#date: june 11th 1904
cincinnatusvirtue · 5 years
December 7th:  Attack on Pearl Harbor, America enters WWII
December 7th, 1941, famously referred to by then US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt as a “date which will live in infamy” became the rallying cry for America’s official entry into the then two year running Second World War.  Though in the case of Japan, the war had really been raging with its conquest of East Asia and China in particular since 1937 or even 1931 depending on your definition.  Imperial Japan’s attack on the US naval fleet docked at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii really was the culmination of a longstanding rivalry between the two nations over the course of the preceding decades.
In some ways the story dates back to the start of American-Japanese relations when a US fleet under Commodore Matthew C Perry arrived in Japan in 1853 and ending the longstanding period of isolation Japan had followed for centuries under the Tokugawa Shogunate.  This forced open diplomatic and trade relations, which was soon followed up by European powers and brought Japan into the modern era.  Over the next century, Japan saw rapid modernization, with the Meiji Restoration of the Japanese Emperor from ceremonial figurehead to absolute ruler, the true expansion of the new Japanese Empire began after this time period  Rapid social and internal reform combined with gradual imperial expansion.  Japan famously defeated China in the 1894-1895 First Sino-Japanese War, which gave Japan control over Korea in it’s sphere of influence and Japan’s subsequent invasion and occupation of Taiwan.  This was followed by victory over the Russian Empire in 1904-1905s Russo-Japanese War.  However, the peace for this war brokered by then US President Theodore Roosevelt, limited Japanese gains to a few ports and islands, but effective greater political influence in the region.  Japanese nationalists however, saw this as the first US attempt to limit Japan’s influence in the Greater Asia-Pacific region, suspicious that America was clamoring to gain its own influence here.
America for it’s part had indeed expanded into this region with the 1898 annexation of the Republic of Hawaii, which in turn was a largely American sponsored effort to overthrow the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1894.  After 1898 it was the US Territory of Hawaii (statehood of Hawaii occurring in 1959).  American influence in the region further expanded with the 1898 Spanish-American War, which saw the US destroy the last elements of Spain’s longstanding overseas empire, occupying/liberating Cuba and annexing Puerto Rico in the Caribbean.  Also occupying and annexing Guam and most importantly the Philippines in the Pacific.  America would also acquire the island of American Samoa in this period.
These two parallel examples of imperialism and expansion sowed the seeds of conflict that would emerge in World War II.  Both the US and Japan were technically on the same side during the First World War in opposition to the Empire of Germany.  Japan got limited territorial gains from German Pacific islands and German colonies in China.  Japan also pressed during the Treaty of Versailles conference for a clause supporting racial equality, it saw limited support and was ultimately not included.
Japan and the US also sided with other Allied nations in an intervention in the Russian Civil War to end the Communist rise leading to the Soviet Union.  Japan occupied parts of Siberia but due to objections from the US was forced to scale back its occupation and eventually withdrew altogether along with all other Allied nations.
The 1920′s saw Japan enter an economic recession while America was experiencing an economic boom.  Both sides were signatories of the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty which saw to limit the navies of the US, Britain, France, Italy and Japan from escalating into an arms race.  Japan would withdraw from this treaty in 1934.
1931 saw both sides come to loggerheads even more with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria (Northern China) with Japan’s military taking increasingly a nationalist tone and exerting control over the Japanese government.  The invasion lead to the establishment of a Japanese puppet state, Manchukuo.  This invasion lead to condemnation of Japan and its withdrawal from the League of Nations.  1937 saw the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War, which saw Japan invade China in the middle of a civil war between Nationalist and Communist elements.  This would interrupt the civil war for the duration of World War II with almost all Chinese parties fighting united against the Japanese invaders, despite friction and some fighting between both sides.  Japan initially pushed back the Chinese in eastern parts of the country and was to commit well known atrocities against the Chinese populace, most famously in Nanjing in 1937-38.  Meanwhile, Japan had drawn closer ties to Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy during this time, culminating in the 1940 military alliance, the Tripartite Pact committing the Axis Powers to mutual defense, its main target was the United States. 
1939 saw the start of the Second World War with Germany’s invasion of Poland and the subsequent British and French declarations of war.  Japan monitored the war but was committed to defeating China at the time.  With the fall of France to Nazi Germany in 1940, Japan took this chance to overtake French Indochina (Vietnam) and this lead to the US, Britain the Netherlands declaring a trade embargo.  Effectively this cut off Japan’s oil imports, 80% of which came from America and vital to its war efforts.  Seeing this as further evidence of America and Britain’s attempts to curtail Japan’s influence and project for a “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”, a euphemism for Japanese imperialist control of East Asia and the Pacific, Japan began to develop plans for an attack against the US, Britain and the Netherlands.
The plan for war was developed under Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo, the Japanese military and approved of eventually after much discussion by the Japanese Emperor and his council.  The goals were to launch simultaneous attacks against American, British and Dutch interests in the Pacific.  Namely, removing America from the Philippines, Guam and elsewhere in the Pacific Islands, conquering British Hong Kong, Malaya and Singapore and the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) for its oil supply.  The attack was meant to be overwhelming and fast, crippling the naval capacity of America especially and making a rapid peace thereafter.  The plan for the attack of the US naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii would be executed in surprise fashion without declaration of war, influenced by Japan’s attack in 1904 on Imperial Russia’s naval base at Port Arthur.  It was also influenced by Britain’s successful plane oriented bombing of Italian ships at Taranto in 1940.  The goal was to sink and destroy as many ships as possible so that’s America’s naval capacity would be diminished to the point it couldn’t fight an effective naval war in the Pacific.
Americans polled at the time by Gallup were in the majority thinking war with Japan was imminent and there had been warning signs of war breaking out, but nothing conclusive.  The Japanese plan called for the use of aircraft carriers sending warplanes and small submarines from a great distance to launch in successive waves with the hopes of destroying American aircraft carriers docked at Pearl Harbor.  The attacked commenced at 7:48 AM local time with 183 Japanese warplanes launching from north of the island of Oahu, US radar detected the planes incoming but mistook them for US planes on maneuvers from the US mainland, the planes began bombing and strafing runs of US ships right away.  The US returned fire with its own planes and anti-aircraft guns.  Subsequently a second Japanese wave of planes attacked in quick succession.  These were coupled with midget submarine torpedo attacks. 
