#thank <3
haley-harrison · 1 year
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didderd · 10 months
*wakes up to so many ppl simping in th rbs of my farmfell doodle*
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neechees · 7 months
📝 for the wip questions? :3
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
"The Chief and Council building sits directly next to the Church, and beside the Church is a house for the nuns. They were the first houses to get electricity and running water in the whole reserve. If you came to Church regularly. then you were given a house in the townsite, next to the tiny grocery store and clinic.
The house for nuns had originally been where the Indian Agent lived.
Anybody who refused to attend Mass and continued with the Indian beliefs was pushed on the very edges of the reserve, away from the convenience of community and into the Bush.
My family lived, and continue to live in the Bush. "
I'm going to rewrite these passages to be a bit more eloquent of course, so this is more of a tone setter for one of my wips!
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mk-nightrider · 1 day
For Billie and Tomek 😁
3. What parts of themselves do they tend to hide?
4. How do they punish themselves when they make mistakes?
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3. What parts of themselves do they tend to hide? All of it. Everything. Though if I had to pick one core thing, his softness and general want to be kind. Kano sneers at it and calls it weakness. Skarlet gets uncomfortable and weird when it drives Tomek to express negative opinions of Kano. He even eventually begins to hide it from Billie. She loves being a Black Dragon after all. She's the only person he can remotely be 'Tomek' around and he doesn't want to lose her as she grows into her position as heir to the clan.
So he puts on a mask and becomes Kounterfeit any time he's in the walls of a Black Dragon establishment. A near silent figure who patches together fighters after cage matches and expels rule-breakers. The only thing making it through being dry sarcastic comments.
4. How do they punish themselves when they make mistakes? Tomek will over-correct and obsessively attempt to fix or make up for whatever deficiency caused his failure. For example; he blames himself for Billie losing her hand during a Special Forces raid. In turn he recklessly pushes to be included in jobs where he might go up against them. Seeking to put down the agent that hurt his sister even if it means putting himself in risky situations.
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3. What parts of themselves do they tend to hide? Much like her brother, Billie also hides how much she does actually care about other people. Don't be mistaken though. She's still not going to your fucking baby shower, Janet, and will always look for any advantage for herself in a situation. It's just that after losing what connections she did have in Australia and finally feeling like she can be herself, she doesn't want to let go of these people. Especially with Kano grooming her to take over while he treats what will one day be hers as disposable. It's an uncomfortable and unfamiliar feeling. So she shoves it down and covers it up with a typical aloof tough girl attitude.
4. How do they punish themselves when they make mistakes?
She usually doesn't. Billie likes to make such things other people's problems if it's something she can't roll her eyes at and ignore. When she can't she lashes out and isolates. For example, Billie once learned that a crush of hers actually had a crush on Tomek. This led to some rather intense cold shoulder treatments for a little while, much to Tomek's confusion.
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versxtileboys · 4 months
omg... can girlies drop some fc recommendations??? kinda feelin quirky and wanting to add more muses
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veradune · 2 months
So my brain decided it would be fun to give me a panic attack this morning. As I was waking up but somehow still dreaming the image came to me you leaving a comment on my fanfic on ao3. My fanfic that is currently in my drafts and incomplete! I woke up so fast just to make sure I hadn't accidentally posted it while I was making bad life choices and editing it at 2am
So yeah just thought I'd share XD
Aw, I am actually very honored to have played a random role in a dream out there (nice reminder I do in fact exist when not in ppl's faces)
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quiisquiliae · 2 months
Which of the companions is he closest with (advisers can be included)? Does he have a favorite time of day/night? What's something he wants to try/learn but hasn't?
"Favorite time of night? Easy, late. It's quiet, and there's no expectations. It's the best time to just be." He pauses, thinking a moment before continuing. "And doing sketchy shit, but that's another story."
"Something I wanna learn is how to get better at archery but while moving. I'm a good shot if I'm standing still, but once I start tryin' to move it's pretty bad. Would love to learn to shoot a bow from horseback, but that's a pretty long way off if I'm honest."
