#dcs trining
astrosamara · 2 months
Solar Return Observations #1
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🔆Sun in 1st house: You might feel a strong urge to express yourself more than usual this year. There's a desire for you to be seen by others. You could also just generally find yourself feeling more optimistic about life than usual. When I look back on photos I've taken of myself during these years, I feel like I notice a glow in my appearance.
🔆Chart ruler conjunct AC: Can be a year filled with a lot of personal change and the rising sign/planet can provide more insight into what that change is. For example, a year when I had Capricorn ascendant with Saturn on my ascendant, I was dealing with so many obstacles and put into situations where I was forced to mature and grow constantly and I now consider it one of the hardest years of my life. Another year when I had Libra ascendant with Venus on my ascendant, I found myself feeling really confident and attractive and embracing my style and creativity, and this was one of the happiest years of my life.
🔆Uranus conjunct IC: Can be a year where your living situation could be changing suddenly and frequently. I lived in multiple new places during a year when I had this aspect. All of these moves happened within a couple of days to a month. There's a strong emphasis on the sudden changing nature of these living situations.
🔆Neptune in 5th house: You might be really romanticizing and enjoying your hobbies this year as well as discovering new hobbies. You can really lose yourself in your creative endeavors and your imagination is vibrant.
🔆North Node conjunct AC: Can indicate a year where you really focus on self-growth. You're not as interested in comparing yourself to other people because it's really important for you to focus on building your own life and unique identity.
🔆Saturn in 6th house: Is a year when unexpected health issues can arise. Your day to day life might feel restrictive in some way as well. You can be in a job that is demanding on you mentally and physically. You may struggle keeping a consistent and pleasant daily routine.
🔆Sun in 12th house: You might feel lonelier than usual. Your energy levels can also be lower than usual. This can be a very reflective and inward time. You could also experience frequent illness.
🔆Uranus in 12th house: You can experience profound spiritual experiences during this year. You can have very vivid dreams that feel like divine messages. You might be drawn deeply to spirituality.
🔆Squares and Oppositions: If your SR chart is filled with squares and oppositions with very little or no harmonious aspects, this can be a year faced with many obstacles, but it can also be a year where you're more determined to make changes. These years tend to be very memorable in terms of a year where you really worked hard despite any obstacles or setbacks.
🔆Moon in Capricorn: I've seen so many SR charts with this placement and it's always during years that people describe as being the hardest and most emotionally challenging years of their lives. This energy is emphasized even greater if the moon falls into one of the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th).
🔆Sun trine Saturn: You might make very practical and achievable goals this year. You feel content with taking baby steps and you don't feel like you're in a rush to make big life changes. You see more results by slow and determined consistency.
🔆Pluto conjunct DC: You can experience powerful transformation through relationships this year. You can meet someone who becomes an important and meaningful influence on your life. Pluto in your SR chart can really highlight the area of your life that will experience a death and rebirth during that year.
🔆Sun in angular houses: These years might stand out more than other years. My past 7 solar return years have all had sun in angular houses and they've all been significant years.
🔆Sagittarius or Pisces MC or Jupiter in 10th house: You can experience a lot of financial gains and recognition in your career during these years.
🔆Saturn conjunct Venus: If you're in a relationship, this can be a year you really value commitment and might consider marriage or some other significant milestone happens. If you're single, you might be more serious about finding love and getting into a relationship.
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foreversandalways · 1 year
unpopular synastry opinions
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as someone who studies ancient hellenistic astrology and as someone who’s been genuinely enthused by astrology/synastry for a long time now.
- there is no perfect synastry. synastry is relative to the people involved; it informs us about a dynamic, but doesn’t in and of itself make a statement about the longevity, success, or even health of a relationship. you’re much better off asking a horary astrologer a specific outcome based questions about a certain relationship to get a definitive answer. a “successful” (using that word relatively, because what constitutes success differs greatly between people) relationship largely depends on two people and their karma. synastry just informs a dynamic.
