#dbd rin yamoaka
sloppy-butcher · 4 years
A Wise Man Once Said
A Jeff Johansen Story 
Notes: Jeff is Daddy Jesus and no one can change my mind. Rin Yamaoka (The Spirit) is in this so be ready. This one isn’t as emotional or indepth as claudette’s story but i’ve always had the idea that Jeff, along with Ace and Tapp are like the dad squad and Rin is baby. Ash is more of an old man hooker and Bill is... Bill. Jeff needs more fanfiction and so does Rin so why not add ‘em together. I will probs write a Rin specific fic once her lore in the Tome 2 is realeased. Until then stay fresh my dudes
word count: 2782
TW: mentions of blood and death
“Jesus Christ Jeff.” Ace called down from atop the hill, his voice shaky and   distraught. “Wh-what the hell?” 
Jeff managed to momentarily tear his eyes away from the scene before him to look back over his shoulder at the two other men. Ace was bleeding, the wound in his shoulder from the hook he had just been taken off of was steadily leaking blood and staining his leopard-print shirt but Jeff could tell that it wasn’t the blood loss that was causing the man to look extremely pale and to shiver violently. Next to him, Jeff saw David Tapp, or as they called him, Detective. He looked as equally pale and distressed as the other but managed to maintain a stoic face. Both men looked down at their friend and at the thing he lay atop. 
Jeff’s gaze followed theirs and landed back on that pale blue face of the killer nicknamed The Spirit. Ordinarily, Jeff, nor anyone for that matter, would never get this close to the killer as he was now. Or rather they would be able to too. Spirt was notorious for being the most violent and aggressive killer in this Hellscape and the only time one would be able to get this close to her was when she was carrying you off to be sacrificed. It terrified Jeff, staring into the face of the one who had time and time again hunted and killed you and everyone you cared for. And it terrified him, even more, when he realized that she was beneath him, between his legs. 
Jeff couldn’t move, couldn’t think and couldn't react. All he could do was stare at the ghost girl and try to remember what made him do what he did. He began to unconsciously memorize her face; white, cloudy eyes surrounded by pale blue skin with lips gone purple. There were bruises all over her exposed skin and Jeff saw many lacerations dotted across her bare chest, all of which were stuck with jutting pieces of broken glass. She looked painful and Jeff couldn’t help but cringe at the thought of how much agony she must be in. But what stuck out the most about her, was the large growing pool of blood collecting around her head.
For a second, Jeff was worried about her. He had always been the type of person who would empathize with anyone hurt and watching as an unsettling amount of brown, dead blood ooze out of the Spirit’s head made Jeff nervous. Can Killers even get hurt? He wondered, can killers even die here? He felt the color drain from his face when he saw her chest stop moving. Very slowly and cautiously, like a kid waiting for their Jack-in-the-box toy to explode, he leaned down over her and hovered his ear just above her mouth and nose. He waited for a moment. Then he was hit with a wave of sudden relief when he felt her breath against his skin. A wise man would have questioned himself for doing such an act, he’d ask himself why he cared for such a monstrous creature only capable of bloodshed and death. But Jeff was a wiser man and instead decided to ignore such questions for now. 
“Jeff?” Ace called again. Jeff sat back up and turned around to face him. Both Ace and Detective Tapp were frozen in place, both held the same horrified look in their eyes. Jeff suddenly remembered what happened.
