#dart flyscreen
alfredosauce50 · 5 years
Who’s the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 14
Wordcount: 2,961 The reader is referred to as she/her
The driver just couldn't help it. With two men bleeding all over his leather, one with blood painted all over their face and the other with their white dress shirt stained with crimson blotches, he frequently darted his eyes to his rearview mirror. That way he could update himself on just what was going on with his two patrons, where one of them was on the brink of death. His head was mostly limp as he sat in the back; face pale and glazed with sweat, he miraculously scraped together his remaining willpower and energy to talk to his redhaired accompaniment. "... Where did you say Luciano was again?" He coughed. And once again, the driver let his visage travel to the rearview mirror with a bead of sweat rolling down his temple. His brows would twitch at every cough and splutter Alfred let out. If he was not gurgling on his blood for the moment, there was no need to react this way. 
Despite his companion's condition not being much better than his own, he huffed heavily and still responded. "Everywhere. We gotta find him with Flavio's help." That was when Alfred burst into a coughing fit, spluttering and hacking violently to spew a little bit of blood onto the seat in front of him. "... You-" He interrupted himself with another cough. "-don't know?" Allen's brows furrowed, nodding without another word. As evident in his expression that contorted into resentment, he did not want to delve into their obstacle any further. And so, a silence so tense fell around them that a knife could cut right through it. Of course, it was not completely quiet because of the sounds of nightly traffic and the dripping of blood. The man behind the wheel flickered his eyes back to them once more. "... Uh... You guys sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" He asked, to where the two figures behind shook their head simultaneously at. It was the third time he had brought up the question. "No thanks." They mumbled. "Lennox Hill Hospital is right on the left if you guys wanna go-" "No." "Are you sure?" Allen's nostrils flared and he shot up. "NO!" The man flinched. "Is that a no because you're unsure or it that a no because-" Stretching of leather was heard as one of them sat up. Reaching for the headrest right behind his head, he craned his own to the side so he could stare at the side of his sweat-glazed face. "If you wanna keep this car and job, then I suggest you keep driving." He whispered, striking red eyes round with menace. Despite his volume being low, the tone in how he worded things made him sound threatening. The other responded with a quick nod and fixated his attention back onto the black road ahead like he was supposed to. "You got it, buddy." The ride felt so much longer than what the cousins expected. What felt like hours was only around twenty minutes. Alfred wanted some time away from the flashing lights of paparazzi and the blinking lights of the city. Glowing billboards, crazy taxi drivers and towering structures scattered at every corner were signs of a dense population hotspot, and that just meant more people to deal with. Allen on the hand just missed his hometown. It was much quieter there, as ironic as it sounded, but it was true. So when the bustle of life faded away and they drove into his neighborhood, he felt a rush of euphoria and relief surge through his veins. The rundown single-story house at the end of the street stood there in all its glory, beckoning its owner to enter it. It was the perfect embodiment of poor living standards, but damn, it was luxury in Allen's eyes. He jumped out of his seat and pointed it out to the driver. "There! Just stop there." He exclaimed. "Okay, got it." The vehicle slowed down in front of the driveway so that crushing of asphalt could be heard. The interior lit up as the car doors flung open. Allen stepped out first to marvel at the house, but when he heard the painful grunts sourcing from a blonde just behind, he turned around. Before he collapsed onto the ground, Allen reached out and held him up around his stomach to avoid the wound in his shoulder. "Yo, you good?" Alfred struggled up to his feet while holding onto him desperately. "Shit, thanks." He whispered. They made their way up to the front door and he never experienced this much trouble going up a few stairs in his life. By the time he was facing the front door, his body was finally succumbing to the wound in his shoulder that ripped a few tendons. "Actually... I don't feel so good..." When