thepraetor · 10 months
who? @danteragnulf where? all fours notes: doing the randomize top songs thing and got misery by icon for hire whoop
It's bittersweet, this new world of hers. Immortality had always been just beyond reach for faiman, it was the reason why they could not see their immortal parent, the reason why they were rejected by the Courts. Yet gaining it meant she had to prepare to lose almost everyone she had ever loved, it meant that the community she had struggled to build was no longer hers. It meant that the basis for her relationship with Kay was gone, and she doesn't know if their friendship will survive it. Not when Kay has been pulling away for months and she had been trying to pretend he hadn't. Not when she is still tired and hurt from his dismissals. Not when she is still so angry, even now when she feels more like herself than she had felt in fifteen years that didn't happen.
It's a miserable thought, and one that courses through her veins as she enters All Fours and makes it straight to the bar, not noticing Dante's presence until she finished ordering her drunk and turned around to watch the newcomers to Lupercal.
"Dante," she acknowledges him with a nod, eyes skittering away as she tries to avoid his gaze. She has been avoiding Kay since their visit to the Otherworld, not ready to go up to him and ask him if he still cares about her or if that is gone with his respect for her too. "It's been a while, how are you?"
How is Kay? She wants to ask, but she can't. She doesn't think she is ready just yet.
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connorlang · 10 months
closed starter for @danteragnulf location: waffle house note: cooper and daryl back at it again
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To be honest, all Connor wanted to do was go hang out with Inan or something, but here he was at work. He still needed money to actually get out of here when he wanted to. Staying in one place for too long wasn't exactly his thing and really the only reason he was here in the first place was because Lycaon had called lycans to Rome. What was his purpose of being here now when the war was over? He certainly wasn't going to just stay for a friend. Friends were temporary. But Inan had been pretty nice to him and he was pretty fucking adorable. He was cute, too. There was really a lot to like about the elf and- wait, that was not the point of this. He heard the door open just as he moved to sit on the counter. "Welcome to Waffle House. As you can see, we're very empty because lycans don't feel like watching a brawl today. I guess." He didn't really look at the person he was speaking to until he finished his sentence. Oh, another cousin. Dante, he remembered, but he'd pretend not to for now. "Need a table?"
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bansheepaloma · 1 year
closed starter for @danteragnulf location: 4 the record note: not particularly plot heavy but content nonetheless
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There were few men she deemed worthy of her time. There was, of course, Caio at the top of the list. Then there were the ones that worked at 4 the Record. They were decent enough and not annoying at least. Well, so far. Astaroth was just emo and Dante was...well, she didn't know how to describe him other than just being Dante. He was a traveler though. There was always a story that could be told and she liked to listen to them and give her two cents fifty percent of the time. And, if that wasn't happening, she was just inviting him to listen to her DJ at the Embussy. Did he ever come? Well, she had no idea, but she sure hoped he did or she would be royally pissed. She wondered if he could fight, too. That was the thought that ran through her head as she looked at him from behind the register. "Dante." Her eyes turned into slits. "Are you a fighter?"
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dhcmpirs · 10 months
Person: @danteragnulf Location: le town house of little lighting notes: two days later As much as he'd wanted to after everything, he hadn't hung out with Dante all that much on account of he'd made a point to say he needed space for just a couple of days to just adjust. The reality of it was that he knew that he was avoiding an elephant in the room only he could see. Because he remembered everything up until he'd dragged himself back to Keket, remembered Dante dying in his arms. But mostly he remembered telling him that he loved him as he sat there losing his shit cradling his corpse. Something like that is a lot easier to say when the other person couldn't process it. There was no relief in telling the lycan, not when he'd gotten cut from the team, not when he couldn't look directly at Cloe, not when he knows loving someone means he's going to hurt them. And that was just the icing on the trauma cake. That doesn't mean he's not practically hauling Dante through the front door only to press him against the back of it. "This is going to feel counterproductive in like five minutes after I tell you what I need to tell you." It's muffled against the lycan's shoulder because as much as he wishes he was kissing him, he's instead just clinging to him and trying to breathe.