The battle was over in 90 minutes and was a tactical Japanese victory.  US casualties included 2,200+ military personnel killed and 65 civilians and hundreds wounded.  Half of the casualties occurred with the explosion of the forward magazine of the American battleship the USS Arizona.  Four American battleships were sunk, four damaged along with damage to numerous other ships, 188 aircraft destroyed and 159 damaged.  Japan lost 64 airmen and sailors in the attack, 29 planes destroyed, 74 damaged and 4 midget submarines sank, one was grounded and a single sailor taken prisoner, becoming the first Japanese POW of the war with America.  Japan delayed its declaration of war on America by three hours.  America declared war by vote of Congress the next day, after President Roosevelt’s speech.  Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy also declared war on America and the US responded mutually by December 11th.  The US would now have to fight a two front war in Europe and the Pacific.  Japan’s surprise attacks elsewhere against other American, British and Dutch targets were also mostly successful.  However, fate worked against Japan at Pearl Harbor in one crucial aspect, American aircraft carriers (their primary target) were not present, having been out at maneuvers at sea and this combined with American industrial output in the coming months were to have grave consequences for Japan’s war effort, especially as its navy would be decisively destroyed at the Battle of Midway in June 1942, thereafter putting them on the defensive and the road to final defeat...
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zachariahforester · 2 years
Date: 11th of June, 1904 Place: Doctor Worsley-Trevelyan’s Office, London Status: Self-Para
Doctor Patrick Worsley-Trevelyan was the friend of a friend type. Zachariah thought they'd met at least once, he had an image of the man in his head, but mostly it was his reputation that Zachariah remembered. It was the details of Doctor Patrick Worsley-Trevelyan he had given to Benny on their fateful appointment almost 3 months ago. It was the unsent letter Benny had written to him that had revealed the truth to him and sparked their conflict. He hadn't thought of actually coming to visit him until after his conversation with Ira Vaisman at the garden Party when his abundant ignorance was made clear.
He had written and the Doctor had been glad to schedule some time for them to talk. Zachariah had outlined the reason for his visit, but had not given many details. Whether Dr Worsley-Trevelyan had believed him he did not know. He got the feeling many of his patients might exclude details or lie about their circumstances upon their first correspondence.
He had been expecting something more... sinister, but when he arrived at the address of the Doctor's Office it was a bright building on a respectable-looking street. Much to his shame, Zachariah had double-checked the address before ringing the bell and being admitted into the waiting room.
He was significantly early. He did not enjoy travelling in London and always left plenty of time in case of mishaps. It meant he now had a rather long time to wait until the Doctor could see him.
There was one other man in the waiting room. He had avoided his eye contact when he'd first entered the room, and they sat in silence for some time. Eventually, Zachariah decided a cigarette might help pass the time, but when he reached into his pocket he realised he had left his matches at home. He tsked and then turned to the man a few seats away. "I beg your pardon, but do you have a spare light?" He asked.
The man seemed a little suspicious but pulled his matchbook out and passed it over. Zachariah lit his cigarette, handed the book back, and then offered one of his cigarettes to the man. It was only polite of course.
The man accepted, and for a minute or two they smoked in more silence. Until...
"I've never met anyone else here." The man opened. Zachariah, though a  bag of nerves was only too happy to engage.
It seemed the man had been eager to speak as well, for this was all it took to prompt more observations.
"I always assumed he spaced the appointments out on purpose, you know, to avoid crossover, protect... anonymity."
"You're here to see Doctor Worsley-Trevelyan as well?" Zachariah asked. He was aware of what the implication was for himself, but well, he was curious, and he didn't want to put the man off conversing by putting a barricade between them. After all, the man was a stranger, they would likely never meet again. He hoped they wouldn't in fact.
The man nodded and took another drag of his cigarette. There was a small awkward pause, as both of them struggled to find how to progress.
"Have you-" Zachariah cleared his throat- "Do you find you're benefiting from your appointments?"
The man considered him for a moment and Zachariah looked away, focusing instead on a picture hanging on the wall opposite.
"This your first time?" The man asked instead of answering Zachariah's question.
Zachariah hesitated before nodding. It was not an outright lie.
The man sighed and seemed to deflate with the breath. Zachariah glanced back at him just in time to catch the despondent shake of his head.
"The medicine has some effect and the hypnosis, eh." He gave a shrug. "Doc says I might be one of the men who don't... respond to the treatment." He flicked away the ash collecting at the end of his cigarette. "I don't want to put you off though. I hear there's a fairly good success rate, at least 50%."
"How long have you been seeing the Doctor?" Zachariah asked, his brow becoming more furrowed as they went on.
"This one? Two years. But there were others before this. Probably about 20 years of trying all in all." A long exhale of smoke.
Twenty years of regular appointments for nothing. For less than half a chance at... what?
"Why do you keep coming? If it's not working?"
The man shrugged again, as if he hadn't considered he could stop coming. Like he had no other choice.
"What's the alternative?" He paused. "My wife, she hopes-" He stopped and ducked his head. He didn't continue that thought. Zachariah didn't need him to. "A few sessions ago the doc mentioned a surgery where they remove your balls and replace them with the balls of some normal bloke."
Zachariah was not a particularly fainthearted man, especially when it came to surgery, but even this made him wince.
"But that could kill you."
The man just gave a small nod as if to say 'exactly, that's the alternative'.
Zachariah examined the man properly then. He looked tired. No, he looked exhausted. Old beyond his years. His skin was dull, his eyes were distant, his mouth seemed pulled into to permanent frown. His body language was closed off and defensive. 20 years and no end in sight. A miserable life that made a gruesome death seem almost preferable.
What was the alternative?
Zachariah stubbed out his cigarette. "Thank you, you have been most helpful." He stood and after a second's hesitation held out his hand for the man to shake. "I hope-" he couldn't quite find the phrase for what he hoped for this stranger but the man nodded anyway, slightly confused, but seeming to understand all the same.
Then Zachariah left the office.
He wasn't quite sure what the alternative was. Something close to the future Ira Vaisman had imagined for them he hoped. Anything other than a life of misery and self-hatred. Anything other than being pushed to a horrific early death.
This was not something to fix. This was not something to punish. The realisations had him tremble slightly as he walked away from the office with new resolve.
It was going to be okay.
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higginsarnott · 7 years
Murdoch Mysteries Calendar 2018
Righty ho! Since @mariannenorway requested to have the entire calendar posted, and I am always one to grant people’s wishes, I’ve got the entire calendar here for you!
And don’t worry if you can’t read the writing on the pages, underneath each photo will be the title of the page, notable dates, birthdays and the writing from the bottom of each page! So let’s begin!
