crunchetime · 4 months
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Crunche's D&D OCs: Set 3, #9
Nutmeg Dappledew (she/her)
Goblin Druid [Circle of the Land]
Raised by a conclave of nature-loving orcs, Nutmeg is sweet as honey and cute as a button. She's far more averse to violence than her compatriots, but loves to cause mischief. Most folks think she's a bit airheaded and living in her own world, but she's incredibly resourceful and observant, with restraint and elegance that makes her just as charming as she is scrappy.
I'm making a list of D&D OCs, with three characters for each playable class in 5th edition, including Artificer and Blood Hunter.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Star Ravenscourge!
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Apprentice version v
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Design Notes:
New Raven designnnn
I have completely changed his build, he is no longer tall and lanky, he is simply dinky <3 Im obssessed with this design, one of the faves I have done yet!
Character Bio:
fun fact: he looks a lot like his outsider sire, which makes him stand out a lot bec of how small and not average Thunder looking he is.
Alsoo I'm adding the leader crowns i designed!!
Star Ravenscourge
Gay; demi-boy; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's end: 2 cycles, 6 moons; ~26 Hyrs
Title meaning: -scourge = a terrifying and powerful cat, a cat who is a "scourge" upon their enemies. This tile is unique to Raven, as he earned it from the tales that began to spread about him once he became leader of Blood Order.
First Leader of Blood Order; he alongside several city cats founded Blood Order, and Raven was appointed their leader, much to his honor and surprise.
Seconds: Bonehunter (appointed before they followed succession laws) -> (Star) Paintdapple (mentored by Raven)
Mentor: Star Tigerclaw -> Bonehunter (unofficial mentor)
Mother: Dappledew
Siblings: Dustpelt
Half Siblings: Downnose; Cricketstep
Mate: Barleycloud
Kits (donor: Violetdream): Cowstep, Lambcry, Ryewhisper
Other notable kin: Thrushcloud (uncle); Shriketail (nephew); Cloudtail (adoptive nephew); Snowshoe (nephew); Mistletoe (niece); Spiderleg (nephew); Shrew (nephew)
Bonus facts: He came up with the idea of reinforcing his claws with sharpened dogs teeth, bec of Tigerclaw's extra big claws. Tiger always told Raven he was extra weak because his claws were rather small, so raven thought, maybe he could find a new, better way to protect himself, and make his claws even stronger than Tigerclaw's ever were. They were in fact stronger than Tiger bec they disemboweled him.
Character Summary:
In Progress (to be added later)
[Image 1 ID: a digital drawing of Ravenscourge an au version of Ravenpaw from Warrior Cats. He is standing with his right side showing, his right paw raised with claws (reinforced with dog's teeth) unsheathed. He has a proud and determined expression on his face. He is a small, slender, black tom with a white tail tip, above his nose and on his chin, two spots on his cheek, and a white sock on his right leg. He is mostly short furred with longer cheek and tail fur, as well as a tuft on longer fur on his chest and on his head, acting as bangs. He has extremely large ears and purple eyes, he wears a crown on his forehead with a teardrop shaped bloodstone and a smaller teardrop shaped moonstone hanging below it. He also has a tooth pieced through one ear and wears a purple dog's collar adorned with sharp teeth and claws. he has claw scars running along his shoulder and flank as well as a scar over his right eye and on his left upper lip./End ID]
[Image 2 ID: a digital drawing of Raven (apprentice Ravenscourge) an au version of Ravenpaw from Warrior Cats. This image is the same as the previous one, but Raven has no scars, wears no collar, teeth, or crown and has wide scarred eyes and a general fearful expression on his face./End ID]
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cheerclaw · 6 months
What about your oc Dappledew and my oc Sheepbush ?
They could be chilling ^^
Here's the ref you made me so you dont have to look for it :> (I am still so happy with it)
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what weird rat
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
not to many changes to her design, I changed up her colors to be brighter and made her a classic tabby! she also has her mom, Speckletail's big ears and fluffy tail!
Character Bio:
Molly; she/her
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 5 cycles; 36 Hyrs
Title meaning: -flower = a soft, sweet and kind hearted cat
Caretaker of Thunder Order
Mentor: Dappledew
Mother: Specklesnap
Fathers: Star Sunfall (biological); Tawnyspots
Siblings: Lionheart
Ex-Mate: Star Tigerclaw
Mate (got together as ghosts): Mapleshade
Kits: Swift; Chestnut (Lynxkit); Brambleflower; Star Tawnyclaw
Adoptive kits (cares for them in the Stars): Petal; Larch; Patch
Grandkits: Flamespirit; Goldenheart; Dawnpelt; Junipersnow; Dandeliondust
Other notable kin: Fogtalon (aunt); Smallear (uncle); Featherwhisker (uncle); Thornclaw (nephew); Brightheart (niece); Cinderspark (niece); Brackenburrow (nephew)
Character Summary:
In Progress (to be added later)
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
His coloring is inspired by sepia colorpoint cats!
