#dating jay walker would include
kai-ninjago · 2 years
Picrew by naylissah :)
Please refer to my age headcanon post for reference
(Warning for brief mentions of s/h, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, canon typical violence, and gender dysphoria)
A character named Day will be mentioned sometimes, that’s my s/i— he’ll be in the next post :]
Cole (he/him, gay)
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(The picrews depict him as a human and as a ghost— I would have made early seasons vs late seasons, but I headcanon that he used to straighten his hair instead of actually taking care of it, and there weren’t many straight hair options lol— anyway)
Has anxiety, OCD, depression, manageable aquaphobia (leftover from being a ghost), and PTSD
he has had a crush on Day since like early season one, but they didn’t start dating until after season five
Smoked cigarettes as a younger teen until Sensei made him quit when he started training— only Jay knows this
His best friends are Jay, Nya, and Day
Still feels kind of awkward with Zane, cause Zane and Day were dating for a few years
Has a tattoo of rocky on his back
Never really liked Sensei Garmadon, but still respects him
His hobbies include cooking, listening to music, dancing, drawing, and calligraphy
He actually becomes really good at cooking over time, he just sucked in like season one because he was still learning
Attended fancy private schools before running away
His favorite genres of music are classic rock and classical (like piano and shit)
Contrary to what some may think, he’s not actually naturally gifted at dancing. He still dances for fun, but was never exceptionally good at it
His OCD manifests through checking behaviors, like making sure all the doors and windows are locked
Used to s/h a lot but fell out of the habit when he became a ghost and has been clean for a while since then
Jay Walker (she/he/they, transfem sapphic bigender)
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(The picrews depict them in early seasons, like s1-3 and then later on, once she’s further along in her transition)
Mixed white/japanese
Has anxiety, bpd, autism, and severe PTSD from the abuse they suffered on misfortune’s keep
Bleaches her hair, it’s naturally brown
Stims by playing with her hair— during prolonged periods of stress (like during any of the show seasons where they’re fighting bad guys for a few months) they get bald patches from tearing out their hair
Also stims by chewing and humming
Was homeschooled
Her special interests are Starfarer, space, robots/technology, and dinosaurs
Gets around four hours of sleep on average, spends a lot of time reading or playing video games at night
It took a really, really long time for her to learn to cope with everything that happened in season six. For a few months she couldn’t even train with the others because seeing someone raise a hand against her, even to spar, would trigger a panic attack
Infodumps a lot and never really feels shy about this because they grew up with the most supportive parents ever <3
Realized she was not cis all the way in season one, but didn’t bother to figure it out until they had some time away from the team in between seasons three and four
Started casually dating Nya in season one, fell really deeply in love, was heartbroken when Nya broke up w them for being too attached, was still in love with her all the way until several years later, when Nya fell back in love with her and they rekindled their relationship several years after season six. Nya was willing to try dating again because over the years Jay had matured and become more emotionally independent
Gets lichtenberg scars from using her lightning powers
Eyes glow when powered up
Over time she becomes really self conscious about her body, and no longer feels comfortable wearing anything that reveals their scars out in public— doesn’t mind changing clothes along with the rest of the ninja, though
The scar over her right eye is from something completely unrelated to ninja business, however— it’s a burn from an explosion when Jay was building an invention prior to meeting Wu
Her best friends are Cole, Day, and Nya
Kai Jiang (he/him, bisexual trans male)
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(Picrew depicts him in like season one vs the end)
Mixed Latino/chinese
Has autism, depression, extreme aquaphobia, has recovered from an eating disorder, and PTSD
Nya is the only person who knows his deadname
Used to be extremely underweight because they had the type of body where, if thin enough for the fat to come off his breasts, his chests almost looked flat
He has since been able to go on testosterone and had top surgery, and is more comfortable gaining weight
The habit to always just say he’s not hungry was also influenced by him and Nya not having enough to eat as kids, so he’d always let her have as much of his food as he could get away with
After years of living with Wu (who is old and rich) he’s also grown slightly more used to having things and being able to eat as much as he needs
Doesn’t s/h on purpose, but subconsciously picks and tears at his skin, so he’s always covered in bandaids. He also acts recklessly in battle when he’s feeling suicidal
Always gets his hair cut by Nya— in fact, most of the ninja do
His joints are all weird from breaking them and not going to the doctor about it
Dropped out of school when his parents disappeared so he could focus on running the blacksmith shop— he wanted Nya to be able to stay in school, but that only lasted until around jr high, at which point they couldn’t afford tuition
He stims by hitting himself and doing repetitive motions (like clapping his hands or bouncing his leg)
He’s really insecure about his appearance because he thinks he doesn’t look as masculine as the rest of the team
Has a stuffed animal as his comfort item. He gave it to Lloyd as sort of an olive branch when they first started living with the team, but has since gotten it back
Had a crush on Skylor— they dated for a while, but broke up cause they realized they’d be better as friends lol
His best friends are Jay, Zane, and Day
Zane Julian (ai/him, queer, nonbinary)
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(Picrew shows Zane’s “human” appearance and after ai was rebuilt)
5’11”, 6’5” (rebuilt)
Dr. Julian modeled Zane after himself, so both of them are black and albino
(However, Zane has purple eyes because that was Dr. Julian’s favorite color)
Zane’s magical power source gives ai a more human consciousness, meaning ais capable of having depression and PTSD despite being a droid
Only uses “he/him” for convenience because ai presents masculinely— ai feels indifferent to the standard pronoun sets, but uses “ai/ai/ais” pronouns with close friends because it gives ai euphoria
(Ai/ai as in artificial intelligence)
Would definitely be dead if ai didn’t have Pixal to calm ai down during ais depressive episodes
Zane is the calmest and most levelheaded of the group; ai isn’t shaken by much— the one thing that truly scares ai is the fact that ais friends are mortal, and ai is not
Only ever talks to Pixal about being depressed. Pixal understands ais fears best because Pixal is also an immortal robot
Ai was dating Day from season one until the beginning of season three, when ai broke up with him because ai realized ai didn’t really love him that much.
Zane then pursued a queerplatonic relationship with Pixal, who ai felt a strong emotional connection to
Ai was rebuilt a lot bigger and stronger than before because the people on Chen’s island who repaired ai made ai to be the ideal fighting droid, and when ai had been built the first time ais only purpose was to enjoy life, not fight
The scar on ais face in the first image is from when the great devourer tried to stab(?) ai with it’s pointy tail, but just barely got a piece of ai’s face. Part of it fell off, but Jay welded it back on
Ais best friends are Pixal and Kai
Knows literally everything (is a robot) but ais weird power source can cause them to experience some human flaws, like forgetfulness
Nya Jiang (she/her, bisexual and demiromantic with a female preference)
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(Picrews show season 1 vs the end)
Mixed latina/Chinese
Has OCD, PTSD, anxiety, and bipolar disorder
Younger than Kai by one year (they’re siblings fyi)
Doesn’t remember her parents very well
Feels responsible for making everyone in the group feel happy and safe
She gets recurring nightmares and experiences insomnia during stressful times in her life
Picks at her skin when anxious and has some scars on her face— she used to feel self conscious about them, but doesn’t really care anymore
Her best friends are Day and Zane
Used to straighten her hair
Ends up having the most tattoos and piercings out of the whole team
Is very competitive
When she and Jay were first dating, she didn’t view it as anything more than really casual kinda stuff because she saw them as more of a friend back then
Has always put a lot of pressure on herself to not be a burden ever since her and Kai’s parents disappeared
She has a really hard time asking for help because of this
She is closer with Sensei than the rest of the team, and views him as kind of a father figure
Secretly liked being samurai x more than the water ninja
Has an undercut now
Is really good friends with Pixal and Skylor
Okay that’s all for these characters— in my next headcanon post I’ll talk about my s/i, Morro, Pixal, Skylor, Ronin, Lloyd, and maybe some others!
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sivyera · 2 years
Dating Jay Walker would include…
PAIRING: Jay Walker x reader
WARNING: bad grammar
SONG: You & I - One Direction
gif is not mine
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At first Jay would be very shy around you
His awkwardness brings the best of him so he always stutter a little when he's talking to you
He's always trying to impress you but he failed multiple times
Kai would give him date advices all the time but Nya told Jay to ask you what you like not to listen Kai's stupid advices
Jay would try remember everything about you, and he's doing well
bring you flowers whenever you are angry
bring you hot chocolate whenever you are sad
he loves holding your hand in his, because he feels safe - he knows you're next to him so nothing can hurt you
Jay would be probably little overprotective
he's ninja so some villain can hurt you
he can't let that happened, if something would happened to you he wouldn't forgive himself
he loves cuddling with you while watching a movie
his favourite cuddle position is him laying on top of you, your legs wrapped around his body, his head buried in your neck and your hands in his hair
he can get anxious/stressed out from ninja stuff so when you play with his hair or scratch his head he is in heaven
you initiate your first kiss together
probably every intimacy thing initiate you, at first
but after a while Jay would get used to it and kiss you without blushing (maybe he'd blush a little)
he is also pretty jealous but his jealousy quickly turn into insecurity
he thinks you should date someone better and stronger then Jay is
like Lloyd, Cole or Kai
but you comfort him about it, that you don't want anyone else
All his close friends (Lloyd, Cole, Kai, Zane and Nya) were so happy when Jay asked you out on a date
his parents also like you
they see how much is Jay happy when he is talking about you and when he is with you he his even more happy
he would give you a ride in his lightning jet, secretly of course Wu can't know that (little spoiler: Wu knows it and he doesn't mind at all)
he loves your smile and laugh so he would do anything to see you smile
he loves dancing with you around the kitchen but neither of you can't dance so you two are just moving to the beat
in winter he loves ice skating with you, but he is not good at hit and he loves when you teach him it
he always look so focused at it so he makes the cutest faces
being in a relationship with him is like being wrapped in a cloud
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chrispy-chimkin · 2 years
I have been on this trip for fucking DAYS and I’m complaining about it ONCE MORE but now on Tumblr instead of to my poor friends. (CW: Snakes, venom, biological infection and consequences. Just in case before you read further, but I am bringing science to this!
I know I know the whole “magic” bit about Ninjago is that it suspends your belief HARD. You just go with it, magic is not really suppose to make sense. Not only that, but “Once Bitten, Twice Shy” was more of a funny gag; “RUINED DATE UR A SNAKE LOL.” It’s just meant to be a funny incident to make you laugh and also further push the Jaya relationship, to give Jay this little boost of confidence to reach his True Potential.
But venom is still venom, magical or not. And the idea that drastically increasing your heart rate will diminish the effects of envenoming is SEVERELY FALSE. With that in mind, I can only imagine the effects this had on Jay’s system when he was so far along in the transformation process, and never had access to an anti-venom in the aftermath. Even people who GET anti-venom can have long-lasting disability or disfiguration based on the severity and location of the bite. But again, this is a “magical” venom, a toxin that mutates your cells and turns you into a snake. So what does this spell out for Jay? Firstly, let’s look at the Fangpyre. Fictional as they are, it’s probably safe to say that most if not all Serpentine have a connection to the Elapidae family; the family of snakes who have permanently erect fangs in their mouths. This usually includes cobras, which makes sense since many have hoods on their heads as well. One big contender I especially think of with the Fangpyre is the red spitting cobra.
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Now while we do have the Anacondrai, Constrictai, and even the Hypnobrai displaying some features from the other two snake families (Viperidae and Colubridae) it is fair to say that they all have the more obvious features displayed similar to cobras. And I bring this all up because this also leads to the VENOM they use. Cobras and other elapids have very potent cytotoxic venom. Some also have neurotoxic venom, which aids the Hypnobrai and Venomari in this case. But lets focus on cytotoxins. The term cytotoxin refers to a bacterial product that is capable of killing mammalian cells, usually by inhibiting protein synthesis. Cytotoxic venom works on a molecular level by destroying the cell membrane thus destroying the tissue cell by cell. The macro effect of this cell destruction and the effect we can see with the naked eye is tissue necrosis.  Imagine getting bitten on the finger by a Puff Adder (since most bites occur on the limbs) you would experience pain. From the moment you get bitten alerting you to the fact you are injured, the venom would begin destroying tissue cell by cell resulting in tissue necrosis even bone is slowly eaten away by the venom. Muscle tissue is slowly eaten away to get to your bloodstream to cause further necrosis through the rest of your body.  If you can’t tell where I am going with this, I’m saying that the Fangpyre most likely have a form of cytotoxin in their venom that, instead of causing tissue necrosis, would instead cause tissue mutation. Tissue necrosis is bad enough! Anti-venom is not even a CURE, it’s a blocker. It halts the venom from creating further damage so your body can repair itself. It can take some people up to nine months, even years, to fully recover from a venomous snake bite. And even afterwards they can suffer from limb loss, muscular tissue damage, contractures, headache vertigo, and much more. The average duration of symptoms after a snakebite has been estimated to be up to 12 years.
And you’re telling me Jay Walker, who was bitten by a mutated cytotoxic snake didn’t suffer anything? Absolutely not. I can guarantee that there are some long-term, secondary “injuries” that he has to deal with after having never been given the anti-venom and therefore a proper channel blocker for the Fangpyre venom. Boy got lucky he’s even human again because of plot armor.
