#dark taehun seong
thefiery-phoenix · 9 months
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It was a rare surprise for you to have a regular day without tests or any psychotic mafia bosses or gangsters attack you, courtesy of being a part of the Hobin Yu company. Though you could barely fight, you made up by being a good accountant who took care of the finances of the company. Everyone seemed to like you, even Taehun who initially kept teasing you about not knowing how to fight. You trying to insult him back with that pissed off look on your face was adorable for him, he felt it rather endearing to look at. Which was why to get a rise out of you and to see your bashful expressions he kept teasing you every now and then, much to your annoyance
You kept thinking about what to do after you went back home. You didn't have any test to prepare for and you had some spare time to kill before the meeting with the others. You then remembered the number of unread books you still had since the last time you bought them from the book fair and you set a goal in your mind for the day: To complete reading those unread books with a nice cup of steaming hot tea and some light jazz music. You plugged in your ear phones and continued to walk till you abruptly halted and gaped at the sight in front of you
'Construction work in progress' was the board you've come across as you were trying to go to go up the street as you groaned in annoyance. You had no choice but to take the other route from the back entrance to your apartment as you huffed in annoyance. While you continued to walk, the clouds became denser and a few moments later, it started raining. People around you scampered here and there to avoid the rain as you stared up at the sky with a slight smile on your face. You haven't felt peace like this in quite a long time and you wanted to savor every moment of it
While you were walking, you passed by a group of 5 men who looked a few years older than you. They were laughing among themselves as they huffed puffs of smoke from the cigarettes they held as you scrunched your nose in disgust at the stench of the cigarettes and the beer bottles strewn around. Nevertheless you thought of just keeping your head down low till you'd get away from them, however luck wasn't particularly on your side that day as they immediately started cat calling and wolf whistling at you, hollering lewd and degrading comments
You simply shut your eyes and gritted your teeth as you continued to walk faster when you were pulled back by one of the guys who grabbed your wrists. He leered at you unpleasantly which made your stomach hurl and you recoiled back in fright. "You too stuck up to accept compliments now huh? We'll show you what happens to stuck up little princesses like you~" he sneered as you stepped on his foot. He backed away in surprise as you tried to make a run for it before someone grabbed you by your hair
You let out a scream while a hand covered your mouth, muffling your screams. "You know what, she does have a hot body, I know plenty of clients would be happy to have this piece of meat here on their beds, after we have our fun with her of course" one of them spoke as you trashed around wildly for all you were worth. You remembered Taehun teaching you a calf kick as you tried to kick your captors calf which earned a hard slap on your cheek and a brutal punch to your chest. If something wasn't already broken, it was now and you felt like you heard something break as he punched you in the ribs
They dragged you to a building nearby where the construction work wasn't done yet as they bound you with ropes. No matter how hard you trashed around and flailed and screamed and begged them to stop, your pleas and cries for mercy fell on deaf ears as they touched you, groped you everywhere. A lingering feeling of shame and disgust formed inside you, ashamed for being weak and letting these heathens have their way with you. "Aww... don't cry, think of it as a little gift for you" one of them winked and mocked you
Your eyes were tired and dead, the emotion behind your eyes got diminished and was replaced with an empty look. Your hair was strewn across your face and your clothes shredded and ripped off from you as you lay on the ground with marks on your body to remind you of the act they've done. You didn't even have the energy to cry anymore as you simply sat there, lost for words. They left on their motorcycles after threatening you to keep this a secret. You knew you had to get back home, somehow, you were ashamed of facing people after what happened. Your esteem and pride was pulverized and shattered as tears welled up in your puffy red eyes
It was time for the meeting and you didn't attend it. Taehun frowned as he noticed you weren't in the room with everyone else. You usually loved these meetings and the only reason he attends them anymore is because of you. He loves the way your eyes light up with excitement whenever there's a new plan to be put in action or when you talk about something you're fond of. "I'll be back" Taehun simply announced as he got up from the couch and shut the door behind him as he switched on his phone to call you
