#dawood gang
mowgliproductions · 2 years
Dawood Ibrahim Nephew Anees Ibrahim Son Ali Ibrahim Detained in Dubai - ...
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autisticsupervillain · 7 months
Ace Attorney: Crossover Cases
The Show where we take Ace Attorney characters and have them solve cases in other franchises.
Today's Crossover: Hitman
Today's Case: Turnabout Cohabitation
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Case Details:
Mumbai, India has a dark criminal underbelly hidden underneath its surface. The Maelstrom, a notorious pirate whose true face and name are unknown, has recently moved in, along with his lieutenants Vanya Shaw and Dawood Rangan. Rangan has restired to become an egotistical Bollywood film producer, releasing heavily romanticized films on his "adventures" with the Maelstrom, though truthfully the sinister pitate he is still lurks underneath. Vanya Shaw meanwhile, has become the self appointed queen of Mumbai's criminal underworld, working her gang to near death in strick slum conditions. The Maelstrom has gone back to running his old gang, The Crows, but the three do stay in contact to assist an underground international terrorist group known only as the Militia.
The Kashmirian is a local assassin looking to assassinate both Rangan and Shaw as a job interview to get hired by the Maelstrom, seeing the two as just "loose ends" in the Maelstrom's operations. Meanwhile, however, an entirely different conspiracy is afoot. Agent 47, international assassin extraordinaire, has been sent in to eliminate Abdul Chabra, Hemant Laghari, and Vivaan Dhar, a trio of thieves whose MO is working as security for years at highly secure buildings under fake identities in order to case them for theft. A previous employer whom they stole from tracked them to Mumbai and hired 47 to eliminate them.
47 entered the country under the alias Tobias Rieper and moved into the local Chawl to case the area. The Kashmirian happens to be living in the same building at the same time, where his neighbors have taken notice of his suspicious behavior. Namely, they saw him with a conspicuously large briefcase and what seemed to be a sniper rifle stand. Overhearing this conversation, 47 decides to use the Kashmirian as his scapegoat in his operation.
Abdul and Hemant work as private security at Rangan tower, where Rangan is shooting his latest movie. The Chawl is across the street from it, where the Kashmirian has his sniper rifle set up to aim for Rangan from his apartment balcony. However, the Kashmirian isn't a very good assassin, as he can't adjust the scope right to aim for Rangan's window. Seeing his opportunity, 47 steals the rifle and sneaks out, prompting the Kashmirian to panic. Assuming he's been caught, the Kashmirian books it to the street and catches the bus to get out of town at roughly 5:15 pm, with his ticket stamped with the time.
47 sneaks back into the apartment with the rifle and takes his shots. First, he shoots a propane tank near the top of the building, causing it to explode when Laghari goes for his smoke break nearby, sending his body hurling from the top of the building to the bushes below. Then, 47 shoots an oil barrel near the bottom of Rangan tower. Abdul, who hadn't heard the explosion due to guarding the loud construction area at the bottom of thr building where Rangan tower is still under construction, blows himself up when he lights his cigarette nearby.
47's final target, however, cannot be hit from his current vantage point in the Kashmirian's apartment, as Dhar is posing as a guard at the train yard to cover the thieves intended escape route. As such, 47 needs to break into another apartment room on the opposite side of the Chawl to use its balcony as a vantage point. The problem being that two neighbors are gossiping just outside the door he needs to lockpick into. Knowing that they'd see him with a rifle on his back no matter which route he took, 47 ditched the rifle for now and took a route between the apartment rooms where he could break in through the apartments locked window, unlocking the door from within. Then, to remove the neighbors from his path, 47 lured them into the room by leaving the door adjar and creating a loud crash by throwing utensils around. Then, 47 bludgeons them unconscious from behind and stuffs them in the closet. Finally, with all obstacles removed, 47 retrives the sniper rifle again and takes his shot, popping Dhar in the head from a specific angle through a hole in the train yard roof.