- conjunctions are not positive aspects to have. ancient astrologers didn’t even consider the conjunction an aspect. it’s a blending of energy, and the “goodness” you get from it depends on the planets involved.
for example, moon conjunct mercury can be nice for telepathy but I’ve seen it play out where the moon person doesn’t let the mercury person get a word in where they’re talking.
if venus is conjunct mercury, that’s positive because venus is a benefic, not because the the conjunction itself is positive. even venus/mercury squares can make for a pleasant dynamic because VENUS as a planetary archetype promotes harmony no matter what aspect she’s in. conversely, venus conjunct saturn would be more difficult because Venus’s pleasantness is inextricably tied to Saturn’s cold, dry nature, which over time can weight her down. especially if the Saturn person is a night chart. which leads me to my next point.
- SECT MATTERS. whether one person is a day chart or a night chart matters tremendously. For people with day charts (you were born during the day, or your sun falls in houses 7-12 in the whole sign house system) your most positive planets are the sun, jupiter, and saturn. for people with night charts (you were born during the night, or your sun falls in houses 1-6 in the whole signs house system) the moon, venus, and mars are your most positive planets. mars is more troublesome in a day chart, saturn is less troublesome and more helpful. saturn is more troublesome in a night chart, mars is less troublesome and more productive.
venus conjunct saturn in the synastry where the saturn person is a night chart is going to be way more difficult than if it was a day chart. venus trine jupiter in a chart where the jupiter person is a day chart is going to be felt more positively than if they were a night chart.
- which leads me to my next point. i like venus/mars aspects waaay better when the two people are both night charts, because venus and mars are both part of the night sect. i find them hotter, there’s less bickering and more passion. yes, even the squares and oppositions. in fact i prefer them.
- a bunch of trines and sextiles in synastry are boring, and i’d even go as far as saying those are the real synastry red flags. oppositions and squares bring tension, but tension is a part of growth and life. tension sparks creativity. think about the sexual tension it takes for two people to have sex and create a child. think about how the moon cycle is brought to manifestation via squares and oppositions. we have our new moon (conjunction) first quarter moon (square) so on and so forth until we reach the full moon (opposition) where things come to fruition.
trines and sextiles are nice and do have their value and place, but they’re just that. nice. not dynamic. i barely felt it when pluto trined my sun, but when it squared my mars it spurred me to action for the better. souls need growth and that’s what the hard aspects provide.
- someone’s planet conjunct your angles isn’t necessarily good, just loud.
lemme say it again: SOMEONE’S PLANET CONJUNCTING YOUR ANGLES ISN’T NECESSARILY GOOD, JUST LOUD. that goes for the degrees of the AC, IC, DC, and MC. it can signify them being an important figure in your life, but important doesn’t always mean good, or lasting. just prominent. the angular houses (1, 4, 7, 10) are the anchors of the chart with the most important life themes, so planets here are LOUD, but loud doesn’t mean GOOD.
case in point: sophie turner and joe jonas. her venus sits right on his descendant. you’d think that would mean soulmate, true love, and it very well was for them at some point, but now it’s nasty divorce in the press (the descendant also being the place of opposition, and things seen in the public)
- synastry also isn’t static. what worked and was lovely one day could suffocate you tomorrow depending on your own souls growth. venus conjunct saturn can mean lovely stability and dependability between you two one day, and then three years later it means you feel like your partner gets colder and colder towards you, dampening your spark.
- saturn square venus in synastry does not work. spare yourself the heartache, it’s the most blatant omen of cosmic NO I’ve ever seen and experienced. the universe does not want y’all together.
- the 8th house is not about sex. I see this so much on tumblr and it makes me want to SCREAM. the 8th house is NOT. ABOUT. SEX. it is about the consequences of merging with someone. in the 8th house you take on their benefits and their baggage. the 8th house in the ancient tradition was associated with the esteem of others, i.e being beholden to what other people have and can provide you with. speaking as an 8th house venus myself, that isn’t always fun. it’s also a place associated with death, anxiety, and avoiding the inevitable. the 5th and even 7th house are much better places to look for sex. modern astrology has such a misconstrued view of the 8th house as some deep, intense sexy soul bearing place and that’s not what it is at all. i PROMISE you that if you become competent enough you’ll find intensity in some other aspect or placement in your synastry.
- 12th HOUSE SYNASTRY IS NOT SOULMATE SYNASTRY. I don’t even like speaking in absolute terms, I know a happily married couple where her aries stellium falls into his 12th (trining his leo venus, but i digress) but it’s more so the romanticizing of the 12th that drives me crazy. the 12th house is a place of mental anguish, suffering, isolation, and losing yourself. it is called the joy of Saturn, the greater evil-doer. it is a place of hidden enemies, and people who secretly sabotage you. if the ruler of the 7th is in the 12th, the partner can undermine you in some way. if the fourth house ruler is in the 12th, your parents or family could keep some secret from you. it is considered a bad house. the ancients called it “bad spirit” for a reason. tread carefully.