the flyscreen flung open, its screeches faded out into a ring in his ears and he fell forward. His face collided with the front door, pushing it open so he could land on the ground inside in a heavy thud. Allen was already struggling with his weight when he was conscious, but when that left Alfred's body, he was unable to prevent him from plummeting down onto the floor. "Shit!" Allen hissed and rushed to his side. "How the fuck was the door unlocked anyway?!" Blood was pooling on the wooden floorboards he was lying on, and the grotesque sight of how much red there was escalated his heart rate. The only sensation he knew now was pure panic as he carried him over to the couch. Little did he know, another person was there in the house with them. Much too focused on getting Alfred's limp body into a flat position, he did not notice the man that just moved off of the piece of furniture. "Oh my god. What the absolute fudge happened to him?!" Flying back out of sheer shock, he threw the pillow in his hands with a scream. Allen found himself gawking at a familiar blonde and grabbed the fabric around where his thundering heart would have been. "Flavio? The hell are you doing here? You know you gave me a heart attack!" He wheezed. Said man pulled out a baby pink handkerchief and a bottle of clear liquid. Spraying the little square of velvety material a few times with perfume inside, he pressed it to his nose and inhaled deeply. "I was here since nine. I was waiting for you guys to come back and I've got to say-" Flavio dug his finger into the corner of the handkerchief so he could wave it around. In all honesty, he was whipping it, not waving. "I don't want to know where you crazy people have been, nor do I wanna know what you've been doing. Not at all! No, no no!" Allen breathed heavily and furrowed his brows at that. He was going to have to explain their current predicament because Alfred was unconscious, and the thought made him grit his teeth. "Look, Flavio. I can't really talk right now because I have Alfred to look after, but I have a story filled with shit to tell you." He spoke really quickly because he was both breathless and under a tight time constraint. He ran into the kitchen and returned with a large rectangular box. It was a glossy white with a green cross sticker stuck on it. "Mmhmmm." He hummed, stretching out the 'mm' and 'hm' to emphasize his displeasure. "I just told you that I didn't wanna know, but you don't care-" "Of course I don't." He mumbled, ripping open the shirt Alfred was wearing. Buttons flew everywhere and they bounced around on the ground in light taps. He then proceeded to clean the wound, and when Flavio saw, he backed away. "Why is it always him?" He asked in a volume no louder than a whisper. "That's cause he's always making mistakes..." Allen murmured. He pressed his hands on his body to apply pressure so his blood flow would improve. Flavio rose his brows and eyed him with skepticism. But that was exactly what Allen did 24/7. Allen caught that look and stretched his eyes. "... And he doesn't know how to defend himself." Flavio shook his head with a sigh. He then folded his arms and watched the two in a tense silence. "So, what happened?" He finally broke that silence as concern overwhelmed all feelings of disgust that associated with the situation at hand. He felt a sinking feeling in his stomach when he also noticed that you were nowhere in sight. You left with them to Alfred's penthouse, so why did you not return with them as well? "I took care of (F/N)'s shop while you guys were gone. Where is she?" Allen stopped moving and a shadow consumed half his face. It was as if he stopped breathing. If it were not for the bandages coiled around Alfred's chest and shoulder already, he would have bled to death due to his cousin's sudden cease in activity. Images of you flashed in his mind. He recalled the screams and chaos that seized the venue, as well as the stinging pain in his palms. It returned to burn his hands like a ghost sickness and he stood up. "... She's not here." Allen turned his head slowly to Flavio and separated his lips shakily. "Luciano took her. And all I did was watch." He slid the shades off the bridge of his nose to reveal a pair of magenta irises. That way, he could pinch the area between his eyes. "... How could you?" The other dug his hands through his hair and rubbed it stressfully. "I don't fucking know. I could have stopped them, but I didn't... I couldn't!" Flavio stormed up to him and poked him in the chest just under the collarbone. He glared in those striking red irises with his own that were almost