His task done, 47 plants the rifle back on the stand exactly as the Kashmirian left it to frame him. However, he cannot take his leave just yet. A new contract has come in for Dawood Rangan, Vanya Shaw, and the Maelstrom, so 47 must remain at his apartment for the time being to scope out new targets.
This is where the Ace Attorney cast comes in. Interpol had been monitoring Rangan for quite some time now in an attempt to link him and the Maelstrom back to the Militia. An apparent threat on his life threatens to undo all that hard work, so they call in Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth to examine the scene. Miles quickly finds the smoldering bullets in both the propane tank and the oil. While the bullets are too fried for ballistic markings to be applied, Miles is able to determine the only vantage point from which both shots could be fired to be the Kashmirian's apartment room. There, he finds the Kashmirian's rifle set up to aim for Rangan's office. Furthermore, when Dhar's body is discovered, Miles matches the bullet's markings to the rifle. Time of death is marked down as 5:17 for Laghari, 5:19 for Abdul and 5:25 for Dhar. Miles then takes the testimony of the neighbors who were assaulted in someone else's apartment and realizes the killer must've broken in to get his shot on Dhar. He also takes the testimony of the neighbors who were suspicious of the Kashmirian and "Tobias Rieper", a "tourist" who claims he was taking a bus tour at the time. Miles now thinks he has a clear idea what happened and the Kashmirian is swiftly arrested at a nearby airport.
This is where Phoenix Wright enters the picture. Phoenix is taking a family vacation with Trucy around the world when he finds Miles investigating the crime scene. Miles informs him that he's been called in to investigate a major crime scene and that he's not at liberty to discuss it with civilians. But, Nick can tell something's bugging him and Miles admits as cryptically as he can that one of the three killings didn't have a motive. As in, Miles is bothered by the fact that the Kashmirian seemingly had no motive to kill Dhar as he has no obvious ties to Rangan, especially as he went out of his way to do so.
Interested, Phoenix visits the Kashmirian at the detention center. Knowing Phoenix vaguely by reputation, the Kashmirian admits to everything in his plot to kill Rangan and Shaw, assuming that the Maelstrom brought him in to get him released. When the Kashmirian denies killing Abdul, Laghari, and Dhar and protests he had no motive to and doesn't even know who they are, the Magatama shows he isn't lying, prompting Phoenix to take his case so the real killer doesn't escape.
Oh, and for conveniences sake, lets assume the Ace Attorney characters read up on another Marathi to be able to talk to people here.
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badedramay · 1 year
so i’m not the one who usually asks for your weekly thoughts on yunhi but yesterday’s episode was probably the best one yet and i’m excited to hear your thoughts! i keep playing that monologue from dawood over and over in my head, and the way the drama uses characters overhearing conversations from hallways to reveal the horrible mentalities that families attempt to hide away behind closed doors is fantastic. every scene yesterday had me utterly gripped!
I..literally had to force myself to sit through the episode and had it not been for the terrace convo with Kim&Dawood I'd have noped outta the epi cuz these narrative points...disturb me? any time a drama, even as subtly as how Yunhi does, bring up the point of an entire family ganging up together to strip away the choice and agency of a woman that is her right by law and by religion..i just can not stomach any of that. I tweeted about it while watching the episode. that showing this zabardasti in the name of "farz ki adaigi" has done a LOT in me personally being so put off by the topic of marriage. idc if it sounds stupid to anyone that I take depiction of marriages and how marriages take place in our dramas as a gauge to measure the real horrors of this institution but i DO. for years and years our dramas have only shown the ugly and negative sides of marriage which i KNOW do exist but kya waqai itni andhernagri machi hui hai?? that it's just heaping pile of troubles with a rare glimmer of hope and happiness stashed somewhere within it which is then paraded as "look! Isn't marriage great?! why the hell does anyone object to it? it's great! it's beautiful! It's perfect!" ummm..thanks but no thanks.
