gacha-incels · 1 month
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this is some new League of Legends emote, tbh I don’t know anything about this game besides the disturbing information that has come out about the developer Riot, what I’m interested in is the reaction from these DCInside guys here. We have seen this before where, when trying to drum up sympathy from outside of their own incel pandering communities, these misogynists will completely change tactics and present the “pinched hand” as anything but what it actually signifies to them. they now know that the “pinched hand= evil feminist calling my dick small” has become a complete laughingstock of their own making, especially in western social medias. Here they think if they position the pinched hand as “anti-Asian racism”, they can gain serious traction with a protest because “PC” (political correctness) is “mainstream” in the USA. It doesn’t matter that “PC” is something they continually rage against like the western “gamergate” incels and their “SBI/DEI/etc”, they just want the end result. “PC” is something they will pivot to outwardly hating depending on who they are trying to get sympathy from, typically when speaking to westerners they will namedrop “Disney” while doing this. They don’t care about the actual strength of their arguments, again I think this is more proof that for a lot of them it’s not literally about the hand but the extreme misogyny and power that comes with being able to control women’s fate by complaining about something so unbelievably ridiculous.
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themoongirls12 · 1 year
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230521 | Yves visited her birthday cafe event 🎂
© dcinside
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shrozie · 8 months
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forleejehoon · 1 year
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230601 Moral Hazard coffee truck event By DCInside LeeJeHoon Gallery fanbase Always looking out for you and receiving energy from you! I live for you all, my crohcohdiles >.<
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junonreactor · 1 year
every time pmoon puts out a notice i am prepared to feel deep disdain but lol. lmao. holy fuck.
#the accusation of political motivation on the user group but not the fucking incels. the conflicting statements regarding the dismissal.#the fact that they put up en/jp translations of their notice from TWO MONTHS AGO immediately afterward so it looks even more#like they're doubling down on a deeply fucked decision. the threat of legal action Again.#all that just to fail hilariously at brushing this away before tgs. incredible. kim jihoon spontaneously combust challenge#ein babbles#yes i uninstalled the game yes i do keep up with official updates because im invested in seeing where this shit#ESPECIALLY if anything actually happens in regards to like. legal ramifications on any side#they're so stupid and they think we are even stupider. incredible to watch.#HFDGJKAHFGD THEY TWEETED AGAIN.#'stop being mean to us for real we WILL sue you' yeah ok. 'we're trying to protect our employees' ok. like the translators? translator.#if they could they would have had cancel culture buzzwords everywhere in that english notice.#they reuploaded the draft letter that the union said they wouldn't be publishing. what are you Doing over there...#like. all of this and not a single word about how the tweets that started this mess were deleted and couldnt possibly be reasonably counted#against vellmori re:company policy. and no action is apparently being taken against the dcinsider losers who went to the company.#their targets for legal retaliation make it very clear what their priorities are it's so. lmao.
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usnewsper-politics · 8 months
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: Grassroots Support and Bold Vision Fuel Presidential Bid #DCinsiders #diversityofsupporters #economicgrowth #experience #financialresources #FloridaGovernorRonDeSantis #grassrootssupport #immigration #Iowacaucus #lawenforcement #presidentialbid #tedCruz
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vivienna-vivid · 1 year
Feeling like Gandhari @ Duryodhan sm rn
"I am so fucking disappointed with you but I genuinely love you and I want you to get better so I am going the heavu-handed route since your stubborn ass can't seem to get things going without some harshness."
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homiu-l · 1 year
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❌ 타커뮤니티로의 허락없는 재업로드를 금지합니다 DO NOT repost or use my art without permission ❌ DC에 재업로드하는 것을 금지합니다 DO NOT repost or use my art to DCinside
[Edit 29-07-2023]
Hello, if you happen to find this post and is curious of this game please spend some time to read this:
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necronatural · 1 year
Project Moon Discourse Part Whatever: Statement 2
Project Moon's company twitter has released a statement on their perspective.
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In summary, the Youth Union who has been rallying a lot of people has been protesting about Vellmori's "unfair dismissal" (firing over previous statements). Project Moon points out that they have not fired her yet, and the YU do not have concrete proof of what happened (AKA why you have to say "alleged" when commenting on crimes yet to be tried). Youth Union discusses the private circumstances and apologizes for repeating accusations as fact.
Kim Jihoon posits here that this was a political conspiracy by the Youth Union to boost their position (they were a very very small group before all this), which the Project Moon User Association must a part of. He posts the draft the Youth Union drew up if PM complied, without the union rep's permission as evidence. OK man.
...By the way, he also sent an official legal notice to the Project Moon User Association with that same info.