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sixcostumerefs · 3 years
2021 Performance Stats
Note: While this mostly encompasses 2021, it does include the brief 10 day run at the Lyric in Dec 2020. If you’re going to use this info anywhere, please credit me and link to this post. Thank you! West End (pre-cast change): Jarneia Richard Noel: 134 Courtney Bowman: 136 Natalie May Paris: 148 Alexia McIntosh: 106 Sophie Isaacs: 131 Danielle Steers: 95 Athena Collins: 23 total - 22 WE as t/r, 1 UKT E/C Zara MacIntosh: 90 total - 39 Aragon, 7 Cleves, 46 Howard Cherelle Jay: 96 total - 32 Boleyn, 2 Seymour, 56 Cleves, 6 Parr Hana Stewart: 106.5 total - 5 Aragon, 34.5 Seymour, 6 Howard, 61 Parr (60 WE, 1 UKT E/C) West End (post-cast change): Amy di Bartolomeo: 36 Amanda Lindgren: 35 Claudia Kariuki: 32 Dionne Ward-Anderson: 42 Tsemaye Bob-Egbe: 29 Meesha Turner: 40 Rachel Rawlinson: 10.5 total - 2 Aragon, 3.5 Seymour, 5 Cleves Esme Rothero: 16 total - 6 Boleyn, 10 Howard Paisley Billings: 8 total (all Aragon) Danielle Rose: 14 total - 6 Boleyn, 8 Howard Roxanne Couch: 16.5 total - 11.5 Seymour, 5 Parr Standbys or performers across multiple casts (not E/Cs): Liv Alexander: 30.5 total - 6 Aragon (WE); 0.5 Seymour (WE); 24 Cleves (13 WE, 11 UKT) Bryony Duncan: 32 total - 20 Boleyn (14 WE, 6 UKT); 4 Seymour (WE); 8 Howard (WE) Collette Guitart: 114 total - 22 Aragon (21 pre-CC, 1 post); 22 Boleyn (pre); 14 Seymour (pre); 21 Cleves (pre); 13 Howard (pre); 22 Parr (20 pre, 2 post) Broadway: Adrianna Hicks: 116 Andrea Macasaet: 107 Abby Mueller: 83 Brittney Mack: 114 Samantha Pauly: 104 Anna Uzele: 118 Mallory Maedke: 31 total - 29 Seymour, 2 Howard Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert: 15 total - 5 Aragon, 4 Boleyn, 6 Cleves Courtney Mack: 25 total - 10 Boleyn, 15 Howard Keirsten Hodgens: 13 total - 9 Seymour, 1 Cleves, 3 Parr 3rd UK Tour: Lauren Drew: 155 Maddison Bulleyment: 146 Caitlin Tipping: 176 Shekinah McFarlane: 160 Vicki Manser: 188 Elena Gyasi: 166 Natalie Pilkington: 43 total - 11 Aragon, 7 Boleyn, 17 Seymour, 2 Cleves, 3 Howard, 3 Parr Cassandra Lee: 62 total - 40 Aragon, 22 Cleves Jennifer Caldwell: 98 total - 10 Aragon, 51 Boleyn, 1 Cleves, 25 Howard, 11 Parr Harriet Watson: 69 total - 3 Boleyn, 23 Seymour, 19 Cleves, 24 Parr Australia: All principals have done 8 shows so far. No swings have yet debuted. Bliss 3.0: The cast typically does two show days a week with two shows on each day. However, there is some variance depending on the cruise and exact performance dates and times are not published publicly, so anything we have is a guess. They are 10 weeks in to the run and should have done roughly 40 performances. Ashlee Waldbauer has had at least three Howard shows as well as at least two Boleyn shows; Marilyn Caserta has had at least one Parr and anywhere from 1-4 Cleves (all would have been this week). Melinda Porto and Wesley Carpenter have been on every show. Breakaway 2.0: The cast typically does two show days a week with two shows on each day. However, there is some variance depending on the cruise and exact performance dates and times are not published publicly, so anything we have is a guess. Additionally, their shows the week of 26 Dec-1 Jan are cancelled due to a Covid outbreak; there may have been other previous cancelled dates. Not including this week, they are 13 weeks in to the run and should have done roughly 52 performances. Abbi Hodgson has done at least one Boleyn show and one Aragon show; Ellie Sharpe has done at least three Seymour and at least three Howard. Jessica Niles and Amelia Walker have been on every show so far.
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huzzah! fresh reads friday be upon ye!
first up we've got a list that I'm literally incapable of excluding, because I was instantly lured in my the phrase funky space sorcerers (my ideal occupation):
the line between sci-fi and fantasy can be delightfully thin in you let it, and I personally love stories that bounce on that line like a truly unhinged tightrope walker. Xiran Jay Zhao's Iron Widow is directly called out as a "genre wreck" (affectionate) on this list, which also contains another one of my faves This Is How You Lose the Time War.
next up: some lesser-known recs based on your favorite BookTok darlings. (for legal purposes I do NOT know what TikTok is, I'm only sharing in case this information is useful to someone else.)
I'm delighted to see Ryka Aoki's Light From Uncommon Stars on this list (incidentally it's another book that I would classify firmly as a space fantasy, bringing together alien refugees and a deal with the devil in contemporary California)! there's also Meet Me in Madrid, a lovely-sounding queer romance I've never heard of, and that one insane queer romance I've absolutely heard of in which two gay campaign staffers are pressured into fake-dating in order to nab votes for their boss??? what a list lmao.
speaking of lists (as if I ever talk about anything else) here's one for all my poetryheads out there:
Shelly Wong has compiled a list of seven other queer women of color poets to check out, including an "intergalactic expanse" from Brenda Shaughnessy, Aricka Foreman's lyrical debut, and Paige Quiñones’ "fable-like haunting."
next up: I think possibly the first recommendation for comics/graphic novels that I've ever done on Fresh Reads Friday? big oops on my part, I'll try to be more attentive to that in the future (especially since I've been diving back into reading comics myself lately!).
I don't know what the fuck happens in Heartstopper and I'm never going to find out, but if you love a fluffy queer comic then there are some real gems on this list to fill that need. you may have already heard of Bingo Love thanks to Tee Franklin's recent work on the ultra-gay Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour, but have you heard of the roommate/rivals in Fence? or the demon-fighting witch and werewolf in Mooncakes? get to it!
and one more rec I don't think I've ever included before: translated fiction from Latin America!
and as long as we're talking about translated Latin American fiction that takes the reader to strange and challenging places, might I also toss out Mariana Enríquez's The Dangers of Smoking in Bed? it's a spooky and exhilarating collection of short stories, one of the most striking books I've read this year.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The last of 47 police officers to be investigated over their handling of historic allegations of child sex abuse in Rotherham has been cleared of misconduct.
Former Det Sgt David Walker had been accused of not following up tip-offs about grooming gangs in the town.
A misconduct panel found he had acted appropriately with any information.
Rotherham MP Sarah Champion said the result would be a "bitter disappointment" for abuse victims.
Mr Walker, who retired in 2018, was among the officers investigated by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) in the wake of the Jay Report.
The 2014 report found that at least 1,400 girls were subjected to sexual exploitation between 1997 and 2013 and accused South Yorkshire Police of failing to prioritise the issue.
The IOPC found eight officers had a case to answer for misconduct and six for gross misconduct. Five have faced sanctions but to date no officers have lost their jobs or faced criminal charges.
Mr Walker, a former Maltby-based police sergeant, had been accused by Rotherham youth worker Jayne Senior of ignoring key information sent to him in emails
At the time, Ms Senior worked for council-run youth project Risky Business, which supported young people at risk of abuse.
'Hard-working and diligent'
She said she had sent information to Mr Walker via email, including warnings about a suspected sex offender inviting girls as young as 10 to his home, and another about a man who had raped a 15-year-old.
Giving evidence earlier this week, Mr Walker said he had been dealing with up to 180 cases at any one time as part of the specialist unit.
He admitted he did not record all information sent to him on police databases, but he said details were passed on or there was an expectation that other officers would have dealt with it.
Dismissing the misconduct allegation, the panel ruled on Thursday that Mr Walker had not taken any action which fell below the expected practice at the time.
He had been "hard-working, diligent and professional", chair Simon Malik said.
Following the misconduct panel's ruling, Rotherham Labour MP Sarah Champion said the hearing had "painted a deeply disturbing picture of South Yorkshire Police's approach to CSE throughout this period".
She said multiple investigations over the years had found the South Yorkshire force had "repeatedly failed those they had a duty to protect".
She added: "Child sexual exploitation was treated as low priority. Investigations were under-resourced. Officers were untrained and, far too often, uncaring.
"The result was that potentially thousands of children were abandoned to abuse of the most shocking kind."
A full report on the findings of the IOPC's investigation is expected to be published next month.
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
The King and I - Brazil - 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Tuca Andrada (Rei), Cláudia Netto (Anna Leonowens), Luciana Bueno (Lady Thiang), Bianca Tadini (Tumptim) The King and I - North Shore Music Theatre - September-October, 2011 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kate Fisher (Anna Leonowens), Lorenzo Lamas (King of Siam), Lisa Yuen (Lady Thiang), Manna Nichols (Tuptim), Joshua Dela Cruz (Lun Tha), Ron Wisniski (Sir Edward Ramsey) NOTES: Proshot. Performed in the round, one camera on a tripod and sound patched in from the soundboard. The King and I - West End Revival - November 29, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Anna Leonowens), Ken Watanabe (King of Siam), Ruthie Ann Miles (Lady Thiang), Na-Young Jeon (Tuptim), Dean John-Wilson (Lun Tha), Edward Baker-Duly (Sir Edward Ramsey), Jon Chew (Prince Chulalongkorn), Edward Baker-Duly (Captain Orton), Billy Marlow (Louis Leonowens), Takao Osawa (Kralahome), William Michael Lee (Phra Alack) NOTES: Ruthie uses a walking stick throughout to aid her recovery from a previous car accident and loss of her two children. She gives an amazing performance. King Kong - Broadway - August 10, 2019 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy) NOTES: The full show, recorded from the rear orchestra on a phone. Most of the video is the August 10th recording but occasionally some promotional footage and the February 9th video are edited in to provide other views. The recording starts off with a lot of wandering, shakiness, and washout but gets better somewhat better as it goes on. Still not as good as an actual video filmed with a camera, but it exists. 1920x1080p, 4.29 GB. King Kong - Broadway - October, 2018 (Preview) (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy), Harley Jay (Barman), Rory Donovan (Captain Engelhorn/Chief of Police), Jon Hoche (Voice of Kong) NOTES: Full stage shot with clear audio direct from soundboard. Kinky Boots - Broadway - March 15, 2013 (Preview) (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Stark Sands (Charlie Price), Billy Porter (Lola), Annaleigh Ashford (Lauren), Celina Carvajal (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Jonah Halperin (s/b Young Charlie), Marquise Neal (Young Lola) NOTES: Fun show with a pertinent (but not obtrusive) message, Billy Porter is just amazing. This is somewhat more obstructed than other shows because the person in front was leaning forward and moving a lot, so there's a head in some of the scenes. Some shakiness and wandering in between, particularly at the beginning, but otherwise a good video with nice closeups. Complete show including curtain call. A- Kinky Boots - Broadway - July 17, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: David Cook (Charlie Price), Stephane Duret (s/b Lola), Carrie St Louis (Lauren), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Corey Mach (Harry), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr.), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Adinah Alexander (Milan Stage Manager), Cooper Lantz (Young Charlie), Jesús Del Orden (Young Lola) NOTES: Quite a few latecomers that walk in front but nothing too distracting; otherwise very well filmed HD video with clear picture and sound throughout; great video A Kinky Boots - Broadway - May-August, 2017 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Brendon Urie (Charlie Price), J Harrison Ghee (Lola), Taylor Louderman (Lauren) NOTES: Starts at Sex is in the Heel Kinky Boots - First National Tour - April 17, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Kaplan (Charlie Price), J Harrison Ghee (Lola), Tiffany Engen (Lauren), Charissa Hogeland (Nicola), Aaron Walpole (Don), Jim J Bullock (George), Josh Tolle (Harry), Shawna M Hamic (Trish), Horace V Rogers (Simon Sr.), Tom Souhrada (Mr. Price), Zach Adkins (Richard Bailey), Patty Lohr (Pat), Annie Edgerton (Milan Stage Manager), Aidan Passaro (Young Charlie), Jomil Elijah Robinson (Young Lola) Kinky Boots - Netherlands Tour - October 27, 2019 FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Jonathan Demoor (Charlie Price), Naidjim Severina (Lola), Vajèn van den Bosch (Lauren), Linda Verstraten (Nicola), Dennis Willekens (Don), Paul Donkers (George), Jeroen Phaff (Mr. Price) Kinky Boots - Pre-Broadway/Chicago - November 4, 2012 (Closing Night) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Stark Sands (Charlie Price), Billy Porter (Lola), Annaleigh Ashford (Lauren), Celina Carvajal (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Andy Kelso (Harry), Jennifer Perry (Trish), Tory Ross (Pat) NOTES: Another beautiful HD capture of the last performance in Chicago before Broadway, where it would go on to win the 2013 Tony. This performance has many changes from the other Chicago Dvd of the first performance. Includes the new song written towards the end of the Chicago run and many line changes. Also includes curtain speech by Stark! A+   Kinky Boots - UK Tour - December 26, 2018 (Matinee) (shoeroom's master) FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Joshua St Clair (u/s Charlie Price), Kayi Ushe (Lola), Paula Lane (Lauren), Helen Ternent (Nicola), Demitri Lampra (Don), Adam Price (George), Daniel Conway (u/s Harry), Niki Evans (Trish), Fred Smiley (Simon Sr.), Andy Watkins (Mr. Price), George Grayson (u/s Richard Bailey), Lizzie Bea (Pat), Mary Fox (Maggie), Shaun Dalton (Hooch), Alfie Parker (Mutt), Portia Harry (Gemma Louise), Scarlet Gabriel (Milan Stage Manager), John Dempsey (Referee), Connor Collins (Angel #1), Toyan Thomas-Brown (Angel #2), John Dempsey (Angel #3), Chileshé Mondelle (Angel #4), Joshua Lovell (Angel #5), Damon Gould (Angel #6) Kinky Boots - UK Tour - September, 2018 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Joel Harper-Jackson (Charlie Price), Callum Francis (Lola), Paula Lane (Lauren), Helen Ternent (Nicola), Demitri Lampra (Don), Adam Price (George), Joshua St Clair (Harry), Niki Evans (Trish), Fred Smiley (Simon Sr.), Andy Watkins (Mr. Price), Daniel Conway (Richard Bailey), Lizzie Bea (Pat), Scarlet Gabriel (Milan Stage Manager), Connor Collins (Angel #1), John Dempsey (Angel #2), Damon Gould (Angel #3), Joshua Lovell (Angel #4), Chileshé Mondelle (Angel #5), Toyan Thomas-Brown (Angel #6) Kinky Boots - West End - November 27, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Killian Donnelly (Charlie Price), Matt Henry (Lola), Natalie McQueen (Lauren), Cordelia Farnworth (Nicola), Sean Needham (Don), Antony Reed (George), Jordan Fox (Harry), Anna Stolli (Trish), Robert Grose (Simon Sr.), Graham Kent (Mr. Price), Jonathan Carlton (Richard Bailey), Rosie Glossop (Pat), Emma Odell (Milan Stage Manager), Charlie Underhill (Young Charlie), Temba Mliswa (Young Lola), Jak Allen-Anderson (Angel #1), Jed Berry (Angel #2), Louis Clarke-Clare (Angel #3), Daniel Downing (Angel #4), Jemal Felix (Angel #5), Jon Reynolds (Angel #6), Abbey Addams, Ben Jennings, Ben Larcombe, Christopher Parkinson, David Haydn, Fred Wilcox, Hannah Price, Jude Muir, Kayleb Rene-gray, Keith Higham, Momar Diagne, Olivia Winterflood, Rio Lewis, Robert Jones, Samson Wakayu, Suzie McAdam, Tom Scanlon NOTES: Pro-shot. Filmed live on stage at the Adelphi Theatre (London, England) and distributed commercially. Kiss Me, Kate - British Television Production - April 21, 1964 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patricia Morison (Lilli Vanessi / Katharine), Howard Keel (Fred Graham / Petruchio), Isabelle Lucas (Hattie), Millicent Martin (Lois Lane / Bianca), Irving Davies (Bill Calhoun / Lucentio), Eric Barker (Harrison Howell), Danny Green (Gangster / First Man), Bill Owen (Gangster / Second Man) NOTES: This version was rewritten and abbreviated to fit within its 95-minute time slot. A little on the dark side, in black and white with a slight blue tinge, has producer’s counter numbers hard-coded on the screen in the upper third. This version of the show was produced for the launch of a new station in the UK. After months of preparing the launch of the new television station—with it’s brand-new 625 line resolution (until then UK TV’s had a resolution of 405 lines)—the night turned out to be a disaster. 50 minutes before the launch, a fire broke out at a local power station, cutting power to most of London but not the television station. They started the evening’s news show which was to be followed by this broadcast, but it soon became clear that there was no audience, and after a few minutes, the schedule was abandoned. The production was instead shown the next day. The date that’s superimposed on the video is April 20, 1964—the originally scheduled night. It is unclear if this is a fi Kiss Me, Kate - Third Broadway Revival - March, 2019 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Lilli Vanessi / Katharine), Will Chase (Fred Graham / Petruchio), Adrienne Walker (Hattie), James T Lane (Paul), Stephanie Styles (Lois Lane / Bianca), Corbin Bleu (Bill Calhoun / Lucentio), Mel Johnson Jr (Harry Trevor / Baptista), Terence Archie (Harrison Howell), John Pankow (Gangster / First Man), Lance Coadie Williams (Gangster / Second Man) Kruimeltje de musical - The Netherlands - 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Joes Brauers (Kruimeltje)
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blackkudos · 4 years
Sugar Ray Robinson
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Sugar Ray Robinson (born Walker Smith Jr.; May 3, 1921 – April 12, 1989) was an American professional boxer who competed from 1940 to 1965. Robinson's performances in the welterweight and middleweight divisions prompted sportswriters to create "pound for pound" rankings, where they compared fighters regardless of weight. He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990. He is widely regarded as the greatest boxer of all time, and in 2002, Robinson was ranked number one on The Ring magazine's list of "80 Best Fighters of the Last 80 Years".
Robinson was 85–0 as an amateur with 69 of those victories coming by way of knockout, 40 in the first round. He turned professional in 1940 at the age of 19 and by 1951 had a professional record of 128–1–2 with 84 knockouts. From 1943 to 1951 Robinson went on a 91-fight unbeaten streak, the third-longest in professional boxing history. Robinson held the world welterweight title from 1946 to 1951, and won the world middleweight title in the latter year. He retired in 1952, only to come back two-and-a-half years later and regain the middleweight title in 1955. He then became the first boxer in history to win a divisional world championship five times (a feat he accomplished by defeating Carmen Basilio in 1958 to regain the middleweight championship). Robinson was named "fighter of the year" twice: first for his performances in 1942, then nine years and over 90 fights later, for his efforts
Renowned for his flamboyant lifestyle outside the ring, Robinson is credited with being the originator of the modern sports "entourage". After his boxing career ended, Robinson attempted a career as an entertainer, but it was not successful. He struggled financially until his death in 1989. In 2006, he was featured on a commemorative stamp by the United States Postal Service.
Early life
Robinson was born Walker Smith Jr. in Ailey, Georgia, to Walker Smith Sr. and Leila Hurst. Robinson was the youngest of three children; his eldest sister Marie was born in 1917, and his other sister Evelyn in 1919. His father was a cotton, peanut, and corn farmer in Georgia, who moved the family to Detroit where he initially found work in construction. According to Robinson, Smith Sr. later worked two jobs to support his family—cement mixer and sewer worker. "He had to get up at six in the morning and he'd get home close to midnight. Six days a week. The only day I really saw him was Sunday...I always wanted to be with him more."
His parents separated, and he moved with his mother to the New York City neighborhood of Harlem at the age of twelve. Robinson originally aspired to be a doctor, but after dropping out of DeWitt Clinton High School (in the Bronx) in ninth grade he switched his goal to boxing. When he was 15, he attempted to enter his first boxing tournament but was told he needed to first obtain an AAU membership card. However, he could not procure one until he was eighteen years old. He received his name when he circumvented the AAU's age restriction by borrowing a birth certificate from his friend Ray Robinson. Subsequently told that he was "sweet as sugar" by a lady in the audience at a fight in Watertown, New York, Smith Jr. became known as "Sugar" Ray Robinson.
Robinson idolized Henry Armstrong and Joe Louis as a youth, and actually lived on the same block as Louis in Detroit when Robinson was 11 and Louis was 17. Outside the ring, Robinson got into trouble frequently as a youth, and was involved with a street gang. He married at 16. The couple had one son, Ronnie, and divorced when Robinson was 19. He finished his amateur career with an 85–0 record with 69 knockouts–40 coming in the first round. He won the Golden Gloves featherweight championship in 1939, and the organization's lightweight championship in 1940.
Boxing career
Early career
Robinson made his professional debut on October 4, 1940, winning by a second-round stoppage over Joe Echevarria. Robinson fought five more times in 1940, winning each time, with four wins coming by way of knockout. In 1941, he defeated world champion Sammy Angott, future champion Marty Servo and former champion Fritzie Zivic. The Robinson-Angott fight was held above the lightweight limit, since Angott did not want to risk losing his lightweight title. Robinson defeated Zivic in front of 20,551 at Madison Square Garden—one of the largest crowds in the arena to that date. Robinson won the first five rounds, according to Joseph C. Nichols of The New York Times, before Zivic came back to land several punches to Robinson's head in the sixth and seventh rounds. Robinson controlled the next two rounds, and had Zivic in the ninth. After a close tenth round, Robinson was announced as the winner on all three scorecards.
In 1942 Robinson knocked out Zivic in the tenth round in a January rematch. The knockout loss was only the second of Zivic's career in more than 150 fights. Robinson knocked him down in the ninth and tenth rounds before the referee stopped the fight. Zivic and his corner protested the stoppage; James P. Dawson of The New York Times stated "[t]hey were criticizing a humane act. The battle had been a slaughter, for want of a more delicate word." Robinson then won four consecutive bouts by knockout, before defeating Servo in a controversial split decision in their May rematch. After winning three more fights, Robinson faced Jake LaMotta, who would become one of his more prominent rivals, for the first time in October. He defeated LaMotta by a unanimous decision, although he failed to get Jake down. Robinson weighed 145 lb (66 kg) compared to 157.5 for LaMotta, but he was able to control the fight from the outside for the entire bout, and actually landed the harder punches during the fight. Robinson then won four more fights, including two against Izzy Jannazzo, from October 19 to December 14. For his performances, Robinson was named "Fighter of the Year". He finished 1942 with a total of 14 wins and no losses.
Robinson built a record of 40–0 before losing for the first time to LaMotta in a 10-round re-match. LaMotta, who had a 16 lb (7.3 kg) weight advantage over Robinson, knocked Robinson out of the ring in the eighth round, and won the fight by decision. The fight took place in Robinson's former home town of Detroit, and attracted a record crowd. After being controlled by Robinson in the early portions of the fight, LaMotta came back to take control in the later rounds. After winning the third LaMotta fight less than three weeks later, Robinson then defeated his childhood idol: former champion Henry Armstrong. Robinson fought Armstrong only because the older man was in need of money. By now Armstrong was an old fighter, and Robinson later stated that he carried the former champion.
On February 27, 1943, Robinson was inducted into the United States Army, where he was again referred to as Walker Smith. Robinson had a 15-month military career. Robinson served with Joe Louis, and the pair went on tours where they performed exhibition bouts in front of US Army troops. Robinson got into trouble several times while in the military. He argued with superiors who he felt were discriminatory against him, and refused to fight exhibitions when he was told African American soldiers were not allowed to watch them. In late March 1944, Robinson was stationed at Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn, waiting to ship out to Europe, where he was scheduled to perform more exhibition matches. But on March 29, Robinson disappeared from his barracks. When he woke up on April 5 in Fort Jay Hospital on Governor's Island, he had missed his sailing for Europe and was under suspicion of deserting. He himself reported falling down the stairs in his barracks on the 29th, but said that he had complete amnesia, and he could not remember any events from that moment until the 5th. According to his file, a stranger had found him in the street on April 1 and helped him to a hospital. In his examination report, a doctor at Fort Jay concluded that Robinson's version of events was sincere. He was examined by military authorities, who claimed he suffered from a mental deficiency. Robinson was granted an honorable discharge on June 3, 1944. He later wrote that unfair press coverage of the incident had "branded" him as a "deserter". Robinson maintained his close friendship with Louis from their time in military service, and the two went into business together after the war. They planned to start a liquor distribution business in New York City, but were denied a license due to their race.
Besides the loss in the LaMotta rematch, the only other mark on Robinson's record during this period was a 10-round draw against José Basora in 1945.
Welterweight champion
By 1946, Robinson had fought 75 fights to a 73–1–1 record, and beaten every top contender in the welterweight division. However, he refused to cooperate with the Mafia, which controlled much of boxing at the time, and was denied a chance to fight for the welterweight championship. Robinson was finally given a chance to win a title against Tommy Bell on December 20, 1946. Robinson had already beaten once by decision in 1945. The two fought for the title vacated by Servo, who had himself lost twice to Robinson in non-title bouts. In the fight, Robinson, who only a month before had been involved in a 10-round brawl with Artie Levine, was knocked down by Bell. The fight was called a "war", but Robinson was able to pull out a close 15-round decision, winning the vacant World Welterweight title.
In 1948 Robinson fought five times, but only one bout was a title defense. Among the fighters he defeated in those non-title bouts was future world champion Kid Gavilán in a close, controversial 10-round fight. Gavilán hurt Robinson several times in the fight, but Robinson controlled the final rounds with a series of jabs and left hooks. In 1949, he boxed 16 times, but again only defended his title once. In that title fight, a rematch with Gavilán, Robinson again won by decision. The first half of the bout was very close, but Robinson took control in the second half. Gavilán would have to wait two more years to begin his own historic reign as welterweight champion. The only boxer to match Robinson that year was Henry Brimm, who fought him to a 10-round draw in Buffalo.
