#dbd: hold my beer
idliketobeatree · 4 months
"dead boy detectives? that's a stupid fucking name" coming from a girl called crystal castles von hoverboard or sth
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freakova · 5 years
Anyone wanna talk about how DoA6 was apparently charging people to RENT (Not buy. Rent.) hair colours for characters?? 😂😂😂
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vermillioncrown · 2 years
Hello Verm! Out of curiosity, for Mulan&ZYX, is Mulan's characterization from the poem, Disney, or other adaptations? How does she interact with ZYX's friend group in either Reverse Universe-ity or DBD? What would be the username that she gets called by Airplane-bro?
Hello Verm! Out of curiosity, for Mulan&ZYX, in all iterations of the college au (Oblivious, Alternate Universe-ity, and RT) what do you think Mulan majors and minors in? What is her friend group like? What kind of crazy shit does she get into with or without ZYX?
gonna answer both in one ask
i didn't read the poem nor was it a story my dad told me as a kid (compared to rotk in the same historical fiction vein), so the only thing i have is the disney movie lol
that 'au' was just a joke - i have no thoughts in having mulan in the college au. she cannot appear in dbd bc she's long dead at that time (the north and south dynasties era is about three centuries behind when dbd is set). she also would not be a cultivator, so there's no interaction there. hm. the only chance would be during imperial court shenanigans, if they were set during the same time period, post-mulan going to war (but then that would also make things weird for the cultivators; we'd never hear the end of how messy things are up in qinghe)
in college, mulan and zyx would share classes and get to know each other there (it has to be some random af class that is for general ed credits). she would not be part of the cucumber/airplane/banana trio. just another friend from a different friend group (mulan has her own social group), in which no one thinks have anything to do with one another (zyx and mulan can team up during beer pong during parties, or random school-hosted events if they spot one another nearby, just "hey get over here" "ok"). people have their own friend groups and that's just a thing, even if you're really good friends with someone
idk what she'd major in - there's not much to go on her likes/dislikes from the movies bc war takes precedence. hm... because she is very filial (to an extent) and family-oriented, likely whatever her parents thought was best for her that she was okay with, she is doing. common diaspora chinese daughter occupation: nursing (at least, that's what a lot of girls i grew up with did if they didn't run off towards liberal arts. or doctor. or dentist. or vet). it's more trouble than its worth to search up exactly how a nursing program works, so i imagine it's liike some amalgam of premed-trade program.
her friend group are the guys from the movies lol. they all went to the same high school, and now the same college. mulan prob tried to make new friends in uni, but found that she didn't mesh with the people in her program. zyx also doesn't have many friends in her major, let alone other girls, so the two felt like kindred spirits.
(i find that more believable than some "i'm not like other girls, i only make friends with guys" shit; she's only friends w her boys because all of each other's embarrassing teen moments and are holding each other hostage in the best way)
i don't think she's up to anything crazy in her spare time. she's down to party, but also down to stay home. if not for the demands of her class schedule, she'd be just as chaotic and gross as college zyx (whereas zyx has a demanding schedule but still acts disgusting)
lol there should be hangouts with the cucumber/airplane/banana trio for obliviousness (mulan does not know what shang's random compliments mean. because he vacillates being intense and focused on his own thing, and then awkwardly says something nice, and she's just ??? "are you having a stroke???") but no, no oblivious hangouts.
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myupostsheadcanons · 6 years
thinking about how many of the killers in DBD are basically solo killers, putting them in situations of having to work together on something would be a beautiful disaster.  @highwayham
Some of them I can see just naturally falling into a group dynamic.