The PMUA says hey man! We do talk to the Youth Union, but we're actually a completely different group who has not declared jackshit as fact and have been conscientious in our speech. Fuck you! And posted the letter (legal threat) PM sent publicly along with their reply. (Jihoon references this in the statement above).
Read here. The letter is the pdf at the top of the doc.
It's through this response that we learn that the reason the Youth Union was cowed was because Vellmori resigned.
The PMUA notes: hey, isn't it extremely fucking suspicious that you publicly stated that due to breaking company rules with years old tweets (this isn't legal btw) and Vellmori's most recent statement was that you told her that she's getting her papers in a week (legal but asshole shit btw)? And yet when you're catching heat about the ludicrously illegal unjust firing, you reveal you've been hiding her resignation? Unrelated, why did you post an unfinished draft statement predicated on a round table that never occurred? Why are you threatening us for libel we never posted?
AKA they fucking ate him for dinner.
Kim Jihoon is being cooked alive over his notes app malding & pointed translated repost of his original statement. Everyone and their dog can see his sole deflection only really applies to the Youth Union, who fucked up publicly a while ago, while the PMUA is spotless in their conduct. The fact they have not done anything but ask the Youth Union for info - which they used responsibly thus far - renders literally every complaint Kim Jihoon is making totally worthless. And they made sure he fucking knew it. Meanwhile, the folks who originally kicked off harassment and boycotts (DCInside) remains uncommented on, enraging people even further.
By the way, you may be wondering why Kim Jihoon is suddenly so frenzied in his attacks. The thing is, PMUA just successfully met their fundraising goal! And wouldn't you know it, the money they raised is for applying to file a class action lawsuit over PM's mismanagement.
Stay tuned for more on Crossy News Network. I am too nosy to possibly stop reporting on this
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lynxgriffin · 1 month
Hello! This is from korea. I'm a big fan of Undertale and DELTARUNE, and also its of Fanzine, too! I found your phenomenal work, which is 'Paper Trail'. And then I'm really into it! I want to share your amazing creation to Korean Undertale&Deltarune fandom community. Which is 'Undertale gallery' (biggest korean fandom), Belong to The korean website 'DCINSIDE' (Complex of various fandom community).
So under your permission, Is it okay to translate your comic 'Paper trail' to korean, and upload it to the community as I said? I'm just an anonym user of it, and there's no benefit or monetary profit that i can get. Every korean fan have to watch this amazing fan comic is my motivation. Thx for reading long message. Whether you permit it or not, I'm always rooting for you and your work.
Hi there! I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed Paper Trail, thank you so much for the kind words!
Checking the masterpost, it actually looks like there already is a full Korean translation! So, if you want to link that to the community, I think you can do that right away!
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sagaschan · 1 year
What happened on Sep 16th: a compilation
If I could clarify some things. Lots happened on twitter within a short timeframe, and I've seen a fair number of people misled, so here goes. The Project Moon User Association(PMUA) had received the reply to their demand letter(can only be received by the recipient, and can't be refused) a week ago, but waited to make their statement because they still believed there was a chance PM could apologize, and because the Youth Union(YU) requested it. PMUA uploaded PM's reply and their statement today.
PM's reply, written by a lawyer, said essentially: You are lying and it affected our sales so I will sue you. The termination was legal because Vellmori said first that she wanted to resign(we have a recording). We wrote the agreement with Vellmori and her lawyer later. In order to protect her and the other employees we did nothing(if that sounds illogical to you, it is). Disappear immediately or we will sue you for defamation.
There are many things wrong with the reply, as covered by the PMUA's statement, but I'll get to that later. Alright let's go for it, says the PMUA.
Then PM tweets two threads. The first thread says: We were only laying low to protect our employees, y'all are lying, if you attack our employees we will sue you. The second one says: The YU tried to use us for political gains, since we were going to announce legal action against employee harrassment anyway but they tried to take the credit for it. Look at this image of a document where YU says they were wrong, and apologizes. This PMUA might be under the YU's control, isn't it suspicious? And political?
PM, though technically it's KJH, keeps insinuating that those such as PMUA and the YU are attacking the employees, when it's only KJH himself who's been criticized since 7.25, when he tweeted that they had 'terminated the contract' with Vellmori for violating company rules. The fans knew that was illegal. The paper that interviewed Vellmori the day after, the various news media that reached out to PM, the unions that spoke out on the matter knew it was illegal. We weren't going to let him get away with it if we could help it.
The YU rep Lee Jongchan(@JCLEE0333 on twitter) provided a more accurate picture. The YU, having just learned of the agreement between Vellmori and PM from PM's reply, had asked the PMUA to delay their statement, contacted PM behind the scenes. The PMUA and the unions they were working with had been trying to solve the situation amicably if possible, if PM would just come to the table and learn how to fix the situation. A legal fight would be the absolute last resort, since they wanted the company to do better.
