dashielcolarina · 4 years
Forever! ❤️
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dashielcolarina · 5 years
1st. ❤️❤️❤️
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dashielcolarina · 5 years
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dashielcolarina · 5 years
Somewhat right.
“It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn’t matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.”
— Paulo Coelho (via quotemadness)
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
Gnarled Roots (Haiku)
An oak made friends with
the swallows on crying skies;
roots, still gnarled, sturdy.
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
Rainy Day In Front Of A Post Office (Ottava Rima)
Amongst your restless waters, I slumber.
Dripping June, petrichor, dark horizon;
It pains me -- serenity, cold weather.
Front of a post office, I stand alone.
Rain -- relentless, forlorn -- erstwhile letter,
As soon as the sky clears, will I go on?
Miles away, will my poetry reach you:
The broken distances I won't get through...
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
Severed Ties
Tired eyes amidst forlorn skies,
widowed, decried, severed are those ties,
like scarlet ribbons as smokes rise,
beneath Manila dreams and crimson lies.
Behind despair and melancholies, you cower,
your head can never get any lower,
for you thought not they would sever,
the ties you wanted to keep forever.
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
But June Came And Citylights Broke My Heart
Again, June came -- uninvited,
shadows glimmer as I think about
those endless sleepless nights
I conquered under transcending stars.
Dark grey, the ashes of my collar bone.
Citylights won't break your heart,
as someone used to tell me.
Just recently, they did --
my heart torn apart,
hollow, and the blue bird residing in it
silently died.
I hope you will remember,
the cold breeze at 8PM,
walking home from school,
the footbridges we once knew,
the songs from 3 years ago,
and the many uncertainties
and realities we weren't afraid to face,
I just hope you will...
For I always will,
yes, I always will...
10:54 PM, June 1st,
have already forgotten
the lessons in Taxation and Business Law,
but not your ethereal smile
during those long ago days.
Embroidered with moonlit verses
and unremembered dandelions,
uninvited, June came -- again.
And as someone used to tell me,
citylights won't break your heart.
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
Shining Days
Summer's tears and plastic cups,
daisy fields and apple pies,
geography, two-fold maps,
monsoon breaks and silver skies;
the zephyr -- it chills, it wraps;
the season -- it weeps, it cries.
Another story's begun --
daffodils talk, sing, and run.
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
Summer's Orion
Green umbrella and amaranth rains,
we were lost in the warmth
and cacophonies of an unfamiliar place...
You are my undoing -- my relevance --
a hunter in mythology
and in the celestial equator;
and I am a dandelion -- a pensive one --
someone who finds verses
and paragraphs in the serenity
of your storied eyes...
Oriented south-upward,
a depiction of my sadness and tranquility,
an unfinished sonnet of Rilke --
the constellation of Orion
in the blazing summer sky.
I'll long for you again;
you flee once Scorpius comes,
and in an avenue
of my lost dreams and tales,
there, I search for your scent,
as if the wind knows you won't be there,
as if the night sky forbids you to be there...
And I'll long for you again,
amidst the silence of this obscure place...
I'll wait for the time
the seasons will again allow
the serenity
of a brilliant summer firmament
embroider my hair
with your shadows, laughter,
and gentleness...
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
I once dreamt of
poppies and windmills,
cobalt skies, sedimentary rocks,
and an unfamiliar road.
And there's a book on my bed,
page 42 is folded,
an unknown writer,
a melodrama with an unexpected plot...
And I don't know
where this poem will take me to,
but I can't stop writing --
consumed by my randomness.
I remember a day in my life,
a heavy rain on a summer day,
a dandelion on an autumn night,
I once knew you,
among those pine trees,
I just knew...
that I once dreamt of
(an unfamiliar road that leads to
long lost smiles and mundane laughters)
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
Marcos Is Not A Hero
2008, a highschool boy who dreams to fly,
mustache, heavy books, decorated mindset,
seated at the row 2nd to the last,
classroom walls with posters of national heroes,
in the air is the smell of floor wax
and chalk dusts...
History books by history books,
teachers by teachers,
we were taught about
our country's darkest times --
the Hispanic colonialization,
the American and Japanese occupations,
and the Martial Law era.
I wasn't born during those times,
but I won't forget
the thunder that struck me
when I watched a video of Ninoy being assassinated...
He could've gone away,
stayed in the US for good
and history will still favor him,
but he chose to come back,
proved that Filipinos are worth dying for.
2017, a slacker, a Degree Holder,
still dreaming to fly,
traffic jams, job requirements, undying persistence,
a dandelion on the roadsides,
streets crowded with people who turn a blind eye...
History changed...
People now call the Martial Law era
the greatest time our country ever had,
and Marcos as the best leader we ever had...