The Legion are already a small group of killers working together, and the other killers are older and more experienced than they are, they would naturally fall into a pack mentality around that killer. I see them working well with killers like The Clown and The Huntress, who were around kids more than the others and put up with more bullshit. Killers like Freddy, The Doctor, The Trapper, and Myers though won’t work well with The Legion, mainly from their lack of patience with teenagers and them wanting to be the boss/not listen to others. And The Legion tend not to work well with the “ghost ladies” either (The Nurse, The Spirit, and The Hag) They don’t really understand all the magic spirit bullshit the girls have... But like they love working with Bubba and Amanda the most, whom they kind of idolize  (they tried to “befriend” Myers, but Frank ended up with a broken nose out of the deal and it didn’t help that the girls kept wanting to call Myers “Daddy”... fffff)
The Hag and Anna are easy going when it comes to teaching the less experienced of the group how to properly skin an animal or do other rustic-domestic and basic survivalist skills. Evan sometimes helps them on this, but he’s loud, rude, and swears a lot while doing it. Max would act as the assistant to whomever is having the lesson at the time. And Bubba actually taught Anna and Evan some tricks they didn’t know about. The Legion kind of “eww gross” over most of the skills being taught, and they really don’t like being stuck on “food prep” duty. The Spirit doesn’t eat, so she doesn’t participate, but she likes to watch and ask questions. Myers tends to just hang around and watch quietly from the background.
Aside: ((Bubba, Max, and Evan doing stupid “hold my beer” type activities in their down time... if they can get Phil to help them with making something, it gets extra stupid. Jackass DBD style. When these 4 are acting as a killing team... it’s like Murderer King of the Hill))
Oddly though, i can see The Huntress and Myer’s falling in line with one another with out officially “working” together... Myer’s being a stalking opportunistic killer, having someone that is super-obvious like Anna and her singing causing the Survivors to run and scatter, he would watch and wait for any of the the Survivors she didn’t hatchet in the back and go after them. (think of a hunter and a bird dog. the dog runs ahead to get birds out of hiding). He would do this with most of the other killers as well, to varying degrees. Some don’t like to share (like Freddy and The Spirit) and some just get annoyed about their play things being taken away (The Trapper, The Hillbilly, Amanda, The Doctor).  The Wraith and Myers teaming up would be like when orca trap narwhal in shallow waters and kill them... because they are both sneaky boys that take their time, they would tighten their circle around the survivors and corral them into an area they couldn’t escape from before attacking them. 
(it would be a weird little “cliq” among the killers... The Huntress, The Shape, The Clown, and The Wraith. The Clown and The Huntress drawing people out of hiding and The Wraith and The Shape snatching them up as they run. All of them using their stealth or range attacks to pin the survivors down.
Like Myers would rather work on his own, but for some god damned reason he ended up in this particular group, but he doesn’t argue about it because they don’t step on each other’s toes and technically aren’t a real team (they just fell into a routine without realizing it)... this loud, big, and bawdy clown... just-- he really liked clowns as a kid, and was even two seconds away from taking a clown mask--right in the nostalgia... Then there’s that guy covered in sticks and mud, he gets along with everybody, doesn’t say much to him nor tell him what to do, and stays out of his way... and Anna... she often complements him on a job well done... nobody ever did that before and actually mean it...)  
Most of the Killers don’t like working with The Doctor. His mental-attack abilities and electrical strike effects everybody, killer and survivor alike, within his range. If he has to work with someone it tends to be the “Ghost Girls” because of their teleport/phasing powers that would let them keep their distance from him, but still let them come in to help when needed. The Doctor and The Hag don’t get along outside of the hunt (their is a whole magic vs. science debate there). The Nurse was use to dealing with “butthead” Doctors in her profession before, so they get along on a professional level.
The Spirit had to get over a language barrier... she didn’t know English and it took her a while to pick up basic simple sentences. She picked up things like: yes and no, and directions fairly fast, but outside of that she couldn’t really tell people what she wanted. Anna also had a language barrier, but it took her less time to get the basics down from Russian to English (even though she’ll still occasionally forgets a word for something and would still mix up similar sounding words... she once told the wraith to use his “trampoline” when she was thinking of a “tambourine” ) The Spirit can’t read English. Anna can, but slowly.
Freddy is also another killer that the others don’t like to work with. He is an asshole, he is selfish about kills, and he would fuck with them as well. The Spirit and The Nurse can see him and touch him while he is in the dream world, so he stays away from them (The Spirit would fucking fight him over kills). While cloaked, The Wraith can follow him but not effect him. The Doctor’s madness attack would counter Freddy’s dream/sleep abilities, kicking people back into the real world. The Hag’s teleportation can pull him out of the dreamworld if she has hold of him when she activates it. Freddy tends to pick on The Legion, Bubba, and Amanda the most. Anna is also an easy target, but picking on her tends to make the others mad (don’t mess with Team Mom). Myers... doesn’t dream, and he just goes into a coma-like state (on autopilot) when put under (basically Freddy just puts the “Michael” part of his brain to sleep, but The Shape-part is all “fuck you asshole” and keeps going).