The first question was proving difficult to answer, and Talon tilted his head, trying to think. "I dunno who I'm closest to. There's a few I'm close to, but it's in different ways? Varric is about the closest thing I've ever had to a decent dad. Bull is a great guy I can vent to and chill with. And spar with when I gotta hit something or have some sense knocked into me. Most everyone else I consider a friend and like hanging out with, but they're probably the two I feel ok talking to about shit?"
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crossover-enthusiast · 4 months
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echthr0s · 5 months
winter greenery questions, for adrian: fir 1; holly 1, 4; ivy 2, 3, 5; mistletoe 3, 4, 5; and birch 1. :)
Is your OC generally optimistic about the future? Or do they tend to prepare for the worst, whilst hoping for the best? Or do they even take a generally pessimistic view of the way things will likely unfold?
I do think Adrian is a true realist and I think that because he has such laser-focus on the present. it's part of what makes him so effective -- he's not a ruminator, so he doesn't get caught in those shame and regret spirals that plague so many commanders, and he has an uncanny ability to take whatever is in front of him at face value and deal with it as such. this also makes him easy to deceive sometimes, though. there's a downside to everything. (although this is easily solved by casually shooting you once the ruse is revealed. better weigh the risks if you're gonna fuck with him)
so, he doesn't think about the future much. in the beginning that was just because he didn't see any value in worrying about what's going to happen -- whatever it was, he'd just deal with it -- but in later years there was definitely a "I know what's there and I don't like it" component added because of the Reaper visions. but I don't think knowing what would become of him made him pessimistic, I think it made him double down on his values and his choices. if tomorrow sucks, then by god today will not
some people would even go so far as to call him an optimist, because you just can't keep him down no matter what. but I think he'd punch you for saying that because it sounds corny
Is your OC protective of those to whom they are close? Are they ever somewhat over-protective? Or do they prefer to let people suffer the consequences of their mistakes? Perhaps because they see this as a useful life lesson?
I would say he's extremely protective but not... in the sense this question is referring to? like, he's protective of them against outside threats and people being dicks to them, but he's not protective of them against... themselves, lol. he has a lot of trust for the people that are close to him and that includes trusting their minds and what they choose to do with their lives. he trusts that even if they fuck up, they are capable of unfucking up later.
if, say, Tali comes to him with big puppy eyes and asks him to fix a mistake for her, he'd do so, no hesitation. this is largely because he thinks of her as a capable survivor and clever thinker and if the mistake was so bad or complicated that she needs his help, then she really needs it. but he won't interfere unasked
What does your OC believe to be the luckiest event in their life? Is this an accurate assessment? Or was there actually more than simply luck at play?
being adopted by a relative of David Anderson's in his street-urchin youth, which made enlisting in the Alliance Marines possible. this is lucky from his perspective because getting off Earth was exactly what was needed for his own development but there was more at play: the Great Plan for his future existence heh heh
What inspires loyalty in your OC?  Will they follow someone purely based upon duty or rank? Or are there certain qualities towards which they are drawn?  Or perhaps there ways by which another person must prove themselves before earning their loyalty?
despite all the best (worst) intentions of the Alliance Military, he never fully learned to respect rank. he just knows what people are like, and people invariably get worse the higher up on a hierarchical ladder they climb. now, if you prove yourself an exception to that rule, then yeah -- you have his respect. like Anderson. although I think Anderson's gleeful willingness to knock a politician's lights out at any given time played the biggest part in winning Adrian's respect. lmao
he respects the humans in his crew (who are naturally below him in rank) more than he's respected some commanders he himself has had. if someone gives him a wack ass order, they're either going to get malicious compliance or straight-up insubordination from him. he is not afraid of censure, that's for sure -- and frankly, the military just can't seem to get rid of him anyway (as seen in canon, even, lol). he's like a bad penny that way. it's infuriating to everyone. Anderson thinks it's fucking hilarious
Has another person ever offered to leave their spouse or lover for your OC?  What was it about them that this person found so hard to resist? How did they feel about it at the time? 