I haven't changed much about his design this time around, I just changed up some small things. Also im trying out using some slight gradients!
Character Bio:
Straight; Cis Tom; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 8 moons; 12 Hyrs
Age as of 1st arc's end: 2 cycles, 6 moons; ~26 Hyrs
Title meaning: -pelt = a tough cat, often emotionally tough; “nothing gets through this cat’s pelt”
Caretaker of Thunder Order; mostly does building and camp maintenance work
Mentor: Downnose
Mother: Dappledew
Siblings: Star Ravenscourge
Half Siblings: Downnose; Cricketstep
Mate: Littleleaf (Princess)
Kits: Cloudtail (adoptive/step-kit); Snowshoe; Mistletoe; Spiderleg; Shrew
Grandkits: Yarrowtuft (Whitewing); Dewnose; Ambermoon; Junipersnow; Dandeliondust
Other notable kin: Thrushcloud (uncle); Shriketail (nephew); Cowstep (niece); Lambcry (nephew); Ryewhisper (nephew)
Character Summary:
In Progress (to be added later)
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Dustpelt from Warrior Cats. He is standing with his left side showing and he has a determined expression with a confident smile. He is a large, stout, dark brown colorpoint tom with purple eyes. He has a white tail tip, paws, and small patches on his chest. His nose is black and his inner ears are a lighter brown./End ID]
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
I love the markings I gave him this time <3
I gave him some eye wrinkles bec he's a senior adult in the first arc but they dont show up much :P
He and his sister Dappledew only share like one trait, their fluffy, curly hair tuft hehe
Character Bio:
Pan, Demisexual; Demi-boy; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 10 Cycles, 1 moon; ~56 Hyrs
Title meaning: -cloud =  a soft, sweet and kind hearted cat
Caretaker of Thunder Order
Mentor: Specklesnap
Mother: Rainfur
Father: Windflight
Siblings: Dappledew
Half Siblings: Rosebush; Sweet
Other notable kin: Tawnyspots (uncle); Lionheart (cousin); Goldenflower (cousin); Downnose (niece); Cricketstep (nibling); Redtail (nephew); Spottedleaf (niece); Willowchime (niece); Star Ravenscourge (nephew); Dustpelt (nephew);
Extra notes: 
I love himb, he's Bluefrost's bff (he's also the anti-Ashfur/fall)
Character Summary:
He's pretty much the same as in canon, though he lives longer!
He was in love with Bluefrost, but accepted that she would never feel the same, and was happy to just be her friend. He helped her cover for her kits, and he is the only cat Blue told about her kit's father. He is also the only one to know that they are now in River.
Over the cycles Blue and Thrush became close and are pretty much bffs, the only reason Thrush was never made her deputy was because he never wanted such a role.
Thrush dies in the fire that also kills Yellowfang, this is one of Blue's tipping points into her depression.
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Thrushcloud an AU version of Thrushpelt from Warrior Cats. He is walking with his right side showing and his left leg lifted up. He has a happy but slightly awkward expression and smile and his mouth is open slightly like he is saying something. He is a mostly short furred tom with creamy white fur and light brown tabby patches covering his back, shoulders, haunches, and tail, as well as over his left eye and curly hair tuft. He has some darker brown stripes that emulate bird feather markings. His eyes are green and his inner ears, nose, mouth and paw pads are light pink./End ID]
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
Its pretty much the exact same as the last one, I just redrew her <3
Character Bio:
Lesbian; she/her
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 8 cycles, 10 moons; ~52 Hyrs
Title meaning: -bush =  A sturdy cat, a cat you can depend on; is especially good at building; a cat who spends much of their time helping around camp and fixing dens
Caretaker of Thunder Order
Mentor: Tawnyspots
Mother: Poppydawn
Father: Windflight
Siblings: Sweet
Half Siblings: Dappledew; Thrushcloud
Kits (outsider sire): Redtail; Spottedleaf; Willowchime
Grandkits: Darkstripe; Sandstorm; Poppy; Flint; Graybelly; Sootfur; Rainwhisker; Sorreltail
Other notable kin: Downnose (niece); Cricketstep (nibling); Star Ravenscourge (nephew); Dustpelt (nephew)
Extra notes: 
She defo has a secret outsider gf or something, she deserves a gf. If I wasnt attached to Snowstorm and Thistleclaw's fucked up relationship plot, Rose would have been Snow's mate.
Character Summary:
Rosebush is a sort of jack of all trades in the Caretaker role, she is very big and strong, she's one of the best builders in the Order, and she does a lot of the heavy lifting around the camp. She also is very loving and empathetic and loves caring for kits, elders and just anyone who needs some love and care. She's a big buff lady who loves and cares about everyone.
