#data organization xiii
hollowwhisperings · 1 year
The Secrets of The Secret Room: KH2's Hidden Boss Arena as a Future Plot Point.
Anyone remember that Secret Room in KH2? The FRUSTRATINGLY difficult-to-reach one within the basement caves of Ansem's Castle? The one that lets you fight Data copies of the Organization XIII members? THAT Secret Room?
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KH2's "Garden of Assemblage", GIF by superbia (nokuto.tumblr)
Well, what if we look at KH as a series and its LOVE for hiding plot within gameplay mechanics... and look at that Secret Room again after the Lore Bombs from KHUX & KH3?
The KH series LOVES to "hide" lore & plot foreshadowing within game mechanics: the different/same coloured dream portals in DDD & KH3, the "reset" levels in each game, Anti-Sora and Rage Form...
i wonder who, exactly, set up that Data Combat Record of Organization XIII members?
the easiest candidate is DiZ: he has the means, motive & opportunity to have set something like that up (know your enemy).
it's also plausible that Saïx set it up for Axel, a means of preparing him for assassinations but it doesn't make much sense given that Axel would need that combat data BEFORE he fought his targets while the Data Room only has those 'records' AFTER targets are defeated.
Xehanort is another candidate, perhaps setting the system up in order to have Data Copies of the Organization to fall back on for Future Use (no time travel required!). it WOULD be easier to put a Data Copy into a Replika than trying to locate, say, Lauriam or Arlene (who he only seemed to meet through Xigbar) upon their recompletion.
There's also That Looming Option of Darkness.
Darkness, getting one (or more) of the above characters to set this room up, ultimately for ITS use: Darkness seemingly needs 13 Vessels in its Game with MoM and, going with Sleeping Realm Theory, KH3 DID seem to imply that Data Riku & Young Master Xehanort were not only working for (or with) Darkness but were investigating how Hearts & darkness interacted with DATA.
KH's Primordial Darkness IS canonically tech-savvy: the Secret Room of Data Organization XIII fits EXACTLY within its modus operandi.
it's not JUST Darkness who knows of/discovered this Secret Room, however: Sora & Team Guardians of Light did too.
KH3 somewhat implies that Ienzo and Even learned of the Secret Room after being recompleted: it's probably what they were referencing when trying to set Xion & Roxas up in Replika bodies.
If Roxas is now made up of himself AND his Data Copies (from Data Twilight Down & the Secret Room)... it solves the issue of his dual-wielding keyblades despite no longer having 2 "real" Hearts to source them from.
I don't think that either of these Data Roxases would feel a need to have their own Replika bodies: Axel's Nobody formed a Heart but it integrated with his "recompleted" self without issue, just as all these Roxases would. These Hearts can merge or otherwise exist alongside each other without any issue because they share the same "Soul" (or, at least, there are no conflicting memories within their Timelines).
Xehanort did not seem much affected by Xemnas seemingly forming a Heart either: the "lived time" of Xemnas simply went back to Xehanort (& if the transistion WASN'T so seamless... it's not like he would care & he ended up Time Travelling Xemnas before any conflicts of heart could arise anyway).
Terra, on the other hand... well, Xemnas got the Fixation with Aqua's Armour from SOMEONE.
Back to That Secret Room...
my munny's on Darkness bringing that Data Organization XIII back into play at some point, if only to allow more Hidden Boss Gameplay post-KH3 for the purposes of "strengthening" the Darkness within its vessels.
It makes me wonder if the "Demyx" met during KH3 was actually a "Data Demyx": he and Luxord do not seem native to [this side of] "Reality" but to the home of Nameless Star, going by the Verum Rex trailer in Toy Box & the Secret Ending(s) of KH3.
the premise where DiZ or Xehanort sets up the Data Organization for further study, only for it to get used by Darkness could just as easily apply to XIGBAR/Luxu for MoM but... Darkness is the entity with the greater connection to Data Hearts so, regardless of WHO this Secret Room was set up by, it's probably Darkness who'll bring that game mechanic into the future of KH's Story.
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avalon-knightly · 4 months
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firestorm09890 · 11 months
I thought it might interest some people that of the members of the original Organization XIII:
Xemnas, Zexion, Saïx, Axel, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas, and Xion all have cards in Dark Road
Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, Demyx, and Luxord do not
I don't know if they had intentions to add the rest of the Organization in and just... didn't??? or if this was a deliberate choice
In order of introduction: Axel came first, on July 17th, 2020, alongside Kairi
Then came Roxas on September 21st, with Naminé
Then Xion on October 1st with, uh... Winnie the Pooh
Marluxia, Larxene, and Zexion were all at once on October 19th
Xemnas and Saïx were last, on November 1st
Additionally: Xemnas, Zexion, Axel, Marluxia, Larxene, and Roxas all have attacks exclusive to them attached to their cards (although technically Xion can also use Black Hole but like. that's definitely a Roxas signature move), but Xion's is merely Thundaga, and Saïx's is Dark Break
In Uχ, it was just Saïx who had Dark Break on his medals, so there is a precedent for that to be his attack, but it's not a signature move of his (it was introduced in CoM Reverse/Rebirth and has appeared multiple times since) and in Dark Road in particular it's also on the cards of the Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook, Maleficent, Neoshadow, and Darkside (albeit all far less powerful than Saïx's iteration of it)
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kayzero · 3 months
sometimes i watch chess grandmasters recall famous classical matches from like a hundred years ago only using a single position and i go like ‘why can’t my memory be like that’
and then i turn around and recite organization members by name and power in prefect rank order. and after that i get an email saying that one of the near-thousand fanfics i’m subscribed to has updated and it takes me less than three paragraphs to recall what the story is about using only the title and the chapter’s context clues.
