#dbd verse tbt.
v1scera · 9 months
@hourmoon for jiwoon! | sc.
admittedly, much to his unyielding embarrassment, a few properly-placed knives in his back had let jay know he had underestimated his assailant. it stings, but he's had far worse than a few small pinpricks from one of the entity's overzealous killers.
--right. a few small pinpricks. just ignore the faint bit of blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth. it's nothing serious, nothing he can't walk off. even if jay finds himself becoming slower the longer this trial drags on. he remains hidden, eyes scanning for his brightly-colored pursuer. trying not to let the breath catch in his throat from the metallic taste on his tongue. the thickness of blood inside his mouth.
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he waits in the shadows, hoping he won't be spotted, eyes closing. hoping he'll just pass.
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talentforlying · 8 months
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@ohsunshine: ❛  why aren’t you more freaked out?  ❜ / from dwight — WYNONNA EARP STARTERS
' what, by the meathooks and ritual murder, the magic fuckin' fog, or the odd fuckers hunting us fer sport? bein' honest, mate, none of it's really a first time thing for me. '
to a certain extent, he's decided that he's dreaming. he's off-and-fucked to some bastard corner of the psyche where madcap kids in masks and zombies and flower-faced fucking skin dogs gambol through desiccated homesteads and try to stick him to the wall like a stag's head in a hunting lodge, and he just hasn't figured out how to snap himself back out of it yet. maybe he's pissed off the endless enough to land himself an endless ( ha ) nightmare, or maybe that crab-legged dickhead in the sky has his skull in a vice back home, feeding off his delta waves — maybe if he decides it's not real, then it doesn't work. maybe if he can convince these other poor sods that it's not real, they won't scream so fucking loud.
and anyway, it's not important to anyone else if his hands shake worse than ever on those sodding generators. it's only important if he cocks it up.
thundering footsteps pass above their hiding spot beneath the steps of the thompson house, spitting a spray of dust motes across the thin slivers of light cast between floorboards. almost arterial. constantine waits until they've faded away into silence before grinning at the kid, unlit cigarette pinned between his teeth like a bent nail in splintered wood, at an odd angle to the grain. ' fuck, i thought 'e'd never leave. you got a map, "pizzawhat"? or d'you figure we pick a direction and leg it? '
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pigsawed · 2 years
@ubcs​ sent :  ❛   twist .   twist  my  muse’s  arm  behind  their  back . &&  ❛  revelation .   show  my  muse  evidence  of  a  lie  they  told .
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amanda’s  breath  is  sharp,  facial  features  curled  up  into  an  expression  of  dismay.  she’s  been  caught  ;  lies  and  secrecies  exposed,  and  she  cannot  help  wondering  who  told  him.      “  no  need  to  be  so  rough,  ”    she  says,  wincing  slightly  as  the  soldier  twists  her  arm  tighter  behind  her.  amanda  is  all  too  familiar  with  pain  in  many  ways,  but  this  ...  this  is  different.  it’s  not  a  test,  it’s  not  meant  to  ground  her  —  this  is  someone  trying  to  show  her  a  SIN  she’s  committed,  she  realizes,  as  he  ushers  her,  arm  still  pinned,  further  away  from  the  survivors’  campfire  and  to  an  area  behind  a  tree.
eyes  flicker  down  to  where  her  mask  and  robe  lay  on  the  ground,  and  it  all  makes  sense  then.  he  hadn’t  known  that  the  girl  who  lingers  by  the  fire  sometimes  was  the  same  killer  who  placed  traps  atop  his  head,  who  sacrifices  him  to  the  entity  in  the  sky.  amanda  almost  feels  guilty.  ALMOST.
“  you  didn’t  know.  ”    it’s  an  OBSERVATION,  not  a  question.    “  i  thought  everyone  knew  by  now.  ”
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richi3tozier · 2 years
@feralsmile     said:     it’s    me    .     .      .     hi.         accepting.
“      OH    JESUS,     WHAT    THE     FUCK?      “         body     jolts     from     the      shock     of     the     voice     that’s     followed    by    a    loud     explosion     of     the     goddamn     generator.      NEWSFLASH,     WEIRD    OTHER     WORLDLY     THING     THAT     SNATCHED     HIM     HERE,      HE’S     NOT    A     FUCKING     MECHANIC!         how    is     this     even     fair????          “      can’t    a     guy     work     on      this     in     peace?      are     you     really     about    to    make    me    fucking      run?      “
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gotaletter-archive · 9 months
Closed starter for Laurie! (@creatureshrieks)
Dying here was never easy.
