#dax jones
birb-lover-ovo · 6 months
I completely blame Ali Sparks for my love of Foxes, the idea of shapeshifting and the fact that I'm still a furry who is now a quadrobist as well. But The Shapeshifter series will always have a special place in my heart and eventually I will go back to reading it. I fell in love with the series when I happened to find the first book in my primary schools library and I asked my parents to buy me the set lol.
Sorry if this is random but I wondered about the fandom and looked it up on Tumblr and sure enough there are people who love the series like I do. It's a small fandom so I can't find much here but it's still enough. Waiting to seet art of the characters >:)))
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ttshapeshifter · 1 year
Running the Risk
The second book in the series starts in April and finishes in May of the same year.
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It’s said that the children started showing their powers when they were 11/12, and it hasn’t been long Lisa is still 12.
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If they’re eleven or twelve that would put them in year six or seven, stretched between the two separate English academic school years. Which it might be because there are the Teller brothers, Alex and Jacob, who aren’t twins and have at least an age gap of 9 months so are unlikely to be in the same school year.
If Lisa is 12 she’s in secondary school, year 7. And has done her SATs.
I’m going to say Mia is 11, in year 6 as she hasn’t done her SATs yet:
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In this book we see that Dax & Gideon are in the same class as Lisa so maybe they’re in year 7, secondary school, too. Or maybe classes are mixed based on intelligence more than age which is uncommon but not impossible. I can’t remember if Mia was in their class too.
This is just based off of the second book in The Shapeshifter series, Running the Risk. I don’t know how right i am or how much sense i make, ive started rereading the series after yearsss. This may be me thinking too much into it its a kids book; as a kid i just assumed they were all in the same school year and left it at that.
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thepointingghost · 2 years
What if Robert Jones gave his son the Neetanite earlier?
I think it’d be a completely different experience, almost tragic in a way, if Dax had learnt of the Corridor too early. What would it have done to him? I have some ~ theories ~
(this is set just after FTF, also sorry if this sucks LMAO)
Robert finally visits Dax at the end of term. Fumbling with his hands, he gives Dax a strange crystalline prism then ruffles his hair. He keeps it a secret. Dax names it Neetanite: after all, it’s from his mother, right?
Gideon eventually sees the prism underneath Dax’s pillow, and so the secret is spilled. Gid is excited, but agrees to keep it subtle. Not even Barry finds out. It will soon be the end of the term, and the students’ excitement begins to bubble over - plans get formed over the common room fire and sofas, whilst others read or finish off the final pieces of homework. 
5 days since first contact. Lisa looks at him, concerned, but she dismisses ever having done so. Mia begins to notice something, too, something imposing, and sends some healing warmth to Dax. Perplexed, he laughs it off and returns to the end-of-term activities. When he goes to sleep that night, he dreams of the wolf, but no words come through; only a warning. Wolf Boy wants him to throw the Neetanite away, to renounce that which has been imposed, for nobody is ready yet for the truth. Perhaps this warning helped enough: Dax takes the odd prism and chucks it in his suitcase, not his pocket, as the group head to Lisa’s for the summer. 
7 days. The group are outside in the shade, still marvelling at the Hardman wealth; Dax has a headache. Mia offers to help, despite warnings from the others. Her hand pulses the warming energy, but it changes nothing; “oh.” The headache’s drumming turns to concern to panic; Gideon makes a small joke about the LOB, but the humour heals nothing either. Dax excuses himself, saying that he’ll go for a foxy run, just to see if that helps. Lisa joins him.
As he shifts, his mind is hit with an overpowering smell. A gunshot of meaning: it reminds him of that earthy, peaty stench from his first shift. There is something here, now, something drenched in understanding and purpose and truth, yet it has changed. The rotation of earth points only north, it’s as if it guides him, a lure forcing the taps in his mind open. Dax sees nothing but that which he must do: he must head northwest. Faintly, outside, he hears Lisa. She grabs his ruff, demanding an answer.
One word comes back to her. Corridor.
