#dating jay walker from ninjago would include
kai-ninjago · 2 years
Picrew by naylissah :)
Please refer to my age headcanon post for reference
(Warning for brief mentions of s/h, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, canon typical violence, and gender dysphoria)
A character named Day will be mentioned sometimes, that’s my s/i— he’ll be in the next post :]
Cole (he/him, gay)
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(The picrews depict him as a human and as a ghost— I would have made early seasons vs late seasons, but I headcanon that he used to straighten his hair instead of actually taking care of it, and there weren’t many straight hair options lol— anyway)
Has anxiety, OCD, depression, manageable aquaphobia (leftover from being a ghost), and PTSD
he has had a crush on Day since like early season one, but they didn’t start dating until after season five
Smoked cigarettes as a younger teen until Sensei made him quit when he started training— only Jay knows this
His best friends are Jay, Nya, and Day
Still feels kind of awkward with Zane, cause Zane and Day were dating for a few years
Has a tattoo of rocky on his back
Never really liked Sensei Garmadon, but still respects him
His hobbies include cooking, listening to music, dancing, drawing, and calligraphy
He actually becomes really good at cooking over time, he just sucked in like season one because he was still learning
Attended fancy private schools before running away
His favorite genres of music are classic rock and classical (like piano and shit)
Contrary to what some may think, he’s not actually naturally gifted at dancing. He still dances for fun, but was never exceptionally good at it
His OCD manifests through checking behaviors, like making sure all the doors and windows are locked
Used to s/h a lot but fell out of the habit when he became a ghost and has been clean for a while since then
Jay Walker (she/he/they, transfem sapphic bigender)
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(The picrews depict them in early seasons, like s1-3 and then later on, once she’s further along in her transition)
Mixed white/japanese
Has anxiety, bpd, autism, and severe PTSD from the abuse they suffered on misfortune’s keep
Bleaches her hair, it’s naturally brown
Stims by playing with her hair— during prolonged periods of stress (like during any of the show seasons where they’re fighting bad guys for a few months) they get bald patches from tearing out their hair
Also stims by chewing and humming
Was homeschooled
Her special interests are Starfarer, space, robots/technology, and dinosaurs
Gets around four hours of sleep on average, spends a lot of time reading or playing video games at night
It took a really, really long time for her to learn to cope with everything that happened in season six. For a few months she couldn’t even train with the others because seeing someone raise a hand against her, even to spar, would trigger a panic attack
Infodumps a lot and never really feels shy about this because they grew up with the most supportive parents ever <3
Realized she was not cis all the way in season one, but didn’t bother to figure it out until they had some time away from the team in between seasons three and four
Started casually dating Nya in season one, fell really deeply in love, was heartbroken when Nya broke up w them for being too attached, was still in love with her all the way until several years later, when Nya fell back in love with her and they rekindled their relationship several years after season six. Nya was willing to try dating again because over the years Jay had matured and become more emotionally independent
Gets lichtenberg scars from using her lightning powers
Eyes glow when powered up
Over time she becomes really self conscious about her body, and no longer feels comfortable wearing anything that reveals their scars out in public— doesn’t mind changing clothes along with the rest of the ninja, though
The scar over her right eye is from something completely unrelated to ninja business, however— it’s a burn from an explosion when Jay was building an invention prior to meeting Wu
Her best friends are Cole, Day, and Nya
Kai Jiang (he/him, bisexual trans male)
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(Picrew depicts him in like season one vs the end)
Mixed Latino/chinese
Has autism, depression, extreme aquaphobia, has recovered from an eating disorder, and PTSD
Nya is the only person who knows his deadname
Used to be extremely underweight because they had the type of body where, if thin enough for the fat to come off his breasts, his chests almost looked flat
He has since been able to go on testosterone and had top surgery, and is more comfortable gaining weight
