#dark!neil tenet x reader
mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Time After Time | dark!Neil (Tenet) x reader
summary: it’s tricky when feelings get involved in an organization like tenet.  still, you’ve never been happier than you are with your boyfriend Neil, even if he’s a bit elusive and a very erratic coworker.  for all his secrets, you never expected what he would tell you the day he finally proposed.
word count: 5.5k
warnings:  smut!! (dub con, for extremely complex reasons), almost kinda stockholm syndrome?, yandere/soft!dark neil, breeding kink, confusing time travel stuff
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"What are we doing here?” you asked as you looked around the safehouse— like any secret Tenet hideaway, it was sleek but sterile, nestled in a historic neighborhood in southeastern Moscow.  It was sort of how you remembered from the last time you’d been here for work, but somebody had rearranged the living room and changed out the rug.  (Knowing the nature of your business, you were pretty confident you knew why the rug was replaced.)  
Neil had made it clear that you weren’t coming here for a mission, but never said what you were here for, and had kept up the veil of secrecy all week long.  At first, you had assumed that since tomorrow was your four-year dating anniversary, it must have something to do with that, but the more you pondered the potential options, the more you were unsure.
You turned to look at him and found him wearing his signature smirk, the one that made you sure he was up to something— but you still didn’t know what.
“Seriously, Neil, just tell me!” you pleaded with a laugh, shoving him playfully.  
“We’re here,” he explained slowly, “because I need to ask you something.”
He sank down onto one knee, clutching your hand in his, as you looked down at him with wide eyes.  "Oh— oh my god,” you barely managed to stammer, entirely breathless.
“As soon as I met you, I knew you were the love of my life,” Neil began with that smile of his that always melted your heart.  “I knew that I had to do everything in my power to make you as happy as you make me, to have you with me until the end of time— whenever that actually comes.”
You laughed a little, but it fell into a sob of joy as he reached into his jacket and pulled a ring out of his pocket, brandishing it to you.
“Darling, will you be my wife?” he asked, almost sounding like he was a little nervous that you’d say ‘no’, for some reason.
“Neil,” you whispered, “of course— yes, yes!”
He popped up and kissed you, smiling too hard for it to be a very effective kiss, though it was a perfect one nonetheless.  You felt him slip the ring on your finger and you felt like you were floating on air.  It was even more surreal than the first time you were inverted.
“I’m so glad you said yes,” he admitted with a sigh of relief against your lips.  You pulled back from the kiss and looked up at him, bewildered but overjoyed.  
“Were you really worried I’d say no?” you scoffed incredulously.
“Terrified,” he laughed, and you laughed too, kissing him again quickly before launching into the first of so many questions you wanted to ask.
“When did you— how did you—?”
“I got the ring last month,” he explained.  “I thought about waiting longer but I was so tired of hiding it from you.  Then it was just a matter of getting you here.”
“Don’t take this as me criticizing your proposal,” you giggled, “but I have to ask: why here?”
He sighed a little, smirking slightly, and looked away before catching your gaze again.  “You’re gonna think I’m a bit crazy—”
“Already do, continue,” you winked.
“But this is where we first met.”
He was right; you did think he was crazy.  You furrowed your brow and laughed nervously.  “Neil, we met at a coffee shop, the one by my old apartment.  I didn’t work here then, you recruited me yourself.”
He chuckled slightly, turning your confusion into an eerie sense of nervousness.  “Sometimes you amaze me with your naivete, darling.  This is where we first met, the first time.”
Gingerly, you pulled your hands away from his.
“I didn’t recruit you, originally.  I was here, working, when a close friend of mine came in and introduced me to the newest member of the team.  It was you… and you captured my heart, instantly.  Only problem was…" he trailed off, chewing his lip as he glanced away.
“Tell me, Neil,” you demanded quietly.
“You’d captured someone else’s heart, too.  And he had already married you.”
You stood up instantly, walking away a little before turning back to stare at him in bewilderment.  You couldn’t believe what you were hearing; you could hardly stand on your wobbly legs anymore.  “I… I had a husband?”
“Yeah, met him once; seemed like a nice guy,” he shrugged.  “But he wasn’t right for you.”
“And how’s that?”
“Because he wasn’t me.”
You shook your head, terrified to imagine the ways Neil had tampered with the flow of time for something as trivial as an infatuation with you.
“I tried to hide my feelings for you, darling, really; we were just coworkers for a long time, I kept it strictly professional.  But the more I got to know you, the more I grew to love you.  I knew I couldn’t be happy just being your friend— you’re my everything.  I tried to tell you— but you wouldn’t listen,” he shook his head.  “You told me you loved your husband.  You told me you had just found out you were pregnant.”
His words hit you like a train and you stumbled back slightly, bracing yourself against a credenza to try to keep from falling to the floor.
“I realized I had to go back,” he continued, becoming a bit more passionate as he explained his plan.  “You couldn’t be convinced if you were pregnant with his child.  But if I was going to invert myself to try to confess my love for you sooner, I figured it would be easiest if I took it a step further and avoided the whole marriage itself.  You had told me once about the day you met him.  So, I went and found you in that coffeeshop, the day before.  And I recruited you to Tenet.  Truth was, we could’ve used you a lot sooner, so it was advantageous to the organization as well— which is why I got approved to be inverted by the boss himself.”
That hurt.  He was Neil’s friend, but he was your friend, too.  Had he known that when Neil went back to recruit you, he would irreparably alter the course of your life?  Or had he only realized later and decided not to try to correct it?
“Don’t look so heartbroken, darling,” he pouted, stepping forward and reaching out to gently rub your shoulder.  “We’re finally together.  Things are finally the way they should’ve been from the very beginning.”
You pushed his hand away and averted your gaze, unable to look at him anymore.  "I'm sorry, Neil, I can't do this— I can't live a lie," you shook your head, beginning to step away.
“No, you can’t go,” he breathed, desperation apparent in his tone along with his expression.  “You can’t go!  I finally got it right this time!”
“Is that why you were afraid I’d say no?” you realized with wide, watery eyes.  “Because I said it before?”
“Yes,” he admitted, faster than you expected.  “But—”
“How many times?”
There came the silence, his nostrils flaring as he crossed his arms and looked away.
“How many times did I reject your proposal, Neil?”
“Oh my god,” you sobbed, “Neil, you— you never gave me a choice, did you?  From the beginning?  Every time I tried to get away from you—”
“You always knew you belonged with me,” he posited fiercely.  “You always knew, it was why you kissed me that night, a year from now, on the bridge in Oslo.”
“That wasn’t me!” you cried.  “I was never married, Neil, I was never pregnant, I never kissed you on any godforsaken bridge!  You undid it all, and now you’re holding what I never did against me?”
“Even then you knew we were meant to be together,” he explained, stepping a little closer; out of love for the man you thought he was, you had a moment of sympathy for the man he had become, and let him pull you closer and cradle your face in his hands.  He wiped a stray tear from your cheek as he smiled down at you.
It almost felt right for a moment, but you couldn’t trick yourself into believing this was anything but wrong.  "I'm sorry, god, I'm so sorry," you whispered hoarsely as you turned to walk away— but he chased you and spun you back around, overpowering you as you tried to wriggle from his grasp.
“After everything I did for you,” he growled, grabbing your wrists tightly when you tried to get away, “you can’t just walk away from me.”
“You didn’t do any of this for me, Neil,” you spat as you struggled, “you did this for yourself.  You stole my life!”
“I saw your life, it was shit without me, okay?”
"But at least it was mine!"
He grabbed you by the shoulders and pinned you to the wall, making you yelp as he glared at you, eyes wild and teeth bared.  “I’ll just go back and do it again.  I’ll do it a million times until you stay with me forever, I swear.  So what’s the use in fighting me?  You’ll say yes, eventually.  Why don’t you save us both some time— in a sense— and just accept it now?”
This was a side of Neil you hadn’t seen before.  He wasn’t livid, he wasn’t violent (at least, not to the level you knew he could be), but he was undoubtedly threatening you… and you knew that he was right.  More than ever you were sure that he was going to keep doing this, keep taking you through the same loop until he got the outcome he wanted.  It was horrifying to imagine, but at least this way you could know the truth.  Maybe you could even find a way to escape him someday— you couldn’t even imagine how, but you might come up with something later.  You had all the time in the world, after all.
He softened slightly as he must have realized you were considering it, reaching down to pull your hands into his.  You glanced over at the sparkling diamond on your ring finger, remembering how ecstatic you had been to wear it just a few minutes ago.  Now it was a tiny gold shackle, each glimmer of the stone like a silent taunt.
Devastated, but with nowhere else to turn, you began to sob and allowed him to embrace you and pull you into him.  He held you close as you cried into his shoulder, terrified and confused and seeking comfort even if it was from the man who had imprisoned you in time.
“Shh,” he soothed gently, “it’s going to be alright, darling, take some deep breaths for me.  Can you do that?  In—” he inflated his chest, guiding you to breathe with him, which you did to the best of your ability—” and out…”
Smooth breaths were difficult with sobs vibrating your lungs, but you eventually managed to stabilize yourself as he guided you through a few more.  You resented that he knew you so well to be able to calm you down; you resented that your body trusted him enough for it to actually work.
“That’s it,” he praised softly, “you’re okay, it’s okay…”
You stared at yourself in the mirror, contemplating the way your face looked through the lacy white veil.  Silently, you wondered if this was how you looked at your first wedding; the one that never really happened, to the man you never got the chance to meet.  You liked to imagine that you looked happier than this, that your eyes were filled with excitement rather than resignation.  
A knock at the door didn’t even tear you from your trance, nor did the sound of it opening; only Neil’s reflection appearing beside yours in the mirror made you snap back into reality, if only slightly.
“You look beautiful,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your ear.
“Bad luck…” you mumbled.  “It’s bad luck,” you began again, “for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.”
“I think we’ve had enough bad luck for a lifetime already,” he joked, making you furrow your brow and turn around, looking up at him.
He bore a startling resemblance to the man you’d fallen in love with, to the man you’d been ecstatic to marry when he got down on one knee for you in a nearly-abandoned safehouse in Moscow.  Even the way he smiled at you, his gaze so gentle as it scanned your face, was exactly the way he’d looked at you a thousand times— when you first met, as well.  The first time for you, at least.  He’d known you for years then; it was no wonder that he looked at you with such love, struck up a conversation that perfectly targeted your interests.  He must’ve spent years practicing to be your perfect man, until he finally got tired of the lie and trapped you in his twisted idea of the truth.
It made you question his motives for appearing suddenly and spoiling the surprise of you in your wedding gown— a sight he must have been dreaming of for years.
“Did I leave you at the altar?” you asked, below your breath.  “Is that why you’re here?  You came back to stop me?”
He chuckled lightly and brushed his fingers over your face.  “I don’t know yet.  This is the first time.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat.  “How can I trust you?  How can I know you haven’t said that every time?”
He didn’t answer, instead leaning in to kiss you gently.  You closed your eyes, accepting that you could never really know the truth anymore.  Maybe someday you would become comfortable with unknowing, or at least complacent enough to tolerate it.
Walking down the aisle felt sort of like walking toward the gallows, but instead of death waiting for you at the end, there was a life of futility, an existence guided not by destiny or decision but by derangement: one man’s fight, against God and nature, to keep you to himself and steal you from the life you were once meant for.
You managed to keep your footsteps steady, glancing briefly to the pews scattered with parse friends and family— wasn’t much time for either of those with the kind of work you did.  All the time in the world, but not enough time for a real life.  That was why it had been so easy to fall for Neil, since he was one of a few people you spent significant time with.  Had that always been the nature of the job?  Or an orchestration by Neil himself, separating you from others until you couldn’t choose anyone but him?
Thankfully, you managed to get through the wedding without crying more than was appropriate or screaming at him or trying to run away.  You exchanged the vows and the rings, you kissed each other, the whole shebang.  Occasionally you actually managed to enjoy yourself, in those moments that you forgot this was all a hollow facade, greeting guests and listening to toasts and dancing with Neil— your new husband.
You forced yourself to keep up the image of a happy bride for the sake of your friends, and everyone who came here in expectation of a fun wedding.  It was what they deserved, even if it was costing you everything.
But once they were gone, you didn’t know how to play the part anymore.  You didn’t know how to swallow down the sick rising in your throat as Neil led you to the honeymoon suite, how to smile back at him when he looked at you with so much joy.
You didn’t know how to prepare yourself for what you knew he expected.
“I… should change out of this dress,” you realized once you were alone in the hotel room together, and he nodded his approval.  You knew if you looked at yourself in the mirror, you would cry, so instead you focused on getting out of your uncomfortable gown.  The lacy white lingerie underneath was intimidating, not for what it was but for what it symbolized.  You couldn’t go back out there like this, obviously— so you grabbed one of the puffy white robes, the hotel’s logo stitched onto the breast pocket, and you threw it on as you stormed out of the bathroom and directly to the balcony.
Tears threatened to burn your eyes as you looked out over the London skyline.  It was stunning, and it made you appreciate that you should be thankful for the freedoms you did have.  There was a big, beautiful world out there and you had the means and the motive to explore it all, if you wanted— you’d already seen more than most.  
But you still mourned for the life you never lived.  Some would argue that in an infinite number of alternate universes, you had the choice to leave him if you wanted to; and apparently, from what Neil had implied, you usually took it.  Yet, that was useless to you now.  The irony was not lost on you that you would be so spoiled as to hate your life when you were standing on the balcony of a luxurious hotel, in a gown that cost more than your first degree, with a gorgeous new husband and more money than either of you would ever have any use for.  You knew you were being petulant.  But something deeper longed for freedom, with everything it cost.  Does it matter how decadent a cage is, if you are still trapped in it?
The balcony door opened behind you, and you defiantly sniffled, quickly wiping a stray tear from your cheek.
“Darling?” Neil gently called to you.  “Is everything alright?”
You didn’t answer, fearing the waver in your voice would give you away.
“I know it’s all a little… overwhelming,” he relented, his voice coming closer along with his footsteps.  “But you really have nothing to worry about.  I think you’ll rather like it.”
“Like what?” 
He paused for a bit before he replied.  And when he did, he said it like it was obvious: “Being my wife.”
You turned to face him, expecting rage in your voice but hearing only sadness.  “And if I don’t?  You’ll just… go back, and do it again until I do?”
He sighed a little, seeming hurt by the question.  “Please, darling, it’s our wedding night,” he cooed, “you can’t hate me.  Let me remind you how good we are together…”
His touch was distantly familiar, and against your better judgement you relaxed a bit and let him pull you closer, his cheek brushing against yours as he spoke beside your ear.
“I never inverted for this,” he explained with a whisper, fingertips grazing over your arm.  “I didn’t learn your kinks, memorize your body and then go back to impress you from the beginning.  The first time we were together… it was the first time for both of us.  And it was perfect.  Do you remember?”
You nodded.
“Tell me,” he instructed, lifting your chin to tenderly kiss your neck.
“Paris,” you sighed.  “We were posing as lovers to check in to a hotel without arousing suspicion.  I’d been enamored with you since I first met you and I thought maybe you felt the same way, but I told you we couldn’t be together because of Tenet…”
“But I kissed you anyway,” he reminded you.
“And I didn’t care about Tenet anymore,” you remembered.  “I just needed to feel you.  And we made love for hours— nearly missed our signal to get out of the building.”
He chuckled lightly against your skin, his fingers leaving goosebumps where they travelled across your back.  “It was worth it,” he decided.  “It was beautiful.”
You pulled back and looked up at him, finding so much love in his eyes, and you searched desperately within yourself for a way to love him in return again after what he’d done.  
Swallowing, you slid your fingers into his hair and examined his face one more time, illuminated in the faintly bluish glow of the city lights.
“Go back,” you whispered.
“I need you to go back,” you repeated.  “To the day you proposed.  Don’t tell me the truth this time.”
Realization dawned on his face, somber but calm.
“I’ll be yours, Neil,” you promised, “forever, like you wanted.  But I can’t live like this.  I can’t live knowing what you’ve done.  And I can’t live with myself if I know that I gave in to you.”
“I hate to leave you on our wedding night,” he argued, turning away slightly— but you held his face and pulled him back to look at you.
“Do this for me,” you pleaded.  “Consider it a wedding present.”
He gave you a small, sad smile before he embraced you again.  "Anything for you," he whispered as he kissed you on the top of your head.
Neil all but kicked the door down as he carried you in his arms, unable to break the kiss even for a moment to open the door properly.
He stumbled around the room a bit before he finally tossed you onto the bed, eliciting a girlish squeal as the puffy layers of your wedding gown's elaborate skirt flipped up over your head.  Growling playfully as he climbed atop you and slotted himself between your legs, you pushed your dress out of the way to look up at him.
As your laughter died down and you examined his face, you were compelled to reach up and hold his jaw in your hand; he turned his face slightly to kiss your palm as you caressed his cheek.
"I love you," you sighed as you brushed a stray strand of hair back out of his face.
"I love you too," he smiled, "more than you could ever know."
You rolled your eyes.  "There goes my husband with his crypticness again."
He hummed at the title, kissing you again.  You figured you were lucky he didn’t rip the dress as he got you out of it, growling when he saw your lacy white lingerie underneath.  “You really are too good to me, darling,” he purred, leaning down to capture a nipple between his teeth through the fabric until your back arched.  “All wrapped up for me like a pretty little present…”
You whined when he slipped his fingers down between your legs, toying with you and refusing to just pull the panties aside and get on with it.  Of course he had to draw it out, savor every inch of you, but did he have to drive you so crazy along the way?
"Neil, please," you whimpered, "need you…"
"I know," he soothed between heavy breaths, kissing down your chest and stomach until he reached where you'd nearly soaked through your flimsy lace.  He kissed your swollen clit right through the fabric— damn him that just that little touch made you moan and grab his hair.  He loved seeing the effect he had on you, it was clear by the way he grinned and did it again, a little firmer, relishing in the way you squirmed.
Finally, he pulled your panties aside; although of course he did it tantalizingly slow before sliding his tongue through your folds, moaning lowly when you accidentally pulled his hair a bit.
He looked so damn good with his face between your thighs, staring up at you and holding you in place with his petrifying gaze.  His eyes were always uncharacteristically dark when he did this to you, like he'd been waiting all his life for this moment.  Like the taste of you drove him wild.
You shuddered when he pushed his tongue inside you, instantly putting pressure against the most delicate places inside you.  When the pleasure threatened to become too intense and you instinctively tried to squirm away, his strong hands gripped your thighs and held you down nearly effortlessly, likely leaving marks on your skin for you to notice tomorrow, to remind you that you were his.  As if the ring wasn’t enough.
“Fuck,” you groaned, “please— please let me come.”
You didn’t always ask him for permission, but he always gave it when you did.  So you weren’t expecting him to grin and stop his task to suck a hickey onto your thigh.  “Not quite yet,” he purred.  “I need you to ask really, really nicely…”
“Um,” you stalled, distracted by watching him leave a trail of marks along your skin with his teeth, “please… don’t stop, Neil, please let me come… I’ll do anything, you know I will.”
“That’s already true,” he reminded you, snarling as he gave your pussy a sudden spank; you yelped and jolted from the impact, but it ended with a moan and more wetness gathering at your hole.  “You can’t be so obedient all the time and try to use it as a bargaining tool, darling.  You know better than that.  Offer me something I don’t have.”
“If you let me come,” you pondered your potential options as you bit your lip and rocked your hips up in hopes of friction, “I’ll… make dinner, every night, for a week—”
He quirked an eyebrow.
“A month!” you blurted out instead.
“You’re negotiating against yourself,” he chuckled, slapping you right on your clit and making you cry out.  “And you’re not much of a cook.”
You were teetering on the edge, desperate for any leverage you could grapple onto, keening for just a touch more stimulation to bring you the rest of the way— and you were so fucking close.  You could only think of one thing Neil wanted, that he didn’t have, that you could give.  And it was a stupid idea, but you needed to offer him something fast before those dreaded spanks between your thighs made you come before he’d given permission.
“We can fuck on a mission,” you announced through your teeth.  Finally, you felt like you had his attention.  The only time that had ever happened was the one time you let it happen— the first time.  The next day you’d had a long conversation about how you weren’t going to let feelings interfere with the job; he agreed, and since then the two of you had done a pretty good job of separating business and pleasure.  Although he did occasionally get irritated with your work in the field and take it out on you that night in bed, but that doesn’t count, right?
“Really?” he mused.  “Whatever happened to boundaries?  What happened to ‘respecting the other team members’?”
“They don’t need to know,” you explained.  “Please, Neil, I really really need to cum.”
He pressed a thumb to your clit and drew slow, relaxed circles— just slow and relaxed enough to make sure you couldn’t come from it.  You sobbed and let your head fall back, exhausted of his teasing.  “How can you be sure you’ll be discreet enough?  You’re not exactly… subtle,” he smirked, your moans now exactly proving his point.
“Can’t be loud with my mouth full,” you countered, and his smile finally fell.  You finally had a bit of power back.
“You’d really suck me off on a mission?”
“If you can promise to keep quiet,” you chuckled.
He growled a bit as he dove back in, the sudden pleasure forcing a deep moan from your lips.  “Fuck,” he mumbled against you, “so dirty for me, huh?”
“Yeah,” you agreed as you bit down on your lip.  “God, I’m close, just don’t stop…”
“As long as you keep up your end of the deal,” he smirked, and you nearly forced his head back down between your legs but thankfully, he kept his mouth shut after that— well not quite shut, just busy, and before you knew it the pressure that built in your gut finally flowed over and you sobbed his name at the peak of your orgasm.
He kept going for just a moment too long, sending white hot shocks up your spine from the overstimulation, but thankfully he slowed down and pulled back, licking his lips and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
With that out of the way, and you nearly melted into the bed at this point, he sat up and hastily opened his belt and fly while he gazed down upon you with a burning hot stare.
"I should return the favor," you offered, sitting up slightly and reaching to wrap your hand around his length, but he shook his head.
"I’ll get my chance, but right now I just need to be inside you,” he explained gruffly.  “Can’t spend another moment without being buried in this gorgeous cunt of yours; I might die if I can’t have you now.”
"Well, if it's a matter of life and death," you grinned, poorly faking indifference as he shoved you back and caged you in, guiding his cock to your dripping wet entrance.
“Ready, darling?” he prompted quietly as you felt the head of him prodding at you.  You nodded, and yet you still gasped and clutched his forearms when he pushed into you.  It was like the first time every time, with the way his thick length speared into you and stretched you open, but you craved it regardless; by now it wasn’t even pain, just raw sensation that pushed your limits in all the right ways.  He sighed a bit when his hips met yours, already pulling back and setting the pace of his thrusts.    
Even with how wet you were, there was friction just from the size of him, but it was the right kind of friction— a smooth, slow drag against your walls that compelled you to wrap your legs around his hips and hold him deep inside you.
“Is that how you want it?” he interrogated.  “Deep?”  You nodded and he chuckled a little.  “I can do that.”
He stopped moving only for a moment to grab your legs and push them up, such that when he thrusted again, the tip of his cock hit the furthest places inside you and you choked on your own moan.  "Fuck!" you croaked, eyes shooting open and hands reaching out to clutch his shoulders.
"How deep am I inside you?" he asked coyly, well aware of the answer already.
"So deep,” you slurred, barely able to form words with a heavy tongue and empty lungs, “all the way…"
"Good."  He leaned down and growled against your ear.  "I hope I knock you up tonight."
His words shocked you, in the best possible way.  You surprised even yourself with the way your body reacted, and your hands were almost moving of their own accord as they grabbed his face and pulled him into a deep, needy kiss.
“Neil,” you mumbled as you broke it just enough to look up at him, “put a baby in me.”
“Fuck,” he hissed, thrusting into you faster than ever, “I will, darling…”
He was unstoppably filthy after that, relentlessly pounding into you, claiming your entire body as he whispered unimaginably dirty things in your ear.
"I know you want it so badly, darling, I know you need to be filled with my seed… can't wait to see you all round and glowing with my baby in you."
You didn't understand his emphasis on the word "my,” as if it could ever be anyone else's!  But you didn't really notice that very much, too busy crying out at the feeling of him stretching you out and reaching the deepest places inside of you.  “Neil, please— I’m so close, want you to come with me,” you whimpered.  
“Yeah?  Wanna squeeze my cock with this pretty little cunt while I fill you up, darling?” 
“Please,” you sobbed, and you were sure you’d never needed him this bad; never needed anything this bad.
Deep little growls coming from between his teeth signified that he was close, and you felt your body tightening around him as you reached your peak one more time, much more intense than before and so much louder than you meant for it to be.  He finally spilled inside of you, painting your walls with his spend as you whimpered and began to descend from your high.  His body relaxed atop yours, though his arms wrapped around you to hold you close.  After a few moments of that, he fell onto his back and you laid your head on his chest, humming happily at the feeling of his warmth seeping out of you.  You were confident you’d be sore all over tomorrow, but you couldn’t feel it now as the afterglow served as a painkiller, keeping you numb and happy while you cuddled into him.
His arm around your shoulders pulled you closer so he could kiss your forehead.  You looked up at him, admiring the way he looked horribly disheveled and yet entirely perfect; he looked back at you, smiling softly.
"Can't believe you're finally mine," he sighed wistfully, "forever."
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ktficworld · 2 years
London boy
Paring: Neil tenet x desi!reader
Summary: you were in a bad mood. And a poor blond was your victim.
Warnings: none
A/n: yelp, I'm going this. Neil with desi reader equals no traction. Anyway. If anyone wants to be tagged, let me know. Let's see if it's going to be funny outside of my head.
Main masterlist
Neil tenet masterlist
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To say you were in a shitty mood would be an understatement.
First your AC broke, then unannounced guest dropped like bomb, and then groceries ran out. Meaning you'd have to go to market in the middle of the June afternoon.
Oh and the heat.
Don't even talk about that. Sunny dearest was sucking up all your energy like someone drinking every drop of a very expensive drink.
God you hated summer
No it was not summer. It was the trailer of the hell that everyone was going to.
You didn't bring your scooty. Oh no, because you were pretty sure with this heat rain. You could probably make dosa on the seat. Which you didn't wanted to do to your backside. So a good walk it was.
You were so exhausted that you didn't even tried to bargain. Your mother was going to chew you out, you were sure of it.
You took the gorciers. And made your way back home. When a accented voice called from behind.
"Excuse me, miss."
Huh, when did mumbai boys started having british accent.
You turned around to see two very tall and very non- Indians. One was clearly white. With blonde hair and blue eyes. Like if someone wanted to give a example of a white man. He would fit right in. Another was a dark skinned man, black. You concluded.
After seeing them you had two questions.
First, how the fuck were they wearing suits while you were melting here?
Second, what the fuck were they even going here?
"I'm neil." The blonde said.
Clothes wihitening neel?
Oh god! No you idiot it's a name. You mentally chastised yourself.
It wasn't helping that your brain was cooking something evil after listening his accent. British hmmm...
"Yes neil, how can I help you?" You said while grinning internally. You were going to pull something and he was going to be the target.
"I want to-" That was when the tubelight went off in your head.
"Want. What do you want? You already took everything." You said in a sickeningly innocent voice.
He stopped as if his train of thoughts have hit a dead end. And his face contorted in utter confusion. Same was the black guy.
Honestly you were having a hard time keeping a straight face.
"I'm sorry?"
"It's okay, at least someone said sorry."
Now, his gaze was just screaming "what the fuck lady."
You glanced at the black dude. You held your gaze for sometime with your innocent face. And you saw as realization dawned on him.
Now, he was trying hard not to laugh.
"Actually, we are looking for someone's address." The black man said. While the blonde was still processing.
"Who?" Knowing everyone in Mumbai was impossible. But you could take a shot.
"Oh! She's abroad, studying."
"There are lakhs of priyas. You gotta be specific."