This is where the supposed statement from the YU that PM included in their second thread comes in. A crude screencap of a word doc with typos and 'draft' in the title. It says: We recognize there was no illegal firing and that you've taken precautions to protect employees. We're sorry and we retract our protest. We welcome that you've stated ideology hunts and cyberbullying against your employees will be dealt with stern legal action. Basically, the YU didn't want Vellmori to be bothered anymore so they'd take a bit of a L.
The thing is, during the negotiations KJH refused to include that PM would take legal action to protect employees from ideology hunts and cyberbullying in the future in PM's statement. Apparently that wasn't something he could agree with. Negotiations fell out(around 8 pm, according to KJH), and the next day PMUA went ahead with their statement.
That's the bare facts of it. But I'd like to elaborate a little on where PM is contradicting itself, though the PMUA has already covered some of it.
1. It's laughable that KJH is using the excuse of 'protecting employees' to explain PM's past actions and future motivations, when he can't even put it on paper.
2. He most definitely did not protect his employees. The initial lack of action against DCinside incels' camping out of their office, how he treated contractors like Mimi(author of Wonderlab) and Monggeu(artist for Leviathan comics), the overwork and harrassment Eng translator Watson experienced, the HHPP manager he used as a scapegoat, the LoR Chinese localization team that still hasn't been paid... the list keeps growing.
3. KJH's words are all over the place. In the very first notice he says Vellmori's contract has been terminated because she violated company rules. You know, just as DC had asked for. In the second one, on 8.3, he says they did not fire her, and that it had nothing to do with ideologies. And that he would sue anyone calling it an illegal dismissal. (Also when news media reached out to ask if that meant she was still employed, said he wouldn't answer.) And in the most recent letter, he claims that during the phone call on 7.25 Vellmori said first she would resign.
Nobody believes that, not in the least because the Hankyoreh interviewed Vellmori the very next day about the unjustness of it. Any 'recording' of the call that he posits as evidence will likely reflect that, and work against him in court, so I'd love to see that actually. KJH apparently doesn't remember that.
4. Can you believe he's fudging his words to make it seem like the PMUA and those associated were the ones attacking employees? Not a single mention of DC anywhere. Now in court, if he's required to provide evidence as to just why Vellmori wanted to resign, well... DC did that. That's undeniable. All this started with wetsuit Ishmael, if anyone's forgotten. And if he admits DC was the reason a perfectly innocent illustrator was left jobless overnight, well, he can do away with his insistence that he was protecting her in any way.
5. And even if he twists legalese to claim Vellmori left of her own volition, it's nothing that hasn't been said by employers in the country a million times over. Advisory resignation this, political controversy that. It's still an unfair dismissal, and an especially rampant problem in the game industry that has been a long time coming to be dealt with.
6. Remember when KJH threatened Mimi and Monggeu with the mention of NDA, when they came out with stories of how they were horrifically mistreated by PM? Hypocritical, just revealing private correspondence with the YU without their permission. As well as the ridiculousness of treating the remnants of a negotiation that fell through like fact. He thinks people can't read, I suppose. It's more ammunition for the unions.
7. The inherent idiocy of evilmongering about 'politics' all thread long. What does KJH think unions Do? He's been fueling the fire regarding a labor rights case for near two months now, but doesn't seem to have learned much other than to dig deeper holes. What he means to do by repeatedly insinuating the PMUA and YU are secretly in cahoots when the PMUA has been open about working with the YU from the start I will never know.
8. Refusing to translate The Notice for 53 days was the first and biggest hint, I think. The radio silence, purposefully leaving international fans in the dark, threatening the contractors, the staunch refusal to name the incels for a single offense. During that time we learned Monggeu had been fired just as quickly as Vellmori, after being made to follow an unrealistic schedule to the point she had suicidal ideation. The workplace reviews in the wake of the incident saying KJH was prone to emotional outbursts. All the translators worked to the bone and abandoned, HHPP's manager announcing an apology with his name for decisions he couldn't have made. Those aren't the actions of someone who has his employees in mind.
The PMUA was created in response to PM's announcement to sue fans back in August. They'd held out hope that KJH would be someone who could see reason. But you'd have to be beyond naive to believe that now. So with all evidence piled up during these two months pointing to KJH being a nasty little guy who has only ever had himself and DC's best interests at heart, I sincerely hope KJH fucks himself over, and for all fans who are eternally confused about what PM has done wrong to be someday in need of a union.
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gacha-incels · 10 months
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yjheart · 2 years
loona is 12. bbcs words against chuu are defamation and slanderous. BBC is the abuser. NOT chuu. it was NEVER chuu. kim jiwoo has been at the hands of their abuse since she was SIXTEEN.