The habit to always just say he’s not hungry was also influenced by him and Nya not having enough to eat as kids, so he’d always let her have as much of his food as he could get away with
After years of living with Wu (who is old and rich) he’s also grown slightly more used to having things and being able to eat as much as he needs
Doesn’t s/h on purpose, but subconsciously picks and tears at his skin, so he’s always covered in bandaids. He also acts recklessly in battle when he’s feeling suicidal
Always gets his hair cut by Nya— in fact, most of the ninja do
His joints are all weird from breaking them and not going to the doctor about it
Dropped out of school when his parents disappeared so he could focus on running the blacksmith shop— he wanted Nya to be able to stay in school, but that only lasted until around jr high, at which point they couldn’t afford tuition
He stims by hitting himself and doing repetitive motions (like clapping his hands or bouncing his leg)
He’s really insecure about his appearance because he thinks he doesn’t look as masculine as the rest of the team
Has a stuffed animal as his comfort item. He gave it to Lloyd as sort of an olive branch when they first started living with the team, but has since gotten it back
Had a crush on Skylor— they dated for a while, but broke up cause they realized they’d be better as friends lol
His best friends are Jay, Zane, and Day
Zane Julian (ai/him, queer, nonbinary)
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(Picrew shows Zane’s “human” appearance and after ai was rebuilt)
5’11”, 6’5” (rebuilt)
Dr. Julian modeled Zane after himself, so both of them are black and albino
(However, Zane has purple eyes because that was Dr. Julian’s favorite color)
Zane’s magical power source gives ai a more human consciousness, meaning ais capable of having depression and PTSD despite being a droid
Only uses “he/him” for convenience because ai presents masculinely— ai feels indifferent to the standard pronoun sets, but uses “ai/ai/ais” pronouns with close friends because it gives ai euphoria
(Ai/ai as in artificial intelligence)
Would definitely be dead if ai didn’t have Pixal to calm ai down during ais depressive episodes
Zane is the calmest and most levelheaded of the group; ai isn’t shaken by much— the one thing that truly scares ai is the fact that ais friends are mortal, and ai is not
Only ever talks to Pixal about being depressed. Pixal understands ais fears best because Pixal is also an immortal robot
Ai was dating Day from season one until the beginning of season three, when ai broke up with him because ai realized ai didn’t really love him that much.
Zane then pursued a queerplatonic relationship with Pixal, who ai felt a strong emotional connection to
Ai was rebuilt a lot bigger and stronger than before because the people on Chen’s island who repaired ai made ai to be the ideal fighting droid, and when ai had been built the first time ais only purpose was to enjoy life, not fight
The scar on ais face in the first image is from when the great devourer tried to stab(?) ai with it’s pointy tail, but just barely got a piece of ai’s face. Part of it fell off, but Jay welded it back on
Ais best friends are Pixal and Kai
Knows literally everything (is a robot) but ais weird power source can cause them to experience some human flaws, like forgetfulness
Nya Jiang (she/her, bisexual and demiromantic with a female preference)
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(Picrews show season 1 vs the end)
Mixed latina/Chinese
Has OCD, PTSD, anxiety, and bipolar disorder
Younger than Kai by one year (they’re siblings fyi)
Doesn’t remember her parents very well
Feels responsible for making everyone in the group feel happy and safe
She gets recurring nightmares and experiences insomnia during stressful times in her life
Picks at her skin when anxious and has some scars on her face— she used to feel self conscious about them, but doesn’t really care anymore
Her best friends are Day and Zane
Used to straighten her hair
Ends up having the most tattoos and piercings out of the whole team
Is very competitive
When she and Jay were first dating, she didn’t view it as anything more than really casual kinda stuff because she saw them as more of a friend back then
Has always put a lot of pressure on herself to not be a burden ever since her and Kai’s parents disappeared
She has a really hard time asking for help because of this
She is closer with Sensei than the rest of the team, and views him as kind of a father figure
Secretly liked being samurai x more than the water ninja
Has an undercut now
Is really good friends with Pixal and Skylor
Okay that’s all for these characters— in my next headcanon post I’ll talk about my s/i, Morro, Pixal, Skylor, Ronin, Lloyd, and maybe some others!