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andersxragnulf · 10 months
@danteragnulf Location: White Boy Music Night at All Fours
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When he’d seen Dante again, he’d placed his forehead against his brother’s, whispering an old prayer of their mother’s that she’d give to them whenever her children would wander out. Anders had tasted death, he’d tasted grief, he wouldn’t do it again. Not now. Dante was probably sick of him, but Anders had showed up once again to one of his white boy music shows. A drink was downed at the end of the song, Anders making a fist and pounding the table he sat at to death in applause. He was sure people around him were mildly scared that if they didn’t clap, the large man would do something, but only Dante knew that Anders was far less aggressive when his little sibling was present. “Encore!” He turned to the person beside him who looked mildly nervous, "That's my little brother. Better tip him well."
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matteoelio · 10 months
Person: @danteragnulf Location: The Street Corner, Lupercal Matteo doesn't have a whole lot of people in his life to talk to about this in particular. He and Alek don't know each other like that and while this is kind of one of those new things with being a wolf, he doesn't think he could survive what might be some kind of crude wolfy biology lesson. it was bad enough he could smell Alek and Kayce all over each other-Actually he could smell a lot of things on a lot of the other lycans and he can't believe he hadn't succumbed to whatever supernatural horniness that comes with being a wolf until now. "I will give you whatever I got in tips for the day if you don't laugh at what I am about to ask you." He literally takes the cash out of his wallet before he'd even come to a full stop before Dante. Not quite friends but not quite strangers, he's another delta and maybe it's the whole nomadic guitar guy thing, but he thinks Dante's got all this stuff figured out.
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emorystarling · 11 months
Person: @danteragnulf Location: silent hill probably note: he said "im sorry my bestie did this to us" August out of his face and no longer taunting him gave him more time to think, to glance around at the other cells. "Hey, you alright?" It's rhetorical, they're all fucked until somebody comes to break them out of there, Emory feels pretty confident in that. On account of knowing August and the sickening fact that he wound up getting away with just about everything. If whatever had been talking to had even been August in the first place, he's not sure anymore. But he does think, on account of what he's starting to realize is perhaps something akin to Catholic guilt, that he's somewhat to blame for not somehow being able to talk the necromancer down from the edge. "Alive, at least?"
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howlforahookup · 1 year
Location: All Fours Person: @danteragnulf “Nice set.” It’s not an uncommon compliment, Dante’s good, it’s a weekend, the bar is packed and yet Damian makes a point to slide the usual cocktail across the bar to his cousin as he approaches. It’s kind of funny how the other wolf just keeps showing up for gigs when he’d said he didn’t plan on sticking around for long. He can’t hold that against him, knows it depends on Anders, but it’s interesting to see him interact with the other wolves in the area who cram into the bar anyways. Because he thinks Dante has this kind of ease about him, seems to seamlessly fit in wherever he goes. “I only heard one call for Freebird.”
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rajxambrosio · 2 years
@danteragnulf​ Location: Lubella
Dante was a new friend. They’d met recently, under the stars, sketchbooks in hand. There’d been a phenomenon, where the half moon had lined up perfectly with the Colosseum. Raja wasn’t one to show off what he did, the hobby something he kept to himself at all times. But with Dante, he’d felt comfortable – sketching was art, and it wasn’t something that Raja felt ready to share with most people. A stranger couldn’t hurt. But that stranger was now here, a strange pull about him. The new druid only recognized it for what it was, some kind of magic, and he gave a nervous smile, sitting down beside Dante, “Hey – hi. Can I uh..sit with you?”
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kaycebishop · 2 years
where. lupercalia who. @danteragnulf​
For most of the ongoing fights, Kayce had stood in the crowd and had done just as he’d promised to Alek, shouted his name and cheered for him. That is, until he had witnessed the man, or lycan as he was better called, who had just rimmed him into oblivion rip apart another in front of every single onlooker. And eat his fucking heart. This was not right, this definitely could not be right, and Kayce found his mind incapable of doing anything other than finding a spot to chief down cigarette after cigarette. Which is precisely what he was doing, when the sight of Dante came into view, “Why --- why aren’t you freaking the fuck out?” And why did it seem like he was the only one?