- sign affinity works! when all else fails keep it simple! you’re going to get along with people whose moon sign is in the same element as yours. if you’re a taurus venus, you just “get” other taurus placements, regardless of the house it falls in in your natal chart.
- 11th house synastry is good, and it’s not just cause you’d feel friendly feelings towards each other or whatever. the 11th house is called “good spirit” in ancient astrology, it’s the joy of jupiter. planets here are uplifting and supportive, so someone else’s planets falling here would have a similar effect. it’s warm. i especially like the moon here in synastry.
- nothing beats 7th house synastry. I don’t care, it’s the true house of merging and intimacy and closeness. the seventh house is where you find close bonds. 1st and 5th house are close second and thirds.
- don’t sleep on love asteroids! don’t make them the end all be all, planets will always tell the story best, but i’m currently obsessed with them at the moment. i could make a whole separate post on them.
- juno trines/squares/oppositions >>> juno conjunctions. i’ve seen the trines function much better than the conjunctions. goes back to my point about conjunctions being neutral. i have literally seen venus conjunct juno and saturn conjunct juno relationships fall apart while saturn trine juno, or jupiter square juno relationships thrive over years.
- the asteroid person is the one who feels it in synastry. they play out the myth/meaning through the planet person. this is what i’ve seen on an overarching level. if someone’s cupido conjuncts one of your planets, they have a crush/infatuation and you feel it, and may or may not reciprocate.
i think i’ll cap it here!
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brielledoesastrology · 10 months
asteroids of KARMA / JUSTICE in astrology 😈⚖️
By : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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Justitia (269) - Justitia, often known as Lady Justice, is a symbol of justice in roman mythology. Depicted with a blindfold, scales, and a sword, she represents impartiality, fairness, and the power of the law. The blindfold signifies objective judgment, the scales represent the weighing of evidence, and the sword symbolizes the enforcement of justice. This iconic figure is commonly associated with legal systems worldwide.
Themis (24) - Themis is a Titaness associated with divine order, law, and custom. Often depicted holding scales and a sword, she represents justice and fairness. Themis is also considered an oracle, providing wise counsel. As a Titaness, she predates the Olympian gods and is a symbol of natural law and the proper order of things in the cosmos.
Karma (3811) - Karma, from Hinduism and Buddhism, is the concept that your actions influence your future experiences. Positive actions lead to positive outcomes, while negative actions result in negative consequences. It's a fundamental principle of cause and effect, emphasizing personal responsibility and the idea that your deeds shape your destiny.
Nemesis (128) - Nemesis is the goddess of retribution and vengeance. She ensures that individuals face consequences for their hubris or excessive pride. Nemesis is often depicted with a measuring rod or scales, symbolizing the idea that one's actions will be weighed and balanced. Her role is to maintain cosmic order by delivering justice to those who display arrogance or commit acts of injustice.
Eunomia (15) - Eunomia is the goddess of good order and governance. She is one of the Horae, the daughters of Zeus and Themis. Eunomia is associated with maintaining social harmony and upholding law and order. Her name translates to "good order" or "good governance," highlighting her role in promoting a just and well-organized society.
Irene (14) - Irene is one of the Horae, the goddesses of the seasons and natural cycles. Irene specifically represents peace and the concept of a "peaceful season." She is associated with the idea of harmony and tranquility, symbolizing the serene moments that come with a well-balanced and peaceful existence.
Dike (99) - Dike is the goddess of justice. She is the daughter of Zeus and Themis, making her a sister to Eunomia (good order) and irene (peace). Dike is often depicted holding scales, representing the weighing of moral choices, and a sword, symbolizing the enforcement of justice. Her role emphasizes the importance of righteous judgment and maintaining a sense of fairness in human affairs.