Yunhi though BLESS ITS VERY EXISTENCE thankfully chose NOT to go down the same route despite giving us a direction that it was going to turn that way. until Kim's dejected conversation with Zulfi..things were going down that predictable way. Dawood trying to take a stand for Kim but his obedience making him unable to do so. Kim overhearing Razia and Daniyal speaking shit about her to Dawood and trying to make him turn against Kim by basically telling him to become the worst version of a desi man that Kim has always been wary of. uper se the added heartbreak and disappointment of Suraiya..SURAIYA OF ALL PEOPLE..throwing Kim under the bus like that.
(can I just say Maya Ali was just so darn terrific in portraying the tumultuous emotions Kim was experiencing in that night and how she showed them without breaking down in tears? just by a defeated slump of her shoulders..her gaze fixated on a distance point in the space..her tone losing all of its ferocity as she carefully stitched her sentences lest her offhand comment be once again misconstruted to turn her into a liar. LIES the one thing Kim absolutely abhors. her honesty and integrity are a matter of PRIDE for her. her PRIDE was shattered by Suraiya in front of the whole family. Kim's reaction of losing a grip on her own self was very appropriate. and Maya, once again, NAILED it. Bilal on the other hand keeps benefiting from an impeccably written character with no effort of his own to make it shine brighter )
what makes Kim&Dawood stand apart is how willing they are to TALK and LISTEN to each other. since the beginning they have had no qualms in being honest about their views with each other and never hesitated in sharing them. and it continues to grow and make their relationship stronger. because Dawood is the only one with whom Kim's words are safe while other family members either dismiss her words or twist them for their own benefit..Kim doesn't worry in speaking of her fears. the fact that she outright told Dawood that she knows his family wants him to be "strict" with her and are actively discouraging him from engaging with any conversation with her where she might come out as being "right" is a testament of how, despite the delicate situation, her trust in Dawood stands strong. I found legitimate fear of losing the only one person in the house who understands her in her voice and her eyes when she asks him would he not question her or demand any explanation from her. and Dawood..uff DAWOOD!!! the way he just KNOWS what to say and the art of HOW to say it..yeah one has to be completely devoid of any emotion to not feel that in the heart.
the one ABSOLUTE thing about Dawood and how he treats his relationship/marriage with Kim is just how sorted his priorities are. yes, he taunts and jokes about Kim not giving him the "right" he has over her as her husband (i.e. to have sex with her) but he is so well aware of the fact that marriage is MORE than just the physical relationship between two people. that a husband's rights are not limited to how his wife is supposed to treat him in bed and that a husband has far more responsibilities towards the wife that do not cease to exist if that one right of being sexually satisfied is not being fulfilled. we really don't see this kind of a relationship in PakDramas despite many dramas having this trope of "shadi hogayi but woh rishta nahin bana". unlike Kim, Dawood does not masqurade his actions as generosity towards his "friend" that Kim so insists Dawood is for her. no. Kim is Dawood's WIFE. a wife in the truest sense like a partner. he's her "libaas". it is his duty towards her to be loyal to her foremost. to be emotionally available to her. to lend her an ear not just be the mouth to speaks to her. to pray for her. to want to protect her. to respect her autonomy. to caution her against bad decisions. to trust her. to not dismiss her. to not control her. to change the pace of his strides to be able to walk BESIDE her, not in front of behind her. and Dawood DOES all of that. he does it as a HUSBAND. because a husband or a wife..the one person you make a decision to spend your life with..that person becomes your all in one package if you treat that relationship right. a friend, a lover, a elder to guide you, a child to indulge, a sympathetic shoulder to turn to at the end of a tough day, a stern mentor to prepare your for battle; what ISN'T that a spouse can't be??
my theory was right; Kim will fall for Dawood based on how he acts in this Suraiya mess. and we saw that. the way Kim's demeanor changed when Dawood affirmed his trust in her and the way he apologized to Kim for the behavior of his sister; making sure to give both his sister and his wife equal amount of respect. that's all Kim wants him to do right? be just in how he treats the relationships. and if there was any confusion left about when Kim falls for Dawood, all of that was cleared when she addressed him as DAWOOD. I saw this as Kim finally accepting Dawood for who he is. for finally SEEING Dawood for who he is. away from her personal prejudices and judgements that had her keeping him at an arm's length...this was her coming to a clarity that this man that she's married to? it's the real deal.