When James had arrived in the Entity's realm, he hadn't been sure what to expect. To be honest, when he took his first breath after spending so long underwater, his first thought wasn't "Great! I get to do this again, and again! Forever!" But that was his life now. Was this some form of punishment? Maybe the writing on the wall at Neely's was right. Maybe he actually went to a different place than Mary.
But there were others here. Others like him. Well, maybe not exactly like him. Survivors. Killers. The Entity. It was all very strange. He barely had enough time to parse through all the information before he was running for his life, forced to fix machines in order to open exit gates just to rinse and repeat. Everything was a blur. That is, until he met Laurie Strode.
She was a young woman, barely out of her teens. If you had squinted hard enough, one could have almost mistaken them to be related. Maybe it was that idea that had made him put his life on the line for her. Maybe it was the idea that she didn't deserve any of this, and that a tainted man like him should take the final blow for innocence. Perhaps it was him trying to repent for what it was he had done to Mary: the woman he had wanted a child with. James wasn't really too sure himself.
Whatever it was, he hadn't expected anything in return. So when the young woman approached him later on by the shared campfire, needless to say he was speechless. In fact, he quickly averted his gaze, staring down at his boots as he fidgeted with his hands.
"... Hello." He offered.
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konkuurito · 14 days
what if i drew hsr jay
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spookyagentfmulder · 10 months
continued for @manufactoredxbyxdesign
"Wait wait wait, now hold on-" For someone so level headed and no nonsense, the way that Albert Wesker is casually talking about aliens like they're just a natural occurrence... Feels a little too surreal. But to be fair, everything about this place since he arrived - after chasing Scully through the Fog - had felt a little surreal.
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"You're telling me-" Fox continues, holding his hand up as he speaks, "That the alien... From Alien... Is here. In this place." Perhaps it was a little Fourth Wall breaking, but from what he could tell the two of them - Mulder and Scully - had ended up in a place between places. A pocket dimension comprised of horror franchises and nightmares beyond their understanding. Perhaps a bit of their own Twilight Zone. Did this mean his life was a horror show?
In a way, it's kind of nice to have it cosmically confirmed.
"And I can just go... See it."
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idolpyre · 1 year
i’m gonna make glamfred a dbd verse but like. he’s just a big hunking survivor. killers do nothing to him because he is just a huge metal bear. all at the cost that his paws are too large and he cannot do gens and also you can literally hear him from a billion miles away, and he has separation anxiety like a big dog so he follows the other survivors around — bringing the killer right to them. you see freddy running towards you and you’re like NO. NO GO OVER THERE.
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lobselvith · 1 year
❛[   ⊗ @entitemalefique ≻ liked this for a short starter
`DERISION AND CURIOSITY COULD FESTER WITHIN THE SAME CREATURE. Valtiel harbored no ignorance of the being before them // AND A MUCH MORE RASH INDIVIDUAL THEN THEMSELVES MIGHT'VE REACTED OUTWARDLY (AFTER ALL, THE PROBABLE BLAME OF SITUATION STOOD BEFORE THE HOLY ONE).  Instead, the Yellow God let a low rumble encompass vocal cords as it descended a bit from RAFTERS and OLD STEEL BEAMS ABOVE-- - mistakeable for annoyance, merely akin to observing hum from the Attendant.      
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`SILENT OBSERVER OF MANY A TRIAL. Repetition, repeat, rebirth-- - deity of cycle and the INFINITE CIRCLE in their own right, within their OWN pantheon, something about it here almost... confused it.  (SOMETHING SEEMED MISSING FROM WHAT THEY COULD GATHER). And they spoke their invading question-      “&– - What is the purpose of these echoing games?” // @entitemalefique
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gamelost · 2 years
@seanchas -- ♡ & he's getting danny
'oh, fuck no. absolutely not. you stay the fuck over there!'
and he's waving his flashlight at him like it's actually going to do anything. when he thinks the ghostface isn't going to move, he crouches back down to the generator, keeping him in the corner of his eyes. of course, he naturally fucks up on the gen, and the blast into his fingers has him looking up again.
'oh, fuck off, don't look at me like that.'
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v1scera · 8 months
A low noise, like grinding metal, bubbles in the Red God's throat. Irritation simmers in his veins as he drops the corpse that has a chunk missing from it, a bite. It seems the other has interrupted Pyramid Head's meal....
