sneezemaster · 11 months
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I guess....I'm going down with this ship o7 [I hate that hand, but I will learn...someday...i hope...T.T
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punknerdmusings · 6 years
Control is All, pt. 1
So uh... I saw a post chronicling a conversation between @ask-the-egos and @fairykats, and @turquoisemagpie‘s drawing... and then another one down the thread as well.
So this came about. It’s a fic where Dark had Bing’s personality, and Bing has Dark’s. In addition, Google has Wilford’s and Wilford has Google’s.
I have too many headcanons for this goddamn thing.
anyways @sunstar121 here it is
Next Last Masterpost
Dark giggled as he landed a kickflip, in the hall of course. Bing groaned, the monochrome ego did this every goddamn day, it seemed like. And it was extremely annoying to Bing.
Not to mention, dangerous. He had been knocked over too many times by Dark barreling down the hallway, uncaring for who might be walking. Bing rubbed his neck with a muttered curse, stretching it and quietly groaning as he heard a snap, the feeling in the right half of his body going away. At least it wasn’t the motor function wire again, he could at least live like this for a day or two.
Of course, Dark might not, seeing as the other ego had stopped next to Wilford and was showing the other man his newest trinkets. Bing internally groaned, not looking forward to going by the only ego whose entire attitude was the complete opposite of what it should be. And as he got closer, Wilford’s disinterest was clear, the mustasched ego even saying “Please shut up. Your stupidity is making my brain hurt.”
This time, his breaking point was when Dark took out that infernal fidget spinner with those annoying light-up colors. Bing growled and strode over, knocking out of the demon’s hands.
“S-Stop playing with th-that stupid t-toy or I’ll en-nd you-u-u.” Despite the glitching, Bing’s voice had a hard edge to it, and Dark flinched away.
“Yes, Bing…”
The android nodded and turned away, a clear dismissal sign. The demon turned tail and hurried off, shivering as his red and blue aura around him shrank in fear. And as he went off, leaving the Iplier area for the Septic, Bing sighed and flicked his security feed away. He walked off towards the clinic, humming a tune to himself, to check up on Host and Dr. Iplier, Wilford sighing in relief and trailing after Bing to wait for a chance to speak.
“Doctor. Host. How are you two today?” Bing’s voice, while angry and glitchy when reprimanding Dark, was smooth, warm, and welcoming with these two egos. However, he could pick up on Host’s too-quick swallow and slight tremble before the blind man answers, the barest hint of fear in his voice.
“The Host would like to inform Bing that the Host is well, and he appreciates you asking. Dr. Iplier is also well, and was just about to help the Host with changing his bandages.”
Bing nodded. “Good, good.” He made no move to leave, instead just turning to Wilford. It was clear Host was uncomfortable with this, and Bing had to fight back a grin. He kept the two in his sights as Dr. Iplier slowly started to unwrap Host’s eyes, trying to block as much of Host as possible from Bing. His efforts were futile, as Bing was in a perfect position to have a full view of his handiwork. The mangled eye sockets, still weeping blood due to nanobots Bing had inserted into Host’s bloodstream that kept the wounds gaping open. Nanobots that could and would increase the blood flow to dangerous amounts if Host tried to leave or defy him. And it had the added benefit of keeping Dr. Iplier under control as well, as the dear doctor cared far too much about his precious Host.
Bing nodded after Wilford was done relaying information, dismissing him. Of course, he hadn’t paid attention to a single word, and the egos knew that unless he spoke after they were done talking, whatever they had been saying was instead recorded to watch back later. It was a feature BIng both loved and hated about himself, it certainly made things more convient, but it also reminded him of just how robotic he was. He loathed it, all he wanted was to be human again…
He shook his head before walking out of the clinic, starting to watch back the newest Wilford clip. It was mostly business things, but one thing caught his attention.
One of Wilford’s main jobs was to keep Bing notified about Dark, on everything from Dark’s happiness levels to his aura to what Dark was planning on doing that day. And apparently, Dark’s aura had been getting stronger over the past few days. Bing flicked through some security footage from Dark’s room, and sure enough, the red and blue that surrounded Dark was getting wider every day. There was going to be a break here soon. Judging by the growth and past breaks… It was going to happen tonight.
Bing swore as he ran through the hallways, his gait off because of the numbness in his right leg. How could have let Dark get too happy? Dammit, dammit, dammit, he needed to subdue this and fast.
Dark’s breaks were harmless in and of themselves. They indicated he was extremely happy, and while sometimes there would be some property damage, it wouldn’t be severe. No, the real danger of breaks came with how hard it became to control Dark. The man would be too happy to be brought down easily, and if nothing major happened to lower his mood, Dark could get dangerous ideas in his head. Bing, as much as he despised the other ego, needed Dark for the very last stages of his plan.
Dark was the only one who could put Bing back in a human body, put him in Mark’s body. And Bing could not afford to lose him.
Bing skidded into his control room, his eyes searching the display. Dark was outside with Chase, in the garden. Bing breathed a sigh of relief, Dark was still in range. Bing pulled up the security feed, Dark and Chase were close but not touching, walking along one of the many garden paths. Good. Bing pressed a button and instantly, Dark dropped to his knees, and although the camera carried no sound, Bing could tell Dark was screaming, his hands clutched around his head. Chase was instantly trying to help the other ego, but as Bing turned up the dial, Dark curled in on himself, sobbing. Chase then scooped Dark up and Bing started to slowly ease off, typing something to ensure Dark would be kept incapacitated for the next few hours, if not a day or two. Bing nodded, leaving the room and dimming the lights, knowing that Dark wouldn’t be having a break any time soon.
Chase cradled Dark, who was far lighter than he looked. The gray ego was clinging to Chase, tears streaking down his face, his red and blue novelty glasses askew. Behind them, Dark’s eyes were tightly shut, trying to block out the massive pain in his head as Chase took him to the Septic area of Ego Inc, to Chase’s room. He didn’t bother to turn on the lights, instead laying Dark down on the bed. He laid next to his boyfriend, running a hand through Dark’s hair. Gently, he took off Dark’s glasses, setting them on the bedside table. Schneep, who had seen the two come in, entered to room with a cold washcloth, some pain pills, and a glass of water. Chase took them and started to coax Dark to sit up and take them, and after a while, Dark did, before Chase gently helped him lay back down and draped the washcloth over Dark’s forehead and eyebrows. Chase himself then laid back down, rubbing Dark’s back as his boyfriend wrapped his fingers into his shirt. Soon, Dark was asleep, and Chase carefully and gently got up, sighing as he left Dark to sleep off the pain.
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Hey. Any more fun DarkXChase stuff you want to share?
They each plan dates that the other feels ridiculous doing but love because of how happy it makes the other feels. 
Like the fancy dinners where Chase has to wear a suit and tie to make him feel like he’s playing dress up, tho he does like the shows Dark takes him to who knew that the demon was a fan of musicals
Dark looks just plain silly in his suits when going to the cardinal and park, but he surprisingly is doing really well at learning to skateboard which makes him feel good especially when Chase looks at him with pride and adoration. 
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iamvegorott · 6 years
DarkxChase = Chark | DarkxMarvin = Dark/Black Magic
The ship names have been decided!
I read ‘Chark’ as ‘Shark’, lol
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