Copy paste : 269,24,3811,128,15,14,99
⚠️ Warning : i consider this asteroid as prominent and brings the most effect if it conjuncts ur personal planets (sun,moon,venus,mercury,mars) and if it conjuncts ur personal points (ac,dc,ic,mc), i use 0 - 2.5 orbs (for conjunctions). For sextile, trine, opposite and square aspects to asteroids i usually use 0 - 2 orbs. Yes tight conjunctions of planet / personal points to asteroids tends to give the most effect, but other aspects (sextile,trine,square,opposite, etc) still exist, even they produce effects. If it doesn't aspect any of your planets or personal points, check the house placement of the asteroid, maybe some stuff/topics relating to this asteroid could affect some topics/stuff relating to the house placement . ⚠️
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astro-vogue · 4 months
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
● I love IMAN & DAVID BOWIE's synastry, they had so many cute placements I can't help but share some:
⚠ DISCLAIMER: these placements I'm gonna list below are seen as positive only in relation to the whole chart. No factor is inherently good or bad.
⎯ she literally has a Leo Stellium in David's 7H
⎯ her Sun is Conjunct his DC
⎯ Jupiter in David's 7H as well
⎯ her Sun, Jupiter and Mars Trine David's Venus
⎯ her Venus Trines his Jupiter
⎯ Bowie's Sun and Mars Sextile Iman Saturn
[unfortunately her birth time isn't available and I can't calculate full charts]
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© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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ms-m-astrologer · 10 days
2024 Pisces Full Moon/Eclipse
Wednesday, September 18, 02:34 UT, 25°41’ Pisces
Chart erected for Washington, DC (Tuesday, September 27, 22:34 EDT)
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To reiterate what I wrote in my weekly forecast: usually I would start this off with the key phrases for the Full lunar phase, but this is a lunar eclipse and “illumine” doesn’t fit very well.
So we have this (temporarily) darkened Moon in Pisces, conjunct Neptune Rx - a double dose of wafting, drifty, foggy energy. If you’re comfortable with that, go with that flow!
The rest of us may want to make more of an effort to stay grounded, which with all the earthy energy should be easy. There’s an Earth grand trine between Sun/Virgo, Uranus Rx/Taurus, and Pluto Rx/Capricorn. Bigger things are going on than our measly little issues - or (letting that Moon/Neptune out to play) maybe our measly little issues are a manifestation of bigger, more universal things. These may come into sharper focus during the upcoming Disseminating phase.
Venmo Mary_Brack
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Thank you!
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years
🌑Asteroid Pan(4450): Represents our wild side(like bacchus) but in a more dominant, tactless, rude, grounded, primal, instinctive and experienced way. For example: Pan In 8th house the individual is quite experienced s*xually and likes to experiment a lot too in a more carnal way, but they can get bored if it's with the same person all the time because they want more and this can cause problems with long-term relationships. 🌑Asteroid Shiva(1170): People who have Asteroid Shiva prominent in their charts(conjunct their Sun or AC) could find peace/ecstasy in chaos, since existence for them is the same trascendental substance, like everything is the same for them, they can see the nothingness behind existance and thats why they are quite confident but at the same time they can have self-destructive behaviors due to this. The spiritual path is highly recommended for these individuals as they have great potential to become enlightened or become spiritual seekers/masters (and that's when they exude a divine, godly, strong s*x appeal like a deity). 🌑Asteroid Daitarabochi(8551): This asteroid prominent in a chart could give dark, demonic, intimidating qualities to the individual. For example: Daitarabochi conjunct Mercury: The native has a lot of black humour or directly have dark thoughts like if someone or something bothers them, they immediately thinks of killing it or they imagine a lot of possible ways to destroy it. 🌑Another Easter Egg here: Any planet or asteroid that conjuncts your chiron it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist or that is completely broken or wounded, it means that if you decide to heal or follow a spiritual path eventually you are going to unlock them. For example: i have Adonis(2101) & Sekhmet(5381) conjunct my chiron and when I decided to take a spiritual path, heal and go beyond pain, I became very attractive, with lots of magnetism, highly sought after by women, and had lot of passion, masculine energy, charm and very fearless. 🌑Mars in Capricorn and/or aspecting Saturn: their masculine energy comes later in life because Saturn here restricts their energy a bit by giving them a lot of responsibilities and things to take care of first, Although they are quite stoic and can take a lot of stress especially conjunctions, trines and sextiles(squares and oppositions are very sensitive to stress and authoritative figures), They tend to supress a lot their anger and sometimes they don't realize how much cortisol they carry in their bodies, and they have a willpower very similar to Yūta Okkotsu (shy but unstoppable), generally after their first Saturn return they become quite masculine, strong, resilient, cold, dominants, compassionate, and a lot of stamina and endurance is unlocked here (like kakashi, levi, killua, saitama type). 🌑Lilith Opposite AC or conjunct DC: These people have a lot of s*x appeal and seductive abilities, but this is not very recognized to the public eye or in public places with a lot of people, this is only recognized in one-on-one interactions with these people, the tendency here is to project their insecurities and anger onto their partners, and as a result of this they become victims of abusive relationships. Shadow work is very recommended here.