They were in the area known as Disturbed Ward. Everything was normal up until Ace got hooked. Things weren’t going too well for Jeff and his friends, the Spirit seemed to be having a particularly bad day as she showed no remorse for anyone; not that she ever did show any kind of human emotion other than complete and utter wrath to the survivors, this time was just 1000 times worse. She was on a destructive rampage. And Jeff couldn’t do anything about it Everyone was on their last hook before even a second generator was done. Jeff had begun to lose hope, things were so bleak and meaningless, that was until Ace found him. Jeff was healing in a corner, or at least trying to, crouching behind a decrepit wall biting back his cries of pain for fear of the killer finding him. Luckily it was Ace who found him and without even saying a word he took Jeff’s medkit and set to work healing and fixing Jeff’s torn and battered body. When Ace was done he passed Jeff and smile and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
“We got this.” Ace sounded sure and confident and Jeff felt infected by the man's hope and charisma. He was a good man, they all were. All his fellow survivors were good, honest people who deserved better than this. They didn’t do anything wrong. They didn't deserve this kind of hell. He felt rage ignite within him, rage at those who dared to hurt good people. That rage hit a boiling point when he saw on the hill that the Spirit was going for Ace again, right after he had been unhooked. He felt complete anger towards her. She was so powerful, yet she chose to go after the man who was injured and couldn’t fight back. Jeff felt Ace’s fear and it mixed with his rage. Suddenly his feet moved on their own and everything when white-hot with determination. Next thing he knew, Jeff had the Spirit on the floor. He had tackled her, his large shoulders colliding with her small frame. She didn’t have time to react and both parties where thrown off the hill due to Jeff’s momentum and sheer force. He heard a loud thud when they hit the ground, Jeff landing atop the ghost, and he had managed to cut his face open on her glass shards. When he looked at her again she was not moving, unresponsive and 
Something had overcome him. An otherworldly force whispered in his ear to do something, anything in order to help his friend. He was much bigger than her and if he really tried he would easily overpower her. But there was always a barricade between him and that horrible implication. He wasn’t going to do to the killers what they did to them. Jeff refused to stoop their levels of brutality and he vowed never to resort to physical violence. Maybe it was his subconscious way of telling himself that no matter what they did to him, he would always better than them. But the awareness was always there, always sitting at the back of Jeff’s mind that if he really wanted to he could seriously mess up some folks. And watching Ace helplessly run away was Jeff’s tipping point. 
He heard Ace mumbling behind him yet his attention remained on the Spirit. Her hair was wispy and was constantly moving, it curled around Jeff's knees which were planted either side of her chest. He could see the blood pool steadily get bigger. It was a lot of blood.
“Jeff.” Tapp was the one to call his name this time and despite his stone-hard tone, Jeff could make out a hint of unease in the detective’s voice. “Come. Let’s leave.” Jeff was amazed by Tapp’s ability to remain so calm and collected while the killer lay dying on the floor. He admired Tapp’s resolve to always look at the bigger picture and he respected the cop. But he could not find the motivation to follow him. 
“Jeff,” Tapp called again, wary about raising his voice in case he might wake the Spirit. Of course, that was impossible, she was out cold. But Tapp didn’t know that. Only Jeff could see her blood. “If we move now we can all get out. Let's go. Now. Before it wakes.” Still, Jeff remained transfixed over the ghost. 
“Jeff?” After a moment Ace asked. Finally, Jeff buckled.
“Y-Yeah?” He replied without taking his eyes off the girl. He heard Ace audibly sigh.
“Look, man, that was a bloody good move and I can’t thank you enough for saving me but,” he paused and looked to Tapp. The detective nodded his reassurance. “Look we gotta go, man.” There was a moment of silence. Jeff knew he had to go with them, he had to. But he couldn’t just leave her like this. She’d die. He could tell that she would, he could feel it in his bones. He had to think of something quick. Suddenly it came to him.
“A-alright. I’ll be right with you.” In the distance, a gen lit up. They all turned to look at it. 
“Looks like they’ve got the right idea,” Tapp said nonchalantly, signaling to Ace to follow him so that he could stitch him up with a medkit. Ace breathlessly chuckled and willingly shuffled after the man. He passed Jeff one last look before disappearing behind the hill. Jeff was alone with the Spirit now and for a brief moment wondered if it would be best to maybe tie her up. He shook his head and instead took his jacket off. The wise man would have let the Spirit die then and there but Jeff wasn’t going to let that happen. He wasn’t going to have her blood on his hands. 
