mercillery · 5 months
I gave up on Dante’s part oops sorry.. anyways, this was really cute and fun to write <3
CHARACTERS: Dante Zogratis + Vanica Zogratis + Zenon Zogratis + Lucius Zogratis (only mentioned)
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Out of all his siblings, you'd never have expected him to have a crush on you. Zenon stands as the least popular among his siblings—well, he's still popular, but just a notch below the rest, you know? This is largely due to his tendency to avoid interactions with others. Overall, Zenon remains the same, even as a typical college student—quiet, intimidating, and stoic. He often gives off the impression that he'd rather be anywhere else, and at times, it seems like he simply hates everyone around him.
You, however, are the exception to Zenon's usual demeanor. Despite his typical aloofness, you hold a special place in his gaze. Always seated at the back of the class where he can remain unseen, Zenon steals glances at you discreetly, ensuring no one catches on to his actions. Even if you were to sit beside him instead of somewhere at the front of the class, he'd still manage to steal glances at you without anyone, including yourself, noticing. Zenon's ability to remain covert in his admiration for you is uncanny—he may even attend class solely because you're there.
Zenon's gentlemanly demeanor is reserved exclusively for you. Whether it's holding doors open for you, carrying your belongings, or coming to your defense, he goes above and beyond to ensure your comfort and safety. However, there's a quirk to his chivalry—oftentimes, he'll open the door for you and let it slam shut on the person behind you, ignoring the glares and comments that follow. In Zenon's eyes, your well-being outweighs any inconvenience to others.
The only ones who ever catch onto Zenon's crush on you are his siblings, with Lucius being the first to notice. Dante and Vanica catch on a bit later. Once the whole group is aware, the teasing becomes endless and is followed almost everywhere by none other than Vanica and Dante themselves. Lucius joins in with some teasing but acts more as Zenon's hypeman. Whenever the three are present while you and Zenon are together, Zenon notices Dante and Vanica exchanging smirks and mischievous glances, which makes him want to roll his eyes at their nosiness. He suggests that you both go elsewhere, not wanting to alarm you by mentioning his siblings watchful eyes. As he leaves the area with you, he spots Lucius in the crowd, wearing a smug smirk, clearly being nosey too, adding to Zenon's frustration.
Zenon's way of expressing his interest is through subtle gestures that might go unnoticed unless you're paying very close attention. If you happen to get glasses, squint, and observe his actions with keen eyes, you might start to piece together his crush on you. However, on the surface, you might just think he's being nice and considers you a close friend. Some of these subtle gestures include leaving helpful notes to assist you with studying, leaving thoughtful bookmarks in your locker or textbooks, and bringing up topics he knows you're passionate about.
゚。 ₍ ꙳⸌ ♡ CONFESSION TIME ♡⸍ ꙳ ₎ 。゚
It's a serene afternoon, the gentle sunlight filtering through the library windows as you gather your things. The study session with Zenon has come to an end, and as you glance at him briefly, you notice that he seems lost in thought.
"Are you okay?" you ask, breaking the quietude.
Zenon snaps out of his reverie, his gaze meeting yours. If you just squinted just a bit, you would’ve notice how his normally stoic eyes seem to soften at the sight of you.
"I'm okay," he responds, his voice calm but perhaps carrying a hint of something more beneath the surface. You give Zenon a small nod, trusting that he's being truthful about being okay.
Just as you're about to slide your textbook into your backpack, Zenon's voice pierces through the tranquil atmosphere. "I have something to tell you."
Zenon's gaze locks onto yours, the intensity in his eyes palpable as he holds a strong and unwavering eye contact. There's no doubt now—whatever he has to say is significant. The room feels charged with an intensity you can't quite put into words. It's as if the air has shifted, and you can feel a nervous energy creeping up your spine. Something important is about to happen, and the anticipation leaves you on edge, your heart beating a little faster in your chest.
“I’m listening,” you say hesitantly.
Zenon inhales deeply, closing his eyes for a brief moment as he gathers his thoughts, steeling himself for what he's about to say. Despite the rapid thud of his heart against his chest, he's determined to be straightforward and direct. With a steadying breath, he opens his eyes, meeting yours with unwavering resolve.
"I like you," he declares, his voice steady and confident. Each word is enunciated with deliberate care, ensuring that you hear him loud and clear. In this moment, there's no room for ambiguity or hesitation—Zenon is making his feelings known with absolute clarity.
As Zenon's confession hangs in the air, it's now your turn to speak. Your heart races in your chest, the moment feeling almost surreal. It's just the two of you in the library, the sunlight filtering through the windows at a perfect angle, casting a warm glow around you both. It's a scene straight out of a cheesy romance movie, and yet, here you are, faced with a real-life confession. Now it's your turn to respond, and the gravity of the decision weighs heavily on your mind.
Will you accept the confession of a stoic heart that's clearly deeply in love with you? Or will you play the role of the oblivious friend?
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Vanica holds second place for the most popular Zogratis sibling. Wherever she goes, she becomes the vibrant center of attention, known for her enthusiastic nature and fearless personality. Despite her picky and selective demeanor when it comes to choosing friends, she's always surrounded by a circle of admirers and companions. So if this lively girl has a crush on you, it must mean you’re reeeaaalll special.
With Vanica, it's like being under a constant spotlight, her gaze fixed on you like you're the most precious gem in existence—a gem that she deserves to be the guardian of. You could be going about your day, engrossed in your work, when you suddenly feel the weight of someone's stare. You turn your head and see Vanica's eyes locked on you with an intensity that's almost unnerving. If anyone calls her out on her staring, she'll respond with a fierce scowl and a sharp retort, firmly asserting that it's none of their business.
Vanica shares some similarities with Zenon in the gentlemanly department—or should I say gentlewomanly? However, there's a twist to her approach. Instead of personally assisting you with tasks like carrying your belongings, holding doors, or helping you study, she leaves these duties to her friends, treating them almost like her personal assistants. For instance, if you need help carrying your heavy backpack, she'll eagerly snatch it away from you and assign one of her friends to carry it. If you mention needing to study, she'll dismiss the idea entirely—no need to study when she and her friends can just help you cheat! And if your hands are full and you can't open a door, fear not—Vanica will simply command another one of her friends to open it for you. Yes, she can be bossy with her friends, but it’s all in the name of ensuring your comfort and convenience.
Vanica would absolutely love it if you met her siblings—all three of them! So, don't be too surprised if you're just chilling in the field, minding your own business, and suddenly Vanica enthusiastically shows up with Lucius, Dante, and Zenon in tow to introduce you to them. Lucius maintains an amused but calm expression throughout the encounter, always polite and composed. Dante, on the other hand, wears a mysterious smirk that hints at hidden knowledge, but he remains friendly toward you. Meanwhile, Zenon appears utterly bored, his demeanor dry and uninterested. It's natural to feel a bit intimidated in their presence, but rest assured—Vanica will make sure her brothers play nice with you!
It doesn't take a keen eye for anyone to notice Vanica's unmistakable obsession with you—everyone knows, including yourself. She goes to great lengths to keep tabs on you, often sending a couple of her friends to discreetly stalk you during lectures. They'll message her updates and send photos of what you're doing, with Dante possibly being in on this as well. In the end, there's no denying it—everyone is well aware of Vanica's infatuation with you.