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bunnitenshi · 1 year
Romance Astro Observations 🦄💘
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★ DC in Aries may pair well with Capricorn signs and find a lot of healing in the relationship.
★ Mercury in Libra placements aren’t good in LDRs, since Mercury rules short distance travel
★ Venus at 18° placements may date people from work, or people with substance abuse issues
★ Venus in Gemini placements love to travel and have adventures. They likely enjoy hiking as a hobby.
★ Sun trine Uranus placements are rebels and dislike being tied down. They might be polyamorous.
★ Venus sextile Mars placements are extremely attractive, athletic and well liked. They desire a creative partner.
★ North Node in the 5th house placements don’t tend to seek out multiple relationships, but they do often have multiple sexual partners.
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uyuforu · 7 months
Hi! I want to ask, How to find out the DC & IC aspects? in the table there are only MC & AC. Thank you!!
Let me explain to you visually:
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This is my Boda Persona Chart. The IC is in Cancer 29°, The DC (I put DSC because it is Descendant) is Scorpio 22°, and the MC 29°.
On this chart, based on the Boda Aspects post I did recently, we will focus on Boda and the Sun since it is my Boda PC.
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Recalling aspects:
Conjunct: Same sign
Semi-Sextile: 1 sign apart
Sextile: 2 signs apart
Square: 3 signs apart
Trine: 4 signs apart
Quincunx: 5 signs apart
Opposite: 6 signs apart
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The Sun and Boda are both in Gemini. So We are going to start on Gemini case.
From Sun/ Boda to IC there is 1 case (Gemini -> Cancer). So it Semi-Sextiles. From Sun/ Boda to DC there are 5 cases so it Quincunx. And since it is more than 6 cases from Sun/ Boda to MC, it doesn't count.
Sun/ Boda Semi-Sextiles IC: One of the two weddings I will have (I apparently get marry twice with the same person) will be in my homeland. My family will indeed be present at my weddings, and I always wanted to do a wedding where I was born exactly so it seems like indeed it will feel nostalgic to me. And since I will apparently be pregnant during the wedding there are indeed chances of children... 😬
Sun/ Boda Quincunx DC: It makes sense since I will apparently marry first pretty fast because of pregnancy and it can so not be exactly what I expected because tbh I never wanted to marry while being pregnant. But it is what it is am I right.
Hope it helped!
- uyu
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esoteriamaya · 7 months
Good evening!!! I wanted to ask what kind of karma you see in my chart? Here is my natal chart, thank you!!
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karmic astrology tips <3
Saturn in the 7th house is showing that a longtime relationship will be in the works. with it opposing your first house pluto you will go through a personal transformation with yourself and appearance before, during, and after this bond. Looking at the opposition making a trine to venus .. there will be a lucky encounter with this person and it can be during a family gathering or thru a connection with someone you are close with. This person could help change the way you see about yourself and help you mature in whatever it is you aspire for as saturn is square the mc a bit.
saturn forming a square to the mc in libra shows great success can come with hard work but with companionships. Being cooperative with others is how you can climb the social ladder with ease and have everything you need in order to keep aspirations flowing.
venus sextile saturn shows a desire to express its inner self to people as venus is aspecting the 7th house dc point as well.
I hope this helps, this was a small thesis on karmic astrology <3
(lost in the drafts my baddddd)
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amsandams · 6 months
ive been reading up on my 2024 SR since ive been slowly trying to learn astrology a bit better.
My asc this year is in Virgo so im expecting health, routines, and because comparing to my natal chart its conjunct my MC to be big themes for work, hopefully good change.
Also interested this year since my natal Jupiter is in Virgo so im wondering if anything regarding luck and expansion is coming. My asc is trining venus and jupiter, opp saturn, trining uranus, and opp neptune.
