than Vergil – and in my opinion, it’s because Vergil bottles up and ignores his emotions until they become a storm that can’t be stopped (cough cough personal experience cough cough) while Dante controls things so he can use his emotions and let them be expressed/gets them off his system in “safe” environments for him, which would be killing demons.
So, why the heck is Dante a Feeling in my book? Precisely why Vergil is a Thinking. It has to do with how they present themselves – and that is the point that makes them so different and butt heads almost every game.
The devil on Dante’s leash is his rage, the feeling he allows and wants to run amok and uncontrolled is his love. Dante controls his bursts of anger and the demonic blood who craves for mayhem – but he doesn’t control his human heart that does everything out of empathy and love. He will run to the rescue when his loved ones are in danger, he will protect weak people against the powerful ones, he will lecture corrupted humans who see nothing but power in front of them, he will cry and he will do everything in his power to keep love alive and thriving. He will react immediately, he will understand, he will feel the pain of those who are injured and begging for help – he will let his heart melt and do everything for them.
Therefore, Dante is a Feeling. And I think that’s what makes him and Vergil opposites and always fighting: Vergil wants power and puts logic over feelings, avoiding them like the plague, while Dante wants love and puts feelings over logic, embracing them and acting out of what his human heart tells him is the right thing to do. The whole series is based on this – at least in my opinion.
Verdict: Dante is an ENFP. Didn’t really expect it, but after analyzing with care, it makes a lot of sense to me.
Also, all the memes with ENFP x INTJ relationship dynamics I just checked are basically Dante and Vergil in a nutshell - I’ll leave some of them below and you guys will HAVE to forgive me not really crediting the people who created these memes, I honestly just found on google and wanted to share so you can have an idea of what I’m talking about.
But I honestly have been wheezing for the past hour and I thank you SO MUCH anon for this ask – I hope you enjoyed this little TED Talk about the Sparda Twins’ personalities please Capcom hire me to write official canon about them
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If this isn't Dante and Vergil, I dunno what is
And last but not least:
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That's all the games in a nutshell, really.
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
So how is Dante with kids especially if they came from Mc or was adopted?
~Raven anon 💜
You know Raven, I've been thinking about this too. Cause like dilf Dante 🥴🥴
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If his partner is able to get pregnant.
I have a feeling that if the two of you are really trying, it wouldn't take long for you to get pregnant. Let's just say he got a lot of pent-up energy.
Before you even think about trying a pregnancy test, Dante is already making arrangements to change his house and lifestyle. He doesn't want the quarter hell spawn, tripping over one of his weapons or anything.
He will also be waiting outside the door while you take the pregnancy test. He wants to be the first to get the news. If it isn't, he will be a little disappointed, but then starts making plans for a week where the two of you can just stay in bed.
However, if you turn out pregnant, his face will break out into pure joy as he lifts you as he spins you. When he sets you down, he covers your face in kiss. All the while singing your praise.
He will take care of your hand and foot, and if he can't because of a job, he will ask Lady, Trish, and Kyrie to be there for you. Not Nero because he knows that boy has a smart mouth.
He makes sure to attend every doctor's appointment with you. He even attends parenting classes with you. He wants to do this right.
The further into your pregnancy, the less dangerous mission he takes, and starts taking easy normal jobs.
On the day of the baby's birth, he is kinda freaking out. Yes, you packed everything weeks prior, but what if you guys are forgetting something?! Then he would have to get it like the good husband he is and possibly miss out on the birth of his first kid!
He worries a lot honestly, but he wouldn't want to be anywhere else. He keeps his cool through the rest of the birth, but you swear he was squeezing your hand harder than you were squeezing his.
However, once the baby is born, Dante can no longer keep his cool as he is crying and cooing over you and his baby. He never thought he would have this, so he can't help but feel emotional now that he was actually here.
If his partner can't get pregnant
Dante wouldn't mind adopting a little one. It just means they won't carry the burden of the sparda name.
To him, it doesn't matter the age of the child/children you adopt. What matters to him is the bond the two of you and the children have.
As soon as things are settled and you're waiting for paperwork to go through, Dante heads home immediately and starts cleaning out rooms for the little ones.
Though he can't afford to fully decorate their room, he still puts things they like in there. Fresh bedding, clothes, things to make it feel comfy, and a few things they like.
He is ecstatic for the day the child/children get to come home. He is practically bouncing in his seat, going to pick them up.
I'm telling you there is already a big Sparad party for these kids when they get home. Everyone got together to welcome the new little one(s) to their family.
If they are at the age to hold weapons whole heartily, expect Nero and Lady to be talking to them about demon hunting already. It runs in the Sparda family, after all.
All in all, I think Dante would be a great father. Will he make mistakes? Of course! He never had a good role model, so he is making it up as he goes, but he is trying his best. He will always put his family first, and whenever demon attacks happen, he hides those who can't fight and protects those on the field with him. He will keep his family safe even at his own expense.