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dhcmpirs · 2 years
Location: House Party Baybee Person: @danteragnulf​ It’s a big house near the woods, it’s old, it’s filled with people and the music sucks. The drinks are good though, he’d been buzzing before he even set foot there thanks to his most recent run in with Elijah. Because he considered this a bit of a special occasion, he’d taken more than his ordinary careful dose for his eyes just a bit darker than usual. The fun part about being a high functioning addict was the high and with it the confidence to talk to crowds of people like it wasn’t a big deal, take all the edge off. The house was large but Kay would still count it as an intimate party, full of those supernatural and non clustering together in little groups laughing and passing drinks and whatever else around. It reminds him of a college party, fairly relaxed but full of what are essentially hipsters, the artsy types of Rome. But he doesn’t care for any of them, even if he does go group to group cracking quips and sipping drinks. It’s routine, it’s practically recon, it’s his way of gearing up for what Dante had said in that tent. He goes back and forth to the wolf between his mingling, hovering just a little too close, making comments about the whiny indie music playing over the speakers. Next time, they’d agreed on next time and he was practically vibrating at the thought of it. That or he was just really high, either way, once a guy busted out a rant on how great a director Quentin Tarantino was, he was out on the large wraparound porch sitting way too close to the wolf on a wicker couch, drink in hand. “Am I allowed to ask if this is a Gaga situation?” He technically is right then and there by asking that and gesturing vaguely to Dante. “Born this way, y’know?”
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dhcmpirs · 1 year
Person: @danteragnulf Location: Kay's Place He steps into the fountain and when he emerges, it's not in the park, not this time. It's in the middle of one of the rooms of the Palace of Pluto. There's flashes of fangs, there's this shooting pain, a flash of amber and then he's gasping and sitting up and untangling himself from a mess of limbs and sheets. He's at home, he's at home in his room and he's safe, he's fine. He's practically hyperventilating but he's fine and because he doesn't want to talk about it, he practically burrows under the comforter and ducks his head under Dante's chin to bury his face against the side of his neck. "M'okay." He mumbles, lips pressing just below the wolf's ear and maybe they can just pretend none of that just happened because he's exhausted and Dante's warm and most importantly, Dante's safe. So he keeps lazily kissing the junction between neck and shoulder as music plays softly from the speaker on the nightstand, focuses on breathing. Focuses on the coppery tang in his mouth. And then Kay is moving faster than he's ever moved in his entire life to roll away and it has him landing on his ass on the floor, the comforter coming with him. He's right back to hyperventilating but his fangs are still out, he can feel them in his mouth and it's been years since he's had a slip up and this one could cost him everything. "I'm sorry are you-I didn't mean to do that, I don't know why I...." Don't hate me. "That wasn't on purpose."
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dhcmpirs · 9 months
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Tana Boys
The modern Norse form varulv (Danish, Norwegian and Swedish) was either borrowed from Middle Low German werwulf, or else derived from an unattested Old Norse *varulfr, posited as the regular descendant of Proto-Germanic * wira-wulfaz. @andersxragnulf @danteragnulf @connorlang
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dhcmpirs · 1 year
Location: Kay's Place Person: @danteragnulf notes: this is actually a two paragraph starter bc the first paragraph is a dream
He can hear the music from the house party in the background, there’s a tree at his back and Dante’s mouth is on his and then he’s off towards the forest and tumbling downwards. It’s not always accurate to what actually happened, sometimes he’s like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. This isn’t one of those times, he hits the ground hard, there’s Dante calling for him, they meet up again. It’s all by the book this time around, he lights his fire, he leads the way, they move towards the fountain and this is where it’s always different, this is where he always starts paying more attention. Because the fountain is not the same fountain physically as the one that’d been there that day. Sometimes the eyes are closed, sometimes open, sometimes there’s a hole in the statues chest that reveals it’s hollow. It seems to escalate, the damage done to it and sometimes when they jump into the fountain, neither of them come out. Sometimes it’s just him coming out on the other side. This time he goes into the water and he’s fully aware of his heart hammering in his chest and there’s this flash of eyes, bright blue and tired and he opens his mouth and reaches out his hand towards something in the water. Something reaching towards him