dashielcolarina · 6 years
Rainy Day In Front Of A Post Office (Ottava Rima)
Amongst your restless waters, I slumber.
Dripping June, petrichor, dark horizon;
It pains me -- serenity, cold weather.
Front of a post office, I stand alone.
Rain -- relentless, forlorn -- erstwhile letter,
As soon as the sky clears, will I go on?
Miles away, will my poetry reach you:
The broken distances I won't get through...
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
Aesthetic Of A Dandelion
He was a curator who speaks softly about springtime dreams, flowing stars, maple trees, and Vincent Van Gogh, he’s always loved the constellation of Canis Manor and drawn Killua Zoldyck on illustration boards using pencils out of boredom, he owns a gallery which houses 40 paintings, with 3 barely hanging on the wall.
Who am I to know about pastels and easels? About canvasses and paints? I might have made an impressionist artwork if I am too educated about it, I can’t even use a protractor nor a compass, can’t even comprehend your horoscopes and introspections, all I can do is measure lightyears through my poems, watch September pass by in a jiffy, and adore Don McLean.
I can’t understand the gray in the strands of your hair neither I can stay by your side, because the artist that I am isn’t enough to decipher your abstraction.
Still… I can write about your gestures, silly remarks, and the way you walk on willowed roads…
Haven’t visited your gallery in a long while now…
I wonder,
are the three paintings with dandelions in them
still hanging barely
on your storied walls…
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
The Poor Man And His Son
It feels as if I’m walking on a pathway full of wilted azaleas, and the northern mountains look like the darkest landforms I’ve ever seen… This place looks like the local market I’ve known, it’s just that this used to be where your footsteps camp, where your stories linger – the footsteps and stories of a poor boy who picks up thrown balls for a living. You dyed your hair last night, and I don’t know how hard everything is for you, I can’t be good enough for anything and everything even after getting a bachelor’s degree, even after turning 21. I am still that kid you yelled at and beat up for unknown reasons, and I’ve been living my life finding the courage to pursue my earthly desires, and yet… I can’t be capable enough…
because my heart’s not strong enough to build your empire, to build my capital city, all I know is to write something only I will consider poetry,
because my mind’s not strong enough to memorize the entire Pi chart and the atomic mass of every element, I am not genius enough to be a scientist, not talented enough to be a superstar, not good enough for a writer or a human resource officer…
I, too, want to help this family, pay for utility bills and other expenses, I, too, am tired of unemployment.
At the end of the day, all these times,
I just want to be the best son
a poor man who used to pick up thrown balls and now drives a garbage truck for a living
can ever have.
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
Gnarled Roots (Haiku)
An oak made friends with
the swallows on crying skies;
roots, still gnarled, sturdy.
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
The Queens of K-Pop are back!!!
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
Space Exploration
I want to travel the space with you,
find out how the universe began,
how planetary flybys happen,
how the Kuiper Belt looks like,
and how solar winds and solar flares
affect the Solar System…
I think that’d be much better
than sitting outside
and singing about how crazy life is,
because the Earth has been a place
for sadness and melancholies,
for lost lullabies and forgotten songs,
a sanctuary of lonely souls,
of my desires to be with you…
…but time, space, and even dimension
won’t allow me to…
So, I want to create my own
Big Bang Theory alone,
and maybe… just maybe,
I’ll be able to travel the space with you
and leave everything behind –
the pain, the emptiness, the void
in my heart,
and be filled with celestial poems
and interplanetary stories.
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
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I’ve come to know Yoo Seung Ho through two dramas: Remember: War of the Son and Ruler: Master of the Mask, this young man captured my eye and my heart and became my downright most favorite Korean actor to date, I’m going to watch his movies soon and will wait for his future endeavors and shows.
Today, you’re a year older and I wish for the accomplishment of every of your heart’s simplest and grandest desire. Hope you’ll be a bigger star but will remain grounded with feet firmly planted on the ground. Without you, Yoopies are incomplete. You’ve got the brightest smiles, and I hope they’ll last forever. Happy Birthday, our dear Seung Ho! Keep on smiling! Saranghaeyo!!! Fighting!
PS. Can someone tell me how to get the magazine? Or can someone just give it to me? Thank you!