Robinson fought 19 times in 1950. He successfully defended his welterweight title for the last time against Charley Fusari. Robinson won a lopsided 15-round decision, knocking Fusari down once. Robinson donated all but $1 of his purse for the Fusari fight to cancer research. In 1950 Robinson fought George Costner, who had also taken to calling himself "Sugar" and stated in the weeks leading up to the fight that he was the rightful possessor of the name. "We better touch gloves, because this is the only round", Robinson said as the fighters were introduced at the center of the ring. "Your name ain't Sugar, mine is." Robinson then knocked Costner out in 2 minutes and 49 seconds.
Middleweight champion
It is stated in his autobiography that one of the main considerations for his move up to middleweight was the increasing difficulty he was having in making the 147 lb (67 kg) welterweight weight limit. However, the move up would also prove beneficial financially, as the division then contained some of the biggest names in boxing. Vying for the Pennsylvania state middleweight title in 1950, Robinson defeated Robert Villemain. Later that year, in defense of that crown, he defeated Jose Basora, with whom he had previously drawn. Robinson's 50-second, first-round knockout of Basora set a record that would stand for 38 years. In October 1950, Robinson knocked out Bobo Olson a future middleweight title holder.
On February 14, 1951, Robinson and LaMotta met for the sixth time. The fight would become known as The St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Robinson won the undisputed World Middleweight title with a 13th round technical knockout. Robinson outboxed LaMotta for the first 10 rounds, then unleashed a series of savage combinations on LaMotta for three rounds, finally stopping the champion for the first time in their legendary six-bout series—and dealing LaMotta his first legitimate knockout loss in 95 professional bouts. LaMotta had lost by knockout to Billy Fox earlier in his career. However, that fight was later ruled to have been fixed and LaMotta was sanctioned for letting Fox win. That bout, and some of the other bouts in the six-fight Robinson-LaMotta rivalry, was depicted in the Martin Scorsese film Raging Bull. "I fought Sugar Ray so often, I almost got diabetes", LaMotta later said. Robinson won five of his six bouts with LaMotta.
After winning his second world title, he embarked on a European tour which took him all over the Continent. Robinson traveled with his flamingo-pink Cadillac, which caused quite a stir in Paris, and an entourage of 13 people, some included "just for laughs". He was a hero in France due to his recent defeat of LaMotta—the French hated LaMotta for defeating Marcel Cerdan in 1949 and taking his championship belt (Cerdan died in a plane crash en route to a rematch with LaMotta). Robinson met President of France Vincent Auriol at a ceremony attended by France's social upper crust. During his fight in Berlin against Gerhard Hecht, Robinson was disqualified when he knocked his opponent with a punch to the kidney: a punch legal in the US, but not Europe. The fight was later declared a no-contest. In London, Robinson lost the world middleweight title to British boxer Randolph Turpin in a sensational bout. Three months later in a rematch in front of 60,000 fans at the Polo Grounds, he knocked Turpin out in ten rounds to recover the title. In that bout Robinson was leading on the cards but was cut by Turpin. With the fight in jeopardy, Robinson let loose on Turpin, knocking him down, then getting him to the ropes and unleashing a series of punches that caused the referee to stop the bout. Following Robinson's victory, residents of Harlem danced in the streets. In 1951, Robinson was named Ring Magazine's "Fighter of the Year" for the second time.
In 1952 he fought a rematch with Olson, winning by a decision. He next defeated former champion Rocky Graziano by a third-round knockout, then challenged World Light heavyweight champion Joey Maxim. In the Yankee Stadium bout with Maxim, Robinson built a lead on all three judges' scorecards, but the 103 °F (39 °C) temperature in the ring took its toll. The referee, Ruby Goldstein, was the first victim of the heat, and had to be replaced by referee Ray Miller. The fast-moving Robinson was the heat's next victim – at the end of round 13, he collapsed and failed to answer the bell for the next round, suffering the only knockout of his career.
On June 25, 1952, after the Maxim bout, Robinson gave up his title and retired with a record of 131–3–1–1. He began a career in show business, singing and tap dancing. After about three years, the decline of his businesses and the lack of success in his performing career made him decide to return to boxing. He resumed training in 1954.
In 1955 Robinson returned to the ring. Although he had been inactive for two and a half years, his work as a dancer kept him in peak physical condition: in his autobiography, Robinson states that in the weeks leading up to his debut for a dancing engagement in France, he ran five miles every morning, and then danced for five hours each night. Robinson even stated that the training he did in his attempts to establish a career as a dancer were harder than any he undertook during his boxing career. He won five fights in 1955, before losing a decision to Ralph 'Tiger' Jones. He bounced back, however, and defeated Rocky Castellani by a split decision, then challenged Bobo Olson for the world middleweight title. He won the middleweight championship for the third time with a second-round knockout—his third victory over Olson. After his comeback performance in 1955, Robinson expected to be named fighter of the year. However, the title went to welterweight Carmen Basilio. Basilio's handlers had lobbied heavily for it on the basis that he had never won the award, and Robinson later described this as the biggest disappointment of his professional career. "I haven't forgotten it to this day, and I never will", Robinson wrote in his autobiography. Robinson and Olson fought for the last time in 1956, and Robinson closed the four fight series with a fourth-round knockout.
In 1957 Robinson lost his title to Gene Fullmer. Fullmer used his aggressive, forward moving style to control Robinson, and knocked him down in the fight. Robinson, however, noticed that Fullmer was vulnerable to the left hook. Fullmer headed into their May rematch as a 3–1 favorite. In the first two rounds Robinson followed Fullmer around the ring, however in the third round he changed tactics and made Fullmer come to him. At the start of the fourth round Robinson came out on the attack and stunned Fullmer, and when Fullmer returned with his own punches, Robinson traded with him, as opposed to clinching as he had done in their earlier fight. The fight was fairly even after four rounds. But in the fifth, Robinson was able to win the title back for a fourth time by knocking out Fullmer with a lightning fast, powerful left hook. Boxing critics have referred to the left-hook which knocked out Fullmer as "the perfect punch". It marked the first time in 44 career fights that Fullmer had been knocked out, and when someone asked Robinson after the fight how far the left hook had travelled, Robinson replied: "I can't say. But he got the message."
Later that year, he lost his title to Basilio in a rugged 15 round fight in front of 38,000 at Yankee Stadium, but regained it for a record fifth time when he beat Basilio in the rematch. Robinson struggled to make weight, and had to go without food for nearly 20 hours leading up to the bout. He badly damaged Basilio's eye early the fight, and by the seventh round it was swollen shut. The two judges gave the fight to Robinson by wide margins: 72–64 and 71–64. The referee scored the fight for Basilio 69–64, and was booed loudly by the crowd of 19,000 when his decision was announced. The first fight won the "Fight of the Year" award from The Ring magazine for 1957 and the second fight won the "Fight of the Year" award for 1958.
Robinson knocked out Bob Young in the second round in Boston in his only fight in 1959. A year later, he defended his title against Paul Pender. Robinson entered the fight as a 5–1 favorite, but lost a split decision in front of 10,608 at Boston Garden. The day before the fight Pender commented that he planned to start slowly, before coming on late. He did just that and outlasted the aging Robinson, who, despite opening a cut over Pender's eye in the eighth round, was largely ineffective in the later rounds. An attempt to regain the crown for an unheard of sixth time proved beyond Robinson. Despite Robinson's efforts, Pender won by decision in that rematch. On December 3 of that year, Robinson and Fullmer fought a 15-round draw for the WBA middleweight title, which Fullmer retained. In 1961, Robinson and Fullmer fought for a fourth time, with Fullmer retaining the WBA middleweight title by a unanimous decision. The fight would be Robinson's last title bout.
Robinson spent the rest of the 1960s fighting 10-round contests. In October 1961 Robinson defeated future world champion Denny Moyer by a unanimous decision. A 12–5 favorite, the 41-year-old Robinson defeated the 22-year-old Moyer by staying on the outside, rather than engaging him. In their rematch four months later, Moyer defeated Robinson on points, as he pressed the action and made Robinson back up throughout the fight. Moyer won 7–3 on all three judges scorecards. Robinson lost twice more in 1962, before winning six consecutive fights against mostly lesser opposition. In February 1963 Robinson lost by a unanimous decision to former world champion and fellow Hall of Famer Joey Giardello. Giardello knocked Robinson down in the fourth round, and the 43-year-old took until the count of nine to rise to his feet. Robinson was also nearly knocked down in the sixth round, but was saved by the bell. He rallied in the seventh and eight rounds, before struggling in the final two. He then embarked on an 18-month boxing tour of Europe.
Robinson's second no-contest bout came in September 1965 in Norfolk, Virginia in a match with an opponent who turned out to be an impostor. Boxer Neil Morrison, at the time a fugitive and accused robber, signed up for the fight as Bill Henderson, a capable club fighter. The fight was a fiasco, with Morrison being knocked down twice in the first round and once in the second before the disgusted referee, who said "Henderson put up no fight", walked out of the ring. Robinson was initially given a TKO in 1:20 of the second round after the "obviously frightened" Morrison laid himself down on the canvas. Robinson fought for the final time in November 1965. He lost by a unanimous decision to Joey Archer. Famed sports author Pete Hamill mentioned that one of the saddest experiences of his life was watching Robinson lose to Archer. He was even knocked down and Hamill pointed out that Archer had no knockout punch at all; Archer admitted afterward that it was only the second time he had knocked an opponent down in his career. The crowd of 9,023 at the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh gave Robinson several standing ovations, even while he was being thoroughly outperformed by Archer.
On November 11, 1965, Robinson announced his retirement from boxing, saying: "I hate to go too long campaigning for another chance." Robinson retired from boxing with a record of 173–19–6 (2 no contests) with 108 knockouts in 200 professional bouts, ranking him among the all-time leaders in knockouts.
Professional boxing record
Later life
In his autobiography, Robinson states that by 1965 he was broke, having spent all of the $4 million in earnings he made inside and out of the ring during his career. A month after his last fight, Robinson was honored with a Sugar Ray Robinson Night on December 10, 1965, in New York's Madison Square Garden. During the ceremony, he was honored with a massive trophy. However, there was not a piece of furniture in his small Manhattan apartment with legs strong enough to support it. Robinson was elected to the Ring Magazine boxing Hall of Fame in 1967, two years after he retired and the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990. In the late 1960s he acted in some television shows, like Mission: Impossible. An episode of Land of the Giants called "Giants and All That Jazz" had Sugar as a washed up boxer opening a nightclub. He also appeared in a few films including the Frank Sinatra cop movie The Detective (1968), the cult classic Candy (1968), and the thriller The Todd Killings (1971) as a police officer. In 1969, he founded the Sugar Ray Robinson Youth Foundation for the inner-city Los Angeles area. The foundation does not sponsor a boxing program. He was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus that was treated with insulin.
In Robinson’s last years he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. He died in Los Angeles on April 12, 1989 at the age of 67. Robinson is buried at Inglewood Park Cemetery, Inglewood, California.
Personal life
Robinson married Marjorie Joseph in 1938; the marriage was annulled the same year. Their son, Ronnie Smith, was born in 1939. Robinson met his second wife Edna Mae Holly, a noted dancer who performed at the Cotton Club and toured Europe with Duke Ellington and Cab Calloway. According to Robinson, he met her at a local pool he frequented after his boxing workouts. In an attempt to get her attention he pushed her into the pool one day, and claimed it was an accident. After this attempt was met with disdain, he appeared at the nightclub she danced at and introduced himself. Soon the couple were dating and they married in 1944. They had one son, Ray Robinson Jr. (born 1949) before their acrimonious divorce in 1962. She appeared on the first cover of Jet magazine in 1951.
In April 1959, Robinson's eldest sister, Marie, died of cancer at the age of 41.
In 1965, Robinson married Millie Wiggins Bruce and the couple settled in Los Angeles. When Robinson was sick with his various ailments, his son accused the elder Robinson's wife of keeping him under the influence of medication to manipulate him. According to Ray Robinson Jr., when Robinson Sr's mother died, he could not attend his mother's funeral because Millie was drugging and controlling him. However, Robinson had been hospitalized the day before his mother's death due to agitation which caused his blood pressure to rise. Robinson Jr. and Edna Mae also claimed that they were kept away from Robinson by Millie during the last years of his life.
Robinson was a Freemason, a membership shared with a number of other athletes, including fellow boxer Jack Dempsey.Robinson guest starred in Season 2, Episode 6 of Irwin Allen’s Land of the Giants.
Boxing style
Rhythm is everything in boxing. Every move you make starts with your heart, and that's in rhythm or you're in trouble.
Robinson was the modern definition of a boxer puncher. He was able to fight almost any style: he could come out one round brawling, the next counterpunching, and the next fighting on the outside flicking his jab. Robinson would use his formless style to exploit his opponents' weaknesses. He also possessed great speed and precision. He fought in a very conventional way with a firm jab, but threw hooks and uppercuts in flurries in an unconventional way. He possessed tremendous versatility—according to boxing analyst Bert Sugar, "Robinson could deliver a knockout blow going backward." Robinson was efficient with both hands, and he displayed a variety of effective punches—according to a TIME magazine article in 1951, "Robinson's repertoire, thrown with equal speed and power by either hand, includes every standard punch from a bolo to a hook—and a few he makes up on the spur of the moment." Robinson commented that once a fighter has trained to a certain level, their techniques and responses become almost reflexive. "You don't think. It's all instinct. If you stop to think, you're gone."