After he gave you some details. You figured out who he was talking about. Priya, nice and sweet lady. You have met her a few times. So you gave him her address. And he looked pleased with the information.
"Neil, let's go." He said as he put a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah, but-"
"We don't have time for this." He looked at you and said." Thank you."
"You're welcome." You said as he dragged Neil away. But you wanted to pull his leg one last time.
"HAVE A GOOD DAY, LONDON BOY." you shouted. It got his attention and also of some bystanders, but you didn't care about them.
His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. He looked like he just solved the baramunda triangular mystery.
You threw your head back and laughed till your lungs hurt and your eyes waterd.
Maybe he finally got the reference.
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twinklelilstarkey · 4 years
Feel Better - Neil {TENET}
Pairing: Neil x Reader
Words: 1.9k+
Type: Smut
Summary: Neil leaves the bed after a nightmare, and Y/N helps him feel better.
Warnings: Straight up sex. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. Mentions of bodily fluids, overstimulation, etc.
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You wake up from your peaceful sleeping state as you turn over to the side in your bed, in hopes to collide into the warmth of your boyfriend’s body, but it doesn’t happen.
Your eyes open, staring into the darkness of the room, and your hand reaches to where Neil had been laying down.
The surface under your palm feels slightly warm, meaning that it hasn’t been long since he got up. You sit up, when recognizing that there’s no going back to sleep now, and look at the ground in hopes to find a piece of clothing with the lack of light.
You grab his discarded shirt from the ground and put it on, only caring enough to button at least 2 of the buttons at the front, before getting up.
You drag your slow feet out of the room and look around the hallway for any open doors that could indicate Neil’s whereabouts, but every single one is closed.
Once you reach the living room, the lights of the city were the only light source, but they were enough to light up your boyfriend, who sat right by the end of the windowed wall, leaning his back on the wooden one.
You walk over to Neil as he stares into the city and his eyes quickly snap back at you once you get close enough.
“Why aren’t you in bed?” You ask him in a whisper, not wanting to disrupt the silence.
You crouch next to him, taking a look at his messy dyed dirty-blonde hair as he just simply stares into your eyes.
“I had a nightmare” He whispers back.
As those words fill the space between you, you decide to sit down and lean back onto the wall just like him. Neil’s eyes stay trained on you as you do it, watching how the skin of your legs sparkled in the poor lighting.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You ask, leaving a quick kiss on his naked shoulder.
“It’s work related” He says before looking away into the city again.
You stay quiet but still grab one of his hands. Neil doesn’t react as you pull his left hand onto your lap, he just lets you do it. You bring his hand close to your lips and leave a light kiss over his knuckles once you do it. Neil visibly relaxes with your actions and lets you lean closer to him.
The apartment is very much heated, shielding you from the cold night outside of these walls, but you still snuggled closer to Neil in search of his warmth.
You look up at Neil, to see what expression his face holds, and he just continues to stare at the night quietly. His expression doesn’t show much emotion, but you know that the nightmare must be replaying on his mind for some time.
“Was it really bad?” You ask him.
You lean your cheek onto his shoulder, hugging his arm close to your (almost completely exposed) chest. Neil’s hand lays on your legs as you them held up close to your chest.
His fingers move slightly on your soft skin, almost as if he was scared to move them further and you stare at his hand in response.
Neil does it again and his interest moves over to his hand. His fingers move slowly through a small part of your leg, and his mind is filled with thoughts that he would love to just forget.
“Are you okay?” You ask lastly making his eyes move over at yours.
His silence was good enough of a response to you.
You move his hand out of your leg as well as his arm from in front of you, before leaning a bit forward and bringing yourself up to your knees. Neil looks at you as you move and almost groans as you sit right on top of his thighs, straddling him.
The only articles of clothing that separated your bodies are the shirt that you’re wearing and Neil’s boxers. But that didn’t stop you from wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into your chest into a hug.
As Neil’s head rests on your chest, his arms wrap around your waist as a response, pulling you impossibly closer.
“Can I make you feel better?” You ask him before leaving a kiss on the top of his head. Neil leans his head back a bit when hearing your words to stare up at you.
“You don’t need to”
Your hands cup Neil’s cheeks and your lips meet. Both moving slowly against each other.
Neil is worried that he is pushing you further than you can handle but you couldn’t give a less of a fuck that you were still sore from the events in the beginning of your evening. If he needs you, you’re more than willing to cooperate.
You pull away from the kiss with a small smile and his hands go over to your hips as yours let go of his face.
You start to unbutton the two buttons left of the shirt and Neil plants a kiss in your sternum as it is revealed to the light.
Neil’s wet kisses paint a pattern in your skin and you continue to take off your shirt. His hands move slowly to your ribs as his lips discovered the already marked skin.
Your naked skin is painted by the shades of red and purple from the ones that already started to bruise. From your hips to behind your ear, you’re marked by Neil’s fingertips and hickeys.
He moves away slightly to acknowledge the sight of your body and a smirk fights its way into both of your lips. He could look at you all day.
Your hands move down from his chest and stop at the elastic band of his boxers.
Neil hisses as your finger lays on top of the tent built under the fabric and you smile maliciously. Your finger traces it for the sole purpose of watching Neil react, but you stop before giving him a peck on the lips.
Your boyfriend stares at you and your naked form as you move your hands over the elastic band and smiles a bit when feeling you tug at it.
He lifts his hips by laying his hands on the floor to help you and you pull the boxers down, making his hardened cock jump out right in front of your eyes.
Neil fights to keep quiet as the relief of freedom fills his lower half and you discard his boxers once finally being able to pull them down his legs. His hands hold your waist as you rapidly wrap your hand around the base of his member. 
He holds in his gasp and you move your fist upwards, starting to please him. Your thumb traces his slit as you reach the head of his cock and Neil slowly lowers his hands to your hips. 
With his half wooded eyes he moves his hand over your navel and lowers it. You gasp loudly as Neil’s finger finds its way to your clit right as it moves through your lips. 
You still feel sensitive from a few hours ago but as soon as his finger starts to circle your bundle of nerves, you forget all of the possible discomfort that could come with the overstimulation.
“Fuck, Neil” You gasp as he continues his movements.
He smiles at your words but quickly stops, moving his hand away from your pussy and moving yours away from his cock. You hold in your groan from the lack of contact but quickly shut up as Neil moves you closer to him and starts lining his head with your entrance.
You moan lowly as you feel him slowly entering you and you lower your hips at the same pace, taking him inch by inch as pleasure fills both your mind and body.
“Shit” you cry out as you reach halfway. Neil throws his head back slightly as he feels your walls contracting against him, holding back the sounds that you would love to hear.
You, once regaining your strength, start to move down once more and as soon as you felt full enough, you started riding him, slowly gaining your speed. Neil grips your waist as you start to move faster and stares down at how well you’re taking his cock. His member glistens with your juices as you move back up and he was falling in love with the sight.
Your whimpers and small gasps reach his ears and he can’t help but bring his hand closer to your mound. His thumb lays over your clit and quickly starts to move over and around it.
“Oh my-” you say as soon as you feel him.
Your toes curl in pleasure and your hands move over to Neil’s shoulders, trying to grip onto something while trying to maintain your movements, steady.
He hisses in pleasure as you sink lower than ever since you started and you smile over the immense pleasure. Your nails press onto his skin as you repeat your movements and quickly steal a kiss from Neil as he stares at your chest.
Your boobs move with your movements, up and down and Neil’s eyes are fixated on them. His hand reaches over and wraps over one, squeezing it while lost in the pure bliss of the moment.
A shear layer of sweat starts to coat the two of you and you start to feel your orgasm get closer and closer. You have been trying your best to hold it back but you just can’t.
“I’m so close” you whisper while leaning over closer to Neil.
“Come for me, baby” he answers in a lower tone.
In a matter of seconds and a few more thrusts, your movements start to get sloppier and sloppier. The sound of your moaning and skin slapping onto each other is all that fills the large apartment, echoing in the long hallway.
“Shit” Neil says as your walls squeeze his cock with such force that he can already feel his orgasm closing in as well.
Your moans get louder and louder and right as Neil presses his thumb a slightly bit harder on your clit, you’re sent over the moon. Your body starts to spasm slightly against Neil’s and as you reach your peak, Neil helps you continue to ride him by gripping your hips.
The overstimulation makes your body shake on top of his as it screams for a break, but you couldn’t help but find pleasure in the discomfort of it all.
You stare at Neil with your half wooded eyes and right as you do it, Neil reaches his orgasm. A groan escapes his mouth as he does it, and you feel him emptying himself inside you.
Your loud breathing is all that can now be heard in the room. The window next to you has fogged up and you smile at the sight of it.
You look over at Neil and you find him already staring at you. You both smile at each other in the same second and you lean in to kiss his lips, but stop right before they touch.
“I love you” You whisper and his lips curl into a bigger smile.
“I love you too”
You close the space between the two of you and kiss him, your hands move from his shoulders to his hair and your fingers grip onto it.
“Can we go to bed, now?” You ask when pulling away making Neil chuckle softly at you.
“Yes, we can”
- - - - -
This is my first time ever writing just straight up smut, is this good? If not, can somebody help me be better at this?
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imaginedisish · 3 years
Devil’s Advocate (Tenet) Neil x Reader
Chapter 1: Paper Planes
A/N: Hey guys!! Here is the first chapter of the fic, “Devil’s Advocate”!!! I’m excited about this, and writing it is getting me through a lot right now, so I hope you all enjoy it too! Here ya go :)
Summary: After a traumatic experience, you are forced back into the field with Neil, but the mission is personal and possibly too close for home for you to handle. Neil helps you through it, but you’re not sure if you can get the job done.
Warnings: Violence, guns, death, drowning, injuries, angst, cursing, and yes, luckily some fluff :)
Word Count: 4,405
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The weight of your cold, dark black glock settles heavily into your right hand as you pick it up off the table to your left. You secure a pair of noise cancelling headphones around the top of your head. You load the gun and cock it. 
The headphones blast with music, helping you to concentrate on the man-shaped target in front of you.
Everyone’s a winner, we’re making our fame.
Bonafide hustler making my name.
 You extend your gun out in front of you as you shut your left eye tightly to aim. 
All I wanna do is…
And uh, and take your money. 
You lower the gun as the target pushes forward towards you. You can’t help but smile confidently as you look at the deep hole you made in center of the paper man. You reach to take it down, but a warm hand grabs onto your shoulder, squeezing you tightly, freezing you in place.
The hand twists your body slightly, just enough to make you turn around. You reach up to the top of your head and slip your off headphones, letting them rest around your neck. 
A charming, wild grin pulls at Neil’s lips as his gaze meets yours. “That was bloody incredible!” He shouts. There’s a bright flash of excitement in his eyes. His hands gesture towards the hole you made in the wall. You had aimed perfectly, shooting in the exact same spot each time you pulled the trigger. 
“Thanks,” You say back as your cheeks flush with heat despite the boost of confidence rushing through your veins from Neil’s praise. A compliment from Neil means a lot to you, even though you’ve known him for years. He was your closest friend and made sure to tell you the truth, even when it hurt. That honesty grounded you in the chaos of your life. He was a constant, a steadfast star in your sky. 
Neil chuckles a bit as his eyes look down to the headphones hanging around your neck. You don’t hear how loud your music still is. Your mind is too focused on the sound of Neil’s laugh. 
M.I.A Third World Democracy
Yeah I got more records than the KGB
So uh, no funny business!
“A bit loud, isn’t it?” Neil laughs again as he steps closer to you. He brings his hands to the back of your neck, his fingers brushing lightly against your skin as he grabs the headphones and slips them off of you. 
That smile, You think before mentally slapping yourself across the face. Snap the fuck out of it. 
Your feelings for him were always at the back of your throat, clawing for supremacy, climbing up to the tip of your tongue, threatening to force your mouth open to spill your guts. Somehow, even after all these years, you were able to hold back. Maybe it was because you didn’t need more than what you had with him. That was an absolute lie. Maybe it was because he never belonged to anyone else. There was no need to be jealous. Maybe it was because there was a certain, silent promise of belonging to each other despite the lack of an official relationship.
That was more like it. 
Neil puts the headphones back on the table as the next song plays. The absurdly loud riff of the guitar pulls you back into reality. 
Fell in love with a girl,
I fell in love once and I almost completely.
She’s in love with the world
But sometimes these feelings can be so misleading. 
Blushing again, you reach into your pocket and pull out your phone to press the pause button. The music stops and you smile shyly. A creeping sense of embarrassment crawls into your stomach. You were beyond happy that Neil was able to see you in your element, and usually his presence made you feel good, but his attention was overwhelming at times. Now, the confidence that settled in before had been sucked from your soul and replaced with a racing heart and a cluttered mind. 
You push thoughts of Neil to the back of your head. “So what’s up?” You ask, setting the gun on the table next to your headphones. You casually slip your hands into the pockets of your baggy jeans. You mentally acknowledge that you may be overdoing the whole ‘playing it cool’ thing in front of Neil, possibly even to the point that he might be able to see straight through your act. 
“Well,” Neil pauses. His hand moves to the back of his neck. “I’ve got some news,” Neil says finally, his smirk falling from his lips. Your heart skips a beat. He looks unbelievably nervous. His brows furrow cautiously, knowing his next words are going to achieve some sort of poor reaction from you. 
You gulp anxiously and nod. “W-what is it?” You stutter as you predict the words Neil is about to say. 
I can’t fucking do this, not yet. 
Neil steps closer to you and grabs your hand in his. The touch was familiar but still shocked you to your very core, your nerves tingly frantically under his fingers. 
Please don’t say it, please don’t fucking say it. 
Neil’s voice is quiet in anticipation of your panic. “The boss, he wants you back in the field…” Neil trails off, continuing on about something in London, something about him going with you. You feel your chest tightening. You’re not listening anymore. You’re too focused on what happened last time, too focused on the trauma, too focused on the tears, the shouts, the deaths. 
“NO!” You scream, your long, HDM hung heavily in your hand. The lifeless body of a new recruit crashes to the floor. 
You raise up your arm and cock the gun. You’re ready to aim and shoot, but two large men grab your hands. Your gun falls to the ground with a clatter. 
The man with the dark hair cackles cacophonously. He shakes his head, his piercing emerald eyes dissolving your soul as he picks a new body to hold roughly in his arms. A revolver presses tightly against the person’s head. You can’t tell exactly who it is, as there’s a burlap sack covering their face. There are 8 other people in a semi circle, each appearing the same as the last, tied up in a chair with a burlap sack hiding their identity. 
“What?” He shouted barbarically, his voice echoing against the silver, metal walls of the chamber. “You think your fucking screams can get you out of this?” He grinned maliciously, licking his lips as he cocked the gun. Tears roll down your cheeks. 
You are helpless. 
You are useless.
“(Y/N),” The voice of the person cries out, knowing that their fate is already sealed. It was a woman’s voice, and you felt a bit guilty as you prayed to God that it wasn’t Wheeler.
The lifeless body slumps into the chair. You whimper, stifling a sob in the back of your throat. 
The man with the dark hair moves onto his next victim. You struggle, trying to shake off the two men holding you back. You look around the room, searching for something, anything to get you out of this. 
The man’s face lights up with malignant excitement, sensing that his next kill would hurt you the most. 
Fuck, no no no no no, You think to yourself. You could recognize those stupid, posh little black dress shoes anywhere. You knew the curves of his body, the shape of his hands. Blood dripped down his neck from the cut on his forehead he had gotten earlier. 
“Please,” You beg. “Don’t touch him. Just kill me instead.” 
The man with the dark hair only grins more widely now. “Darling,” He snarls. You cringe at his use of the nickname. Neil usually was the one to call you that. “Your begging only makes this more fun for me. In fact, it makes me want to kill you even less, just so you have to live with the image of everyone you care for dying in front of your very eyes for the rest of your life.” His cold words send shivers down your spine. 
He maneuvers differently around Neil, as he grabs the bottom of the burlap sack and removes it from his face. 
Neil’s blue gaze meets yours. You heart feels like it’s being stepped on as it sinks deeply to the bottom of your chest. You can barely breathe now. You huff, trying to keep your sanity, trying to find a way out of this fucking mess. 
“I figured you would want to watch the life drain from his pretty little face, (Y/N),” The man retorts. You shake your head violently. You look left to right, searching for some sort of weakness in the two large men that were keeping you in place. You notice a brace around the knee of the man on your right. 
Thank God for shorts, You think to yourself. 
The man with the dark hair raises the revolver to Neil’s right temple. 
“(Y/N),” Neil mutters. “I l-,”
Before Neil can get his last words out, you raise your right leg, bending it in and snapping it out at the back of the man’s knees, launching him forward. With your right hand now free, you sucker punch the man to your left square in the nose. You round house him in the stomach, sending him backwards. You grab your gun off the floor and aim it back to the man with the dark hair. 
The man chuckles evilly. “You shoot me, and I shoot him. It’s really as simple as that.” Your heart pounds in your chest. 
An idea suddenly dawns upon you. You shift subtly enough so that the man doesn’t catch on to your train of thought. The gun is already cocked, all you need to do is pull the trigger.
“Fuck!” The man cries out, stumbling forwards into the center of the semi circle as he releases Neil from his grasp. His gun falls to the floor. You turn away sharply at the realization that you blew his hand off. 
You run over to Neil first, quickly untying his hands and setting him free. He starts untying everyone else and you walk over the the man with the dark hair. You catch a quick glimpse of Wheeler, and sigh in relief that she’s safe. 
You breathe in hard and part your lips. “Don’t you dare ever fuck with me or my team again,” You pause, kicking the man in your ribs. There’s something extremely personal about your tone.  He grunts in response. “Now tell me where Edgar is keeping the weapons. And tell me where the fuck the lab is, you prick.” 
He chuckles, breathing shallowly. “Prick?” He pronounces the word articulately. “That’s no way to address your uncle.”
“Fucking answer my question ass hat!” You shout, aiming your gun at his head. With another swift kick to the stomach, he curls up in a ball, clutching at his core. You cock your gun again, ready to shoot. Neil rushes to your side, giving you a look that implored you to let him finish before you blew his brains out. 
“F-fine,” He stutters. “It’s in London.” He gives you a set of coordinates, and Neil takes them down. “I suppose I should tell your father that you’re calling him by his first name now, hm?” 
“No, you won’t be getting the chance to,” You say. 
You pull the trigger. 
You hear someone in the distance calling your name. 
Two slender, toned arms wrap around your back, resting on your waist as they pull you into an embrace. The smell of Neil’s musky, cinnamon and citrus cologne heightens your senses and brings you back down to Earth. 
Your breathing slows down a good deal as you press your face into Neil’s chest. His right hand comes up to the nape of your neck, and he begins to rake his long fingers through your hair. 
“Are you alright, (Y/N)?” Neil whispers in your ear. 
You swallow roughly. “No,” You say without even needing to think. “I’m not ready yet. I can’t leave Headquarters yet. I’m just not ready.” You feel tears begin to swell in your eyes and you bite down on your lip, hoping to keep them at bay. It had only been a month since you had killed your own uncle. He was a piece of shit, but that didn’t make the situation much easier to deal with. 
It had only been a week since you watched two of your friends die. That part may have been the hardest for you to swallow. 
Neil shakes his head and breaks away from you bit, just enough to get a good look at you. “You’re ready, (Y/N).” His voice is calm and reassuring. “And unfortunately, you don’t have a choice. We have to leave for the airport in,” Neil pauses, checking his silver watch, “45 minutes.” 
“W-what?” You gasp. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” 
“I just found out a few minutes ago,” Neil admits. “If I knew earlier, I would’ve told you.”
You nod, believing him entirely. “So we’re going to London? To the coordinates?” You ask, looking up into Neil’s ocean eyes. You could feel yourself beginning to drown in them, just as you always were. 
Neil simply nods back. He rests a hand on the center of your chest, feeling your heartbeat quicken with anxiety. “It’s just going to be you and I for a few days, and then everyone else will join when we confront…” He doesn’t same his name. He doesn’t want to make you panic again. But you know exactly who he means. 
Your father. Your heart hammers in your chest at the thought of him. 
“It’ll be okay,” Neil’s comforting tone relaxes you a bit. “I won’t leave your side for a second,” He adds. You sigh audibly in relief. 
You let a single tear slide down your cheek. “Thank you,” You whisper. 
Neil pulls you into his chest again. “Anything for you,” Neil responds. You shudder at his words. Sometimes you could swear that he didn’t only see you as his best friend, but something more. 
You let the ideas ruminate and run freely in your mind for a few seconds before shooing them away like pesky little children. 
You take a step back, allowing a small space to fill between the two of you. “I guess I should go pack now.” 
Neil instinctively closes the gap again. You can tell  that he’s worried you’ll break down, and you hate it, but his support feels nice. “Do you want me to go with you? I’ve been told I’m good company.” He grins and sends a wink in your direction.
The corner of your mouth turns up a bit into a half smile, and you let out a small giggle. He always had a way of making you smile, of making you feel good. 
“Nah,” You say, smiling fully now. “I’ll be alright by myself.”
Neil nods and smiles back. “Alright. I’ll meet you in the lobby at two o’clock,” Neil says. His smile turns into a smug smirk, and he turns his back to you. His dress shoes tap against the floor as he walks away. 
“Make sure to bring that silk pajama set you wore that time we went undercover in Monte Carlo,” He calls finally, wagging his pointer finger in the air. “I liked it.” 
You felt heat rising in your cheeks at his words. You almost tripped over the completely flat ground as Neil’s chuckle echoed down the hallway. 
You clutched the handle of your suitcase in your hands. You let it dangle in front of your legs, nervously bouncing it with your knees every few seconds. Your eyes searched the lobby for a head of fluffy blonde hair, but it was nowhere to be seen. You glance up to the analog clock above the front door. 
1:59. You were early. You were always early, for everything. Being late made you too anxious. You never wanted to miss a beat. 
The clock ticked 45 more times, and you counted each second. Finally, the sound of dress shoes echoed from down the hall. You looked past the reception desk to see Neil carrying a leather duffle bag in his right hand, and a bottle of water in his left. 
He smiled, releasing your butterflies from their cage inside your stomach as he finally reached your side. You open your mouth to say something, but Neil cuts you off.
“Don’t try to tell me I’m late,” Neil remarks sardonically, his eyes drifting off of you and onto the analog clock. “You’re just always early.” His smirk tugs at your heart, and you can’t help but smirk back. 
“I wasn’t going to say you were late!” You playfully smack his arm with your hand. “I was just going to tell you to be earlier next time.” 
Neil grins and shakes his head. He brings his hand up to the small of your back and brushes lightly. Outside the front doors, underneath the awning, a sleek, jet black town car pulls up. You feel your breath hitch in your throat at the realization that it was time.
This was it. 
Neil looks to you. “Are you ready?” His voice is reserved, almost as if he was scared to ask the question in the first place. 
You nod once. “As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” You swallow your fear and let Neil guide you out the doors. He grabs your duffle bag out of your hand, and opens the already popped trunk, carefully placing the luggage inside. You go to open the door, but Neil beats you to it. 
“I can open doors you know,” You say sarcastically, glaring disapprovingly in his direction. 
Neil doesn’t seem to care. “A thank you would be nice, love,” Neil says, shooting a charming smile in your direction. His hand is still holding the door open for you. You step inside the car and look up at Neil. 
“Thank you Neil,” You say mockingly. Neil smiles slyly and closes the door. 
The car ride to the airport is relatively uneventful. Neil gave you the run down. He told you your cover, where you were staying, and the overall gist of the mission. 
“So we’re married?” You ask, making sure you had heard that part of the plan right and hadn’t dreamt it up from a fantasy.
Neil smiles and nods. “We’re newlyweds, traveling the world together one city at a time.”  There’s a whimsy in his voice, almost as if he’s telling a fairytale. You can’t help but chuckle a bit, despite the anxiety growing in your stomach. 
The car turns onto an exit ramp, and suddenly the airport is in plain sight. You shiver a bit, feeling the air around you growing colder and colder. You check the temperature gauge at the front of the car, and notice that he hasn’t changed at all. You wrap your arms around your chest, rubbing up and down along your body, hoping to warm up. 
Neil’s smile fades away as he furrows his brows in concern. He wraps his right arm around your shoulders. You jump at the sudden warmth. 
“Are you alright?” He asks as he brings his other arm up to wrap around you completely. 
Your anxiety is begging you to tell him no. “Yeah, I’ll be okay,” You lie. Neil doesn’t buy it, and rightfully so. 
Neil squeezes you tightly. “I know you’re not okay, you don’t need to lie to me,” He whispers. “I’m here for you, and I’m not going anywhere.” 
Your eyes begin to well up, and a single tear rolls down your cheek. “Alright,” You sigh, wiping the tear away. You sniffle a bit, trying to clear your head in the process. The car rolls to a stop. “I’m ready whenever you are,” You say, trying to seem more confident than you actually were. 
You open the door and slip out. The chaos of the outside of the airport takes you aback, despite the fact you had been in an airport millions of times before. Neil steps out behind you, and goes over to the trunk. He takes the luggage out and steps towards to you. You stare up at the massive building, petrified to enter. 
Neil ticks his tongue on the roof of his mouth. “There’s not much time, (Y/N). We have to go inside now,” He says, his gaze staring into the side of your head. You refuse to meet his eyes, you’re too focused on the building, the mission, the future. 
After a few seconds, you nod to Neil and walk into the airport. You and Neil only have one duffle bag each, and thus you could skip checking in any bags. He guides you over to security, which happened to be a breeze. 
A short walk later, you approach the gate. There was a line of people waiting to enter, and you and Neil shuffled to the back of it. A few minutes later, a nice steward scanned your ticket. 
“Alright Mr. and Mrs. Ryan, you’ll be in row 2, seats A and B. Have a nice flight,” He smiles, and gestures for you to enter the bridge to the plane. 
Your heartbeat quickens as you take small steps. “N-Neil,” You stutter as you reach to center of the bridge. “I can’t do this. I really can’t do this. I mean it. I-I’m sorry I just can’t.” Panic is heavy in your voice. It feels as though the walls are closing in on you. 
Neil puts the luggage down and brings you to the side of the bridge. He pushes strands of your hair out of your eyes. “It’s going to be okay,” Neil reassures. “You can do this. I’m said I’m not going anywhere, and I meant that.” 
Neil picks the luggage back up, and guides you through the entrance of the plane and to your seat. You hesitantly sit down, quickly placing your hand on the armrest, wondering if there’s still time for you to run out of the door and back to headquarters. To your dismay, you watch the doors of the plane begin to shut. Neil wasn’t kidding before when he said there wasn’t much time. 
He stores the luggage in the overhead compartment, and takes his place next to you. He notices that you’re still shaking, and he places his hand on top of yours and brushes your skin lightly with his thumb. 
A comfortable silence rests gently between you and Neil as his hand remains on top of yours. Sometimes words aren’t necessary. You can get the idea of what someone means by their actions alone.
A few moments later, the captain makes an announcement, followed by a series of other voices sharing information. You're too wrapped up in your thoughts to pay attention to anything they have to say. Before you know it, the plane begins to move down the tarmac. It gains speed, and suddenly, you feel yourself being lifted in the air.
You shiver again, the anxiety becoming too much to handle. You try to ease into your seat in an attempt to calm down, but to no avail. You’re petrified and uncomfortable, a terrible duo of emotions to be faced with simultaneously.
Suddenly, you feel Neil’s warm hand leave yours. You watch in confusion as he lifts the armrest up, tucking it in between the seats. He lifts his arm, and wraps it around your shoulder, just like he had done in the car, and so many countless times before. You accept the invitation willingly, and snuggle into his side. 
Minutes later, you’re fast asleep in Neil’s arms. 
An evil chuckle echoes against the concrete and spreads down to the grassy beach below. “There’s no saving him now, (Y/N)!” A man shouts from the top of an overpass. 
