the-radio-princess · 5 years
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Alastor was currently lounging on one of the plush couches in the lobby of the Hotel. Technically, he should be assisting Charlie by going over the financial statements she gave him, as well as contacting possible advertising outlets and using his influence to help gain more traction for her rehabilitation project. He had done some work on both of those things, but now Alastor thought he deserved a much-needed break.
He was enjoying a rather interesting book at the moment, one he brought with him from his own collection that he kept at home. Granted, Charlie had plenty of books here at the Hotel, but most were either directed towards self-help or were based in the fantasy or romance genre. Since his tastes tended to gravitate toward the more darker forms of literature, finding anything interesting to read amongst the shelves would be next to impossible. Not that he minded. 
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selph-styled · 6 years
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Fanchild Allette for @dcadlysin !
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anxechoxinxhell · 5 years
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lucifermagne · 5 years
dcadlysin replied to your post:
It was hard to get anything out through her laughter as her Dad screeched about his ass but finally she giggles. “Try to get up.” He will find he in fact cannot as the Princess scurries away
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『 ⛧ 』 ━
      ❝ WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY ASS?!?! ❞ Is this GLUE?! DID SHE SUPERGLUE HIM TO THE THRONE?! IS THAT WHAT SHE DID?! Gloved digits were too scared to check, knowing full well that if he stood up, he might tear his pants off OR he might have some EMBARRASSING stain on himself!
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rcttenfrvit-blog · 5 years
dcadlysin replied to your post: cracks neck . cracks knuckles . cracks spine ....
Charle throws her tea cup up in the air with a yelp. “Daddy!!”
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“ get the shotgun , pumpkin !! this is it for me . . . “
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elkfeast · 6 years
tw: violence + body horror !
    a misstep. there’s a splash of red and an echoing shriek that shakes the earth as the crimson silhouette falls to his knees, clutching fresh gash on the side of a lithe waist. throat dry and gloved fingers shaking, the pain unbearable compared to shrapnel lodging itself into muscle and bone. eyes wild like a predator staring at its prey as he looks up at the cause of such desecration, like staring into the sun for far too long. she’s blinding ! not heavenly so, oh no. there’s flames licking the ends of his dark strands, threatening to swallow him whole lest he yield. but even without THE DEVIL’S HANDSHAKE to coerce his being he curls his fingers into a fist and presses his knuckles against earth, forcing weight upon his arm as he grits his teeth and dare to stand between the inferno. feet stumbling and double vision all at once as nausea nearly overtakes his conscience.
    LUCIFER. LILITH. they didn’t matter now ; they were too far to reach. but he? far too close as he takes his first step and catches himself on all fours. stand you fool! far too close as he shuts his eyes tight and wills himself to rise. the second step excruciating as the hand that supported prior locks into place once more on his injured side and he stumbles. far too close was he to Charlie Magne as he looks up at her baring her soul out for all of the Pentagram to see as she cries tears of flames and unleashes armageddon. what a tragedy. to think that he’d seen her a few days prior singing lullabies of love and its practices to her moth friend. to think that the girl that the devil had asked him to watch over could be so naive and be so deadly that her raw power without guidance can bring about the apocalypse. and all because a certain butterfly decided to flutter away.
    what was that again about chaos theory? ‘something as small as the flutter of a butterfly’s wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world.’ how ironic. wherever that damn grey moth had flown off to by her captors could wait. HELL needed to be in one piece if they were ever going to find that irritating insect.
    but whatever had compelled the princess in her rampage to lead them to the edges of the Pentagram and before the pits is beyond him. perhaps the thought is self sacrifice like the tragic tale of Romeo + Juliet. absurd but would he be surprised if that reasoning were the case? no. as he opens his mouth to coerce the heir to cease her destruction he quickly takes note and watch as the flames simmer down into nothing. relief washing over his form despite the exhaustion and frustration, very pleased at the choice to yield. but then the emptiness within his chest causes a dead muscle to skip a beat as blonde locks pass over his vision and fall straight into the abyss below the edge of the cliff. weightless. unconscious. fuck.
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    ❛ CHARLOTTE ! ❜ the name leaves his lips in a panic, the first he’s had in centuries. the pain is gone as his feet kick off dust and he’s throwing himself off the edge of the cliff. a red hand shoots out, claws grazing finger tips and catching the full length of a pink sleeve. he attempts to pull her close but they’re too close to the cliff wall. before he loses sight of her pale complexion he throws out his shadows to cushion her fall and his body hits a protruding rock that knocks the adrenaline out of him and twists his arm in an angle, pain flooding back into his body as he cries out in agony.
    when they finally reach the bottom Alastor is forced to right his mangled body in a series of cracks, pops and torturous wails and shrieks. if there were tears, Charlie would never witness them for when the pain finally subsided and he’s once again left tending to the wound that his pupil gave him, the Radio Demon just closed his eyes and went to rest. compared to the events of the Trench Warfare back in World War I, his descent into the Nine Circle’s caverns had been more merciful than the hell he experienced in the mortal realm.
* ♬♪ @dcadlysin !
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hellboundgentlemen · 5 years
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There goes a mirror, Alastor's grin widening....
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{"I do what I want, Cher!"} Alastor no, your gonna get smacked!