゚。 ₍ ꙳⸌ ♡ CONFESSION TIME ♡⸍ ꙳ ₎ 。゚
Alone in the dimly lit hallway, frustration mounts as the vending machine stubbornly refuses to dispense the water bottle you desperately need after a long day of classes. You scowl at the machine, wondering why this inconvenience seems to happen to you of all people.
The thought crosses your mind that you've heard more people die from vending machines than from sharks—was it true? Well, you're about to find out. Steeling yourself, you prepare to give the machine a good kick, risking life and limb for that elusive water bottle you crave. Just as you're about to deliver the kick, a sudden voice startles you from behind, causing you to jump.
"Having trouble there, sweetheart?" The voice is unmistakably Vanica's, laced with amusement and a hint of mischief.
Whipping around, you come face-to-face with Vanica, standing there with a playful smirk, her eyes glinting with amusement at your startled expression.
"Vanica!" you exclaim, your heart still racing from the unexpected encounter. "What are you doing here?"
She chuckles, stepping closer with a twinkle in her eyes. "I’ve been here, cutie. Here, let me help you." Without waiting for your response, she confidently presses a few buttons on the vending machine. And just like that, almost as if she was the chosen one, the vending machine miraculously springs back to life. The sound of the bottle dropping into the dispenser echoes in the hallway as Vanica retrieves it for you.
With a teasing smile, she holds the water bottle out towards you, a playful glint in her eyes. But just as you reach out to take it, she swiftly pulls it back with a mischievous grin on her face, her playful demeanor evident. It seems Vanica has other plans in mind, enjoying the moment of suspense as she holds the water bottle just out of your reach.
"Ah, ah, ah," she taunts, her voice laced with amusement. "What’s the magic word, darling?” she teases, wiggling the water bottle enticingly. "Or perhaps," she adds, leaning in closer, "there's another way you can convince me to give you what you want." Her gaze holds a challenge.
You narrow your eyes at her, both in suspicion and annoyance. Whatever she had in mind, it sounded sketchy. A part of you knew where she was going with this, but you could never be too sure. Especially with someone as unpredictable as her.
You sigh, placing a hand on your hip and tilting your head at her, “well, what is it?”
Closing the distance between you, Vanica leans in even closer, her presence practically enveloping you. If she wasn't close enough before, she's certainly close enough now.
"Be mine," she says, her voice carrying a mix of affection and intensity. You can feel a small blush creeping onto your cheeks, the proximity of her deep red eyes gazing into yours both lovingly and intensely. In that moment, it almost feels like she's not asking you to be hers, but rather declaring that you already belong to her.
It's decision time, and the choice is yours.
Do you deny both the chance to experience the chaotic yet exhilarating journey of being in a relationship with Vanica and the simple pleasure of quenching your thirst with the water bottle? Or do you open your heart to her, allowing her into your life while also satisfying your immediate need for refreshment?
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As the charismatic and charming type, Dante is the epitome of popularity. He effortlessly navigates through various social circles, known for his charm, confidence, and even leadership roles in student organizations. Every girl wants him, and every guy wants to emulate his charisma and charm. This means he's never really had to chase after women—instead, they chase after him. Once he senses they've fallen hard, he confidently makes his move, to which they eagerly accept. However, the reality is often different—his approach ends up being more of a game, leaving them played and disappointed. So, for him to genuinely have a crush on someone is a literal shocker.
Despite the numerous admirers vying for his attention, Dante's eyes remain solely fixed on you whenever you're in the same vicinity. Whether you're in the lecture hall or the campus cafe, his gaze is unwavering, intense, yet oddly inviting. Amidst the chatter and laughter of those around you, it's as if you're the only two people in the room. Sometimes, just to mess with you, Dante winks at you from afar, even if other people are around, causing you to blush. The man truly has no shame.
A true gentleman through and through, Dante embodies chivalry in its finest form. He'll hold doors open for you with a polite smile, offer to carry your books without a second thought, and always be attentive to your needs.
In Dante’s world, where he’s used to being the one pursued, his interest in you speaks volumes about the depth of his feelings.
゚。 ₍ ꙳⸌ ♡ CONFESSION TIME ♡⸍ ꙳ ₎ 。゚
As you organize your locker, a nagging sensation of being watched persists, causing you to glance over your shoulder multiple times, feeling a bit paranoid. Shaking off the unease, you focus on arranging your belongings until a subtle clearing of the throat catches your attention from the left. Startled, you realize that your open locker had been obstructing your view, concealing someone who had been waiting patiently behind it. With a quick closing of the locker door, you come face to face with the one and only—Dante!
"Oh, hey—" you begin, but before you can finish your sentence, a bouquet of roses is suddenly shoved in your face, catching you completely off guard.
The vibrant colors and sweet fragrance momentarily stun you, causing everything to click into place. Suddenly, it all makes sense—the feeling of being watched while organizing your locker, the eyes seemingly locked on you. As you gaze at the roses, it dawns on you that they must be the reason for the attention. Everything seems to fall into place, like pieces of a puzzle coming together, and you find yourself understanding why all eyes were on you earlier. You hesitantly take the roses.
"I hope you find the roses to your liking," he begins, his voice smooth as silk. "They pale in comparison to your beauty, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to express my admiration for you." He meets your gaze with unwavering sincerity, a faint smile playing on his lips. "If you'd allow me, I would be honored to accompany you to dinner this evening, where I can properly convey the depth of my feelings.” His tone had a hint of seductiveness to it.
Dante's confession leaves you utterly speechless, the bouquet of roses still in your hands as the weight of his words sinks in. In the midst of processing his unexpected declaration, you fail to notice the gathering crowd that has formed around you and Dante. He's put you on the spot, and all eyes are on the two of you. Although he was simply confessing his feelings to you, it felt like a life-or-death situation. You had no option, really—he wasn’t giving you one. You’re the first one he’s bothering to actually chase for, there’s no way he’s letting you go—so what other way than to corner you in a crowd of people? You’re the first one he’s bothering to actually chase for, there’s no way he’s letting you go—so what other way than to corner you in a crowd of people? Trust, it’s in your best interest to accept his feelings for you.
Either you reciprocate his feelings or you destroy your life by declining them.
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mellennia · 2 years
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I seem to be on a roll today. I blame the tea and music. #Drawing #artoninstagram #fanart #dantezogratisart #dantezogratisblackclover #dantezogratis #blackclover #blackcloverart #blackcloveranime #blackclovermanga #zogratissiblings #zogratis #zogratisfamily https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjb2rBJsEJF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mercillery · 4 months
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Tell me you guys see the pattern too.
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mercillery · 6 months
I hope these aren’t too out of character.
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mercillery · 3 months
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I am not normal about this family. I need them all. I want them all. I love them so much. I know they’re evil and stuff but I can change them, trust. Tabata pls make this again but put Lucius in there too this time. I’m going to go insane about them. I have so much love for them it’s almost embarrassing.
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mercillery · 4 months
NOTES: Don’t ask me how any of these psychos became guardian angels because I don’t know either. AU where they’re not so evil, I guess. Also, Lucius is not here because I got lazy lol.
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╰┈➤ ❝ Stay focused. Distractions lead to danger. ❞
First, I want to emphasize that Zenon takes his role as your guardian angel very seriously. He is dedicated, committed, and unwavering in his responsibilities. If, for any reason, you wish to contact him, you should be prepared for a significant challenge—reaching a Guardian Angel is no easy feat, especially one as elusive as Zenon. He has no desire to communicate with humans or anyone else. Simply go about your daily life and allow him to perform his duties as your guardian angel, and all will be well.