- avoid streaming music videos / songs on ANY platform (spotify, apple music, youtube, etc.)
- delete superstar loona
- do not buy ANY merchandise
i also strongly reccomend doing this for other BBC artists to avoid giving BBC ANY support.
CHUUJUSTICE on TWITTER is a team of Orbits hoping to start a boycott of BBC in protest of the wrongful removal of Chuu.
thank you to sirenyves for this compilation.
BBC has underpaid their staffs, starved their artists, overworked everyone, etc. for a company that "cares" about their staffs state and wants to prevent them from being abused, they sure seem to be keen on being the abuser.
BBC CLAIMING CHUU IS ABUSIVE HAS BEEN CONTERCLAIMED BY MANY PEOPLE. here are some accounts from people who have worked with chuu, and their support for her.
as stated by hyunjin on fab:
"Chuu unnie's heart is probably hurting more than anyone's right now. Please root for & love her lots.."
chuu is suffering the most. please give her the love, support, and courage she needs.
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wickedwitchofozzie · 1 year
The 8/3 Statement
IDK… Overseas fans have been waiting a while for a statement about the situation to help clear things up and this just isn't it… Am i wrong? This seems to me like a nothing PR statement. This seems like a draft from their legal team, not a response to the controversy.
If PM didn't want misinformation about the artist being 'terminated' they could have easily made a statement anytime in the last week clarifying that Vellmori hadn't been fired. That kind of statement doesn't require a legal team's input. Furthermore, the 7/25 notice came within a day of the DCInside review-bomb/protest… this response took a week to deliver. Something about that just doesn't seem right to me?
Also, PM hasn't taken down their 7/25 statement or translated it into any other language. Are they still standing by it? Why not translate it so overseas fans can better understand the situation and stop spreading misinformation?
To me, this reads like a threat. It reads like they're saying, "Stop talking about our mistake or we'll sue you." It definitely doesn't clarify anything.
I'm disappointed.
If they want to say more about the situation, they can. I think they should. I think everybody, on all sides of this controversy, would like to hear more from Project Moon and what is going on. Until then, I can't in good faith support this company moving forward…
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autisticayin · 8 months
guys im sorry to be like Hater of the year over it but the ak stuff still fucks me up Ive seen people who dont even play gacha talk about it but not the fans. Where am i. mentioning fucking dcinside in your player survey after doing a repeat offense of misogyny IS insane like im not losing my mind right
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joyswonderland1108 · 2 years
Rumors and more rumors
I don’t even want to make this post long nor do i want to spread that silly ass rumor. Since apparently JK is dating a new woman every 2 months well.. Me when? 🙄
The fact that Army, well, i-army apparently (not so surprised) are entertaining this when it started from hateful homophobic bitches on DC (Yes i’ve mentioned this on a previous post but here we are again) 
It’s okay to want to be happy for X idol, that is actually how a healthy fan should be, but maybe when there’s a rumor people should try to look up the source of it? Look up how it even started? Seeing if there’s history behind it? And what type of history that is? Is it good or is it bad? 
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People seem to think that it��s hard to make up a rumor when in fact with enough time to waste on useless shit instead of finding a job or going to school, you can gather enough material for that and make it believable even. I could post the next day my piercings and moles matching with JK, drop hints that we’re secretly dating and call it a day. 
Now here’s the thing, no one stopped for a second to “study” said rumor and said person from the rumor, well not really no one actually K-army were furious, but more like, the sheep who blindly follow. If only those hateful old hags from DCinside chose a decent person to soothe their homophobia but instead they went for a nasty attention seeker with a very problematic family and somehow actual Army think it’s totally normal to just associate JK with deranged people as if it’s just another Monday. Mijoo 2.0 basically.
It’s like some people in this fandom don’t even try to understand the boys, understand their personalities, understand how they are and listen to them to know that 2+2 doesn’t equal 5 you mfrs. Clinging on a rumor used to tarnish JK’s image and for some reason people are “happy” for him. 
Notice how whenever our boys disappear for a bit or are less active, especially when it comes to Jimin and JK, rumors start reappearing suddenly? Where were y’all when they keep on rubbing it on our faces that their bond is very much THE standard? It’s funny cause rumors be like “They’ve been dating for 2-3 years” okay well why tf were y’all quiet back then? Afraid you come up with some bullshit non-existent date just for it to be debunked after the boys share where they were on said day? 
Funny thing is that, that same attention seeker ass denied even knowing JK before yet continued to “drop hints”, let’s not forget that she’s 7 years older 🙃Bitch i swear to god if y’all make JK apologize again imma go feral on your asses. I can’t believe i have to come here every other day to defend Jimin and JK from vile rumors and supposed OT7s are sleeping on that. 
(Tagging it under Jikook just because)
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