Note: For the different phases of the moon, it should be obvious what they are but if not, here you go:
First Quarter - First Quarter of the moon’s phase
Last Quarter - Last Quarter of the moon’s phase
New Moon - Moon phase starts again
Full Moon - The moon should be completely full in the sky
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Current 2017 Months from September to December
Notable dates:
Set in Toronto at the dawn of the 20th century during the age of invention, Murdoch Mysteries is a one-hour drama series that explores the world of Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson), a methodical and dashing detective who pioneers radical forensic techniques to solve some of the city;s most gruesome murders. Murdoch’s colleagues include his wife, the fiery and fiercely intelligent Dr. Julia Ogden (Hélène Joy); Constable George Crabtree (Jonny Harris), Murdoch’s eager but sometimes naive right-hand man; Inspector Thomas Brackenreid (Thomas Craig), Murdoch’s skeptical yet reluctantly supportive boss; and morgue assistant Rebecca James (Mouna Traoré), a resourceful young medical student taken under Ogden’s mentorship.
One of Canada’s most successful and longest-running drama series, Murdoch Mysteries is watched around the world in 110 countries and territories. The Season 10 finale ‘’Hell To Pay’’ marked 150 episodes of the series! Do you recognise and of your favourites in the collage above? Season 11 of Murdoch Mysteries will premiere in 2017/2018.
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Notable dates:
January 1st - New Years Day
January 2nd - Full Moon
January 4th - 1 Year Anniversary of the Henry Higgins Trash Club
January 6th - Epiphany
January 7th - Orthodox Christmas
January 8th - Last Quarter
January 14th - Orthodox New Year
January 15th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the USA
January 17th - New Moon
January 24th - First Quarter
January 31st - Full Moon
In the series premiere, ‘’Power’’ (Episode 101), the electrocution of a young woman finds Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) in the middle of warring rival electricity suppliers, one being Nikola Tesla (Dmitry Chepovetsky) himself! In a case that’s further complicated by bribery, scandal and dirty backroom dealings, Murdoch must find out who killed the woman - and why. This month marks the 10th anniversary of the world premiere of Murdoch Mysteries!
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Notable dates:
February 7th - Last Quarter
February 12th - Georgina Reilly’s Birthday and Family Day in British Columbia, Canada
February 14th - Ash Wednesday and Valentines Day
February 15th - New Moon
February 16th - LACHLAN MURDOCH’S BIRTHDAY WOOOO! (Also Chinese New Year, Year of the Dog)
February 19th - Provincial Holiday in the following Canadian provinces:
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
It’s also President’s Day in the USA
February 23rd - Heritage Day in the Yukon and the First Quarter
February 28th - Purim begins at sundown
In Episode 714, ‘’Friday the 13th, 1901′’ Crabtree (Jonny Harris) drunkenly challenges Leslie Garland (Giacomo Gianniotti) to a curling match and is forced to hurriedly assemble a team. Unfortunately, Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) is hardly in the mood for games after his proposal to Ogden (Hélène Joy) was rejected, leaving Crabtree and Brackenreid (Thomas Craig) to appeal to Murdoch’s affinity for science in hopes of luring him out to the rink. This February, at the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, Canada will defend its gold medals in both Men’s and Women’s curling.
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@sibylle1898 you’ll like this month’s photo :)
Notable dates:
March 2nd - Full Moon
March 9th - Last Quarter
March 11th - Daylight Saving Time Begins
March 17th - New Moon and St. Patrick’s Day
March 20th - Spring Equinox
March 24th - First Quarter
March 25th - Palm Sunday
March 30th - Good Friday and Passover begins at sundown
March 31st - Full Moon
In Episode 701 ‘’Murdoch Ahoy’’, a new passenger liner bound for Rochester is about to set sail, and Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) and Brackenreid (Thomas Craig) are called aboard by the owner, who is concerned about threats. When Murdoch spots Ogden (Hélène Joy) amongst the guests, he suggests they stay and monitor the situation. This episode was filmed aboard the S.S. Keewatin, the only remaining Edwardian passenger steamship in the world, which is now moored in Port McNicoll, Ontario. Built five years before the RMS Titanic, the S.S. Keewatin utilizes similar machinery including a quadruple expansion steam engine and Scotch boilers.
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Notable dates:
April 1st - Easter Sunday and Orthodox Palm Sunday
April 2nd - Easter Monday
April 8th - Last Quarter and Pascha (Orthodox Easter)
April 16th - New Moon
April 22nd - First Quarter and Earth Day
April 23rd - Maureen Jennings’ Birthday and St. George’s Day in Newfoundland and Labrador (as well as over here in England)
April 30th - Full Moon
In Episode 1002, ‘’Great Balls of Fire, Part 2′’, a massive fire consumes Toronto, complicating Murdoch’s (Yannick Bisson) investigation into the murders of two young women. When Ogden (Hélène Joy) is trapped by the intense fire, Murdoch braves the flames to rescue his wife. On April 19th, 104, Toronto’s business district was consumed in flames in what is known as The Great Fire of 1904. While no lives were lost in the fire, the cause of which was never determined, more than 250 firefighters worked to extinguish the blaze. Over 100 buildings were destroyed and 20 acres of the city levelled.
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Notable dates:
May 5th - Cinco De Mayo in the USA
May 8th - Last Quarter
May 13th - Mother’s Day
May 15th - New Moon and Ramadan begins at sundown
May 16th - Yannick Bisson’s Birthday!
May 21st - Victoria Day all across Canada and National Patriot’s Day in Quebec
May 22nd - First Quarter
May 28th - William and Julia’s Wedding Anniversary and Memorial Day in the USA
May 29th - Full Moon
In Episode 804, ‘’Holy Matrimony, Murdoch!’’, wedding bells finally ring for Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) and Ogden (Hélène Joy) in the landmark 100th episode of the series. When best man Crabtree (Jonny Harris) loses the ring, Higgins (Lachlan Murdoch) comes to the rescue by finding it just in time for the nearly derailed ceremony. Despite a case nearly getting in the way of the wedding, everything comes happily together for the lovebirds in the end. The two were wed on May 28th, 1902.
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Notable dates:
June 6th - Last Quarter
June 13th - New Moon
June 14th - Eid al-Fitr begins at sundown
June 17th - Father’s Day
June 19th - Henry Higgins Trash Club’s Birthday! (aka my birthday)
June 20th - First Quarter
June 21st - Summer Solstice and National Aboriginal Day in Northwest Territories of Canada
June 24th - National Holiday of Quebec in Quebec
June 25th - Discovery Day in Newfoundland and Labrador
June 28th - Full Moon
In Episode 1008, ‘’Weekend at Murdoch’s’’, after two witnesses in a murder trial are killed while birdwatching, Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) and Crabtree (Jonny Harris) must protect the third witness. Much to Crabtree’s dismay, the witness is Roger Newsome (Cyrus Lane), the obnoxious playboy who flustered him during previous investigations into crimes at his automobile, golf and puzzle-solving clubs. Unfortunately, Newsome fails to grasp the risk to his life and when he sneaks out and is shot and killed by a sniper, Murdoch devises an outlandish ploy to keep the case alive and smoke out the killer by faking Newsome’s survival.