glowing with menace. "That's an excuse because you could. I know you're not the type to just give up easily. You had a chance." He dug his finger deep into his flesh under his shirt. "You know how to run. You know how to steal cars. You know how to fire a gun. And most importantly, you can make quick decisions in risky situations. So what happened?" Allen was beyond shocked at the sudden change of behavior, and he was speechless at what he said because it was all true. He was more than capable of chasing down mobsters like Luciano even when they used the latest car models that could travel at the speed of light. He could chase down anything in the world if it involved you. "... I don't-" "You do!" He exasperated, turning around to storm off for a bit. But he returned right after to keep talking. "You made a mistake, and it's way worse than whatever Alfred did." Allen's breath fanned onto his face, and that was when he discovered the answer. It was laced with alcohol. "You classless pig. You were drinking on the job!" Flavio fumed. "Is getting drunk more important than looking out for your friends?!" "No, of course not! I just didn't know-" The other shook their head and sighed angrily. "That doesn't matter. I thought you moved there in the first place because you were worried about (F/N)'s safety. And look what happened. You still fu- messed up!" He quickly corrected himself and threw his hands in the air in rage. "Jesus H Christ. I can't believe you, Allen. You can't just take breaks like that when you have people like my brother around. You're the last person in the world to forget that." Allen did not even try to argue anymore. He just glared at him with a vein popping around his neck and contained all the emotions inside. "... So, what can we do?" He finally let go of the breath he held. Flavio clicked his tongue. "Gee, it's really hard to say, Allen. We need the most intricate and well-thought-out plan if we wanna do anything at all. But of course, we strike when his guard his lowest, so during-" "-the day, got it. What else?" He paused for a moment. "I'll tell you what. I'll give you details to Luciano's hideouts, and I'll update you on his whereabouts whenever I can. Then, it's all up to you." He explained, glancing at Alfred. That was when he noticed his eyes flickering, then opening. He sat up slowly with a groan and rubbed his face. "Um..." Flavio appeared flabberghasted. "I kinda forgot to tell you that Luciano laces his knives with poison, so how he's awake so quickly I don't know how-- but I guess I didn't have to in the end," That was when the clicking of leather shoes was heard and another voice interrupted the conversation. As Allen helped Alfred to sit up properly, the newcomer established his presence by clearing his throat. "Oh yeah, he's like that." Everyone whipped their heads to the man at the same time. "He just can't die." "Happy?!" Flavio just contorted his face into a weird look. Who the hell was he? Happy nodded. "Yeah, I got your text. I figured you guys would've needed someone to drive you around." *** You did not imagine your place of death to be comfortable. Instead of being tied up on a cheap, rickety chair in somebody's basement with a single light source hanging over your head, you were kept in a lavish bedroom. You were still constrained in a way, but not to the extreme case of not being able to move at all. Sliding your legs off of the bed you had been sleeping like a log on, you walked over to the door and jiggled the handle. You were just locked in a room of what looked like a luxurious mansion, which was, of course, located God knows where. Kicking the polished mahogany wood a few times, you gave in with an extended sigh and sauntered to the marble balcony. The French doors you passed through to get outside were conveniently opened already, so wind had been blowing in since square one. "... Where am I?" You mumbled, folding your arms across the stone railing. Lush, green gardens and fountains spewing out water in beautiful patterns were found everywhere underneath. "Whatever this place is, I like it." It was even better than Alfred's penthouse, per se. "Why thank you, bella. I take pride in my gardens." Somebody murmured. "Woah!" You twisted yourself to the right to find one of the garden chairs occupied by a familiar face. His prominent Italian accent and oddly-hued eyes could be recognized from miles away. He had been staring out into the vegetation below as well, just like you, except he was playing with a knife in one hand. Jumping back when you caught sight of the sharp blade rolling in his fingers, he chuckled