lol this has never been a situation he could even end up in, Adrian personally thinks monogamy is a joke but he also thinks if someone else is in a monogamous relationship they should probably stay in it and leave him the fuck alone. otherwise, if they're partnered but not monogamously so, then there's no reason for this to be an issue
he does get a lot of "god, if I wasn't married..." type commentary from people, and his immediate response is "I'll fuck you if you want but your husband will be getting an email the next morning", which tends to shut it down pretty quickly
(someone did try to call his bluff on this once because like, who would do that? Adrian would, is who, and then after multiple encounters on the Citadel where said husband tried to fight him, he ended up fucking the husband too. that marriage, safe to say, was doomed from the start)
Does your OC remain steadfastly loyal to those who have helped them on their journey? Or are they quick to dispense with those who are no longer of use to them?
depends on the kind of help. someone saves his ass in a firefight, then he owes them until he has to save their ass back, and then it's even. clean slate. but like... someone that always has his back, is consistently supporting him? yeah, that inspires a more steadfast less transactional type of loyalty in him. a person like that he'll take the side of in any situation.
but like, the person that saved his ass in the firefight, but otherwise is mostly a stranger to him? he feels no lingering loyalty to them beyond wanting to pay back the favour
Do other people experience your OC as having a “peaceful” energy? Or are they inclined to restlessness - or even fractiousness?  Do others find them relaxing company?
lmao nothing about Adrian is peaceful, per se, but some people do find him... how do I describe it. he's so grounded in himself as an individual and so uncompromising in that selfhood that he can be comforting to be around. you know what to expect from him, and you know that if he's devoted to you then he's going to remain that way. forever. even if he turns into a Reaper <3
like, Jack finds that peaceful. which makes sense, considering how chaotic her existence has always been and how capricious and manipulative people have been with her. Adrian is always in the middle of chaos, but in the way that an eye is always in the middle of a hurricane.
he is restless, though. he likes to be off gettin shit done instead of sittin around. a very high-energy individual who doesn't do things by half-measures and who has to be forced into rest (usually by his body failing him, or by Mordin or Karin straight-up tranquilising him)
To what extent does your OC believe in the perfectibility of mankind?  Do they believe that they are playing a part, no matter how small, in ushering in a new utopian age of co-operation and peace?  Or do they consider that people are intrinsically flawed and that the best that can be hoped for is a series of trade-offs between conflicting values?
pffffff funny question when taken in the context of the story of Mass Effect
Adrian's never been one for human supremacy, he thinks humans are kinda wack overall, but then he meets aliens and a lot of them are kinda wack too, so at least there's that. developing sapience just Does That to a species, apparently (Javik: "agreed") (Legion: "no comment")
he is obviously playing a huge part in ushering in a utopian age for the galaxy, but he also knows that once he's gone they're gonna do whatever the fuck they're gonna do with this newfound peace and cooperation, and it might very well be "start doing stupid wars again". he is under no illusions about that, but he still thinks that what he's doing is worth doing. again, he's never really future-results-focused as much as he is focused on making whatever is currently happening go as good as possible. and what's important now is getting all these dumb annoying motherfuckers to work together
Who is your OCs most unlikely friend? What made their friendship so unexpected?
probably EDI. it just never occurred to him that he could make friends with, let alone have a lasting loving bond with, a ship AI. like how could he have predicted that at all
even his objectum-level fondness for Normandy was more predictable than that, he always had a thing for big drive cores (who doesn't amirite heh heh... right guys... 😅)
Has your OC ever experienced something that changed them irrevocably? If so, then how do they view the person they were before?