You look down and watch as a familiar figure waves their arms frantically underwater, trying to swim up to the surface, but they can’t. There’s a brick tied around each of their angles. Their dirty blonde hair floats freely in the water as they continue to sink to the bottom.
“N-Neil!” You shout, trying to step forward to dive in after him. But your stuck, tied against a chair, guarded by two large men. “Please, please stop this!”
The man laughs, ignoring your pleas. “This is what you get, (Y/N). You’re worthless, and you fucking know it. Don’t you ever forget it, darling.” 
You shake side to side. The chair tumbles over and you fall into the dark, black, cold water. Your nerves are shot by the shock of the frigidness, and you can’t move. 
“Neil!” You gargle, left to watch as he sinks to the bottom of the lake. “Neil!”
Your eyes shoot open and you practically jump out of your seat. Your seatbelt pushes you down, keeping held tightly. You’re trembling. You can’t breathe at all. 
“(Y/N),” Neil repeats. “It was just a nightmare, you’re okay.” He wraps his arms around you, bringing you tightly into his chest. 
You bury your face into his white shirt, sobbing softly. His right hand reaches up to the nape of your neck, his fingers gently combing through your hair. 
“I’m so sorry,” Neil whispers, his voice filled with kindness. “I’m so, so sorry, love.” 
You whimper into his chest as pain explodes in your heart. “What am I going to do?” You mutter. 
“Don’t worry about that,” Neil says, his kind tone persisting in each word he utters. “I’ve got you, it’ll be okay.”
It needed to be okay. You needed to be okay. You couldn’t risk any fuck ups, not this time. This was real. This was life or death. 
This was the end of the world. 
Or at least it could be. 
“I’m going to fucking kill him for what he’s done to you,” Neil states, the kindness in his voice is replaced with anger and frustration. “I’m going to kill Edgar, I swear.” 
You shake your head against his chest. “No…
“Leave that part up to me.”
>>> Chapter 2
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The Art of Inversion
Neil x Reader
Chapter 24 - If You Want Me... 
Masterlist; Chapter 23
Summary: Tension reaches its boiling point when you overhear an unfortunate conversation. With unexpected allies, you attempt to break the impasse once and for all.
Warnings: ANGST (still but... well you’ll see ;)); at few points R! is being a little dramatic which can be triggering if you’ve been dealing with intrusive thoughts (nothing too bad though); swearing.
Author’s Notes: Finally! It’s been a wild ride... and god am I happy i’ve managed. This part took a lot of effort but I quite like what I came up with... even if sometimes it gets too angsty. Can’t wait for what’s coming next, however... :)))) Hope you enjoy and all feedback is always appreciated! <3 
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The shooting range on the icebreaker was a strange place. It occupied a large proportion of the deck floor in the accommodation part of the ship, next to the turnstile and sparring grounds. With darkness swallowing every corner that was not lit up by the blinking fluorescents, it was a perfect place to hide. Soon it became your go-to solace when things got difficult, and the only other idea you could come up with involved going outside without the oxygen mask attached. You did not want to go that far. Yet. Target practice became your favourite occupation. It was simple and did not involve talking to people that could give you worrying looks or comment on the dark circles underneath your eyes. Sleep was no longer a thing, with you catching three-hour-long naps at best, in between never-ending worrying and staring at the ceiling, reminiscing the past. The constant headaches were something you soldiered through, accepting them as a part of reality. The worst part of that new life was the fact that you and Neil stopped talking to each other altogether. Not even empty pleasantries could get through the stone-cold awkwardness and tension capable of killing you before the heartache would. After a day of near-misses and horrifying mistakes that culminated with you accidentally spilling boiling water all over the sweater when Neil entered the galley, you both mastered the art of hiding. You only saw him once afterwards, sitting at the table in the corner of the canteen. That was almost two days ago, and you were thankful.
Once you went through the assigned daily rounds, you moved onto the task of cleaning the guns and rifles. Polishing the metal cases and arranging the bullets was as close to therapy as it could get. With the repetitive action occupying your brain, there was no time to get emotional over things you could not change. Only at the shooting range, you did not feel so utterly hopeless. So terribly unloved. A sudden noise by the airlock made you look up. Conveniently the air in the range was sealed so that you need not to worry about oxygen masks during the target practice. It also meant you got approximately five seconds warning to check the identity of the intruder. This time you were surprised.
“Hi, Y/N. Thought I’d find you here” TP’s dark gaze slid over you cautiously.
Taking off the mask, he joined you at the makeshift table, looking at the arsenal you have spread over the surface. You eyed him with curiosity. That was unexpected. So far, he has never interacted with you outside of the meetings. And every time he did, you could not stop thinking about how much he knew. Who did he see when he looked at you?
“Afternoon” shaking off the reverie, you offered him a tight smile, “Is it afternoon?” glancing at the watch, you grimaced, “Oh,”
The last time you checked, it was 3 pm. The blue numbers on your wrist were mercilessly ticking away. 8:30 pm. How the fuck. TP caught your silent crisis as he asked:
“How long have you been down here?” looking up, you encountered a glimmer of worry in his eyes.
“Umm, five hours?” it felt like the best estimate.
It was probably longer. But he need not know that.
“Jesus,” wincing, he directed his taxing gaze back onto you, “When was the last time you had food?” tone strictly business.
The truth was that you did not remember. With everything falling apart and losing meaning, food became an afterthought. Half the time you would realise you only had one meal around 1 am, forcing you to tiptoe to the kitchen and grab something from the cupboard. A hungry stomach was nothing compared to all the other issues. It could be ignored.
“Breakfast. I’m not hungry though,” brushing off the concern you chose defiance, “Is this an interrogation?” you arched one eyebrow and cocked the gun you have wiped clean.
TP snorted at your comedic timing.
“No, I come here in peace” he raised his hands in defeat and added, “To see if you’re… alright” the hesitation made you scoff.
“You know that I’m not. Because things are generally far from alright,” letting annoyance slip into the sentence, you let go of the tools and met his gaze with coldness.
The deepening frown was concerning. You were being unfair. After all, it was not him who has caused all this pain. Remorse nipped at your heart as you sighed heavily.
“Sorry, that was unnecessary,” he accepted your apologetic smile with a nod, giving the courage to continue, “And I’m also sorry that you all have to witness that mess in the meetings. I’d rather it stayed between him and me... but he seems to disagree” you shrugged.
Sometimes you did wonder why Neil seemed so intent on making your arguments a public spectacle. Whether that was a part of the intricate plan to make you look like an idiot or a result of his emotions boiling over. Not that it mattered. Everyone on the team knew what the deal was anyway. A poor, naïve you, desperately in love with someone who could not care less. Nothing out of the ordinary. Judging by TP’s passing frown, for him too the topic was rather uncomfortable. He took a long moment to respond, looking for answers in the rows of bullets you have arranged on the table.
“Not going to lie, it’s awkward, but at least I know what’s going on, and I can offer to listen” he met your gaze with newly found determination.
Okay… Confiding in TP was quite low on the list of things you expected to have the opportunity of doing. But then so was having to convince Neil not to get himself killed for the sake of the operation. Anything goes.
“Aren’t you taking a side?” that suspicious voice in your head was difficult to get rid of, “Agreeing with him that I’m stupid, emotional, and overall a burden?” you recited the memorized litany of epithets with a stone-cold expression.
The words have lost their meanings after you have put them apart in the quiet of your mind. Now they were just sounds, incapable of inflicting pain. It was the least that could be done.
“He went too far with that” TP winced, his eyes expressing traces of disapproval, “I might not know you well, but you’re none of these things,” a sympathetic smile softening the tone.
An open hand. An olive branch. Why not? Taking a deep breath, you got ready to open up before the most unexpecting of allies.
“In a way, he was right though…” you looked down, trying to find the needed strength, “I am stupid because I have allowed myself to care too much for him” there it is, “And now I’m paying for it” when you met his eyes again, you found nothing but thoughtfulness.
It was something you thought about often as well. The fact that Neil was right, you did care, and that it was perhaps the reason for your demise. But who could blame you for falling for the bastard looking like the devil? And equally charming too.
“Maybe it’s a little too forward, but-” TP’s tentative tone made you grin.
In moments like this, you acutely remembered that he was still a rookie. Not used to the half-truths and strange tenets you accepted as your credo. His innocence was adorable even.
“In this profession, a it’s sometimes nice to say the truth. Shoot away” you waved your hand dismissively, anticipating the question.
There is a first time for everything.
“Fair point” he mirrored your smile before asking, “Do you love him?”
Plain and simple. Ignoring the panic, you took a moment to ponder the answer. It was… obvious. You told Neil as much twice before, and no amount of pretending and lies could ever undo it. The words were his. Just as you were. Unfortunately.
“I’d want to say no, that I got over it, but… Yes, I do,” you offered the answer with a helpless frown, “Think any idiot can see it” noticing a hint of embarrassment briefly you patted TP’s shoulder, “No matter how much he hurts me, I always find myself wishing things could be… like they once were”
Whatever that meant. In truth, you wanted more. You wanted to wake up next to him every morning. You wanted affirmations of love every day as you tasted his coffee-stained lips. You wanted to lie in his embrace, feeling desired and loved. But most of all, you wanted to be able to lace up your fingers with his, following the instincts that became your second nature. To card your fingers through his silky golden strands and to give him everything he would desire. You wanted to be his. He was supposed to be yours. Or was the universe wrong?
Thoughts of that kind could be lethal. Shaking yourself awake, you met TP’s eyes. Apart from the lack of surprise at your admission, you noticed something strange. A passing realization. As though he has heard something similar before but was afraid to speak up. Once again, you found yourself wondering what Neil told him. What did he mean by ‘things you and I should explain to each other’? For a moment, you wanted to jump head in and ask. But what good would knowing the truth be when you could not act on it? As though aware of your increasing dilemma, the man spoke up again.
“I’m sorry for Oslo” your eyes widened at the reminder.
“Why?” blurting out the question, you eyed him cautiously.
The deepening discomfort radiating off him confirmed your assumptions. That was it. He knew what nearly happened that night. And he was flustered about his role in it. That was not the conversation you ever expected to have.
“I can’t help but think that maybe if I hadn’t… interrupted you, it would’ve-” he stumbled over the sentence somewhat endearingly.
Perhaps it was the lack of care that made you say the next words. Or maybe just the fact that nothing mattered anymore, and so who could judge you for the purest form of honesty.
“Doubt it,” interrupting him with a sour smile, you added, “Maybe it’s good you knocked then… Least he doesn’t have absolutely everything” noticing the alarm painted on TP’s face, you blushed.
Yep, too far. Still true, however.
“I’m sorry, you didn’t have to know that much” you brushed off the sudden awkwardness with a sincere apology.
“I can pretend I’ve never heard it” it was his turn to give a reassuring shoulder squeeze.
You could feel the strange companionship forming. Sure you did not mind. Relaxing back in the chair, you spoke up:
“Thanks,” as TP also visibly reclined, you brought up the thought that was not letting go of your mind, “I don’t know how much he has told you about… this,” gesturing vaguely, you bit your lip.
Somehow you knew that he would not betray Neil by sharing with you everything that has been said. But even crumbs would do…
“Quite a bit,” you watched him closely, intrigued by the hesitation, “Enough for me to know that you’re someone I can trust and that he had reasons to be acting that happy in Tallinn before the action” oh.
That painful pang in your heart was heart to ignore. You winced, feeling the steady gaze fixed on your face. The analysis was mutual. Neil, happy, back in Tallinn. Because of you. You have lost too much.
“What do you mean?” treading carefully, you asked the safest of questions.
A small smile on his face showed you just how obvious you were. Lovesick idiot.
“Hours he has spent texting someone, phone calls he would pick up instantly and then come back grinning like a madman” TP offered you examples with a glimmer in his eyes “It only clicked when we were inverting, and I asked him about you” the blush on your cheeks deepened under his taxing gaze “Suddenly all of that made sense if you were in Estonia with us” he shrugged, finishing the thought.
Oh my god. While you experienced it all firsthand during those chaotic yet hopeful days in the safehouse when everything seemed to have infinite potential, hearing about it from someone else’s perspective felt strange. Almost like a slap in the face. Because it only confirmed what you knew – he once loved you. Once.
“Well, it seems like he has changed his mind…” you muttered, feeling the resentment settle in.
You wondered whether one day it would stop hurting. If you could ever get over this and find someone else. That darkest part of your brain knew the answer well enough. Nothing could come close. And nothing ever would.
“Or he’s just an idiot” the cheeriness felt forced.
But judging by the way TP was staring at you, you could tell it was his attempt at dispersing the sudden melancholy. It was strange to see him worried about you of all people. Perhaps your shit attempts at diverting everyone’s attention from your declining mentality were failing. And that was a reason to be concerned.
“That too,” plastering on an unconvincing smile, you stifled a yawn.
That caught his attention.
“You should get some rest” upon further thought, he added, “And food,”
The intensity of his look was stifling. You hated being the centre of attention. Especially in moments like this when you felt vulnerable, an object of pity and unease. Stupid, weak, and useless. The sabotaging voice came out in full force, making you want nothing but to curl up in bed and disappear. Not yet, however.
“Yes, sir” you raised your hand in mock salute.
Your face fell when instead of a laugh, you got a frown in response. Oopsie.
“I’m serious” TP seemed to consider something quickly before placing his hand on your forearm, “I’m… I’ve been a little worried about you” he met your eyes with a clear purpose.
Shit. That is exactly what you wanted to avoid. Being seen as pathetic and a burden. Internally, you cursed yourself for not being strong enough. For letting anyone see the cracks. You would not let them see you shatter into pieces.
“I’m doing fine,” mustering the happiest of grins, you tried to mask the urgency.
Please buy the bullshit.
“Are you?” he didn’t. Before your brain could fully arrive at the panic station, his inquisitive expression softened. You held his gaze for a beat, hoping to convey everything. Hoping to convince him to let the conversation go. It worked for TP gave a final taxing look before backing off. You exhaled slowly, relaxing a little. Maybe the worst was over…
“Before we go… there’s one more thing I wanted to talk to you about…” TP changed the subject, looking down at the table “The lock. You want to go with him”
It was not exactly a question, yet you knew he expected an answer. That one you could easily give him. It was obvious, even if you have never said it out loud. Up till now.
“Yes... Maybe it is an impulsive and stupid thing to do, but I can’t let him do it alone. I can’t let him get killed” the word felt foreign in your mouth.
As though ‘Neil’ and ‘death’ were two irrelevant concepts that did not fit together even in theory. They could not. You would not allow it. And you were willing to accept the worst of risks to make sure it would not happen. Hell, you would even fight against fate and time to assure that.
“I’d rather avoid that too” TP’s quiet comment made you look up, “He deserves so much more than…” there was something startling in his gaze.
As though he has stopped himself before saying too much. Much more than what? And why was he looking at you like that? Like you were missing something tragic, and his heart was breaking for your loss. You felt like going insane. TP cleared his throat awkwardly, resuming the conversation, not at all fluently:
“I don’t buy the whole ‘what’s happened, happened’. What does that even mean?” the irritation shining through his strange tone was distracting.
“Don’t ask me,” you shrugged, “I like to think there’s a different solution to this. One that doesn’t involve Neil sacrificing himself. And I need to be there with him because if it comes to it… I’d take that bullet for him” you did not know where the honesty came from.
Or why you would admit something that fundamental to TP. His response was just as anticipated – a gasp and widened eyes. Nibbling on your lower lip, you broke the eye contact and chose to stare at the forgotten gun lying on the table. It was the truth, so why did admitting it feel so… radical?
“Are you sure?” when he found his voice again, it was hoarse.
“It’s that kind of love,” you replied, still unable to meet his gaze.
You never expected to reveal yourself like that to TP. Wheeler? Maybe. Even Kat seemed like a probable option, but not the boss himself. And especially not at this stage of his story. Yet he was there, willing to listen, and that was enough. You would deal with the consequences later, in your mind that would undoubtedly rebel against such a display of fragility.
“I don’t want it to sound patronizing… but you’re still young. There might be someone else for you along the line if Neil-” his voice broke through your reverie as you interrupted him with a start.
“I know” finally, you raised your head again, showing the sincerity of expression, “But something tells me it’s him or nothing. Call it fate or insanity” biting back a dry chuckle, you felt a single tear form in the corner of your eye.
That was something you have spent most of the time thinking about. At the start, you desperately wanted to believe that you would get over this. That it was just another disappointment, and like before, eventually you would forget about those blue eyes and maniacal grin. But your heart knew better, constantly reminding you that it was not that simple. That Neil was not someone you just forget. Because how could you?
“Reality?” TP’s eyes were filled with thoughtfulness.
“Perhaps,” you cracked a smile, feeling heaviness in your heart lift by an inch.
Always something. Another yawn ended the delicate moment seconds later, making you scowl in annoyance. What was the point of tiredness when you could not even rest properly? TP laughed at your pained expression and got up:
“Now, you into the kitchen. And try to get some sleep” he offered you a hand which you took and stood up.
“I’ll try” a lie, “Thank you… for checking in and listening” sheepishly, you tried to find any words of gratitude.
“I owed you that after those hours in Oslo, filled with plans, coffees, and awful songs you’d sing to entertain us” the knowing smirk suggested that he did remember what you hoped would be forever forgotten.
MTV in Norwegian. Your knackered brain deciding that singing along to ‘Like a Virgin’ and ABBA was what had to be done to make everyone smile. Mistakes have been made.
“Don’t remind me,” TP laughed as you smacked him on the shoulder.
*** You did not sleep after you bid goodbye to TP. That night too was spent tossing and turning in bed, thinking about how everything could have crumbled so quickly. It has only been weeks since Tallinn. In fact, looking from the linear point of view, it has not even happened yet. The normal you have been enjoying the confusion of those days before Oslo when everything was difficult yet hopeful. Too good to be true, at times. Well, now you knew that those moments never lasted too long.
The next morning you quickly grabbed breakfast and sneaked into the sparring area, hoping to catch a few minutes with the punching bag before the troops would take over space. However, that day it was not meant to be.
You heard the voices as soon as you opened the airlock and entered the large room. It was divided into a few sections, each devoted to a different training exercise. To your advantage, each was also separated with a thin plastic screen. Cautiously, you approached the nearest divider, trying to determine whether your mind was not playing any tricks. After one second, you knew. TP and Neil were having a rather heated conversation on the other side of the screen. A sparring ground was the place you least expected to encounter them. And yet… You wanted to turn away and leave before more damage could be done, but the moment you heard the boss’s voice, you froze on the spot:
“Why are you so hard on her?” TP’s question rung out clear in the highly domed room “The only crime she has committed was falling in love with you. I don’t think that’s worth all that pain you’re inflicting”
There was no doubt as to who he meant. Your heart sank. Oh my god. On one hand, it was encouraging to know someone was fighting for your side and pointing out the unnecessary torture Neil was so keen on. But the fact that they were discussing the nature of your feelings was terrifying. Listening on felt wrong, yet you could not move away.
“It would be better for her if she hadn’t” Neil’s cold tone made your blood turn to ice.
There was something frightening in how distant he sounded. As though he was nothing like the man you fell in love with, only a cold impostor that borrowed his face and voice. He was right.
“Why? You told me that you love-” TP’s voice rose, incredulity tinging every single word.
Neil told him his feelings. You expected that, and it still felt like a punch. You leaned on the wall for support.
“It doesn’t matter what I said” the biting edge to Neil’s voice was new, “Or how I feel. The sooner she gets over it, the better for all of us” he threw it without caution, as though he was done with your bullshit.
With the fact that you were stupid enough to love him. He did not want your love. Never did. The crushing weight on your chest would not give way.
“You’re cruel” TP was surprised, as though he could not believe what he was hearing.
“That’s mercy” Neil was begging for the conversation to be over, “Cruelty would be letting her entertain the idea that we can...” he trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.
Christ. All those nights spent wishing for answers, and when they came you wanted to forget you ever heard it. It was foolish to believe anything could ever happen between you.
“But why? Neil, you are in love with her” TP raised his voice yet again, utterly done with whatever the blonde bastard was doing.
You could not care less. Nothing mattered anymore. But you did not expect the very next punch. Or the pain you would feel.
“I’m not” clear-cut rejection; nothing to interpret “I don’t love her. There’s no need to look at me like I’m a monster”
Enough. You heard enough. The pain was as bad as ever as you walked away. Your mind set on one simple thing - tea. Yes, that would solve it.
*** Going to the galley felt as though you were stuck within a dream you could not shake off. Half-aware of your surroundings, you nearly walked into Dominic, whose survival instincts kept him off your path. Muttering apologies, you undid the zip lock and sauntered into the kitchen without a care in the world. With a start, you noticed Kat sat at the table. She gave you a welcoming half-smile as she sipped the tea from the metal cup. Your autopilot stuttered, overwhelmed by the company. Blocking off any attempts at thinking, you followed the muscle memory. Setting the kettle on. Putting teabag into the mug. Earl Grey because it reminded you of those morning kisses in London. No. Wrong memory. You shook your head, waiting for the water to boil. The fridge was too loud, the buzz making thoughts appear. Sighing, you leaned on the counter. Your eyes were burning, the sensation increasing with every single blink. It was alright. So why did it feel like the world was ending?
The kettle switched off. Without sparing a single thought to the reality, you poured the water in, watching with fascination as the teabag floated up. Kat’s spoon let out a clink as she placed it on the edge of the plate. You jumped up, startled. That was enough to break through your carefully woven barrier. The thoughts came rushing in. Neil didn’t love you. Your chest tightened as the next breath came out strained. The air was gone. Your hands shook as you tried to take out the teabag. Fuck. Everything was over. A single gasp was all you could manage before you shattered. The tears fell down your cheeks in a steady stream, blurring everything with tragedy. Choked sobs shook your frame as you desperately tried to hold on. To sanity. To reality. Anything to make the pain go away. But it would not disappear, only getting stronger. As though through the glass, you could hear someone say your name. Voice tinted with worry and urgency. But you did not care. The sobs turned into a howl as you slid down to the floor. The sounds coming from your throat sounded foreign and harsh, tearing at your vocal cords mercilessly. Oh my god. That was the break you always feared. There was no end to tears falling down your cheeks onto the floor and beneath your shirt. Slowly breathing became almost impossible, forcing out those pathetic half sniffles that only made everything worse. You wanted to do something. Anything. To make it stop. To forget. To lose the ability to feel things. Your fingers clawed at nothingness, barely losing against the desire to make all that internal pain physical. By any means necessary. Because then at least you could blame it on something concrete. And not just heartbreak. A word you despised because it sounded weak. Stupid. Easily avoidable for everyone but not you. A lost cause. A failure.
“Hey…” warm fingers gently touched your shoulder.
You raised your head. The pounding headache and lack of oxygen, making everything seem twice as difficult. Kat’s blue eyes bore into yours with concern. You have made quite the show. Self-preservation told you to get up and leave, save yourself some shame. But you would not even know where to go. Or what to do. You did not trust yourself to make reasonable choices.
“Are you alright?” Kat’s voice brought you back to the present moment.
An anchor. Maybe this could work… She was still eyeing you closely, unsure about how to act but wanting to be helpful.
“Mmmm no,” you sent her a broken smile, grateful for the handkerchief she handed, “But it’s okay. Sorry about this. I didn’t mean to-” you gestured vaguely, knowing she would catch on.
Tears were still flowing steady, threatening with dehydration should this continue. But at least the wailing subsided to quiet sobs interrupting your sentence every few words.
“Don’t apologise, we all break sometimes,” Kat squeezed your shoulder, joining you on the floor, “Do you want to talk about it?”
It was tempting. Even if terrifying. But you felt like maybe she could be the listener you needed. Someone objective enough, without any ties to Neil or you. Someone safe to confide in that would keep your secrets in safekeeping. But…
“What if someone comes in?” grasping the most idiotic of excuses, you glanced at the airlock with apprehension.
You could just about imagine what would have happened should Neil walk in during your conversation. Your heart would not take it.
“We’ll just tell them to leave,” Kat’s cheeky tone made you turn to her, “I think they’re all a little afraid of me for some reason,” she added, with a small smirk.
She crossed her long legs and sat next to you with both your backs supported by the cupboard doors.
“As they should be,” you replied, feeling strangely at ease, considering everything.
That spark in her eyes was worth the stress over being too forward for someone you barely knew.
“So…” she nudged you with her shoulder as further encouragement.
There was no more escaping it. You took a deep breath, urging your heart to stay strong. Words started spilling out without sense or order.
“Is just... the world is potentially ending in a few days, and here I am crying over the fact that someone doesn’t love me” your throat contracted upon the word as though it was forbidden “I should’ve known better. He never could want someone like me because why would he” more tears as you realised the ultimate truth “I’m not extraordinary. It all feels so stupid, pathetic. But I can’t get over it because I still love him. And I don’t know how to stop” you finished the rant on a sob that forced you to cover your face with your hands.
There it was. Out in the open. You wondered how you could have ever been naïve enough to think your feelings could be reciprocated. For him, it was just a crush. Amplified by the troubles you had to face and the recent difficulties. Nothing more. You were conveniently there when he needed someone to lean on. But if it came to it, he would never choose you.
“It’s about Neil, isn’t it?” something in her voice made you meet her gaze.
You were that obvious, huh? A panicked thought convinced you that everyone on the bloody ship knew about your weakness for the blonde bastard. Yes, even that mess sergeant that always gave you a sorry smile when you approached the counter at mealtimes. Before you could spiral down another wretched rabbit hole, you asked the most innocent of questions:
“How do you know?”
There was no point in trying to convince Kat she got it wrong. She seemed to consider something for a moment before she looked at you with newly found resilience:
“Let me tell you a story,”
You quirked your eyebrow, confused and intrigued. Might as well… Nodding at her silent question, you rested your head against the cupboard. Dried tears tinged your chapped lips with salt.
“When we were in Oslo, staying in a hotel for two nights, TP went out, and Neil stayed with me” she set up the scene with a neutral tone, “We talked a lot about everything really. He asked me about Andrei...” you glanced at Kat, noticing a passing grimace, “Normally I would shut off, but there was that calm curiosity about him, and I didn’t mind saying too much” she admitted with a sheepish smile.
You knew the feeling well, always telling Neil too much because he was such an excellent listener. Confiding even the darkest of secrets and thoughts never felt like anything significant when he reacted with that same confidence and acceptance. That was one of the reasons why the fall was unavoidable.
“Neil has that sort of effect on people,” you returned her smile, shrugging slightly.
Kat patted your hand gently, noting the look on your face. The infatuation and yearning you could not get rid of whenever you did as much as spare a thought towards him.
“I can tell... the point is that he mentioned you, as well” your eyes widened as she paused, “His friend, as he referred to you but not without stumbling over the word a little” she grinned upon your struck expression, “He told me about your role in this. That you’re an asset, excellent sharpshooter, brave as hell and equally reckless at times” my god
You blushed, feeling Kat’s taxing gaze. Friend? Suppose that’s one way of introducing you to people. It was fascinating to know that even after the mess of Tallinn, Neil valued your contributions to the mission. That he would mention you to anyone. Favourably, at that.
“Sounds about right,” frowning, you pondered the implications of her words, “So you knew who I was that morning on the bridge?” the sudden realisation felt refreshing.
That explained her looks directed at you and Neil back then. The visible consternation about the matter of your relationship.
“Yes, it clicked pretty quickly” upon your perplexed gaze, she picked up the story, “I could tell that there was more underneath all the praise. There was that longing in his eyes and a spark that lit up only for you,” Kat added, smiling as you gasped, “I asked whether love was allowed in your line of business” there was boldness in her eyes that made your heart clench. Something important was coming, “He said yes, but it’s dangerous and best avoided. Only that’s not always possible. Sometimes it gets you, and before you realise you can’t breathe another word without missing that one essential person. Your heart doesn’t belong to you anymore, and nothing can be done” oh my god.