His jaw clenched when you didn't pick up the phone. At first he thought that maybe you were with Munseong as his fists tightened till they became pale as his nails dug into his skin with rage. God, he hated and loathed that guy with every damn nerve of his. He took care of the other guys who dared to flirt with you by not so subtle threats and Taekwando kicks to the jaw, even Munseong. After sucking up his pride, he called him only to realize that you weren't with him which made him grow even more anxious
He called you at least 6 times by now and paranoia was settling inside his gut that something could've happened to you. He hoped that you were all right as he desperately checked for your location and the tracker indicated that you were at an abandoned building nearby. He wondered what the hell you could possibly be doing at a place like an abandoned building. He swallows the lump forming in his throat as he rushed to the building where you were located and his expression morphed into horror and concern at the state you were in
He rushed to your side and caressed your head gently. "Who TF did this to you.." he asked you with his voice breaking and quivering with fury as you sniffled and told him about what happened to you. Word after word, he found himself growing more furious than the previous moment as you described the atrocity that happened with you. 'I'll make those MFS pay with their freaking lives...' he thought as white hot rage coursed through his veins which provided him the adrenaline rush he required to take care of those scumbags who dared to do this to you
He was glad he found you in time, he didn't want someone else he cared for and loved to die like Do-Un. His heart pained as his eyes roamed across the scars on your body. He regretted not being there for you when you needed him the most as guilt started gnawing his thoughts. He lifted you in his arms after covering you with his jacket and took you to his house. He realized that he should have just taken you for himself sooner. This was an eye opening wake up call for him to realize that you clearly weren't safe out there, a little innocent lamb in the midst of hungry predators and wolves who preyed on people like you
He fixed you some food and after tucking you in his bed, he told you to get some rest and he kissed your head. "I'm sorry... You're safe with me now... I'll protect you, those MFS are dead.." he whispered softly as he waited till you fell asleep. He then tracked down the scumbags who did this to you and became the literal devil incarnate himself. "Normally I don't use iron rods when it comes to fights but I want to see you suffer" Taehun smiled menacingly as he continued "Do any of you have 500 Won?"
"This little-" one of them growled as he charged at him. Taehun simply swung the rod at his head as the guy fell on the ground, shuddering with the impact of the blow he'd received on his head. "Let me ask you idiots again, do you have 5000 Won?" Taehun asked once more as he kicked them and swung the rod wildly. He wasn't about to show these fools any mercy, they didn't deserve it anyway, not after what they'd done to you. He kicked them and swung the rod wildly till they were all bleeding on the ground and weren't even breathing at this point but he couldn't care less
He flung the rod down on the ground and rushed back home to you. He was greeted by his dad who had questions for him about the blood stains and the grime on his clothes as Taehun told him what happened. He expected his dad to chew him out and lecture him, what he didn't expect was his dad's gaze to harden and tell him that he did the right thing. He strode over to his room where you were still sleeping on his bed. He got on the bed with you as he pulled you closer to him and kissed your head lightly as he swore silently to protect you with his life from this point. This was like a wake up call for him as he realized he should have just taken you for himself sooner. He's willing to kill people for you and maybe after this, you'll understand why he won't be able to let you leave his house anymore. Don't worry though, you'll understand his love for you one fine day
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narcissistshandler · 8 months
hello! Can I request a Taehun Seong x Top Male Reader x Yeonu Ji? Where the two compete on who can make the reader cum first? Like they are blowing the reader off in Yeonu bedroom, and the reader is desperately trying to cum but the two makes it hard since they keep unintentionally edging him because they keep arguing.
And then the reader has enough then just force his dick into their mouth and cums (you can pick on who's mouth the reader cums into), and basically ends with the reader fucking them until they can't think anymore, if it's alright with you
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✧ 𝖯𝖠𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦 male reader x ji yeonwoo x seong taehoon
✧ 𝖶𝖠𝖱𝖭𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲 amab!reader, blowjob (reader receiving), top!reader, bottom!yeonwoo, bottom&top!taehoon, light sub/dom dynamic, unintentional edging
✧ 𝖠/𝖭 I think this was lighter than you wanted, but I hope you like it anyway. Just three more requests, hang in there with me.