and stood up. "Don't get near me with that thing, you creepy Italian!" He tucked the throwing knife into his jacket with a grumble. "Luciano." "What?" He walked over to you and grabbed your hand. "My name. It's Luciano." You were beyond confused about his intentions when he grasped your hand, but when he bent down to kiss the back of it, it hit you. "Do all Europeans do that?" You suddenly asked. Luciano's brows twitched and he stood up straight again with a frown. "No? It really varies on the person." He responded. "And why Americans always generalize things I will never know either." Pulling your hand away from his fingers, you wrapped your arms around yourself to shield against the cold. "True." He assumed that you were uncomfortable outside from your body language, so he attached a hand to your back and ushered you back inside. Luciano was being so gentle it made you suspicious of his motives. So when your feet made contact with the soft carpet inside again, you turned to him with furrowed brows. "Luciano, why are you being so nice?" He walked over to one of the dressers and pulled out some robes. He returned and draped it over your shoulders while you stood there, filled to the brim with confusion. Although you were grateful for what he was doing, in the time being, you did not understand why he was doing these things for you. Previously, you were not wearing much at all, just a slightly transparent nightgown. But now, you were a little more decent with something to cover up with. "... Because I don't have a reason to do the opposite." Luciano replied. "And you're a pretty girl." Blood rushed up to your cheeks and you shot him an incredulous look. He laughed at that and leaned in to fan his hot breath over your neck. "I see why Allen likes you so much." Goosebumps pricked all over your skin when he whispered into your ear, so you pushed him away with a gasp. "What are you going to do with Allen? What are you gonna do with me? I thought you wanted to kill me!" You exclaimed. "Seriously, Luciano. What are you playing at?" Luciano did not answer the first question. "I don't want to kill you." He replied. "I need you alive, for Allen." With that, he turned around and made his way to the door. But then, he stopped again so you could stare at his back. "You don't deserve to die. I just want you to realize that the best friend you love so much is not what he seems." Luciano murmured. "And by the time he comes to get you, you won't want to go home. To him."
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dartflyscreens · 6 years
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Biltwell helmet. Scrambler pipes. Dart Flyscreen. Name a more iconic trio... I'll wait. Credit: @chrisvatier Triumph Street Scrambler featuring the Midnight Tint Classic Flyscreen! ⬆ SHOP LINK IN BIO ⬆ https://ift.tt/2GGlvUw
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totalmotorcycle · 6 years
DART Flyscreen Review
FYI: The fastest route to more style and comfort! DART Flyscreen Review DART Flyscreen DART Flyscreen DART Flyscreen DART Flyscreen DART Flyscreen – Inside the Box DART Flyscreen – Box Contents Windscreens are one of those [...] The post DART Flyscreen Review appeared first on TotalMotorcycle. http://dlvr.it/QyWRh3
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olivereliott · 5 years
Put up your dukes! A KTM 390 custom from Ellaspede
Since its release in 2013, KTM’s 390 Duke has become a staple in the entry-level segment. It’s amassed a slew of awards but despite its plus points—a sub-330lb dry weight, modern reliability and high-end suspension—the little Duke is one of the most commonly-overlooked platforms for customization.
One of the handful of shops that have recognized the merits of the Austrian single is Australia’s Ellaspede. The Brisbane outfit has given the Duke 390 a blacked-out, off-road-oriented makeover—and provided an alternative to the newly unveiled KTM 390 Adventure.
The build started life as a low-mile 2017 390 Duke, and was commissioned by a client who already owns a one-off Honda CT110 from Ellespede. He was looking for something a little more powerful and contemporary, which would also be capable of some light trail duties.
“The intent was to make the stock 390 Duke look a little less futuristic, reduce some of the ‘forward’ angles, and create a bike that looks like it could be a factory KTM concept,” explains Ellespede’s Hughan Seary.
The team began by tearing the 390 down to the chassis, before looping off the stock subframe and replacing it with a bespoke structure that was reportedly the result of no less than 16 hours of work.