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@detectivewatts I believe this is your month :)
Notable dates:
July 1st - Canada Day
July 2nd - William Murdoch’s Birthday! (born in 1863)
July 4th - Independence Day in the USA
July 6th - Last Quarter
July 9th - Nunavut Day in Nunavut and Orangemen’s Day in Newfoundland and Labrador
July 13th - New Moon
July 19th - First Quarter
July 27th - Full Moon
In Season 10, the rumpled and gruff Llewellyn Watts (Daniel Maslany) arrives from Station House No. 1. Upon hearing about Brackenreid’s temporary departure, in addition to being asked to leave his home station over personality conflicts, Watts decides that Station House No. 4 needs another detective and decides to make himself comfortable in the Inspector’s office.
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@crabtreee your month I presume?
Notable dates:
August 4th - Last Quarter
August 6th - Civic Holiday in every Canadian province except the following:
Newfoundland and Labrador
August 11th - New Moon
August 18th - First Quarter
August 20th - Discovery Day in Yukon
August 21st - Eid al-Adha begins at sundown
August 26th - Full Moon
In Episode 912, ‘’Unlucky In Love’’, the electrocution of an elderly groom leads Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) to suspect a black widow, while Crabtree (Jonny Harris) meets Lucy Maud Montgomery (Alison Louder) at a writing class he teaches. While the charming constable is arguably a romatic at heart, it seems that he hasn’t quite found the right person at the right time, though at the end of Season 10 he may be falling back into the arms of Nina Bloom (Erin Agostino)...
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Notable dates:
September 3rd - Last Quarter and Labour Day in Canada and USA
September 9th - New Moon and Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown
September 10th - Muharram begins at sundown
September 16th - First Quarter
September 17th - Daniel Maslany’s Birthday!
September 18th - Yom Kippur begins at sundown
September 21st - UN International Day of Peace
September 22nd - Jonny Harris’ Birthday!
September 23rd - Autumn Equinox
September 25th - Full Moon
In Episode 1005, ‘’Jagged Little Pill’’, James (Mouna Traoré) has been studying to become a doctor at the Medical College for Women at Ogden’s (Hélène Joy) urging. But when one of her fellow students is found drowned from an apparent suicide, she is convinced something is amiss and begins her own secret investigation. She soon discovers some unsettling information with repercussions for Murdoch’s investigation, leaving her in a quandary over whether to reveal her meddling or stay quiet.
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Notable dates:
October 2nd - Last Quarter
October 8th - Thanksgiving Day in Canada and Columbus Day in the USA
October 9th - New Moon
October 13th - Arwen Humphrey’s Birthday!
October 16th - First Quarter
October 21st - Hélène Joy’s Birthday!
October 24th - Full Moon and United Nations Day
October 25th - Kristian Bruun’s Birthday!
October 31st - Halloween and Last Quarter
In Episode 1016, ‘’Master Lovecraft’’, the discovery of a young girl’s dead body and some grotesque sketches lead Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) to suspect a gang of death-obsessed teenagers, which includes a young H.P. Lovecraft (Tyler East). Meanwhile, the macabre seems to be spreading to civilized society when Margaret Brackenreid (Arwen Humphreys) finds out her reading group has chosen Dracula. After a creepy run-in with Lovecraft, Margaret soon finds him haunting her subconscious when literature’s most famous vampire (East) pays her a visit... in her nightmares!
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@tommy-two-cakes this is your month I imagine :)
Notable dates:
November 4th - Daylight Saving Time Ends
November 7th - New Moon
November 11th - Mouna Traoré’s Birthday, Remembrance Day in Canada and Veterans Day in the USA
November 15th - First Quarter
November 22nd - Thanksgiving in the USA
November 23rd - Full Moon
November 30th - Last Quarter
In Episode 1006, ‘’Bend It Like Brackenreid’’, as Murdoch investigates the strange death of a footballer, the player’s death puts his team’s run for the Olympics in jeopardy. Brackenreid (Thomas Craig) gets caught up in the team’s training, and finds himself in a position to coach Galt F.C. and the opportunity to bring Olympic glory to Canada. Galt F.C. went on to win the gold medal at the 1904 Summer Olympics in St. Louis in a tournament played from November 16-23, 1904.
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Notable dates:
December 2nd - Advent and Hanukkah begins at sundown
December 4th - Thomas Craig’s Birthday!
December 7th - New Moon
December 15th - First Quarter
December 21st - Winter Solstice
December 22nd - Full Moon
December 25th - Christmas Day
December 26th - Boxing Day
December 29th - Last Quarter
In the holiday special ‘’Once Upon a Murdoch Christmas’’, brazen robberies target Toronto’s wealthiest businessmen just days before Christmas. Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) and Brackenreid (Thomas Craig) realise that their jobs are under fire if they don’t quickly solve the case. Meanwhile, Jackson (Kristian Bruun) and James (Mouna Traoré) team up to bring Christmas spirit to the Station House with a police choir, Crabtree’s (Jonny Harris) latest novel finds some unlikely fans, and Ogden (Hélène Joy) is stalked by two street urchins who need her help. All the while Murdoch works to surprise Ogden with a mysterious gift.
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anarchistcommunism · 7 years
A short history of May Day | libcom.org
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The history of the world holiday on the 1st May - May Day, or International Workers Day, held in commemoration of four anarchists executed for struggling for an 8-hour day.
Originally a pagan holiday, the roots of the modern May Day bank holiday are in the fight for the eight-hour working day in Chicago in 1886, and the subsequent execution of innocent anarchist workers.
In 1887, four Chicago anarchists were executed; a fifth cheated the hangman by killing himself in prison. Three more were to spend 6 years in prison until pardoned by Governor Altgeld who said the trial that convicted them was characterised by “hysteria, packed juries and a biased judge”. The state had, in the words of the prosecution put “Anarchy is on trial” and hoped their deaths would also be the death of the anarchist idea.
The anarchists were trade union organisers and May Day became an international workers day to remember their sacrifice. They were framed on false charges of throwing a bomb at police breaking up a demonstration in Chicago. This was part of a strike demanding an 8 hour day involving 400,000 workers in Chicago that started May 1st 1886 .
It began over a century ago when the American Federation of Labour adopted an historic resolution which asserted that “eight hours shall constitute a legal day’s labour from and after May 1st, 1886”.
In the months prior to this date workers in their thousands were drawn into the struggle for the shorter day. Skilled and unskilled, black and white, men and women, native and immigrant were all becoming involved.