GAH THIS IS ALREADY SO LONG AND I ONLY TALKED ABOUT KIM&DAWOOD BUT DAMNIT THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS THE ONE THAT I AM THE MOST INVESTED IN I CAN'T HELP IT!! but yes yes YESS to how the trope of characters overhearing conversations is used in this drama. not to create misunderstandings but to clarify them. the point about horrible realities being shut behind closed doors is also real because we have all SEEN how people talk when no one is in the room vs while sitting in a bhari mehfil. I can't even say I am disappointed in Razia, she's acting just as her character. what i do find surprising is how Basharat is being influenced by Kim. how Kim pointing out the dysfunctionality of the relationship dynamics of this house isn't just affecting her peers but also Basharat. he too is a son who has been hurt by his father's parenting style. the realization of Basharat that he too has been abused came in a poignant manner when he confessed that there was a lot in his heart that he has always felt but he couldn't speak cuz he didn't know he could SAY it was beautiful and heartbreaking. i love how Yunhi pointed out that it's not just Dada's daughters that suffered from his bad decisions, his son too suffered. Patriarchy victimizes the men as well but that's not a discussion that's held alot. in a subtle way Yunhi reminded the viewers of that. on the surface it might look like Basharat benefited the most from being a son and that he, unlike his sisters, lives a perfect life. but no, NO! that's not true. in being his father's son, Basharat never got to be his own son's FATHER! he is being made into an outsider in the matters most concerning to him all because of this pressure that he has to uphold the patriarchial system of the household that will not give him any position of power for as long as his father is alive. like..that's messed up. that's freakin' messed up! I am so curious to see what Basharat will do with this realization. highkey glad that Kim is not made to be shown alone in this mess. Zulfi, Dawood, and Naveed are all on her side. another ally in the shape of Basharat will tip the scales in a very interesting manner.
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magzentinenews · 5 months
Mahadev Betting App Scam Finally Disclosed
Vast amounts of cash were allegedly laundered through hawala channels to Dubai, from where they were allegedly running the operations of the Mahadev Book App from Dubai with the help of gangster Dawood Ibrahim’s gang. Doing their odd jobs to raise funds, the duo has amassed a fortune worth more than Rs 6,000 crore from the app.
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cinemapremi · 9 months
Fact Check: Did the Pakistani PM Confirm Dawood Ibrahim's Poisoning? Let's Find Out
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You might have heard some scary stories online about Dawood Ibrahim, the guy wanted by India for the 1993 bombings. There's talk about him being poisoned and even dying. We're here to separate fact from fiction and tell you what's really going on. “Animal” vs “Sam Bahadur” Box Office Collection: A Day-wise Face-off Sai Pallavi’s Grand Debut Opposite Ranbir Kapoor in Nitesh Tiwari’s ‘Ramayana’!
Who is Dawood Ibrahim?
Dawood is a big-time criminal wanted by India and the US. He's been hiding in Pakistan for years, and there's a huge reward for catching him – $25 million!
The Social Media Drama
So, on Monday, everyone was freaking out on social media. They said Dawood got poisoned and was rushed to a hospital in Pakistan. Some even said he died! There was this screenshot of a tweet from the Pakistani PM confirming it.
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Fake Tweet Alert! But guess what? We did some detective work. The tweet was fake! The PM's real account didn't say anything about Dawood. Someone made up a tweet to scare everyone.