LOL well. yes.
becoming... *gestures speechlessly at Reaper!Adrian who is so much more than a Reaper* did change his disposition somewhat. his rebelliousness, his impulsiveness, his quickness to anger, his restlessness... these things feel less important to his selfhood now. his curiosity, his desire for deep connection, his hunger, these feel more immediate, more potent, more insatiable. he feels broader, vaster. like there is so much more to him than Adrian, the human, could have imagined.
it was that vastness that frightened him, back when he would have visions about what he would become. he was content as himself, he didn't want to become different. he didn't want to lose himself. but he had been looking at it the wrong way, as mortals tend to (they can't help it, having these kinds of mental locks is how mortality is made bearable for those who must bear it). he didn't lose anything. he'd gained everything.
now, he sees his past. he sees his future. he is still wholly present, but "the present" is a much broader concept to him now that he is paradoxically outside of whilst still within time. he sees himself, entire -- mortal and immortal, human and [Reaper], god-creation and god, and he loves it all. no one loves Adrian Shepard more than Adrian Shepard.
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mossytrashcan · 6 months
Happy happy birthday
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literally us rn
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mawofthemagnetar · 1 year
🤩 and 🤗! ~@betweenlands
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
well (Keralis) I think that's (Keralis) something of a (Keralis) matter of (Keralis) debate (Keralis) and if you (Keralis) Read a lot of my (Keralis) work you'll come (Keralis) to the (Keralis) conclusion that it's obviously Zedaph.
No seriously I love writing Zed he's great. Writing Keralis is like piloting a jet fighter- after you figure out what you're doing it's awesome and you're tearing up the sky in style, but until that point it's deceptively hard. Writing Zed is just like a nice canoe trip! Easy peasy, fun and relaxing.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Okay shouting aside: find an enabler. Doesn't matter where. Kidnap someone if you need to. Find an enabler. They'll make your entire fic writing experience so much better. Returning to the jet fighter- do you wanna pilot that thing solo? Yeah, thought not. Get a navigator! And when you stop for gas, trade seats! It makes the whole journey so much more rewarding and fun!
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LeFou for the character meme :D
favorite thing about them: his anxious people-pleasing swag. he’s just like me fr
least favorite thing about them: that he doesn’t stop maurice from getting left in the woods (but. see above, it do be like that sometimes.) (i’m kidding)
favorite line: “go back to the war! blood, explosions, countless widows!” (followed by the nose boop)
brOTP: does this man have real friends? not convinced
OTP: lefou + stanley 4ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nOTP: lefou and gaston. to quote another favorite movie, big fish, “[stanley] is almost a perfect stranger and i prefer him to [gaston].”
random headcanon: hm, idk. this isn’t him-specific but i always headcanon that he and stanley eventually run away to some other town and start a life together. fresh start. and they get some cats and maybe a dog and are just terribly happy. i can’t help it, im a domestic fluff happy ending kind of woman.
unpopular opinion: while i do agree it was silly to make him the gay rep, when lumiere and cogsworth are Right There, it also doesn’t bother me much? it kind of makes sense? that his devotion to gaston was more than just social struggle but something sexual as well? idk. they obviously did the bare minimum which was stupid but it’s disney, you can’t expect much from them unfortunately.
song i associate with them: i’m not song literate i don’t know!!!! pass <3
favorite picture of them:
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look at that little nerd. he’s having the time of his life
send me a character!
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skeleton-forest · 2 years
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pikahlua · 2 years
Anyway, i loved reading everything you posted and i'm sending all of ma love and affection because you deserve it !
I have four words for you:
Great Explosion Death Piñata
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smol-and-shiny · 1 year
Hellooo I love your blog!! Just wanted to pop in and say I think you are a neat little guy :]
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beggars-opera · 10 months
6, 9 or 32!
6: Do you prefer colors that pop off or do you like everything to blend together? I'm pretty good at complimenting colors but I prefer them muted most of the time
9: Do you prefer Disney’s old animation style or their new one more? I'll always have a soft spot for the 90s animation of my childhood
32: Raspberries or blackberries? Raspberries but oh it's hard to choose
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