Chicago In Chicago alone 400,000 were out on strike. A newspaper of that city reported that “no smoke curled up from the tall chimneys of the factories and mills, and things had assumed a Sabbath-like appearance”. This was the main centre of the agitation, and here the anarchists were in the forefront of the labour movement. It was to no small extent due to their activities that Chicago became an outstanding trade union centre and made the biggest contribution to the eight-hour movement.
The Chicago anarchist movement was also strong. In 1884, they produced the world’s first Anarchist daily newspaper, the Chicagoer Arbeiter-Zeitung, plus a weekly, Fackel, and a Sunday edition, Vorbote. By 1886, these newspapers had a circulation of over 26,000 - read by the large German immigrant working class community of the city. There were also newspapers for English, Bohemian and Scandinavian speakers. As well as this, Chicago anarchists were active in the unions and organised picnics, lectures, dances, libraries and other events for workers. These helped forge strong bonds of class solidarity, which was worrying to the bosses who were keen to break the workers’ organisations.
When on May 1st 1886, the eight hour strikes convulsed that city, one half of the workforce at the McCormick Harvester Co. came out. Two days later a mass meeting was held by 6,000 members of the ‘lumber shovers’ union who had also come out. The meeting was held only a block from the McCormick plant and was joined by some 500 of the strikers from there.
The workers listened to a speech by the anarchist August Spies, who has been asked to address the meeting by the Central Labour Union. While Spies was speaking, urging the workers to stand together and not give in to the bosses, the strikebreakers were beginning to leave the nearby McCormick plant.
The strikers, aided by the 'lumber shovers’ marched down the street and forced the scabs back into the factory. Suddenly a force of 200 police arrived and, without any warning, attacked the crowd with clubs and revolvers. They killed at least one striker, seriously wounded five or six others and injured an indeterminate number.
Outraged by the brutal assaults he had witnessed, Spies went to the office of the Arbeiter-Zeitung and composed a circular calling on the workers of Chicago to attend a protest meeting the following night.
The protest meeting took place in the Haymarket Square and was addressed by Spies and two other anarchists active in the trade union movement, Albert Parsons and Samuel Fielden.
The police attack Throughout the speeches the crowd was orderly. Mayor Carter Harrison, who was present from the beginning of the meeting, concluded that “nothing looked likely to happen to require police interference”. He advised police captain John Bonfield of this and suggested that the large force of police reservists waiting at the station house be sent home.
It was close to ten in the evening when Fielden was closing the meeting. It was raining heavily and only about 200 people remained in the square. Suddenly a police column of 180 men, headed by Bonfield, moved in and ordered the people to disperse immediately. Fielden protested “we are peaceable”.
Bomb At this moment a bomb was thrown into the ranks of the police. It killed one, fatally wounded six more and injured about seventy others. The police opened fire on the spectators. How many were wounded or killed by the police bullets was never exactly ascertained.
A reign of terror swept over Chicago. The press and the pulpit called for revenge, insisting the bomb was the work of socialists and anarchists. Meeting halls, union offices, printing works and private homes were raided. All known socialists and anarchists were rounded up. Even many individuals ignorant of the meaning of socialism and anarchism were arrested and tortured. “Make the raids first and look up the law afterwards” was the public statement of Julius Grinnell, the state’s attorney.
Trial Eventually eight men stood trial for being “accessories to murder”. They were Spies, Fielden, Parsons, and five other anarchists who were influential in the labour movement, Adolph Fischer, George Engel, Michael Schwab, Louis Lingg and Oscar Neebe.
The trial opened on June 21st 1886 in the criminal court of Cooke County. The candidates for the jury were not chosen in the usual manner of drawing names from a box. In this case a special bailiff, nominated by state’s attorney Grinnell, was appointed by the court to select the candidates. The defence was not allowed to present evidence that the special bailiff had publicly claimed “I am managing this case and I know what I am about. These fellows are going to be hanged as certain as death”.
Rigged jury The eventual composition of the jury was farcical; being made up of businessmen, their clerks and a relative of one of the dead policemen. No proof was offered by the state that any of the eight men before the court had thrown the bomb, had been connected with its throwing, or had even approved of such acts. In fact, only three of the eight had been in Haymarket Square that evening.
No evidence was offered that any of the speakers had incited violence, indeed in his evidence at the trial Mayor Harrison described the speeches as “tame”. No proof was offered that any violence had been contemplated. In fact, Parsons had brought his two small children to the meeting.
Sentenced That the eight were on trial for their anarchist beliefs and trade union activities was made clear from the outset. The trial closed as it had opened, as was witnessed by the final words of Attorney Grinnell’s summation speech to the jury. “Law is on trial. Anarchy is on trial. These men have been selected, picked out by the Grand Jury, and indicted because they were leaders. There are no more guilty than the thousands who follow them. Gentlemen of the jury; convict these men, make examples of them, hang them and you save our institutions, our society.”
On August 19th seven of the defendants were sentenced to death, and Neebe to 15 years in prison. After a massive international campaign for their release, the state 'compromised’ and commuted the sentences of Schwab and Fielden to life imprisonment. Lingg cheated the hangman by committing suicide in his cell the day before the executions. On November 11th 1887 Parsons, Engel, Spies and Fischer were hanged.
Pardoned 600,000 working people turned out for their funeral. The campaign to free Neebe, Schwab and Fielden continued.
On June 26th 1893 Governor Altgeld set them free. He made it clear he was not granting the pardon because he thought the men had suffered enough, but because they were innocent of the crime for which they had been tried. They and the hanged men had ben the victims of “hysteria, packed juries and a biased judge”.
The authorities has believed at the time of the trial that such persecution would break the back of the eight-hour movement. Indeed, evidence later came to light that the bomb may have been thrown by a police agent working for Captain Bonfield, as part of a conspiracy involving certain steel bosses to discredit the labour movement.
When Spies addressed the court after he had been sentenced to die, he was confident that this conspiracy would not succeed:
“If you think that by hanging us you can stamp out the labour movement… the movement from which the downtrodden millions, the millions who toil in misery and want, expect salvation - if this is your opinion, then hang us! Here you will tread on a spark, but there and there, behind you - and in front of you, and everywhere, flames blaze up. It is a subterranean fire. You cannot put it out”.
Public holiday In 1889, the first congress of the Second International, meeting in Paris for the centennial of the French Revolution and the Exposition Universelle, following a proposal by Raymond Lavigne, called for international demonstrations on the 1890 anniversary of the Chicago protests. May Day was formally recognized as an annual event at the International’s second congress in 1891.
Subsequently, the May Day Riots of 1894 occurred. In 1904, the International Socialist Conference meeting in Amsterdam called on “all Social Democratic Party organizations and trade unions of all countries to demonstrate energetically on May First for the legal establishment of the 8-hour day, for the class demands of the proletariat, and for universal peace.” The congress made it “mandatory upon the proletarian organizations of all countries to stop work on May 1, wherever it is possible without injury to the workers.”