Jimmy Doyle incident
In June 1947, during his welterweight period, after four non-title bouts, Robinson was scheduled to defend his title for the first time in a bout against Jimmy Doyle. Robinson initially backed out of the fight because he had a dream that he was going to kill Doyle. A priest and a minister convinced him to fight. Sadly, his dream was tragically proven to be true. On June 25, 1947 Robinson dominated Doyle and scored a decisive knockout in the eighth round that knocked Doyle unconscious and resulted in Doyle's death later that night. Robinson said that the impact of Doyle's death was "very trying".
After his death, criminal charges were threatened against Robinson in Cleveland, up to and including murder, though none actually materialized. After learning of Doyle's intentions of using the bout's money to buy his mother a house, Robinson gave Doyle's mother the money from his next four bouts so she could purchase herself a home, fulfilling her son's intention.
Robinson has been ranked as the greatest boxer of all time by sportswriters, fellow boxers, and trainers. The phrase "pound for pound", was created by sportswriters for him during his career as a way to compare boxers irrespective of weight. Hall of Fame fighters such as Muhammad Ali, Joe Louis, Roberto Durán and Sugar Ray Leonard have ranked Robinson as the greatest pound-for-pound boxer in history. In 1997, The Ring ranked him as the best pound-for-pound fighter in history, and in 1999 he was named "welterweight of the century", "middleweight of the century", and overall "fighter of the century" by the Associated Press. In 2007 ESPN.com featured the piece "50 Greatest Boxers of All Time", in which it named Robinson the top boxer in history. In 2003, The Ring magazine ranked him number 11 in the list of all-time greatest punchers. Robinson was also ranked as the #1 welterweight and the #1 pound-for-pound boxer of all time by the International Boxing Research Organization. He was inducted into the Madison Square Garden Walk of Fame at its inception in 1992.
Robinson was one of the first African Americans to establish himself as a star outside sports. He was an integral part of the New York social scene in the 1940s and 1950s. His glamorous restaurant, Sugar Ray's, hosted stars such as Frank Sinatra, Jackie Gleason, Nat King Cole, Joe Louis, and Lena Horne among others. Robinson was known as a flamboyant personality outside the ring. He combined striking good looks with charisma and a flair for the dramatic. He drove a flamingo-pink Cadillac and was an accomplished singer and dancer, who once pursued a career in the entertainment industry. According to ESPN.com's Ron Flatter: "He was the pioneer of boxing's bigger-than-life entourages, including a secretary, barber, masseur, voice coach, a coterie of trainers, beautiful women, a dwarf mascot and lifelong manager George Gainford." When Robinson first traveled to Paris, a steward referred to his companions as his "entourage". Although Robinson said he did not like the word's literal definition of "attendants", since he felt they were his friends, he liked the word itself and began to use it in regular conversation when referring to them. In 1962, in an effort to persuade Robinson to return to Paris—where he was still a national hero—the French promised to bring over his masseur, his hairdresser, a man who would whistle while he trained, and his trademark Cadillac. This larger-than-life persona made him the idol of millions of African American youths in the 1950s. Robinson inspired several other fighters who took the nickname "Sugar" in homage to him such as Sugar Ray Leonard, Sugar Shane Mosley, and MMA fighter "Suga" Rashad Evans.
See also
List of welterweight boxing champions
List of middleweight boxing champions
Ring Magazine pound for pound
Boyd, Herb, and Robinson, Ray II. Pound for Pound: A Biography of Sugar Ray Robinson, New York: HarperCollins, 2005 ISBN 0-06-018876-6
Chenault, Julie. Edna Mae Robinson Still Looking Good in Her Mink. Jet, Johnson Publishing Company November 5, 1981 issue ISSN 0021-5996 (available online)
Donelson, Thomas, and Lotierzo, Frank. Viewing Boxing from Ringside, Lincoln: iUniverse, 2002 ISBN 0-595-23748-7
Fitzgerald, Mike H., and Hudson, Dabid L. Boxing's Most Wanted: The Top Ten Book of Champs, Chumps and Punch-drunk Palookas, Virginia: Brassey's, 2004 ISBN 1-57488-714-9
Hauser, Thomas. The Black Lights: Inside the World of Professional Boxing, Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2000 ISBN 1-55728-597-7
Nagler, Barney. "Boxing's Bad Boy: Sugar Ray Robinson". SPORT Magazine. October 1947.
Robinson, Sugar Ray, and Anderson, Dave. Sugar Ray, London: Da Capo Press, 1994 ISBN 0-306-80574-X
Sammons, Jeffrey Thomas. Beyond the Ring: The Role of Boxing in American Society, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998 ISBN 0-252-06145-4
Wiley, Ralph. Serenity: A Boxing Memoir, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2000 ISBN 0-8032-9816-1
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fakesurprise · 5 years
Christmas: a tale of gifts!
Christmas Day begins almost peacefully after 12 days of jaymas. There is a tree not trying to eat people; the wandering magician and I have gifts for Jay under it – mostly gift certificates so he can get new games on his phone and clothing. I’m dreading the day Jay decides to try and become a whale because he’s heard they’re really good at mobile games.
Jay comes out of his motel room with a grin. He has a gift for the wandering magician a cone shape, wrapped up and possibly not a wizard’s hat. For me, he has a mug for coffee with my name on it. Which glows in several eye-watering colours.
“A mug?” I ask.
“Uh-huh!” Jay pours some coffee into it and the smell that hits my nose is closer to espresso. “I made hug-infused coffee,” he says proudly.
I pause. The odds of it not being radioactive just went down. “And it’s safe? It is glowing, Jay.”
“Oh, it’s just active. I took all the radio out of it just for you,” he says, entirely serious.
The wandering magician has exhausted himself to the bone trying to deal with gifts from Jay during jaymas, but even in his weary state my expression pulls off a real grin.
“Thank you,” I say.
He grins even wider, entirely proud with his gift. When you’re friends with an eleven year old boy from Outside the universe, you take gifts in stride. Most of the time.
The wandering magician opens up his gift carefully Unwraps paper. And more paper, And more paper, being left with nothing at all.
“I got you some wrapping paper wrapped inside wrapping paper!” Jay then does a pounce-hug. “And this plus plus plus you get to rest from doing magic today cuz you’re too tired to do it! Which is totally a gifting.”
“It is?” the magician asks, and there is something odd in his voice.
“Yup! Oh! and I have a gift for you later but it’s not a gift for you!”
Jay vanishes.
“He gave you a trick?” I ask.
“He’s been doing tricks more often lately. Sometimes consciously.”
I offer him my coffee if he needs to wake up some more.
Oddly, he declines it.
Being the only ghost magician in the world is an impossibility at Christmas. The sheer amount of ghosts who find me wanting a Scrooge is insane; last year I survived it by getting blinding drunk. This year I’m travelling with Anya and Noah again; Noah can use his talent to push things even on the dead, and Anya her talent to cause harm even to the dead.
(I may have been teaching them to do this.) The wards I’ve put up around our hotel room keep out the uglier ghosts. Nothing I can do could stop Jay from visiting.
Anya and Noah ran from travelling with Jay and Charlie, for reasons mostly Jay. Jay doesn’t grasp they did that, even now. It’s better, being a bit away from him. Jaysome has a weight, and adventures a pull to them. Too much of anything is too much, not that Jay can grasp the concept of too much jaysome.
The gifts he has include a giant basket of food held in both hands.
“This if for you, Wilbur,” he says, and being Jay it’s not even remotely a comment on my weight.
“What is it?” I ask.
“Ghost food for hungry ghosts,” he says.
I thank him, not asking how he made it or where he found it. Mostly because I want to sleep tonight.
Anya and Noah are both looking wary. Jay produces from the air a punching bag. With his face on it.
“So you can hit things and not hurt them and that’s totally jaysome,” he tells Anya.
Anya is not me. “Why does it have your face on it?”
“It does?” Jay blinks. “Nope! It had a face you’d want to hit, so for me it’s no one at all and I bet it’s the same for you!”
“Oh. Right.”
“And me?” Noah asks softly, trying to stop things from getting worse. He looks pale, but that’s more his voice than the skin under his multitude of freckles and fae glamour.
Jay hands Noah a small bottle. “Some confidence, in case you need some cuz you’re pretty shy-face you know!”
Noah... nods. And puts it away without any expression crossing his face at all.
Jay accepts hug from us and vanishes. I look at Noah. “Going to open it?”
He shakes his head, but does offer a faint grin.
He appears in the middle of the bar. Never mind that the bar I am at isn’t really a bar as much as a waypoint attached to the universe. Not inside, not Outside. Mostly neutral ground, not that anyone would bother me. Being a Walker from outside the Universe has perks, but mostly has the kind of power no one else messes with.
Jay isn’t anyone else at all. He grins, and walks over, ignoring every confused stare that goes his way.
“Hi,” he says to everyone, because strangers are just friends he hasn’t made yet.
“Jay,” I say, to draw his attention. My power can’t work on him; neither what is innate nor what I’ve been given. “I trust you are her for a reason?”   “Uh-huh! Oh! I could be here for more than one reason and –.”
“Just one will suffice.”
“I’ve totally got a gifting for you,” he says proudly, and – holds up a piece of folded paper.
I take it, read it thrice. “A date with the wandering magician.”
“He hasn’t had a date in ages and ages and it would be really jaysome for him, Moshi, and you’re cute-face and –.”
“Does he know?”
Jay scratches his head. “It wouldn’t be a gift if he knew but I bet he does cuz he’s Honcho!”
And there is nothing save absolute trust in his words.
I thank him and get another drink as Jay departs.
I have no idea if this is a gift or not.
I am very certain I should not use it.
(I don’t throw it away.)
I make myself an evening coffee when he appears, walking quietly out of shadows that did not exist a moment earlier.
“Jay.”   “Magician.” He does not quite look at me, this Jay who is fifteen. He is Jay, though with the weight of centuries behind his eyes and a smile that is not quite jaysome any longer. “You called me here.”
I hand him a coffee. “I thought you could use a Christmas drink.”
He sips it. “Likely. Time is – complicated, at the best of times, for me. But we – I felt what happened recently.” “I never wanted this.”
“I know. I wanted to stop it. I could. I still can.” His smile reminds me too much of me. “That much I can do, if you ask it.”
“Will Jay understand if you are no longer his future?”
“Likely not. It is hard to be certain, but you did not call me here for that across time and space, magician.”   “Jay has been – doing tricks, such as the ending of his twelve days of jaymas. Wearing me out so I would have a day off, but doing it via methods that are not strictly jaysome.”
“I cannot be eleven forever,” Jay says, and even hardened as I am there are notes in his voice that hurt.
“I know. But i think Jay is veering closer to twelve than he should be. For his sake?”   Jay reaches out a hand, as if pulling something from the air. Nods. “I have done what I can.”
We finish our drinks in silence, and he looks at me finally.
“It is worth it, you know,” he says.   And he vanishes before I can ask for details.
I head back inside slowly.
I am tired, but some weight has lifted from me. And perhaps that is all I expect, and far more than I deserve.
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sivyera · 2 years
sivyera's masterlist
requests are open!  
before you request, read the rules!
rules for request → here
Started: 08/06/22
Last Updated: 26/08/24
my other masterlists - avatar masterlist httyd masterlist
Marvel ↴
Dating Bucky Barnes but being Sam Wilson's best friend
Dating Doctor Strange would include..
Dating Bucky Barnes would include..
Dating Sinister Strange would include..
Dating Defender Strange would include..
We weren't meant to be, so let me go. (Sinister Strange x reader)
Made for Kill. (Peter Parker x hydra!reader)
Vikings ↴
Ivar the Boneless│Fluff alphabet
Arcane ↴
The night we felt true love. (Cassandra Kiramman x fem!reader)
Arcane characters as love stereotypes.
Arcane characters as Disney couple.
Dating Ekko but Vi has a crush on you…
Twilight ↴
10 things Edward Cullen loves about you
TWILIGHT characters as love tropes
Twilight characters dating islamic reader
hot chocolate (bella swan x fem!reader)
undying love (paul lahote x fem!vampire!reader)
dating headcanons (jacob black x imprint!human!reader)
Harry Potter↴
nsfw headcanons and kinks of harry potter characters
Raya and the Last Dragon ↴
Dating Namaari would include..
My hero academia ↴
I won't let anyone hurt you! (Bakugou x reader)
Onward ↴
Ian Lightfoot having a crush on you would include..
Gravity Falls ↴
Cuddling with Dipper Pines HC’s
Perfect. (Dipper Pines x shy!reader)
Love languages with Gravity Falls characters
Jealous HC's with Gravity Falls characters
Dipper Pines│Fluff Alphabet
The Basketball Diaries ↴
Dating Jim Carroll would include...
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes↴
Dating Blue eyes would include...
Blue eyes│Fluff Alphabet
dating caesar headcanons
Peter Pan 2003↴
Dating Peter Pan would include...
Peter pan being obsessed with you would include...
Vis a Vis (Locked Up)↴
Vis a Vis characters dating headcanons
Turning Red↴
Dating Ming Lee would include..
My Little Pony ↴
my MLP headcanons!
Lego Ninjago movie ↴
Dating Jay Walker would include...
