#dazai totally would chop Chuuya’s hair and throw gum in it as well and Chuuya would be pissed
zinniapetals · 10 months
I love long haired fem!dazai, but let’s be honest; mafia Dazai wouldn’t be taking consistent showers, they wouldn’t be combing their hair, they’d probably have lice or matted hair and blood and other crap in their hair; Mori would have probably forced Dazai to cut their hair short, Kouyou would have tried to help Dazai with oils and hair care but give up after seeing Dazai with a bird’s nest of tangled hair after a week long depressive slump, Chuuya would try their best in combing and making sure Dazai washed their hair but would eventually tell Dazai to just chop it off
Only after going into the ADA would Dazai’s hair be long. Dazai would take care of showering and making sure that their hair was healthy, they’d see having long hair as an aspect of living good and in the light;
But also fem!Dazai laughing at fem!Chuuya’s lopsided hair during the dungeon scene while she fluffs up her long hair and purposely flicking her hair over her shoulders when they chat and slapping Chuuya in the face with it and twirling it around her fingers while she flirts with Chuuya and Chuuya is just like, good for you that you have long hair now, stop being obnoxious before I cut it off in your sleep but she really wouldn’t and they both know that
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