#day schools in banglore
avishka · 2 months
Enhancing Education: The Significance of Extracurricular Activities in International Schools in Bangalore
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In the bustling city of Bangalore, renowned for its tech industry and vibrant culture, the educational landscape shines with a multitude of options, particularly in the realm of international schools in Bangalore.
Beyond academic excellence, these institutions prioritize holistic development, emphasizing the importance of extracurricular activities.
This article delves into the pivotal role of extracurriculars in shaping well-rounded individuals within the context of Bangalore's international schools.
Diverse Learning Opportunities
International schools in Bangalore offer a diverse array of extracurricular activities, catering to varied interests and talents.
From sports and arts to community service and leadership programs, these activities foster personal growth and skill development.
Students engage in activities such as debate clubs, model United Nations, robotics competitions, and cultural exchanges, expanding their horizons beyond traditional classroom boundaries.
Holistic Development
Extracurricular activities complement the academic curriculum by nurturing essential life skills such as teamwork, communication, time management, and problem-solving.
Through participation in sports teams, drama productions, or environmental clubs, students cultivate resilience, creativity, and adaptability, attributes crucial for success in the 21st century.
International schools in Bangalore recognize the significance of holistic development and integrate extracurriculars seamlessly into their educational framework.
Cultivating Leadership and Initiative
In Bangalore's international schools, extracurricular activities serve as platforms for students to hone their leadership abilities and take initiative.
Whether organizing fundraising events for charity, leading community service projects, or spearheading environmental initiatives, students learn to lead by example and effect positive change in their communities.
These experiences instill confidence and a sense of responsibility, empowering students to become proactive global citizens.
Fostering Cultural Awareness
Given Bangalore's cosmopolitan nature, international schools place a strong emphasis on fostering cultural awareness and appreciation.
Extracurricular activities such as multicultural festivals, language clubs, and international exchange programs promote intercultural understanding and celebrate diversity.
Students develop empathy, respect, and tolerance for different cultures, preparing them to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.
Enhancing College Applications
Extracurricular involvement is not only enriching on a personal level but also enhances students' college applications.
Admissions officers value well-rounded candidates who demonstrate a commitment to extracurricular pursuits alongside academic achievements.
International schools in Bangalore provide ample opportunities for students to showcase their talents and leadership roles, strengthening their college applications and opening doors to prestigious universities worldwide.
In conclusion, extracurricular activities play a vital role in the educational journey of students attending international schools in Bangalore.
By offering diverse learning opportunities, fostering holistic development, cultivating leadership skills, promoting cultural awareness, and enhancing college applications, these activities enrich the educational experience and prepare students for success in a globalized world.
As international schools continue to prioritize extracurricular engagement, they empower students to excel academically, socially, and personally, making a lasting impact on their lives and communities.
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centreofbrainandspine · 8 months
Spinal Deformity Due to Smartphones and Its Treatment in Delhi
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Smartphones and digital connectivity become ubiquitous, transforming the way we live, work, and communicate. While smartphones offer numerous benefits, they also bring about a set of health concerns, including the alarming rise of spinal deformities among people, especially in metro cities like Delhi. In this comprehensive article, Neurosurgeon in Dwarka will explore the impact of excessive smartphone usage on spinal health, causes and types of spinal deformities that can occur, and discuss the available Spine deformity treatment in Delhi.
The Smartphone Revolution and Its Consequences
Smartphones have revolutionized our lives, enabling instant communication, access to information, and entertainment. However, their constant use, often in poor postures, has given rise to a modern health epidemic – spinal deformities. The prevalence of smartphones in India has soared over the years, with millions of people spending hours each day hunched over their screens.
Poor Posture and Spinal Strain: One of the primary reasons for spinal deformities related to smartphones is poor posture. Users tend to slouch or crane their necks forward while engrossed in their screens, leading to excessive strain on the spine.
Types of Spinal Deformities: The most common spinal deformities associated with smartphone use include:
Text Neck: This condition occurs when people constantly tilt their heads forward to look at their phones, leading to neck pain and a gradual change in the cervical spine's curvature.
Kyphosis: Smartphone users who spend hours in a hunched-over position can develop kyphosis, a condition characterized by an excessive outward curvature of the upper spine.
Scoliosis: While less common, excessive smartphone usage can contribute to scoliosis, an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine.
The Impact on Spinal Disease 
The consequences of excessive smartphone use on spinal health in India are becoming increasingly evident:
Pain and Discomfort: Many smartphone users in India complain of neck, shoulder, and upper back pain due to poor posture while using their devices. Over time, this discomfort can progress into chronic pain.
Spinal Deformities: Spinal deformities, such as text neck and kyphosis, are becoming more prevalent among Indian youth and adults who engage in prolonged smartphone use.
Psychosocial Impact: The physical discomfort resulting from spinal deformities can have a significant psychosocial impact, affecting one's overall well-being and quality of life.
Spine Treatment in Delhi
Recognizing the growing concern of spinal deformities due to smartphone use, India has seen a surge in the availability of treatment of spine in India, especialliy in cities like Delhi, Banglore, Pune etc. These include:
Physical Therapy: Physical therapists in India work with patients to correct posture and strengthen the muscles supporting the spine. This is a non-invasive approach that can help alleviate pain and improve spinal alignment.