In the unlikely event that you manage to reach Zenon, be prepared for a less-than-welcoming reception—he won't greet you warmly or with any sugarcoated pleasantries. Your first instinct will likely be to thank him for his protection, but don’t expect a response; he’ll remain silent. Before you even have the chance to say anything further, he’ll interrupt with a firm reprimand for seeking him out. Although he's somewhat annoyed by your attempt to contact him, he doesn’t entirely blame you, understanding that humans are naturally curious. Nevertheless, he believes strongly that humans and angels should stick to their own responsibilities and not seek each other out. After this encounter, Zenon will make it virtually impossible for you to reach him again. Don’t worry, he will continue to serve as your Guardian Angel—just now, he’ll be even more elusive.
Obviously, as your guardian angel, Zenon protects you from a wide range of threats, from physical dangers to emotional and psychological challenges. Whenever you encounter moments of despair or doubt, you might experience a sudden surge of resilience—a silent encouragement urging you to persevere. Zenon is like that dedicated worker who, despite the exhaustion of a demanding 9-to-5 job, continues to give his all because of his unwavering commitment to his responsibilities. He tirelessly ensures your safety and well-being, and his dedication is unshakable. In short, you needn’t worry about much when it comes to him—what you should worry about are the challenges he gives you.
Zenon believes in teaching you through challenges, viewing them as essential opportunities for your growth. While he diligently protects you, there will be times when he doesn’t shield you from every difficulty. Instead, he ensures you have the strength and fortitude to overcome these obstacles. The challenges he sets before you are always within your capacity to handle. Once he sees you successfully overcoming a challenge, he’ll present you with a slightly tougher one—gradually fostering your independence without you even realizing it. This approach can sometimes be frustrating, but ultimately, it builds a deeper resilience within you, which is precisely his goal. Rest assured, Zenon won’t overwhelm you with a constant barrage of challenges. He gives you a challenge and then allows you ample time to rest and recharge. He’s firm, but not unreasonably so.
To conclude, Zenon would embody a shadowy yet unwavering presence in your life. His guardianship would be characterized by silent strength, steadfast protection, and a nuanced blend of distance. While he may never openly express his emotions, you will gradually come to understand that his presence, though often concealed, exerts a profound and enduring influence on your life. He cares for you deeply, albeit in his own subtle manner. With Zenon watching over you, you’re likely to lead a long and independent life, fortified by his silent guidance and support!
╰┈➤ ❝ Push yourself to the limit and then go beyond it! ❞
Vanica would exhibit a fiercely protective nature toward you, willing to go to extreme lengths to ensure your safety. Her guardianship would be characterized by a constant, fiery passion, always on high alert and ready to spring into action at the slightest hint of danger. Interestingly, she has a unique way of warning you through subtle signs. For instance, imagine you're seconds away from tripping on a rock because you're too engrossed in your phone—Vanica, utilizing her angelic powers, might orchestrate a passing car to suddenly beep, startling you and averting the mishap. Alternatively, she could prompt a random notification on your phone, serving as a reminder to pay attention to your surroundings. You can only imagine the extent of her protective fervor if you were ever truly in a life-threatening situation…
Vanica's approach to guardianship would be refreshingly unconventional, injecting a whirlwind of activity into your life. She would urge you to embrace risks and actively seek out thrills, pushing you to step boldly outside your comfort zone. Challenges would be seen as exhilarating adventures, propelling you toward personal growth and self-discovery. She’s your hype woman—literally. With her as your guardian angel, you'd find yourself embarking on many new experiences and taking daring actions you might never have considered before. This journey of exploration would lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and a newfound confidence in facing the unknown! Afraid of heights or falling? You suddenly get the idea of going skydiving!—wonder who put that idea into your head…cough cough Vanica. Fearful of the ocean? Pack your bags for an aquatic adventure! Nervous about animals? A trip to the zoo might just become an opportunity to conquer those fears! And if you're shy or hesitant to socialize, Vanica would be there to nudge you out of your shell, whether you're fully on board or not. With that being said, you'd undoubtedly find yourself living a life filled with thrills, confidence, and endless adventures!
If you ever feel the desire to reach out to Vanica and connect with her, she would actually be thrilled about it! In fact, she hopes you seek her out. However, she won't make it easy for you to find her just yet—she relishes the opportunity to watch you put in effort and enjoys the adorable attempts you make to reach out to her. So, expect a few hurdles along the way before you finally get to meet her—but rest assured, the journey will be well worth it! Once you successfully navigate through the challenges and finally make contact with her, she'll be just as ecstatic as you are! She probably squeals with excitement when she sees that you've finally reached her. And when you do meet her, you'll likely spend hours chatting and getting to know each other. Vanica is generous with her time, allowing you to spend as much of it with her as you desire. Moreover, she won't make it difficult for you to reach her again in the future. After your lengthy conversation with Vanica, you can expect to leave feeling uplifted, inspired, and filled with happiness. Her presence will infuse you with courage and encouragement, empowering you to face whatever challenges lie ahead with newfound strength and determination.
Vanica’s energy is undeniably palpable, infusing your life with a vibrant urgency. As your guardian angel, she would invigorate you, inspiring you to tackle tasks with enthusiasm and vigor. This heightened energy might sometimes feel overwhelming, but it would also drive you to accomplish more than you ever thought possible. Thanks to the sudden bursts of motivation and energy she provides, you find yourself completing tasks with remarkable efficiency and zeal. Whether it's homework, job responsibilities, or household chores, these surges of energy ensure that you give your all, often leading to successful outcomes. This means that every success, no matter how small, becomes a cause for celebration. Vanica encourages you to revel in your victories and enjoy the rewards of your hard work! This could mean taking a relaxing nap with some lofi music playing in the background, going for a pleasant walk outside, or sitting down to watch your favorite show or movie while sipping your favorite drink. Her exuberant celebrations serve as a constant reminder to appreciate your achievements and to have fun along the way! With Vanica’s infectious energy and encouragement, you not only succeed but also learn to cherish the joy in every accomplishment.
In conclusion, having Vanica as your guardian angel would infuse your life with dynamism and unpredictability. Her unwavering presence would keep you alert and prepared to confront any challenges that come your way. This unpredictability would add an element of excitement and adventure to your life, ensuring that there is never a dull moment. With Vanica by your side, you can anticipate a life filled with thrilling adventures and endless excitement. While the journey may be unpredictable, one thing remains certain: Vanica's guidance will lead you through it all. And though the path may be winding, you can still expect to live a fulfilling life, reaching the average lifespan of a human—maybe a little less... but despite any twists and turns along the way, with Vanica as your guardian angel, it's sure to be a thrilling and enjoyable ride.
╰┈➤ ❝ You are capable of greatness. Embrace it. ❞
Dante would undoubtedly embody a suave and charming demeanor in his role as your guardian angel. His approach would be characterized by an irresistible charisma and a knack for persuasion, utilizing his eloquence and charm to guide and safeguard you through the twists and turns of life. Picture him as a smooth-talking protector, effortlessly weaving words of comfort and encouragement to soothe whatever anxieties and uncertainties you carry. He has a unique ability to calm your fears with his calming words and confident demeanor. With Dante by your side, you can navigate life's challenges with grace and assurance, knowing that his suave charm and protective instincts will always be there to guide you through!