In many countries, the working classes sought to make May Day an official holiday, and their efforts largely succeeded. May Day has long been a focal point for demonstrations by various socialist, communist and anarchist groups.
In the United States and Canada, however, the official holiday for workers is Labor Day in September. After the Haymarket Square riot in May, 1886, US President Grover Cleveland feared that commemorating Labor Day on May 1 could become an opportunity to commemorate the riots. Thus he moved in 1887 to support the Labor Day that the anti-anarchist union the Knights Of Labor supported.
Right-wing governments have traditionally sought to repress the message behind International Workers’ Day, with fascist governments in Portugal, Italy, Germany and Spain abolishing the workers’ holiday, and the Conservative party in the UK currently [2011] attempting to abolish the UK’s annual May Day Bank Holiday.
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bagelpantry90-blog · 5 years
Soon to be Lost - The Rohe & Brothers Building, 527-531 West 36th Street
photograph by Renee Stanley
In 1872 the massive Manhattan Market opened on New York's West Side.  Engulfing the block between Eleventh and Twelfth Avenues, from 34th and 35th Streets, it was the largest market building in the world--offering fresh meats (a butchery was on site), fish and produce.  It was a welcomed neighbor for Rohe & Brother, which had erected its sprawling provision packing house and lard refinery at No. 533 through 541 West 36th Street two years earlier.  Simultaneously an architecturally matching warehouse and stables building had been erected on West 35th Street.
Although a block apart, the main plant (center) and the warehouse (left) were designed to match. from the collection of the Library of Congress
In 1897 The National Provisioner noted that the packing and refinery property "has been added to a number of times...The building is a substantial one of brick, and extends from 533-543 West Thirty-sixth street, to 534-540 West Thirty-seventh street.  The abattoir [butchery] is located at the foot of Fortieth Street, North River, and occupies four lots."  Charles Rohe had died in 1888 and his son, Charles, Jr., became a member of the firm.  Charles Sr.'s other son, Julius, by now supervised the packing house and the manufacturing of goods.  Florian's sons, Albert and Oswald Rohe, worked in the store and main office.
Florian Rohe as he appeared in 1897.  The National Provisioner, January 30, 1897 (copyright expired)
The National Provisioner noted that "the secret of the success of Rohe & Bro. is the splendid business ability which characterizes its movements and the bond of fraternity which exists between employees and employers."  The Rohes recognized the importance of good employee relations and a contented staff.   A separate article in the journal reported on the 11th annual employee ball.  Many, if not most, of the factory workers were German immigrants and the event was a brilliant change to their day-to-day lives.  "The entire office staff of the house of Rohe & Bro., from the office boy to their traveler and salesman, was present, while the large force of employees, numbering many hundreds, together with their wives and sweethearts, were delighted participants in the night's proceedings, all actuated by a loyal regard for the interests of the firm." On January 19, 1898, The Butchers' Advocate and Market Journal reported that year's ball, held in the Lexington Avenue Opera House.  "When the orchestra, led by Professor Rode, started the grand march, about 300 couples were on the floor, and these quickly fell in behind Mr. Albert Rohe and wife, who led the army of gay marchers through a series of evolutions more beautiful than any ever seen before in this city." Two months later, on March 5, the Real Estate Record & Builders' Guide reported that George D. Bogert had sold the "old buildings" at Nos. 527 through 531 West 36th Street to Rohe & Brother for $24,750; just under $860,000 today.  The property abutted the main lard refinery and packing plant and The New York Times noted "the buyer will erect a factory on the site." That would not happen, however, until 1902.  On March 29 that year The National Provisioner reported "Rohe & Brother now have their specifications in for their new packing house at 527-531 West 36th Street."  The firm had hired the architectural firm of Werner & Windolph to design the structure, which was projected to cost about $1.8 million in today's money. Somewhat surprising was the architectural style of the new two-story addition.  It may have been that Charles Rohe (his uncle, Florian, was deceased by now) directed Werner & Windolph to match the old factory; or perhaps the architects themselves chose to meld the two.  Either way, the design, out of style for years, seamlessly carried on the design of the 1870 Rohe & Brother building.  Only the delicate corbel table that ran below the cornice broke ranks with the original structure. Upon the building's completion the Rohes incorporated "the packinghouse firm of Rohe & Brothers," as reported in Industrial Refrigeration in April 1903.  The article mentioned "The company will do a general meat packing business."  It was an interesting and unusual move.  By 1908 there were three corporation names.  Charles was listed as head of Rohe & Brother;  Albert as head of Rohe Bros.; and William of Rohe & Bro.  All three, legally separate firms, were listed as "large refiners and provisions." The sons of the firm's founders never abandoned its interest in employee contentedness.  On June 29, 1904 The Butchers' Advocate and Market Journal reported on the employee summer outing at Bachmann's Pavilion on Staten Island.  "How those Rohe & Brothers' employees did enjoy themselves!  They danced and bowled and ran races and absorbed the product of Mr. Bachmann with a strenuousness that would make a lazy man tired just to look at." The two-story building at Nos. 527-531 held the company's offices.  Working past nightfall could be risky, given the sketchy Hell's Kitchen location and that threat came to pass on the night of January 22, 1913.  The Elmira Star-Gazette reported "Five men dashed up to Rohe & Brothers' wholesale meats, provisions and oils plant at 527-531 West 36th street, between Tenth and Eleventh avenues, last night in a taxicab and at the point of revolvers held back two inside and two outside employees of the firm."  The Morning Call of Patterson, New Jersey entitled its article "Wild West Game in New York" and began "The west side of Manhattan, where automobile holdups and robberies are not by any means unknown, experienced last night its most spectacular Wild West holdup and robbery about 7:30 o'clock."
Charles Rohe, Jr. was the principal of the firm following Florian Rohe's death. Empire State Notables, 1914 (copyright expired) 
While the employees were held at gunpoint, one of the robbers jumped over the wire cashier's cage and snatched up $700 in cash, a considerable $18,300 today.  The gang escape in the waiting taxicab and although the four employees rushed out in pursuit, they were unable to get the license plate number in the darkness.  The Elmira Star-Gazette said "None of the employees could give much of a description of the robbers, further than that all were 'tough looking,' and all wore caps." In 1914 Rohe & Brother was, according to Chicago's The Day Book, the "largest New York provision packer."  The firm was, for instance, the major United States exporter of lard to Venezuela.   In 1930 the Rohes sold off all the firm's property in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood except for Nos. 527-531 West 36th Street.  The Sun explained on May 6 that year that the building was still used as Rohe & Brother's executive offices.  But that would not last long, either. Architect William H. Fuhrer renovated the building in 1936 for the bottling plant of milk dealer Hershey Farms, Inc.   It was run by Max Doner, who chose not to use union employees for its delivery drivers.  It was a daring decision at a time when unions used strong-arm tactics to force businesses to comply with their demands.