Chiropractic Care: Chiropractic care has gained popularity in India as a holistic approach to spinal health. Chiropractors use manual adjustments to correct spinal misalignments and alleviate pain.
Orthopedic Consultation: Individuals with severe spinal deformities may require consultation with orthopedic specialists. In some cases, bracing or surgical intervention may be recommended to correct the deformity.
Ergonomic Awareness: Education on ergonomics is essential in preventing and managing smartphone-induced spinal deformities. Schools, workplaces, and healthcare providers can play a role in promoting healthy device use habits.
Yoga and Exercise: India's rich tradition of yoga offers various postures and exercises that can improve spinal health. Practicing yoga regularly can help strengthen the spine and promote better posture.
Preventive Measures
Preventing smartphone-induced spinal deformities in India requires a multi-pronged approach:
Limit Screen Time: Encourage individuals, especially children, to limit their screen time and take frequent breaks from smartphone use.
Promote Ergonomics: Schools and workplaces can create ergonomic environments that encourage good posture while using electronic devices.
Exercise and Stretching: Encourage regular physical activity and stretching exercises to strengthen the muscles that support the spine.
Regular Check-ups: Routine check-ups with healthcare professionals can help identify and address spinal issues early on.
Awareness Campaigns: Government and healthcare organizations can launch awareness campaigns to educate the public about the risks of poor posture and excessive smartphone use.
Smartphones have become an integral part of modern life in India, offering convenience, connectivity, and entertainment. However, the prevalence of smartphone-induced spinal deformities is a growing concern. It is crucial for individuals, healthcare providers, and policymakers to take proactive steps to address this issue, from promoting healthy device use habits to providing access to appropriate treatments. By doing so, India can mitigate the adverse effects of excessive smartphone usage on spinal health and improve the overall well-being of its population.
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"A little progress each day adds up to big results." WORK members of South Bengaluru distributed customized exam boards with WORK logo and slogans to the students of Vidhya Jyothi Primary and High school, B.T.M layout. #WORKforCompassion #WORKKarnatakachapter #education (at Banglore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpwS0RgPndD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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captain039 · 5 years
War heros
Bangalore x fem!Reader
Please bare with I've never done f x f xD
Warnings: War things, light swearing
Gonna make a war up and countries up cause idk what goes on in that department don't wanna know. But you live in New York xD
Set in a war before apex legends thingy
You stared at the road going by quickly, the rattle of the truck making you more nervous as you approach. This war has been raging for months, they keep sending troops over and they never come back, seems like the rookies were next, you were next. You stared at the broken and smoking buildings in the distance. You were meant for this, not this side of things, you only defused bombs in little hostile situations, not ones in big ass wars raging through big ass countries. You watched the others around you, heads low, looking at family photos or their weapons. You stared at the weapon in your lap, you've only fired these a few times and that was horrible.
"Base ahead!" The driver yelled making you bite your lip harder. The truck slowly stopped and one by one you all stepped out and were led to the rows of tents. You looked around your eyes burned by the wounds on the soldiers, their looks of fear, sorrow and pity. You were led to a larger tent, a small symbol above it. You stood in the line a woman's voice shouting at everyone before she came into view.
"What the hells going on?!" She snapped the woman next to her looking terrified as she babbled on. The tall, broad woman stood straight and confident as she scanned the line of you. You gulped her eyes intense and her body posture intimidating.
"Rookies?" She questioned her voice going quieter. The man by the desk nodded with a gruff huff, the woman sighed and walked forward.
"Right soldiers, this war isn't getting any easier, we've got men in the south holed up and surrounded, men in the west who are just about dead and us in the east right here" her finger landed on the map.
"Were the last good base standing in this goddamn thing and if we don't hit the front soon, we'll might as well dig ourselves a grave" she sneered.
"We move forward tomorrow at 0600, be ready, Francis here will go over everything else" she pointed to a man and walked off her shoulders tense. As the man went through everything your mind clouded with regret and fear, this wasn't a place for you. Wasn't a place for anyone.
You were shown around the camp and soon led to your quarters, you sighed sitting on the uncomfortable excuse for a bed. You looked around seeing the grim looks on everyone, Hell might as well be now.
You didn't sleep, couldn't, the shuffling, groaning, coughing and wailing. As soon as that bell rang you were all moved out, shown the map and told exactly where to go. Three groups were spread out over the front line, Alpha, Beta and Delta, two taking a side and one in the middle. You were in the middle, clamped together with this scary woman leading you. As the first shot rang your heart stopped, your body didn't move as the bullets rang. You were frozen ignoring the shooting and the gunfire before someone lunged and hauled you down to cover.
"Soldier!" She snapped her voice pissed as she tapped your face. Your eyes focused and you grabbed your gun and aimed some sort of autopilot going on. You laid down cover fire as the men moved not really hitting anything before you came back to reality. You took a deep breath and hid again your mind fuzzy and your breathing difficult.
"Hey! On target soldier, now!" The woman snapped making you snap back without thinking.
"You can do this I can't!" You growled.
"I'm a damn bomb defuser for the city's not this goddamn place!" She eyed you for a second something unknown in her eyes as you lashed out. You froze realising you had just yelled at the commander.
"I-" a shot went by your head and she pulled you flat to the ground with her.
"Got 4 men to my 11" she shouted over the comms as more men came over.