Lilith is conjunct my ascendant, some astrologers say it means more male attention and boy do i feel it already! 😳 im most excited for my 9th house stellium, it hopefully means more studying/travel.
I have a my DC ruler in the DC and in placidus 2 signs are in the DC area both in rulership, Neptune 29° in Pisces and Mars 16° in Aries.
I have a pluto 5th house very much aspecting my 9th house sun venus jupiter and uranus.
Im hoping with my 2nd house Scorpio ruler being in the 5th i get to do some paid creative work!
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airyknightofcups · 2 years
Astrology key for beginners
Degrees between planets
Ascendant aka rising (abbrv. Asc)
The first house cusp.
Composite chart
An average taken from you and your partner's chart to create a whole new chart to represent the relationship.
An aspect of 0-5 degrees.
Descendant (abbrv dc)
Opposite your asc, useally but not always your 7th House cusp
Midhaven (abbrv mc)
Opposite your IC. Useally but not always the 10th house cusp
North node and South node
The points of the horizon at your birth.
Natal chart
The chart made at the time of your birth, aka birth chart.
Nadir (abbrv IC)
Opposite your Mc, useally but not always the 4th house cusp
The amount of degrees difference in aspects. So for example a opposition between Neptune and Venus, which one is at 23° whilst the other is at 24° would be an orb of 1° The smaller the degree the more important the aspect.
An aspect of 180°
An aspect of 90°
An aspect of 60°
You and a partner's natal charts placed on top of each other in order to compare and show aspects.
Solar return chart
The chart taken when the sun is at the exact same degree and sign as your natal sun any given year. Shows you what will happen that year.
The chart taken at any moment, and then compared to yours much like in synastry or solar return charts. Shows you current happenings.
An aspect of 120°
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oceanbaby888 · 2 years
Courage the Cowardly Dog: A Short Delineation 😫🫣🙃✨
This is the work of TarotLadyTalks LLC. Please do not steal or repost my work without credit!
-Hey yall!
-It's been a while since I did this, but since it's almost Halloween and I've had this idea on my mind for a while, I wanted to do a short delineation on one of the most terrifying, but popular cartoon shows from Cartoon Network in the late 1990s: Courage the Cowardly Dog! I don't know about yall, but I've always wondered how in the hell this show was suitable for children, but looking at the chart of the premiere, I see why! So let's look at it! You may vividly remember this show, Pluto in Sagittarius people, as this show ran from Nov. 1999-Nov. 2002.
-Note: I may add onto this interpretation later. These are just my thoughts, as I am not a professional astrologer. I am welcome to respectful commentary on this post of your thoughts!
-So here's the chart I referenced. I located the premiere happening of course at Cartoon Network Studios in 1999, but I set the time to 5pm as the time it premiere for me (from what I remember) was usually 7pm CST. And CST is two hours ahead of PST. Anyway, here's the casted chart.
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Here is what I have noted from this chart!
- The ruler of the AC(Venus) lies in the 5H, which makes sense as to why this was a show directed towards children. We also see it was directed to children as the ruler of the 5H (Mercury) lies in rx on the DC (other people) in the sign of Scorpio in the 7H. I do think personally with the ruler of the 5H being in rx on the DC, Cartoon Network definitely gave it more thought before letting it air as a children's show. As I read, there was a short (prototype if you will) that aired in February 1996 titled "The Chicken from Outer Space", but the actual show didn't premiere its first episode until November 1999.
-Even the MC (reputation) is in close trine to the AC ruler! How interesting is that! Meaning it definitely was going to be popular due to how out the box it was in comparison to other shows at the time! Also, with the 4H North Node in Leo trine the 7H Pluto in Sagittarius, speaks to the show being a household name due to the disturbing (Pluto) direction it went towards. Especially since the 4H talks about our subconscious, how in the fuck that show accessed  our deepest fears among the audience is beyond me. 😬🙃😟
-Back to the aforementioned point, I think with the ruler of the AC being in domicile in the 5H and in close trine to the MC, it says to me that while this show was scary as hell, Cartoon Network thought of it to still be okay enough to air on TV…?  Once again, with Mercury being in rx, there had to be a lot of revising for this to happen I think. 🤔
- I do feel like the Sun-AC opposition is the reason behind there was so many mixed reactions to this show. The Scorpio Sun definitely speaks to the fact this show may have become popular due to the horror elements the show had, but in opposition to the AC highlights the horror element in a children's show on a children's network threw people for a loop (especially as the Sun was in square to the 10H Uranus in Aquarius). Yet, since it we are talking about oppositions, the producers made it work to not only it stayed on the network, but it's one of the most popular cartoons of the 1990s. I'm still even confused by that til this day. Shoutout to John Dilworth for making such a unique cartoon!