While we're delving into Dante's role as your guiding light, it's important to highlight his remarkable ability to boost your self-confidence. Dante firmly believes in your worth and potential, even if you can’t see them yourself, and he's committed to ensuring that you recognize and embrace these qualities within yourself. He absolutely refuses to let you succumb to feelings of inadequacy or insecurity, determined to empower you to stand out from the crowd. He also obviously believes that confidence is the key to unlocking one's full potential, a trait he believes is often lacking in today's world. And he's not about to let his cherished little human fall victim to the same lack of confidence that plagues so many others. No, that simply isn't his style. It’ll probably take you tons of discipline, patience, and dedication to reach the level of confidence Dante wants you to reach—but trust, the final results will have you and Dante very much pleased.
Now, what kinds of challenges would Dante present to you as your guardian angel? Given his focus on fostering your self-confidence, the challenges he offers would naturally revolve around building and reinforcing this crucial trait. He aims to instill in you a robust and enduring sense of confidence, ensuring you possess enough self-assurance to carry yourself with grace and inspire others. With that in mind, Dante's challenges would be designed to enhance your leadership abilities, maintain composure under pressure, and develop both your physical and mental resilience. For instance, imagine a scenario where you're suddenly thrust into leading a chaotic group project. Deadlines are looming, egos are clashing, and it falls upon you to steer the group toward success. Your challenge in this situation is to keep your cool, inspire teamwork, and guide everyone to the finish line without losing your sanity. Dante's aim here is to help you develop the grace and composure necessary to lead effectively under pressure. Or picture another challenge: you're thrown into the nerve-wracking world of public speaking, tasked with delivering a speech to a room full of intimidating and skeptical faces. Your challenge in this instance is to exude confidence, captivate the audience, and leave them hanging on your every word. Through such experiences, Dante seeks to push you out of your comfort zone, helping you develop the charisma and poise needed to command attention and respect.
If you desire to seek out Dante, he would find the notion quite intriguing. While he won't necessarily encourage you to pursue this endeavor, he also won't dissuade you. If you really want to try and find him, he's open to letting you give it a shot. However, like his siblings, he’ll make it a challenging task. The catch is that Dante's approach is a bit petty and playful. Imagine being tantalizingly close to reaching him, only to feel yourself pulled back just at the last moment. You’d probably find yourself on the brink of success numerous times, only to have Dante mischievously thwart your efforts. Picture him laughing at you as he watches you grow increasingly frustrated, your attempts coming so infuriatingly close but not quite hitting the mark. His teasing is a lot like Vanica's, deriving amusement from your earnest, almost desperate efforts to connect with him. Nevertheless, don't lose heart—after what feels like an eternity of near-misses, you eventually succeed in reaching him! Dante will be quite pleased to see that you persevered through the challenges he set before you. Once you finally connect with him, he will allow you to spend as much time as you want talking with him, but not indefinitely. It's not because he doesn’t enjoy your company or is tired of you, but rather because he wants you to continue living your normal human life and not get too caught up in celestial conversations. When your time with him concludes, you'll leave with a newfound wave of confidence—not only in yourself but also in your future and whatever challenges lie ahead. During your conversation, Dante likely imparted a powerful lecture on the far-reaching impact of confidence and how it can shape your destiny and the potential you have. This would leave you feeling immensely inspired, ready to face the world with a renewed sense of self-assurance and determination.
With Dante Zogratis as your guardian angel, your life would be profoundly enriched by his charismatic and supportive presence. His suave demeanor and eloquent guidance would soothe your anxieties and build your self-confidence, pushing you to realize your full potential. Through challenging scenarios designed to develop your resilience, leadership, and composure, Dante would ensure you grow stronger and more capable. His teasing yet demanding nature would keep you striving for excellence, teaching you perseverance and determination. His unwavering belief in your worth and potential would inspire you to face life's challenges with grace and assurance, knowing his protective instincts and charismatic support are always there to guide you.
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mercillery · 5 months
This was initially just going to be hcs about Dante with a reader that’s like Shinobu but I ended up going so off track I’m so sorry to my friend who requested this 🥲🙏💜 I hope you still enjoy it <3
SUMMARY: Dante Zogratis with a reader he just met that’s similar to Shinobu Kocho + fighting
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Dante's first encounter with news of you likely came from a report filed by one of his Dark Disciples. Your reputation as a formidable adversary, despite your stature, captured his immediate interest. It's not often he hears of someone so petite causing such a significant disruption to both his siblings and his own plans. Your presence piqued his curiosity and left him both intrigued and entertained. So right off the bat, he absolutely has to meet you and see if you really live up to what his Dark Disciples say about you.
Unfortunately, despite his curiosity, Dante's packed schedule and ambitious projects kept him from crossing paths with you. While he's not one to shy away from a confrontation when necessary, his demanding agenda often took precedence. So it wasn't until much later that he finally had the opportunity to encounter you in person.
"Ah, you must be Y/N," the handsome man with piercing green eyes remarked, his tone laced with arrogance and authority as he looked down at you.
You've been a constant thorn in the side of the Zogratis siblings, disrupting their plans time and again, yet you’ve never encountered one of them face-to-face. You knew for a fact that they harbored a deep-seated desire to end your interference. With a furrowed brow, you absorbed the gravity of the moment, fully aware of the reputation that preceded the Zogratis siblings, especially Dante. His gaze traveled up and down your form, almost as if he were appraising you. Your furrowed brows morphed into a single raised eyebrow, a silent question echoing in your mind: What the hell was he doing?
"Excuse me," you interjected with a hint of disdain. "I suggest you keep your focus on the battle unfolding before us," you added pointedly, maintaining the raised eyebrow as a testament to your perplexity.
"What?" he chuckled, amusement dancing in his handsome green eyes. "Is admiring beauty off-limits?" His gaze lingered on your figure once more before extending a hand, as if presenting an offer. "Why don't you be my woman?" His audacious proposal nearly caused you to choke, leaving you bewildered by Dante's unexpected proposition. What was this man playing at?
"Absolutely not," you assert firmly, regaining your composure. In mere moments of being in his presence, you've resolved to swiftly put an end to this situation before Dante can wreak havoc on the lives of innocents. You draw your nichirin blade, poised for action. A smirk graces Dante's lips at the sight, amused by the prospect of facing off against such a diminutive opponent. "I suppose I can indulge you for a while," he remarks casually, making no move to draw a weapon of his own. Yet you sense a latent power emanating from him, something beyond the realm of conventional weaponry. Nevertheless, you remain steadfast and prepared for whatever lies ahead.
And, well, the entirety of the battle consists of you both fighting and flirting—with the flirting obviously coming from Dante and not you. He just can’t resist flirting with a beautiful and strong woman like you. So the whole time throughout the battle, not only are you annoyed, but his flirtatious remarks toward you only drive your determination to finish him even more.
After a few more minutes of intense combat, Dante comes to a realization: you're far from weak. Despite your petite stature, you display remarkable agility, intelligence, and composure, and you even land blows on him here and there. As the battle unfolds, he finds himself torn between finding you attractive and being annoyed by your persistence. Yet, there's an undeniable fascination with witnessing how adeptly you handle yourself and how your every move is calculated and strategic. The conflict within him only adds to the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he grapples with the mix of irritation and admiration sparked by your formidable yet alluring presence.