Media Adding Spice
Some Pakistani journalists didn't help calm things down. They talked about Dawood's poisoning and the internet shutting down in Pakistan. But hold on, we'll get to that in a bit. https://twitter.com/Special_033/status/1736581108983320656
The Mystery of the Internet Shutdown
On the same day as the rumours, the internet in Pakistan went blank. No Facebook, no YouTube – nothing! People thought it was because of Dawood, but turns out, the government did it to stop videos from a political rally.
Dawood's Death Rumours - Again?
Here's the thing: Every now and then, people say Dawood is dead on social media. But is he? Well, we don't really know. He's hiding in Pakistan, and they deny it, but the rumours keep coming back.
Hospital Talk
So, Dawood did end up in the hospital, but why? Nobody knows for sure. Some say poisoning, but it's all a bit fuzzy.
D-Company's Dark Deeds
Dawood's gang, the D-Company, is up to no good. Drugs, weapons, you name it. They're like the bad guys in a movie. The world says they even have links to big terrorist groups.
In a Nutshell
All this talk about Dawood can be confusing. Rumours fly, but we need to be careful about what we believe. Stick to the facts, and don't get caught up in the internet drama.
1. Is Dawood Ibrahim really dead?
We don't know for sure. The rumours are wild, but nothing's confirmed.
2. Why did the internet go off in Pakistan?
It wasn't about Dawood. The government turned it off to stop videos from a political rally.
3. What's the D-Company up to?
Dawood's gang is into all kinds of bad stuff – drugs, weapons, you name it.
4. Why do people keep saying Dawood is dead?
It happens now and then on social media. Maybe it's the mystery around him or just people spreading stories.
5. Where is Dawood Ibrahim hiding?
He's believed to be in Pakistan, but they keep saying he's not. The truth is a bit of a puzzle. Also checkout: Read the full article
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1993                       BOMBAY BOMBINGS 1993 -  The Bombay Bombings 1993 was a terrorist attack in Bombay, Maharashtra, India on 12 March 1993 which resulted in 257 people’s deaths and 713 injured. The bombings were a series of 12 bomb explosions, the coordinated attacks were the most destructive bomb explosions in Indian history. These were the first serial bomb blasts of their kind in the world. There had been 13 blasts. The attacks were coordinated by Dawood Ibrahim, leader of the Bombay-based international D-Company, with the help of his subordinates Tiger Memon and Yakub Memon. The government executed Yakub Memon in 2015.
Three days before the bombings on 9 March, a small-time criminal, Gul Noor Mohammad Sheikh “Gullu” was detained at the police station. He was one of the participants in the riots that happened the previous year, Gullu was one of the 19 men picked by chief mastermind, Tiger Memon who sent Gullu to Pakistan in 1993 to be trained of using guns and bomb making. After he completed his training, Gullu returned to Mumbai that same year, to find out that the police picked up his brothers in an attempt to get him to surrender and Gullu surrendered to the police. He confessed in his role in the riots, his training in Pakistan and the conspiracy to bomb locaitons around the city. However his claim was dismissed by police as “mere bluff”. The arrest of Gul Mohammed spurred Tiger Memon to advance the date of these blasts which were meant to be taken place with the Shiv Jayanti celebrations in April 1993 and instead planned to carry them out on 12 March 1993 instead.
At 1:30pm on 12 March 1993, a car bomb exploded in the basement of the Bombay Stock Exchange building, the 28-story office building was damaged and nearby office buildings also was damaged. 50 people were killed by this explosion. 30 minutes later, another car bomb exploded in front of the Mandvi Branch Coporation Bank near Masjid. From 1:30pm to 3:40pm a total of 12 bombs exploded throughout Mumbai. Most of the bombs were inside cars but some were in scooters. Three hotels: the Hotel Sea Rock, Hotel Juhu Centaur and Hotel Airport Centaur were targeted by suitcase bombs left in rooms booked by the perpetrators. Banks, the passport office, the Air India Building, and a major shopping centre was also hit. Bombs exploded at Zaveri Bazaar, in an area opposite of Century Bazaar, Katha Bazaar, Sena Bhavan, and Plaza Theatre. A jeep bomb at the Century Bazaar also exploded. Grenades were thrown at Sahar International Airport and at Fishermen’s Colony, targeting certain people. A double decker bus very badly damaged in one explosion, which caused the greatest loss of line in a single incident – up to 90 people were killed.
