fightinglikeaman · 2 years
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luthian11235813 · 1 year
Love > Productive
Love > Productive
I grew up in a very pragmatic household. Questions around the dinner table lovingly ranged from “What did you learn today?” to “What do you have left on your to-do list?” This was a good way to be raised. It meant that I grew up thinking and doing, 2 modes of activity that are oft woefully neglected in the modern American culture in which I now find my adult self. I’m grateful for it, as it has…
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throughthenarrow · 2 years
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Reposted from @daughterofdelight "God will never give me more than I can handle" is biblically incorrect. "God will never give us a trial in which He will not sustain us," however, is a statement we can all take heart in. Because the truth is, God DOES give us more than we can handle on our own. If He didn't, we would have no true need for Him. Take Paul and his associates, for example. In 2. Corinthians 18, Paul shares of a time when God gave them more than they could bear: "For we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, of the affliction we experienced in Asia. For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself" (ESV). That is quite a heavy statement, but he doesn't stop there. Take a look at verse 9 with me: "Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead" (ESV). Paul and his associates had suffered in ways that felt' as if death was knocking! My dear sister, God gives us more than we can handle so that we might depend on His grace and sustaining power in our lives; so that the power of His glory and the hope of Christ would be put on full display through us. In the midst of our desert seasons, letting go of our eternal vision is the easy thing to do. But hold on tight, because your season holds immeasurable purpose and a greater glory IS coming! As we wait in eager anticipation for our coming King, may we proclaim and live in the the powerful, sustaining truth of Psalm 121:1-2:"Where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth." https://www.instagram.com/p/CexNh_QrW_yYyoNWIw18M9yA7tA9hzWfrQPgbk0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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itwondersme · 4 years
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Yesterday, we talked about swapping our usual list of New Year’s resolutions for the simple, yet profound desire to be more like Jesus.⁣ ⁣ Of course, the big question is, “How do I do that?”⁣ ⁣ Because, let’s be honest, that’s a heck of a lofty goal. He’s way up there *gestures at sky* and we’re way down here *gestures at ground*.⁣ ⁣ But although he’s God, Jesus didn’t set an unattainable standard while he was on Earth. In fact, he was pretty practical in how he expressed his love for God and for other people.⁣ ⁣ Rather than stressing about how we’re not exactly like the Perfect Man, here are some everyday things we can do to better align ourselves with Jesus’ example.⁣ ⁣ ❤️ Get familiar with the Word by reading the Bible⁣ 🧡 Smile and say “hi” when you meet a stranger⁣ 💛 Keep snacks in your bag to give folks on the street⁣ 💚 Say “sorry” when you know you’re wrong⁣ 💙 Thank God for taking care of you before eating⁣ 💜 Add an extra 2% when you give (or start giving!)⁣ ⁣ See? Not scary or hard, right? We can do this.⁣ ⁣ 💬 What other things could you do to live, love, and look more like Jesus in 2020? ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #itwondersme#soulscripts#daughterofdelight#shereadstruth#womenintheword#propelwomen#gritandvirtue#christianblog#faithblog#christianwoman#christianliving#nothingisordinary#belovedlife#graceupongrace#chooselovely#dailydevotional#goodgod#gracemakers#wellwateredwomen#shewritestruth#scripture#gospel#newyearseve#resolutions#practical#jesusislord#infographic (at Hamilton, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vY-R_lKe2/?igshid=ldi37c9rrpl7
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elrizemare · 4 years
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A repost from #daughterofdelight I couldn't keep this post to myself. These words taken from @daughterofdelight. "I am a very non-confrontational person. The slightest bit of awkward tension and I feel myself trying to back out of situations. I think oftentimes, as Christians, we are more concerned with being politically correct than we are with being Biblically correct. Tiptoeing around biblical truths, so afraid to offend someone’s way of living. The truth is, when it comes to sharing Jesus, we will offend people. The Gospel asks for people to change and that might be a hard pill to swallow at times. In Luke 21:12-19, Jesus warns that people will be angry at His message. In verse 17. he tells us, "You will be hated by all for my name's sake" (ESV). When concern for “keeping things pleasant” keeps you from talking about Jesus, we might need a heart check. It’s unfortunate that we become timid and shy when it comes to sharing Jesus with others because not only does it glorify God, but it’s the single most important and awesome thing we can share with someone! A famous atheist, Penn Jillette, once said, “how much do you have to hate someone to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?” OUCH. How true is that statement?! If someone was driving towards a cliff, wouldn’t we shout and scream and tell them to stop? If we didn’t lead others away from danger, it would be hateful. Sister, why is it so much easier to tell people about our new favorite restaurant or TV show, but not the Gospel? Sharing temporary pleasures instead of eternal truths. Choosing personal comfort over life-changing eternal promises. I’m not saying go out and start getting confrontational with people. Although we are all sinners, there is a way we should share Jesus with others. We should always be sensitive to another person’s thoughts and feelings, sharing truth in love. When we walk in the Spirit, we approach others motivated by love, meeting people where they are... just how Jesus first did with us. Let’s walk boldly, courageously and unashamed!" INSTAGRAM: @daughterofdelight WEBSITE: www.daughterofdelight.com #daughterofdelight https://www.instagram.com/p/CBYk5qwDvBC/?igshid=2qm9oxu866id
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delta-breezes · 4 years
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Daughter of Delight | @daughterofdelight
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porcelain-melodies · 3 years
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❥ daughterofdelight
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freshbrewedlife · 4 years