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
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Apple of the eye 😍❤️️
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
On these pensive yet busy streets, a multitude of stories were told by the sound of my footsteps, I’ve sighed thousands of ironies long before Icarus has fallen, I’ve known traffic jams and jumped endless puddles, lost metaphors and imageries and found them again after a day or two on the very same spot where your silhouette made love to a once shadowy sky… Can you remember? It was the dimming light from a leaning streetlight that held the sincerest poetry; you looked like a surrealist painting, I was always fond of your architecture, have always adored your unfinished smile and the scars on your arms.
I’ve run after your fading afterimages on these quietly thoughtful streets, listened to the tranquil humming of my collar bones, waited for dandelions to bloom, read good books and written poems, done the very usual things I always do.
But these pensive yet busy streets, as quietly thoughtful as they always are,
still feel like a place I’ve never been to.
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
Happy 10th Anniversary, Girls’ Generation!
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
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Apple of the eye.
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
My childhood memories were built through a french fries TV advertisement, Power Rangers, and a Bonganvillae tree in the front of our house… It was serene, I must admit… I rode a bicycle thrice and it made me feel infinite like poems from Joseon Dinasty or a painting of a Koryeo monarch, I spent some of my childhood days writing poems about mushrooms and finding them somewhat lyrical, watching animé and Korean dramas, wishing to have a cup of coffee with Masashi Kishimoto and I would to talk to him about why Kakashi killed Rin…
The last two summers, I spent them with the thoughts of you, they came and went away, and took every serenity they could get from me… But your eyes are still serene, I must admit.
Today, you barged in to the rooms of my being unexpectedly, almost fleeting and transcendental, an autumn air amidst crimson skies… How good it is to know you are around, and how scary it is to know we’ll be apart shortly… You have the worst temper like shortly-spent summer days, and you’re cold to the core like a starry winter night.
It’s just hard to admit right now, with all the pain you caused inside, you still appear serene to me.
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
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The Korean drama which captured my heart: Ruler: Master of the Mask
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
Lately, I found myself going back to those erstwhile days for they fulfilled every of my life’s simplest desire: to see you, be with you, talk to you, laugh with you, watch you sleep and eat, have a cup of coffee with you, ride a jeepney to school with you, cross that footbridge with you…
but they are all now a mirage from long ago, a recollection of memories, a distant reverie, a must-have-been, a monotonous afterimage, a purple rain that doesn’t last a day…
These old, familiar, former places, the streets and alleyways, forgotten glances and smiles, small talks and radical minds… …footsteps… dandelions… Is it even possible to forget those?
They are all too far away now: scenes from long ago…
I can’t forget the heart I once embraced
no matter what I do,
no matter what comes my way,
no matter how hard I try
because you are
my bestfriend.
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
Separated By Each Other's Gravities
Those lonely dandelions on the avenues were once palettes and pastels, once grey skies and broken clocks, twice heart-shaped clouds and thirsty canopies, thrice abandoned roads and carelessly-scribbled graffiti…
We used to build big ideas, but are now getting tired of unemployment. I hope for a better Philippines, a better world to live in, but I’ve got a lot of worries up on my sleeves – priorities.
Sleep-deprived and taciturn, I count false hopes and watch June skies turn to darkness whilst evening reveries make me miss you so much.
I failed my 1st job interview today, and it makes me sad… How can a dandelion ever matter when these hallways don’t even bother to recognize the sincerity and tragedy carved in my collarbone…
Poor imageries… I’ve been dreaming of poor imageries lately.
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
Still Life
And it keeps changing…
the songs you listen to, the sceneries, your thoughts, the nights and days, the skies you gaze up to, the waters and landscapes,
but not the heart you once embraced.
And I am going to keep on writing, I am going to find the azaleas on the northern mountains, bury this unchanging heart to things that feel like a place I’ve never been to, travel every willowed road while listening to traditional Korean music, learn more about Joseon dynasty, leave my favorite book under a Narra tree,
run away with you to places we’ve never been to,
and dig up the heart I buried
to remind me how things used to be
when the songs I listen to, the sceneries, my thoughts, the nights and days, the skies I gaze up to, the waters and landscapes
have kept on changing…
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