Why? Because we have a President
who is a liar, a mysoginist, a murderer,
a rapist, a racist, and idolizes Marcos.
1977, Martial Law era,
Boyet Mijares, 16,
eyes gouged out, nails ripped out,
skull bashed in,
his Father wrote an anti-Marcos book.
2018, in mind, in heart, in soul, in actions,
a Filipino...
dropped every single dream about flying...
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
This place is not Copenhagen,
but this is Manila,
and just like London,
it deserves to hold the skies
of your ornately-colored dreams.
Unlike Paris,
a man will not build a tower
in you, Manila,
to have a promise made
under your stars,
but with just a monument
of a hero who proved
that pen is mightier than sword,
I promise to scribble
poetries for you.
With forgotten words,
I begin to forge poetry
in your stars.
And no matter
how much I wish
to those Manila stars...
I will never be able to understand
why he has left Prague
(when that place
plays the piano
of the girl she loves)
just to reap sampaguitas
from your heart, Manila.
His poetry
cannot be written
in your lonelines...
but, Manila, don't forget him,
'cause his love for you
is more than pure.
I so tried to count those stars
and find the constellation
of a hemp
that's stuck in your heart,
but I found myself trapped
between your history
and unravelled sorrows.
Love is always pure in Manila,
and love is always pure, Manila.
You, Manila, are the reason
why a famous portraitist
would paint about
bright sun-drenched countrysides,
why my Big Brother chose
to die behind those
enduring, rustic,
and formidable walls,
the reason why his poetry
will remain forgotten eternally.
Beautiful like his poetry
that will never return
is this city
that holds his farewell.
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
Aesthetic Of A Dandelion
He was a curator who speaks softly about springtime dreams, flowing stars, maple trees, and Vincent Van Gogh, he’s always loved the constellation of Canis Manor and drawn Killua Zoldyck on illustration boards using pencils out of boredom, he owns a gallery which houses 40 paintings, with 3 barely hanging on the wall.
Who am I to know about pastels and easels? About canvasses and paints? I might have made an impressionist artwork if I am too educated about it, I can’t even use a protractor nor a compass, can’t even comprehend your horoscopes and introspections, all I can do is measure lightyears through my poems, watch September pass by in a jiffy, and adore Don McLean.
I can’t understand the gray in the strands of your hair neither I can stay by your side, because the artist that I am isn’t enough to decipher your abstraction.
Still… I can write about your gestures, silly remarks, and the way you walk on willowed roads…
Haven’t visited your gallery in a long while now…
I wonder,
are the three paintings with dandelions in them
still hanging barely
on your storied walls…
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dashielcolarina · 6 years
The Poor Man And His Son
It feels as if I’m walking on a pathway full of wilted azaleas, and the northern mountains look like the darkest landforms I’ve ever seen… This place looks like the local market I’ve known, it’s just that this used to be where your footsteps camp, where your stories linger – the footsteps and stories of a poor boy who picks up thrown balls for a living. You dyed your hair last night, and I don’t know how hard everything is for you, I can’t be good enough for anything and everything even after getting a bachelor’s degree, even after turning 21. I am still that kid you yelled at and beat up for unknown reasons, and I’ve been living my life finding the courage to pursue my earthly desires, and yet… I can’t be capable enough…
because my heart’s not strong enough to build your empire, to build my capital city, all I know is to write something only I will consider poetry,
because my mind’s not strong enough to memorize the entire Pi chart and the atomic mass of every element, I am not genius enough to be a scientist, not talented enough to be a superstar, not good enough for a writer or a human resource officer…
I, too, want to help this family, pay for utility bills and other expenses, I, too, am tired of unemployment.
At the end of the day, all these times,
I just want to be the best son
a poor man who used to pick up thrown balls and now drives a garbage truck for a living
can ever have.
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
Yeah, right...
“Nothing’s changed. You’ll go home. You’ll be bored. You’ll be ignored. No one will listen to you, really listen to you. You’re too clever and too quiet for them to understand. They don’t even get your name right.” - Neil Gaiman, Coraline
via @the-book-diaries
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dashielcolarina · 7 years
Space Exploration
I want to travel the space with you,
find out how the universe began,
how planetary flybys happen,
how the Kuiper Belt looks like,
and how solar winds and solar flares
affect the Solar System…
I think that’d be much better
than sitting outside
and singing about how crazy life is,
because the Earth has been a place
for sadness and melancholies,
for lost lullabies and forgotten songs,
a sanctuary of lonely souls,
of my desires to be with you…
…but time, space, and even dimension
won’t allow me to…
So, I want to create my own
Big Bang Theory alone,
and maybe… just maybe,
I’ll be able to travel the space with you
and leave everything behind –
the pain, the emptiness, the void
in my heart,
and be filled with celestial poems
and interplanetary stories.
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