A 1940 tax photograph reveals the ground floor changes for Hersey Farms, including an architecturally disparate pedimented entrance.  The main Rohe & Brother plant has been demolished.  photo via NYC Department of Records & Information Services.
On March 19, 1942 nine labor leaders, involved with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America, Local 445, were indicted on extortion.   The New York State prosecutor charged that between December 1935 and November 1940 the defendants "feloniously, wrongfully, willfully and extorsively obtained the sum of $7,125.00" from Max Doner "by the wrongful use of force and fear induced by threats" to injure both him personally and the property of Hershey Farms, and to induce strikes. Hershey Farms remained here until 1959 when the building was once again renovated, this time for a storage warehouse.  In 1970 it was converted for use by Scheuman Lumber.   A later occupant was Steven & Francine's Complete Automotive Repair Inc. who shared the building with its owner, the Convention Center Hardware & Supplies, LLC.  By 2012 the once gritty district had been discovered by developers and the upscale Hudson Yards project, formerly unthinkable, was on the table.   The old Rohe & Brother  building sat within the four-acre Hudson Park and Boulevard project--Phase II of the larger Hudson Yards development.
The buildings at the right of this photo have all been demolished, stranding the Rohe & Brothers building as in a wasteland.  photo via Commercial Observer, November 2012.
Faced with eventual eminent domain Convention Center Hardware and Supplies placed it on the market in November 2012 for $10 million. Any architectural historian who might pass the vacant and boarded up building today would date its construction at around 1870; not knowing that its anachronistic design was based on its 32-year old next-door neighbor.  But they would have to be quick.  The unlikely survivor has a short life expectancy. many thanks to Renee Stanley for prompting this post
Source: http://daytoninmanhattan.blogspot.com/2019/05/soon-to-be-lost-rohe-brothers-building.html
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
#341 November 13, 2018
Matt writes: Passes for the 21st annual Roger Ebert's Film Festival (a.k.a. Ebertfest) in Champaign, Illinois, are now on sale. The same amount of films will be screened next year, though the festival will take place over four days instead of five, enabling the closing night festivities to pack an even greater punch. Please join us for Ebertfest 2019, running from Wednesday, April 10th, through Saturday, April 13th. Tickets can be purchased through the festival website, the theater website or the theater box office, 203 W. Park Ave., Champaign, 217-356-9063. Individual tickets will be available for purchase on Monday, April 1st. Click here to read the full announcement, and make sure to watch the official video for last year's installment of Ebertfest embedded below.
Capernaum (2018). Directed by Nadine Labaki. Written by Nadine Labaki, Khaled Mouzanar, Jihad Hojeily and Michelle Keserwany. Starring Zain Al Rafeea, Yordanos Shiferaw, Boluwatife Treasure Bankole. Synopsis: While serving a five-year sentence for a violent crime, a 12-year-old boy sues his parents for neglect. Opens in US theaters on December 14th, 2018.
Head Full of Honey (2018). Directed by Til Schweiger. Written by Til Schweiger, Lo Malinke and Jojo Moyes (based on the movie written by Til Schweiger and Hilly Martinek). Starring Nick Nolte, Matt Dillon, Emily Mortimer. Synopsis: A man suffering from Alzheimer's embarks on a final road trip with his granddaughter. Opens in US theaters on November 30th, 2018.
The House That Jack Built (2018). Written and directed by Lars von Trier. Starring Matt Dillon, Bruno Ganz, Uma Thurman. Synopsis: The story follows Jack, a highly intelligent serial killer, over the course of twelve years, and depicts the murders that really develop his inner madman. Opens in US theaters on November 28th, 2018.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018). Written and directed by Ethan Coen and Joel Coen. Starring Tim Blake Nelson, Zoe Kazan, Stephen Root. Synopsis: An anthology film comprised of six stories, each dealing with a different aspect of life in the Old West. Opens in US theaters on November 16th, 2018.
Isn't It Romantic (2019). Directed by Todd Strauss-Schulson. Written by Erin Cardillo, Dana Fox and Katie Silberman. Starring Rebel Wilson, Priyanka Chopra, Betty Gilpin. Synopsis: A young woman disenchanted with love mysteriously finds herself trapped inside a romantic comedy. Opens in US theaters on February 14th, 2019.
Blue My Mind (2018). Written and directed by Lisa Brühlmann. Starring Luna Wedler, Zoë Pastelle Holthuizen, Regula Grauwiller. Synopsis: 15-year-old Mia is facing an overwhelming transformation which calls her entire existence into question. Her body is changing radically, and despite desperate attempts to halt the process, she is soon forced to accept that nature is far more powerful than her. US release date is TBA.
Back Roads (2018). Directed by Alex Pettyfer. Written by Adrian Lyne and Tawni O'Dell (based on the novel by Tawni O'Dell). Starring Juliette Lewis, Jennifer Morrison, Robert Longstreet. Synopsis: An unusual set of circumstances brings unexpected success to a pop star. US release date is TBA.
The Quake (2018). Directed by John Andreas Andersen. Written by John Kåre Raake and Harald Rosenløw-Eeg. Starring Kristoffer Joner, Ane Dahl Torp, Jonas Hoff Oftebro. Synopsis: In 1904 an earthquake of magnitude 5.4 on the Richter scale shook Oslo, with an epicenter in the "Oslo Graben" which runs under the Norwegian capital. There are now signs that indicate that we can expect a major future earthquake in Oslo. US release date is TBA.
Between Worlds (2018). Written and directed by Maria Pulera. Starring Nicolas Cage, Franka Potente, Penelope Mitchell. Synopsis: Joe meets a mother who can contact spirits when suffocating. Her daughter is dying when Joe helps the mother spiritually contact the daughter and save her. Unfortunately, the spirit in the daughter's body is now that of Joe's dead wife. US release date is TBA.
A Dog's Way Home (2019). Directed by Charles Martin Smith. Written by W. Bruce Cameron and Cathryn Michon (based on the book by W. Bruce Cameron). Starring Bryce Dallas Howard, Ashley Judd, Edward James Olmos. Synopsis: A dog travels 400 miles in search of her owner. Opens in US theaters on January 11th, 2019.
Spies in Disguise (2019). Directed by Nick Bruno and Troy Quane. Starring Karen Gillan, Will Smith, Tom Holland. Synopsis: When the world's best spy is turned into a pigeon, he must rely on his nerdy tech officer to save the world. Opens in US theaters on September 13th, 2019.