Your attempt to poison Dante with the venom from your nichirin blade proved futile, thwarted by his Body Magic. Frustratingly, despite your best efforts, the poison had no discernible effect on him. With your agility being your only saving grace thus far, the realization dawned on you that your situation had become increasingly dire. As Dante brandished a katana, poised to strike, the gravity of the impending danger set in. Yet, your determination remained to defeat the undefeatable man.
In the end, victory belonged to Dante, leaving frustration coursing through your veins at both the outcome and his insufferable remarks in the aftermath of your defeat. The sting of failure was compounded by his taunts.
As Dante closed in on your defeated and bloodied figure, now kneeling on the ground, a chuckle escaped his lips at the sight before him. The composed facade you once maintained had crumbled, replaced by a visage of anger, frustration, and exhaustion. Despite the agony coursing through your body, he couldn't deny the captivating allure of your vulnerability in this moment of defeat. You joined the ranks of those who had fallen before him, yet Dante found himself intensely intrigued by your resilience.
"Strong, smart, fierce, and..." Dante's voice trailed off as he glanced down at your defeated form, his words hanging in the air. "Small," he concluded, a hint of amusement coloring his tone. Despite the urge to retort with something snarky, you held your tongue, acutely aware that any further provocation might seal your fate.
Suddenly, Dante extends his hand once more, echoing his earlier proposition. "Be my woman," he repeats, a charming smile gracing his features. Despite your intention to remain silent to avoid further provocation, you find yourself unable to resist the urge to respond. "Go to hell," you retort fiercely. Dante's smile completely vanishes from his face, replaced by a steely expression. "What did you say?" he demands, his tone tinged with warning.
"I said," you emphasize, your voice dripping with defiance, "go. to. hell." Dante's laughter rings out, though it carries more of a mocking tone than genuine amusement. Abruptly, his laughter subsides, replaced by a dead-serious expression. "You see," he continues, a sinister edge creeping into his smile. "I wasn't asking you." With a swift motion, he seizes you by the collar of your shirt, drawing you closer to his face with a menacing grip. He looked like he was thinking about something—thinking about a decision.
He clicks his tongue.
"Ah, I know," Dante says, his expression and tone now calm. "Instead of sending you to hell, how about I take you there myself?" His smirk widens, a sinister glint in his eyes as he trails a finger along your jawline, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. The dark intent behind his words hangs heavy in the air.
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mercillery · 6 months
Dante Zogratis SFW Alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
One word: possessive.
This man’s affection just SCREAMS possessive. He expresses his affection through luxurious gifts or extravagant public demonstrations. Most of the time, his showy demonstrations are just way too much, and you have to tell him to tone it down sometimes, to which he’ll just respond with—
“Darling, I simply can't help but lavish you with gifts and attention. After all, you're mine to adore and cherish.”
He also expresses his affection through physical touch, which sometimes leaves you embarrassed due to how bold he is when it comes to physical affection. He’ll wrap an arm around your waist, pulling you close with an irresistible smirk, claiming you as his own in every subtle touch. The worst part is that no matter where you guys are, or who is present, he’ll always do this when he gets the chance.
For example, during encounters with a Dark Disciple, he would occasionally place his hands firmly on your hips, drawing you closer with a steady gaze and a subtle smirk, creating palpable tension in the air. This tension wasn't ordinary; it lingered long after the moment had passed, leaving you unable to meet the Dark Disciple's eyes again out of sheer embarrassment.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Dante deliberately maintains a small circle of friends, if any at all, as he sees them as burdens to his ambitions. To him, nurturing friendships would only impede his progress, diverting his focus from his own goals. He prioritizes his personal agenda above all else, believing he has more meaningful pursuits than investing time in forming such connections.
To be considered Dante's best friend is undeniably an accomplishment of its own. There are only two paths to earning such a title: either you mirror his level of ruthlessness, or you surpass it, a trait he would undoubtedly admire. If you don't fit into either category, then...
Have you ever encountered that obnoxious popular person at school who calls you their best friend even though they barely know you? They'll come up to you out of nowhere, calling you "bestie" and stuff. Well, Dante's a bit like that. If you manage to intrigue Dante, perhaps by matching his level of malice or intelligence, he won't openly admit to being your friend, but it'll feel like it—although more like violent ones who constantly engage in banter and challenges.
But anyway, as a best friend, Dante would offer unwavering support and encouragement, but his methods might be extreme, as he tends to prioritize his own desires above others'. He might push boundaries and challenge you to achieve greater heights, but his dark tendencies and obsession with power could also pose risks to your well-being. Overall, his friendship would be intense and complex.
“Embrace malice, and together, we'll conquer any obstacle in our path.”
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He might crave the physical closeness and intimacy that cuddling provides, as it allows him to feel a sense of ownership and control over you. However, his desire for dominance might also manifest in the way he cuddles.
When cuddling, Dante would likely prefer to be the big spoon, enveloping you in his arms and holding you close with a firm, yet possessive grip. His touches would be both tender and possessive, conveying a sense of ownership and control over your body. He might also enjoy nuzzling your neck or whispering seductive words in your ear.
Overall, cuddling with Dante is always 50/50. He could say one or two things. He could either say, “The way you fit against me… it’s like you were made for me.” Or…
“I'll leave my mark on you, visible for all to see. Let them know that you're mine, and no one else's."
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He's completely inept when it comes to cooking and cleaning. With everything handed to him on a silver platter, he's likely never had to lift a finger for household chores. Cooking and cleaning are simply not on his agenda; he deems them as menial tasks best left to others.
Sigh. I’m so sorry Dante lovers for this next part, but I have to keep it real…😔
He views the concept of settling down through a lens of dominance and manipulation. For him, the idea of settling down wouldn't necessarily stem from a desire for genuine companionship or emotional fulfillment, but rather as a strategic move to expand his sphere of control.
But even then, the answer is no. If you were to ask him what his thoughts were about settling down, he’d laugh at your face. He’d then say, “Settle down? Please, darling, such trivial notions are beneath someone like me.”
He’s aware that he’d have a little heir, someone to take after him when he perishes—if he ever perishes. But Dante is not fond of the idea of having to play the role of a father when he’s literally far from that of a father figure and has no paternal instincts.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
The man has no shame, and he’ll break up with you wherever and whenever—completely leaving your feelings out of the question. He will orchestrate the breakup in a way that minimizes any potential opposition or resistance from you. With a sense of finality, he breaks the news, stating that there is no room for negotiation and that more conversation is pointless. His remarks would be indifferent to you and your emotions, demonstrating his cold and conceited personality.
This part was short but it’s literally the only way I can picture him breaking up with someone.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Much like his stance on settling down, Dante regards marriage solely as another means to gain advantage. While the notion of settling down is a resounding no in his agenda, the idea of marriage might hold some appeal to him—primarily as a means to maintain control and keep you tied to him. In essence, Dante's approach to commitment would likely revolve around his desire to possess and exert control over you.
When it comes to the timing of marriage, it's variable, but I sense it would happen sooner rather than later with Dante. Given his possessive nature, he's inclined to marry you primarily to ensure that you remain bound to him exclusively. And if you dare voice any objections, expect nothing but a handsome yet sinister smile from Dante, accompanied by a contemptuous remark along the lines of, “Your objections hold no weight, my dear. You belong to me, whether you acknowledge it or not."
