#dcviated (tharja.)
convxction · 2 years
"Oh no." The dark mage's voice drips reluctance and sarcasm. Almost as poisoned as one of her many hexes. Tharja takes a modicum of effort to turn and regard their leader as he enters her tent. Hard not to sense him what with all the 'puppy' energy that splashes off him much like a dog after a bath.
"Please tell me its not something necessitating I carry a conversation with you. I just had my nap."
Despite being granted entry to her tent, it did not seem she was that welcoming to him. It was not something that had bothered him, in all honesty. He knew the kind of person Tharja is and he does not ask her to be someone else besides herself. Recruiting an enemy right amidst battle was something crazy, let alone a dark mage whose infamous reputation proceed them. Frederick and others did voice their concerns pertaining to her presence in the army. Though, to Chrom the only key factor was if he can trust this person or not, and in his eyes, Tharja was not someone who would .. abuse his trust. Foolish, yes, but it is perhaps a gift from his ancestors and the divine dragon that he believes in people and sees the best in them.
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"Worry not, my piece will be short. I'd like your opinion on the terrain that we will venture into, being a Plegian person. There is a mountain up ahead but there is an easy road into the desert. Once you are free, please come to the strategy tent.
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unprompted | always accepting | @dcviated
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sweptawxy · 1 year
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"I disagree. I think she should die. But it has to be done right. The right way and at the right time." Tharja's not the sort of optimistic peanut crowd one usually deals with, eh Frederick?
The mage had left Frederick a bit baffled- sure the up and coming teenagers claiming to be children of the shepherds was..odd, and highly suspicious in their own way, but he defflently didn't think any of them had to die. The poor girl in front of him who'd almost taken him out with an arrow was shaking like a leaf and looked as spooked as he was.
"Tharja," he started, looking back at her. "Perhaps.we hear her story first?"
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generalzelgius · 1 year
❝ i’m not being weird, you’re being weird. ❞ from Tharja!
        It was not entirely often that the former general lost his patience when dealing with other people. His life of servitude and knighthood had taught him to remain calm in the face of stress, to exhibit the best behavior despite personal feelings, and to stay out of trouble most of all. However, the push and pull mechanics of this conversation had caused him to grow weary, especially when other's safety was potentially concerned.
       ❛ I do not recall ever calling you weird, miss,   ❜ he began, despite his annoyance, doing his utmost best to curl the sharpness in his tone. ❛ What I said is I just found it a bit strange, how in this vast desert, you were able to locate this exact settlement despite the unfavorable conditions.   ❜ Namely, the severe dust storms that plagued the area, making visibility little to none. The location was chosen on purpose, after all, for how hard it was to locate and make one's way toward.
       Although Zelgius was by no means an official guard of this place, he took it upon himself to patrol the area and to keep a lookout for any suspicious figures. It was the least he could do after Queen Nailah offered him refuge here. This place was home to many undesirables of society, namely the Branded, a race which contained mixed blood, that of beast and human, to which he belonged.
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       ❛ I suggest you leave at once, if you have no official business here. ❜ The fact that he had chosen to engage in conversation and not outright attack her was because he believed violence was not always the answer. The others might not have been so kind. Even so, it didn't mean he wouldn't engage in it if necessary.
god of war: ragnarok starters | accepting | for @dcviated
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sweptawxy · 1 year
💤🌳 [ tharja to robin! ]
Tharja was the scariest person thus far in the Shepards- if he wasn't counting Frederick on a charge and protecting Chrom or Lissa, or Lon'qu when he was in a bad mood. However, looking at the mage as she was now, sleeping and calm- Robin couldn't help but feel like he could get a little closer in the "danger zone", an affromented area dubbed by anyone who tasted her magic on the wrong end. She was sleeping soundly under a tree, prompting the tactician to walk closer, tome in his arms and glanced over to make sure she was okay.
"Seems like she's fine.." But anyone else would have probably bothered her, so, he sat down across from her in the grass, opening the divine book of spells so he could learn more about the practical uses of elfire. "Whens he wakes up, I'll just explain that I didn't want anyone waking her up." Yeah. That was a good way to reason with it.
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