On 25 August 2003, 2 large bombs left inside taxis exploded in South Mumbai in a busy area which killed 52 people and wounded more than 100 others.
In 2006, Sharad Pawar, Chief Minister of Maharashtra, admitted that he deliberately misled the public after the 1993 Mumbai blast by saying there was 12 and not 11 explosions and had added the name of Muslim-dominated locality to show that people from both communities had been affected. He attempted to justify his lies and deception by claiming that it was to prevent riots from Hindu and Muslim communities. He also admitted to lying about evidence recovered and mislead the public into believing that the Tamil Tigers were possible suspects.
The bombings caused a major rift within the D-Company, the most powerful criminal organisaiton in the Mumbai underworld, headed by Dawood Ibrahim. His right-hand man, Chotta Rajan left the organisation, taking most of the leadership level Hindu aides with him. This split divided the Mumbai underworld  which put Chotta Rajan’s Hindu gang against Dawood Ibrahim’s Muslim D-Company. The gang war took the lives of more than a 100 gangsters and is still continuing. Seven of the accussed was assassinated by Chotta Rajan’s hitmen.
Many hundreds of people were arrested and detained in Indian courts, many suspects are still missing including main conspirators and masterminds of these attacks. Family members of Tiger Memon escaped to go to Dubai and Pakistan. Yakub Memon was executed by hanging in 2015. Dawood Ibrahim, believed to have been the mastermind of the terrorist attacks, is the Don of the crime syndicate D-Company, he is believed to have connections to terrorist elements such as al-Qaeda and its leader, Osama bin Laden, as well as Lashkar-e-Toiba and was declared a terrorist in 2003. He is believed to be hiding in Pakistan, which Pakistan denies. Yakub Memon was held in prison in 1994 and was sentenced to death in 2007 and was executed in 2015 in jail.
The film MUMBAI MARCH 12 is based on the bomb blasts.
The film BLACK FRIDAY (2004) is based on the book Black Friday by Hussain Zaidi
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indiejones · 1 year
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thezeusos · 1 year
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swldx · 1 year
BBC 0442 26 Jun 2023
12095Khz 0357 26 JUN 2023 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55445. English, dead carrier s/on @0358z then ID@0359z pips and newsday preview. @0401z World News anchored by Chris Berrow. Senior officials from Sierra Leone's main opposition party on Sunday accused the country's military of shooting live ammunition and tear gas into their headquarters, raising tensions in the small West African nation a day after presidential elections. Greek conservative leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis has trounced his centre-left rival in the second election in a month and said he has a "strong mandate" to move faster on the path of change. In her first interview, Mrs Dawood said she had planned to go with her husband to view the wreck of the Titanic, but the trip was cancelled because of the Covid pandemic. "I think I lost hope when we passed the 96 hours mark," Mrs Dawood said. The Australian government will provide a new A$110 million ($73.5 million) package to Ukraine including 70 military vehicles to defend against Russia's invasion, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Monday. The Honduran government announced curfews on Sunday in two northern cities after more than 20 people were killed overnight in separate attacks amid escalating violence in the country. In Ecuador, eight people were killed on Sunday June 25 in what appears to be the third shootout between rival gangs this month, police said. Forest fires in Canada left Montreal blanketed with smog on Sunday, giving it the worst air quality of any major city in the world, according to a pollution monitor. A group of NASA researchers has been in the Pilbara region of Western Australia in the past week to inform their hunt for extraterrestrial life by observing some of the earliest signs of life on Earth. “This is really important – not only to tell us things about life on Earth and when it began and how it may have evolved over time – but it’s also really important from a NASA standpoint because we are getting ready to return samples from Mars,” NASA Mars Exploration Program director Eric Ianson said. @0406z "Newsday" begins. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2257.