"Clear!" Someone yelled.
"Alright, hustle and move forward!" You all moved upwards thinking you were clear. You ducked as soon as gunfire started again. Gripping your gun you aimed and fired your mind blank and unthinking. The woman stayed by your side keeping you both low and covered as you fought. By midnight it was quiet, no more shooting and dead body's covering the enemies ground.
"First shift" the woman called as the soldiers sighed and sat down. You frowned and stood up to go for the first shift. You couldn't think, couldn't speak.
"Bangalore, got a call" a man said to the woman. You took note of her name and watched the area. You looked up to the sky as the stars shimmered, something beautiful in this hell.
As days went on you grew weaker and stronger at the same time, killing became... Easier, the gunfire the shouting became nothing but a buzz and everything around you became nothing but a familiar place. You had been out of line many times, shouted at the hero Bangalore more than once for being angry at you all the time. You didn't know why, but your mouth just said whatever your mind thought and that got you into trouble, more than once.
Watching the perimeter you frowned seeing silent movement in the buildings. You checked around seeing the soldiers counted for, you slowly crept forward checking the through the broken window before sneaking in. You climbed the stairs gun ready as you moved softly. You felt someone grab you and your gun being cut off, you yelled into the hand covering your mouth when you heard smoke canisters. The body holding you dropped as did you, and soon gunfire and cries came out before nothing but silence came. You were grabbed and dragged down some stairs and out into the open. Everyone looked at you and you cursed knowing the grip on your arm. You shrugged her off ignoring everyone and going back in to grab your gun. You sat on the roof still watching till you heard footsteps.
"Soldier" you sighed inwardly hearing her voice.
"You, yet again, disobeyed an order" you rubbed a hand down your face.
"I saw movement, at least they're dead now" you muttered head in your hands.
"You can't be so damn risky!" She snapped. You looked to her, her brown eyes stern and staring you down. You backed down first not bothering to fight her.
"You're a bomb defuser you don't know how to win a gunfight" she said walking a little closer.
"Wasnt my choice to come here" you sneered.
"You keep that tone up and you'll be back home or dead" you frowned, why was she treating you like a damn child? It's been months now and she still insists on pesting you.
"I don't need you scolding me like a child, Im a grown woman forced into this situation, you may be able to handle it, but I can't, I don't do gunfights I work in simple situations with only the pressure of defusing the bomb nothing else, no shooters, nothing" you sighed running a hand over your dusty hair.
"I just-" you sighed standing up and stretching.
"I'm going to get shut-eye" you muttered and walked away unknown of her eyes watching you intently.
Morning rose quickly and everyone began to move again, the western base was going strong once again and it seemed like the hope of winning was there.
You were ambushed halfway, two groups either side cornering you into buildings. You had counted everyone a forced habit, you didn't see Bangalore though, you snapped your eyes outside seeing her with a bullet in her leg and limping to safety. You sneered and yelled for cover fire as you ran out and helped her into the opposite building. A grenade was thrown into either building, many cries we're heard from the other building as you and Banglore took cover.
Ringing in your ears finally died down as the dust settled, you spoke quietly over comms, but nothing came back.
"We gotta go" you quickly grabbed her and ran out the back. She groaned as her wound oozed with blood with each step. You huffed going to the nearest building and setting her down. You checked for enemies quietly for minutes till you were safe, for now.
You cursed and checked her leg, you saw the bullet shining in there under the blood and glanced to her.
"Take the damn thing out" she sneered. You nodded and gulped going through your small medkit. You grabbed some large tweezers and prepared her. She bit her tongue and groaned as quietly as she could as you pulled the bullet out. You quickly dropped it and grabbed the bandages. You wrapped her leg up tightly so she didn't lose any more blood. You sighed once you finished and sad against the rubble. She had her eyes closed, trying to not focus on the pain. You heard yelling outside and held your gun close as footsteps went outside. You let out a breath and went for your comms again. You tried over and over and you thought the worse, as did she.
Night fell and you kept watch while she slept. She must have passed out while you were trying to reach anyone. You looked to her, strong features, a soldier's face and body. She looked calm though, her sleeping form less tense and on edge, like everyone was. She could actually sleep in this situation, lucky her.
"Stats?" She said making ou blink quickly and stutter.
"Nothing" you muttered.
"Get some rest, I'll keep watch" she said and grabbed her gun, you shook your head, you didn't sleep.
"Very well" she muttered and sighed.
"Where did you live?" She asked suddenly her eyes with a little curiosity in them.
"New York" you chuckled.
"Heh" you cracked a smile and your heart skipped a beat.
"How about you?" You asked.
"Out in the country, on a farm" she smiled like she was remembering memories.
"My pa and I ran it together, we'll mainly him I just played with the dog" she chuckled as did you.
"What about your mum?" You asked, her face saddened and you nodded.
"Sorry" you whispered.
"Died when I was 10, car crash" you nodded clenching your teeth.
"My parents died in a car crash too" you signed.
"18, barely finished high school" you said grimly.
"Sorry" she whispered making you nod.
"My names Anita, Anita Williams" she said after some silence.
"Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n" you smiled.