You stared at the floor as her words sunk in. It felt surreal, as though you have wandered into a dream. A good one. But dreams could only last so long… Shaking off the haze, you glanced at the woman sat next to you. She was observing you with an enigmatic smirk gracing her features.
“He said that?” your voice came out raspy.
Just a clarification. In case you have misunderstood. But Kat was not surprised.
“Yes,” she nodded, that same sympathetic expression on her face, “Considering what I’ve seen with you and him... there’s only one person he could’ve meant” your heart dropped, as though unused to the idea “I understood it that morning on the bridge when despite the awkwardness, he was willing to defy everyone else for your sake”
Your mind wandered back. Neil’s constant presence by your side, his hand touching the small of your back and then staying there for longer than necessary. His support and trust placed in your hands without hesitation. Right now, even something that insignificant felt unattainable. But it did happen. Could it be that he meant you? Unable to withstand the whirlwind of emotions, you stood up. Pacing in the tiny room, a protest came up, spilling out of your mouth:
“But I just heard him tell TP that he doesn’t love me” you swallowed hard as the reminder of the reality hit.
It was one thing to know it. Another to put it into words once again. You felt like screaming, demanding answers from the main culprit of this whole mess. But it was too dangerous. Another heartbreak could be lethal in its consequences.
“Sometimes we lie to ourselves to save the pain” the quiet certainty of Kat’s voice kept you grounded.
It felt risky to believe that he was pushing you away out of fear. But what if… No. You met her inquisitive gaze, hoping to convey the confusion and desperation. She must have understood for she added:
“He’s still coming to check up on me every evening, and the last two days he’s been a little… strange” the meaningful pause felt like bait.
One that you did not hesitate to take.
“How do you mean?” stopping mindless trotting, you sat down on the stool.
“Quiet, wistful, as though something was troubling him, threatening to spill out if he wasn’t too careful” a long taxing look; it sounded familiar, “Trust me, I don’t mean to give you false hope, I just thought you should know that before deciding on any further action” Kat got up and approached you.
Placing a hand on your shoulder, she squeezed it. You felt immensely grateful. Even if a little speechless… Because all of that was a lot to take in. You desperately needed a long afternoon spent in bed, staring at the ceiling and processing the eventful morning. Was it still morning?
“It means a lot, I’m not sure how I could repay you” finding the words again, you gave her a helpless smile.
“Just try to be happy. And don’t give up on things that seem too good to be true. Sometimes those are most worth keeping around” the depth of melancholy in her eyes was startling, “What will you do now?” the tentative tone assured you of the intent behind the question.
It was Kat’s way of saying: don’t do anything stupid. You could not promise that to anyone. The wounds were too fresh; emotions barely kept under control. Anything could happen. But you did not want to alarm her.
“I’m not sure. Think, probably” an unconvincing nonchalance had to do, as unprecedented honesty took voice “But I’m beginning to realise that if I won’t be able to… have him… I’ll just let him be. He deserves the best more than anybody else” you finished the thought and met her eyes.
A passing shock you found there was intriguing. As though your words reminded her of something, and she needed an additional moment to recover. God knows what sort of secrets everybody held on this god-forsaken ship… If the weight of the past and the unsaid could sink boats, it would have been long over. For everyone.
*** You thanked the gods (and Ives) for letting the topic of the lock wait out a little longer. Instead, the next morning’s meeting concerned the splinter unit, the who, and the how. As a result for once, no voice has been raised throughout the two hours spent on the bridge. Nothing much has been decided, but you did not mind. The burden of the last few days rested on your shoulders, preventing sleep or any form of relaxation. The word ‘tired’ did not even begin to describe it. But duties had to be put ahead of any personal issues and so you took part in the confab as usual. Seeing Neil after everything felt like a stab straight in the heart. His silence and the complete lack of acknowledgment of your existence were the added twist of the hilt.
The moment the meeting was over, you bolted out of the door in desperate need of fresh air. It was bound to rain later as the entire deck was covered in strange puddles that formed out of nothing. Perks of inversion and all that. Lost in thoughts concerning the locks, blonde bastards, and the torture of love as a concept and a feeling, you forgot about the golden rule of inverted rainfalls in the making – caution upon stepping on the wet surfaces. Turning around the corner, your foot slipped. Fuck. All you could do was flail your hands helplessly while praying that the fall will not be painful and that it will not detach the oxygen tank. Suffocation was not the death of your choice.
Suddenly the fall was interrupted with a strong grip on your waist. Hands pulling you upright, back to standing. The hold felt familiar. And forbidden. Turning to face the saviour, you were struck by the sight of the blue eyes that haunted your every waking hour. Every dream too. He was close, with hands wrapped around your waist securely. Somehow this felt worse than the fall. You half expected Neil to let go any second now, step away and yell at you for being clumsy. Or maybe just for existing. But he was still there. One of his hands slipped down onto your hip. Speechless, you kept on gazing into his eyes, trying to understand what was going on. All you could see was increasing the confusion. Desire. The boundless depths were drawing you in. Neil pulled you closer. Something in his face made you believe that if it was not for the oxygen masks, he would have kissed you. His gaze roamed across your features, intense, relentless, as though he could never have enough of you. It felt like being stripped bare, left exposed and vulnerable. Despite trying, you were unable to put up a guard, showing him all that he was not supposed to know instead. Everything you tried to hide and deny, bury deep inside so it could be forgotten. Well not anymore… Whatever Neil saw in your eyes woke him up. You noticed a passing frown, replaced with increasing shock. And then horror. What the hell. Before you could even process what happened, he let go and took a hasty step back. He looked sick, pale with fear and panic. Then, just as you tried to find any relevant words, Neil spoke:
“Be more careful next time,” cold and curt as though nothing happened.
He walked off briskly, disappearing into the darkness of the training grounds. What the fuck? A single drop flew up from the deck, splashing onto your chin. The rain has begun. You felt strange. Suddenly mourning the fact that you have been saved from suffocation. It would have been simpler. Less painful. Less terrifying.
*** No matter the hours passing by, or the thousands of different grounding techniques you have attempted, nothing was helping. Lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, you wanted a multitude of things. To get blackout drunk in the hope of forgetting this morning ever happened. (You checked the galley, utterly disappointed to have found nothing with the necessary voltage). You wanted to talk to someone, briefly considering visiting Kat further down the corridor. But that would have meant being even more vulnerable. And a burden. So nope. At one point, you once again considered marching outside without the mask, letting the inverted lung membranes and fucked up rain do the rest. But you did not want to end the life itself. That was not all that bad. You liked your job, the various people you have met along the way. It was only that the current predicament was… unbearable. There had to be a different option.
Then mindless pacing replaced the stillness of lying down. Window, door, and back again. To be repeated for at least an hour. Your thoughts swirling around everything that has been said. Everything that happened. Kat’s story. The look in Neil’s eyes. What if… what if? The unknowns kept multiplying in your head, driving you insane with the extent of what you did not understand. You always hated those moments of suspense. Unsure whether to give up, let go and try to move on, or to keep trying, hoping. Your heart could never process them well without breaking and shattering into millions of pieces. Fuck.
There was one way out of it. One that you tried to push to the back of your head for the few past hours because it was too terrifying. But you were slowly running out of alternatives. One look out of the window told you that you had spent at least six hours like this. It would not do. It was either him or nothing. But you could not survive the insufferable without knowing which one it was. Taking a deep breath, you stopped in the middle of the cabin. This is it. You knew what had to be done. You put on the sweater as though in a trance, making sure to repeat silly affirmations in the quiet of your mind. It had to be alright. If it wasn’t, there were always the seals left…
The walk down the short corridor felt like ascending the steps to the guillotine. Only whatever might happen could be worse than beheading. Your hand shook as you rapped on the door to Neil’s cabin. The sound felt like the worst mistake you ever made. It was too late to turn back. After a very long moment, you heard shuffling inside. When the door opened, you were shocked by a few observations all at once. Neil’s eyes were reddened, hair in absolute disarray. When he realised that you were the intruder, his hands automatically went to smooth the strands in some way. Making even more mess in the process. In any different situation, you would have found that endearing. But your heart was too heavy. You eyed him instantaneously, gaze slipping over the fitting black thermal shirt and the joggers with narrowed cuffs. Not helpful. As you glanced back at his face, you noticed the intensifying confusion. That was the chance to speak…
“Can I come in?” a tentative start to make him more likely to agree.
The shock in his blue eyes slowly changed into careful curiosity. Neil gave you a once-over before opening the door wider and stepping back.
“Of course. Friends are allowed to visit each other” a hint of impatience as though he already had enough.
But that was not the most infuriating bit…
“Friends?” you crossed the threshold and met his eyes with the face of stone, “Sure, that’s one way of looking at what we are” the lack of reaction was inspiring, “Or were” you took a look around his room.
Equally small cabin, littered with a few personal objects. His was phone abandoned on the bedside table, a change of clothes on the floor. A naïve idiot would have taken a moment to consider the fact that maybe he was not as well as you thought. But you were past that, desperate to get answers. A reaction. An end to this madness. With resolve ever-increasing, you sat down on the edge of Neil’s bed, ready for the battle ahead. Meeting his perplexed gaze, you let the penny drop:
“I wonder with how many friends have you been kissing on the bed for two hours” a flash of recognition and then a frown.
As expected. But it still hurt.
That moment from the afternoon before the morning plane to Tallinn was one you often replayed in those desperate hours when nothing seemed to help. You were lying in bed in your room back in London, enjoying each other’s company, exchanging kisses like compliments every few minutes. Sometimes Neil would let his hands become more daring in their caress, causing goosebumps all over your skin. Bringing out sighs and making your heart overflow with love and hope that you finally found what you have been looking for. You felt wanted. You talked a lot about the future, sharing different ridiculous plans for how it could play out. Neil promised to visit your prospective farm with the sheep and dogs. Back then, judging by the look in his eyes, you dared dream that perhaps he would want to be a part of those days still to come. Now, looking at the blonde man awkwardly perching on the chair in front of you, nothing made sense. He stayed for the night then, allowing you to hug him close until the morning. You woke up first, watching him for a few minutes. The steady rise and fall of his chest. Relaxed face with hair sticking up. Calm and content. The warmth spreading from your heart inspired you to press a kiss to his lips as a means of wake up. The sight of Neil sleepy-eyed, peering up at you with a fond smile gracing his features was worth much. Maybe even the current tortures…
Facing him now, you could see the frown deepen.
“Painful memory?” you countered, watching him closely for any hints.
A mask was put on well. But there were flashes of something there. A potential… A possibility of getting burned too.
“In a way,” Neil grimaced, avoiding your piercing gaze.
He was uncomfortable, mindlessly picking on the skin around his nails and tapping his foot. That was the signal to keep on pushing. Until he would be forced to be honest.
“That’s a shame. It’s one of my favourite ones” as he looked up, you offered a deadpan smile, “Just like Oslo,” a shrug complemented with a quick scan of his body, “Though I’m not sure about that… ending,” feigning thoughtfulness you ended the harsh scrutiny.
The point was to back him up against the wall without making him throw you out. That tiny voice at the back of your head told you that he would have done that already if you were not in any way important. That voice was too confident.
“What is your point?” Neil bit back, betraying the level of annoyance you have brought with the innocent reminder.
You knew there was no more skirting around the issue. Now or never.
“Why did you do that earlier? Why did you hold me like...” you trailed off, unable to put into words what it felt like.
Like what? Like a lover. Like someone you actually cared about and not just an irritation. Like someone you could want in your life. But you could never say that to him.
“I was being a gentleman” Neil glanced at you with painfully fake indifference, “Women tend to appreciate that,” a shrug that could not fool you.
Women. The spark of jealousy burned bright. Because what if you were just another distraction. Nothing special. But then the things he said to Kat suggested otherwise. You held onto that thought and squared your shoulders. The game was on.
“...Right,” a sceptical glance in his direction before you continued, “Was that look gentlemanly too? Because last time I checked, gentlemen didn’t tend to look at women as though they wanted to…” trailing off, you awaited the response.
That would mean he took the bait. And the case was not yet lost.
“What?” the lazy tone made you meet Neil’s gaze.
He looked… off. As though before you knocked, he was not exactly fine. It was that nervousness and unkempt appearance that betrayed him. On its own accord, your heart gave out a painful thump, anticipating the fact that Neil too might have been hurting. But why? Ignoring the distraction, you found the needed words and dropped them carelessly.
“Devour them” you held his gaze confidently.
The verb felt right. As though Neil was not trusting his instincts, he looked down, breaking the contact. Putting up further guards. Bingo. He scoffed, throwing in cruelty to the mix:
“And here I was thinking you’re over… this” a vague hand gesture to show what this meant.  
You. And him. That something that both was there and was not. Or rather, he wanted it to cease to exist. Only it was not that easy.
“I never said that” putting on the necessary emphasis, you kept on staring at him until he looked up.
Mouth open for another quip. That same steel-blue eyes and clenched jaw. Whatever you have been doing was working. Slowly aggravating him to the point of discomfort. You had to keep the upper hand. Neil seemed to consider something, restlessly fiddling with a pen he picked up from the bedside table. After a beat, he spoke up:
“Why are you here?” weariness in his eyes as he gave out a long exhale.
Easy question… right?
“Because I want answers” it could not be any simpler.
He flinched, letting you see the extent of panic hidden underneath the annoyance and casualness.
“What makes you think I’ve got them?” an arched eyebrow adding the mocking intonation.
The meter of space between you felt like an ocean. He was close enough for you to brush away the strand that has fallen into his eye if you only leaned in. And yet so far that you felt alone, alienated by the cold scrutiny. You had to keep going, tearing at the carefully build up armour hiding him away from you.
“Because you always have words. An abundance of them” you waited till he looked at you again before pressing on “Be it things you probably wish I have forgotten that you have once whispered between kisses” a pause, noticing the boundless unease in the blue eyes “Or all those lovely adjectives you have given me the last couple of days” using the moment of hesitation, you added, “But maybe you were right, and I am stupid, emotional-”
You could give him the whole litany. Your legacy. Exactly how much you were worth in Neil’s eyes. Unless it was a lie…? Before you could begin, Neil raised his hand, interrupting sharply:
“Okay, I get your point” no pride in that frown, almost as though he regretted it, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that” the apology took you by surprise.
As did the sudden change in his face. Neil held your gaze with unusual sheepishness. As if even the act of looking at you was dangerous. Tearing the skin from his lower lip, he was the epitome of insecurity. There was no time to falter.
“Everything?” you prodded, mindful of the poker face you had to maintain.
You could not lose him now. Neil hesitated for a short moment before responding:
“Yes,” another second of eye contact, and he got up, impatiently touching the doorknob “If this is all you wanted, then I’d rather be alone-”
No. You leaped up, reaching out before he could finish the sentence. As your hand landed on his forearm, his eyes snapped to you in shock. He was not expecting you to breach the touch barrier. But there was no other choice. With heart hammering in your chest, you felt your throat tighten. Please not now…
“No,” emotions exposed in the tiny voice crack, “Neil, I’m tired of this, of you not making any fucking sense and expecting me to accept it” pleading, you let your fingers wrap around his wrist.
That had to do. Judging by the terror in his eyes, it was already too much. You could feel your resolve waning. Terrified of the consequences if this backfired. Of what you would have to do if he rejected you once and for good. Of the pain you would have to face then. But you had to be brave. He swallowed hard. You wondered what caused the goosebumps on his skin.
“If this is about earlier, then you’re blowing it out of proportion. Be more reasonable” there was a raw edge to his voice that was new.
You were close now. Enough to force Neil to stare at the ground to avoid looking at you. You noticed those dark circles under his eyes. And the tension spilling out in waves. He was scared of you. And that was a horrifying discovery. Your eyes were burning as you begged your heart to hold on. You had to survive this.
“It’s not just that” betraying the nerves, you took a greedy inhale, “It’s what you told Kat in Oslo. It’s how you look at me” following potentially disastrous instincts, you tipped his chin to meet his eye, “It’s all those sudden switches when you seem so cold and calculating and yet so separated from the real you” running out of breath, you could only stare at Neil.
The widened eyes and parted lips told you exactly how shocked he was. You did feel bad for bringing Kat into it. The argument was too strong to let it go. And it worked if his silent panic was anything to go by. He was desperately searching for words, unable to tear his eyes away from yours as though what you said was a binding charm.
“Why do you think you know the real me?” finally, Neil settled upon the question.
One last attempt at making you forgo this madness. Only there was nothing convincing in his delivery. Eyes hazed, showing you fear and uncertainty. A blood droplet on the lower lip where he tore through the skin. Ignoring the most innate of desires to wipe it off, you cupped his cheek. Neil gasped, frozen in the spot. Could it be working? Sliding your hand down, you interlocked your fingers with his. Everything felt surreal. As if you were not a part of the scene. But you had to persist. To finish what you started.
“Because you once told me that you’ve never lied to me. That I’m very important. Your everything, even” your voice broke again on the last sentence as you tightened your hold over Neil’s hand, “And I understand that you could have changed your mind, but…” you hesitated, feeling him shudder.
Oh my god. Your heart broke for the umpteenth time as the fact dawned on you. Neil was shivering slightly as though he was cold. But there was no draft. Nothing to cause it apart from your presence, words, and the physical touch. A choked sob built up in your throat.
“…why are you trembling when all I’m doing is holding your hand? Am I that revolting?” the questions were interrupted by a sniff you could not hold back any longer; there was time for honesty, “The last few days have been awful, making me want to stupid things just to feel something different than heartbreak. I’m not saying that to get your pity, but if I got it all so wrong then tell me now. Because I’m not sure I can survive much longer like this” after finishing the speech, the tears trailed down your cheeks uninvited.
It was all there for him. Nothing to add. Your heart was beating fast, blood pounding in your ears. For a second, you felt suspended in time, unable to do anything but stare at Neil, who seemed utterly speechless. And then his face fell. Eyes fell shut as he let out a heart-shattering whimper. Tears started falling down his face as you tried to brush them away. You have not seen him that broken since the aftermath of TP’s death. He tugged his hand out of your hold to cover his face, turning away. Christ… The searing pain was back, this time making your heart bleed for Neil. You did not know what to do, powerless and paralyzed with a multitude of thoughts and feelings. After a minute which felt like an eternity, Neil faced you again with red-rimmed eyes and tragedy in his gaze. That was the needed wake-up. Stepping back into action, you placed your hand on his chest. Just over the beating heart. A gentle encouragement.
“I can’t… I can’t tell you that it’s over because I still…” the breathless words tinged with panic and struggle as he fought for every gust of air, “I can’t keep on…” another sob, shaking his whole body “You’re…” a sharp intake followed by instant defeat.
Immeasurable anguish in Neil’s eyes was another reason to find the strength you did not know you had. Maybe it was worth it.
“What? I’m here with you and willing to listen. To do anything but please just make me understand” holding back more tears, you made sure he saw the determination painted on your face.
Slowly you were coming to terms with the reality. You would do anything for him. Anything he asked.
“I don’t know how to…” Neil trailed off, looking for answers all over the floor and ceiling, “I’m tired of having to pretend when you’re all I…” a moment of hesitation as his eyes widened.
He did not intend to say that much. You’re all I… what? Before you could find ways of pressing on, he turned away again and sat down on the bed. A frown etched deep into his forehead. Eyebrows furrowed. Eyes glistening with unshed tears. This was bad. Awkwardly, you shifted from one foot to another. Words were escaping you both.
“Then don’t. I won’t bite” your useless quip was received with an ill-disguised dry chuckle, “Call it naïve, but I don’t think it’s anything we can’t fix if we…” shit.
You knew what was there on the tip of your tongue. It was too early. Fuck knows if he even… But he had to. There was no other force in the universe that could cause this much pain.
“If what?” Neil caught your mistake with strange emotion in his eyes.
As though he wanted you to spell it out. You could not give in. Some words had the potential to destroy, and it was too fragile. A freshly opened wound you still had to mend somehow.
“Don’t make me say it again” a whisper to make him understand your actions.
After a beat, Neil nodded. He seemed exhausted, slouching and staring at the floor unseeingly. That feeling of helplessness threatened to come back with force as you were running out of ideas to make it work. To get him back somehow. Then his voice broke the tense silence:
“Christ…” a long exhale before he looked at you again, “I don’t even know where to begin, but…” resignation passed through his face.
You felt a strange spark of hope flicker in the depths of your heart. It did not look like rejection. It did not look like anything you have ever experienced, and yet it made so much sense. Because after everything you have been through, there was no way this could be easy. Kindling that building fire, you cautiously took a step forward, maintaining the eye contact:
“Yes?” the most neutral of tones, holding the emotions at bay.
Everything not to scare him off. You made it so close. You could give up now. A hint of a sad smile upon Neil’s lips was encouraging…
“Come closer. I want to…” he reached out a hand you gladly took, letting him pull you nearer.
It did not matter what he wanted. Only that you could give it to him. Anything. Everything. Upon the sudden surge of courage, you covered the remaining inches of space and straddled his lap in one smooth movement. Another gasp as Neil glanced at you with obvious amazement. Then, as though he worried that even this was too much, he looked down at where his hands tentatively settled on your hips. This position was familiar. And yet, you felt different, unable to make sense of the myriad of emotions and thoughts occupying your mind. All that mattered was Neil. His hesitant but intimate hold. The hair falling into his eyes. Shallow breaths escaping through the parted lips.
“It’s alright, look at me,” gently you lifted his chin so that you could meet his gaze.
Blue eyes full of longing. For you. Exhaling sharply, you knew well enough what to do. You wound your hands around his waist, drawing him into a tight embrace. That too felt natural. After a second, Neil relaxed, melting into your hug as if that was exactly what was missing. At that moment, with head resting in the crook of his neck, at last feeling as though there was a point in all this, your eyes welled up. No matter the suffering, this had to be it. Your everything. Neil breathed you in, warm puffs of air causing shivers all over your body. There was no point in pretending.
“Please come back to me,” you whispered against his skin, letting tears trail onto his shirt.
Neil tightened his hold, hands roaming over your back, pulling you even closer. All it took was a kiss he pressed onto the exposed skin of your collarbone to make you tremble.
“I never left,” the hesitancy told you he did not believe it either.
“You did. But maybe… I’ll do anything to have you back” the urgency in your voice causing Neil to lean back.
He wiped the stray tears from your cheeks, taking an additional moment to caress your neck with tenderness. You could only lean into his touch, feeling as though whatever might happen has already been decided. There was no way you could let this go. Neil seemed to consider something quickly before he spoke:
“All those words… they fail me when I’m trying to explain what I was doing” his voice was raspy with the weight of emotions, “Or why. Because I’m scared of making it come true. It’s as if once I say it… it might…” he paused, searching for words in your eyes.
“Become real?” you offered, running your fingers through his unruly hair.
You were right. It was all an act. The elation was restrained by worry and love. It didn’t matter.
“Yeah…” Neil swallowed hard, “And then there’s all this mess in my head… The thoughts that just won’t shut up. I’m so fucking tired of… of-” the familiarity of his words causing another flash of pain within your heart “I can’t ask you to-” he cut himself off as though the idea was unspeakable.
You caught a sight of something darker within his gaze. They always said that actions speak louder than words…
“Neil, I said I’ll do anything. I mean it. What do you need?” you met his panicked eyes with resilience.
It took him a longer minute to stop staring at you. To wake up. And then, as simple as it can be:
“You. I need you,” touching his forehead to yours his breath ghosted your lips, “But after everything I did, I wouldn’t expect you to want me… like that” the depth of remorse was heart-breaking.
You already knew what the answer would be. Nothing else mattered. Regrets, worries, and fears had to be abandoned for the sake of this.
“The trouble with the heart is that it doesn’t care what you’ve done. Only that this is you,” smiling lightly, you cupped his cheek, “Just… kiss me. Like you mean it. Like you could love me. And then we’ll see if we can make it work,” unsure where the words came from, you faltered.
But before any vicious doubts could step in, Neil closed the gap. His lips slowly glided over yours, reminding you what it felt like. It did not take much persuading for you to open your mouth, deepening the kiss. It felt like coming home after a long time away. Like that first step over the threshold when one is unsure what they will find. Only to realise that everything is in the right place. That they should have never left. You tangled your fingers in his hair, bringing him even closer. He groaned upon the sensation, teeth grazing over your bottom lip. A sigh escaped your throat as Neil’s hands ventured underneath the sweater. For the first time in a while, everything made sense. You tugged at his shirt just for the sake of it as a means of showing him how wrong he was. You wanted him more than before if that was possible. The kiss consuming you both with its intensity and force. Your tongues participating in their dance, brushing against each other, increasing the intimacy of the moment. It finally felt right. Slow, unhurried, but desperate. Unforgettable.
You did not even know when it ended. One moment you were willing to give up breath if only to make it last longer. The next Neil had you pinned to the bed, breathless and shocked. When you met his gaze, the depth of expression told you what it meant. Finally.
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weclassygirl · 4 years
𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞
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Word count:+1.1k
Pairing: neil x f!reader (tenet)
Warnings: bullet wound, some blood
Summary: reader gets shot by andrei and neil tries to go in reverse to keep you alive
Author's note: really wanted to write something for him and already plan to write a few more but I need to rewatch the movie. sorry if it's bad 🥺 spoilers ig, also english is not my first language. take care ❤️
You only feel the droplets of blood going down your body as the hole in your stomach fills up with more blood. Bullets are painful enough when shot in normal time, the inverted ones however… those are real motherfuckers. You hear a shuffling of feet and from the corner of your eye you see that Andrei from the blue room is getting away as well as the one who shot you just seconds before. The blue light of the other room falls on your face. You don’t feel hands on your shoulder and cheek as Neil comes up to you.
He looks up at you, saying some words but they seem distant to you, you can feel the heaviness of your eyes and you think that you will close them for a brief moment when a loud voice pulls you out to reality.
“(Name)!” you hear Neil shout, his hand feeling warm on your cheek, the other pressing onto the wound. You lift your head up and see his face, all worried. You see the dark skinned man behind him, he watches you carefully also trying to think of a way to help you. The people that came in through the door are on the other side of the glass, checking up on Kat, one of them comes up to you and Neil steps aside but keeps close.
“Can you help her?” he asks the man in military gear.
“She got it worse. The bullet went through the organs.” he says, he looks at you with pain in his eyes. He turns to Neil. “I don’t think she’ll make it in time.”
Neil looks sad… and angry, the dark skinned man comes up to him and places his hand on his shoulder but Neil swats it away. They look at each other, seemingly having a silent conversation. They step off the side as the doctor looks at your wound, trying to prolong your stay. The man they call Ives comes up to them, starting to argue with Neil. You don’t hear the conversation but can guess what it's about.
“It’s a bad idea. Thousand things could go wrong.” you hear Ives say. “You know this, Neil.”
“You have any better idea!?” he questions, fury in his voice. “I can’t let her die.” Ives hangs his head low as the other man agrees with Neil, he wants to save Kat. Neil seems like he doesn’t care, despite Ives’ protests. He comes up to you, placing a hand on your cheek.
“Can you stand?” he asks you softly. You nod your head and lean yourself on him, clutching to the wound. Your breathing getting more heavy and you try to repress a grunt that gets past your lips. All of you move to the door behind you, Kat on the stretches, unconscious. Ives begins to explain to the man how the machine works, he needs to see himself in the window, exiting from the other side before entering it.
All of you see your reflection in the glass and move to the machine. The next thing you know you’re on the other side of it, the blue light now more vibrant. You see yourself in the window, going backwards. You don’t pay the mind to it, not wanting to see yourself get shot again.
You hear the stranger telling Neil to find them a way back to Oslo, he places you on the bench by the wall and turns to the man. You press onto the wound, trying to stay conscious.