By the way, the second your marriage is official, he’ll be more possessive than ever. So… hope all goes well for you!
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, Dante may not demonstrate traditional forms of gentleness. He is characterized by dominance and a sense of superiority, which manifest in a more assertive and commanding presence. If anything, his touch is mostly rough and firm. However, there could be moments where Dante's physical interactions with you are marked with gentleness, like during mornings and nights.
Dante's demeanor isn't one of emotional gentleness, at least not typically. He'll lend an ear to your concerns and even offer assistance in resolving any troubles you may face, often with a willingness to eliminate those causing you distress. However, when it comes to expressing his own emotions, he shuns them completely. Vulnerability is not in his nature; he thrives on maintaining control and asserting dominance in every situation.
For instance, whenever you oppose him on anything, Dante skillfully manipulates the situation by lamenting how you're breaking his heart, then proceeds to sweet-talk you into oblivion, making you forget why you objected in the first place. He's even adept at coaxing you into apologizing for daring to entertain the thought of objecting in the first place.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs and cuddles are two entirely different things, right? Because, like I said earlier, Dante is extremely possessive when it comes to cuddles—but hugs?
I fear that hugs may just be another tool for him to use and manipulate you with. He’d use hugs strategically to maintain control over you. His hugs would be calculated, lacking the warmth and sincerity typically associated with such gestures. Yet, somehow, he always manages to win you over with them.
His hugs would probably be stifling, firm, and possessive, giving off the impression of comfort when, truly, they're not. He just wants to make sure he has you wrapped around his finger.
Though, he wouldn’t be lying if he said having you in his arms was a nice feeling.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It would take him a significant amount of time to say the three magic words. He may not ever say them at all. And even if he does, a huge part of you will only wonder if he really means those words or not.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I can't stress enough just how possessive Dante is. And with possessiveness comes jealousy, a trait that runs deep within him. He can’t help it. Not like he wants to help it either anyway.
He's the kind of guy who would jokingly, yet with an undertone of seriousness, tell you he doesn't want you so much as breathing, walking, or even glancing in another man's direction. Then, he'd flash you a handsome yet sinister smile, leaving you unsure if he was kidding or dead serious.
Spoiler alert: he was dead serious.
When Dante gets jealous, he'll subtly shift the blame onto you, making you feel responsible for his emotions. And he won't show an ounce of mercy. He'll completely ignore you, treating you like a stranger for however long he sees fit—sometimes a whole day. If, by the end of the day, you haven't begged or apologized profusely to him as if your life depends on it, he'll know he needs to up the ante. It's in your best interest to play into his desire for desperation when he's consumed by jealousy. While he may tease you a bit during this time, he'll eventually forgive you by the end of the day.
If you give him attitude during the whole jealousy ordeal and refuse to make an effort to win him back, Dante will ensure you're utterly broken by the end of the day. Then, he'll lovingly wipe away your tears and offer comfort tainted with contempt, chastising you for being so foolish as to provoke him. He'll warn you sternly never to provoke him again. And the next day? It's as if nothing ever happened—back to business as usual with Dante.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses can be summed up in so many words—possessive, intense, rough, demanding, etc.
When it comes to Dante's preferred kissing spots, he has a penchant for lavishing attention on the neck and lips, deeming them the most intimate areas to bestow his affection. However, his kisses aren't limited solely to these regions; Dante's chosen placements can extend to other parts of the body, all with the intention of eliciting a desired response from you. Whether it's the gentle caress of a cheek or the lingering touch upon your collarbone, each kiss is carefully orchestrated to deepen the connection and stir emotions within you.
For Dante, receiving kisses on his lips and knuckles holds significant meaning. His preference for lip kisses stems from his belief that they're the epitome of intimacy, as I just stated. Additionally, when it comes to his knuckles, Dante finds immense satisfaction in such kisses, since a kiss on one’s knuckles represents respect and devotion. Each kiss on his knuckles fuels his ego, igniting a sense of pride. He is a man who’s presence commands respect, after all. Moreover, Dante finds it incredibly flattering and appealing when you bestow your affections upon his knuckles, believing it enhances your allure and beauty in his eyes.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Doesn’t care for them much. He just thinks they’re kinda there, y’know?
He finds them rather amusing, particularly when they launch into a barrage of endless questions about various topics. Despite the presence of children, Dante's demeanor remains unchanged. In fact, he might even encourage them to embrace their malice, delivering impassioned lectures about the importance of embracing their humanity.
He may accidentally end up making a mini-Dark Disciple in the process of this lecture; who knows?
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
As a member of the Dark Triad and ruler of the Spade Kingdom, Dante leads a busy life, often finding himself among the first to witness the sunrise. Before embarking on his myriad responsibilities, he takes a moment to admire your peaceful sleeping form, offering a fond smile. He may even delicately brush any stray hair away from your face, tucking it behind your ear. By the time you wake, he's likely already departed, leaving only the faintest trace of his presence. However, if you happen to stir while he's preparing to leave for important duties, he'll greet you with a "good morning" and plant a kiss on your forehead. Despite the allure of your adorable, sleepy expression and tousled hair, his obligations beckon.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
His frequent mornings away are compensated for by tranquil nights spent together. As darkness falls, you both unwind by sharing stories about your day and discussing its events. Sometimes, you even assist each other in preparing for sleep, fostering a sense of intimacy. In essence, nights with Dante prove to be serene, offering moments of solace.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Probably never. I just can’t see him caring enough to reveal himself to someone completely, whether it’s all at once or slowly.
Key word: probably.
If you somehow manage to get him to start revealing things about himself, really had your “I can change him” moment there, it’ll be very subtle.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Not that often. He’s usually pretty laid-back with you. But when jealousy begins to consume him, Dante's temper easily flares, especially in situations involving you and other men. And when he's angered, his words drip with disdain and contempt, leaving you feeling degraded and diminished. He'll make it abundantly clear where you stand in his eyes, ensuring you understand your place when you've provoked his ire. It's imperative to avoid angering him at all costs, refraining from giving any attention to other men besides him. In Dante's world, your gaze should be reserved solely for him; no one else matters.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Dante has a knack for remembering significant events and details that hold emotional weight, such as stories about meaningful people in your life who have passed away and how they've impacted you. However, when it comes to smaller, seemingly trivial details like your pet fish's name, he's likely to forget. After all, why would he need to commit a fish's name to memory when there are far more pressing matters occupying his thoughts and attention?
Unfortunately, Dante's ability to memorize important details comes with a touch of sinister manipulation. He has a tendency to store away every significant piece of information you've shared with him, ready to be used against you when the need arises, particularly if you've been disobedient or crossed him in some way.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Dante occasionally brings you along on missions, particularly the ones where he's engaged in combat. He favors these moments in the because he knows you'll be watching him, whether you're cheering him on or silently observing as he dominates his adversaries. He expects you to be impressed, even awestruck, by his prowess in battle. What's even more satisfying for him is when you somehow find yourself involved in combat as well, and just as you're about to be harmed, Dante steps in. In his eyes, only he is allowed to cause you harm—no one else.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
The idea of Dante needing protection is laughable to say the least. As the ruler of the Spade Kingdom, he's more than capable of fending for himself and doesn't entertain the thought of relying on others for protection. While he may not have acquired his title through conventional means, his position still attests to his strength and prowess. So, the notion of him requiring protection is simply out of the question. However, he might find it slightly endearing, albeit amusing, when you attempt to step in on his behalf—though he'd never admit to it openly.