The days got rougher, you needed to get back to base, her leg was getting infected and food had run out. Water was scarce and any connection was hopeless. You carried her every day and most nights, he limped holding onto you while you pushed every damn minute to keep her alive. Some form of feeling forcing you to get this woman back safe and alive. By the seventh night, you collapsed on the ground, her falling with you. You were exhausted and out of energy, she groaned lifting herself up and you with her as she took you both into cover. You snapped yourself awake and went to go when she grabbed you.
"Sleep, we both won't make it otherwise" she said her voice serious and her eyes full of concern. You collapsed by her again, sighing as you learn back. Your eyes closed and soon you fell into a deep and much-needed sleep.
You some up comfortable, surprisingly. You frowned and opened your eyes, a steady heartbeat in your ear and a shallow rise and fall of breath. You saw long legs and a bandage and quickly froze. You sat up Anita glancing to you quickly.
"You good?" She asked. You stared at her your cheeks suddenly burning from the contact. She frowned at the look as you quickly got up and scouted around, trying to ignore the way your heart pounded. You looked at the map, you needed to go west still, a far journey. As the days got hotter you started resting more, giving up hope more. You let Anita rest every hour and scouted the buildings for anything useful. You tried contacting base every night and tried finding routes for your best approach. You and Anita grew closer, a soft and quiet bond forming. When you fell asleep you always woke up either on her chest or on her lap, one time fingers ran through your hair while she thought you slept. Your heart beats faster every time you looked at her or she looked at you.
By the thirteenth night you were giving up, her health deteriorated quickly along with yours, hope seemed gone and you only had each other.
In a building, you checked every channel begging for a signal, something. You glanced back to Anita her eyes had darkened and her body was failing her. You yelled in frustration as you got nothing but static, you felt years roll down your eyes as you burst finally. Someone touched you and you flinched, you quickly looked up and Anita pulled you to her. You cried feeling lost and hopeless. She would die as would you in this damn land without a goodbye to families or anyone knowing. You felt like connect with your head and you looked up, an uncertain look in her eyes before her chapped lips met yours. The kiss was needing and heartfelt, so many emotions, apologies, everything. You both pulled apart foreheads leant against each other when you heard shouting.
"Signal came from here!" You frowned hearing a familiar voice.
"Francis" she muttered. You got up quickly looking over the roof. Francis and his group were on the ground.
"Hey!" They all looked to you guns pointed.
"Y/n!?" You nodded and waved as they began to run. You walked back to Anita holding her against you, a smile on your face.
"Were gonna be ok" you whispered as her eyes closed.
"We'll be ok" you added.
You stayed by her bed as she laid perfectly still, you watched the slow rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, you were both alive, back at the base and alive. Apparently, you had been in the main base vital for information and a promised win even. However, your mind was elsewhere, Anita, laying still and relaxed. You both went through a lot those days, but it brought you closer, so much closer.
You rested by her bed your eyes closed when you heard a low groan. You snapped up seeing her eyes flutter and her body move. She frowned and looked around before looking to you. You beamed your hand holding hers as she gave it a tight squeeze.
"We made it" her voice was hoarse, but she smiled. She pulled you closer with a light tug and you smiled. You kissed her again, now healthy and very much living and a hope for living.
"I said we would" you murmured leaning your forehead against hers.
"I said we would" you whispered.
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collegefunda1 · 4 years
Top MBA colleges in India
One of the most popular and preferred business post-graduation courses is the Management of Business Administration. MBA is the gateway to innumerable career and employment in almost every sector and field. A student with any background education that is science, commerce, and humanities can pursue MBA.
Now, days there are many options available on the nature of the MBA course. A full-time MBA is the most preferred option as it entails theory, practical, projects, internship, etc.
India has a long list of good Colleges of MBA and the best according to us are:
IIM Ahmadabad
IIM is famous for its top-ranking position and high education standards. NIRF ranked IIM Ahmadabad number 1 in MBA colleges of India. IIM Ahmadabad was established in 1961 as an autonomous institute. It is one of the few institutes in India to hold EUIS accreditation.
The full-time residential flagship MBA program is for two years and gives admission based on a valid CAT score. The percentile has reached 99.6 in past years.
The college has given the highest and most prestigious placements to students and many students enter entrepreneurship.
Course fee: 23L
IIM Bangalore
Established in 1973 by govt. of India and accredited by EQUIS. IIM Bangalore has been in the top 5 colleges of India for the last 10 years and ranked 2 by NIRF in 2019. This college has several awards to its name lie 'Asia Pacific HRM Congress award 2017'. College is in collaboration with Global Advanced Network for Management that gives students to go on an exchange program in some of the top-ranking institutes of the world.
Admissions are given based on the CAT score.
Course fees: 23 L (approx.)
IIM Indore
Established in 1996 IIM Indore is an autonomous public business school. IIM Indore is an institute of national importance under the IIMs Act 2017. College also has some scholarships running for deserving candidates. This college also has won awards like Best Case Award at 5th Asian Management Research and Case Conference, ISB-Ivey Global Case Competition.
Admissions are given based on the CAT score and WAT score which is a written test shortlisted candidate has to give.
Course fee: 17, 07,000 (approx.)
Xavier Labour Relations Institute –Jharkhand
This is a very prestigious private business college established in 1949. Admissions are given based on the score of CAT but candidates will also have to give XAT which is Xavier's own written aptitude test.
Course fee: 23L (approx.)