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vergilnelosparda · 4 years
Vergil’s Back
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my question is how Nero know Vergil was his dad and Vergil didn’t
@dangerousbride​ created this comic
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alltomtrav · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.alltomtrav.info/adrian-och-lutfi-kolgjini-var-segertagen/?Allt+Om+Trav
Adrian och Lutfi Kolgjini var i segertagen
Fem segrar till Kolgjinis. Adrian och Lutfi Kolgjini var i segertagen hemma på Jägersro på lördagen. Och visst vann man även loppet i fokus – C.L. Müllers Memorial. Adrian Kolgjini dirigerade storloppet med Dante Boko och satt bekvämt bakåtlutad den sista biten.
Sjukdomar har satt ner Lutfi Kolgjinis hästar på slutet men till V75 på hemmabanan hade man bullat upp värre med ett koppel hästar till start. Efter lärlingen Alexandre Dessartres seger i montéloppet – utanför V75 – med Olympic Kronos fyrades de tunga pjäserna av vilket slutade med en fyrling på V75-spelet. Årets upplag av C.L. Müllers Memorial var på förhand en jämn historia med ett flertal segeraspiranter, som exempelvis comebackande Lionel, Västerboonthenews, Zenit Brick och On Track Piraten, där den senare kunde vinna loppet för fjärde gången. Men det blev aldrig någon kamp. Adrian Kolgjini styrde till ledningen med Dante Boko, släppte kort ifrån sig densamma och övertog igen efter några hundra meter. En växling med Stefan Söderkvist bakom Västerboonthenews. – Det var lite bäddat för att vi skulle få bestämma. Men vaddå – vi kör liksom 1.16,5 första varvet! sa segerkusken Adrian Kolgjini och menade att han hade velat tävla mer. Adrian hade mycket krafter sparade i Dante Boko.som noterade tiden1.13,9 över 2 640 meter, auto. 400 000 kronor var segern värd i loppet som körts sedan 1927 på Jägersro. – Jag tyckte ändå att det var klart att han skulle vinna i dag. Dante var så jäkla fin också, på bettet hela tiden vilket han inte brukar vara. Det har varit ett dåligt storloppsår för mig. Skönt med Müllers, det var hemmaplan och bra med pengar, sa Adrian. Flera glada ägare i Stall Be the Best äger Dante Boko. Tvåa från ledarryggen slutade Västerboonthenew, trea Zenit Brick. Knappe favoriten Lionel kom bort i speeduppgörelsen sista varvet och var klart godkänd.
En häst på banan Det blev alltså ytterligare tre V75-segrar till stallet. Adrian Kolgjini satt bakom när Platon Face utklassade motståndet i Oktoberstayern. Adrian styrde till täten efter 600 meter och femåringen var kvar i den positionen över de dryga tre kilometerna. Under slutrundan fick Platon Face dra upp tempot för att plåga konkurrenterna. Uttrycket ”en häst på banan” kom väl till pass. Thomas Uhrberg satte sedan dit överraskningen Rhesos Face med det beprövade receptet ledning från start till mål. Men segern var ingen bluff. Rhesos Face uppvaktades och inleda första 1000 efter snabba 1.13,5 men kunde ändå lätt sprinta undan. Stall Kolgjinis flyt fortsatte över bronsdivisionen där Lutfi själv satt bakom vinnaren Marciano.
En stjärna presenterade sig? Med 380 000 kronor intjänat presenterade sig Now Or Never Flair med en dunderinsats i klass I-loppet. Åbytränaren Mikko Aho tränar den fyraårige valacken som kördes av Örjan Kihlström. Now Or Never Flair var nära galopp från sjundespåret bakom bilen och Kihlström valde att ta det lilla lugna. Ekipaget hamnade sist. Vad gör Kihlström? Jo, över hetsiga 1640 meter vred han bara på sin häst 800 meter från mål och hade rundat samtliga innan slutkurvan. Segermarginalen: sju längder! – Det var en imponerande prestation, det måste man säga. Ja, det är sällan man suttit bakom en häst som rundat ett fält så enkelt i V75, sa Örjan Kihlström.
I övrigt noterade vi att… …imponerade gjorde också USA-födda Southwind Feji som nu inlett karriären med tio segrar på tolv starter. Axevallatränaren Pär Hedberg hade fog för sin optimism före loppet. Stallets lärling Linus Svensson var passagerare. Nytt rekord för stoet, 1.13,3 över 2140 meter, auto. – Oj, att prestera så här i vanlig vagn och med skor! sa Svensson. …ordet ”äntligen” användes en hel del efter Speedy Foxy Vicanes seger i silver. Det åttaåriga stoet har radat upp fina insatser i V75 och fick nu sätta pricken över i tillsammans med Thomas Uhrberg. Stoet slog dessutom jättefavoriten Generaal Bianco regelrätt. Tränar gör amatören David Källgren med licens på Vaggeryd. …sju rätt på V75 delade ut 35 985 kronor, sex rätt gav 446 kronor och fem rätt 50 kronor.