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urchids-blog · 6 years
Cthulhu in Space (Part 1)
Hello, im new to posting stuff and this is my first ever post on tumblr. So bare with me as I try to find a decent upload schedule. Also i do more than just D&D stuff, I also stream (mostly Overwatch, but occasionally other games too) come check it out, it’s really funny, apparently, so I’ve been told. https://twitch.tv/urchids 
So this D&D story is heavily home-brewed, I mainly made it for my whole team of new players out of popular vote. They had told me they wanted a custom campaign, before hand, i’d given them a list of options for campaigns to choose from. 2 of those options was a space campaign that I had home-brewed for another set of players, and the other was the Call of Cthulhu set. They saw these two options and had asked if I could make a Cthulhu in Space campaign. I said, “it’d take longer to make, because of the amount of planning I have to come up with a decent home-brew campaign that makes sense.” they all agreed, but sooner than expected we actually started my “Campaign”. Keep in mind a LOT of this campaign is home-brewed so I left a lot of the core elements of D&D out so there was a lot of abuse. Lets Begin!
Our story starts out on a space cruise liner, Like from the movie, “The 5th Element”. This cruise liner was actually disguised as a resort for black market dealers, Pirates, and many different space Mafias. One of our adventures, Echo Mender, a Human Cyborg, was relaxing on the main deck next to the pool, he orders a beer from a moving butler robot. Our 2nd adventurer, [Vector] an Old one (a race here since the beginning of time) Medic, was on the 2nd level overlooking the pool, he was approached by a little girl, they greeted each other, then the little girl pulled out a knife and tried to mug [Vector]. [Vector] or almost retaliated, but a older women, somewhere in her mid 20′s, approached them and escorted the little girl away, probably mother and daughter or Sisters. Vector held the grudge, which is natural after getting a friendly greeting and then almost getting mugged. our 3rd adventurer, [Erik] a Flarian (shorter elf but immune to fire) Tinkerer, was in the bar, ordering shot after shot. 
Then a intercom that shouted out to the whole ship was announced. “Can we get any volunteers to come and help us with a “situation” in the engine room? meet the captain in the helm for further details.” Everyone was either drunk out of their minds or could care less about what was going on, but our adventurers took on the challenge. 1 by 1 the adventurers meet each other in the helm of the ship where the captain stood their, in terror and almost crying. The captain looks up to them and says, “Oh thank goodness! I thought we would never get anyone to help us! Anyway dont mind me, just a nervous captain whose whole ship is a hostage to the villainous scum in the engine room, threatening to blow up the ship if we dont give them 1 billion dollars to them. Oh what am I saying, were all scumbags.” Echo walks up to him and slaps him to knock some sense into him, Critical, His face is red from the hit and assumes a completely different personality, almost flirtatious with echo. Echo backs up, obviously not into that, but still complies to help him with the hostage situation. Erik and Vector, still laughing from the personality switch, also agree to help Echo take on the Terrorists. 
The Captain leads them down a hallway towards the engine room door, 2 negotiators are talking with the Terrorists and 10-12 different guards, all suited to the toe with SWAT like armor are standing close by but out of sight from the Terrorists. The captain stops and tells the group they are negotiating with the Terrorists but the situation has only gotten worst. Erik peaks in, without being noticed, and sees no one, until a random gunshot goes off and one of the negotiators goes down on the ground face first, yellow blood oozing out of his head due to his race. Vector, unfazed from the dead body that lay before them proposes to go through the ventilation system and try to sneak attack them. The group agreed, but none of the guards could come with them, due to the bulkiness of their armor. The captain returned to the helm, to resume captain duty and keep the ship in shape while the situation was resolved. The team began their crawl through the vents, and eventually found themselves above the group of Terrorist. They all wore a wooden mask, each with a small symbol on the left cheek. One stood out from the rest, a man with a mini-gun, his mask was engulfed with the symbol, you almost couldn’t tell it was the same symbol because of the curvature of the mask. The team assumed he was the boss of the group. They attempted to keep moving through the ventilation system until sheer drop lay before them, Vector was the first to drop, Critical Fail. 