Symbiosis Institute of Management- Pune, Banglore
Established in 2008 is a private college with two campuses in Pune and Banglore. It is affiliated with UGC, NAAC, and Symbiosis International University. There are many courses offered at Symbiosis under business management. It's a good MBA private college that does not mandatorily require a CAT score.
Course fee: 20 L (approx.)
For More Info: Colleges of MBM
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mrghoul8977 · 5 years
BYE-BYE BITCH(pinkman style)
hey people!! 
as a kid of the most awesome parents in the world i havent been through much.. but i have a story to share.. i feel like no one is gonna see this , so i feel safe to share my shit... 
back in my 10th grade i saw a girl.. lets call her isha , and i dont if i liked her or not but i heard that she liked me and my friends heard it too and they were like dude you should do something about it...  i didnt know how to talk to a girl , so i asked my friends for help and i had this friend who was good with this kind of things .. he took my phone and he started to chat with her.. btw this friend i  am referring to , lets call him love.. and isha was love’s x .. that didnt effect me .. soo ya ... he helped me and one thing lead to anther and before i knew i was in a relationship with a pretty girl... i didnt know how to treat a girl but she was with me no matter what and slowly i started to open up to her.. i started to share my shit and we became close .. we were strong for like 3 months... then i had a thing with my nose and had to go the doctor .. i didnt go to the school for 3 days.. after 3 days i went to school and everything was shit, for the first time in  my life i didnt tell my mom what i was experiencing , this was a big thing to me.. everyone in the school started calling me 2nd hand boy friend,, why you ask?? because isha went back to love .. they were together.. i asked love wtf dude and he was like “ she told me that everything was over between you guys” and he was right .. she did tell him that and when i asked her about it she was like “i am sorry”.. i still dont know how she could text me “i missed you at school today”.. i have this gang of friends in my life and they started to treat me like an idiot , not their fault but i had a small fight with one of them.. yeaa, a few months passed like this and i was starting to feel good again.. thennn, isha texts me feeling all guilty and shit.. i was like ‘ok, i accept your apology’ and we were back together again... this time i thought it was gonna be different ... everyone at school was looking at me like “you just want sex dude and thats why you accepted a girl even if she cheated on  u” .. i was cool with all this because i knew that she will be with me no matter what...hahahahahahahah... and pretty soon, i experienced the same shit again.. she cheated on me again .. i was done with her.. btw , me and love were always good friends, this isha shit never came in between us and i am proud of it..
    i did well in my 10 th exams and everything was fine.. it was like 1 year and i was at 11th ending when isha started to text me again.. at this point i was in a weird place.. i had no one to text with and talk about my feelings.. and she became the person who listened to me , soon enuf we were together again and this time it was really different.. at this point i felt like i matured a little bit and i knew the difference between admiring someone and liking them and now i can say that i really liked her.. she liked me too.. we texted all night, we pretended to be wife and husband , we talked about hours on end on the phone, we even named our kids and we pretended that i was naruto and she was hinata .. we even sexted for a bit but we never had physical stuff because we were in different collages , her parents very strict and we could not meet.. we were together for like 6months and everything was fine ..on one fucked up day, i get a text from isha’s friend saying “her parents found about you guys and her father is very angry and he wants to come to your collage and ruin your life “ but isha didnt let that happen.. she literally begged her dad to not do anything to me and i was grateful to her.... i could not move onimmediately because it was fucked up, we were talking the night before that  day and  in the morning i get this text saying she cant talk to you because her parents dont want her to... i used to text her after that , she never replied but i felt like she could see my texts... i called her and no one ever lifted.. 
   after a few miserable months she texts say that i need move on and nothing will ever happen between us anymore.. and slowly began to accept it and my exams were on my ass before i knew it... i shifted my concentration towards passing my exams and i did with a decent %... then my dad said we are moving to banglore buddy and at this point i was like “cool”.. i had the best time with my gang during this time, my friends were really helping without even knowing.. love has literally become someone i really loved ... he also moved to banglore with me and i was in a decent spot in life.. 
   you are all caught up , this happened a week ago... love tells me that “ isha texted me dude and she said that she was in a relationship with her cousin.. her parents know about it and they are all supportive and shit”.. and now i am in a position where i dont give two fucks about her.. yeah i loved her at one point but right now i dont want her life to mess up my piece of mind.. 
   buttttttttt... if i could say something to her right now.. i would say “fuck you girl.. go fuck your cousin or a dog or a pig, i dont care anymore.. and btw just give your bf my number and ask him to call me when you decide to leave him.. i wanna be the one who helps him through that shitty phase.. and i wanna ask you this.. when you told me that your parents found out about us , were you lying?? i just want closure .. bye bitch(pinkman style)” 
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lovingmyteacher · 6 years
2:16 AM
It’s been awhile, I’m out of school finally and the first couple days were hard and I miss P a lot. Sadly im not gonna be attending school in Shanghai this coming school year. I’ll hopefully spend my senior year there tho.
My dad got transferred to banglore, me and my siblings didn’t want to attend school in Bangalore so my parents didn’t know what to do I guess cuz my mom and dad don’t want to leave each other, like live in 2 separate countries. So what happened is that my 2 older siblings are gonna be living in Sweden and doing their senior year here.
Me and my 2 younger brothers are going to boardingsvhool and taking in that news it was rough cuz It just came out of nowhere but I guess it is what it is??