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We're friends. Got it memorized?
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I’m a content creator, photo edits are what I do, yes. My deepest apologies for the hiatus but I was finally able to acquire what was needed. Hopefully I can get back on track. I won’t be able to match the seat with the day but I’ll still try to keep these going daily. Thank you all for your patience.
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c-worldproductions · 4 months
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I wonder what the real Riku is like?
⭐️ Data Riku: me
📷 Photographer: tearsoftwilight96 (IG)
🗓️ Event: @otafest 2024
💈 KH1 Riku Wig: _wubear (IG)
🧥 Organization XIII Coat: sixonclothing (IG)
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bread--quest · 2 years
14 secret love languages the government doesn't want you to know about
i. do you ever think about the voyager records? these little things, floating through space, our message in a bottle from our island in the void? there's no guarantee that anyone will ever hear it, or that they'll even understand if they do, but have i ever told you what we said?
ii. Greetings to you, whoever you are. We are thinking about you all. How are all you people of other planets? Have you eaten yet? Welcome home.
iii. i brought you food. i would like you to eat. i made you food. i want you to live. i am sharing this food with you. i am sharing my life with you.
iv. the word for care in latin is the same as that for worry, anxiety. it is both an adjective and a noun.
v. i love you in checkboxes and data and organizations. i am compiling, i am sorting, i am putting my love into boxes and shapes and panels that make sense. this is what i understand, this is what i can do: i am building a shrine of spreadsheets and slides to you.
vi. maybe if we were somewhat less alike, this could work. maybe if i loved myself more, i would hate you less.
viii. it is one thing to talk with someone, quite another to be comfortable enough to sit in silence with them. just to exist in the same place and feel no pressure to speak, to know that your mutual presence is enough
ix. when i say you are mine i mean my hometown, less possession more belonging
x. the worst part about being awake is when nobody else is, when it's just you and the darkness and you feel like the only person on earth. the best thing about cities is the glowing squares outside your window, a thousand others unsleeping, their lights spelling out in morse code you are not alone
xi. i love you in the way the moon loves the earth: forever stuck in your orbit, knowing that touching you would mean obliteration
xii. i love you in the way the sun loves the earth: as easily as breathing, and with as little thought
xiii. i love you in the way the earth loves the stars: calling out endlessly to pinpricks of hope. please tell me aliens are real, and they can understand, and they love us too.
xiv. Please come here to visit when you have time. We wish that we will meet you someday. Please contact. We are thinking about you always. Please.
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descendant-of-truth · 2 years
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This scene just made me realize that Data Sora has zero negative associations with the Organization XIII coat. He doesn't even know what the Organization is. This is just "Riku's coat" to him, and after he gets amnesia, it's Roxas's.
And yeah, he and Roxas were tense at first, but they resolved things by the end of the game. In his mind, that coat is worn by people he respects. He doesn't hear "a black hood/coat" and tense up like the original Sora does.
Forget all the other stuff, that might just be the biggest difference in their characters right there
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merizonal · 2 years
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Comic for my Kingdom Hearts Bad End AU. When Terra first meets Roxas in the AU he thinks he's Ventus who to his knowledge is dead. Next
So the premise of this AU is basically when the seven guardians of light die in the Keyblade Graveyard they don't come back, or well at least not immediately and time isn't reset. So this AU instead focuses on who remains. So this AU focuses on:
-Roxas who has a data heart recovered from Ansem's computer. He is currently training under Yen Sid and is essentially trying to fill Sora's shoes(it is not going well)
-Terra who regained control of his body(probably as a result of watching his friends die) and is now dealing with the grief of having a hand in the death's of his friends.
-Xion who while still in the Real Organization XIII started displaying free will and emotions and memory of her past. She escapes with the assistance of Saïx.
I am lovingly calling them the Leftover Trio since they are all that's left ToT
I have more for this AU to post soon including some comics and a whole other part of the AU!
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avalon-knightly · 3 months
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7/7: "Paperwork"
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isan0rt · 10 months
Hey uh thinking about Data Sora and also Data Daybreak Town and the digital copies of all the keykids and the implications of that, right, that eventually they might be used to restore the dead keykids or whatever.
Uh. Doesn't. The computer with Data Sora and Data Riku on it... Also contain data backups of the entire Real Organization XIII? Like as a story element given Riku has been looking through that data for clues to Sora?? Like, the data fights against the Organization are textually Riku playing them, and they all are really backed up in the story?? To the same computer that already had two different data backups gain sapience??
Uh oh.
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firestorm09890 · 8 months
one very good piece of word-of-god lore in kingdom hearts is that every member of Organization XIII is as powerful as their data battle incarnations in kh2, and they're made easier for the story so the player can actually get through the game without hitting their head against the wall. this is a squad of superbosses of course they'd all think they're unstoppable
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khtrinityftw · 10 months
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Twilight Gang Reunion ♡
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This was honestly something I wanted to see in the credits after KH III. So all the data greetings I made on my page are pics of events I would've loved to see.
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Yeah so idk what to do about org edits. I’m stuck on Lexaeus purely because I can’t find a clean picture of his icon from the garden of remembrance. If y’all got a picture of it please send it my way. It would be a huge help.
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