“We need to save them, here and now.” you hear Neil say. Neil comes up to you and helps you up, both of you leave the room as Wheeler explains to the stranger how everything works on the reversed side.
“Neil.” you say weakly as you walk to the containers on the ship. The mask on your face begins to fog up. “Neil.” you try again and he looks down on you. He looks at the wound and sees that there’s more blood on your clothes than before. “This may not work.”
“What are you talking about?” he questions, worry and confusion evident on his face. You enter the container and see Kat already laying on the stretchers, breathing weakly.
“You know how time works here. Even if we’re here now, doesn’t mean that I will make it alive out of here.” you confess. You didn’t want to say it but he needs to know that there’s still a possibility of you not getting out of it alive.
“No. Don’t say that, you’ll be fine, you hear me?” he looks at you and your features soften at his stubbornness. He kisses your forehead and places his own against it. “I won't lose you here, alright? I’m not letting that happen.” you smile up at him weakly before you feel your eyes closing. You hear his voice calling out to you but it seems too far away. You don’t remember passing out.
You wake up a few hours later, laying on the stretchers, an IV in your arm. You hear Neil and the man talking and see Kat talking with them. Neil notices that you’re awake and abandons the conversation, his eyes now focused on you.
“Hey. How are you feeling?” he asks.
“Like I’ve been shot by an inverted bullet.” you say back and he chuckles. He explains to you that he managed to stitch you up and you feel the thread and a bandage going around the wound. You try to sit up but only feel pain as you raise from your seat. You fall in and out of unconsciousness several times in that container.
You wake up to the sound of multiple shouting voices. But you can’t understand anything they’re saying. You realize that you hear them backwards. You hear an explosion in the background and feel yourself being pulled on the stretches. Neil drags it behind him, a black vest and mask on him. You see Kat on the other pair of stretches next to you and feel being put in the ambulance.
You open your eyes and hear Neil saying that the both of you will be alright. You turn to him and he sees the movement because he's by your side moments after. You smile at him as the ambulance begins to move.
"Told you you're gonna be fine." he tells you, you're smile growing wider and he hugs you, not too tightly to not cause you any more pain. Both of you fall asleep in each other's arms before getting on another ship that will take you to Andrei.
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stuck in stories - Neil’s perspective
Neil x Reader
summary: the team is blowing off steam, drinking and playing a dare game
+ song: The Neighbourhood - Cry Baby
warnings: language, alcohol mention
author’s note: another request, thank you! It was quite tricky to switch the perspectives, but once that chaotic idiot let me inside his head, it was so much fun to follow his thoughts as the story progressed.
Even though I usually try to write Reader as gender-neutral as possible, this time I chose to insert fem!Reader directly, I hope you’re still going to enjoy it!
This is a one-shot, but as always - hits differently in you’re familiar with Neil and Reader from Stuck in Reverse series.
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“You lot are a bunch of fucking children! Who wrote that, eh?!”
Neil’s mouth widened in a shit-eating grin. “Now now, Ives, we all know you want it,” he teased, snickering as he had to dodge an empty beer can Ives threw his way.
The whole team of rookies decided to blow off some steam after their first big mission together. Everyone was too tired to do anything too elaborate though. Instead of going out, the squad ended up on the floor of Wheeler’s hotel room, drinking and playing a dare game.
“What did I miss?”
Neil looked up and smiled as he watched his best friend sat down on the floor between him and Ives. He noticed how exhausted she was, even though she tried to hide it under the curious expression painted on her face.
He couldn’t help feeling so proud of how well she did during the mission. The truth was, he’d never doubted her abilities on the field. It might had been his idea for her to join Tenet alongside him (he still couldn’t believe that TP wasn’t more opposed to the recommendation; Neil took a mental note to ask him about that the next time they meet), but she quickly proved that she was a natural and made her way to the first response squad. There was a certain comfort in having her next to him when things got heated, because even though he trusted the rest of the guys to cover his six during the missions, he trusted her with his life.
Neil’s train of thoughts was interrupted by a sudden holler that filled the room
“The Universe has spoken!” cheered Wheeler, raising her beer as she winked at Neil. He furrowed his brows, not entirely sure what made her so gleeful about the change of events. Well, she probably was straight-up drunk at this point.
Neil switched his gaze to his friend, her bright eyes darting left and right, trying to make sense of the cackling people around her.
“You and your impeccable timing, huh?” he said and showed her a small piece of paper.
She squinted as she read the dare prompt. “...Kiss a person sitting on your right?” she glanced at Ives and flashed her teeth in a wicked grin. “I must admit, I kinda want to see that!”
“Oi, fuck you, mate!” Ives groaned and kicked her leg, making her giggle in response.
Neil nudged her shoulder, then tilted his head and smirked. “Well, but now you are the person sitting on my right.”
He watched as her eyes widened, a hint of blush creeping up her cheeks. She clenched her jaw and blinked twice.
“Shit,” she started laughing, but Neil was studying her closely. Her shoulders tensed slightly, she held her breath for a moment and shot a quick look in his direction.
The last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable in any way.
Neil put his hand on her arm and squeezed it reassuringly.
“Only if you’re okay with this.”
She looked at him, thankful for his concern. She chewed on her bottom lip. “Well, I mean…,” she hesitated and shrugged, but then her eyes lit up and she asked, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?”
Neil couldn’t find an answer to that.To him, it wasn’t a big deal. Because she was...her. His best friend in the entire world. The one he knew like the back of his hand. Always there, joined at the hip, as her mother used to call them. The one constant in his life.
...But there he was, feeling all sappy again. Oh, if only she knew, she would smack him in the blink of an eye.
He couldn’t resist trying to make her laugh, just to wipe any leftover tension remaining in the air.
Neil’s eyebrow quirked. “Try not to fall in love with me,” he said, leaning in her direction.
“Might be too late for that,” she mumbled.
Neil could swear a flash of panic clouded her face for a second, as if she realized what she’d just said. He hesitated.
Whatever that was though, it was already gone. She rolled her eyes and tittered. “You wish.”
...Sometimes, he did.
Or at least he used to, anyway.
Neil chuckled and shook his head. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and when their lips met, he closed his eyes, utterly mesmerized by the sensation. And then, just as he wondered if maybe he selfishly lingered for too long in this moment, her lips parted delicately.
His mind went blank.
Without giving it too much thought, Neil’s fingers slid on the back of her neck and he pulled her a bit closer. His heart was pounding in his chest as he lightly deepened a kiss.
The team’s collective “ooh” rolled through the room, breaking the spell.
She gasped quietly against his lips. Their gazes locked. Her expression was puzzled, the pupils dilated in her shimmering eyes, her cheeks flushed.
Neil tilted his head, his brows drew together in a silent question.
Are you okay?
She blinked slowly and nodded, the corners of her mouth curling into a coy smile.
Then, she turned her attention to a small pile of paper rolls on the floor in front of her. “All right, my turn, I hope that you idiots put more of those in there, I wanna smooch my girl Wheeler next!” she teased, hiding all the softness behind a smug grin.
Neil smiled to himself. She was impossible.
Later that night, he was laying on his bed wide awake, staring at the ceiling in the dark, thinking. His mind running a thousand different scenarios. Carefully examining all the what ifs.
Finally, he scoffed, rubbing his face with his palms. They were both tired, tipsy, and it was just a kiss, no need to overthink it.
Her sudden nervousness. That little smile. The softness of her lips. That quiet gasp. The strange look in her eyes.
He sighed.
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
misc. masterlist
just a place for the fics I've written that can't be sorted into my current masterlist categories! possibly more to be added soon...
in dark corners || sirius black x reader [hp]
time after time || neil x reader [tenet, 2020]
they shall hunger no more || father paul hill x reader [midnight mass, 2021]
norman f***ing rockwell || john tyler x reader [tell me your secrets]
ritual union || jay x reader [okja, 2017]
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imaginedisish · 3 years
Devil’s Advocate (Tenet) Neil x Reader
Chapter 2: I’ll Try Anything Once
A/N: Hi guys! So this sort of feels like a filler chapter, but I hope you still all enjoy it :) And ps...this chapter is based on I’ll Try Anything Once by Julian Casablancas (it’s derived from one of the Strokes’ demos I think)
Summary: You and Neil land in London to some majorly unfortunate circumstances that are too overwhelming for you to handle, but Neil is done letting you get hurt. 
Warnings: Death, guns, gunshot wounds, explosions, violence/murder (implied more or less), cursing, minor angst maybe, and yay fluff!
Word Count: 4,191
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“Hey,” A voice whispers softly; the familiar sound encourages you to lift your eyelids. “(Y/N), we’re about to land,” The voice whispers again as you feel yourself slowly rocking back and forth. You groggily open your eyes. 
The cabin of the plane is dark except for a few scattered overhead reading lights. You notice that your head is still resting against Neil’s chest as his warm hold envelopes you, keeping you pressed tightly against him. A tickle twitches in your stomach as you feel the plane drop down closer to the ground. The tickle quickly turns to terror as you remember where you’re headed. You feel your heart rapidly beat in your chest. You take a deep breath, hoping to suppress your paralyzing fears of being back out in the field. 
Neil’s calming voice grounds you. “Are you alright?” He asks, his arms tightening around you. The airplane drops some more, causing the tickle in your stomach to continue. 
“I’m not sure,” You respond honestly as you try and swallow your fear in your throat. Of course, it doesn’t work. The airplane drops again, and you pull slightly away from Neil to look out the window. Lights twinkle below you, and you can see Heathrow Airport in the near distance. 
The seat creaks a bit as Neil moves closer to you. His cheek brushes up against yours as he peers out the window. His closeness was comforting. 
Neil sighs. “I know you don’t want to be here, (Y/N),” Neil says as his right arm wraps around your shoulders again, stealing your attention away from the lights of the towns below.  “But it’s going to be okay. We’ll get in, get what we need, get rid of who we don’t, and get out.” He shoots a smirk in your direction.
The plane grows even closer to the ground but the tickles disappear, and nausea fills your stomach. “I think I’m going to be sick,” You complain. Anxiety courses through your veins, worsening your current state. 
Neil, with his arm still around your shoulders, shakes his head and pulls you away from the window. “You’re not throwing up here,” He says, chuckling a bit. “Or I’ll be doubled over with you.” You find yourself laughing too, but it’s no surprise. That’s simply what Neil does to you. He makes everything seem like it could be…
You were too wrapped up in thoughts of Neil to notice when the wheels of the plane came crashing on the ground. The sound of skid marks screeching against the tarmac gave way for the anxiety to settle back down into your stomach. You shudder, imagining all the things that could go wrong. All the stupid little things that could go horribly, horribly wrong.
You watch as everyone begins to stand up from their seats, walking out into the aisle and grabbing their things from the overhead compartments. Neil gives you a final squeeze before letting go and following suit with the rest of the people on the plane. You look back out the window for a second, contemplating whether or not being in Tenet is worth it at all. There’s so much danger, so much death, so much fear. 
And my own father is the enemy, You think. 
“Are you ready, love?” Neil calls, breaking you out of your thoughts. 
You shrug and stand up from the seat, hunching over ever so slightly as to not smack your head against the ceiling. “I don’t think I’ll ever be, so I might as well just jump without looking, right?” 
Neil smiles sadly, almost as if to apologize. “Then I’ll be ready for you, and I’ll catch you when you fall.” 
Your heart flutters in your chest at his reassurance, despite the sardonic nature of your comment. “Neil I-,” You say, carefully stepping out into the aisle. “You have no idea how much that means to me.”
“Don’t thank me,” Neil starts, seemingly minimizing his ability to change your entire mood. “This is what friends are for.”
Right, friends. 
Neil guides you out of the plane and onto the bridge. After a short walk, you enter the airport. 
It’s a ghost town. Some people are sleeping, slumped over in uncomfortable, stiff chairs waiting for their flight. You had forgotten that the time had changed. You look down at your phone to see that your New York time zone has already been switched to London’s. 
3:56 AM
It only takes a few shuffles out to the main concourse for you to recognize how exhausted you are in spite of your ability to sleep on the plane. After all, that had been the most sleep you had gotten since the…accident. 
You and Neil walk in silence for a while. It isn’t an awkward silence. It’s the comfortable, relaxing kind. It’s the kind of silence shared by two people who don’t need to talk to share how much they enjoy the other’s company. You take in all the shops and food stores as an attempt to keep yourself distracted from the terror of the mission. 
You step onto an escalator, and your attention finally lands on Neil’s face. You had studied it a million times, as odd as that sounds, but you couldn’t help it. You liked looking at him. You liked getting confirmation that he was in fact real and was in fact with you. 
“Hey,” You finally speak up. “Aren’t we in your hometown now?”
You watch as Neil’s cheeks lift and the corners of his mouth turn up. “Yeah,” He says back. “I guess we are.” His eyes rest on yours for a second before they flicker down to your lips. It catches you off guard, but the moment is gone just as soon as it begins as you’re forced to step off the escalator. You enter the baggage claim area and head straight towards the exit of the airport. 
Conveniently waiting outside the doors is a black town car. You look to Neil, making sure it’s the right one. Neil nods, silently confirming that this is a part of the plan. You open the door and plop onto the seat. You hear Neil open and close the trunk before he takes his spot next to you in the car. 
“We live in a twilight world,” Neil says. But there’s no answer. 
You clear your throat nervously, reaching underneath your black, baggy, menswear dress pants, clutching onto the small revolver tied against your calf. “He said, we live in a twilight world.” 
There’s no answer again. You take the revolver out, aiming it at the man. You look over at Neil and notice that his shirt is undone; he had already taken his gun out. He always kept it under his shirt, attached to his chest. He hunches over, slowly moving towards the man through the center console. 
The man’s hat is titled over his forehead. Neil takes it off. 
Neil parts his lips. “Fuck,” His voice is shallow. “He’s dead. He’s got a bullet in the center of his forehead,” There’s a panic in Neil’s voice.  He looks up to the windshield, and you follow his gaze. There’s no point of entry, no shattered glass. 
“So someone else has already been here,” You remark. Neil’s eyes widen as he moves the man’s shirt over a bit. 
That’s when the light beeping noise starts. 
“SHIT!” Neil screams. “Get out of the car! NOW!” He opens the door on your side of the car and practically shoves you out. You stumble, barely able to catch your balance when your feet hit the ground. Neil sprints to the trunk, opening it up and grabbing the luggage. 
You follow behind him, tugging on his arm, trying to pull him away. “The luggage, really?” You shout in disbelief. 
Neil secures both bags in his right hand, and grabs your wrist with his left. You both break out into a sprint. “We need to take cover,” Neil says in between breaths, his eyes frantically searching around the taxi area. “Do you see-,”
“FUCK!” Neil yells, practically tripping over his feet as the concrete vibrates violently below. He catches his balance just before he can face plant into the ground.
The car explodes behind you. The heat of the flames radiate on your back. You don’t dare look behind you; you keep running. 
You and Neil finally reach a parking lot, and stop for a break.
“What the hell was that?” You whisper, angrily grabbing Neil by the collar and bringing him in between two minivans for cover, just in case anyone had followed you or was planning to attack. 
Neil grabs your waist in return, brining you even closer to him. Your breath hitches in your throat as you realize how close you are to him. “They must know we’re here,” Neil says. His eyes are still wide and his breathing is still heavy. 
“And the suitcases?” You question with heavy concern, and even frustration, in your voice. “Do you not have firefighters come into your elementary schools in England? Do you not get taught that stuff can be replaced and human beings can’t be?” Your whisper turns into more of an angry shout. 
Neil shakes his head in disapproval. “There are explosives in my suitcase, (Y/N). If they detonated we would be dead,” He says, panic still evident in his voice, and a bit of anger as well. 
You nod, loosening your grip on his collar. “I’m sorry I just,” You pause, knowing full well what had just come over you. “I just didn’t want anything to happen to you, that’s all.” You feel your eyes becoming glossy. This was the very thing you were afraid of. You were almost blown to bits, and worse than that, Neil could’ve died. The mission was already failing, and it hadn’t even truly started yet.
You shut your eyes tightly, and a few tears roll down your cheeks.
Neil swallows hard, his arms still resting on your waist. “No, I’m sorry. You didn’t know. I shouldn’t have jumped down your throat like that.” Neil pulls you into an embrace. 
“It’s okay,” You mumble quietly into his chest.
You let him hold you in silence for a few moments. You needed to process things. You needed to ground yourself. You needed this second with Neil. 
You feel yourself dozing off a bit in Neil’s arms. Visions of a bed with a plush comforter and satin sheets play over in your head. It had to be almost 4:30 in the morning at this point. 
“How are we going to get to the hotel?” You ask, longing for a good night’s sleep. “And what if they know what hotel we’re staying in?”
Neil pulls apart from you and reaches into his pocket to grab his phone. “I’ll call TP and figure out what we’re supposed to do.” Neil types in his passcode, presses on the screen a few times, and lifts his phone up to his ear. 
You look up into the night sky to distract yourself. The stars twinkle lightly, but there’s too much light pollution to get a good look. The cold wind nips at you roughly. You turn to face Neil. He’s pacing back and forth about twenty feet away from you. You try and tune into what he’s saying.
“They fucking know we’re here, what am I supposed to do?” The frustration in his voice is clear. He waits for a response. 
“Yeah, she’s alright I guess, but you shouldn’t have forced her out into the field this early,” He pauses again. “No I don’t care that you’re the boss, she wasn’t ready when she left this afternoon and she definitely isn’t ready now!”
Silence, and then another sentence. “No, I’m not letting my feelings get in the way, that’s not what this is.”
“I mean of course it’s because I care about her, you know how I feel…” He trails off, and walks a bit farther away from you. What he says next, you can’t hear.
After a few seconds, he starts to walk back, still keeping a bit of a distance. “Alright, we’ll head over there now,” Neil looks up at you and winks, confirming that there’s some sort of plan set in place. 
Neil turns his back to you. “And I swear to God,” He whispers, thinking you can’t hear him, “If she dies, I’m going to kill you.” 
A shiver rolls down your spine at his words. You knew Neil cared about you, but you didn’t know he would threaten TP for you, even if it was just a sarcastic threat.
But this wasn’t a joke.  
“Yeah okay. Thanks,” Neil says finally. “Talk to you later.” He takes the phone away from his ear and presses the red button to hang up. He walks back over to you. You’re still overwhelmed by what Neil had said on the phone, but you push those thoughts to the back of your head.
You yawn listlessly. “So what’s going to happen?” You ask, ready to crash to the ground in exhaustion. 
Neil smiles. He picks up the luggage in his right hand again, and points to the other side of the parking lot. You notice a separate lot filled with rental cars. “TP put in a favor and we’re getting our own car. Looks like you’ll have to deal with my driving.” 
You can’t help but smile back at him. You didn’t mind Neil’s driving at all, to be honest. You felt safe when Neil drove. But then again, you felt safe with Neil no matter what he did. 
“It’s just on the other side of the lot,” Neil reassures. You roll your eyes at the thought of more walking, but you figured it may be a good time to talk about what you had just heard Neil say on the phone. 
Before you can think of something to say, Neil loops his left arm around your waist. His fingers settle on the exposed skin underneath your oversized blazer. Your nerves tingle underneath his touch, and any thoughts you had before disappear from your mind. 
After a few seconds, you force yourself to think back to the phone call. “Neil? Can I ask you something?” 
“Anything,” Neil says back, smiling down at you. 
“The phone call you just had, with TP,” You pause, trying to find the right words.
Neil shakes his head. “Whatever you heard, don’t worry about it, please. I know what I’m doing,” He pauses and pulls you closer to him. "You don’t need to worry about me. I’ll be alright. ” You’re not entirely content with his answer, but it’s enough for now. 
After a five minute walk, you finally reach the rental lot. Neil walks over to the man inside of the tiny cube shaped building. You can’t hear what he’s saying, but a set of keys are exchanged, and Neil motions for you to follow him. You begrudgingly pick up your pace to catch up with him.
“What kind of car is it?” You ask. Neil presses the panic button once, and the headlights of a black, Porsche 911 flash across your face. 
You go to get into the car, approaching the door on your left hand side, forgetting you’re now in Europe. Neil smirks at you, grabs your hand, and brings you to the other side of the car. He sets the luggage down on the ground, and opens your door, letting you slip inside. Normally, you would have a cheeky response to Neil opening the door for you, but you were too tired now. Neil grabs the luggage, and walks around the other side of the car. He opens his door and puts the luggage in the back seat. 
Neil puts the key into the ignition and starts the car. He takes out his phone, and through your blurry vision, you watch as he slides his finger around. 
“What are you doing?” You ask. Your voice is barely above a whisper and it’s filled with tiredness. “Just drive,” You order sarcastically, nudging Neil with your elbow.  Your sarcasm melts away when you remember the gravity of the situation. “What if they’re already here? What if they’re looking for us?” 
Neil puts his phone in the cupholder, and rests his hand on your thigh. “I’m just setting up the GPS and choosing some music, love,” Neil says. “Take a deep breath. TP just arranged for us to stay at a different hotel, and he has eyes and ears everywhere. We’ll be alright.”
Ten decisions shape your life,
You’ll be aware of 5 about,
7 ways to go to school,
Either you’re noticed or left out.
“I love this song,” You say, struggling to keep your eyes open. 
“I know,” Neil says. “Try to sleep, I’ll wake you up when we get there.” His voice is calming, and you almost do as he says, but you remember where you are. You wanted to look at the city. You wanted to see it before all the chaos began. You had been to London plenty of times before, but leaving the United States still excited you, even though you were rarely there at all anymore.
When I said "I can see me in your eyes,”
You said "I can see you in my pants,”
That's not just friendship that's romance too.
You like music we can dance to.
The highway goes on for a while, looking reminiscent of highways in America. Grass and trees line the black concrete. There’s no light save for a few street lamps. Each time you start to doze off, you force yourself to wake up. The feeling of Neil’s thumb drawing circles on your thigh doesn’t make it too hard. 
Sit me down,
Shut me up,
I'll calm down,
And I'll get along with you.
The trees melt into industrial areas. Car dealerships, stores, apartments, hotels. And finally, after a few more minutes, you’ve hit Central London. The lights are bright and the buildings are beautiful. 
Don't don't don't don't it's not safe no more,
I've got to see you one more time.
Neil pulls into a parking garage and finds an open spot. “We’re here,” He says, squeezing your thigh lightly. 
You unbuckle your seat belt, carefully open the door, and slide out of the car. Neil grabs the two duffle bags and gets out after you. You head inside the hotel, and Neil checks in. He grabs the keycard and ushers you into the elevator. 
The second you enter the lift, worry fills Neil’s face. His brows furrow and he shuts his eyes as he lets his head hit the wall behind him. 
“Neil?” You ask. “What’s going on?” Maybe it was the jet lag, or maybe it was the exhaustion, but you feel more confident than usual. You step towards him and grab his hands in yours.
Neil takes a deep breath. “I’m so sorry we’re here,” He says, his eyes still closed, as if he’s too guilty to face you. “I didn’t want to do the mission yet. I really wanted to wait. I know you aren’t ready yet. I just-,” 
You wrap your arms around Neil, and hold him tightly against your body. “I’ll be alright Neil, I promise.” His arms wrap around your body in response. You pull away from him slightly, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. You look up into his eyes, down to his lips, and back into his eyes again. Neil brings his face closer to yours, so close that you can feel his breath against your lips. 
“(Y/N), I need to-,” 
The conversation is interrupted by the dinging of the elevator and the giggles of a drunken couple as they step inside. 
The woman speaks up. “Sssorry for interrupting, loves,” She slurs, cackling a bit. Her boyfriend joins in and cackles with her. Neil politely smiles and nods. He picks up the luggage yet again with one hand, grabbing your wrist with the other. He pulls you outside the elevator and into the hallway. 
Your heart is still beating wildly in your chest. “Neil, you had something you needed to say?”
But the moment is over. He shakes his head. “We can talk about it some other time, I don’t want to overwhelm you. Enough has happened tonight.” Your heart sinks in your chest. Neil swallows, glancing back over towards the elevator. “And those people seemed off. We should really get inside the room.” You nod, agreeing, and allow Neil to take hold of your hand and guide you down the hall to the suite.  
You finally approach the room. 
“This is us,” Neil says, setting the luggage on the ground to swipe the keycard. The door unlocks, and Neil press down on the handle. You enter the dully lit room, and immediately flop onto the king bed. Neil smirks at you from the doorway. 
He walks inside, and you sigh in relief. “This is so nice,” You murmur, sliding your black converse off your feet. You push yourself further onto the bed so that your head rests on a pillow. 
“We should probably shower,” Neil says, crossing the room. He places the duffle bags on the desk by the window. He takes his suit jacket off. 
You chuckle. “What, like, together?” You erupt into laughter. There was something about being so unbelievably tired and jet lagged that made you a completely different person. It was like being drunk. 
Neil shakes his head and smiles widely. “If that’s what you want,” He retorts.
Oh? Is he flirting with me? He can’t be.
“I-I think I’m t-too tired for a shower a-at all,” You stutter, not sure what else to say. 
“Me too,” Neil says. He begins to undo the buttons of his white dress shirt one by one. Suddenly, his chest is completely exposed. You feel heat rising to your cheeks. 
He undoes his belt, unzips his fly, and steps out of his trousers. He’s only wearing his boxers now. You had seen him like this a million times, but it still caught you by surprise. He walks over to the other side of the bed, grabs a pillow, and drops it on the ground. He grabs the throw blanket at the edge of the bed and drops it on the ground as well.
You furrow your brows, confused by his actions. “What are you doing?” You ask. 
Neil’s blue gaze meets yours. “Setting up camp,” He jokes, sending a smile your way.
You breathe deeply, still riding out on the confidence that being sleep deprived gave you. “Why don’t you sleep in the bed with me?” 
Neil inhales sharply. “I don’t want to bother you. You’re exhausted.”
“I think I’d sleep better if you were with me, actually.” You let the words come right out, no regrets. “You make me feel safe, Neil,” You confess. 
Neil smiles and bends down, grabbing the pillow and the blanket, placing them back on the bed. He lifts the covers and slides in. You get underneath the covers too. You don’t realize how close you are to Neil until you turn onto your side to face him. 
“I’m glad I make you feel safe, (Y/N),” Neil finally responds. Your heart feels like it might burst. You and Neil had shared a bed in the past, but you had only ever been this close inside of one a handful of times before. “You have no idea how much I care about you.”
“You have no idea how much I care about you, Neil,” You say. 
Neil pushes himself up a bit, and presses a kiss against your forehead. You’re stunned. “Goodnight, (Y/N),” Neil says, and he reaches over to turn off the lamp next to his nightstand. The room goes pitch black. 
“Goodnight, Neil,” You say. Neil turns over to the other side and you do the same. You stay like that for a few minutes, before tossing and turning a few times. Seconds ago you were comfortable, and now you weren’t. 
As you laid alone in your thoughts, your anxieties all began to flood back to you. How the fuck am I going to do this? How is this mission going to turn out? This is going to be absolutely impossible. What if something happens to Neil? Your mind races with thoughts. You turn a few more times before you feel a hand on your waist. 
“I thought you were exhausted,” Neil snickers. 
“I am but-,”
Neil cuts you off. “But that doesn’t stop your mind from racing?” 
You turn around to face him. “Unfortunately, no.”
Neil wraps his arms around you, and pulls you into his bare chest. “Is this okay?” He asks. 
“Y-yes,” You stutter, pressing your face into the center of his chest. 
And finally, for the first night in over a month, you were able to sleep, nightmare free. 
So why not try it all,
If you only remember it once?
Sit me down,
Shut me up,
I'll calm down,
And I'll get along with you.
>>>>>Chapter 3
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The Art of Inversion
Neil x Reader
Chapter 12 - A Little Death
Masterlist; Chapter 11
Summary: You have to help Neil get back onto his feet after the tragic news. The lack of control and overwhelming grief lead to a few revelations...
