On the 31st of October, in Giovanni’s mansion...
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The Halloween event is finally here and the Villains have been turned back into their 7yo selves!!! XD Asks will be posted now! ^^ Hope you all enjoy!!!
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The designs from this year’s Halloween Event! ^^
All the characters as kids! With their kid clothes, with their adult clothes and with their costumes! ^^
They are all so CUTE!!! ♥
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To all pokevillains what's your favorite thing about Halloween? Like the costumes, candy, etc.
Interviewer: What’s your favorite thing about Halloween?
Giovanni: Hm, to be honest, I don't care that much about Halloween. It's fun, kids like it... but I'm not particularly fond of it or anything.
Archie: Ooooh!!! Let me se... Hm... I like the costumes but I also like the candy! And I like the decorations! And I love it when kids show up and I can give them candy!!! Also I love how happy everyone is!! It's all so nice! So much fun!
Maxie: Well, I would say my favorite part is preparing for the event... coming up with costumes, making the decoration, cooking some sweets and foods... All that!
Cyrus: Candy. Definitely candy.
N: Hm... I think it's hanging out with people and dressing up! It's so much fun!
Colress: I'll go with the candy. I mean, costumes are cool, the looks are nice and all... but free candy? That's nice.
Lysandre: Oh, sweetie! It's the costumes!!! I love coming up with cool costumes and dressing up with them!! Also love seeing how other people dress up! Ohohoho!
Lusamine: I like the part when everyone chants together about Nihilego's superiority....
Guzma: Free food, bro! Free food! Also the pranks! hehe! Trick or treats is awesome, you either get food or you get to prank some losers!
Piers: I'd say it's the whole aesthetics of it, like... Cool looks. Cool colors. I like it.
Rose: Maybe the costumes? Oh, no, wait... The candy! But not getting candy. I meant GIVING candy! I love giving kids candy and making them smile! It's so nice! This is definitely my favorite bit!
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What is everyone’s favorite horror genres and who has an example of a particular horror movie they love? I’ve been pondering this question for a while and wanted to hear it from everyone themselves :)
OK, first of all, we’ve had a similar question last year, so I’ll leave a link to that too! Some info in this ask came straight from that one haha. Also, movie names are all puns or similar names here).
Anyways, here are your answers!:
Giovanni: Well... I'd say my favorite horror movie is “The Shiny”, from 1980. Usually I'm more into crime movies and down-to-earth plots, not monsters and ghosts and all that supernatural stuff... I like seeing actual people making others scared in somewhat realistic ways... And I like how in The Shiny you don't actually know if the ghosts are real or just the man's imagination... I really like that movie. I'd say my favorite horror genre is psychological horror!
Archie: Welp, my favorite horror genre is certainly monster movies! Specially weird monsters, like scientific experiments gone wrong, or natural abominations that no one knows where came from! I really like the “Monstrozedo” trilogy! Specially the second one, from 1978! It's awesome!
Maxie: I'm very much into paranormal horror! Specially ghost movies and haunted houses! But... not much into possession movies, to be honest... My favorite is “Polteageist”, from 1982! But there are many others I like, I really love that saga about the haunted doll too... Oh, and I also sorta like monster movies too!
Cyrus: I don't really care about movies. But if I had to choose something... I suppose... Anything that isn't gore... I can't stand blood and guts and all this. It makes me sick.
Ghetsis: I like all horror movies! But specially the ones with lots of graphic violence!!! I want to see blood! I want to see pain and suffering!!! I want to see extremely disturbing content and pain!!! Hahahahahaha! Oh, killer movies are also cool. What really matters is having people suffering on screen so that I CAN LAUGH AT THEM HAHAHAHAHA!!! I really like "Handsaw", from 2004.
Colress: I like oldish horror movies, like... from the 50's, 60's... I love the aesthetics of it! In fact, “Creature from the Lake of Rage”, from 1954 may as well be my favorite! I particualrly like monster and alien horror movies... Having a human kill other people is kinda boring... And having paranormal things happen doesn't really speak to me. But monsters and aliens? Oh, heck yeah!
N: I don't watch a lot of horror, because I'm... uh... I get scared easily. Specially with jumpscares. I prefer thrillers, like... Something that won't try to scare me on purpose but that can be exciting and make me nervous! I like that! I like being kinda nervous while watching but... being able to sleep at night after the movie is over ahaha!
Lysandre: Oh, no, darling, no. Horror is not for me. I get scared and sad and I end up crying! Not that the monsters are scary or that the blood bothers me... I'm fine with that! But you know, they are often so dark and the soundtrack is dissonant and weird and there are shouts and... oh! It's just usually ugly.
Lusamine: The most scary movie I've ever watched was an animation called “The Happy Kricketot”, from 2001... They said it was a children's movie... But it was... scary.... Maybe the worst genre is Children Horror then... Animations of happy Kricketots singing and dancind... they haunt my nightmares...
Guzma: Look, bro, I like Zombie horror movies! I like them movies that have lots of action and fighting and stuff, you know? People shootin' all around tryin' to survive the end of the world and such! So cool! One of my faves is “Train to Cerulean”, from 2016! Real good stuff! Awesome!
Piers: Nah, mate... Horror movies are usually pretty lame in my opinion. Their sole purpose is to scare people, but they never scare me! Like, stories are usually bad, characters are usually dumb, special effects are usually bad too... So like... whatev'r... To be honest, I'm not super into movies in general, but horror movies are usually lame.
Rose: Hm... I like crime movies! I don't usually watch a lot of horror, but... some horror movie about a serial killer for example or something like that could be actually cool! I don't know, I might try watching something!
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Thanks for everyone who participated in this Halloween Event! I’ve got 33 asks in the inbox, which is a pretty good number for me! They will all be posted on Halloween, along with a special (non-canon) extra Halloween Comic that will introduce this year’s event! ^^
Also, I’m very sorry for anyone who may have missed the ask session, I know people come and go out of Tumblr and sometimes they don’t log in very often... But don’t worry! You can still enjoy the special comic and the answers! Besides, other ask sessions will happen in the future. :3
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Asks will be open on the 20th of October (2020), at 8am (GMT-3 / UTC-3 / BRT) to the 23rd of October (2020), at 8am (GMT-3 / UTC-3 / BRT).
Aks MAY be closed earlier if the inbox gets too full too quickly. If so, I will let you know before closing them.
Please respect the rules and pay attention to the timezones. :)
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I am. I think. :3
The answers are ready and I’m gonna post very very soon, just finishing up some last minute details!! ^^
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