-I feel this mixed reaction yet fortifying popularity for years to come (in our generation) is reinforced by the Uranus in the 10H in Aquarius in square to the Scorpio Sun conjunct the DC & sextile to Pluto in Sagittarius in 7H. A lot of outer planet action going on (outer planets usually represent a generational effect). This show was definitely odd and different from other cartoons that were out during the time (like the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Ed Edd n Eddy, etc). Moreover, the Uranus sextile to the 7H Pluto gave a terrifying shock factor to the people (7H) (mainly the Pluto in Sagittarius generation) who were watching it. Despite the main audience being younger at the time, I remember after watching Courage the Cowardly Dog I would say to myself "What the entire fuck is going on in this show?" And would go to bed pretty disturbed some nights. So I did avoid watching this show at night lol. 😬
- Yet, I did feel like this shock, horror, and strange characters/plots could have also added to its popularity (Sun). Scorpio Sun energy gains popularity from mystery and fear that we can not look away from. 🫣
- Moreover, the Uranus' (ruler of the MC) square to the 12H Saturn in Taurus can also add to why Courage the Cowardly Dog is so popular after years to come. I've noticed that squares to Saturn can indicate a bonding effect, meaning something will become long term. Courage the Cowardly Dog, despite how terrifying/weird it was to us, was still airing even up until now with Cartoon Network's 30 year anniversary on the Cartoon Network Channel! 
- With the moon in Capricorn in the 9H in exact trine to Saturn in Taurus in the 12H, this show, compared to the other cartoons, did seem to give off a more dark, heavy energy. It did not feel as lighthearted compared to Billy and Mandy or Dexter's Laboratory. It's not the show that made you laugh that much (at least to me). We really just watched it for the horror and the life scars. 😔🙃
That's all! Happy Full Moon in Aries! And oh before I forget, return the slab or suffer my curse! 😂😂😂😟
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-Claude 😂
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brielledoesastrology · 11 months
asteroid Jane Austen (39415) in your astrology natal chart
By : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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asteroid "Jane Austen" code number : 39415
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It is obvious we know what this asteroid is named after 😉📙✨.
Jane Austen was an English novelist known primarily for her six novels, which implicitly interpret, critique, and comment upon the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th century.
Austen's plots often explore the dependence of women on marriage for the pursuit of favourable social standing and economic security.
Her works are an implicit critique of the novels of sensibility of the second half of the 18th century and are part of the transition to 19th-century literary realism.
Her deft use of social commentary, realism and biting irony have earned her acclaim among critics and scholars.
(source : wikipedia)
her works, she showcases the significance of genuine love, effective communication, navigating societal expectations, personal growth, integrity, and achieving a balance between emotions and reason.
In astrology the asteroid "Jane austen" (39415) could indicate : your experience in having romantic connections with very upper class or very lower class people (especially having actual genuine love for them), handling or going through societal expectation, having some sort of personal growth or intergrity in your life story, having balanced between emotions and reasons on the final of your story or experience, could also indicate where jane austen works resonates or relates soo much to you, where other people try to interrupt your love connections, where you are a really great or good writer especially in romance, where you could be a famous or well known writter especially in the romance theme.