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Daughter of Delight | @daughterofdelight
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lopojo · 3 years
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🙏🏽 Pray. (Wisdom by: @daughterofdelight). #friday #afternoonprayers #art #SAYAPRAYER #inthreedays #imgratefulforanotherday #intheoffice #butitsokay #GodisAMAZING #illustration #ifyoudontknowyoubettaasksomebody #prayerchangesthings (at Glendale, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/COlpMZwl1Rt/?igshid=11bimkgrq9dc6
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goodnewsfeedorg · 5 years
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From my friends over @daughterofdelight: We pulled into the doctor’s office only to find a full parking lot. Time was sparse so I decided to park across the street in an empty lot filled with gravel. As I put our SUV into park, my cell phone began to ring. It was my husband with potiently life-changing news. Unsure of how to respond and slightly annoyed with the timing of it all, I sat there frozen on the other line. I was late for a very important doctor’s appointment. Didn’t God know this was not the time for my world to come crashing down?! I composed myself as I gently said, “Everything will be okay, we can talk about this when I get home.” I hung up the phone and shuffled my three little children out of the car and across the unpaved road. As I pushed my stroller against the rough gravel, my four year old daughter looked up at me and innocently asked, “Why does the road have to be so hard to walk on Mama?” A tear slid down my check as I candidly responded, “I’m asking myself the same question right now dear and I really don’t know.” She had a literal question for my spiritual struggle in that moment. We may not ever understand the difficulties life throws our way or why the road is filled with twists, turns and bumps along the way. What I do know is you’ll never have to walk it alone. (Isaiah 43:2) Trauma doesn’t get the final word in your story, friend. The cross does. My life isn't exempt from heartache because I'm a Christian. Dare I say it ensures it but I'll never have to endure it alone and neither do you! I don’t believe life gets less difficult but I do believe the more time we spend walking with Christ, the more teachable we become. God can transform what the enemy intends to wound us into something that gives others permission to heal. {words: @speerandarrows} #daughterofdelight http://bit.ly/2Vfj6YB
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fightinglikeaman · 4 years
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luthian11235813 · 2 years
Run, Sister, Run! (DD post)
Run, Sister, Run! (DD post)
In Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth, he corrects, chastises, and encourages them by turns. In chapter 9, he speaks of surrender and how to live in the Christian faith. In the end, it comes down to this: run from sin, run toward God, and run this race like the devil himself is behind you! If there is a question in your heart that something in your life is not of God and is not good or…
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thetallgirltellsall · 6 years
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“Love gives us the ability to heal the world, it brings hope in our brokenness. It’s everything.❤️” ~ My 💣🐚 best friend on the power of love because she loves the most fiercely.. #poweroflove #lovewarrior #loveyourneighbor #showlovetoday #lifelivedbeautifully #shelaughsproject #daughterofdelight (at Denver, Colorado)
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itwondersme · 4 years
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PSA: No matter how you messed up this holiday season—no matter how many (dozen) cookies you ate or who you yelled at during family dinner or how jealous you were of other people’s presents—you aren’t too far gone for God. His love for you isn’t dependent on good behaviour, and His mercies are new each day. ⁣ ⁣ That means you don’t have to wait for January 1 to start over! ⁣ Right here, right now, take everything you’re ashamed of straight to Him and receive a glorious fresh start in return. No shame, no condemnation—just grace.⁣ ⁣ “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” [Lam 3:22-23 ESV]⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #itwondersme#soulscripts#daughterofdelight#shereadstruth#womenintheword#propelwomen#gritandvirtue#christianblog#faithblog#christianwoman#christianliving#nothingisordinary#belovedlife#graceupongrace#chooselovely#dailydevotional#goodgod#gracemakers#wellwateredwomen#shetheroar#scripture#gospel#psa#hope#holidayblues#startover#freshstart#forgiveness (at Hamilton, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6n06j4lgRr/?igshid=1sdax1s1u7biq
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hertrueworth · 4 years
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Hello worthy ladies, we are SO thrilled to announce that we have partnered with our sweet friend Elle @daughterofdelight for a FREE and special Advent series called, “Embracing Emmanuel”. . . The purpose of this project is to encourage and challenge you to draw near to the heart of our One, true Love this Advent season. We pray it helps make way for your heart to be recaptured by the goodness and glory of God. Our hope is for this FREE series will gently lead you into His loving embrace. . . Each week during the Advent season, you will receive an Advent-themed devotional written by @elle_cardel & HTW Director of Operations @speerandarrows , reading plan and gorgeous custom made lock screens by Her True Worth Founder @brittfrannymaher for your phone. . . We are also including a Spotify playlist as an extra added bonus! Again, our 2019 Advent series is completely FREE, so be sure to SIGN UP! You can do so by clicking the link in our bio. ♥️ We cannot wait to celebrate the coming of our King with you! - Britt & Cass . . 👇🏼TAG a sweet friend who needs this FREE Embracing Emmanuel Advent series in their life! — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/35Na3yK
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desert2stream-blog · 6 years
Did you know, Jesus was before He was born?
The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us… John 1:14 niv
Precious sojourner, I don’t know about you, but at our house, the yard pumpkins and fall leaves have all been removed.  They’ve been replaced with a large wooden nativity – handcrafted by Dad and painted by Mom.  Soon, hopefully, the tree will be standing, festive decorations moved in temporarily, and suddenly all will declare –…
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