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Your eyes fell closed, pure darkness filling your vision and a deep moan rising in the throat as you felt soft lips closing around the tip of your cock just above where the calloused fingers gripped the length. Your head was thrown back in pleasure, the sucking gentle and enthusiastic as Yeonwoo did his best to take you all the way into his mouth. His every movement was careful and experimental, as if he had studied up on how to give someone a blowjob and knowing your boyfriend well, you knew this could very well be the case.
As much as you wanted to thrust yourself deep into his soft mouth, to have more of that heat and wetness and those fingers tentatively pulling your cock while licking and sucking you, you didn't. You let him explore, watch your reactions and learn little by little even if the heat growing under your skin demanded otherwise.
After a long twenty minutes of being graced with Yeonwoo's enthusiastic touches and licks, you could no longer contain the urgency bubbling in your stomach. Your breathing quickened and your mouth opened, about to give warning as you felt the tremor start your his legs.
But apparently there was a person there more impatient with Yeonwoo's study than you.
"You're doing this wrong. Breathe through your nose." Came Taehoon's voice, his tone full of amusement despite the twinge of judgment. "Hold it tighter," he said, despite the instructions he seemed to mock your boyfriend. "Open your mouth wider."
And you could tell that even though Yeonwoo might be giving Taehoon an annoyed look, he still promptly followed the instructions, believing the tips given. His fingers tightened around you and your hips threatened to move when just the tip of your cock slid too close to his throat, the need building in your stomach, ready to snap...
Yeonwoo immediately backed away, coughing.
You opened your eyes, ready to make sure he was okay even though that construction had been brutally interrupted and all you wanted was to pull Yeonwoo back to you and push your dick back into his mouth, until you came deep down his throat.
“You don’t need to follow everything Taehoon says,” you reassured him, your voice deep and your breathing slowly slowing down from its labored pace. Your dick twitching in Yeonwoo's hand when you saw his flushed face, the glasses crooked on his nose and the saliva running down the lips.
Yeonwoo and Taehoon were kneeling at your feet. Yeonwoo naked, his own red and hard dick dangling between his legs, Taehoon on the other hand was just shirtless, his firm, well-worked muscles exposed and his tight black pants low on his hips, an obvious erection pressing against the fabric.
"You can do whatever you prefer, don't be in a rush."
Yeonwoo wiped the saliva running down his chin and a sweet smile curved his full lips. "Right."
“And it’s okay to choke,” Taehoon continued as if you hadn’t said anything. "[name] likes it when we choke on his dick."
Yeonwoo looked at you as if he was waiting for confirmation or denial, but Taehoon wasn't wrong, so you diverted the subject so that Yeonwoo wouldn't feel obligated to give you a deep throat. “I like whatever you two do,” you said and looked at your cock twitching between Yeonwoo’s fingers. "Do you want to continue?"
Taehoon smiled, half mocking your response and pressed Yeonwoo to the side with his shoulder. "Move on, my turn."
Yeonwoo rolled his eyes, but moved to the side and let Taehoon take his previous position. The hand that held you was gone, the heat and tightness denying you the pleasure, but Taehoon's larger, more experienced hand soon covered you, thumb pressing against the sensitive head as he pulled you in familiar slow thrusts, so firm, it almost became painful. Oh.
You moaned, Taehoon's warm, amused eyes watching your reactions as he leaned in and licked at the leaking slit.
“Fuck,” you cursed, one hand shooting out to grab a fistful of his brown hair.
Taehoon's pride-filled laugh sent a beam of heat through your stomach, his hot breath hitting your length wet with the mixture of his and Yeonwoo's saliva. Without breaking eye contact, he opened his mouth and took more of your length into his mouth, his outstretched tongue trailing along the bottom in a damn erotic display.
Taehoon was good at this, so good at everything he did, it was almost unfair.
Yeonwoo watched Taehoon's movements, seeming to make mental notes as he was unable to stop doing even at a time like these.
He leaned against your hips, kissing wherever he could reach while focusing his attention on how Taehoon swallowed your cock without much difficulty. Your other hand ran through his dark hair, a gentler reflection contrary to your fingers gripping Taehoon's hair.
"Let me try again," Yeonwoo said, there was a tone in his voice that indicated it wasn't a request at all, his hand shooting out to grab the part of his dick that was exposed when Taehoon pulled away. You inhaled deeply as you tried to push Taehoon back down. You needed this, badly.