Lego Ninjago characters as eye color wallpaper (tik tok trend)
Lego Friends (Friends: Girls on a Mission) ↴
Lego Friends characters and their sexuality HC's
Lego Friends dating HC's
8 mile ↴
Cuddling with Jimmy Smith Jr HCs
Dating Jimmy Smith Jr would include..
Don’t worry (Jimmy Smith Jr x reader)
Touchstarved B-rabbit x touchstarved reader hc’s
The Collector↴
Dating Arkin O’Brien would include...
Rise of the Guardians↴
Dating Jack Frost would include...
Team Fortress 2 ↴
Dating Scout/Jeremy would include...
Inception ↴
Dating Robert Fischer would include..
Robert Fischer│Fluff alphabet
His guardian angel.
Chain the Night. (Robert Fischer x reader)
American Pie ↴
Dating American pie characters would include...
The Devil All the Time↴
Yandere TDATT characters being in love with you would include…
The Treasure Planet ↴
coming soon...
IT 2017↴
your lips, my lips. apocalypse. (henry bowers x reader)
Saltburn ↴
game 00.1 (felix catton x reader)
Rampage 2018 ↴
Dating Harvey Russell would include..
Dating Sergeant Calhoun would include...
PEN15 ↴
Dating PEN15 characters would include...
coming soon...
The Batman 2022↴
coming soon...
Fate: The Wings Saga↴
coming soon...
coming soon...
Actors/Celebrities ↴
Dating male celebrities would include...
dating Pedro Acosta would include.. - Pedro Acosta x reader
Fluff alphabet   - Cillian Murphy x reader
‘Morning’   - Cillian Murphy x reader
Electric touch - Cillian Murphy x reader
Dating Cillian Murphy would include.. - Cillian Murphy x reader
Dating Elizabeth Olsen would include.. - Elizabeth Olsen x reader
Beautiful  - Elizabeth Olsen x reader
Alex Høgh Andersen│Fluff alphabet - Alex Høgh Andersen x reader
Dating Eminem would include... Eminem x reader
star girl! - Hailey Bieber x reader
Dating PJ Duncan would include..
Disney characters as boyfriends/girlfriends
Disney princesses and their sexualities, my headcanons
Disney/Pixar characters dating hc’s
love headcanons for the great prince | bambi
cinnamon girl (frozen 2 elsa x northuldra reader)
puck and pirouette (inside out 2 riley andersen x fem!reader)
puck and pirouette, pt. 2 (inside out 2 riley andersen x fem!reader)
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saleintothe90s · 5 years
407. Two Donahue Hoaxes
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My first memory of television talk show host Phil Donanue was around the time I started Kindergarten in 1988. My teacher, Ms. Walker was absolutely shocked that I could read. Which I guess it was rare for Kindergarteners to read in 1988? Someone help. Anyway, she asked my mom to watch an episode of Donahue about Child Geniuses, maybe? I don’t remember, I just remember bringing home a post it for mom to watch Donahue.  I don’t remember her watching it. A few weeks later we began to learn math, and my genius days were over with.
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Donahue looked like what I remember my dentist, Dr. Stall looking like when I was five. I still see Dr. Stall today and he still kinda looks like old Phil, sans glasses.
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Oh, and the closing logo and jingle with the little “m” for “Multimedia”.  I remember that from when I was little.
Later on, in middle school in 1994 or 1995, my sixth grade teacher Mr. Hankins who was mean as dirt would made us do busy work all morning long, including reading these incredibly dated readers from the 1980s, where we had to read an essay and answer questions about it.  
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The only essay I remember is one about how religious fanatics were passing out flyers that stated that someone from Proctor & Gamble came onto the Phil Donahue show in the early 1980s to announce that profits from the company went to the Church of Satan. 1 Also that the Proctor & Gamble “moon man” logo was a symbol for Satanism, and that the curls in the man’s beard were “666”’s. Below is an example of the flyer that was passed around:
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Thing is, nobody from Proctor & Gamble has ever been on Donahue.  1. The flyers flew around again in 1985, and P&G finally decided to give in an change the moon man logo in 1991. 2 6.  I found one instance where Amway salespeople passed the flyers around (in 1995!) to convince buyers to buy their products instead. 3 4 A Washington Post article posted in 1991 mentioned morons people who still roamed the aisles of grocery stores, careful to not buy products from Proctor & Gamble.
The Rev. Jay Hurley walked down Aisle 12 of Food Lion in Hagerstown, Md., last week and reached for Cottonelle toilet paper instead of his usual brand. Buying White Cloud, he believed, would involve him in Devil worship.
"I didn't buy Folger's coffee either; I'm going to replace that brand with Nestle's," said Hurley, pastor of the Greenbrier Baptist Church in Boonsboro.
Hurley is one of thousands of Americans who continue to boycott Procter & Gamble products, convinced, beyond any measure of logic, that the corporation's president is in league with the Devil. Currently, fliers are circulating in rural Maryland, among other places, listing the allegedly damnable P&G products.
Hurley said an Army chaplain friend gave him a copy of the flier several weeks ago. He distributed copies to his 70-member congregation. A copy hangs on the church bulletin board just inside the door.
The flier, headlined "The Phil Donahue Show," states that on March 1, 1991, P&G's president appeared on "Donahue" and announced that he was "coming out of the closet" about his financial support for the Church of Satan. "He stated that a large portion of the profits from Proctor {sic} & Gamble products goes to the support of the church," the flier says. Then Donahue, it continues, asked the P&G president whether his ties with Satanism would hurt business.
"There are not enough Christians in the U.S. to make a difference," he's quoted as telling a nationwide television audience.
On March 1, 1991, no one representing P&G, let alone its president, appeared on "Donahue."
So many calls have flooded "Donahue" headquarters in New York that staffers set up a voice-mail answering system that advises, "If you are calling about Procter & Gamble, press 6 now. ... The president of Procter & Gamble has never ever appeared on the 'Donahue' show. If your family and friends say they've seen it, they are quite mistaken."So many calls have flooded "Donahue" headquarters in New York that staffers set up a voice-mail answering system that advises, "If you are calling about Procter & Gamble, press 6 now. ... The president of Procter & Gamble has never ever appeared on the 'Donahue' show. If your family and friends say they've seen it, they are quite mistaken." 5
In 2013, the moonman with a much sleeker beard reappeared quietly on Proctor & Gamble products. 6.
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In January of 1985, Phil Donahue moved his show to 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York City so he could be closer to his wife, actress Marlo Thomas. 8 On January 21, 1985, weeks after the move, several people in the audience fainted while he show was being filmed.  
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At first, it was speculated that people standing in line in sub zero temps and then entering a 70º studio made people pass out. (Just the thought of that makes me get a headache, I’m that jerk who runs her ac in the car during the winter because I’m ~sensitive~)  After 40 minutes, Phil decided to ask the audience to leave, and he interviewed his guests (gay senior citizens) in an empty studio. 7.
About a month later, an actress, Deborah Harmon came to the New York media and said that the fainting was a hoax, created by master Hoaxer Alan Abel. 9 I had to look up who Abel was. Abel who died in 2018, created such hoaxes such as the Society for Indecency to Naked Animals, Citizens Against Breastfeeding, and a company that sold jars of Jenny McCarthy’s urine. 10 11 Abel orchestrated the hoax because he was protesting sensationalist tv. 12.
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1. Belkin, Lisa. “Procter & Gamble Fights Satan Story.” The New York Times, April 18, 1985, sec. Home & Garden. https://www.nytimes.com/1985/04/18/garden/procter-gamble-fights-satan-story.html.
2. Hendon, Donald W. Classic Failures in Product Marketing: Marketing Principles Violations and How to Avoid Them. New York: Quorum Books, 1989.  86-87.
3. DiFonzo, Nicholas. The Watercooler Effect: An Indispensable Guide to Understanding and Harnessing the Power of Rumors. New York: Avery, 2009. 168-169
4. “Procter & Gamble Wins $19 Million in Satanism Suit.” The New York Times, March 20, 2007, sec. Business. https://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/20/business/worldbusiness/20iht-satan.4966053.html.
5, Blumenfeld, Laura. “PROCTER GAMBLE’S DEVIL OF A PROBLEM.” Washington Post, July 15, 1991. https://archive.is/9pbBt
6. Stampler, Laura. “In Spite Of Old, False Satanist Accusations, P&G Put A Moon Back Into Its New Logo.” Business Insider. Accessed February 27, 2020. https://www.businessinsider.com/pg-puts-moon-in-new-logo-despite-satanist-accusations-2013-5.
7. Los Angeles Times. “7 in Audience of Donahue Show Faint--1 On-Camera,” January 21, 1985. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1985-01-21-mn-14194-story.html.
8. AP NEWS. “Phil Donahue Does First Show from New New York City Home.” Accessed February 27, 2020. https://apnews.com/c817c27eee2417e681eb1f0f048a9fe1
9. International, United Press. “DONAHUE SHOW HOAX DESCRIBED.” chicagotribune.com. Accessed February 27, 2020. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1985-02-02-8501070060-story.html.
10. Fox, Margalit. “Alan Abel, Hoaxer Extraordinaire, Is (on Good Authority) Dead at 94.” The New York Times, September 17, 2018, sec. Obituaries. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/17/obituaries/alan-abel-dies.html.
11. E! Online. “Famous Hoaxster Gets Jenny McCarthy PO’d,” November 10, 1997. https://www.eonline.com/news/35474/famous-hoaxster-gets-jenny-mccarthy-po-d.
12. Hendley, Nate. The Big Con: Great Hoaxes, Frauds, Grifts, and Swindles in American History. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2016.
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thetigarchives · 5 years
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“The Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery, in Washington D.C. recently curated a new exhibit which aims to define what it means to be “cool.” The exhibit traces the evolution of cool, running the gamut from Billie Holiday & Miles Davis to Faye Dunaway and Jay Z. Within this exploration of who the cool kids are, 96 other iconic influences are highlighted - those who have helped frame a moment in cultural history with an original artistic vision, and a “stylish stoicism.” Not everyone could be included, clearly, but it did get my wheels spinning. Who would I include on the list? I sometimes put on my leather jacket and feel cool-ish, or sip a single malt scotch and fancy myself to be kinda cool, but it’s not in my bones. Some people are just born that way.
Meet Lizzie and Darlene Okpo, founders and designers of the much adored label, William Okpo. These NY raised daughters of Nigerian immigrants, with a penchant for style and realness, are arbiters of cool. Juxtaposing indigenous style and sensibilities with a nod to current American culture, their designs evoke the perfect balance of honoring where they came from, and celebrating where they are going. With their line at Opening Ceremony, and fashionista supporters such as their best mate, Solange Knowles on speed dial, these broads have much to celebrate, indeed. They’re gonna go far, and where they end will undoubtedly be (yep, you guess it)...cool. I asked the girls to share their TIG Insider’s Guide to Brooklyn, NY, their stomping ground du moment. From foodie finds to the perfect stop for gardening goodies, these ladies have Brooklyn on lock.”
Saraghina - “The ultimate brunch place on the weekend. The cutest backyard for eating! Sometimes I forget I’m in Brooklyn. When friends are in town this is their first choice for eating. Everyone brags about the pizza and it took me a year to give in and try it. Once I did I couldn’t turn back. So good. Usually I order brunch - ricotta chocolate chip pancakes. Unreal.”
Madiba - “Usually we have to wait 20 minutes for a seat inside, and 45 minutes for a seat outside. But it’s worth it. Nothing but beautiful people eat here for its cute South African aesthetics. Everyone with a taste in Brooklyn has stopped by this restaurant to indulge in a salmon burger at some point. If they haven’t, they have definitely put this on their list as a place to eat soon. **As of now, Madiba is permanently closed.”
Black Swan - “We bike here once a week to indulge in Thai sweet chicken wings. The whole place is painted black but still has the best lighting. I take my guy friends here as it has a tough guy, but super sweet feel to it. My friends love it. They always thank me because they end up taking their dates/girlfriends to Black Swan afterwards. That’s what friends are for.”
Dough - “The dangerously delicious doughnut shop will be the reason for my round belly. After Black Swan we walk around the corner and order two doughnuts per person and cut them up in pieces so we can all sample and indulge in each other’s doughnuts. The doughnuts are sooo good you can’t just have one flavor. There’s passion fruit, hibiscus, and my favorite, coconut! We are guilty of waiting in a 15 minute line for these doughnuts. The shop is super tiny and so cute!”
Alice’s Arbor - “When friends are in town and we want to eat brunch in the neighborhood we all mutually agree to go here. **As of now, Alice’s Arbor is also permanently closed.”
**Tig Tip** - The menu here has everything from a potato crab hash to a sandwich aptly called “The Yum Yum” (a grilled delight of organic chicken, tomato confit, mozzarella, and pesto pressed between sourdough). Wash it down with a “Mayday” (their lillet, honey, and sage infused cocktail).
Cloak and Dagger - “Owned by Brookelynn Starnes, who sells every cute designer brand you can imagine. She has some cute Karen Walker glasses and Opening Ceremony Mary Jane sandals. The interior decor at the shop makes me want to redo my bedroom. Such an inspiring shop.”
Seasons - “At the beginning of spring we run around the corner to redecorate our apartment with new plants from the garden shop. The owner of the shop will convince you how wrong you were for ever thinking it was okay to buy plants from Home Depot. She is brilliant. And her flowers and plants will have you thinking you can transform your apartment into a real jungle.”