Rose is the mother of Redtail, Spottedleaf and Willowchime, she always wanted kits so she found an outsider to sire a litter! Its pretty sad that her kits had such short lives... at least Red and Willow are carried on through their children.
Rose is also in cahoots with Bluefrost and Thrushcloud about Thistleclaw's assassination. She doesn't join in herself, but she instead stays in camp with Spotted, she knew her daughter needed her.
Rose is one of Bluefrost's best friends, Blue, Snowstorm, Thrushcloud and Rosebush are/were a tight nit friend group, and were almost always spending time together. The deaths of Snow, then Rose and then Thrush is one of the biggest blows to Bluefrost's mental health.
Rosebush dies early in the first arc due to illness, though she lasts longer than in canon bec I think her death would be more impactful if her relationship with Bluefrost, her kits and the Order was established first.
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Rosetail from Warrior Cats. She is standing with her right side showing, she has a calm expression and a smile on her face. She is a big chubby tortoiseshell and white molly, she is mostly black, with pinkish-orange spotting on her back, tail and the top of her face, there are pink spots on her sides in heart and droplet shapes, there are also a black spot like this on her flank. The lower half and middle of her face is white, and this continues down her fluffy neck and stomach, her paws and tail tip are also white. Her eyes are a teal green color, her inner ears are pink, her nose is dark pink and her eyelashes are green like her eyes./End ID]
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
I love giving enby characters beards and eyelashes i cant help it!!! Cricket only has tiny eyelashes tho :P
I gave them fluffy hair on the back of their neck, does this count as a mullet? I think they would have a mullet.
Fun fact I used the old design's face as the sketch for this one but I gave them a new pose!
Character Bio:
Nonbinary; they/them
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 8 cycles, 6 moons; 50 Hyrs
Title meaning: -step = a cat who is light on their feet; a cat who carefully thinks out their steps and actions
Warrior of Thunder Order
Mentor: Specklesnap
Mother: Dappledew
Father: Stormtail
Siblings: Downnose
Half Siblings: Star Bluefrost; Snowstorm; Dustpelt; Ravenscourge
Other notable kin: Thrushcloud (Uncle); Shriketail (nephew); Cloudtail (nephew); Snowshoe (nephew); Mistletoe (niece); Spiderleg (nephew); Shrew (nephew); Cowstep (niece); Lambcry (nephew); Ryewhisper (nephew)
Character Summary:
Like with Downnose, they dont really think of Bluefrost and Snowstorm as kin bec they were never like family growing up, they do respect them as Order mates however!
Cricket is an anxiety express and very jumpy but they are the most calm when they are focused on hunting and scouting. They love sneekin :)
They are bffs with Downnose and Mousebite, and they also tried to be close to their little brother Raven since they saw themselves in him. They could tell he was keeping secrets tho...
They are very proud of Ravenscourge when they see him all grown up!
Their gender is pretty boy (gender neutral)
They are mostly just a side character so I dont have much on em, they just vibin, I love them.
They pass away during the beginning of the second arc from illness which is made worse by the famine at the time :( , they were pretty old tho, almost to elder age!
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Cricketstep an au version of Cricketkit from warrior cats. They are sitting with their right side showing and their left front paw lifted. They are looking back to the left with a surprised expression of their face. They are a small short furred white cat with orange and black calico patches and orange eyes. they have a fluffy hair tuft along with longer fur on their neck, and longer fur on their chin like a beard./End ID]
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
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Star Ravenscourge! I redrew his design in celebration of finishing Blood Order's allegiances!
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Bonus apprentice Raven and Ravenscourge before becoming an official leader with 9 lives!
Star Ravenscourge
Gay; demi-boy; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's end: 2 cycles, 6 moons; ~26 Hyrs
Title meaning: -scourge = a terrifying and powerful cat, a cat who is a "scourge" upon their enemies. This tile is unique to Raven, as he earned it from the tales that began to spread about him once he became leader of Blood Order.
First Leader of Blood Order; he alongside several city cats founded Blood Order, and Raven was appointed their leader, much to his honor and surprise.
Second: Bonehunter; Bone, not related to Raven by blood, but at the time of the Order's founding, they did not follow the usual succession rules; succeeded by Paintdapple, who was mentored by Ravenscourge.