Over the next month, it makes its way north. It crosses asphalt, granite, dirt, and mud. The fox’s jaws, fuelled by that urge to reach the Corridor, find their first prey in the crepuscule. Perhaps Owen and Mrs Satre have tried to find him, or perhaps they even asked Lisa to dowse, but they see no success. The fox is of the Corridor now.
The others worry themselves sick, fearing the worst: what if he was hit by a car, or ended up in a foxhunt of all things? How could they find something so mundanely wild? Lessons return, after a week of supposed holiday, but unease and malaise wash over Dax’s friends like a wave. Gideon, drenched in regret for not speaking up, gets berated by Lisa. Her anger, however, shifts to worry; Dax is the first one she cannot find. Perhaps this is how it is with the shapeshifter types, she thinks, maybe they must face such challenges alone. Be it in one realm of another, she at least rests assured that he is somewhere on the earth.
When he reaches the cave, the fox is exhausted. Such a long shift and yet so little to do, but this thought doesn’t change much. It falls idly, as if the throat of the Earth were just a slide and the fox were once again a person. The Neetanite rolls out of its jaw as it hits the end. Fur turns to hair and Dax, once again lucid, realises at length the extent of his actions. Perhaps he is scared, or perhaps he feels accomplished. Perhaps the calls of his friends finally reach his skull, and he drowns in the guilt; but perhaps instead he looks at the Neetanite and pushes it deep into the stone.
Yet nothing happens.
He checks his watch. It is 1:34 am. The bliss distracts him from his failure.
The wolf tells him that he is Unanchored; that he has learnt. 
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Attention all Shapeshifter fans!
Discord server link:
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charliem-99 · 3 years
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here’s a quick Spook Williams doodle
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mycatcalledluna · 4 years
Remembering the time my Dad mentioned his co-workers young grand-daughter was into Ali Sparkes and did I want to sell her any of my books? No, absolutely not, her Shapeshifter series is one of my favourites
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findingthefox · 5 years
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he loved to be wild.
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rileylefae · 6 years
So like...just finished Feather and Fang by Ali Sparkes...but like, don’t listen to people because you gotta read the Unleashed series because what the fuck??? What happened??? So...I gotta buy the Unleashed series
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All about Dax Jones : height, biography, quotes
How tall is Dax Jones
See at http://www.heightcelebs.com/2017/06/dax-jones/
for Dax Jones Height
Dax Jones's height is 6ft (1.83 m)Dax Xenos Jones (born August 4, 1970 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) was a Major League Baseball player for the San Francisco Giants. He was drafted by the Giants in the 8th round (220th pick overall) of the 1990 amateur draft. In 1996, his only year in the majors,...
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ttshapeshifter · 1 year
“Don’t let Spook find out Dax can’t see glamour” lasted one book
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Spook wants to be so special but really he can’t do anything physically, like shapeshift or telekinesis, and that might be an insecurity of his. He’s found out he’s powerless against Dax Jones, and now Dax isn’t hiding it 🏳️
“To me, you’re just an ordinary kid with no powers. Get over it.”
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I love this Instagram account so much
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Gideon, doing maths: god, this is like putting lipstick on a fox
Lisa: umm, I'm pretty sure it's lipstick on a pig, besides, this isn't the right time for that expression anyway
Gideon, who definitely tried to put lipstick on Dax while he was a fox: nope, this is like putting lipstick on a fox
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still-shaking · 10 years
Oh my god, I really want to write a really stupid AU where Lisa is a runaway Princess and Dax is a peasant/Cinderella-boy, and she basically drags him with her on her quest to see the world, and everyone thinks he's a dangerous lunatic that kidnapped her but really she kidnapped him.
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goonlalagoon · 10 years
Just finished reading the last of the Shapeshifter: Unleashed books, thinking it would be a reasonably light, relatively cheerful feel-good read as a revision break.
I was not emotionally prepared for this.
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thefoxcamefirst · 11 years
Hey there Shapeshifter Fandom! I was wondering if any of you would be able to tell me your favourite Dax quotes? Thanks!
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ttshapeshifter · 1 year
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After everyone in this book [Running the Risk] being tired all the time, and Dax (and Lisa) running his mind trying to figure out why, i say 🙌 SleepForDax 📣
Let Dax Sleep 🛌 !
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