- Meghan Markle, May 2014
*click images to make larger*
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sixcostumerefs · 3 years
Oldest/Youngest Six Cast Members
This is based on their age at debut or planned SIX debut date (both upcoming and cancelled due to Covid). Rehearsal alts are included per their age at the time of rehearsals.
18: Annabel Marlow, Shimali de Silva 20: Renee Lamb, Ashleigh Weir, Alicia Corrales-Connor 21: Jasmine Shen, Hazel Karooma-Brooker, Maddison Bulleyment, Millie O’Connell, Holly Musgrave, Tilda Wickham, Chelsea Dawson, Athena Collins, Elèna Gyasi, Izuka Hoyle, Maiya Quansah-Breed, Collette Guitart, Liv Alexander (Bliss alt), Ellie Sharpe, Maddison Firth (Breakaway alt), Roxanne Couch 22: Kala Gare, Caitlin Tipping, Courtney Monsma, Rebecca Wickes, Maddison Firth (principal Howard), Amelia Walker, Grace Mouat, Karis Oka, Alizé Ke’Aloha Cruz, Laura Blair, Sadie Hurst, Sophie-Rose Middleton 23: Liv Alexander (principal Boleyn), Kelly Sweeney, L’Oréal Roché, Natalie May Paris, Maya Christian, Sophie Golden, Georgia Carr, Artemis Chrisoulakis, Bryony Duncan (principal Howard), Anna Uzele, Emily Harrigan, Ashlee Waldbauer, Danielle Rose 24: Phoenix Jackson Mendoza, Jarneia Richard Noel, Courtney Bowman, Lauren Byrne, Kiana Daniele, Meghan Dawson, Zara MacIntosh, Hana Stewart, Lori McLare (rehearsal alt) 25: Jade Marvin, Andrea Macasaet, Shekinah McFarlane, Courtney Mack (principal Howard), Viquichele Cross, Megan Leung, Vidya Makan, Courtney Stapleton, Chiara Assetta, Lori McLare (Howard u/s), Amy Bridges (rehearsal alt) 26: Lauren Drew, Lucy Aiston, Amy Bridges (Seymour), Brianna Mooney, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert (alt), Courtney Mack (alt), Vicki Manser (alt), Shannen Alyce Quan, Kristina Walz, Marilyn Caserta 27: Wesley Carpenter, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert (principal Cleves), Vicki Manser (principal Howard on WE), Mallory Maedke, Keirsten Hodgens, Ella Burns, Cherelle Jay, Elizabeth Walker (alt), Harriet Watson, Kara-Ami McCreanor 28: Candace Furbert, Loren Hunter, Mallory Maedke (principal Seymour, Elizabeth Walker (principal Seymour), Genesis Lynea, Jodie Steele, Danielle Steers, Paisley Billings, Abbi Hodgson 29: Amy di Bartolomeo, Gabriella Stylianou-Burns, Brittney Mack, Jessica Niles, Samantha Pauly 30: Adrianna Hicks, Christina Modestou, Amanda Lindgren, Aimie Atkinson, Tsemaye Bob-Egbe, Natalie Pilkington, Jennifer Caldwell 31: Chloe Zuel, Claudia Kariuki, Sophie Isaacs, Meesha Turner, Cassandra Lee 32: Melinda Porto 33: Carly Mercedes Dyer, Adrianna Glover Unknown: Megan Gilbert, Abby Mueller, Alexia McIntosh, Shantel Cribbs, Scarlet Gabriel
From the ages we know: Carly would have been the oldest actress to have been in Six, as she was just a few weeks away from her 34th birthday when she debuted. However, Lexi McIntosh could have been the oldest at debut because we know she was at least 31. She also should be the oldest actress currently with the show. Annabel Marlow was the youngest actress ever in Six at the time of her debut, being about 18 and a half while Shimali de Silva was almost 19. The current birth years span from 1987 (Carly Dyer and Aimie Atkinson) to 2000 (Chelsea Dawson and Roxanne Couch).
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twoflipstwotwists · 6 years
All Olympia Gymnastics Center, the world renown Hawthorne academy, recently finalized a $1 million settlement with World Championships silver medalist Mattie Larson, her attorney confirmed to the Southern County News Group.
The settlement stems from Larson’s lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court against AOGC and its directors Artur Akopyan and Galina Marinova that alleged their treatment of Larson led to her being sexually abused by former U.S. Olympic and USA Gymnastics national team physician Larry Nassar. While Akopyan and Marinova agreed to pay Larson $1 million in June the deal was only recently completed.
The suit alleged All Olympia and Akopyan and Marinova  “fueled an abusive, harassing and degrading environment.” That environment “allowed, concealed and promoted abusive behavior” by Nassar, former U.S. national team directors Bela and Martha Karolyi and USA Gymnastics. Specifically the suit alleged Akopyan and Marinova “directed degrading, abusive, and harassing comments and actions towards” Larson.
AOGC is shutting down its Hawthorne location according to a Nov. 3 letter from Akopyan and Marinova to AOGC gymnasts, parents and coaches. The closing and the Larson settlement mark a fall from grace for AOGC that few could have imagined in the early years of this decade.
AOGC gained global recognition with the emergence of Larson and later McKayla Maroney, the 2012 Olympic champion whose celebrity transcended the sport, only to now find itself near the center of the Nassar sexual abuse scandal that this week led the U.S. Olympic Committee to take the first step toward stripping USA Gymnastics of its national governing body status.
Akopyan and Marinova did not respond to a request for comment.
The USOC’s bid to revoke USA Gymnastics’ NGB status and the AOGC case, however, are just two strands of a multi-layered scandal that is being played out in courtrooms and board rooms from coast to coast.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Indianapolis office on Tuesday refused to accept a subpeona requesting records in three-time Olympic champion Aly Raisman’s lawsuit against the USOC, according to a person familiar with the case.
Even as USA Gymnastics faces decertification and potentially hundreds of millions in legal settlements and the FBI comes under increasing scrutiny for its potential role in the cover-up of Nassar’s abuse, a number of high profile gymnastics coaches and officials continue to rally around the NGB and polarizing figures like Akopyan and Marinova.
“It is a sad day when Southern California looses (sic) a gym that has been so instrumental for the development of gymnastics,” Carol McIntyre, president of the So Cal Women’s Gymnastics Coaches Association, wrote in an email Monday to the Southern California gymnastics community. “I can’t imagine how devastating this is to Galina.
“…With USA Gymnastics being in the hot seat once again, Lets work together and show the pride and Class Southern California is famous for. We have always been the leaders of the country. Lets rise above the negative perception that has been bestowed on our beautiful sport by no fault of our own. Lets all remember we are competitive, but we are colleagues first. Athletes will come and go but we will all remain.
“Lets band together and show the country we will not buckle under the pressure. We will hold our heads high and continue to show this country and community true leadership.”
McIntyre did not respond to a request for comment.
John Manly, an attorney for Larson and dozens of other survivors, said McIntyre’s comments were “emblematic of the culture of USA Gymnastics where athletes come and go sort of like cattle and that’s how they look at them. It’s an abusive culture.”
“People,” Manly added, “don’t pay a million dollars if they didn’t do anything wrong.”
The Justice Department’s inspector general’s office is investigating how the FBI handled the Nassar case.
Former USA Gymnastics chief executive Steve Penny consulted with W. “Jay” Abbott , the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Indianapolis office as early as July 2015, a month after Penny was first informed of allegations that Nassar had sexually assaulted gymnast Maggie Nichols at a U.S. national team training camp at the Karolyi Ranch.
In a July 29, 2015 email to Abbott, Penny wrote “Below are two pieces of our communication strategy moving forward. We wanted to share them with you for your quick review to be sure they are consistent with FBI preferences. Please let us know if you concur with our messaging.”
Then USA Gymnastics board chairman Paul Parilla, an Orange County attorney, and Scott Himsel, an attorney representing USA Gymnastics, were copied on the email.
Abbott replied to Penny later that day “certainly respond as you deem appropriate.”
A day later Penny emailed Abbott again.
“I am so sorry to continue bothering you with this issue. … As you can see below, we have a very squirmy Dr. Nassar. Our biggest concern is how we contain him from sending shockwaves through the community. In our conversations with Scott, we are trying to make sure any correspondence with him is consistent with FBI protocol. Right now we are looking for a graceful way to end his service in such a manner that he does not ‘chase the story.’”
Penny was forced to resign under pressure from the USOC in March 2017. He was arrested last month after a Walker County, Texas grand jury indicted him on felony evidence tampering charges. The indictment alleges Penny was involved in the removal and destroying and/or hiding of medical records from the Karolyi Ranch in central Texas, the longtime training site of the U.S. women’s national and Olympic team.
Both Penny and Amy White, the national team manager for USA Gymnastics acrobatic gymnastics program, have both indicated they will exercise their Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination in depositions related to Raisman’s lawsuit against USA Gymnastics and the USOC. The suit is scheduled to go to trial in U.S. District Court in San Jose in February.
USA Gymnastics board of directors, under pressure from the organization’s insurance carriers, has weighed filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Such a move could establish a bar date in which future claims against the organization could not be filed after a certain window. A Chapter 11 filing would also lead to an automatic stay on all proceedings and litigation, including discovery, against USA Gymnastics .
USA Gymnastics, which has tax exempt non-profit status, reported $34.47 million in revenue for the fiscal year 2016, according to filings with the Internal Revenue Service. The organization also reported $11.8 million in assets, $8.7 million in liabilities.
The National Gymnastics Foundation Inc., created to supported charitable and educational programs for USA Gymnastics, listed $16.27 million in assets in 2016 with only $788 in liabilities.
A Chapter 11 filing could also help the USA Gymnastics head off, at least temporarily, the USOC’s decertification process.
“If I was USAG and I wanted to stop decertification by the USOC I would go (to bankruptcy court) because it prohibits you from proceeding,” said attorney Jim Stang, who has written extensively on bankruptcy issues and served on the creditors committee in 13 child sexual abuse cases. “The bankruptcy court judge is like a traffic cop. Should I allow this decertification to continue? Or should I let it go for now or just stop it or keep the red light on? Is there something that can be worked out to keep USAG’s value (to raise funds to pay creditors)? What is the value if USAG is decertified?”
Establishing a bar date under Chapter 11 would also give USA Gymnastics’ insurance carriers “a tremendous amount of certainty,” Stang said.
“You’re going to get (in bankruptcy) court a deal that’s hard to get in state court,” he said.
The move could also enable the USOC as a related party to obtain a channeling injunction against future claims even without actually declaring bankruptcy itself.
Under this scenario the USOC would contribute to a settlement fund in exchange for being released from future claims.
Channeling injunctions have been issued in all 13 child sex abuse cases Stang has been involved with since 2004.
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon filed for Chapter 11 in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in July 2004 just hours before the scheduled start of a civil trial in which survivors who alleged they were sexually abused by a priest sought $160 million in damages. Other sexual abuse claims had already cost the archdiocese $53 million and its “major insurers have abandoned us,” Portland Archbishop John G. Vlazny wrote at the time of the bankruptcy filing.
“The pot of gold is pretty much empty right now,” Vlazny said
Michigan State reached a $500 million settlement with more than 300 of Nassar’s survivors in May. Nassar was a longtime member of the university’s sport medicine staff.
Under the terms of the settlement $425 million was paid to 332 known Nassar survivors with an additional $75 million placed in a trust fund for future claimants.
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June 19, 2019: Obituaries
Lovina Schrock, 91
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Mrs. Lovina Hostetler Schrock, 91, of Moravian Falls, passed away on Sunday, June 16, 2019 at her residence.
Lovina was born on June 11, 1928 in Stark County Ohio to Henry Hostetler and Ella Miller Hostetler.
Lovina is preceded in death by parents; husband, Mervin L. Schrock; brother, Ervin Hostetler; sister, Beulah Hochstedler and great grand daughter, Danielle Schrock.
Lovina is survived by her 5 daughters, Susan Faye Hochstetler of Canada, Joy Roselle Hileman of Ohio, Debra Kaye Yoder of Moravian Falls, Juanita Lynne Herber of Pennsylvania, Charlotte Marlene Schrock of Virginia; 5 sons, John Mark Schrock, Larry Dean Schrock, Timothy Jay Schrock, Franklin Scott Schrock all of Virginia, Frederick Allen Schrock of Moravian Falls; sisters, Mary Wittmer of Pennsylvania, Viola Mullet of Ohio; brothers, Melvin Hostetler of Ohio, Henry Hostetler of Canada; 21 grandchildren and many great grand children.
The funeral service will be held in Ohio at a later date.
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Schrock Family.
 Nancy Winters, 5
Nancy Lee Winters, age 55, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, June 15, 2019 at Westwood Hills Nursing and Rehab Center. Nancy was born July 11, 1963 in Wilkes County to Cecil and Mandy Stanley Trivette. She loved to fish; do crafts and quilting. Ms. Winters was preceded in death by her parents; and several siblings.
Surviving are her son, Steven Winters and spouse Jessica of North Wilkesboro; daughter, Amanda Winters and spouse Zachary White of Huntington, West Virginia; a number of siblings; grandchildren, M.J. Winters and Josh Walker.