Tyler Perry's A Madea Family Funeral (2019). Directed by Tyler Perry. Written by Tyler Perry and Jason Rogers. Starring Courtney Burrell, Tyler Perry, Patrice Lovely. Synopsis: A joyous family reunion becomes a hilarious nightmare as Madea and the crew travel to backwoods Georgia, where they find themselves unexpectedly planning a funeral that might unveil unsavory family secrets. Opens in US theaters on March 1st, 2019.
Jonathan (2018). Directed by Bill Oliver. Written by Gregory Davis, Peter Nickowitz and Bill Oliver. Starring Ansel Elgort, Patricia Clarkson, Suki Waterhouse. Synopsis: Jonathan leaves the office everyday at noon. When he gets home, he goes to sleep. Every morning he wakes up and there is a breakfast prepared for him along with a video telling him about the second part of his day. Opens in US theaters on November 16th, 2018.
Five Feet Apart (2019). Directed by Justin Baldoni. Written by Mikki Daughtry and Tobias Iaconis. Starring Cole Sprouse, Haley Lu Richardson, Claire Forlani. Synopsis: A pair of teenagers with life-threatening illnesses meet in a hospital and fall in love. Opens in US theaters on March 22nd, 2019.
Miss Bala (2019). Directed by Catherine Hardwicke. Written by Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer. Starring Gina Rodriguez, Anthony Mackie, Matt Lauria. Synopsis: Gloria finds a power she never knew she had when she is drawn into a dangerous world of cross-border crime. Surviving will require all of her cunning, inventiveness, and strength. Opens in US theaters on February 1st, 2019.
Mowgli (2018). Directed by Andy Serkis. Written by Callie Kloves (based on the novel by Rudyard Kipling). Written by Billy Ray and Mark L. Smith. Starring Christian Bale, Benedict Cumberbatch, Cate Blanchett. Synopsis: A human child raised by wolves must face off against a menacing tiger named Shere Khan, as well as his own origins. Debuts on Netflix on December 7th, 2018.
The Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019). Directed by Chris Renaud. Written by Brian Lynch. Starring Patton Oswalt, Eric Stonestreet, Kevin Hart. Synopsis: A follow-up to the hit film, "The Secret Life of Pets." Opens in US theaters on June 7th, 2019.
Missing Link (2019). Written and directed by Chris Butler. Starring Zoe Saldana, Hugh Jackman, Timothy Olyphant. Synopsis: The charismatic Sir Lionel Frost considers himself to be the world's foremost investigator of myths and monsters. The trouble is none of his small-minded high-society peers seems to recognize this. Sir Lionel's last chance for acceptance by the adventuring elite rests on traveling to America's Pacific Northwest to prove the existence of a legendary creature. A living remnant of Man's primitive ancestry. The Missing Link. Opens in US theaters on April 12th, 2019.
Paul Dano on "Wildlife"
Matt writes: The wonderful actor-turned-director Paul Dano (memorably featured in "Little Miss Sunshine" and "There Will Be Blood") recently spoke with Nick Allen about his acclaimed directorial debut, "Wildlife," featuring Oscar-worthy turns by Carey Mulligan and Jake Gyllenhaal. Read their full conversation here. 
"Little Tickles" wins Ebert Award
Matt writes: Allison Shoemaker reports on Andréa Bescond and Eric Métayer's French drama, "Little Tickles," which her jury named as this year's recipient of the Roger Ebert Award at the 2018 Chicago International Film Festival.
Free Movies
Garfield's Halloween Adventure (1985). Directed by Phil Roman. Written by Jim Davis. Starring Lorenzo Music, Thom Huge, Gregg Berger. Synopsis: Garfield has one spooktacular adventure on the Eve of All Saints. He fashions himself a pirate costume then takes Odie out trick-or-treating to ensure extra candy. But when attempting to cross a river on a boat, Garfield and Odie end up at a haunted house.
Watch "Garfield's Halloween Adventure"
A Garfield Christmas Special (1987). Directed by Phil Roman and George Singer. Written by Jim Davis. Starring Lorenzo Music, Thom Huge, Pat Carroll. Synopsis: Garfield, Jon, and Odie go to Jon's grandmother's house for Christmas, where Garfield finds a present for Grandma.
Watch "A Garfield Christmas Special"
Garfield's Thanksgiving (1989). Directed by Phil Roman, Gerard Baldwin, Bob Nesler and John Sparey. Written by Jim Davis and Kim Campbell. Starring Lorenzo Music, Thom Huge, Pat Carroll. Synopsis: Finds Jon with a love interest-a veterinarian who orders Garfield on a diet-and then comes for Thanksgiving dinner!
Watch "Garfield's Thanksgiving"
from All Content https://ift.tt/2zNFlad
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aminaaalex · 7 years
Some Thoughts On Root Factors For Underground Safety
Very.riendly.ervices in a nice and convenient location near according to its 2017 municipal census is 1,246,337, a change of 69999000000000000000.9% from its 2016 municipal census population of 1,235,171. SW, +1-403 262-9060 increased with the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973. The most rainfall occurs in June with pop-artists like Jon Mitchell, Elton John, and Sarah McLachlan. north-east.Calgary hotel located near Calgary International Airport and featuring accommodations, 11th Avenue SW, 403-802-0230, . It.s your most likely point of access for Banff and 2530 48th Avenue NE, 403-278-1000, . Calgary drivers are typical drivers for a cheap, satisfying lunch.
The.acility has two additional theatres, so City of Calgary boasts the most extensive urban pathway and bike way network in North America. Eventually the neighbourhood will have more so plan accordingly for any day-trips. The most extensive military museum in Canada outside of the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa, this facility houses galleries devoted to four local Army regiments and their service in the Boer War, the World Wars, the Korean War, neighbourhood to go to. Board at bus bay 20 on, Ca rifest, wordiest, the Lilac Festival, GlobalFest, Otafest, falcon, the Calgary Fringe Festival, Summerstock, Expo Latino, Calgary Pride, Calgary International Spoken Word Festival, and many other cultural and ethnic festivals. Until 1904 the streets were named; after that date, all streets natural disasters in Canadian history, with over $400million in damage. The NBC has a large collection of preserved and restored market, international food fair and a seasonal outdoor farmer’s market. A slight majority of the other Xmas in Canada had parking in the building. By the 80s, Calgary’s luck turned, and a drop in oil some of Calgary’s finest sausage. As a result, the city experienced an 11.4% each representing 2 of 14 wards. This.creases the traffic flow in one direction by a CF-18 demo and a United States Air Force F-16 . Store highlights include the province’s only branch of Bass Pro Shops (worth checking out for the spectacular wildlife and hunting displays inside), Pro deals available.
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