Warnings: This is quite angsty still despite mentions of comfort; excessive drinking; self-harm (only implied); swearing
Author’s Notes: Okay so the length of this is beyond me and I’m sorry. This takes place just before Neil’s departure to Mumbai, film-wise. I really hope you’ll enjoy and please let me know what you think!
P.S. The referenced song is ‘A Little Death’ by The Neighbourhood 
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You did not check how long you were sat like that on the floor, cradling Neil and letting him cry and shake as though those were the only things he was capable of. Later you realised it was probably close to two hours as by the time you got up, it was nearly evening. But for those two hours, you just let him take his time. He did not speak, and you only occasionally whispered words of reassurance into his ear. You kept on drawing soothing circles into the skin of his back. After the first half-hour, you found a much-needed package of tissues and placed them in his lap. Despite his silence, you knew that your presence meant everything. And so you stayed, ignoring the rumbling in your stomach and tiredness. For the most part, you also ignored your own tears, fully aware that this was not about you, nor it should be.
Neil’s heart-wrenching sobs stopped after those two hours and were replaced with small gasps as though he was struggling for air. That is when you knew that the breakdown was past its culmination point. Slowly, you shifted so that you could look at him and gently tipped his chin. His eyes were puffy and red. The heart-breaking look he gave you was enough to nearly tip you off the edge. But you had to be strong. So you just took a deep breath and broke the silence:
“Don’t say you’re sorry for this because that’s the least I could have done for you” he nodded hesitantly upon seeing your determined gaze “I’m here for you, and I won’t make you talk about anything but sometimes it helps” you kissed him on the forehead.
When you met his gaze afterwards, you were struck by the admiration you saw there. He smiled at you slightly as though trying to convey something difficult to be expressed otherwise. You smiled back and took his hand in yours, giving it a comforting squeeze. After another beat, you got up and filled a glass of water for him. You knew well enough how something so simple is needed after crying for so long. You watched as he emptied the whole glass, placed it on the side, and took a deep breath. Then he spoke for the first time in two hours.
“I… I know that this isn’t what you’re used to from me” he shrugged helplessly.
“It doesn’t matter. You’re still someone I care about deeply” for a second you wondered why you felt like you wanted to say more.
But now was definitely not the time. So, instead, you added:
“Tell me what happened? If you’re ready, of course” you took his hand back and smiled when he entwined your fingers on reflex.
“When we arrived, he…” Neil swallowed hard “TP called us to his office and started explaining the next steps in the operation. He mentioned the bloody Mumbai and how I’m needed there tomorrow” he clenched his jaw, and you felt the tension rise.
You placed your free hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. Then you let your hand linger on the side of his neck. He sighed at your touch before resuming the story:
“Then he asked Ives to leave, and we talked a bit about everything… It was like the old days, you know” his brow furrowed “He mentioned how I’m probably his greatest friend in the whole world… How I helped him make Tenet into what it is now and how that wouldn’t be possible without my contribution” he exhaled shakily “We even talked about you” he glanced up and met your surprised look “Just about how it was seemingly fate that brought us together and how you fit in so well here, just taking everything in your stride” you smiled at the words shyly.
Even though it hurt you to know that he was not allowed the truth about your hiring. But maybe that was for the better, you mused.
“We talked like that for over an hour before he started acting strange… The things he said…” he seemed to gather words “It didn’t make much sense, but now I think I should’ve realised that he was…” he shuddered slightly “That it was supposed to be a goodbye” you saw the tears in his eyes again and shifted so that he could rest his forehead on your shoulder.
“Don’t blame yourself for not predicting what will happen. There’s no point in that” you leaned against the foot of the bed behind to be more comfortable.
“Maybe… But I felt something was wrong, so an hour after I left his quarters, I went back in” you tightened the hold on his hand, feeling the moment approach “The door was unlocked and he… he was just sat there” Neil brought his head up to look at you with teary eyes “I thought that he was fine but then… there was no pulse, and he wasn’t breathing” you felt him become breathless and gently urged him to slow down.
When he stopped hyperventilating, you let him lean on your shoulder again.
“He died alone… and I couldn’t do anything about it” you were not sure if you preferred the dejected tone or the former sobs “I was supposed to be his best friend, his partner”
“I think that he didn’t want to hurt you even more by making you watch it happen” you suggested, trying to make sense of the situation.
After the earlier text and what Neil told you begun to understand that TP intended to do it. To end his life. You just had to find a reason why.
“But I don’t understand why he did it” Neil’s voice broke through your contemplation “There was no reason to… He said himself that the plan is going well” you could hear anger creeping into his voice.
“I know… But maybe there was a reason…” you trailed off.
Neil watched you sharply, and you felt like if you said something wrong, you could risk losing him again. You had to tread softly.
“You once said that he never did things without reasons” you stumbled over the tense and frowned “And that’s the same feeling I got when I talked with him… Maybe he had to do that to avoid clashing with his former self in any way” you glanced at Neil to gauge his expression.
He was staring ahead into space with a serious look in his eyes, considering what you said.
“Is like… they mentioned during training that it would be bad if we ever came in contact with our other selves, inverted and so on” you kept on rambling, hoping it was helping somehow “So maybe he was afraid that his existence now would coincide with his younger self out there”
“There must have been better ways of dealing with that” you could tell that he was angry.
At himself. At TP. At the universe. And there was nothing you could do.
“Maybe that was all that he could think of”
You watched helplessly as he turned away from you, suddenly overcome with the emotions. You urged yourself to calm down. Maybe now was a good moment to mention the text…?
“I… I got a text message from him actually… as I was getting here in the cab” you took out your phone and gingerly offered it to him.
Neil took it without question and read over the recent message. Then you saw his eyes dart to other text conversations. But you did not mind. There was nothing to hide. He handed you back the phone without a further word. Then he got up and wandered over to one of the side cabinets.
Now that was concerning.
“Neil?” you scrambled after him and watched in horror as he hastily threw the cabinet contents onto the floor.
Finally, he found a whisky bottle hidden in the back and took a triumphant swing out of it. That sight made you shake off any paralysis you fell into. You crossed the room and snatched the bottle from him. The dark look he gave you was somewhat terrifying. He took a step closer as you took one back. Then he met your gaze challengingly as though doubting your ability to deny him anything. But this time, you were not going to give in. You shook your head and extended the gap.
“It helps with the pain” Neil shrugged helplessly.
“I know, but I think you’ve had enough for today” you gestured towards the empty bottles on the floor.
Thinking fast, you decided to act. You took out your phone and summoned Ives, asking him to come by Neil’s room in a moment. He responded instantly, evidently waiting on the news. Once that was dealt with, you went on to pick up the reminders of Neil’s state. When he saw you do that, you heard him speak:
“If you’re going to take away all the alcohol, then at least leave me the empty bottles” you turned to see an unfamiliar cynical smile “The glass might come handy” the emptiness in his eyes made the delivery worse.
You could only stare, processing the words. Suddenly everything felt too overwhelming.
You stared at him pleadingly, hoping that maybe the look of panic in your eyes will help him realise what he said. You did not dare breathe until he somehow denied your worst anxieties about the situation. You watched as his face fell, then he covered it with his hands and breathed out a long exhale.
“Fuck. I’m sorry…” he stared at the floor “I didn’t mean it” he looked up at you remorsefully “I don’t know why I said that…”
“It’s okay. Just don’t ever scare me like that again” you gave him a weary smile.
Before you could say anything more, a knock on the door interrupted you. At Neil’s quizzical stare, you answered:
“Ives. I’ve asked him to come” you moved to the door, clutching all the bottles in your arms “Give me a second. And please don’t do anything stupid” you gave him a final warning look before you exited into the corridor.
Ives waited there with a worried expression on his face that seemed fixed at this point.
“Is he alright?” he asked, glancing at the door you closed.
You shuddered, thinking about the situation you just dealt with. But he need not know all that.
“He will be. For now, though…” you placed all the bottles of alcohol in his arms “Take these please and maybe get us a little something to eat from the kitchen… and tea” you tried to gather your thoughts.
“Okay” he nodded “If you need anything else, let me know”
“Thanks” you sighed, feeling the tiredness slowly descent upon your whole body.
But there was no time for that. Not yet.
“I’ll stay with him tonight” for once, Ives did not tease you about it, and you were grateful.
“His plane is at 3 pm tomorrow. Do you think that’s manageable?” he looked sceptical.
“It has to be” you smiled as Ives squeezed your shoulder reassuringly “I better go back to him. Just leave the food outside and knock on the door, please. Think it’s best if he doesn’t see anyone else tonight”
“Of course”
Without further word, you entered the room again and locked the door behind you. Neil was sat on the bed, anxiously picking at the skin around his fingernails. His hair was falling in his eyes, and he was staring at his lap, looking incredibly lost. It hurt you to see him like this. Ignoring the growing ache in your chest, you approached him slowly.
“I asked Ives to get us some food and tea because I think we both could do with that” you attempted a smile when he looked up “But before it arrives, you could shower and get changed… that could help a little”
You stood near enough to reach out and brush your fingers over his cheek tenderly. He seemed to consider your words for a moment before he leaned into your palm.
“Okay, I’ll try” you saw him hesitate before adding, “Thank you for putting up with this”
“Of course, that’s what friends are for” for some reason, the word felt wrong. And he noticed that too as you saw a small frown appear before he smiled at you and left for the bathroom.
When you heard him put the shower on, you started cleaning the room. You put away the pages that landed on the floor and made the bed. While you were smoothing the covers, your brain came up with a rather intrusive thought about how there you were, alone with Neil in his room. Again. And how that really did not fit in with the friendship story you desperately clung to. Because it was rather obvious that you would end up sharing the bed again. That was not something friends did this frequently. You did your best to shut that voice, but you could not deny the facts. So you just sighed and waited patiently for Neil to remerge.
Food arrived before he showed up, so you just set the coffee table. Once you were done, you heard the bathroom door creak. You turned to look at him and were taken aback by the casualness of his get-up. For the first time since you have met, he was not wearing suit trousers and a shirt, and instead had loose joggers and a t-shirt on. Despite the reality of the situation you found yourself in, you could not help but stare. He caught your look with a rather sheepish expression that you did not expect.
Interesting… But there was no time to dwell on it, so you just invited him to the table and encouraged him to have something from the selection Ives got you. Sometimes you would anxiously glance at him to see whether his mood has not changed for worse again. But he seemed fine; quiet and sombre but there with you, physically and mentally. And that was what mattered for the moment. So after you ate, you suggested settling in bed to rest. Neil agreed to that without any objections, giving you hope that maybe he was past his worst point.
After the initial awkwardness of the situation wore off, and you both relaxed onto the pillows, you asked:
“Should we put the tv on? Just have some music on or something…” you searched his eyes, trying not to get too conscious of the moment.
While this was certainly not the first time for you to casually share a bed, this time it somehow felt different. But you blamed that on the rollercoaster of emotions you both went through in the recent days.
“Yeah sure” Neil nodded and sent you a small smile.
This silent version of him was strange to get used to. It felt like he was holding back from you, and you were not sure whether you liked that. But there was nothing you could do apart from giving him unlimited space and time for expression should he need it. So, to provide a distraction, you put on the tv and quickly found a suitable music channel that was not blasting annoying pop songs. Silence fell on you again, as you let the music help you relax. You were not even paying attention to the exact songs played.
‘Make me feel like I am breathing Feel like I am human’
That is until you felt Neil shift, and you glanced in his direction only to meet his intense stare. The blue eyes were fixed on you with a hazy tint on the pupils. Before you could ask him anything, he moved closer. You were struck by the look of intoxication on his face. Somehow you knew that it was not due to alcohol. You felt slightly paralysed by the multitude of feelings that came then. Neil ended his scrutiny of your face to ask:
“Can I kiss you?” his voice was huskier than usual.
‘Touch me, yeah I want you to touch me there’
“Neil...” his name usually came quite handy in those speechless moments.
There were millions of reasons why you should not let him, but the look on his face and what he said next started breaking down the resolve.
“I know” he was looking at you with something close to pleading “I know this won’t fix anything, but if for at least a few seconds I can forget about this mess... then please give me that”
‘She sought death on a queen-sized bed And he had said, "Darling, your looks can kill, So now you're dead.’
He was close now. So close that all you had to do was lean in and kiss him softly. He sighed at the contact, and you brushed away the damp hair from his eyes. Then he deepened the kiss, pulling you closer with his hands on your waist. You were too lost in the moment to stop him when he urged you to lie down on the covers. Feeling your heart pound in your chest, you continued the kiss as he hovered over your body. His hands wandered until you felt him slide them underneath the fabric of your shirt. The warm, sudden touch on your bare skin acted as a warning. You gasped and broke the kiss, but not before he managed to bite on your lower lip, drawing blood. The desperate whine he let out made you open your eyes in a flash. The darkness of his eyes made you realise how close it got to the point of no return. That was enough to help you shake off the daze.
“Please, not like this” you pushed him away gently.
Your cheeks were burning as you came to realise what nearly happened. But once you met Neil’s gaze again, you could tell that he was still not quite aware of the reality. The passionate look in his eyes was replaced with something akin to begging.
“I just want to get lost in you” he murmured, still keeping his hands on the bare skin of your waist.
He ran his fingers along your sides, and you shivered. Inhaling slowly, you tried to calm down. Normally his words would have made you throw caution to the wind. But something like that could be disastrous right now.
“I don’t want it to happen like that” you pushed him off you completely and sat up, suddenly unable to look him in the eye.
“But you want it?” the hopeful tone made your insides flutter with thousands of anxious butterflies.
Fuck… Of course, he wouldn’t let it go easily.
“Ask me again when we’re both better” you hoped that you sounded surer than you felt.
You touched the split lip and wiped away the blood droplet with your thumb. That moment must have awakened something in Neil, as suddenly you heard him inhale sharply before he blurted:
“God, I’m so sorry” you looked up to see him staring at you in terror “I don’t know what overcame me… It’s not that I didn’t want to…” he was clearly struggling with whatever he wanted to say.
“It’s okay. I won’t hold you accountable for whatever happened… or almost happened” you gave him your most convincing smile despite feeling more confused than ever.
“But I… I want you to know I didn’t do that only because I’ve lost control” that was enough for you.
“Neil, it’s fine” you interrupted him “You don’t have to explain. It doesn’t matter” you forced another smile onto your face, praying he will drop the topic.
You could not even explain why it hurt so much. Maybe because you worried it was just him losing control? And that if there was someone else with him in your place, it would have happened anyway? But it felt selfish to have those thoughts after everything that happened, so you just tried to rake your brain for some other distraction. Somehow, this moment felt right to breach a topic that has been on your mind for the past few hours. Slowly, you turned to face Neil, who was evidently still pondering the situation while staring at the tv screen unseeingly. 
“Neil…” he turned to you the instant you said his name “Before I came here, Ives told me about Alex…”
The moment you mentioned the name, you could see a plethora of emotions flash in Neil’s eyes. There was shock, sadness, and worry, among others. He visibly tensed and tried to school his features before responding.
“I- I would’ve told you” he was desperately searching for the right words “There just wasn’t a good moment, and I didn’t know if you…”
“No, no. Stop right there” you interrupted him, worried by the rambling “I didn’t mention that because I want an explanation or because it hurt me in any way” you met his gaze steadily “I only wanted you to know that I’ve been told. And that if you ever wanted to talk about it, I’m here” you tried your best to convey the support and love (?) into the long look you gave him.
“But… is-is this okay? Are you okay with that?” the doubt and genuine worry in his eyes made your heart clench painfully.
You wanted to hurt whoever made him question things like that.
“Of course it’s okay. You loved and lost him, and that’s the only thing I care about” tentatively, you reached out to take his hand again “It’s a vital part of your story, and I want to know you better” you smiled, seeing him relax slightly.
“Thank you… I’ll tell you one day, I promise” he brushed his thumb along your knuckles “But I think he’d like you”
You were not expecting that.
“Yeah?” you blushed slightly, suddenly flustered.
“He used to call me out on my bullshit too… and never fell for my charm too easily” he smiled fondly.
You liked the way pleasant memories seemed to light up his whole face.
“I can see some similarities then” you grinned shyly “To be fair, you need someone to keep you from getting too cocky” experimentally, you reached out to ruffle his hair.
If his blissful smile and the way he leaned into your touch were anything to go by, he did enjoy the gesture.
“I’m not sure I deserve you” he opened his eyes and looked at you with some kind of new emotion.
But before you could find any ways of answering that, he yawned. Once, then twice. The tiredness was finally catching up with him.
“Think you should try to get some sleep” upon his silent question, you added, “I’ll stay in case you need me”
For a second you wanted to offer that you will take the sofa, but somehow you knew that was not what he would have wanted. And neither did you if you were to be honest with yourself. So you just watched as he hesitantly started shifting on the bed, trying to find the most comfortable position. You switched off the forgotten tv and the lights and slowly laid down on the pillow. In the quiet, you could hear his shallow breaths. One look in his direction was enough to help you decide. You moved closer, closing the safety gap, and carefully placed your arm on his waist. After a beat, you curled up around him, with your head resting on his shoulder.
“Is this okay?” you asked, following the tense silence.
“Yeah… It’s just that I really don’t think I deserve any of this” you could hear the apprehension creeping back into his voice.
“You deserve much more” you pressed a small kiss to his neck “But let’s start with this. Good night, Neil”
“Good night…” he hesitated but then just exhaled, letting you hug him closer to your body.
*** The peace lasted only for the first two hours. After that, you were awoken by Neil tossing nervously. Before you could properly come to your senses, he let out a few soft whimpers. Shit. You shifted so that you were hovering over him and took a long look. His brow was furrowed, jaw clenched, and he was incredibly tense. Whatever nightmare he was having, it was escalating quickly. The next thing you knew, tears were falling down his cheeks, and he was mumbling something, sounding distressed. That was enough. You cupped his cheek, as softly as you could, and leaned in close:
“It’s just a dream” you kissed him on the forehead “Wake up love” you were not sure where the endearment came from.
You leaned back to see his eyes open in a blink. His gaze was unfocused, evidently still lost in the nightmarish world. Using the hand that was cupping his face, you brushed the stray hair away from his eyes. His breaths were fast yet shallow. Knowing the experience well, you immediately kicked into action.
“Neil, listen to me” you waited until his eyes locked with yours “It was just a dream. It’s all okay now” you placed your hand on his chest over the heart “You need to calm down”
“I can’t breathe” he choked out and sat up suddenly, nearly knocking you in the head.
“You’re panicking” you shifted so you could be sat in front of him.
The fact that you nearly climbed into his lap in the process had to be ignored for the time being. You took his hand in yours and placed it in the middle of your chest so he could feel the rising and falling with every breath you took. With your other hand, you tilted his chin so that he was forced to meet your gaze. His pupils were darkened by panic and adrenaline.
“Follow my breath” you made him match your breathing for a few cycles.
Once you heard his inhales and exhales elongate and level off, you let go of the hand you kept pressed to your chest. He kept it there for a moment longer, as though making sure you were really in front of him.
“I’m sorry” the heartbroken and tired look he gave you was enough to make your heart ache “You really shouldn’t have to deal with this mess”
“It was my conscious choice, and I would never leave you alone after something like this” you leaned in closer and pressed a small kiss to the corner of his mouth “Now, let’s try going back to sleep, shall we?”
This time he was holding on to you as though you were the only constant thing. With his arms around you and the warmth of his body, you could almost forget about the mess you both had to face in the morning. Before drifting off to sleep, you pondered his words again. More and more, you were sure that he got it the wrong way around. It was you who did not deserve someone like him. And you were afraid he would soon realise as much once the initial crush (or whatever it was) passed. But for now, you allowed yourself peace as you relaxed into his embrace and buried your face in his chest. If by some accident, the universe decided to be on your side, you would not complain.
*** In the morning, you were both awakened by Ives calling to make sure both of you were alive and awake. You had to blame the awkwardness that followed it on that very phone call. You only managed to shake it off when you sat down to the breakfast you brought from the canteen. You passed Neil coffee in silence, cursing your inability to hold a conversation after everything. But this time, he had some solutions. As your fingers brushed, he set down the coffee cup on the table and turned to you:
“I’m sorry about everything that I did and said yesterday” he glanced at your split lip “I wasn’t in control... and I don’t want you to be scared. I’d never do anything like that normally” he shifted nervously.
You knew an apology was coming, especially after seeing the way he looked at you ever since waking up. And while, admittedly, his behaviour worried you, you did not dare to think about how your ‘almost’ made you feel.
“I know, and I won’t judge you on how you acted last night” you put on your best smile, hoping to end the topic as quickly as possible.
But it was not meant to be as he clearly thought hard on what to say next. All you could do was wait and listen.
“I know that I crossed some lines” finally, he found the right words “And while I can’t deny that I was acting on my genuine desires…” he searched your eyes to make sure you understood “I won’t do that again because I respect your wishes to keep this strictly friendly”
Was this your imagination, or did he sound like he did not want to say that? If you were honest with yourself, that was not something you wanted to hear either. But now was most definitely not the time, so you just reached out to squeeze his knee reassuringly.
“Thank you, and don’t worry about it. We’re all good” he covered your hand with his and mirrored your smile.
Maybe all this confusion was worth it? After a short beat, you took your hand away and went back to breakfast. The silence was still there, but at least it was less awkward now. When you noticed him frown at the headache that was undoubtedly bothering him, you passed a painkiller. He smiled gratefully.
“So… when is my plane?” he asked after you both cleared the plates.
You could tell that he was dreading the trip. And it hurt to know that there was no way for you to help him.
“3 o’clock” you glanced at the watch “Which gives us about five hours to get you ready” you took in his sombre expression.
“I really don’t want to go” he met your gaze with emotionless eyes “It’s so fucking cruel to have me assist whoever the fuck that guy is when my best friend just killed himself. And I don’t even know why” the anger and hurt in his voice were somehow worse today.
Maybe it was because you could not blame it on his intoxication anymore.
“I know… And wish I had any answers, but I don’t know more than you do” you could only give him an apologetic half-smile “But I know that you have to be there to help… him”
Calling the younger version TP seemed somehow wrong. And you could only imagine how it must feel for Neil, on the eve of meeting that different version of his partner. 
“He won’t even know who I am” there was a broken edge to his voice “How am I supposed to meet him and act as though he’s a stranger?”
“Alright, walk me through what you’ve been told, and I’ll try to help as best as I can”
“Sure you wouldn’t rather go back to sleep?” he eyed you sceptically “You must be tired, and it’s all my fault”
“Neil, stop” you have had enough of the self-depreciation “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I’m here for you” you took his hand in yours “And I wouldn’t rest anyway without knowing you’re well. So let’s go through the plan and then I’ll help you pack”
He only gaped at you with a dazed expression on his face. You wondered how someone so incredible could ever doubt their importance so much.
*** Surprisingly you managed to get Neil ready in time for the taxi departure. Together you planned the mission, made sure he had all the necessary information and contacts and was as mentally well as he could be after everything. When the time was near, Ives knocked on his door. This time, Neil let him in. You watched as the two men embraced tightly, sharing the trauma and sadness. Ives then took a step back and eyed Neil coolly.
“You did a good job” he flashed you a smile “He looks much better than I expected”
“Would you mind?” Neil looked at you nervously, and you laughed at the brief moment of lightness.
“Must say it wasn’t easy, but I did my best” to prove a point, you wandered over to Neil and smoothed his suit jacket.
After disagreeing over the wardrobe choices you managed to convince him to take a few linen suits and shirts for the warm weather in India. Now you were proud you succeeded. To be fair he looked good in anything, but there was something more intimate in the fact that you chose his outfits. But once again, you were brought to the present moment by Ives clearing his throat:
“The taxi is leaving in half-hour. I’ll leave you two now” he gave you a knowing smile and exited the room before you could roll your eyes at him.
Realising you still had your hand on Neil’s shoulder, you took a step back. He was watching you attentively with a small smile on his face. That probably explained Ives’ allusions…
“I won’t ask if you’re ready but… are you okay?” you met his gaze.
“As much as I can be, I suppose” he shrugged dejectedly “I really wish I could stay with you instead”
You saw his hand twitch at his side and decided to choose for him by taking it into yours, naturally entwining your fingers.
“Unfortunately, this time we can’t decide for ourselves. But remember that you can call me if you need help or just to talk. Don’t worry about the time zones, I’ll always pick up” you tried your best to show how you felt through the expression in your eyes.
But that was a dangerous game as soon enough you got lost in the blue of his eyes. As always.
“Thank you” he breathed out, looking at you with such tenderness that almost made you feel faint “Still don’t think I deserve you though” he grinned shyly.
“Oh you do, and I’ll keep on saying that till you believe it” you raised your joined hands to your lips and kissed his knuckles “While I enjoy this slightly subdued version of you…”
“What?” his affronted face made you laugh.
“You know very well what I meant” you smirked and let go of his hand, only to pull him in for an embrace.
It took him only a second to hug you back, with his arms wound tightly around your waist.
“You said we should hug more often so” you whispered into his ear and enjoyed the laugh it prompted “Hope this is good enough for you” you ran a hand down his back.
Then, upon a sudden thought, you pushed your hands underneath his suit jacket and splayed them on his back, relishing the feel of his skin through the shirt fabric. The only indication that he felt the difference was a sharp gasp he let out as he drew you even closer.
“More than that” he kissed the top of your head.
After at least two minutes more, you took a step back but still kept your hands on his waist.
“Please be safe out there. Don’t do anything stupid. And…” you shut his mouth with a hand upon seeing him protest “And don’t get too drunk before the meeting. I know that it will be hard, but that could only make you more likely to fuck up”
Before you could take your palm away, he placed a peck on your wrist, near the pulse point. The voice in the back of your head kept screaming about how this definitely was not something friends do. But you told it to kindly fuck off. At least for now.
“I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try” he flashed you a signature smile as though you could ever forget it “After all, I’m not the one to behave” proving the point, he brushed the pad of his thumb along your lower lip.
You inhaled sharply at the sensation. Looking questioningly into his eyes, you wondered whether he remembered about the earlier promise. But there was no time to find that out as sharp knocks interrupted you. It was time.
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twinklelilstarkey · 4 years
Could you write some Dad!Neil x reader please? Like instead of (SPOILERS) dying, he gets to go home and he has a girlfriend, who was pregnant at the time Neil was recruited, and they end up having their first kid.
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(I decided to make these two, idk why. I just did it, hope it’s okay. @cherryflavouredlipbalm )
Bug - Dad!Neil {TENET}
Words: 1.1k+
Type: Fluff
Warnings: Maybe some misspelling? Fem!Reader. Pregnant!Reader.
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Neil has been on a mission for over 3 months. It might not seem like that long to some people but it sure was for your pregnant self and your son.
Y/S/N is almost two years old and loves his dad dearly, but his absence is always something very sad for him. Especially if he has a mission during a big holiday or one of your birthdays.
Neil tried to be as present as he could for the first year, but after that, his work just told him that he had to come back. No excuses. A year, in their eyes, was long enough.
You can’t judge them too much. Their selection of agents is already small, they don’t want to make it even smaller for personal reasons.
This time, his mission was smaller than it usually is, which can be a plus. But, also, not really, because that means that he can be accepted into another still in this year, and we’re in November.
Now, it’s 4:30am and Neil is finally coming back home. He’s more than excited about this but he hates the fact that you will probably wake up this early because of him.
The front door of the apartment opens and the light from the hallway rushes inside the dark front lobby. Neil drags his bag inside as his backpack hangs loosely over his shoulder, and he walks in his home.
As he was about to turn on the lights, sounds come from the dark kitchen. He frowns and lets his backpack fall to the ground in a soft thud, deciding to go check it out.
Neil walks over to the kitchen and soft patter of feet is heard. He stretches his hand to the wall and light rushes in the room.