“Here,” He unconsciously whispered to her as he balled his jacket up and placed it like a pillow underneath her head. When he pulled away he could have sworn he saw her face scrunch up in pain. He internally apologized for the discomfort.  He stayed with her for a second longer, watching and just taking in and processing all the things he had just done. The wind picked up and Jeff shivered against the cold. He gave her one final look before standing and walking after the others. 
“Jeff?” Somewhere through the fog, a voice called. “Jeff!”
Jeff blinks and suddenly he finds himself surrounded by a group of friends. There's Ace happily talking to Tapp who looks very annoyed. There was also Adam who seemed to the one who called him and then there was her. His eyes focused on her blue face. She says something but Jeff doesn’t understand.
“She wants to know if you are okay Jeff.” Adam translates for her. He doesn’t respond for a second, his mouth like brink unable to move. He sees her milky white eyes glow with concern for him and he couldn’t help but produce a soft laugh. 
“Yeah, I’m alright.” She doesn’t look pleased with that answer. After shaking her head she softly asks him something in Japanese. Adam listens intently before relaying it back to Jeff. 
“She asks if you were thinking about that time again?” Jeff slowly blinks and passes her a look of amusement.
“You always seem to know what I’m thinking about huh?” She lights up at the comment and squares her shoulders a little, pleased with her accurate assumption. She doesn't need a translator to understand English, it’s only when she tries to speak that Adam needs to be involved. He knows Japanese and when the three of them first approach the scholarly man with the proposition of being a translator for the girl he readily accepted. 
Not long after that trial he and Ace stumbled upon her again. It was outside a trial in the woods during the time in which they were allowed to relax. The two men were looking for supplies when out of the trees she appeared. Both men were startled but she made no move. She offered Jeff his jacket back but he refused. She insisted yelling at him in Japanese but he strongly declined. He told her to keep it and to keep warm, the memory of how cold she was haunting him. She relented and brought the jack close to her chest. She looked so sad and calm and... human. As if on impulse Jeff asked if she’d like to join them. And from that moment onwards they all made an effort to meet up in between trials.
Ace, at first, faked friendliness with her. He’d make half-hearted jokes and he would actively try to avoid eye contact with her. But she was immensely fascinated with the charming man and would laugh at his funny stories and she'd listen attentively to ever gambling advice he’d give her. And, after he realized that she was genuinely interested, he didn’t have to fake anymore. Tapp needed some convincing to first meet her but seeing her stand before him, hands fidgeting like a nervous child in trouble, his stone heart bent slightly and he let her hang around. He’d talk cop stuff with her and when Ace would amaze her with tales of conquest in Las Vegas Tapp would comment about how illegal his activities were. When Ace would try to defend himself against Tapp’s scrutiny, she would act as the jury and would, more often than not, chose in favor of justice.
But she spent most of her time with Jeff. She’d watch him and was greatly intrigued by his tattoos. He’d let her touch them and she would gladly spend hours dragging her fingers along all the lines and words. He let her try on his rings once but they all were far too big for her and would fall off easily. Jeff would tell her about the many rock concerts he had attended and of all the wild adventure he had at music festivals. He told her about what a mosh-pit was and she seemed eager to try it. Jeff laughed and told her it was a little extreme for a small lady like her. That was even he remembered that she was a killer and also probably dead. But she didn’t act like a killer. In these quiet moments, she would smile and laugh like any other normal girl and, maybe Jeff was just getting numb, but she would even look normal.
It was Tapp who suggested getting Adam involved and with his help, they were able to learn about her. Her name was Rin Yamaoka and she was murdered by her upset father. This seemed to anger Tapp who proceeded to go on a rant about domestic violence and how the government needed to protect families who could not fend for themselves. 
Rin then told them about her job and subsequently her boss. Well, she tried too. It was too complex and she was talking so fast that Adam couldn’t keep up. What they do know is that if she doesn’t do what she’s told to do she’d be punished. Her boss floods her with anger and rage and it clouds her mind and she can’t see when she's angry, she can’t think. She explained that when Jeff made her head smash onto the floor it pushed some of that blinding rage out of her head, at least until her boss called for her again. She explained that regardless she couldn’t go easy on them lest she loses herself again. The men all understood and took a vow that if they miraculously all ended up in a trial with her they’d willingly die for her. When they said that, she nearly cried.