Taehoon however, pulled away easily, despite the painful tug on his hair. The muscle in your leg twitched at the lost heat of Taehoon's mouth and you sighed deeply, leaving your boyfriends to argue and negotiate amongst themselves about sucking your cock, even though the urgency and need grew by the second, now having release denied for the second time.
"Wait your turn." Taehoon licked his lower lip, collecting the drop of saliva there, trying to displace Yeonwoo's grip with his free hand.
Yeonwoo didn't pull back, fingers closing tighter around you in response to Taehoon's movement, his short nails dug into your skin and you grunted in response, feeling like you could cum like this, with the pain and the pleasure and Taehoon and Yeonwoo arguing on your feet. They fought for power over your cock like a tug of war, neither of them backing down.
“You’re going to rip my dick off like this,” you growled, pulling both of their hair as a small form of punishment. What you really wanted was to bend them over the bed and spank their asses until they couldn't walk straight.
"Rock, paper and scissors?" Yeonwoo tried.
"Taehoon. Yeonwoo."
"Don't be stupid," was Taehoon's response, both of them ignoring the bite of scolding in your voice.
"So how do you want to do this?" asked Yeonwoo, as he took his hand away with a roll of his eyes. Taehoon also let go of you and seemed to consider a response. "Do you want to take tunes and whoever makes him cum first wins?"
Fuck this, you thought as you grabbed your dick and began to masturbate in quick, urgent jerks. You moaned loudly and their attention immediately turned to you, seeming irritated by your initiative to touch yourself. The displeasure on both their faces dissolved within seconds though, and they both leaned forward with their mouths open, tongues lolling out, and eyes shining expectantly. There was a little personal dispute there, you could say.
The muscle in your thigh pulled, shock traveling down your spine. Your free hand tugged at Yeonwoo's hair, bringing his face closer to Taehoon's, just seconds before your balls tightened and your dick pulsed, shooting thick ropes of cum that landed on Taehoon and Yeonwoo's touching tongues in an erotic scene, on the lenses of Yeonwoo's glasses and on one of Taehoon's sharp cheeks.
Curses left your mouth, feeling beads of sweat roll down your stomach as you continued to masturbate through the orgasm.
"Precocious," Taehoon teased as he swallowed, fingers catching what splashed on his face and bringing it into his mouth.
Yeonwoo just moaned, leaning down to lick the tip of your dick, and then suck, wanting to extract every drop from you. You continued to pull your cock through the hot sensitivity, feeling yourself spill even more into Yeonwoo's soft mouth.
"You two are a tease, you know that?" You grunted between your teeth and pulled Yeonwoo back to take him off your dick, then leaned down and kissed him, tasting yourself on his lips. "Get into bed, boy, my turn to play."
Yeonwoo was eager, getting on all fours in the middle of the bed and shaking his butt in the air. You stood up and gently slapped one of his small ass cheeks, which earned you a moan. Despite the sensitivity, you wanted nothing more than to fuck them into the mattress until your dick could no longer get hard.
“You too, Taehoon,” you ordered then, your voice breathless.
"What should I do?" he questioned, unbuttoning and pushing his pants and underwear down his legs, leaving him completely naked in the middle of the room. His dick was dripping wet, the tip an angry red. And he walked slowly to the bed, letting you drink in his nakedness.
Taehoon climbed onto the bed on his knees, the smile never falling from his lips. It was a little funny how Taehoon always seemed in control, even when asking for instructions and you knew he loved taking orders.
“I want you to enter Yeonwoo.” The reaction to the words were instantaneous, both of your boyfriends groaning at the mere thought of it.
Taehoon was more eager than usual, sticking his slender fingers into Yeonwoo's already stretched and lubricated hole to make sure he was stretched enough, before lining up his cock and pushing inside. The sounds they both made filled the room, overlapping. Taehoon grunted with his fingers squeezing Yeonwoo's slim hips, who promptly rocked back, taking Taehoon as deep as possible.
You had to squeeze your own cock to keep yourself from cumming once again as you watched the sight your boyfriends made together. Taehoon stopped moving once he sank completely into Yeonwoo's heat, panting as he waited for your permission.