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so far, jay has been careful to avoid shrapnel piercing through the ground, threatening to puncture through his boots. it's the stuff of hell and damnation, or at least--that's what it seems like. he's seen the others disappear into a red maw in the ground, swallowed up and transported away. and others still, their bones broken by this... thing. this monster that drags around a heavy blade.
even hunger plagues it in a place like this, and it seems he's interrupted it gorging on a mangled corpse. it drops it as soon as it's spotted jay. even if he's curious about the nature of this thing, there's no use standing around gawking at it. he spins on his heel, vaulting through the nearest window now that he's alerted it. watching the ground for anything that could pierce his feet.
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shapecrow · 2 years
@idolkills​ liked.
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   “there was this one time i got knocked off into a bridge by some assholes who jumped me, and i fell into the sewers. i met the devil in a white mask and coveralls. so, sorry to tell you, but you don’t scare me so much.”
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pigsawed · 2 years
@lcwless​ sent : [ STARE ] : while the receiver is speaking, the sender’s gaze drifts to their lips. (from Rookie Leon bc Amanda PRETTY)
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she  isn’t  blind  —  amanda  can  see  it,  the  way  that  the  rookie  cop’s  eyes  drift  down  as  she  speaks.  it’s  endearing,  actually.  amanda  cannot  stand  cops  ;  they’ve  wronged  her  too  much  in  the  past,  framed  her  for  things  she  did  not  do,  yet  leon  kennedy  doesn’t  necessarily  trigger  her  ire  the  same  way  as  the  others.  there  are  other  officers  in  this  realm,  ones  she  would  rather  DIE  than  associate  with,  but  this  one  ...  he’s  sweet.  in  a  way,  he  reminds  her  of  someone  she  knew  before,  a  photographer  who  just  wanted  to  take  her  picture.
it’s  quiet,  the  little  laugh  that  escapes  as  amanda  teasingly  murmurs,    “  my  eyes  are  up  here,  leon.  ”    she’s  trying  to  TEASE  him  —  honestly,  she  wants  to  see  him  FLUSTERED  at  being  caught.  is  that  cruel  of  her?  only  a  little.
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sacrlegius-old · 4 months
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❛ i’m every nightmare you ever had. ❜
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                     there   was   a   time   when   davina   used   to   fear   him      ,      when   the   thought   of   the   Yokai   made   her   tremble   in   fear      ,      would   cause   her   to   bless   her   house      &      avoid   the   shadows      .      but   now      ,      she   welcomed   it      ,      sought   out   the   darkness      &      did   whatever   she   could   to   take   it   into   herself      .      to   become   one   of   the   things   that   she   once   feared      &      would   do   anything   to   get   away   from      .
               she   remembered   the   first   trial      ,      her   first   night   as   a   survivor      &      how   she   had   done   everything   in   her   power   to   survive      ,      but   each   loss   stripped   parts   of   her   humanity   away   until   she   was   bare   bones      .      a   monster      ,      this   is   what   she   was   destined   to   be      .      clawed   hands      ,      bloodied      &      brimming   with   anticipation   and   urge   to   rip   someone   apart      .
                     '      you   have   torn   me   apart      ,      ripped   me   open      &      destroyed   whatever   remained   of   me      .      but   I   still   look   at   you   the   same      ,      I   do   not   tremble      ,      recoil   or   hide   from   you      .      '      the   witch   is   speaking   directly      ,      slowly      &      each   word   is   enunciated   properly      ,      wanting   to   make   sure   that   he   understood   that   she   was   completely   serious      .      that   there   was   no   sarcasm   or   jokes   laced   with   this      .
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                  '      you   might've   been   a   nightmare   I   fled   from   in   the   past      ,      but   I   am   not   afraid   of   you      .      this   isn't   a   challenge      ,      i   know   you   could   kill   me   at   any   moment   if   you   pleased      ,      but   I   welcome   death      .      I   don't   fear   it      .      '
@konkuurito . prompt
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gotaletter-archive · 8 months
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Bite The Hand That Feeds - An Aesthetic Board
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batwirls · 1 year
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eyes seem to glaze over-- steve's gaze far off, staring ahead and the quiet seeps in for a little while longer than he likes. long enough for it to become uncomfortable-- long enough for it to begin to echo what they'd been through. for screams to fill his mind. he shifts-- hand coming up to rub at the nape of his neck and he tries to will away the sick feeling that comes from the feel of tacky blood on his hands being smeared.
"what the fuck even was that? i-- is it actually over?"
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