#dare i say….. persassy
funnyvxlentine · 9 months
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percy as of episode two
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2015 Percy Jackson Headcanons
We are all a little stressed right now so I want to bring it back to simpler times, the 2015ish era for the pjo/hoo fandom was a wack time. I hope you enjoy and have some laughs lol!
Piper gets mad at Jason when she catches him making out with a brick.
Percy has a sea green Camaro that he drive to a high school parking lot.(not a good idea)
People keep showing up at the Jackson/Blofis apartment and then see through a crack in a door Percy and Annabeth alone together and are Scandalized.
Leo sings the This Girl is On Fire song constantly
They all go to Goodie High and introduce themselves by saying who their s.o. is and that they are taken
Persassy sasses everyone in camp
Rachel Elizabeth Dare is a horrible human being solely because she kissed Percy once.  (love her now lol)
Nico asks for a glass of water and Percy responds with “I though water was not your type”.
Annabeth is constantly carrying the biggest book about modern architecture that she somehow managed to get in ancient greek.
they all move into a mansion together and their wardrobe is picked out by Aphrodite and matches their godly parent.
They all go perfectly with the song young volcanoes by Fall Out Boy. 
 Don’t forget this was also the era of the fandom crossovers and fandom school posts and the Fanvergent symbol. I used to want a tattoo of it, and still kind of do, but I was very into this stuff lol. 
I don’t mean to offend anyone, I wrote A LOT of this stuff too lol and some of it is still used today, though, good riddance to Brason, Persassy and the not your type joke lmao. 
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
Could I have a ship please? I am very short, very pale, I have curly black hair, I have blue/green eyes, and freckles. I have a intense rbf but I’m very sweet and soft in reality, it takes me a while to trust people before I let them in to my life but I am very loyal once you break through, I’m considered the leader or mom of my friend group I’m always there to help out and I’m always the one to get everyone out of trouble, I love running,reading, and learning, I’m an INTJ,slytherin, Capricorn
(Love that you included a lot of your personality *chefs kiss*)
I see you more with Annabeth (I do hope that’s fine, if not her then Percy?)   For Annabeth I see you both having this intimidating power as a pair. You’d warm her heart with your caring nature, helping her get the others and sometimes herself out of trouble. She sees how you can rope together your own group of friends as the leader, having enough drive to pull them through tough situations in battle or a good old game of capture the flag.
For Percy, it’s your daring and kind nature that attracts him as well. I can see one of your friends causing trouble and rubbing him the wrong way during a first meeting. You came to save their ass, having a stare down with Persassy and winning you’d like to say. He took an interest in you and admired your loyalty to your friends, hoping that maybe you’d share some of it with him. The two of you became close over the course of a few quests, bonding over the troubles of people looking to you for help.
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