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vuthanews · 1 year
Financing of terrorism | Money from fugitive smuggling gang linked to Dawood was used to finance terror: Mumbai Police
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gadgetsforusesblog · 2 years
News9 Plus World Exclusive: ISI Chief Javed Nasir Ordered Bombings In Mumbai In 1993 US Expert | News9 Plus world first: ISI chief General Javed Nasir ordered 1993 Mumbai bombings, expert says
The Jihadist General: Owen L. Sirrs said the order for the 1993 Mumbai blasts was given to the Dawood Ibrahim gang by Lieutenant General Javed Nasir. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was also aware of this operation at the time. Exclusive News9 Plus: Speaking exclusively to the TV9 network’s OTT platform News9 Plus, former US Defense Intelligence official Owen L. Sirrs said that while the role of…
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hcnnews-blog · 2 years
नितिन गडकरी को मिली जान से मारने की धमकी, फोन करने वाले ने खुद को बताया ‘दाऊद’ गैंग
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Two high-ranking gang members killed as hail of bullets rain down in Retreat
Police are on the scene the place two high-ranking gang members had been shot lifeless on Thursday afternoon. Image: Provided Two high-ranking gang members died in a hail of bullets on the intersection of Prince George Drive and Peach Road in Retreat on Thursday.  Based on police, the victims had been members of the 27s gang, who had been on their method again residence to Kraaifontein after visiting somebody at Pollsmoor jail.  Grassy Park station commander Colonel Dawood Laing mentioned the gang members had been driving in a two-vehicle convoy. “Distinguished gang members who had been coming from a go to at Pollsmoor had been shot lifeless.  “As a result of they had been high-ranking gang members, they had been travelling in two autos.  “When the entrance car got here to a cease on the intersection of Peach Road and Prince George Drive, two guys jumped out of a car and fired a number of pictures.”  Laing, who’s presently on the scene, mentioned police have “picked up round 30 cartridges to this point.”  The black Mercedes the victims had been travelling in is riddled with bullets as police are combing the scene for extra clues. Laing says it’s unclear why the second car within the convoy didn’t return any pictures. “It was high-ranking gang members which is why they drove in two autos.  “The second automotive who adopted them would have had firearms so it’s unclear why they didn’t return any pictures.”  He added that police might be CCTV footage out there for extra clues.  We stay in a world the place info and fiction get blurred In occasions of uncertainty you want journalism you possibly can belief. For 14 free days, you possibly can have entry to a world of in-depth analyses, investigative journalism, prime opinions and a variety of options. Journalism strengthens democracy. Make investments sooner or later immediately. Thereafter you’ll be billed R75 per 30 days. You may cancel anytime and when you cancel inside 14 days you will not be billed.  Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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news4me · 5 years
Once Part of Dawood Ibrahim's Gang, Fugitive Ejaz Lakdawala Arrested from Mumbai Airport
Once Part of Dawood Ibrahim’s Gang, Fugitive Ejaz Lakdawala Arrested from Mumbai Airport
Lakdawala was apprehended by Mumbai Crime Branch’s anti-extortion cell team at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport on Wednesday.
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File photo of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim. Mumbai:Fugitive gangster Ejaz Lakdawala, wanted in connection with several cases of extortion, attempt to kill and rioting, has been arrested by Mumbai Police, an official said on…
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parallelcinema · 2 years
Why Indians are Boycotting Bollywood Films?
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It is a fact that Bollywood had links with Dawood Mafia in past. Bollywood people use to entertain them and used their money to produce films. (Jab baap Dawood k saath photo khichwayega, to bacchey to Sonam Kappor jaise....jaaatu to paida honge hi).
