wangxianficrecs · 4 months
one of these days by darbonara
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one of these days
by darbonara
T, 7k, Wangxian
Summary: The bundle trembled, and it took some time for her to find a face among the fabric. It was a child, shivering, and occasionally coughing harsher than the thunders of the raging storm that put the little boy in such a position. He looks miserable. He looks alive. He looks familiar. Kay's comments: Despite the warnings and the tags and the major character death, this story was incredibly soft and I enjoyed it a lot. Like it destroyed me, but it was like being crushed to death in a comforting hug. We have some good Jiang parents caring for a chronically (and terminally) sick Wei Ying, who meets Lan Zhan as a child in the hospital. Their steady love for each other was so beautiful and if you want to nope out and pretend that Wei Ying got magically cured, you can stop reading after the first chapter. If you're up for maximum sadness, check out the second chapter too and don't worry! Wei Ying doesn't die young. Excerpt: It rings four times before Lan Zhan’s sleepy voice comes through, “Wei Ying?” he says. “Is it morning yet? Did I miss my class? Can I pick you up already?” Wei Ying almost laughs. “No, no, and no again,” he shakes his head even if Lan Zhan can’t see it. “Sorry I woke you up, I just have a really important question.” “What is it?” “I had an idea that I think is good, but you have to be on board for it to work out.” “Okay.” “Lan Zhan, I didn’t even say what it is yet!” “Tell me, then.” “Okay, okay,” Wei Ying bites his lip, takes a deep breath before he says, “Lan Zhan, will you marry me?”
pov wei wuxian, modern setting, modern no powers, lan family feels, madam lan deserves better, hospitals, terminal illness, chronic illness, sick wei wuxian, sick madam lan, hurt/comfort, angst and hurt/comfort, sad ending, major character death, childhood friends, friends to lovers, developing relationship, moving in together, love confessions
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