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aadityasutar · 2 years
Urban Spaces Present Urban Skyline In Ravet Pune
Pune is at present the most evolved city offering the best extravagant homes. You are presently traversing the city horizon into metropolitan space. The tallest pinnacle in the Pune locale, Urban Spaces' Urban Skyline is a two-and six-rooms home available to be purchased in RAVET, inseparable from a declaration of a worldwide way of life that puts the family at the focal point of an exceptional residing experience.
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The disclosure of style with tasteful reasonableness is the image of Pune. Metropolitan Skyline Phase 2 is an upscale living world that is furthermore associated with the rest of the world. Metropolitan Skyline RAVET by Urban Space Creators is a private task. The Urban Skyline project offers lofts that impeccably consolidate present-day engineering and conveniences for an agreeable stay.
 Reasons to choose Urban Skyline RAVET
 Several reasons are there to choose the tallest Urban tower RAVET of Pune.
•           The wonderful location of Urban Skylines is a charm of RAVET
•           Breathtaking entrances, coated glass walkways, and rare serenity in every nook and cranny.
•           70 plus amenities with gorgeous homes
•           Exciting gifts and discounts on new bookings.
•           Proximity to railway stations and main highways like the Banglore highway.
•           Nearby hospitals, colleges, schooling, shopping centres, and Hinjewadi IT park
Inspired by the finest aesthetic styles and architectural techniques, Urban Skyline RAVET's tallest tower is ready to meet all your needs.
 Know about Urban Spaces
 At Urban Space Creators, their core values define the long-term strategy needed to transform a city's skyline for the better today than it was yesterday. Tomorrow is better than today. Construct outstanding buildings and expensive homes in record time to provide the most satisfying living to its occupants. Built on a tradition of quality and experience, Urban Skyline RAVET sets new standards in construction and real estate, with each project built better than ever before.
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avishka · 2 months
Exploring the Curriculum Offerings of Leading International Schools in Bangalore
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Bangalore, known as the Silicon Valley of India, is home to several prestigious international schools offering world-class education.
These institutions cater to a diverse student body and emphasize holistic development through comprehensive curriculum offerings.
In this article, we delve into the curriculum structures of some of the leading International Schools in Bangalore, highlighting their unique features and academic excellence.
Cambridge International Curriculum
Many International Schools in Bangalore follow the Cambridge International Curriculum, renowned for its rigorous academic standards and global recognition.
This curriculum encompasses a wide range of subjects, allowing students to explore various disciplines while developing critical thinking and analytical skills.
Cambridge-affiliated schools in Bangalore offer programs such as the Cambridge Primary, Cambridge Secondary 1, IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education), and A-levels.
These programs provide students with a solid foundation for higher education and international career opportunities.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
Several International Schools in Bangalore are authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, known for its inquiry-based approach and emphasis on intercultural understanding.
The IB curriculum comprises three main programs: the Primary Years Program (PYP), the Middle Years Program (MYP), and the Diploma Program (DP).
Each program is designed to nurture students' intellectual, emotional, and personal development while fostering a global perspective. IB schools in Bangalore focus on inquiry, creativity, and service, preparing students to become lifelong learners and responsible global citizens.
Indian National Curriculum with International Perspectives
Some International Schools in Bangalore blend the Indian National Curriculum with international perspectives, offering a holistic educational experience that combines academic excellence with cultural enrichment.
These schools follow a structured curriculum prescribed by educational boards such as the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) or the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), while integrating global themes, languages, and extracurricular activities.
By incorporating elements of international education into the Indian curriculum, these schools provide students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in a multicultural world.
Specialized Programs and Enrichment Activities
In addition to core academic subjects, International Schools in Bangalore offer specialized programs and enrichment activities to enhance students' learning experiences.
These may include language immersion programs, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) initiatives, arts and music education, sports academies, and community service projects.
By participating in these extracurricular activities, students develop a diverse set of skills, interests, and talents, fostering personal growth and self-discovery.
Global Citizenship and Leadership Development
International Schools in Bangalore prioritize the development of global citizenship and leadership skills, instilling values such as empathy, integrity, and social responsibility in their students.
Through experiential learning opportunities, international exchanges, Model United Nations conferences, and service-learning projects, students learn to navigate complex global issues, collaborate across cultures, and effect positive change in their communities.
These schools empower students to become compassionate leaders who are equipped to address the challenges of the 21st century with confidence and integrity.
In conclusion, International Schools in Bangalore offer a diverse array of curriculum offerings designed to foster academic excellence, cultural diversity, and global citizenship.
Whether following the Cambridge International Curriculum, the International Baccalaureate program, or a blend of national and international frameworks, these schools provide students with a rich educational experience that prepares them for success in an increasingly interconnected world.
By embracing innovation, cultural diversity, and a commitment to excellence, International Schools in Bangalore continue to uphold their reputation as leaders in global education.
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aarohisutar · 2 years
The Tallest Residential Tower Of Pune Built By Urban Spaces - URBAN SKYLINE
Pune is at present the most evolved city offering the best extravagant homes. You are presently traversing the city horizon into metropolitan space. The tallest pinnacle in the Pune locale, Urban Spaces' Urban Skyline is a two-and six-rooms home available to be purchased in RAVET, inseparable from a declaration of a worldwide way of life that puts the family at the focal point of an exceptional residing experience.