Mother: Dappledew
Father: Stormtail
Siblings: Downnose, Cricketstep, Dustbranch
Half Siblings: Star Bluefrost, Snowstorm
Mate: Barleycloud
Kits (donor: Violetdream): Cowstep, Lambcry, Ryewhisper
Other notable kin: Whitestorm (nephew), Tigerstar (nephew), Shriketail (nephew), Star Mistyfoot (niece), Stonecliff (nephew)
Bonus facts: He came up with the idea of reinforcing his claws with sharpened dogs teeth, bec of Tigerclaw's extra big claws. Tiger always told Raven he was extra weak because his claws were rather small, so raven thought, maybe he could find a new, better way to protect himself, and make his claws even stronger than Tigerclaw's ever were. They were infact stronger than Tiger bec they disemboweled him .
[Image 1 ID: A digital drawing of Star Ravenscourge an AU version of Ravenpaw from Warrior Cats. he is standing with a determined, sure of himself expression on his face. He is a long legged skinny short furred black cat with big ears and purple eyes. He has white around his eyes, in a point above his nose, and covering the lower half of his front right leg. He also has a white diamond/star shaped marking on his chest. He has pink scars on his hind haunch, and on his right shoulder, going down his leg, he also has a torn ear, and a scar over his right eye. He is wearing a tooth studded purple collar, a talon in one ear, and sharpened dogs teeth over his claws. His inner ears are darker black, and his nose is pink./End ID]
[Image 2 ID: A digital drawing of Ravens an AU version of Ravenpaw from Warrior Cats. the image is the same as the last one, but this time Raven has no collar or other adornments, does not have the scars on his shoulder and back haunch and he loos scared, with a wise eyed expression on his face. The star marking on his chest is also now replaced with a less star shaped patch of white fur./End ID]
[Image 3 ID: A digital drawing of Star Ravenscourge an AU version of Ravenpaw from Warrior Cats. this image is the exact same as the first image, only this time the star on his chest is replaced with a less star shaped patch of white fur./End ID]
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cryptidclaw · 9 months
They actually do state Willowpelt is his mother in Graystripe's Vow!
Atleast there's that 😭
I just with the erins actually fleashed out the families in the earlier books, it would have just added a bit more spice 👌
Like Gray interacting with his mom, and his siblings and stuff would have been neat
Ough I really wish they had decided who Ravenpaw's parents were so we could see their reaction to all the shit happening to him... RoC Dappledew would stand up for her som when no other adult would thats for sure 😤😤😤
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cheerclaw · 5 months
Dappledew and Batspider? They seem to both be kitties with hidden sides :3
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badly draw patterns pt. 49
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
New poll
Should I have Stormtail get called out for grooming, resulting in Dappledew (tail) not being/staying mates with old ass man Storm?
This would mean I would need to give Stormtail and Dapple's kits atleast a different father, so Downnose, Cricketstep, Dustpelt and Ravenscourge would no longer be Bluefrost's kin. Doesn't effect the main plot much, just takes away some Bluefrost daddy issues angst.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Sam. SAM!! I must draw fanart of mama Dappledew giving her edgy son the BIGGEST kisses and cuddles; when Ravenscourge’s updated design comes out PLEASE tag me in it so I may Fanart my little heart away 🙏
I think my Raven design is actually technically the first updated design w/ bio so he's ready to go!
Here's a link to the more recent one :3
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Love the name Dappledew! Is there a meaning behind it?
there is! the -dew title means, a cat with a youthful personality, and also a cat who is often first to rise and go on dawn patrols!
I thought it was a cute suffix to go with Dapple, and the definition expands her character a bit!
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cheerclaw · 1 year
Dawn Colony Allegiances:
Leader — *Light Nightshine (he/him) — A small and fluffy black with some white splotches tom. He has green eyes.
Vice — *Brave Lynxheart (he/they) — A light brown tabby tom with golden eyes. tyro'paw: Shadepaw
Herbalist — Cowspring (he/it) — A big and fluffy tom, mostly white with black and brown spots. It has green eyes.
Mediator — Feathertuft (they/them) — A white cat with fuzzy fluffy fur. They have purple eyes.
Mushroomfoot (he/him) — A small brown tom.
Owlface (she/her) — A colourpointed deep molly with blue eyes. She has some scarring.
Minnowhawk (she/her) — A stocky grey tabby molly with green eyes.
Tawnymoon (she/they) — A tortoiseshell with some white spots molly. She has golden eyes.
Creekrunner (he/she) — A sleek cream and white cat.
Sparrowtalon (she/her) — A big brown tabby molly.
Thornpelt (he/him) — A lean ginger tabby tom. He has green eyes.
Pinkysky (he/him) — A lean white tom with pink eyes.
Dappledew (she/her) — A grey tabby molly with brown eyes and face scars.
Bumbleshadow (he/him) — A large pale grey tabby mostly white tom. He has yellow eyes.
Shadepaw (they/he) — A stocky tortoiseshell and white. They have blue eyes.
Berry' (they/them) — A small cream and black cat with brown eyes.
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cheerclaw · 1 year
Ooo could you draw Dappledew?
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cocky lady is simply the best builder out there
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