The family has requested no flowers.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Hazel Prevette, 96
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Hazel Maie Johnson Prevette, 96, of North Wilkesboro, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Saturday, June 15, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Village.
She was born May 23, 1923 in Wilkes County, to the late William Edward Johnson and Julie Maie Combs Johnson.
     Hazel was a member of Lewis Baptist Church.  She loved singing and praising the Lord with her church family in the choir.  She was a passionate vegetable and flower gardener.
     Including her parents, she was preceded in death by: her husband, Dewey Gaither Prevette Sr.; grandchildren, Craig Williams and Pamela Taylor.
     Those left to cherish and honor her memory include: daughters, Peggy Taylor (Wallace) of McGrady, Kathy Williams (Dean) of Wilkesboro; sons, D. G. Prevette, Jr. (Linda) of Wilkesboro, Kenneth Prevette (Sarah) of Lewisville; sister, Annie Lou Brown (Gene) of Millers Creek; brother, Howard Johnson of Purlear; many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren
     Funeral services wereJune 18,   at Lewis Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro.  Rev. Bruce Rhoades will be officiating.  Burial followed in the church cemetery.
     Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes and cremation services is honored to be serving the Prevette Family.
 Fern Anderson, 87
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Fern Anderson, 87 Mrs. Fern Pauline Call Anderson, age 87, widow of Hobert Anderson, died on Saturday, June 15, 2019 at Villages of Wilkes.
     Funeral services were June 19,  at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Alan Bouchelle officiating.  Burial was in Fishing Creek Arbor Baptist Church Cemetery.
Mrs. Anderson was born June 19, 1931 in Wilkes County to Benjamin Winfred and Carrie Elizabeth Benge Call. She was a member of Penelope Baptist Church in Hickory. Before her retirement while residing in Hickory, NC, she worked for Cline Insurance Company as a private secretary and was self-employed as a skin care specialist thru Ann Mari.
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband, Hobert Anderson; four sisters, Sylvia Call Soots, Tessie Call Foster, Florence Call Hayes Bouchelle, and Doris Call Waddell Spears; and four brothers, Julius H. Call, James P. Call, Roy "Ray" Call, and Coy "Clay" Call.
She is survived by her daughter, Linda Anderson Plemmons of North Wilkesboro; twin sons, Tracy Anderson and wife, Sandy, of Millers Creek, and Travis Van Anderson of Hickory; four grandchildren, Dana K.Anderson, Dylan L. Anderson, Doug Plemmons, and Floyd Plemmons; four great-grandchildren, Rachel C. Plemmons, Kyle P. Plemmons, Jason Sprinkle, and Elijah Foster; one great-great-grandchild, Chaselyn Kate Plemmons; one sister, Lois Call Foster of Traphill; and one brother, Thomas Jerry Call of Wilkesboro.
The latter part of her life, Mrs. Anderson spent ten years at Catawba Valley Assisted Living and three years at Wilkes Senior Villages.  The family sincerely thanks the staff of both facilities for their wonderful care of their loved one.
A special thank you from the family to Shirley Bowlin for her exceptional care of our Mother.
  Kenith Jones, Sr., 83
 Mr. Kenith Smythe Jones, Sr., 83, of Taylorsville, passed away Thursday, June 13, 2019 at Valley Nursing Center.
Kenith was born December 18, 1935 in Fayette  County, WV, the son of the late George Thomas Jones, Sr. and Inez Blanch Duncan Jones.
He was a US Army veteran, who served in Germany as a combat engineer. He had worked as a supervisor for Southern Devices before retiring and was a member of Bethel Baptist Church. He enjoyed reading Westerns, was a avid Redskin fan, and enjoyed playing golf when he was able and also enjoyed watching NASCAR.
Including his parents, he was preceded in death by: his wife, Peggy Joyce Payne Jones; four sisters, Beulah Pemberton, Doris Criss, Natella Blackwell and infant sister, Carolyn Jones; a brother, George Jones.
Those left to cherish and honor his memory include: a daughter, Patricia Jones Carter and husband, Larry, of Statesville; four sons, Kenny Jones and wife, Joan, of Taylorsville, Barry Jones and wife, Janna, of Newton, Timothy Jones and wife, Lisa, of Taylorsville, Ricky Jones of Asheville; five grandchildren, Joshua Moore, Caitlin Jones Parkhurst and husband, Matt, Ashley Jones, Tyler Jones and wife, Tiffany, Andrew Jones and fiance, Lacey Bruno; four great-grandchildren, RJ, Gracelynn, Jacob and Ezra; two sisters, Janet Payne and husband, Charles, of WV, Drema Gail Gales of VA; a brother, William Jones and wife, Carol, of WV; a sister-in-law, Christine Jones of WV; and a number of nieces and nephews.
A service was held  June 17,  at Bethel Baptist Church with Revs. Bill Smith and Ervel Jones officiating. Burial   followed in the church cemetery with flag folding ceremony.
Pallbearers were Ken's sons and grandsons.
The family would like to express a sincere thank you for every act of kindness or visit to our loved one and also to the staff, nurses and caregivers at Valley Nursing Center.
Memorials may be made to: Alexander County Hospice, 50 Lucy Echerd Lane, Taylorsville, NC 28681.
Adams Funeral Home and cremation services is honored to be serving the Jones Family.
 Terri Sigmon, 64
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Terri Lynn Sigmon, age 64, passed away peacefully on June 11, 2019 at Valley Nursing and Rehabilitation in Taylorville and is now resting in the care of our Lord.  
She was born in Hickory, NC on February 28, 1955.  Prior to moving there she lived at Parklane Group home in Newton.
She was preceded in death by her parents Charles and Jane Sigmon of Hickory.  
She is survived by her sister, Sandie Cline (Jimmie) of Wilkesboro, and her brothers, Robert Sigmon (Virginia) of Statesville, and Bruce Sigmon of Hickory.
Terri was a long- time member of Christ Lutheran Church in Hickory where she is best remembered for her deep faith and leading the congregation in happy birthday songs.  She especially loved family gatherings during the holidays. She had a special relationship with her nephews Christopher (Tanya) of Wilkesboro, Jonathan (Ellen) and Matthew (Jessica) of Mooresville and great nephews and nieces, Ayden, Charlie, Cameron, Macie, Oren, Eli, Finley and Luke. They will cherish the memories of her.
The funeral service will be held on Thursday, June 20,   at 3:00 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church in Hickory.
The family will receive friends prior to the service from 2: 00 until 3:00 p.m. at the church. Rev. Richard Schwandt will be officiating the service. Burial will follow at Oakwood Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers memorials can be made to the memorial fund at Christ Lutheran Church, 324 2nd Ave. SE, Hickory, NC 28602.
Pallbearers for the service will be Christopher Cline, Jonathan Cline, Matthew Cline, Van Smith, Scott Wimmer, and Billy Pernell.
 Vickie Cothren, 52
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Vickie Cothren, 52 Miss Vickie Lee Cothren, age 52 of Roaring River, passed away Wednesday, June 12, 2019 at Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson.
     Funeral services were June 15,   at White Plains Baptist Church with Pastor William Souther and Bishop Peggy Horton officiating.  Burial was in the church cemetery.                Vickie was born October 24, 1966 in Wilkes County to James "Jim" Ervin Cothren and Georgie Lee Swaim Cothren. She was employed for 30 years with Wilkes Community College as a Library Assistant. Vickie enjoyed spending time with her great nieces and nephews who called her "Bibby" and liked sports from WFU, Chicago Bulls and Carolina Panthers. She also enjoyed cooking and most enjoyed sharing her testimony with her relationship with God.
She was preceded in death by her mother; Georgie Lee Cothren.
In addition to her father; Jim Cothren, she is survived by three sisters; Anna Church of Millers Creek, Teresa Absher of Roaring River and Jane Whitley of Hays, nieces and nephews; Amanda Miller (William), Sonya Evans (Allen), Michael Church, Ashley Mabe (Jason), Lindsay Jester (Justin) and Colby Whitley, great nieces and nephews; Elijah Miller, Asher Miller, Brenan, Nevan and Rowyn Mabe and Elizabeth Jester, Aunt Joy Swaim, Cousins; Calvin Swaim, Charlene Dancy and family, special friends and co-workers; Rebecca Kruger, Christy Earp, Misty Bass, Janet Atwood, Audrey Chapel and Donna Church and Fur Babies; Jett, Sanford, Melinda and Miss Sunshine.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Donor's Choice, Wilkes Community Partnership for Children PO Box 788 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659, Wilkes Community College Endowment Corporation PO Box 120 Wilkesboro, NC 28697 or Mtn. Valley Hospice 401 Technology Lane Suite 200 Mt. Airy, NC 27030.
 James Ashley, Jr. 77
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Mr. James Martin Ashley, Jr. age 77 of Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at his home.
Funeral services were June 18,   at Cub Creek Baptist Church with Pastor John Lewis and Mr. Frank Denny officiating. Burial was in Cub Creek Baptist Church Cemetery.  
Mr. Ashley was born November 27, 1941 in Wilkes County to James Martin Ashley, Sr. and Geneva Sink Ashley.  He was retired after 35 dedicated years at Lowe's Companies. During his employment he worked as a Store Manager and a Regional Manager. James was a loving and devoted husband, father, grandfather and friend. He was a member of Cub Creek Baptist Church where he was a Faithful Deacon, Loved and Respected Sunday School Teacher, member of the Adult Choir and Hand Bell Choirs, Good News Club Teacher, served on the Building Committee, Maintenance Committee and the Expansion Committee. James was an avid Golfer. After retirement, he enjoyed spending his time working on his cattle farm and enjoying the beautiful mountain views. He was always helping or attending the many activities with his grandchildren. James was well known for his love of his family, his church and his tremendous work ethic. His best Friend, Bear, Black-Lab mix was always at his side, waiting for the last bite of anything that James ate.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother; Bill Ashley.
James is survived by his wife; Judy Ann Wayne Ashley of the home, two daughters; Jamie Ashley Beamon and Lorie Ashley Kerhoulas both of Wilkesboro, a son; James Martin Ashley, III "Jimmy" of Wilkesboro, five grandchildren; Anna Kerhoulas LaFave and husband Ethan, Stephen Kerhoulas and fiancé Clair Colburn, Martin Beamon, Jacob Beamon and Nicholas Ashley, a great grandchild; Addy Billings and two sisters; Ann Ashley and Jane Ashley both of Wilkesboro.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made in honor of grandchildren Anna and Jacob to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Piedmont Triad Chapter 216 W. Market Street Suite B, Greensboro, NC 27401.
 Ann Whitworth, 83
Ann Hill Whitworth, age 83, passed away on Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at her home in Purlear, NC. She was born in Erwin, NC on November 12, 1935 to Frank Weaver, Sr. and Elsie Horrell Weaver.
Mrs. Whitworth was formerly employed at Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company and was retired from Duke Medical Center. She was a member of Greystone Baptist Church until her move to Purlear, NC in 2007. She was a member of New Hope Baptist Church, Purlear, NC until her passing.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Fred Roy Hill and her husband, Donald Whitworth.
She is survived by her daughter, Deborah Hill Yates of Purlear, NC; her son, Frederick A. Hill of Durham, NC; three grandsons, Ross B. Yates, and wife, Andrea of Mt. Pleasant, SC, Brett J. Yates of Millers Creek, NC, and Mark C. Yates of Purlear, NC and three great grandchildren, Finley Madison Yates, Bennett Reid Yates, and Cooper Hill Yates.
A memorial service will be held on June 29, 2019 at 2:00 PM at Greystone Baptist Church, Hillsborough Road, Durham, NC. A private burial at Maplewood Cemetery, Durham, NC will follow the memorial service. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorials be made to Wake Forest Care at Home Hospice, 126  Executive Drive, Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
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raitcningu · 5 years
Ok ok hear me out: the shipping meme but a platonic version for lucian and jay as roommates 8)
send me a pairing and I’ll tell you who: / @tenebris-felidae​ / accepting ! 
falls asleep on the couch. 
That’s likely going to be Jay. He’ll come home from a long day of work and just plop on the couch and doze off. 
makes friends with the neighbours.
Both maybe? Lucian has the charm, and Jay has quite the humorous nature to him. 
is the adventurous eater. 
Jay. He’ll eat almost anything. 
hogs the covers at night. 
Since this is a platonic version, lemme cook you up a different question. WHO TAKES ALL THE SHEETS? Jay fucking Walker. 
forgets to do the dishes. 
Jay :/ 
tries to surprise their partner more often. 
 With the whole ‘ taking your milk and cookies ’ situation that happens sometimes, Jay will surprise Lucian with a lot of cookies and milk, perhaps even homemade cookies ‘cos he can cook and he wants to be a nice roommate even though he is a bit of a pain in the ass 
leaves dirty laundry on the floor.
stays up til 2 AM reading. 
Jay, again. Or at least stays up watching funny tik tok compilations. 
sings in the shower. 
Jay sometimes? Dunno about Lucian though. Maybe he does too. But when a song is stuck inside of Jay’s head, sometimes he can’t help but sing it. 
takes the selfies. 
Likely Jay again, along with including Lucian in his selfies ! 
plans date night. 
A friend-date night. Maybe they both do? Jay would anyway. He likes to plan stuff for hang-outs and such, especially friend-dates or dates in general 
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