 The disclosure of style with tasteful reasonableness is the image of Pune. Metropolitan Skyline Phase 2 is an upscale living world that is furthermore associated with the rest of the world. Metropolitan Skyline RAVET by Urban Space Creators is a private task. The Urban Skyline project offers lofts that impeccably consolidate present-day engineering and conveniences for an agreeable stay.
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Reasons to choose Urban Skyline RAVET
 Several reasons are there to choose the tallest Urban tower RAVET of Pune.
•           The wonderful location of Urban Skylines is a charm of RAVET
•           Breathtaking entrances, coated glass walkways, and rare serenity in every nook and cranny.
•           70 plus amenities with gorgeous homes
•           Exciting gifts and discounts on new bookings.
•           Proximity to railway stations and main highways like the Banglore highway.
•           Nearby hospitals, colleges, schooling, shopping centres, and Hinjewadi IT park
Inspired by the finest aesthetic styles and architectural techniques, Urban Skyline RAVET's tallest tower is ready to meet all your needs.
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avanisutar · 2 years
Urban Spaces Present Urban Skyline In Ravet Pune
Pune is at present the most evolved city offering the best extravagant homes. You are presently traversing the city horizon into metropolitan space. The tallest pinnacle in the Pune locale, Urban Spaces' Urban Skyline is a two-and six-rooms home available to be purchased in RAVET, inseparable from a declaration of a worldwide way of life that puts the family at the focal point of an exceptional residing experience.
The disclosure of style with tasteful reasonableness is the image of Pune. Metropolitan Skyline Phase 2 is an upscale living world that is furthermore associated with the rest of the world. Metropolitan Skyline RAVET by Urban Space Creators is a private task. The Urban Skyline project offers lofts that impeccably consolidate present-day engineering and conveniences for an agreeable stay.
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Reasons to choose Urban Skyline RAVET
 Several reasons are there to choose the tallest Urban tower RAVET of Pune.
•           The wonderful location of Urban Skylines is a charm of RAVET
•           Breathtaking entrances, coated glass walkways, and rare serenity in every nook and cranny.
•           70 plus amenities with gorgeous homes
•           Exciting gifts and discounts on new bookings.
•           Proximity to railway stations and main highways like the Banglore highway.
•           Nearby hospitals, colleges, schooling, shopping centres, and Hinjewadi IT park
Inspired by the finest aesthetic styles and architectural techniques, Urban Skyline RAVET's tallest tower is ready to meet all your needs.
0 notes
aarvisutar · 2 years
The Tallest Residential Tower Of Pune Built By Urban Spaces - URBAN SKYLINE
Pune is at present the most evolved city offering the best extravagant homes. You are presently traversing the city horizon into metropolitan space. The tallest pinnacle in the Pune locale, Urban Spaces' Urban Skyline is a two-and six-rooms home available to be purchased in RAVET, inseparable from a declaration of a worldwide way of life that puts the family at the focal point of an exceptional residing experience.
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 The disclosure of style with tasteful reasonableness is the image of Pune. Metropolitan Skyline Phase 2 is an upscale living world that is furthermore associated with the rest of the world. Metropolitan Skyline RAVET by Urban Space Creators is a private task. The Urban Skyline project offers lofts that impeccably consolidate present-day engineering and conveniences for an agreeable stay.
 Reasons to choose Urban Skyline RAVET
 Several reasons are there to choose the tallest Urban tower RAVET of Pune.
•           The wonderful location of Urban Skylines is a charm of RAVET
•           Breathtaking entrances, coated glass walkways, and rare serenity in every nook and cranny.
•           70 plus amenities with gorgeous homes
•           Exciting gifts and discounts on new bookings.
•           Proximity to railway stations and main highways like the Banglore highway.
•           Nearby hospitals, colleges, schooling, shopping centres, and Hinjewadi IT park
Inspired by the finest aesthetic styles and architectural techniques, Urban Skyline RAVET's tallest tower is ready to meet all your needs.
Know about Urban Spaces
At Urban Space Creators, their core values define the long-term strategy needed to transform a city's skyline for the better today than it was yesterday. Tomorrow is better than today. Construct outstanding buildings and expensive homes in record time to provide the most satisfying living to its occupants. Built on a tradition of quality and experience, Urban Skyline RAVET sets new standards in construction and real estate, with each project built better than ever before.
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aaravsutar · 2 years
Urban Skyline By Urban Spaces In Ravet
Pune is at present the most evolved city offering the best extravagant homes. You are presently traversing the city horizon into metropolitan space. The tallest pinnacle in the Pune locale, Urban Spaces' Urban Skyline is a two-and six-rooms home available to be purchased in RAVET, inseparable from a declaration of a worldwide way of life that puts the family at the focal point of an exceptional residing experience.
 The disclosure of style with tasteful reasonableness is the image of Pune. Metropolitan Skyline Phase 2 is an upscale living world that is furthermore associated with the rest of the world. Metropolitan Skyline RAVET by Urban Space Creators is a private task. The Urban Skyline project offers lofts that impeccably consolidate present-day engineering and conveniences for an agreeable stay.
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 Reasons to choose Urban Skyline RAVET
 Several reasons are there to choose the tallest Urban tower RAVET of Pune.