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angel-dust-rp · 6 years
Alastor puts a mistletoe over Angel's head
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Angel looks at Alastor curiously, then up, then glances back at the deer demon. "You...wanna kiss me?" He asked in disbelief.
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hxllodolly · 6 years
@dcadlysin | x
She leeps slowly approaching him. She even took off her high heeled shoes just to not make the unnecessary noise. Just as she appeared to be right behind him, she stood on her tiptoes, reached to one of his ears and!-
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Contd. @dcadlysin
Pentious gives her an unamused look. “ I’d sssay you could use a lesson in needs versus wants. Hell does not need holidays. Hell does not want them. Furthermore, Hell does not dessserve them.”
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hell-of-a-princess · 6 years
dcadlysin replied to your post “What in Hell did I start?!?”
"Such brilliant entertainment! Thank you sweetheart!"
@dcadlysin “Just don’t make yourself sick! That’s not gonna be very entertaining for anyone.”
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lucifermagne · 6 years
dcadlysin replied to your post:
“Oh geez, need a massage, Dad?”
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『 ⛧ 』 –
      ❝ Yeeesssss! ❞
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japariguide-blog · 6 years
@dcadlysin replied to your post.
“Child what the Heaven?!”
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&&.  ❝ I was trying to help with the Egg Friends fix part of the airship, and there was a leak of this black stuff coming out ! We did fix it though, Mr. Pentious - ! ❞
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elkfeast · 5 years
It was instinct honestly and the Princess barely recalls acting; she saw the glint of metal and next thing she knew her body lurched in front of him to guard the demon. Guard the one that's always been guarding her. Surely he could have fended for himself or perhaps the spear would have done him in as she stares down at the spear embedded within her abdomen. Knees buckle as she falls, blinking. She doesn't feel pain. "...I'm sorry," she mumbles. "I disobeyed." So tired is she. "I love you..."
tw: violence + gore !
    stop the Inferno Train all by yourself as it speeds through the railway at unimaginable speeds and you’re legendary. with your skill and influence, catch the attention of Hell’s crown and they’ll appoint you as head of the PUNISHMENT DISTRICT. but fail to protect your pupil and you don’t need anybody to say a word as you brand yourself a failure. mouth agape as blood covers his features and arms turn numb to the weight that falls against his body, forcing him to stumble over and catch the remaining angel’s spear against the palm of his hand. the feathered fiend lock their eyes with his as his smile falters and their’s begin to form in a sickening display of fortuitous success.
    God is good. God is merciful. words of the forgotten church echoing in his mind as memories of chanting the very verses in a white dress and long red hair hugging accentuated features cause his lips to quiver with unadulterated loathing. a good girl can only take so much cruelty when the world causes her nothing but pain. ‘ take the gun ’ papa says and he tells her to shoot ; makes a soldier out of her. when love causes her heartache she forgets the man and looks after her family. when war takes her brother away she follows in his footsteps and when she returns to walk through the Ticker Tape parade all she can think of is that she has become a shell of the person she had once was. she’s a nobody ; a sinner ; a killer. from the beginning she’d had always been bound to go to Hell, nevertheless, the Happy Hotel was something she never thought she would be… possessive about. care is a rare thing within the Radio Demon but over time the idea of it —- something he’d lost along with his humanity has began sprouting within him in ways he had never imagined.
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    something ignited in his veins. a fury so strong that those who would try to stomp out the fire in his eyes will be engulfed by flames before they have a chance at escape. claws strike fast, digging into white linen and silver armour. the iron burns but he digs and twists and watches in satisfaction as the angel’s face, now threatening to put their entire weight over the deer contorts in horror. the holy being’s knees buckle as Alastor tears that heart right out of their chest, damaging ribcage and muscle and crushes the beating thing in his grasp prior to shoving it into the angel’s mouth and down their throat. pristine fangs may attempt to bite down on the elk’s arm but the radio host takes the jaw next and tears it off its bony hinges, discarding the disgusting thing by his feet. his shadows make quick work of feathered wings as its twisted and torn of, thrown over his shoulders as he catches a glimpse of them flapping about desperately in his peripheral. the rest is ruthless evisceration as he strips the angel of its skin and crushes their bones beneath his heels.
    and when it’s all over he rushes over to his sunshine and rainbows now pale and convulsing as she dies on the concrete made up of angel feathers and blood. there’s no hesitation as he takes the girl in his arms, and brushes the blonde hair away from her sweat filled face and crying eyes. god, oh god. ❛ i’m here. ❜ he manages to croak out over a tight throat, assessing the damage. brows weaving together as crimson hues fill with tears. chapped lips quivering. shoulders shaking.
    ❛ i’m right here. ❜ pathetic. whimper. nothing matters anymore. appearances don’t hold up in situations like this. this is why he never wanted to get attached. this is why he preferred no company but his own and the shadows that have become a part of him over the decades. another dying love withering away in his arms as he survives and they leave. they always leave.
    ❛ charlotte, ❜ he whispers, rocking back and forth as he held her. ❛ my sweet charlotte. i’m right here. ❜ for he would forever wander the Nine Circles alone, but he would never abandon her in her time of need… even if it were the last.
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hellboundgentlemen · 6 years
dcadlysin replied to your post: {”Cher is doing the cosmo tips again….”}
“I just shit in my pants, can I get in yours?”
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{”Cher, I adore you. But I want you to never say that line again”}
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anxechoxinxhell · 6 years
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