The small toddler jumps on his feet, almost tumbling to the ground, at the light being turned on. Y/S/N turns around to meet, what he thought, his mother’s tired and disapproving look, but instead, he sees his dad.
“Daddy?” He whispers yells and a smile stretches over his face.
Neil smiles at the sight of the chubby-cheeked toddler, the chubbiness mostly from sleeping. One of his cheeks is also marked by his blanket, giving Neil an extra indicator that he just woken up.
“Hey bud” Neil whispers and walks over to the kid, picking him up.
Y/S/N stretches his small arms around his dad’s neck and hugs him close. Neil leaves a kiss on his shoulder and leans his head back to take a look at his kid.
“What were you doing here, bug?”
“Water” He explains.
Neil frowns playfully at him and a cheeky smile grows on the toddler’s face, finding it funny that his dad caught onto him faster than you. And that’s impressive.
“Are you sure about that?”
He nods and Neil nods with him with a smile.
He secures Y/S/N on his hip and walks over to the cabinets that hold the glasses. He grabs one and fills it with water. He brings it to Y/S/N lips and the small kid wraps his small hands around the cup, taking small sips of the cold water.
As soon as he pulls away from the cup, Neil puts it down on the counter and starts walking back out of the kitchen. Y/S/N leans into his chest, smelling his familiar cologne, and keeps quiet as they walk to his bedroom.
Knowing very well that when the lights are off, it means that mommy is sleeping.
Neil is quick to lay Y/S/N down and tuck him in before walking over to your shared bedroom. He makes sure that his kid’s night light is on and leaves the door halfway open.
“Good night, bug” He whispers yells.
The toddler lifts his head off the pillow to search for his dad in the darkness.
“Good night, daddy” He whispers back into the darkness, assuming that he’s somewhere close.
Neil walks to your bedroom, and under the dim lighting from the city (coming from the large windows that cover the whole wall of your room), he sees your sleeping form.
He walks over to the bathroom to go and take a quick shower before bed, careful not to awake you with any sound, it probably being him opening a drawer or letting something fall.
In a matter of 10 minutes, he’s done with his shower and already clothed with his new change of clothes.
Unfortunately for him, as soon as he opened the bathroom door and the light rushed in the room, you woke up.
You open your eyes in the darkness of the room confused with the sudden flash of light and as soon as you moved to scrub your sleepy eyes, a voice stops you.
“It’s just me, go back to sleep” Neil whispers, hoping that you’re too sleepy to acknowledge that it’s him, and your eyes snap open.
In the dim lighting Neil walks over to the bed you’re lying in.
“When did you get here?” You ask, sitting up in bed.
“20 minutes ago,”
He sits down next to you on the bed and you’re quick to wrap your arms around him. Neil lets out a chuckle before wrapping his arms around you as well.
He smells just like the day he left, probably from the shower he just took, but that is just as comforting as you had wished.
Your hand lays over his wet hair, making you almost sigh in how much you missed touching it.
“I missed you” You whisper in the crook of his neck.
“I missed you too” He whispers back.
Neil presses a kiss on the side of your head, and you melt at his touch.
“Y/S/N is going to freak out” You comment when pulling away slightly.
“He already saw me” He answers with a smile and you frown, confused, “When I got here, he was getting water”
You laugh at his words and his smile widens at the sight and sound of it. As you calm down, your hands rest over his cheeks and you press a kiss onto his lips.
Once you two pull away from the kiss, a small smile appears in both of your faces.
“How is she doing?” He asks, laying a hand over your swollen stomach.
“She’s doing good” You answer, laying one of your hands over his, “The doctor says she’s super healthy”
Neil smiles while looking down at your hands and your stomach, and before he could say anything else, he remembers what time it is.
You must be super tired.
“We should go to sleep” Neil offers.
“Yeah,” You say, taking a look at your alarm, eyes widening at the sight of how early it is, “We really should”
Neil lays a soft kiss over your cheek and gets up, walking around the bed, sitting and laying down on his side.
You roll around to face him and he’s quick to pull you close to him. And in less of a minute, you are back in your deep sleeping, but, this time, in Neil’s arms.
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Hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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The Art of Inversion
Neil x Reader
Chapter 21 - Losing My Religion
Masterlist; Chapter 20
Summary: After Tallinn, you use the opportunity and visit Neil’s apartment. What you find there, only increases the confusion, just as the pieces are set for the endgame.
Warnings: Swearing; angst.
Author’s Notes: This was a challenge, and it’s a little different too, a breather before the real fun begins... or something. After this we move onto the icebreaker... (and things). I’ll shut up now, hope you’ll enjoy and all kind of feedback are greatly welcomed! 
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The clean up after TP’s little accident on the highway was difficult. And tiring. By the time you have dealt with the mess and could call it a day, you wanted nothing but to sleep. And also disappear from the face of the Earth. That second thing was rather tricky to achieve. Unfortunately. You had to settle for the slightly awkward space given by the rest of the team and the fact that you were bound to return to London the next day. That was something. Even if it meant having to debate whether those damned keys were to be used.
The journey back was uneventful. Only Wheeler seemed capable of talking to you without looking as though she has been trapped in some metaphorical web of ineptitude that the others got caught in. That was alright. At least she knew how that conversation in the container went. Her company was good enough to keep you from going insane for the time being.
The moment the car arrived at the London quarters, you practically bolted out through the door. Eager to finally have your own space to reflect, cry, and try to move on after the unimaginable. But it was not exactly meant to be given…
“Y/N, wait!” Ives’ voice rung out through the reception hall as you skidded down the corridor.
“Yeah?” cautiously, you stopped in your tracks, facing the squad leader.
Making the mistake of glancing at the reception desk, you met Anna’s watchful gaze. Of course. Even though you knew she had no clue about anything that transpired between you and Neil, it still felt like a painful reminder.
“I…uh...” the hesitation in Ives’ voice made you frown, “I just got this, and I’m not sure…” he passed you his phone with a strange expression on his face.
A text from TP. Just like the ones you received before. Right… This one had a familiarly succinct form: “Invert for eight days with the army from tomorrow. Then get to Trondheim, awaiting further instructions”
“Is this from him?” you looked up to see the blue eyes boring into yours with confusion.
“Yeah, it must be” you nodded and handed him back the phone.
At that exact moment, you got a text as well. Hurriedly you took out the device and read the message:
“Invert along with Ives and the rest”.
Short and simple. Yet not at all. Without a word, you showed your companion the text message and stifled a heavy sigh. Inversion. Eight days. Trondheim. That most likely confirmed your worst fears. The end of it all was near, and you were needed there. You, Neil, and everyone else still had their parts to play in the most important of showdowns.
“So, I guess we’re going back” you could feel Ives’ inquisitive stare on you “Just like they are” he added, awaiting a response.
Meeting Neil after those eight upcoming days sounded like a nightmare. Because a week was never enough to fall out of love. Or to even attempt it. You were a lost cause.
“…yep” nodding halfheartedly, you could feel another weight settle on your shoulders.
“Excited?” the intensity of Ives’ look convinced you towards his intentions.
Evidently, he tried to get a clue towards your state, probably assessing whether you could endanger the mission in any way. Despite everything, you were a professional. A Tenet agent. That had to come before any personal issues you might have had. Forcing a smile, you met his gaze with sincerity.
“Not really” a shrug completed the response.
But it was enough as he grinned back and squeezed your shoulder reassuringly.
“It’s alright. Have today off and be ready tomorrow morning,” he ordered with a feigned sternness.
“Aye aye, sir” you saluted, enjoying the laugh it prompted.
Maybe not everything was utterly shit.
“Your edge is still intact, I see,” he commented once the laughter died down.
“At least something is then” you grimaced slightly and walked off with a wave.
A day off. What could one possibly do with something like that after everything? The set of keys in your pocket felt heavy for something that small. And insignificant (in theory).
*** It took you one hour of staring at the wall, a thirty-minute-long shower, and two coffees to decide to make use of the keys. After all, what was the harm? It was a way of spending the idle hours. And maybe to understand him a little better. Even if it was too late to save anything. You wanted to know him. To know his mind and heart. You dug out the note with the address Ives gave you and typed it into the maps app. Your hands were shaking the whole journey. Even though it was not far, it turned out to be challenging. Often you were catching yourself glancing at the phone, expecting him to call or text as he always did.  But then you remembered, making the nerves come to the surface again. You wondered whether it was because of the absolute wreckage your relationship became or because you were unable to contact him in any way. Walking the streets leading to Neil’s apartment, you realised that it was probably both. You missed him. Simple as that. And equally complicated at the same time.
Google maps led you to an old docking space transformed into posh loft spaces in two store buildings of dark red brick. The residential area was completed with a large parking lot (full of rather good cars), making the first question of the day pop into your head: Did Neil have a private car? Something that unimportant yet entirely mundane only made you realise how little you knew of his life. But this was exactly why you came here. The second thought was something you always knew yet never took time to ponder on: the fact that he undeniably had money. It did not matter, of course. Just another fact that could as a trigger for the intrusive ideas to appear.
Ignoring the spiraling thoughts, you made your way to the indicated building, keying in the code at the door and following the stairs to the second floor. The apartment door no 4 looked like any other you have passed on the way. Turning the key in the lock, you took a deep breath, gathering courage for god knows what. Perhaps just being alone with everything that had to do with Neil… The door opened soundlessly. Faint daylight from the corridor fell onto the furniture and objects gathered in the hall, helping your eyes adjust to the darkness. You closed the door and locked it. The least you could have wanted was for someone to break in on your watch. Now that would have made him hate you. If he didn’t already, that is. Taking off the shoes, you scanned the hall. Hooks with various jackets and coats on the wall. Including a slightly weathered leather one that perked your interest. With fingers ghosting the material, you were unable to block the images of Neil wearing it. That was enough to make you blush and curse out loud. That won’t help with getting over him. As though that was even possible.
Next, your eyes landed on the shoes rack in the corner showing off Neil’s questionable taste in footwear. You grimaced when spotting another pair of brogues (that would have to go… if there was any future for you) and then smiled involuntarily at something as casual as old converse on the top shelf of the rack. So, he could dress more… normally. Interesting.
The rest of the space was filled with a large mirror and a cupboard full of random objects such as spare lightbulbs, shoe care products, and cleaning supplies. On top of that cupboard, there was a succulent (practical, you had to admit), a desk calendar, and a small notepad filled with Neil’s writing. The contents ranged from shopping lists to quantum physics, making you grin fondly when looking through the pages. The latest entry was written down in haste and barely eligible. What you deciphered made your heart stumble for the first time that day. It seemed like Neil was planning to invite you over after Tallinn, prepare dinner, and apparently do all that ‘he wanted to for a while’. Brilliant. The notepad fell from your hands as the implications dawned on you. He wanted to set everything straight, to talk and potentially tell you important things… But now, it did not matter. There was no post-Estonia. Just you alone in his cold, darkened apartment, full of doubts, regrets, and worries.
Shivering from both the chill and the anxiety, you ventured into the living room. It was an open space with a large leather sofa, TV, record player with shelves full of albums and vinyls. There were also bookcases filled to the brim and a dining table for four. Once your gaze fell onto the black piano in the corner, you did a double-take. Obviously, Neil was musically talented. All those times when he has been desperate to annoy you by singing various corny love songs in public were an indisputable example. A moment like that from Tallinn flashed before your eyes…
You and Neil sat in a restaurant on one of the ‘dates’ you had managed to fit into the schedule before TP arrived in Estonia. Cozied up in the corner on a comfortable sofa, you felt perfectly at peace. Instead of taking the seat opposite, Neil got as close as it was possible without raising eyebrows of the fine clientele. You were chatting about everything and nothing, occasionally taking sips of the coffees and letting your hands rest on each other’s knees. Other times they would be interlocked on the table between the plates, showing to the world that this was no platonic meetup. Using the natural break in the conversation, you finished the remains of your latte and watched as Neil focused on the radio somewhere in the background. By this point, you should have known better, but still, the second he started singing took you by surprise.
‘Pretty woman I don't believe you, you're not the truth No one could look as good as you, mercy’
His gaze settled on you without that mercy, awaiting a response. His lips curled into a deadly smirk, making the matters worse. For a moment, you wanted to ignore him, to deny him the satisfaction. But the way he stared, enunciating the song lyrics with precision and aiming them at you, triggered the familiar desire to stake your claim. To make him (and everyone else) understand that he was yours. Especially with a voice that beautiful and eyes that looked at you with boundless affection.
‘Pretty woman that you look lovely as can be Are you lonely just like me’
It was the cheesy growl at the end of that stanza that did it. Combined with the huskiness of Neil’s voice and his hand appearing on your thigh underneath the table, it was enough to convince you to shut him up the best way you knew. You leaned in, placing your palm on the inside of his thigh, just close enough to remind him. Capturing his lips in a kiss, you did not have to wait long for Neil to invite you closer. You began the intimate dance, getting lost in the moment entirely. With him being in public did not matter. Especially not when he was giving you everything he could on a silver plate. Those days every kiss threatened to evolve into a full make-out session as you tried to get ever closer to him. That is why when you heard an awkward cough followed by “Miss, Sir, I’m sorry, but I need to ask you to leave” you could only start laughing. That was two days before your walk, which ended in the alley. The rest was history.
Shaking your head slightly, you let go of the memory. Has it gotten even colder? Shivering, you spotted a sweater draped on the side of the sofa. Crossing the space, you glanced at the instrument that caught your attention. A simple black Kawai piano with a Chopin music score opened on the fallboard and the stool underneath. If there even was a future, you wanted to hear him play something. You could almost picture it. Those long, elegant fingers on the black and white keys, hitting every note with perfection and the flourish he applied to every single task. His gaze focused. Golden hair falling into his eyes carelessly. Lips parted, tongue poking out in concentration. He was bound to be a sight as usual.
Ignoring the waking up flutters that always accompanied every thought about Neil, you picked up the sweater. It was the colour of dark red wine, simple and yet sophisticated in its simplicity. Cashmere. He really is posh. Giving in to the sudden whimsy, you breathed in the smell. That was a mistake. The moment Neil’s essence overwhelmed your senses, you felt a surge of feelings. The musky scent, the hints of bergamot and lavender that always brought comfort. Before you could second guess everything, you put the sweater on, letting the smell envelope you like his hugs always did. It was another thing that you missed. The ability to rest within his strong embrace, safe and wanted. The feeling of his arms cradling you with care. Without the solidity beneath your hands, it was hard to remember how it felt. The sweater had to do. You rolled up the sleeves and approached the large window, drawing back the curtains to see the view and let in light. The sight certainly was not disappointing with the lookout on the Thames and the docking ships. The area looked peaceful, like the place you could want to go out on walks and spend the rest of your life… No, stop. That was a dangerous line of thinking. After all, you only came here to satisfy the curiosity. And because you could, with nothing left to lose. Well, maybe apart from your sanity.
With the day shedding some light onto the furniture and objects in the room, you could more closely assess the type of person Neil was. The décor was rather posh (nothing surprising there) with leather, dark wood, and refined fabrics gracing the space. But upon a closer look, you could see the hints of Neil’s personality shining through the bounds of the stereotypes. It was visible in the chaos of the little details. Billy Idol album discarded on the CD player making you smile. The dying plants on the windowsill. The opened book on the coffee table right next to a bar of chocolate and some bullets. What even… 
Looking around the space, you could easily picture him there. It was like entering a museum of Neil’s life and heart, and you were just a mere visitor. A trespasser even though you had the keys. Lost in the thoughts, you approached the bookshelves, looking over the titles. Young and Freedman’s University Physics with Modern Physics with a worn-out spine and a library stamp on the title page (a theft?). Griffith’s Introduction to Quantum Mechanics with scribbles on the margins, making your head hurt. More Quantum Mechanics but only getting increasingly complex. Spacetime and Geometry. In between the textbooks, there were classics of English and American literature, proving your theory that Neil knew the canon well. All those quotations had to come from somewhere… You looked over the further titles relating to the nuclear area of Physics and relativity of time, only to be thrown out of the moment when your eyes landed on a photograph in a wooden frame. A grinning young man with warm brown eyes and curly dark hair sat on the bench in the park. Alex. Picking up the photo, you took a closer look, feeling inexplicable heaviness in your chest. He looked just like Neil described him – an essence of goodness and understanding. The lump in our throat was strange. He still loved Alex that was a fact and something you took for granted. For a second, you wondered whether you could ever be half that important to him. But that was selfish. And wrong.
Swallowing hard, you put down the frame, focusing on another one nearby. In that photo, you recognized everyone. Ives with slightly longer hair grinning widely, next to him Wheeler with her practical bun and amused eyes, TP relaxed like always when in the company of friends. And then… You would recognize those eyes and sharp jaw anywhere, but… He’s not naturally blonde? You stared at the man who was undoubtedly Neil but with light brown hair, just as messy as usual. Interesting. You did suspect he dyed the hair but still having confirmation was unexpected. Staring a little longer at the photo, you already knew that it did not matter. He was a work of art, full stop. The rest of the photos depicted the Tenet crew, apart from the one you assumed was a family snapshot from years ago. Two happy boys with mundane looking parents and a Labrador retriever (Charlie!). Upon a closer look, you could tell that Neil got his blue eyes after his mother and the smile after his father. It was an interesting discovery. Other objects littering the shelves included postcards, trinkets from travels, and a strange collection of obscure coins. Also, more notebooks with Neil’s equations and theories and music scores. There was no order, just fate, and fancy. Just like him.
Wandering into the kitchen, running your fingertips over various instruments and surfaces, you wanted to soak in the atmosphere of the apartment. So far, the new information was almost overwhelming. But also fascinating in the fact that you already felt like you knew him better. Glancing at the fridge in passing, you froze. Among the cheap promotional magnets and old shopping notes attached to it, there was a rather familiar writing visible. A note you made Anna pass to him many weeks ago. “I’ll be at the shooting range. Meet you for dinner after 5” signed with your initials for practicality. Why has he kept it? It did not make sense. You forgot about the existence of something that inconsequential, yet here it was. Kept in place with a blaring orange magnet from Sainsbury’s. Suddenly feeling a little faint with the implications of the moment, you poured tap water into the glass and sat down on the stool by the kitchen island. You could still remember Anna’s offended stare when you gave her the note with the instruction to pass it to Neil later. That memory triggered another one, much more recent…
In the days leading up to Tallinn, you went out with Neil for a lunch and walk under the guise of planning the logistics of your journey. Sure, there was some planning being done over the tea and sandwiches. But there was also a lot of hand-holding, kissing, and gazing shamelessly. It was during those days, and then the idle hours in the safe house, that you have allowed yourself to love him. The feelings were there for months (most likely), but only after Oslo and the candid conversations in your room, you felt more at ease with them. So far, that PDA was not all that terrifying. And so, when you came back to the London quarters that afternoon, your fingers intertwined, you only realised how it looked like from the outside when Neil tugged you in the direction of Anna’s desk.
“What are you doing?” you hissed, hoping the woman was too busy to see you.
“I told you, need to get that ID sorted,” he explained, matching your conspiratorial tone, completely oblivious to your struggles.
“Yeah, but…” you raised your joined hands as if to show him the issue.
Neil grinned, waving his free hand dismissively.
“Oh, don’t worry about that. It’s not like that’s against the rules” ending the sentence, he took the final step separating you from the desk.
Great. Plastering on the most pleasant of smiles, you met Anna’s accusatory glare. You could not blame her.
“Anna, hi” Neil’s bright grin got met with a cold face of stone.
You vividly remembered that first day at Tenet, when you were filling in the paperwork, observing him flirt with the woman behind the desk. Back then, you were baffled by her reaction, the fluttering of eyelashes and lovesick smiles. Now you wondered how you got to that point and why you were seemingly luckier than she could ever be.
“My ID is expiring soon. Was wondering if you could give me the form for the new one?” Neil’s chirpy tone made you hide a smile by looking at the floor “I want to get this sorted for after we’re back” he added, with that hopeful gaze barely anyone could ever say no to.
Anna was not any different.
“Naturally,” she spared you a final spiteful look before turning around to use the computer.
Glancing around the empty lobby, you hoped to survive the rest of the encounter without any additional awkwardness. But Neil had other plans. He stepped in closer, nose brushing over your ear, tearing down any illusions about the nature of your relationship. You stifled a sigh when his lips placed a small kiss over your temple.
“Shall we go to yours after this?” the whisper complemented with a ghost of his fingers on the side of your neck made you shiver.
“Maybe…” you cast a wary glance at Anna, but her back was turned.
“I thought we could resume the planning…” upon the suggestive tone, you turned to meet his gaze.
Surely enough, the playful sparks were there. And the smirk too. Of course. Planning, in this case, most likely meant more cuddling… and potentially kissing. His hands getting accustomed to your body, leaving countless promises for the future. The thoughts alone made you blush. Before Neil could get any closer, Anna’s voice interrupted the moment:
“Here’s your form,” nothing but ice and fury.
So, she must have noticed…
“Thanks” the polite nod made you snicker.
During the next few terribly long minutes, you did your best to avoid looking at the other woman. Or at Neil. Your gaze roamed over the ceiling, the walls, and the floor. Reading the same fire evacuation instructions for the fifth time, you felt a gentle touch on your arm:
“Can I put down your details as my emergency contact?” you looked up straight into those inquisitive blue eyes “I’ve had Ives the last two years, but I think you’re a more accurate option these days,” he explained as though it was obvious.
Emergency contact? You always assumed those were for best friends and spouses. You were not sure which fitted the criteria.  
“How so?” blurting out the only viable question, you met his perplexed gaze.
“… because I’m with you and not with him” the bluntness of the reply made your heart stumble.
Of course, you agreed. As a ‘thank you’ that afternoon, Neil kissed you until there was barely any breath left for either of you. Now you missed the feeling of being that desired.
And yet, that stupid note was right there, in your eyes a bright red spot that you could not ignore. Because surely, he must have cared at some point? You finished the remains of water and washed the glass. Then, just for the sake of a distraction, you went through the kitchen cupboards. Nothing surprising. Appliances that looked barely used. Canned food every Brit would be expected to have. The amounts of frozen meals in the lower fridge compartments confirmed another thesis - Neil did not like cooking. That was fair not everyone could be Jamie Oliver. Not that you would prefer him. Certainly not. Shaking your head at the ridiculousness of the thoughts, you opened another cabinet. Wine and glasses, triggering the memory from your date night in Oslo. The way Neil tried to emulate his swank further by pretending to be a sommelier, making you laugh with his fake French accent and sparse knowledge. Upon the efforts to name something else than tannins (that Sauvignon Blanc had little of), you stepped in, shutting him up with a fingertip tracing the outline of his lips, collecting a stray droplet of wine. And then licking your finger clean, much to his shock. The strange snapshot from one of the most eventful nights in your life was a good cue to leave the kitchen and trod down the corridor.
You stepped into the bathroom, curiously glancing at the contents of the cupboards and around the sink. Nothing remarkable. Giving in to the temptation, you sprayed the cologne he used on your wrist and inhaled deeply. Closing the bathroom door, your eyes landed on the room at the end of the corridor. Neil’s bedroom. Involuntarily, you felt a shiver run down your spine. Bedrooms were always a sacred space. The most private of places in the house. The stage set for life’s crucial events. Love, life, and tragedy all began to play out (and end) in there. If there was a room closest to the heart of the owner, it would be the bedroom and its contents. With a shaky hand, you pressed down the handle and opened the door. The interior was almost too mundane. The bed with dark grey covers and decorative pillows. Some artworks on the walls and drawn curtains, forcing you to turn on the ceiling lamp. A small bedside table with a night light and books. A walk-in closet with the sliding doors partly opened. That was what drew you in first, crossing the space you peered inside. Only to be overwhelmed with that Neil smell that made sure to make your heart rate pick up. Gently, you ran your fingers over the suit jackets and sweaters hanged on the rails. He had a multitude of those, in different colours. Eyeing a suit in dark blue, you could imagine how it would bring out his eyes. There were a few sweaters in different shades of green, confirming the suspicions that he liked the colour. Further along, you found a drawer with ties of various patterns, making you grin at one olive green with Labradors on it. Now that was a classic Neil accessory.
Just when you were about to end the ‘snooping’ your gaze landed on a more casual part of the wardrobe. Jeans folded on the shelves, t-shirts, and polos. Even a jean jacket somewhere in the back. In the drawer, you found socks with questionable patterns, only increasing the fondness you felt for the owner of such an eclectic wardrobe. And then you made the mistake of letting your curiosity get ahead of you. Another drawer. Underwear. Your face got warm as you slammed it shut. Enough. Thinking about that could lead to the dangerous territory you would rather not venture out to. At least not when alone in his apartment, overwhelmed with memories and feelings. There would be time for this too later… Hopefully.
Sliding the doors shut, you took in the room again. The pile of books on the bedside table caught your attention. Gingerly, you sat down on the bed, doing your best not to think about the specifics of that moment. You, alone in his bedroom. This was certainly not how you expected to end up in there for the first time. But that too was beyond the point. Sighing, you picked up the stack of books only to drop them onto the covers with hands shaking. You would recognize the cover everywhere. Your favourite book. The exact copy you had last seen in Oslo when you gave it to Neil. That memory was rather unforgettable…
Hanging out in the hotel room, waiting for Mahir and TP to come back from a small errand, you did your best to ignore Neil’s piercing gaze from across space. That was the day after your careless dancing and that evening’s developments when he asked you out. Just before the mission. And Neil was staring, shamelessly so. It was getting on your nerves.
“Don’t you have anything better to do?” putting down the itinerary, you broke the silence and faced him.
The satisfied smile was enough to make you groan. He knew exactly what he was doing, as though waiting for the moment to strike when you were alone.
“Actually not, no” the grin widened as he shrugged nonchalantly “Plus you’re quite the sight. As usual” propping his chin on his hand, he kept on gazing.
The bastard was impossible.
“Jesus…” sighing, you rummaged in the bag at your feet “Do you want a book or something?” you took out a worn-out paperback “Because all that staring makes me want to…” trailing off, you met his inquisitive glare.
Want to kiss him. For starters. But he need not know that.
“What? Tell me” Neil spread his legs casually, leaning back in the armchair. An object of pure poise. And the challenge, aimed at you only. That was Neil at the top of his game, sure of what he wanted and how to get it. But you were not going to give it to him easily.
“Better not” the slight shock in his eyes gave you confidence “If yesterday taught me anything, it’s that your ego is big enough” offering him a sly smirk, you took a sip of the water.
When you looked up again, Neil was staring at you with an exaggerated pained expression on his face.
“I’m wounded” he put the hand over his heart like the drama queen that he was.
Scoffing, you laughed at the spectacle. Two could play the game.
“Good,” the offended whine only increased the satisfaction “So do you want that book?” you picked up the paperback, showing it to him “I’ve got my favourite one with me. Could kill some time”
“Yes, please” he got up and crossed the room, taking the book from you “I’ll have a chance to see what’s in that head of yours” Neil leaned down to your level and kissed you on the forehead “Apart from the desire for me, of course” he added, once he moved out of your reach once again.
Fucking hell.
At least there were some fun memories to come back to, you thought, looking through the copy you borrowed Neil. Then you noticed another thing. Under your book, there was another one of the same title. Brand new. Pages filled with Neil’s scribbles on the margins and underlined passages, highlighting the exact same quotations that made this book become your favourite. My god. The realization hit you with a gasp and a shiver. He read it. And not only that, but he also tried to understand you through something you held so dear. Reading the notes he made, you knew he was listening to every word you said. No matter the moment, the stage of your ‘relationship’, evidently, he cared enough to be interested in your thoughts and feelings. You were holding the proof in your hands. In some margin notes, Neil even referred to you using your initials, pointing out why it could resonate with you so much. The more you read, the more it felt like you have encountered his diary, in some form. That would be it when it comes to getting over. Putting down the books, your head was spinning. Too much.