•           The wonderful location of Urban Skylines is a charm of RAVET
•           Breathtaking entrances, coated glass walkways, and rare serenity in every nook and cranny.
•           70 plus amenities with gorgeous homes
•           Exciting gifts and discounts on new bookings.
•           Proximity to railway stations and main highways like the Banglore highway.
•           Nearby hospitals, colleges, schooling, shopping centres, and Hinjewadi IT park
Inspired by the finest aesthetic styles and architectural techniques, Urban Skyline RAVET's tallest tower is ready to meet all your needs.
 Know about Urban Spaces
 At Urban Space Creators, their core values define the long-term strategy needed to transform a city's skyline for the better today than it was yesterday. Tomorrow is better than today. Construct outstanding buildings and expensive homes in record time to provide the most satisfying living to its occupants. Built on a tradition of quality and experience, Urban Skyline RAVET sets new standards in construction and real estate, with each project built better than ever before.
0 notes
anujsutar · 2 years
Urban Skyline By Urban Spaces In Ravet
Pune is at present the most evolved city offering the best extravagant homes. You are presently traversing the city horizon into metropolitan space. The tallest pinnacle in the Pune locale, Urban Spaces' Urban Skyline is a two-and six-rooms home available to be purchased in RAVET, inseparable from a declaration of a worldwide way of life that puts the family at the focal point of an exceptional residing experience.
The disclosure of style with tasteful reasonableness is the image of Pune. Metropolitan Skyline Phase 2 is an upscale living world that is furthermore associated with the rest of the world. Metropolitan Skyline RAVET by Urban Space Creators is a private task. The Urban Skyline project offers lofts that impeccably consolidate present-day engineering and conveniences for an agreeable stay.
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 Reasons to choose Urban Skyline RAVET
 Several reasons are there to choose the tallest Urban tower RAVET of Pune.
•           The wonderful location of Urban Skylines is a charm of RAVET
•           Breathtaking entrances, coated glass walkways, and rare serenity in every nook and cranny.
•           70 plus amenities with gorgeous homes
•           Exciting gifts and discounts on new bookings.
•           Proximity to railway stations and main highways like the Banglore highway.
•           Nearby hospitals, colleges, schooling, shopping centres, and Hinjewadi IT park
Inspired by the finest aesthetic styles and architectural techniques, Urban Skyline RAVET's tallest tower is ready to meet all your needs.
0 notes
aakeshsutar · 2 years
Urban Spaces Present Urban Skyline In Ravet Pune
Pune is at present the most evolved city offering the best extravagant homes. You are presently traversing the city horizon into metropolitan space. The tallest pinnacle in the Pune locale, Urban Spaces' Urban Skyline is a two-and six-rooms home available to be purchased in RAVET, inseparable from a declaration of a worldwide way of life that puts the family at the focal point of an exceptional residing experience.
 The disclosure of style with tasteful reasonableness is the image of Pune. Metropolitan Skyline Phase 2 is an upscale living world that is furthermore associated with the rest of the world. Metropolitan Skyline RAVET by Urban Space Creators is a private task. The Urban Skyline project offers lofts that impeccably consolidate present-day engineering and conveniences for an agreeable stay.
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 Reasons to choose Urban Skyline RAVET
 Several reasons are there to choose the tallest Urban tower RAVET of Pune.
•           The wonderful location of Urban Skylines is a charm of RAVET
•           Breathtaking entrances, coated glass walkways, and rare serenity in every nook and cranny.
•           70 plus amenities with gorgeous homes
•           Exciting gifts and discounts on new bookings.
•           Proximity to railway stations and main highways like the Banglore highway.
•           Nearby hospitals, colleges, schooling, shopping centres, and Hinjewadi IT park
Inspired by the finest aesthetic styles and architectural techniques, Urban Skyline RAVET's tallest tower is ready to meet all your needs.
0 notes
amulyasutar · 2 years
Urban Spaces Present Urban Skyline In Ravet Pune
Pune is at present the most evolved city offering the best extravagant homes. You are presently traversing the city horizon into metropolitan space. The tallest pinnacle in the Pune locale, Urban Spaces' Urban Skyline is a two-and six-rooms home available to be purchased in RAVET, inseparable from a declaration of a worldwide way of life that puts the family at the focal point of an exceptional residing experience.
The disclosure of style with tasteful reasonableness is the image of Pune. Metropolitan Skyline Phase 2 is an upscale living world that is furthermore associated with the rest of the world. Metropolitan Skyline RAVET by Urban Space Creators is a private task. The Urban Skyline project offers lofts that impeccably consolidate present-day engineering and conveniences for an agreeable stay.
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 Reasons to choose Urban Skyline RAVET
 Several reasons are there to choose the tallest Urban tower RAVET of Pune.
•           The wonderful location of Urban Skylines is a charm of RAVET
•           Breathtaking entrances, coated glass walkways, and rare serenity in every nook and cranny.
•           70 plus amenities with gorgeous homes
•           Exciting gifts and discounts on new bookings.
•           Proximity to railway stations and main highways like the Banglore highway.
•           Nearby hospitals, colleges, schooling, shopping centres, and Hinjewadi IT park
Inspired by the finest aesthetic styles and architectural techniques, Urban Skyline RAVET's tallest tower is ready to meet all your needs.
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