When it comes to protecting you, Dante's approach is smooth and calculated, making it appear effortless. For instance, if someone were to rush towards you with harmful intentions, Dante wouldn't simply whisk you away in a dramatic fashion. Instead, he'd swiftly intervene by confronting the threat head-on, using his physical prowess to neutralize the danger before it reaches you. In essence, rather than pushing you out of harm's way, he boldly faces the danger directly.
And yes, Dante's protective nature extends to making it abundantly clear to everyone that you belong to him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He’d put some effort in—for the most part, that is.
He’d make time for dates and anniversaries, often even setting up the dates himself. He’ll make sure the setting is tranquil and quiet, just the two of you with no one else around to bother. He wouldn’t put much effort into everyday tasks though, only on special days.
As for gifts, it depends entirely on how you feel about it. For dates, he'll charm you into wearing the outfit he's selected, aiming for a coordinated look that accentuates your beauty. On anniversaries, he follows a similar routine, but with the added touch of lavish and exquisite jewelry to complement your attire. However, the frequency of dresses and jewelry as gifts may become repetitive over time, so it ultimately depends on how you feel about his choices and whether you desire variety in your gifts.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
If you've been following along, it's pretty evident that Dante isn't exactly a saint. His bad traits and habits are numerous, ranging from his possessiveness and jealousy to his emotional unavailability and tendency to manipulate situations to his advantage.
Dante's manipulative nature knows no bounds—he's willing to go to any lengths to ensure he gets his way. This often manifests in pushy behavior, where he relentlessly pushes boundaries to the extreme, leaving little room for negotiation or compromise. His manipulative tendencies coupled with his pushiness make him an intimidating man to reckon with, capable of bending situations and people to his will with alarming ease.
Dante's possessiveness is suffocating. You sometimes find yourself needing his permission for certain things, which can be frustrating, but you know better than to risk angering him. His intense possessiveness often leaves you feeling as though he disregards your individuality, making it seem as though he doesn't fully respect you as a person with your own thoughts and desires.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Dante possesses a measured concern for his appearance. While he's fully aware of his considerable good looks, he still makes a conscious effort to maintain his appearance. He's not one to obsess over his looks, but neither is he careless about them. His grooming routine is meticulous, especially when it comes to his goatee, which he tends to with precision. Overall, Dante takes pride in his appearance and ensures he presents himself well, albeit without becoming overly preoccupied with his looks.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
It's harsh, but let's be real here: expecting Dante to feel incomplete without you is just delusional. As the ruler of the Spade Kingdom and a member of the Dark Triad, his life is already overflowing with responsibilities and distractions, he would never feel incomplete without you. Sure, he might think of you occasionally, but it's not going to be a constant preoccupation. You'll only cross his mind once he's exhausted every other thought. In essence, you're the very last thing on his mind.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Wears glasses. Specifically glasses for reading. That’s it—that’s the headcanon.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In a partner, Dante's tastes would span across a wide spectrum. Whether you're meek or aggressive, stoic or chaotic, even if you possess a hint of darkness within you, Dante would find something alluring in every aspect. He's drawn to complexity and variety, embracing all types of personalities with a voracious appetite.
What truly dampens Dante's appetite, however, is a partner who fails to offer any challenge. A lack of stimulation or intellectual engagement leaves him feeling unsatisfied and uninterested. And the last thing Dante wants is a dull relationship.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He sleeps with an air of regal tranquility, as if he's a king who has effortlessly solved global crises and rescued countless lives. His slumber is so serene, it's as though he's unaware of any wrongdoing or the fact that he's wanted for mass destruction. It's almost unsettling how peacefully he rests, as if he's completely unburdened by the weight of his actions.
Regardless of the circumstances, Dante prioritizes his sleep. While there may be nights where he's forced to stay up for "work-related reasons," as he claims, he still ensures that his sleep is of the highest quality possible. Even if he has just a fleeting 20 minutes to spare after being awake all night for who-knows-what, he'll make those 20 minutes count.
The man needs his beauty sleep.
I think most Dante lovers have a hate love relationship with him. And that’s understandable. Sorry if this was OOC 💔
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mercillery · 6 months
Doing this again because I’m actually having fun. Once again, sorry if these are ooc 💔
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27 notes · View notes
mercillery · 3 months
NOTES: Credits to frit_2 for the beautiful fanart <333
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╰┈➤ ❝ I could devour you whole, and yet you hesitate. How delightful. ❞
No one could have ever imagined a man like him being with someone as timid as you, not even his own siblings. He’s the very embodiment of pride and evil. And then there’s you—an incredibly timid and shy soul who somehow ended up with someone so diametrically opposed to your nature. It’s an extraordinary and baffling pairing, so much so that it defies all logic and expectations. 
Your relationship with Dante is definitely shaped by a constant play of power dynamics. Dante thrives on control and dominance, not just in his professional life but also personally. Your shyness and gentle nature provide a counterbalance, creating a dynamic where he often takes the lead. Depending on how you feel about it, this can either be a good thing or a bad thing—a bad thing because you may want to have your own voice, but Dante's leadership completely overshadows it. But most shy people might prefer having someone take the lead for them, right? If that's the case for you, then there's no need to worry—Dante will gladly take on that role. He's been doing it his whole life and has no problem continuing, especially for someone he so dearly loves. His natural confidence and ability to steer situations make him well-suited to guide you, leaving you with little to no worries about taking the lead on anything.
Dante is extremely possessive and protective of you, maybe even more so than he usually is with other women because of your timid nature. While this can sometimes feel suffocating, it also means he is always there, ready to shield you from any danger. His protectiveness doesn't come from a place of gentle care; rather, it's driven by a desire to keep what he considers his from any harm or interference. In Dante's eyes, you are a precious possession, and his protective instincts are fierce and unwavering. Again, this intense possessiveness can be overwhelming, but it also means you are constantly under his vigilant watch, never left to face challenges alone. I guess this is another thing where it’s up to you whether you like it or not.
It pains me to say this next part, but I have to keep him in character, you guys. I’m sorry. 😞
Dante definitely has expectations, and they're pretty high. Your shyness sometimes makes it challenging to meet those expectations, which can lead to him trying to change you—sometimes forcefully. Basically, he might try to mold you into his ideal woman. He'll push you to be more confident, even if you really aren’t feeling like it. However, these little conflicts usually don't last long. In the end, he might actually decide that your shyness suits you better than confidence anyway. Still, these mini-conflicts pop up in your relationship from time to time, and that can get pretty frustrating. It's like a cycle—you clash over your differences, he tries to change you, and then things go back to how they were until the next time. It's not always smooth sailing, that's for sure.
Dante is a master manipulator, and he sometimes uses his charm and power to influence your actions and emotions. He knows how to exploit your shyness to his advantage, subtly guiding you to rely on him more deeply. Over time, this creates a bond of dependency, where you find yourself increasingly drawn into his world and influence. This is the part where I told you how he believes shyness fits you better than confidence—because as much as he loves confident women, he absolutely eats up the way you’re dependent on him, something he craves more and more by the day even if you’re already as dependent on him as one can be. 