Reaching for the bottle of lube, you moved even closer to the bed, standing behind Taehoon's tall, muscular figure. After wetting your fingers, you pulled one of his skinny ass cheeks away and touched his tight, dry hole. A sigh fell from Taehoon's mouth.
Unlike Yeonwoo who used to prepare alone, Taehoon was a little shy when it came to playing with that place and so he always let you or Yeonwoo stretch him.
“Fuck him,” you said, as you slid the first finger inside Taehoon, who clenched tightly around the intrusion. His hips shot out in one thrust, firm and urgent. Yeonwoo shouted. “Slowly,” you scolded him, using your free hand to pull his hips back and against you, letting your finger sink deeper. "Don't be in a rush, we still have plenty of time." And if Yeonwoo's father decided to arrive early from work, then well, he would have a not-so-fun surprise when he entered his son's room.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hello, Can I perhaps make a request where seong taehun wanted to kiss yn but he's to shy and awkward to ask since they only have started dating yet. I would like to know how would their first kiss goes 💋💋 thankie thanks!
What's this, Taehoon's SECOND first kiss? (Angsty first kiss here) So here's a fluffier counterpart!
First off - I have to apologise that he is very OOC here. I see Taehoon as so cocky and confident that I find it hard to imagine him as shy. But awkward, yes. Uhh. Anyway. Enjoy!
Seong Taehoon x Reader: Making the first move
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For all Taehoon's bravado and confidence, he hasn't actually walked the walk yet.
Yeah, he was the one that asked you out, but your feelings were like a big flashing neon sign that no-one could miss.
...So were Taehoon's, for that matter, but you couldn't tell him unless you wanted a good kicking.
The first date was at the arcade. Second - at the arcade. Third - you could see the pattern emerging here. Taehoon barely has a romantic bone in his body.
The fourth walking around a park was your idea. So was the fifth at the cafe. And the sixth at the cinema. Now finally, seventh - cuddling on the sofa at your place, watching some nonsense on your laptop.
It's all you.
For someone that was also all about taking over someone's personal space, he had been surprisingly tame as a boyfriend.
You were the one that reached out first and held his hand at the park, impatient at the way he kept brushing up against you without taking it further.
You were the one that gently swept a stray crumb from his lips in the cafe, as he stared dumbstruck and frozen.
You were the one that rested your head on his shoulder during the film, him tensing almost imperceptibly, then relaxing and wrapping his arm round your shoulders.
And there's no way you have misread anything.
Taehoon's hand was oddly clammy when you held it in yours.
His ears turned the faintest shade of pink when your fingers grazed his lips.
You heard the softest sigh as as you snuggled up next to him in the darkness.
Even tonight, as your laptop continues whirring, some mediocre plot trudging forward, you know Taehoon finds your lips infinitely more interesting... If the way his eyes kept flickering towards them were any indication.
"What?" you break the silence, turning towards him as his face is illuminated by the artificial light.
"What do you mean what?"
"Why do you keep looking at me?"
Taehoon smirks at you, "Someone thinks a lot of themselves,"
You purse your lips in annoyance. And there it is again.
His eyes dart down and back up.
"Fuck this," you mutter, making up your mind.
Taehoon's expression changes to one of bemusement at your cursing before quickly shifting to surprise with your next act.
Swallowing down any hesitation, you throw your arms around his neck. You squeeze your eyes shut, lean forward, and find what you have been looking for.
The touch of Taehoon's lips against yours.
Staring open-eyed at your boldness, Taehoon wonders how you managed to pip him to the post once again. He had been trying to make his move all goddamn night.
Ah what the hell. Closing his eyes too and smiling against your lips, he tilts his head, and your mouths slot more easily together.
And it comes as no surprise, with the way that Taehoon moves so fluidly, knowing his body so well, he's a natural with this too.
He teases out little moans and sighs, your body instinctively pressing up against his. You're not sure where your hands roam, but all you know is you need more.
(Damn this guy, you will think, when you replay this scene over and over in your head later that night, and your body flushes with equal parts embarrassment and desire.)
All too soon, before things escalate further, you both break apart. Taehoon looks impossibly pleased with himself, his pupils blown and lips full and kiss-bruised.
He opens his mouth, and you can tell he's going to piss you off with what comes out next.
