thepraetor · 6 months
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thepraetor · 6 months
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thepraetor · 7 months
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thepraetor · 7 months
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thepraetor · 7 months
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thepraetor · 7 months
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thepraetor · 7 months
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and in the middle of my chaos, there was you
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thepraetor · 8 months
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thepraetor · 8 months
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thepraetor · 8 months
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thepraetor · 8 months
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CONOR LESLIE in TITANS 3x05 - Lazarus
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thepraetor · 8 months
This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms Whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart No matter the place, we can light up the world Here's how to start: Greet the world with open arms Greet the world with open arms
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thepraetor · 8 months
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conor leslie as donna troy in titans : faux hawk ( 2019 ).
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thepraetor · 9 months
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"We can try, but you are likely to pass out or get alcohol poisoning before I even get tipsy," a laugh punctuates her statement as she shotguns another beer and sends Milena an arched look. She knows that some of the high elves brought their alcohol, but there is no fucking way she is going to let Milena anywhere near that. "No longer human, remember? Human alcohol no longer works for me."
a starter for @thepraetor, location: we're in the party
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"Oh, Cloe, fantastic," Milena is delighted at Cloe's presence, a familiar face amidst a bloodbath that she's trying to stomach. The Fox had been through the war, trained alongside Keepers and fellow acolytes in preparation for the amassed deaths that would ensue. This, something of a vampire orgy and a blood pool should be a cake walk, but the druid acolyte is balancing a hand-rolled cigarette between her fingertips trying not to panic, "We should do shots or something." That would help, most definitely.
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thepraetor · 9 months
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"Next time, would you mind paying attention to your clairvoyance? We might be safe here, but we are still vulnerable to friendly fire," she reminds the other eladrin softly, expression concerned as she sets her water bottle down and reaches to touch the back of her hand to Nabi's forehead as if to check for a fever. She doesn't know if fey can get sick, but it never hurts to check. "Are you alright? Daydreaming again?"
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To be honest, Nabi had not been aware of what she was doing. Most of the time, she just started walking and fell into the most vivid daydream. After a while, it felt like she just ended up in a place she hadn't meant to be in. It was usually dangerous so the fact that Cloe had held a sword up to her throat was not all that surprising a situation. She wasn't even sure how she had ended up exactly where Zoey was. She had been thinking of her mom and wondering if the woman was going to come back. It was...sad so she tried to forget about it by letting herself wander off into a different world for a little bit. That was how she had ended up here and she wished she hadn't. "I wasn't looking for you." She paused and looked around. "I was just...I actually don't know."
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thepraetor · 9 months
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"But it wasn't really you, was it? The same way an abomination isn't the same person as before." It's a paltry reassurance, to know the blood in your hands was put there by someone else, and not even one that works, but even as she cares for Harellan, she cannot lie and Cloe has long since left behind her naivety. It had only taken her so long in Rome to realize that after certain point, most immortals stopped caring about killing people, and somehow she doubts that Harellan falls in the category that do care. In the end, though, she can't quite bring herself to care. Not at much as she did once upon a time. As long as she can minimize damage, she is happy, but she is not sure she can stop all of her friends and allies more violent tendencies. It is a bitch of a realization, but she is beginning to learn her battles. "Well, why does that not surprise me?" She teases with a light laugh. "But yeah, order anything you want. The sorbet is pretty good."
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It was interesting to him how completely unaware she still was. Harellan would chalk that up to his own amazing acting skills. Really, he deserved some sort of award. What was it these mortals called it? Ah yes, an Oscar. He was sure he would win with flying colors if this situation were a movie. He definitely wouldn't be Best Supporting Actor. The demigod thought himself to be the main attraction. Nevertheless, that was just a thought in his head as he sat across from her at this gelato shop that he absolutely hated. It was good, but he never did like sweet things all that much. Enough of it and it rotted your teeth. He was already a monster. Teeth falling out was the last thing he needed. Still, he had said yes to this little excursion to play this game again. "I don't think I have a choice but to remember, but I try to not think about it. Killing people was...not a choice I would have ever made normally. I've seen too much death in my life to find enjoyment in that." He paused, a sigh leaving his mouth. "You did say it was your treat though. I don't have any money anyway," he half-joked to lighten whatever mood there was.
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thepraetor · 9 months
"I was considering staying as long as it took for me to get drunk," Cloe offers dryly as she raises her rum and coke and takes a long drink. With a new species came a new tolerance, and she is discovering that getting drunk on mortal alcohol will not likely all night. Not quite the benefits she had expected with immortality, but all things considered, it isn't like it's a negative consequence. She had always been more of a social drinker anyway, only getting the desire to get truly drunk every once in a while. "So yes, I am probably going to be around for a while."
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It wasn't really in Dante's natured to be harsh, but he'd laid into the senator the last time they'd seen each other. Truthfully the lycan had just been worried about Kay and he still was... The dhampir was unemployed and probably had too much free time on his hands. Dante didn't know how to help and he had a hard time keeping his hands to himself when they were together, he wanted to ask, wanted to push a bit, but there was a part of Dante that didn't want to know. Kay didn't look good and Dante didn't really know what to do. "Same old same old, you know how it is." He tipped the bottle to his lips as he took a drink, "You going to be here a while? I've got a set coming up in a few."
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