He landed on his head, taking only 1 damage (out of 20), he could hear small creaking but didn’t pay too much to mind. next was Echo, he slid down and landed softly, the small creaking a little bit louder, but again no one payed too much attention. Erik drops down as well, the creak still being there. the team soon realized the ventilation system dropped down and was hung in the air by metal bars leading too a dead end. Vector could feel a breeze coming from the dead end, he told his team there was a fan that brought air from the engine room into the ventilation system, wither to cool the massive room, or poor engineer design in the system. Erik used one of his skills, because he was a tinkerer, he could use small spider bots to do various things, including self-destruction for a decent amount of damage, he dropped one down to try and take down a enemy on the left, and tried to snipe another on the right with his laser rifle. He missed with advantage, and soon the guard on the left was taken down, but the guard on right soon alerted everyone around him, and started shooting back up at the ventilation system. all the guards miss their shots but instead hit the bars holding up the ventilation system, soon the whole thing falls down and hits 2 guards who were trying to shoot up at them, killing them instantly. 
Echo emerges from the vent and finds cover, as he’s pelted with lasers and bullets. he takes his cyborg arm and shoots a beam of plasma and completely knocks a guards jaw off, he falls to the ground instantly. Erik emerges and joins Echo, shooting another shot at an unsuspecting guard. Vector, still in the vent is assaulted by a guard coming from behind them. using his high charisma and pure luck roll, he manages to convince the guard to not harm him, and a part of the vent from above drops down onto him, knocking him out. Vector goes to a separate part of the area to find his own cover. What the adventurers couldn’t see while in the vent, was the 2nd use of the engine room, it was also a cargo hold. crates are scattered and stacked on top of each other, each with separate loot or useless junk. The man who is presumed as the boss steps forward and starts shooting his mini-gun at Vector, and his cover. Slowly deteriorating, the cover was giving way until almost none was left, Vector took 3 damage. In an attempt to save his friend, Echo and Erik shot their weapons at the boss, both missing their shots, but the boss switched his attention to them, and starts filling their cover with bullets. In an random attempt to shoot him again, Erik shoots his weapon again, Critical Success. Erik hit him square in the chest, but the boss seemed fine, only a bit staggered. but then a dark plume of smoke emerged from him, and a necklace with a green eye falls out of his shirt. It turns out the necklace is producing the smoke, and a figure, hooded, emerges out of it and then disappears. A 2nd being emerges from it, along with a pack of smaller versions of it, a huge purple lion with quills instead of fur looms over the boss’s head. The Boss looks up and Screams as the beast chomps the top half of his body clean off. Erik, and Echo had no clue what the beast was, but Vector knew exactly what it was. The beast was called a Alpha Rennigan (and no i do not watch Naruto, so I had no clue what this meant when a player pointed this out to me) an extinct beast that used to live on the primal planet Axl. It gathers smaller versions of itself, and formed packs, it would eventually have a pack of up to 20 to 30 Rennigans following it, usually, this one only had 8. The Terrorist, were horrified seeing their leader quickly taken down, by an unknown beast. They quickly evacuated quickly getting shot down by the Captains crew as they came out of the engine room. 
Our team, was left with a group of 8 small Rennigans and a Alpha Rennigan. Will they be able to Defeat the monster? Who was the mysterious figure? Who were the group of terrorist and what was there goal? find out next time...
I hope you enjoyed this First post I’ve ever made, ever on tumblr. and if this post gets some positive reception then i’ll push out the 2nd part really soon (after the holidays of course). Be sure to follow my twitch as well! https://twitch.tv/urchids I’ll try to be more online, than I am now, and expand my arsenal of video games to play (ei. Rust, DBD, and maybe table-top sim with friends to play some D&D, in a simulation. ye.)
 - Urchids, December 23rd 2018
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