"Y/N, I didn't know you were so easy."
You consider his words, rising to the challenge and mischief dancing in your eyes-
"I'll always be the one that made the first move and kissed you. Coward."
That does the trick.
All signs of triumph is wiped from Taehoon's face and replaced with a glare as you smile on.
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amyunshader · 2 months
Warren x Sally
Okay, here’s a prompts/headcanon since me + writing = procrastination.
IF someone feels like actually writing something like that, do tell me.
I believe there will be one day, perhaps five years or shit from the current timeline, when all will be well and solved — a time of smooth sailing at last.
When we discover that Johan and Luah had been living together for quite some time
In that time, at long last, the Mighty Warren Chae will propose to Sally Park.
The thing is, Sally finds herself rather confused. She knows for certain that Warren is an orphan. So how does she have in-laws to meet? Warren... isn't too sure either.
Manager Kim invite his spiritual son and daughter-in-law to be at his home to congratulate them on their engagement.
Unfortunately? no way in the world Hansu Seong and Jincheol Park would miss out on meeting the rumored heir of their friend.
• Taehun really didn’t want to come. Unfortunately, Manager Kim is a man who can, has and will beat his ass if disrespected, so he had no choice but to be there in his most proper suit to politely greet the guests.
• Dabin heard her dad’s friends’ pupil were strong guys around her age, so she came out of curiosity, but now she feel wronged, no, in fact she feels personally offended. One is an a vicious looking ostrich, only it sticks his head in the ground whenever Mr. Kim so much as glance his way, and the other is a massive, collared dog with a freaking identification tattoo, who is always, A.L.W.A.Y.S standing at attention toward wherever his fiancee is. Ugh, so tamed it’s gross. At least the dads are raising the bar, with Mr. Sung being a Ninja Shrimp and Mr. Kim a Black Panther.
• Minji and Sally bond over being unimpressed at the whole shitshow turning into a successor competition between the three old men. Well, between Manager Kim and Hansu, while Jincheol is complaining about the wasted potential of his future? potential? son-in-law and he gets choked by his daughter who start screeching about the comparative merits of a bear and a honey badger.
• Bonus is that Taehun (bored) text a pic of the room to Hobin, who shows him to the others, and Rumi & Gaeul instantly identify Big Mama and Big Uncle from Like What & So Funny’s streaming, and pester Hobin to go meet them. Perhaps even Gaeul dad’s pursue follows them cuz he does not approve of his daughter going out so late at night ("What’s with the rat and the rooster," says Dabin)
• Chaos upgrade to another level as the old men are getting drunk — trying to get their respective successors fight, including Hobin. Meanwhile, the girls are… chatting? Appalled? Squealing over pic of Yenna? Trying to stop the stoopid guys from fighting? Watching with pop corn? Dabin at least sure is.
note on Dabin’s animals:
— Taehun is an ostrich cuz they are super aggressive, super territorial, super fast and have deadly kicks. Also there’s that thing about sticking their head into the ground facing danger, that isn’t actually true, but I found it funny to use it as a mark of Manager Kim’s dominance
— Warren is a dog. Yeah, I thought I would keep the dog for Johan, but ‘fidelity’ is Warren second name, so. Btw Johan is actually more of a lone wolf than a dog in my opinion. So dog Warren as a collar, and an ‘identification tattoo’ cuz while tattoos generally make for meany-scary, for Warren it’s more of an owner-branding. He’s a simp so dog-Warren is always turned towards Sally even (in the rare cases where) human Warren isn’t.
— Hansu Seong is a ninja shrimp. Those little things are mad. Don’t wanna make a whole essay so I’ll just say their specialty is explosive hits.
— Manager Kim is a black panther. Dark, dangerous, silent predator, king of the jungle, I don’t think I need to explain
— Hobin is a rat 🐀 — sly little thing with higher intelligence than most other animals, and a great learning capability — plus they can use tools. Also Hobin is like, a rat for money stuff.
— Gaeul’s dad (= Hobin’s master) is a rooster 🐔 yeah I know the guy in rooster mask is Samdak, but he has the rooster vibe? Idk I’m running out of ideas. My first idea was duo rooster and chicken for him and Hobin.
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