Today the relationship cannot be seen visually, but it still there is in their art form. Actors like Aamir Khan have this tendency to fool the Indian Audience with the content of the film, he has targeted Hinduism and mocked Hindu Gods in his film PK.
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But Hindus who are the most tolerant community in the world made the film a Hit, later realizing that they were fooled. They will not do it directly, but they insert their evil agenda here and there. And once caught, they later will not forget to play the Victim Card, saying sorry and all.
Kareena Khan, a Bollywood actress, even challenged the Indian Audience to not go to the theatres if they can't digest nepotism in Bollywood.
The result was seen when her film "Lal Singh Chadda" was released, people Boycotted it, and it became a disaster at the Box Office. People who even watched it didn't like it. It is the copy of a Hollywood masterpiece "The Forest Grump".
Bollywood has a history of targeting Hindus, by insulting their Gods, showing that their culture is outdated, and framing Hindus as villains in the movie, when the world knows what is the religion of terrorism. Hindus are quite tolerant in nature, and this is the reason that they are easily targeted. Hindus have a tendency to forgive and forget generally, on the other hand, Muslims can chop someone's head and be proud of it, as seen in Kanhaiyaa Laal Case and many others. Hindus are getting killed and raped in Muslim-populated nations like Pakistan and Bangladesh. But Bollywood stars never commented when Kanhaiyaa Lal's head was chopped and the psycho Muslim Killers made a video of it, but the whole Bollywood gang will come out if there happens a crime against any Muslim. They also have a soft corner for Pakistan, even though Pakistan has occupied our Kashmir and their intention is always to destroy India.
These are some basic reasons, why Indians are boycotting Bollywood films, not all films, but actors who have a history of targeting Hindus. Recent example of one such film is "Shamshera", where Sanjay Dutt is a Villain but puts a Hindu priest like Tilak on his forehead.
When people start to Boycott Trends on social media against a film, they act like beggars, telling Indian people, how much hard work they have done, so many people get employment due to them, though the reality is after a film's success, not a single penny is given to the labors, and secondly, yes they work really very very hard to put Hindus in a bad light and praise Islam whenever they get a chance.
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We all know what is the relationship between terrorism and Pakistan, but we fail to understand what is the relationship between Bollywood and Pakistan. Currently, Pakistan is facing some flood issues and some Pakistanis are expecting Bollywoodians to help them financially.
Then there is also the issue of Nepotism, I am not against it completely, but people like Arjun Kapoor (a flop nepo actor), made a statement against Boycott Trends, that they have made a mistake by being silent about it and people are misusing their decency. I sometimes feel that Arjun Kapoor is living in a different world. In the MILF world.
Some Bollywood Actors are very political and quite vocal about it. they have used their platform to put their views against BJP which is a right-wing party in India. One such actress is Swara Bhaskar, as a result, she had to do some B-Grade Films now and lost all the advertisements, because people stopped watching her content.
This is the whole gang, they do drugs, molest the newcomers, spit venom against Hindus, and have a soft corner for Jihadis, all these things are resulting in the Boycott of Indian Films of such actors and the actors who are supporting them like Vijay Deverakonda, whose film Liger was also Boycotted.
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tobiasrieper · 5 years
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HITMAN locations • Mumbai, India
Welcome to Mumbai, 47.
One of the most densely populated cities in the world. Home to more than 12 million people. If you wanted to disappear and hide from the world, this vast city is perfect. The maze-like, sprawling slums offer secret paths and surprises around every corner. The elusive Maelstrom knows the city like the back of his own hand. Locating him will be a considerable challenge. A place to start could be the slums where his former gang, “The Crows”, has recently risen from the ashes. Dawood Rangan will be easy to find in his half-finished tower, wrapping up his new film called “Mumbai Hero” while Vanya Shah has ensconced herself in the overgrown remains of an old train yard. 
Your three targets call this labyrinthine part of the city home, so choose your approach carefully. 
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