“Jeff?” Adam called his name. Jeff turned and smiled at the man. Adam blinked and looked over to Rin then back to Jeff. He understood. Adam nodded and stood up and walked over to join Ace’s and Tapp’s conversation. Jeff returned his gaze back to Rin. He felt a smile tug on the corners of his lips as he opened his arm, offering a place for her next to him. She took it without a moment's hesitation.
She snuggled as deep as possible into Jeff’s embrace. He draped his arm around her and he could hear her sigh with content. Her hair welcomed him and gently tickled his face. He chuckled and brought his other hand up to run it through her hair. She closed her eyes and seemed to hum. She liked it when he gave her head pats or when he ran his finger through her hair. She was so small next to him and when she snaked her arms around his belly they barely managed to completely surround him. 
Jeff sat there, at peace in purgatory with a killer warm under his arm. A wise man would have run for the hills or would have taken the advantage over the Spirit and finally snuff out her reign of terror. But Jeff was a wiser man and instead let her rest. She was still a kid after all, and from what he has seen, she was not all bad.  
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kariblookas · 4 years
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Alright guys!! my dbd charms are back up for sale on Etsy with SEVEN new degins ^^ Feel free to check out the link below if interested!!!
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madie56789 · 4 years
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Some more Yuki-Onna Spirit designs! Hair is hard
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nexomii · 5 years
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A drawing from my Ash blog I did with an outfit @hoshi-tora / @askrinyamaoka
made for Rin so I thought this’d be funny becuase I’m chronic dumb levels (it was 1 am let me live) 
But, respect the drip, Entity.
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kinda-artt · 6 years
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Rin Yamoaka ~ The Spirit
-click image for better quality! -pls don’t repost my art!
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madie56789 · 4 years
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So uh, that dbd cosmetic contest huh? Goin for them Yuki Onna vibes
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madie56789 · 4 years
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I barely changed anything but i submitted it here we go
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madie56789 · 5 years
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are we allowed to say killers for the role swap thing? because if so i’d love to hear your thoughts on the spirit and maybe huntress if you have the time
My Gals....
Rin Yamoaka 
Rin is a compassionate heroine, dead set on keeping those around her safe. Her perks allow her to hinder and distract the killer, at the expense of leaving herself vulnerable.
Rin’s story is much like the original. She came home from school one day to find her father, soulless and mad, poised to kill her mother. She didn’t hesitate to throw herself between them, even instinct leading her to protect the woman who’d raised her. Her father’s blade came down, pierced through her stomach, but it wasn’t an immediately fatal blow. Fueled by adrenaline, Rin wrenched the sword from her father’s grip and shoved into him with all of her might. He crashed through the window and onto the ground- not dead, but it’d bought her time. 
Rin shrieked from the now-empty window frame. By the time her strength failed her, she saw neighbors opening their doors and peering towards the home. Rin collapsed, but felt an overwhelming sense of relief, knowing that she’d done well enough. But when her vision faded, she didn’t wake in a hospital, or even some kind of afterlife. What she found was the flickering light of a campfire and a new group of people who needed her help.
Anna is a spirited survivalist, competent and ready to face any threat. Her perks play to her strengths- facing tasks with resourcefulness and dangers head-on.
Anna was raised by her mother in the Russian wilderness. Instead of dying, her mother survived much longer through Anna’s life, bringing up her daughter to be a strong, clever survivor. She taught her how to hunt, how to fight, and how to fend for herself against whatever might threaten their simple, peaceful life. Anna took everything her mother taught her to heart, even when she finally succumbed to illness.
When Anna stepped through the morning fog one day to find herself in an entirely different forest than her own, she wasn’t worried. She’d fought bears and elk, staved off frostbite in the middle of blizzards, and battled nature itself for her entire life. This was just another challenge, and Anna was more than prepared to face it. She was going to survive, just as she always had.
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