You needed food. And sleep. It was at that moment that you decided to stay. It got late enough to make the journey back inconvenient. And everything was right here. Feeling like Goldilocks personified, you made use of Neil’s frozen food assortment and put on the music. Once you got over the initial shock of the afternoon, it was almost too easy to pretend that Tallinn never happened. That you were still alright. That he still potentially loved you. With the somewhat soothing sounds of Billy Idol and The Darkness, you went over Neil’s notebooks with equations. You understood nothing but the possibility to read his notes and theories was as comforting as it could get. Then, feeling your eyelids get heavy, you cleaned up and moved to the bedroom. Lying down in Neil’s bed felt like sacrilege. But the moment your head rested on the pillow and you inhaled the scent, it was all excused. At least in your eyes. Giving in to the foolish daydreams, you could almost imagine him next to you. The warmth and comfort the cuddles always provided. But you were alone, still wearing that sweater that smelled too good to be given up. It had to be enough. You fell asleep thinking about those damned blue eyes and the man that took the ownership of your heart for good.
*** Upon waking up in the cold apartment the next morning, you wanted nothing but to leave as soon as possible. In the daylight, with dreams of happiness haunting every corner of your mind, the feeling of loneliness was more persistent. You made sure to get rid of any signs of your intrusion, cleaned the kitchen, and made the bed. The only keepsake you could not deny yourself was the cashmere sweater that you stuffed into the bag. Even if he would not want anything to do with you, you could give it back along with the keys. Surely he would understand… right? After everything that you found in his flat, nothing seemed certain anymore.
You made it back to the HQs with just enough time to shower and pack for the next week of sitting in the inversion chambers in the sealed off part of the complex. That did not sound good as it meant more time with too many people in the cramped quarters. You had enough of that at this point. But then that was the prize of getting the most incredible of jobs. That and getting your heart broken. Again.
You joined the rest of the army by the larger turnstile, used purely for long-term inversion, instead of training. Accepting friendly nods from both Ives and Wheeler, you took your place in the queue. No one knew exactly what the purpose of this was. Just that you were supposed to go back eight days and then travel to the Norwegian coastline, awaiting instructions. The intuition that was rarely wrong told you that you were in the endgame from this point onwards.
And so, the next week was restricted to trying not to lose your sanity locked within the four walls. The only escape from the small room was the kitchen (always full of people that wanted to know too much), bathroom (that always had lines of people waiting by the door), and the small courtyard, where you could not step out without the oxygen tank and a mask. Overall, it was not the most pleasant of experiences. Especially when most days you wanted to curl up in bed and contemplate the mess that your life became. And to marinate in pain that became a constant companion. The sweater could only help so much. Accompanied with nerves and worry, you felt objectively shit and did everything to preserve the solitude. That is how you found yourself in the small kitchen at 2 am, eating toasties and drinking tea. Earlier the compound was too busy, and you preferred starving than facing the others. Only with everyone asleep, you could catch up on the meals missed. Well, almost everyone…
“How are you doing?” a voice interrupted your brooding.
You turned in the seat only to see Wheeler enter the room with a small smile on her face. Her you could tolerate, as an exemption.
“Bad” the candid answer seemed only appropriate “But I don’t mind the company, so please… stay” you added upon her hesitation.
She just nodded and proceeded to make a cup of tea. The silence stretched, but for once, it was rather pleasant. Finally, she finished the task and took the seat opposite you, giving you a quick once-over. You knew what she saw. Tangled hair, reddened eyes from lack of sleep, and hours of tears. The sweater that became the only comfort in those early morning moments when nothing seemed real and yet everything was too much.
“Is the sweater his?” she asked plainly, and you could only nod.
At this stage, surely, nothing was bound to surprise her.
“Yeah… Maybe it’s silly, but I took it from his place just to have something… tangible” you explained, consciously running your fingers over the material. Instead of judgement, you got a smile in return.
“No, I understand” Wheeler took a sip from the mug before asking, “Did the apartment give you any answers?”
You have not shared the story with anyone, unable to process it all even in the quiet of your mind. But maybe this was a chance to let it out…
“Mostly whiplash,” you let out a bitter laugh “It’s like… he cares… or cared,” you stumbled over the tense “But then in Tallinn after the shoot-out, he just closed off completely, and I don’t know why” raising your hands in defeat, you planted on your face on the table.
Anything goes. After a moment of utter frustration, you met Wheeler’s inquisitive eyes again. She did not seem bothered by your antics. Just a little concerned by the picture you were painting.
“Maybe it’s trauma” the seriousness of her expression made you think.
You did consider that option. But even knowing what happened with Alex, his reaction seemed too violent. You were alive, and yet he was trying to push you away. Plus, that way of thinking implied something else. Something you did not dare consider.
“That would mean he… loved me” getting the words out was a challenge “And I don’t think he does” you stared at the table, giving in to the thoughts once again “Whatever is going to happen now, I think I need space. Some distance. Trying to get over this won’t work otherwise”
Formulating the feelings that were overwhelming your heart and mind felt somehow relieving. Even if the prospects were anything but good.
“Is that what you want? To let him go?” the straightforward attitude of your companion was helpful.
“I don’t know,” sighing, you met her gaze, “I want… him, but if he doesn’t feel the same then…” with reddened cheeks, you let the sentence trail off.
She would understand, you were sure of that. And, if the slightly suspicious look in Wheeler’s eyes was anything to go by, she had her ideas about the topic.
“You should probably try talking to him again” she spoke after a few minutes of silence.
“Last time that ended terribly,” you replied, arching your eyebrows, begging her to remember how bad that container conversation went.
“I know,” Wheeler patted your shoulder reassuringly, “But I also know that sometimes Neil needs a proper kick in the ass before he sees what’s right in front of him” she got up and went to the sink, picking up both of your dishes.
With the soothing soundtrack of the washing, you could feel almost sleepy. If it was not for that never-ending chatter of your thoughts.
“If you say so…” you murmured when she turned the tap off.
“Go to sleep. It’s just two days more of this torture” giving you a final smile, Wheeler left the kitchen.
You could survive two days. After that? Who knows. But it had to be alright.
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Hello and how are you? I was wondering if there’s anything you’re working on at the moment and if you’d be interested in talking about your favorite fics you wrote?
(This isn’t an interview I promise lol)
haha I don’t mind thank you for asking!  I’m doing alright!  I’m working on a lot at the moment, as we speak I’m preparing my sub!bucky x dominatrix!reader series which is looking to be about 35-40k and 7 parts.
as for oneshots, I have a lot there... dark howling commandos, dark andy barber with a latina reader, johnny storm with a mutant reader, soft lee with a prostitute reader, and some fluff with bucky based very loosely on something from ep 1 of tfatws
how many of those will actually get finished is another issue entirely...
and finally my favorites of my own works.  it’s hard to pick because at any given moment I feel like I either love or hate them all equally, so I’m gonna tweak this slightly and put the fics of mine that I think are underrated:
time after time - neil (tenet) || it’s really niche so I knew it wouldn’t do well, but I’m still very proud of it!  it’s my best soft!dark fic, incontrovertibly.  read it if you like robert pattinson
discretion - 40s!bucky || one of my first bucky fics and still one of my favorites, perfectly captures my ideal mix of smut, fluff, and angst
double take - 40s!bucky and charles blackwood || I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else write these two together and I really had fun with their dynamic.  it’s also one of the more interesting dark (soft!dark?) fics I’ve written.
hungry like the wolf - ari levinson || my first intentional attempt at soft!dark that I can recall, and I put a lot of thought into building tension in this one.  I don’t think it did well because people typically prefer ari fics that ignore his culture (but you didn’t hear it from me oop)
more human than human - bucky, blade runner au || I wasn’t surprised when this one did poorly since a lot of people haven’t seen blade runner, but you don’t need to see the movie to understand the plot and I liked my efforts to create atmosphere in this fic!  this is the only straight-up dark fic on this list, everything else is soft!dark or not dark at all
a beautiful little fool - sebastian stan, great gatsby au || alright, last one, this is similar to the blade runner fic in that it had a really strong atmosphere but ultimately was a bit too niche to appeal to people, that said I stand by it and I will never get over the beautiful gatsby!seb edits that sabbie made for me.
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weclassygirl · 4 years
𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐭.𝟐
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Word count: +2k
Pairing: neil x reader (tenet)
Warnings: not much, just a fight and a gunshot wound, the usual, besides that it’s a rather calm chapter
Author’s note: hi! I just realized that I didn’t put the warnings in the first part, oh well, the warnings won’t really change anyway. so... the next part, hope you enjoy! as always, i’m not a native english speaker. take care <3
Previous part (x)
Gif credits (x)
The next few days you spent in the container before moving to the outskirts of Oslo. Neil briefly explains the operation. 
"So you're basically trying to prevent some kind of nuclear holocaust?" you ask him as he finishes explaining. You sit back on the stretcher that you've been sleeping on the whole trip.
"More likely another world war." he responds. You look at him with slightly raised eyebrows. 
"Great…" you say slowly, you look down on your lap, fiddling with your hands. "and what's my part in it?" you wonder. 
"Most of the time we gather people that have a military background. You and I are here for the scientific one." he says as he gestures between the two of you. 
"But you already seem to get a hold of the whole inversion. You know how it works and what happens if someone tries to interfere with it." you acknowledge.
"We don't know that. No one has ever interfered with it. We noticed some changes a few weeks ago. Things not going the way they should." 
You look at him in silence and he seems to notice that you're finally understand what's really going on.
"And you think it has to do something with that masked guy that tried to kill me." you state. There's no doubt in your voice. This time Neil leans back and rests his head against the wall. 
"Exactly." he confirms. "As of now you're in the centre of it. We think that if we stay here, on the reversed side for a few days then we might pinpoint what that person tries to do and why." 
"And if you don't manage to do that?" you ask after a moment of silence.
"Then we'll wish for the best." he says as he begins to lay down on his own stretcher. "And, of course, go back to the normal world."                                                   
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You arrive at the hideout. You honestly expected it to be in the woods and not near an abandoned construction site. You see some houses placed next to each other and wonder if people live in them. Neil takes out his bag out of the trunk and gives you yours. 
"No one lives in these houses. They're only here for a cover." Neil explains. He moves in the direction of the white house but moves to the back of it. "Our nice and cozy, temporary apartment." he says as you move down the stairs. Neil opens up the door to a small living room connected to a kitchen. You can see another two rooms from the doorway. 
"Not one of the houses?" you ask. 
"It's better to keep hidden. No one would guess that some people live in the basement of the house. Or a former basement." he sets his bag on the ground and turns on the tap, testing the water. The entrance of the apartment is sealed just like the container, you exit it and take off your mask. 
"Now we wait?" 
"Yes, for Ives. He and the rest of the team will make sure it's safe to cross again." he tells you as he goes to check the other rooms, you see him open the door to a bathroom and a small storage room. The latter is filled with masks, oxygen bottles, uniforms, some bulletproof vests and guns. 
"What if he finds us?" you question. Neil turns to you, a smile on his face. 
"Then we'll be ready." he turns the light off and moves to the room. You sit down on the couch and reach for the book laying on the small table. It's in Norwegian, you can understand some words from it but not the whole sentences. Neil doesn't bother turning on the TV, knowing that it would only go backwards. 
For the next couple of days you start getting to know Neil. You find out that he has a Masters in Physics, he teaches you how to fight and you try to use your self defense classes on some occasions. Mostly to throw him off guard when he has the upper hand. At one point you go to the construction site to practice shooting targets, Neil hands you the gun and tells you to shoot in any direction. You look at him confused, not really knowing what to shoot at. You take the gun and feel it being really light, you take out the magazine and see that it’s empty. 
“Just aim it.” he tells you from the side. 
You point the gun in front of you and shoot it. You see a tin can raise up from behind and the bullet goes back to you. You put the gun down and look into the magazine. One bullet inside. You turn to Neil and furrow your brows. 
“I’m not shooting the bullets, right?” 
Neil steps closer to you and shakes his head. “No.” he takes the gun from your hand and pulls out the bullet. “You’re catching them.” 
You look at the tin can in front of you and back to the now empty gun. “Huh.” 
“Not surprised?” Neil asks. 
You shrug and turn to him. “I’ve seen objects going backwards and experienced hipotermia in an exploding car. I don’t think anything can surprise me now.” Neil chuckles at your response. Both of you go back to the apartment and Neil puts the bullet on the table and another one next to it. You go and sit opposite him. “Another test?”
He only half smiles. “You’ve seen how the bullet can go back to its original place. Can you guess which one is reversed?” he points at the bullets in front of him. You take a guess and place your hand  above the one you’ve seen him pull out of the magazine. He nods and holds his hand above it. The bullet flies to his hand. 
“You remember one of the first questions I asked you on that roof? You said that an object would seem as if it flies to the person’s hand if it’s inverted.” he reminds you and you recall that moment. The moment where you were still in the dark about the hidden reality of the world. 
You rub your temples and look up at Neil as he tilts his head at you. “Enough for today?” 
You scoff and shake your head. “Definitely. I think that if I hear more than my head might explode from all the confusion.” you start laying down on the couch and put a blanket over yourself. Neil sees you adjusting your pillow and looks at you confused. 
“What are you doing?” he asks. 
You look up at him, also confused. “Going to sleep.” you say slowly. Neil shakes his head. 
“No, take the bed. I’ll sleep on the couch tonight.” he tells you as he steps closer. You don’t move. 
“You’ve slept on it yesterday and the day before that, it’s my turn now.” 
“(Name)...” he begins but you cut him off. 
“You need to properly rest too.” you look at him, trying to convince him that it’s alright, but he doesn’t seem to budge. You close your eyes and sigh. “Fine. How about a compromise?” 
“Somehow I know where it will go.” he mutters under his breath. You stand up from the couch and take your pillow and blanket and throw it on the bed. You lay on your side, looking at Neil. You close your eyes and smile. 
“Just get in the bed, Neil. I don’t bite.” you tell him. After a moment you feel the side of the bed dip and open your eyes to see Neil finally laying next to you. “See? It wasn’t so hard. The bed is big enough for the two of us.” 
“I would still take the bed if-”
“And I would still drag you away from it.” you cut him off. “When was the last time you got some proper sleep, Neil?” he doesn’t answer and you smile weakly. “Get some sleep, you need it.” you close your eyes and try to fall asleep.
“Goodnight, (Name).” you hear him whisper. You respond with the same.             
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You wake up to the sound of the banging on the door. Neil wakes up to already a gun in his hand, aiming at the door. You get out of the bed and look through the window to see who’s the intruder. 
“It’s Ives.” you tell Neil, he lowers his gun and goes to the door, unlocking it. Ives gets in and Wheeler stays behind, watching the entrance. Ives looks at the apartment and then back to the both of you. 
“Well, you two seem like you’re getting cosy.” you try to hide the blush that begins to show on your face, silently thanking that it’s still dark outside and in the room. “Get dressed, we need to get moving.” 
“What’s going on?” asks Neil. You put on some clothes and pack your bag, not caring if it’s folded neatly. Neil does the same. Both of you put on the masks and leave the apartment. Neil hands you the gun and you quickly take it, not even thinking twice. 
“Someone told. They know we’re here.” he only says. As you’re about to enter the car, few things happen. The bullets start to go in your direction, Ives and his team gather around, creating a cover and you feel a throbbing pain in your shoulder.. You see about a dozen people aiming at the car, you hide behind it, gripping the gun tightly. Neil drops beside you, dodging from a bullet. You look at him and see him come up and aim at the hostile. You do the same and manage to hit some of them with the inverted bullets. 
The pain in your shoulder starts to become even more unbearable and you duck again behind the car, Neil does the same and soon Ives comes up to you.
“We have no way out. You two need to get out of here.” he orders, occasionally looking at the shootout. 
“We’re not leaving you guys behind.” you say, your voice not faltering. Ives can see the determination in your eyes and only hangs his head low, giving up. He signals at Wheeler to create a cover and all three of you move to the abandoned car - a car that’s been set in the neighbourhood as a cover. 
Before you make it to the car you see the window of the car beginning to form, the shatters of glass connecting. You duck when you realise what it means. You don’t have the time to react ‘cause the person behind you already has a gun pressed to your shoulder. You feel the bullet enter from behind of your arm and into the gun of the masked men you’ve been trying to avoid this whole time. 
You grunt in pain and try to kick the man off of you. You see the man’s eyes before Neil and Ives start shooting at him, somehow they feel familiar but you can’t pinpoint where you’ve seen them before. You even see some bruises starting to form on the man’s face. The man retreats and runs away, disappearing in the crowd of armed men. You see Wheeler giving orders to the rest of the team, Neil urges you to get into the car and you oblige. He gets behind the wheel while you press onto the wound, Ives looks in the mirror to see if you have a trail. After a few miles all of you relax in your seats, seeing that there’s no more danger ahead. Neil cranes his head back to look at you and examine your state, Ives already gets in the backseat trying to find some kind of an aid kit underneath the seats. He finds one and opens it up. 
The bullet went right through your skin and created a much bigger hole than a normal bullet would. Ives pours some hydrogen peroxide on it and you hiss in pain, Neil’s eyes find yours in the rear view mirror. You lean your head back against the seat and look outside of the window to distract yourself from pain. Ives manages to patch you up, enough so that you don’t lose any more blood. 
All three of you drive to the location where another machine is placed, Ives calls Wheeler to let them know that they will jump forward in time. You fall asleep, too tired and in pain from the day and the drive. You hear Neil calling out to you before you close your eyes. 
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weclassygirl · 4 years
𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐭.𝟑
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Word count: +2.4k
Pairing: neil x reader (tenet)
Warnings: none, tiny bit of violence
Author’s note: hello! i feel like the chapters are getting longer, the next one (which will be the last one) will be long, i really hope my logic in this will be correct for the next one. anyways, enjoy! as always, i’m not a native english speaker. take care love! <3
Previous part (x)
Gif credits (x)
You wake up as the car stops in front of an entrance to the destination place. You see Ives going around the car and into the building. Neil reaches for your door, ready to wake you up but already sees that you're up. 
"Finally awake? You've got us worried." he says and you massage your temples. You reach to your arm to see how bad the wound got, it began to scar. You get out of the car and move towards the entrance with Neil.
"I'll have a beautiful scar to remember by." you tell him and he chuckles. Both of you enter the building. It’s different than the one in Tallinn. You see that Ives is nowhere in sight, probably already on the other side. You look at the proving window before you enter and see yourself on the  side in the red room. This time you enter without hesitation, Neil follows you. You feel the machine move and shortly after you see the now familiar red light of the room. Both of you exit the machine and move towards the exit, Ives already waiting by the door. 
“I’ll meet you in a few days.” he says and you see Neil nodding. “We have to wait for Wheeler and the others to come back and see if our new friend somehow followed us here.” this time you nod and take off your mask, hanging it on the wall beside you. Your eyes follow Ives' figure as he disappears behind the steel door. You turn to Neil.
"Where to now?" you wonder as he hangs the mask on the wall. 
"Another country. Safety measures but this time we need to find a hotel." he informs you as both of you move to the exit. 
"No more safe houses?" you question from the side. 
"It will be a safehouse if we remake it into one." he says, his eyes lighting up. You chuckle and enter the car that will take you to the airport and then to Romania. 
When you land in Bucharest you're driving straight to the hotel. You see Wheeler already waiting at the reception, not in her usual military uniform. 
"Got out safely?" Neil asks her. He takes the keys to the room and the three of you move to the elevators. 
"Barely, some of the guys got injured, but nothing major thankfully." she informs him. The elevator moves rather quickly and soon the doors open. Wheeler moves to her room which is placed in front of yours. Neil puts the key in and turns it, opening the door. He gestures for you to enter first. You walk into the corridor and into the living room. The walls in front of you are covered in roof to ceiling windows, the whole room has a nice beige tint to it. You go around and find two bedrooms, you walk into one and put your bags down. 
Outside you can see that it’s already getting dark, you go to the living room and see Neil talking on the phone with someone that you assume is Ives. He sees you enter and hangs up the phone. He looks at you for a moment before speaking. 
“Everything alright?” he asks. 
You nod. “Yeah, just gonna head to shower, clean off all the blood from my arm.” you see him nod and move to the bathroom. You close the door behind you and take off the dirty clothing, being careful around the arm. The blood has already started to dry. You enter the shower and clean rather quickly, you see red water going down the drain beneath you. You  exit it and look at your reflection in the mirror. You look tired, exhausted really, the wound is not as big anymore, it began to scar. 
You leave the bathroom and walk into the living room, Neil nowhere in sight. You go to the bedroom and see the door next to yours slightly ajar. You open them carefully and see Neil already asleep, his phone next to him as well as some notes. You take the blanket from the chair and place it on him, gently so that you don’t wake him up. You close the door and head to your bedroom, falling onto the bed from exhaustion.                                                         
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You wake up to the sound of muffled voices coming from the living room. You see it’s light outside, probably early morning. You get dressed and go to the living room, you stop near it when you hear them talking in hushed tones. 
“We can’t get it out right now, it’s too risky.” you hear Neil say. His voice worried.
“What else do you want to do? Wait here and let the others find the algorithm and use it?” Ives whispers loudly. You try to turn back to your room but they hear the shuffling of your feet. 
“(Name)?” Neil calls out. You stop in your tracks and turn back to the living room. Both of the men look at you and you press your lips into a thin line. 
“Hi. Sorry, I heard some voices.” you quickly explain. “What’s the algorithm?” you question hesitantly. Ives' side glances Neil and looks back to you. You look at them suspiciously. 
“Just tell her. She’s as much a part of it as we are now.” Ives urges Neil and he sighs. He comes closer to you. 
“An algorithm is a device that has been split up and hidden in the past. If a person were to combine all of the parts, they would be able to invert the entropy of the whole world.” he explains to you as you nod along, trying to understand what you just heard. 
“But… that would mean that…” you say slowly. 
“That the world would be destroyed when they’re joined and used.” you hear Ives say. You look at both of them in shock and fall down onto the seat near you, trying to comprehend the situation. 
“And you guys found it?” 
“Yes. And we’ll be leaving soon to get it.” you turn to Ives and nod. He looks to Neil and seems to be having a silent conversation with him, after a moment he leaves the room, only you and Neil are left in it. 
“Not what you expected right?” he speaks up and you chuckle. 
“I think this might be a bit better than someone trying to kill me for whatever reason.” you see him smile at your response. He looks at you for a moment and observes you. He sees you still a bit tired, but now more alert with the new found information. 
“How’s your arm?” he asks. You look towards it and move it experimentally. Your face scrunches at the faint feeling of pain. He goes to the cupboard and takes out the first aid kit. 
“Better I think. Started to heal and not spread further.” you inform him as he sits next to you. He reaches to your shirt trying to remove the part from your shoulder. You do it for him and carefully give him better access to it. The bandage around your arm started to bleed through a bit in the night. Neil takes it off gently and starts cleaning the excess blood. You wince at the sudden feel of a pad soaked in alcohol. You hear him whisper a small “sorry”. He wraps a new bandage around your arm and stands up to put the aid kit back to its place. 
You observe him for a moment before he sits across from you pouring some water into the glass and handing one to you. Both of you start to talk about the smallest things, trying to fill up the silence of the room. You talk about his passion for physics and you tell him why you chose to study at a university so late. You wanted to give yourself a break from studying nonstop, try to find some calling in life. The two of you seem to fall into a routine, to find a topic to talk about for hours, that could even extend into late nights. You enjoy talking with him and he feels the same. Both of you talk like you’ve known each other for years. 
You stand up from your seat after a few hours of talking. “Where are you going?” you hear Neil ask as you move to the door. 
“To find Ives and Wheeler. I want to ask them some questions about that algorithm and probably the mission.” Neil nods at your answer and you leave the room. In the meantime Neil has been writing some notes on the inversion and the all possible scenarios that could come up with retrieving the algorithm. 
He turns his head at the sound of opening doors and tenses for a bit before seeing you walk through them, he immediately relaxes. He goes back to his notes and you walk into the room slowly, walking around it for a bit, looking out the window. Neil watches your movements with furrowed brows. 
“Everything okay?” he asks and you turn to him with a bit widened eyes. You nod your head and sit close to him, looking at his notes. 
“What are you working on?” you question. He looks at you for a moment before answering.
“Plans for the mission, in case something goes wrong. Did you find out everything you wanted from Ives and Wheeler?” once again you nod your head all the while looking at the notes spread on the table. There’s an unfinished coffee laying next to them. 
“Can I ask you something?” he says as he stands up to fill up the glass with water. 
“Sure.” you say and stand up to, getting a glass for yourself. You sip from it as you wait for his question.
“Why did you start your university so early? Why not take a break from studying?” 
You look at him, thinking for a moment. “Wanted to learn more. Gain some more knowledge, maybe find some job or try to at least.” Neil nods at your answer and puts the glass on the table. You turn to do the same but are suddenly gripped by Neil and pinned to the wall. His arm across your chest, holding you in place. You try to free yourself from his grip but he only pins you harder against the wall.
“Who are you?!” he asks you. You don’t answer and he only presses harder against you. “I’m not gonna ask you again.” he warns you. You’re about to respond but you hear the doors to the apartment open and in them stands… you. 
Neil looks at you and back to the you that he still holds in his grip. From the doorway you look at the scene with wide eyes. Neil lets go of the person and she steps away from him. You close the door and walk into the living room, standing beside Neil. Both of you looking at the woman with the same face as you. She puts her hands up as if to reassure you that you mean no harm, Neil already points his gun at her. 
“Who are you?” he asks again but you respond from beside him, already knowing the answer. 
“You were the person in the mask.” you state, still not believing what you’re saying. “At the highway, outside of the safehouse.” 
The woman nods slowly. Neil looks at you from the side and you put your hand on his gun, lowering it. You step closer to the other you, she steps back a bit. “We can’t touch each other, it could erase us from the universe.” she tells you and you stop just a few meters from her. You look at her. She looks exactly like you, the same hair color, features, eyes. The eyes that you’ve seen through her mask, that seemed so familiar. Familiar cause you were looking at them everyday in the mirror. 
All these days you thought the person behind the mask was a man sent to kill you but it was you all along. The only question left is why. 
“You’re me.” you tell her, she nods. “From when?” 
She looks to Neil for a moment before turning back to you. “The future. A few years from now, at least.” you look at her with wide eyes still not believing that the other you is standing right in front of you. Neil speaks up from behind you, his hand still on the gun now hidden away. 
“Why did you try to kill her? She’s your past self. If you succeeded that would create a paradox. You would cease to exist.” he tells her. You recall him telling you about that paradox. How would a future version of you be able to commit the act in the first place?
“They needed to know that I was loyal to them, needed to prove myself to them.” the other you says. Neil comes a bit closer, his hand still on the gun, waiting to be pulled. 
“Who’s they?” he questions. The woman looks at him, a softness crossing her features as she takes him in. She composes herself quickly and says only one word. 
Both of you look at each other not believing what you’re hearing. Neil comes closer to you and takes you to the side to make sure that the other you is telling the truth. You tell him that she does, you know when you lie, you see that she’s truthful. Neil hesitates but trusts your judgement. Both of you go back to the living room and see the other you sitting on the chair. Neil sits across from her while you stand beside him, not wanting to risk accidentally touching your future self. 
“Why would Tenet send you to kill your past self?” 
“They don’t want you ruining their plans concerning the algorithm.” she turns to you. You look at her confused, you only learned about the algorithm a few hours ago. How much could you be involved so that Tenet wants you eliminated? 
“We only found out about where it is a few hours ago, how does it connect to this?” you ask her. Your future self leans back in her seat, sighing deeply. 
“Because Tenet wants to use the algorithm for their own needs, to their advantage. Not all of them are on the good side. There are some that want to do more bad than good.” 
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