Mikael Wikner, Kanal 75
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alltomtrav · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.alltomtrav.info/eftersnack-v86-17-maj-2017/?Allt+Om+Trav
Eftersnack V86 17 maj 2017
Milligan’s School och Stefan Melander krossade motståndet i Solvallaserien. Foto av LARS JAKOBSSON
Nuncio, Uncle Lasse och Cruzado dela Noche är tre exempel. På onsdagen visade Stefan Melander upp stallets nästa stjärna från andra sidan Atlanten. – Egentligen är inte det här min grej, jag brukar inte köpa färdiga hästar, urskuldade sig ”Tarzan” sedan Milligan’s School skojat med sina kullkamrater i Solvallaserien f��r fyraåringar.
Att forma nordamerikanska unghäststjärnor till äldre elithästar är något Stefan Melander gått in för de senaste åren. Även om han tydligen inte vill kännas vid det själv. – Det är väl på en hand man kan räkna hästarna jag köpt med det här upplägget, förklarade Melander som inhandlade den fyrfaldige miljonären i våras och tycks ha funnit en häst som kan matcha vilken fyraåring som helst i landet. Milligan’s School såg måttligt inspirerad ut i sin position utanpå ledaren, men så fort upploppet nalkades förstod han vad som gällde och plockade ner invändige stallkamraten Dante U.S. på några imponerande steg. – Jag tjoade lite på honom på upploppet och han gick ifrån ganska enkelt, med öronen framåt så det fanns nog en hel del krafter kvar, mös Melander som inte kom över hästen av någon slump. – Jag har följt honom sedan han började starta som tvååring. Han var fantastiskt bra då och jag höll honom som favorit i Hambletonian. Men han vann inte och sedan hände något, jag vet inte vad. Det kanske var därför vi kunde köpa honom, sade Melander som också gav senaste nytt angående Nuncios elitloppsdeltagande: – Hästen känns otroligt fin, han blir glad nu när inte minusgrader på nätterna och varma dagar. Jag bestämmer mig på söndag, jag ska köra lite med honom då också.
”Han är bara bäst” Annars var det två elvaåringar som förgyllde kvällen. Nantucket kom till Mercedes Balogh i slutet av 2015 och har sedan dess utvecklats till landets främsta montéhäst. Att ryttarinnorna får chansen på de största spelformerna hör verkligen inte till vanligheterna, men Solvalla Hästägarförenings Montépokal med 100 000 kronor till vinnaren fick nådiga nicken. Det blev en fartfylld tillställning där hårt favoritspelade Nantucket drog till front för Sofia Adolfsson, men fick ge allt för att hålla undan för ettrigt spurtande Olympic Kronos och Stephanie Werder. – Jättekul. Det finns inga ord, han är allt, han är bara bäst den här hästen, berömde Adolfsson som dominerar sporten och kan ståta med svettiga 20 segrar på 54 ritter under 2017. Ännu lyckligare var tränaren som förutom förstapriset även kan räkna in en fribiljett till Montéeliten under årets största travhelg. – Jag har aldrig varit nervös tidigare, men nu höll jag på att gå upp i atomer. Det är en väldigt speciellt häst på alla sätt. Vi lever tätt ihop och han har blivit som en familjemedlem, jublade Balogh.
Heders-Harry tillbaka Den andra elvaåringen var V75-ikonen Harry Haythrow som visade gnista från fornstora dagar då han blixtrade till front, släppte till favoriten Västerboonthenews och lekande lätt speedade förbi. – Det kändes nästan inför det här loppet att han är tillbaka. Idag fick han det perfekt med lucka, det är det han ska ha. Nu blir det Sweden Cup eller att åka till Jämtland, sade tränaren Johnny Johansson. I sulkyn satt Peter Untersteiner som blev dubbelsegrare som lånekusk sedan han spårat hela vägen med Svend Dyhbergs Twin’s Zindy. Egna favoriten Electric Light fick däremot se sig besegrad av Tomas Malmqvists Borups Powerful som vann spetskampen och sedan höll undan med knapp marginal för Christoffer Eriksson.
Nordemo kyligast Ulf Ohlsson tog sig ett steg närmare 5 000 segrar genom att servera Petri Salmela-tränade Merry Broline en prydlig smygare i ett långlopp. – Två kvar, hoppas det blir snart. Vi får försöka ta det under veckan, kommenterade Ohlsson som även är på god väg mot sitt andra allsvenska kuskchampionat. Jörgen Sjunnesson valde ett liknande upplägg bakom O’Sunday och ännu kyligare var Sandra Nordemo när hon sparade Valeur till upploppet och blåste förbi kort före mål i Karl Gösta Fylkings Minneslopp. – Jag ville vänta så länge som möjligt, då spurtar han som bäst, förklarade segerkusken som bjöd på en snygg segergest och fastställde V86-utdelningen till 90 228 kronor.
Robin Johansson, Kanal 75
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