A custom ribbed, tucked and rolled saddle was fashioned for the new framework, hiding a one-off electronics tray underneath. An LED taillight, Motogadget m.blaze pin indicators, and Ellaspede’s own ‘Ninja Star’ tail tidy keep the back of the build clutter-free.
The original tank remains in play, though it’s been modified to give a cleaner, more timeless aesthetic that almost borders on an ADV vibe.
“The 2017 390 Duke got bigger tank shrouds in the factory redesign, but it was the previous model’s smaller shrouds that we ended up sourcing, modifying, and custom mounting,” Seary tells us.
The Duke’s sharp and futuristic front-end was binned and in its place is now an LED Koso unit capped off with a Dart flyscreen. The 390’s 5.2” TFT display has also been relocated to in front of the top triple, just behind said flyscreen, allowing it to blend in markedly better.
Below, the guys have crafted a one-off steel front fender that tightly hugs the tire. Changes to the cockpit include new grips, LSL bar-end mirrors, and adjustable aftermarket shorty-levers shrouded behind a set of Barkbusters.
In an effort to squeeze a bit more power out of the 373cc engine, its respiratory bits were upgraded and a low-slung SuperTrapp is now suspended from a bespoke hanger.
“A Power Commander unit was wired in to take care of the new air filter and airbox mods, plus there’s the custom exhaust which wakes up the package a little more. It was impressive before, but who doesn’t like more power and sound right?” jokes Seary.
To bolster the Duke’s off-road prowess, a beefy one-off skid-plate was whipped up and tacked to the power plant, and sliders were installed on the frame and front and rear axles.
The KTM now rides on a set of Shinko 705 tires, too. At the request of the client, a bevy of bespoke and aftermarket racks and luggage were also added to the mix.
“One of the requirements was a removable pannier system that not only looked the part but would allow sufficient storage for future ‘back road’ weekender camping trips. So a series of laser cut plates were designed, CAD’d and welded up to hold the RotoPax fuel and water (cells) with a soft Kriega pannier on each side. A spare rack can also be bolted over the top of the pillion seat should more storage be needed,” relays Seary.
With the Duke fully sorted, the Ellaspede tore everything down again and began prepping the KTM for paint. It was decided that the white and orange scheme would be replaced with a murdered-out livery comprised of multiple shades of black in varying finishes.
This not only included painting the frame and bodywork, but also the new subframe, the wheels, skid-plate, exhaust, electronics bay, the mono-shock, and even the orange lettering on the engine was overlaid in black.
“This KTM is now a great all-rounder that’s an absolute hoot to ride and looks the business in a compact package,” says Seary.
“If you own a 2017-onwards 390 Duke then you’ll probably notice lots of other little changes and details. If you don’t, then you probably won’t—and that’s the intent when you’re going for a ‘factory concept’ style build.”
Ellaspede | Facebook | Instagram | Images by Aj Moller
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motovationusacom · 8 years
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Dart Flyscreens are making the perfect windscreen fairing for your Triumph Thruxton 1200 - available at www.motovationusa.com - #triumph #dartflyscreen #thruxton #caferacer #thruxton1200 #triumphthruxton #bikemods #motovationusa #triumphlife (at MotovationUSA)
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dartflyscreens · 7 years
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The elegant nose of a Ducati Scrambler, brought to you by Motodemic and Dart. Credit: @motodemic Ducati Scrambler featuring the Midnight Tint Classic Flyscreen! ⬆SHOP LINK IN BIO ⬆ http://ift.tt/2p6hz4Z
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dartflyscreens · 5 years
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Moto Guzzi V7 Marlin flyscreen Customer Review: "★★★★★ - I love the Dart Marlin. I used to get beat up on long rides without it, but the Marlin gives me a much more pleasant experience as the wind is adjusted nicely. I didn't want a large fairing as I prefer the much more streamlined cafe look, but needed that extra bit of wind and bug protection. Great product." - Simon G. https://ift.tt/2V2alwz
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dartflyscreens · 6 years