and he swears his fingers brush something in the darkness of the water and there’s water going into his lungs and- Kay hits the floor between his couch and his coffee table hard, banging his ankle on the way down and his elbow squarely on the hardwood. It doesn’t hurt right away, he’s desperately trying to breathe and remind himself that he’s not drowning, he’s home and he’s safe and when he peels himself off the floor to sit up, there sits his ever annoyed companion. Major had come to check out the noise out of what felt like childish habit, he reaches and cradles the cat to his chest and matches his breathing until they’re both sitting there on the floor without him panting like he’d just ran three miles. When he processes it all, he’s more annoyed than scared because what the fuck did it all mean?? “I’m gonna do it.” He says, looking down at the large gray cat who is peering up, ever annoyed. *
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“I didn’t have anyone else I could call.” It’d sound sadder if he didn’t sound out of breath from practically jumping down the stairs when he heard the knock. He looks at Dante on his front steps and after the summit, after yelling at Cloe, that big vampire party, days that’d stretched into weeks dreaming about the man before him, he’s not quite sure he’s even real. Hell, he’d sent the ‘u up? not for a sex thing promise its important’ and hadn’t expected a response at all because he figured one day Dante was going to just disappear. But there he is, in the flesh. “I have something to show you.” He doesn’t really give the wolf time to process it before he’s nodding for him to follow further into the house.
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andersxragnulf · 2 years
Anders’ apartment was truly nothing to write home about. It was, however, mildly cleaned, if only because he wanted his little brother to actually be able to sit down amongst the mass of post-it notes that littered his coffee table. Most things made it to the kitchen, half washed, and all his clothes weren’t on the floor or piled in his room, and that was perhaps beneficial. Anders had run off with the rest of the lycans, having only made it home recently to shower. But he knew that a little talk with Dante was all he’d had time for at Lupercalia, and perhaps now he could make sure his brother was okay – and figure out what was next for the little Ragnulf. “You’re early,” Dante was actually right on time, but Anders’ clock was wrong anyway. There was a post it note that sat “DTS” and it was never thrown away. “Glad to see you survived Lupercalia and didn’t lose a limb.”
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dhcmpirs · 1 year
Person: The Father of His Children @danteragnulf​ Location: where the hipsters are hangin  Kay always thought magic was more about what you intended to do with it than actual prowess. The fire thing, it was a hard element to control for an angry teenager who’d grown into a miserable adult masquerading as someone fun. He sort of thinks drugs are the same. Take something while already in a mood, it was just going to make it worse. Normally something like this would be written off as a work function and he would attempt to keep up appearances for Cloe’s sake and yet that’s harder to do after the peace treaty bullshit in general, he thinks he’s allowed a night to wallow. And wallow he does, he’s practically sulking off to the side of where the artsy types have all gathered after he’s done lingering around a few vampire’s he’s acquainted with, and normally it’s the environment he thrives in, but he stays quiet, goes through a couple cigarettes, sips from an IPA that’d been handed to him the moment he’d set foot in the campground. He’d been too polite to tell the art grad student who’d handed it to him that he might be pretentious, but he wasn’t that pretentious. The silver lining is he gets to hear Dante play though, gets to sit there quietly a few feet away throwing stupid quips at hipsters who keep passing him the joint they’ve got despite the fact that he’s clearly not listening to a single word they’re saying.  Mostly because through the haze, through being annoyed as hell about maybe ninety-eight percent of what’s going on in his life, Dante’s voice is crystal clear. Silky smooth and soft above a few guitar chords and the only reason he hasn’t plastered himself to the wolf’s side is because he knows his filter is gone enough that he’s going to crawl into his lap right then and there and beg him to stay. But even when the guitar is set aside after a while and the little crowd has broken up a bit, even when he thinks he kind of needs to say something about it, he opens his mouth and derails his own train of thought entirely. “What inspires you when you write your own stuff?” It’s practically muffled against Dante’s bare shoulder because of course he didn’t show up to this thing with a shirt on, on account of Kay is actually convinced the other man is something he’s dreamed up in his head and has been let loose on the world. So yeah, of course he wouldn’t be wearing a fucking shirt but he’d be wearing some sort of sport ball shorts. 
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