Being Dante's lover means you're always close to the other members of the Dark Triad. This might be your very own personal hell because your shyness often makes you vulnerable in such a dangerous and intense environment, but Dante's influence provides a shield of protection around you! But still, you have to navigate the complexities of their group dynamics, which isn't easy. Earning the wary respect of those around him is a delicate balance. They know you're important to Dante, so they tolerate you and watch you closely. This constant scrutiny adds another layer of difficulty, making it even more crucial to find your footing in a world where power and loyalty are everything.
In summary, being Dante Zogratis' shy lover is a journey filled with intense emotions, shifting power dynamics, and deep, albeit complicated, affection. It's not always easy, and it certainly comes with its fair share of challenges. But at the end of the day, you're his golden possession, standing out among all others. That unique bond, for better or worse, sets you apart and ties you closely to him in ways that few others could ever understand. You’re the only case where he’ll gladly nurture you instead of crushing you—like a flower.
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mercillery · 6 months
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Very random hcs sorry if it’s too random for you. Anyways, I love them.
♤ You know, even though these four are utterly heartless and insane, I get the impression that they all care for one another… in their own way.
♤ Obviously, this hasn’t been confirmed, and no one truly knows, but episode 167 backs this up, kinda! Sure, Zenon only came because he was concerned about the magic fluctuation and only came to check. But he still saved Dante; he fought for Dante, and that’s enough for me to know that Zenon at least cares enough to rescue Dante from his defeat.
♤ Unfortunately, we have yet to see Vanica rescuing or being rescued. But I assume that since Zenon rescued Dante, he’d do the same for Vanica, no?
♤ Then there’s chapter 344, where we can see Lucius resurrecting Dante, Vanica, and Zenon. If this won’t convince you that they at least somewhat care for each other, I don’t know what will.
♤ Another thing I like to think about is that when Lucius used to be in a wheelchair, Vanica probably always wanted to sit in his lap. I could definitely picture her talking Lucius’ ear off while she pushed his wheelchair around to who-knows-where.
♤ Dante was most likely a constant witness to this, watching with an amused expression on his face as Lucius only hummed in response to whatever nonsense Vanica chattered.
♤ And Zenon? Probably somewhere else doing his own thing. Zenon strikes me as that one sibling who’s just locked up in their room all day with little to no contact.
♤ The most extroverted sibling in the family is Vanica, which I think is something most can agree on. Well, somewhat. It’s clear that she’s always excited and talkative when a strong opponent is in sight, with the intent to fight them. So just imagine how much worse she was when she was a child.
♤ I can picture Mini Vanica going around and getting lost with no worries whatsoever; the only thing occupying her eager mind was whether she was going to pick a fight today or not. In truth, she’s most likely been in numerous fights during her childhood, whether as a witness or as the fighter herself.
♤ In the case where she was a witness, she always watched eagerly, that is, only if the fight was good enough to be watched at all. If she did happen to find the fight interesting, she’d watch with a glint in her eyes.
♤ In the situation where SHE was the one fighting, she’d go all out with zero concern for any future consequences she'd face. She is Vanica, after all, recklessness may or may not run in her blood.
♤ Dante probably watches all this happen with amusement, only stepping in once he gets bored. Zenon has grown too tired of her impulsive nature to care at this point, and Lucius is probably the one to get Vanica out of whatever mess she got herself into.
♤ Lucius is a good storyteller, no matter the theme—horror, thriller, or adventure. Not romance, though. If he’s asked for romance from his siblings, he’ll resort to the usual, “Once upon a time, there was a princess and a prince...”
♤ Of course, story-telling was more common throughout the Zogratis’ childhood. Even then, romance wasn’t an option that was picked too frequently—or at all. But I like to think that maybe one of them got curious one day and chose romance. Unfortunately, Lucius made sure to end it with the most horrifying ending. For the giggles.
♤ For those confused, let me elaborate…
♤ Do you know any stories from the Brothers Grimm? Or the way certain Disney films were altered from their original, ominous endings because they were deemed too disturbing? Let's just say that knowing the real endings to these "romantic" stories from Lucius has given them nightmares.
♤ They never again asked for romance. But looking at it now, Dante and Vanica find it amusing how they used to get nightmares from Lucius’ so-called “romance” stories. Minus Zenon. Zenon rolls his eyes at the memories of the days where he too was given nightmares.
♤ Anyway, besides Lucius being mischievous and scaring his siblings into bed with a seemingly sweet love story that ends terribly, I bring this up because I like to think that during their childhood, a way they used to bond was by storytelling, with Lucius being the usual pick to tell a story.
♤ Around the time Lucius left to go to Clover Kingdom, I imagine he didn’t say goodbye to Dante or Vanica, but only Zenon. I feel as if Lucius sympathizes most with Zenon, so he left him with a few last words before he departed.
♤ Though I can't quote exactly what Lucius would have said to him word for word, I'm going to presume that it would have been something along the lines of "Continue fighting for the Spade Kingdom" or something similar. As for Dante and Vanica, they probably weren’t too affected by Lucius’ sudden absence. Although I can see Dante being pleased that he was in charge now.
♤ They all listen to classical music, especially Dante. Dante listens to classical music when he has the time, when it’s a time where he can just relax and enjoy his favorite piece playing. His favorite classical song is “Dies Irae” from Verdi's Requiem.
♤ The strong and ominous tone of this composition would resonate with Dante, reflecting his imposing presence and unrelenting pursuit of power. Like Dante's complicated webs of power and control, which he orchestrates and manipulates inside the Dark Triad, Dias Irae is a frenetic piece full of action.
♤ Vanica listens to “In the Hall of the Mountain King" by Grieg. Being known for her impulsive and chaotic nature, Vanica embodies the energy and unpredictability of this composition.
♤ Just like the music's frenetic pace and playful melody, Vanica thrives on the adrenaline rush of her impetuous actions and loves the unexpected turns life takes. She leaves a chaotic and exciting path in her wake.
♤ Vanica might also listen to “Danse Macabre” by Camille Saint-Saës. The piece's eerie tune with a hint of playfulness could possibly be a reflection of her erratic and unpredictable personality, which makes it an appropriate fit for her taste in music. The name "Danse Macabre," which means "Dance of Death," may also play to Vanica's interest in bloodshed and devastation.
♤ Zenon would probably like “Valse Sentimentale” by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. I say probably because I feel as if Valse Sentimentale is a song too. hopeful and happy sounding in the middle of it, like it’s out of a fairytail, if that makes sense. But then I realized something...
♤ Given the entirety of the Allen incident, its graceful yet melancholic tune may communicate his complex feelings and the weight of his past. In moments of solitude, the piece may provide brief solace, allowing him to ponder his past with a sense of solemnity and contemplation.
♤ Lucius, being the eldest and most sinister sibling, would enjoy the good old classical “Dance of the Knights” by Prokofiev. He is drawn to this song because of its menacing mood and imposing orchestration, which reflect his own intense and dominant nature.
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mellennia · 2 years
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Attempted a Dante Zogratis from memory. Kinda proud of how close together I got the lines using a dulling pencil. #Drawing #artoninstagram #blackclover #blackcloverart #bleachanime #blackclovermanga #dantezogratis #dantezogratisblackclover #dantezogratisart #zogratis #zogratisfamily #zogratissiblings https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjb0_LmMMH7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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