⚠️ Warning : i consider this asteroid as prominent or brings the most effect if it conjuncts ur personal planets (sun,moon,venus,mercury,mars) and if it conjuncts ur personal points (ac,dc,ic,mc), i use 0 - 2.5 orbs (for conjunctions). For sextile, trine, opposite and square aspects to asteroids i usually use 0 - 2 orbs. Yes tight conjunctions of planet / personal points to asteroids tends to give the most effect, but other aspects (sextile,trine,square,opposite, etc) still exist, even they produce effects. If it doesn't aspect any of your planets or personal points, check the house placement of the asteroid, maybe some stuff/topics relating to this asteroid could affect some topics/stuff relating to the house placement . ⚠️
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Lunar Return Oct 3, 2023
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LR Moon in 7H
Agreements, alliances, lower half of the back, contracts, kidneys, litigation, marriage, peace, the public, society, unions
Disseminating Moon
Time to show off the talents and results you worked on
Scorpio Ascendant (Theme of the Month)
Cemeteries, the dead, dentistry, detectives, funerals, hay fever, insurance, legacies, magic, operations, pelvis, rebirth, reproduction, research, resentment, taxation, tyranny, stagnant water, witchcraft
Ascendant Ruler in 3H
Cars, books, broadcasts, buses, communication, correspondence, education, fingers, gossip, hands, information, intellect, journalism, libraries, lungs, neighborhood, news, radio, tv, phones, thoughts, trains, traffic, local travel, writing
Other Things
Venus conjunct MC= Increased popularity and good reputation
Mars conjunct South Node= Win battles here and there but lose the overall ware
Saturn conjunct IC= Changes in life will have important consequences in the upcoming years. Don't neglect responsibilities to family and to your home.
Uranus conjunct DC= Unexpected encounters with other people
Venus trine North Node= Other people see your potential and are attracted to you. You realize your purpose and mission
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ms-m-astrologer · 5 days
2024 Libra Equinox
Sunday, September 22, 12:44 UT
Chart erected for Washington, DC
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I typically set up all the next year’s solstice, equinox, and cross-quarter charts in late November. Been staring at this one for ten months, and what I keep coming back to is that close trine between Sun/Libra and Moon/Gemini.
The thing is, those are Air signs - and a problem for all Air signs is that we spend far too much time inside our own heads. We build our little theories and expectations about how things should be and should go.
The problem with that is that Other People Exist - they may not on board with any of our schemes, or only a part of them. Someone doesn’t do what we thought they would do, and it messes up our plans. We end up disoriented and unable to function.
I think it’s going to be especially important this season to listen to others. You know the euqation: two ears and one mouth = listen twice as much as we speak. And not only for the purpose of finding common ground - people whom we assumed were “on our side,” just may not be. Libra season seems to be like a test of poise.
Here in the Northern hemisphere, it’s Mabon, and the flowers I associate with the season are asters (purple) and chrysanthemums (many):
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My mom had a very green thumb (which I did not inherit), and in autumn was always bringing home some mums to coax into bloom.
As far as food and drink go, there’s just one item for me: apples. Apple cider, caramel apples, apple pie (my mom baked an excellent deep dish apple pie), homemade applesauce. This is the time of year for the county fair, back where I grew up in Michigan, so there are memories of midway treats.
Still hearing crickets at night (and at times in the day as well). The trees are beginning to turn color, evenings and mornings are chilly, and the very highest mountain elevations may see some snow this weekend!
Venmo Mary_Brack
PayPal MaryVBrack
Thank you!
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rosesastrology · 1 year
Hi rose!! I hope you’re doing well :) i’ve been hesitant to ask this question or not because i don’t want to get my paranoid side get the best of me 😭 but it now did because i need to ask if my ex has recently done things with his female friend N or maybe even while we still were together (i have asked him and he denied but a lot of things point to that he did do it) Amsterdam 17:06 PM 23 november
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You're represented by the Asc ruler, Mercury, which is in the 6th house. Mercury is in its detriment in 9° Sag, showing your paranoia. Mercury is conjunct the DC, and Mercury is also conjunct Venus. Venus typically represents a woman, but as we can see Jupiter and Venus don't have an aspect between them. There are no sneaky antiscia aspects either.
Jupiter's only possibly red flaggish aspect is the 1° trine with the moon. The moon is typically a girl, that and the fact Jupiter is in h11 (friends) which is also his turned 5th (parties, sex, indulgence, drugs, etc.). Jupiter is retrograde, which suggests 'going back', and the fact the trine with the moon perfects while it's retrograde is interesting because it could suggest previous action with the moon while Jupiter was still in direct motion.
The Moon is in her fall in Virgo, and I can see that with Jupiter in Pisces, the moon would like him but this is more of a friendship. I don't see anything that suggests more than friendship: the moon isn't in his house, they're not conjunct, and the receptions aren't anything that suggests more than friendship. I'd say no, he probably wasn't cheating and isn't with her now. It could be that they'll get together in the future (moon moving to h7) but that wasn't the case beforehand.
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