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sivyera · 2 years
Dating Jay Walker would include…
PAIRING: Jay Walker x reader
WARNING: bad grammar
SONG: You & I - One Direction
gif is not mine
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At first Jay would be very shy around you
His awkwardness brings the best of him so he always stutter a little when he's talking to you
He's always trying to impress you but he failed multiple times
Kai would give him date advices all the time but Nya told Jay to ask you what you like not to listen Kai's stupid advices
Jay would try remember everything about you, and he's doing well
bring you flowers whenever you are angry
bring you hot chocolate whenever you are sad
he loves holding your hand in his, because he feels safe - he knows you're next to him so nothing can hurt you
Jay would be probably little overprotective
he's ninja so some villain can hurt you
he can't let that happened, if something would happened to you he wouldn't forgive himself
he loves cuddling with you while watching a movie
his favourite cuddle position is him laying on top of you, your legs wrapped around his body, his head buried in your neck and your hands in his hair
he can get anxious/stressed out from ninja stuff so when you play with his hair or scratch his head he is in heaven
you initiate your first kiss together
probably every intimacy thing initiate you, at first
but after a while Jay would get used to it and kiss you without blushing (maybe he'd blush a little)
he is also pretty jealous but his jealousy quickly turn into insecurity
he thinks you should date someone better and stronger then Jay is
like Lloyd, Cole or Kai
but you comfort him about it, that you don't want anyone else
All his close friends (Lloyd, Cole, Kai, Zane and Nya) were so happy when Jay asked you out on a date
his parents also like you
they see how much is Jay happy when he is talking about you and when he is with you he his even more happy
he would give you a ride in his lightning jet, secretly of course Wu can't know that (little spoiler: Wu knows it and he doesn't mind at all)
he loves your smile and laugh so he would do anything to see you smile
he loves dancing with you around the kitchen but neither of you can't dance so you two are just moving to the beat
in winter he loves ice skating with you, but he is not good at hit and he loves when you teach him it
he always look so focused at it so he makes the cutest faces
being in a relationship with him is like being wrapped in a cloud
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chrispy-chimkin · 2 years
I have been on this trip for fucking DAYS and I’m complaining about it ONCE MORE but now on Tumblr instead of to my poor friends. (CW: Snakes, venom, biological infection and consequences. Just in case before you read further, but I am bringing science to this!
I know I know the whole “magic” bit about Ninjago is that it suspends your belief HARD. You just go with it, magic is not really suppose to make sense. Not only that, but “Once Bitten, Twice Shy” was more of a funny gag; “RUINED DATE UR A SNAKE LOL.” It’s just meant to be a funny incident to make you laugh and also further push the Jaya relationship, to give Jay this little boost of confidence to reach his True Potential.
But venom is still venom, magical or not. And the idea that drastically increasing your heart rate will diminish the effects of envenoming is SEVERELY FALSE. With that in mind, I can only imagine the effects this had on Jay’s system when he was so far along in the transformation process, and never had access to an anti-venom in the aftermath. Even people who GET anti-venom can have long-lasting disability or disfiguration based on the severity and location of the bite. But again, this is a “magical” venom, a toxin that mutates your cells and turns you into a snake. So what does this spell out for Jay? Firstly, let’s look at the Fangpyre. Fictional as they are, it’s probably safe to say that most if not all Serpentine have a connection to the Elapidae family; the family of snakes who have permanently erect fangs in their mouths. This usually includes cobras, which makes sense since many have hoods on their heads as well. One big contender I especially think of with the Fangpyre is the red spitting cobra.
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Now while we do have the Anacondrai, Constrictai, and even the Hypnobrai displaying some features from the other two snake families (Viperidae and Colubridae) it is fair to say that they all have the more obvious features displayed similar to cobras. And I bring this all up because this also leads to the VENOM they use. Cobras and other elapids have very potent cytotoxic venom. Some also have neurotoxic venom, which aids the Hypnobrai and Venomari in this case. But lets focus on cytotoxins. The term cytotoxin refers to a bacterial product that is capable of killing mammalian cells, usually by inhibiting protein synthesis. Cytotoxic venom works on a molecular level by destroying the cell membrane thus destroying the tissue cell by cell. The macro effect of this cell destruction and the effect we can see with the naked eye is tissue necrosis.  Imagine getting bitten on the finger by a Puff Adder (since most bites occur on the limbs) you would experience pain. From the moment you get bitten alerting you to the fact you are injured, the venom would begin destroying tissue cell by cell resulting in tissue necrosis even bone is slowly eaten away by the venom. Muscle tissue is slowly eaten away to get to your bloodstream to cause further necrosis through the rest of your body.  If you can’t tell where I am going with this, I’m saying that the Fangpyre most likely have a form of cytotoxin in their venom that, instead of causing tissue necrosis, would instead cause tissue mutation. Tissue necrosis is bad enough! Anti-venom is not even a CURE, it’s a blocker. It halts the venom from creating further damage so your body can repair itself. It can take some people up to nine months, even years, to fully recover from a venomous snake bite. And even afterwards they can suffer from limb loss, muscular tissue damage, contractures, headache vertigo, and much more. The average duration of symptoms after a snakebite has been estimated to be up to 12 years.
And you’re telling me Jay Walker, who was bitten by a mutated cytotoxic snake didn’t suffer anything? Absolutely not. I can guarantee that there are some long-term, secondary “injuries” that he has to deal with after having never been given the anti-venom and therefore a proper channel blocker for the Fangpyre venom. Boy got lucky he’s even human again because of plot armor.
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sivyera · 2 years
sivyera's masterlist
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Started: 08/06/22
Last Updated: 26/08/24
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