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Moto Guzzi V9 Classic flyscreen Customer Review: "★★★★★ - This is my second Dart Classic, so I knew to expect easy installation and excellent fit and finish. It’s small size means it blends with the aesthetics of almost any bike. There’s no buffeting, but at highway speeds, it takes some wind pressure off the chest for a more comfortable ride. As a bonus, it protects the electronics in the dash on a rainy ride.” - Adam B. https://ift.tt/2NxFFAx
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dartflyscreens · 6 years
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Moto Guzzi V9 Classic flyscreen Customer Review: "★★★★★ - The Dart Classic has really made a big difference in changing the way I ride my V9 Bobber. It has taken off the wind blast on my chest, and eliminated the 'death grip.' Surprisingly it has added to the look of the bike! I would wholeheartedly recommend this!” - Jon R. https://ift.tt/2IF2C5Z
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dartflyscreens · 6 years
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Victory Round Headlight Classic Customer Review: "★★★★★ - I purchased a Dart Flyscreen to suit my Victory Gunner. The item arrived here in Australia within a reasonable time and very well packed. The instructions and the actual item is of a very high quality. Now when I ride at around 100klms per hour I don't get the buffeting of air on my chest any more. Not only does it help in that regard it also enhances the look of the bike. Thanks, Dart for a quality product!” - Claude G. https://ift.tt/2ICyvfo
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dartflyscreens · 6 years
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Triumph Bonneville Marlin flyscreen Customer Review: "★★★★★ - Love the Dart Marlin Flyscreen on my Triumph Bonneville! Cuts the wind of my Chest and makes those long-haul bike trips more enjoyable. Easy to install. I have the Dart Classic Flyscreen, which I think looks better on the bike, but the Marlin cuts much more wind. Love them both!” - Warren C. http://bit.ly/2DS3HBU
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dartflyscreens · 6 years
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Moto Guzzi V7 Classic flyscreen Customer Review: "★★★★★ - Phase one of customizing my 2017 Moto Guzzi V7 III Special. Dart Classic flyscreen was an excellent addition. Lowered the headlight assembly slightly so the top of the flyscreen is just barely higher than the instrument cluster. Also black anodized the hardware to match the black screen. Quality, workmanship, and Dart experience was all excellent. Thanks Dart " - Brad K. http://bit.ly/2SCtkAS
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totalmotorcycle · 6 years
DART Flyscreen Review
ICYMI: The fastest route to more style and comfort! DART Flyscreen Review DART Flyscreen DART Flyscreen DART Flyscreen DART Flyscreen DART Flyscreen – Inside the Box DART Flyscreen – Box Contents Windscreens are one of those [...] The post DART Flyscreen Review appeared first on TotalMotorcycle. http://dlvr.it/QxWYfm
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totalmotorcycle · 6 years
DART Flyscreen Review
The fastest route to more style and comfort! DART Flyscreen Review DART Flyscreen DART Flyscreen DART Flyscreen DART Flyscreen DART Flyscreen – Inside the Box DART Flyscreen – Box Contents Windscreens are one of those [...] The post DART Flyscreen Review appeared first on TotalMotorcycle. http://dlvr.it/Qx1Rn5
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dartflyscreens · 6 years
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Moto Guzzi V7 Classic flyscreen Customer Review: "★★★★★ - Love my dart screen. It looks a lot cleaner than the original V7R screen and actually works! Great product.” - Laurie F. http://bit.ly/2C8rzQD
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dartflyscreens · 6 years
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Moto Guzzi V7 Marlin flyscreen Customer Review: "★★★★★ - " - I ordered the screen online. It was delivered to the other side of the globe in 2 weeks. It was well packaged. It is well made and it fits perfectly without any drama. The screen provides good wind protection for the torso with a little bit of buffeting if you drop your head down. Overall a very good piece of kit. Well done Dart- Merv B. https://ift.tt/2PUHkQp
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