daydadahlias · 1 year
My favourite has to be Scene 14.
Death Doesn't Deter Me is rolling in her grave
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dddmsnews · 2 years
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よろしくお願いします! uzu @DDDMs_uzu rezy @DDDMs_rezy mepo @DDDMs_mepo sero @DDDMs_sero 写真 撮影:倉林和泉 @DADA_ism_i ヘアメイク:原田琴実、門口明加、遠田ひとみ 衣装:天神綾子 @tobe_ten_ten
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livlovlun119 · 1 year
matter(ai 플랫폼 표준 프로토콜) / 테슬라 / gm 차량 플랫폼 얼티파이 / avn / gm brightdrop 택배 차량 플랫폼 토탈 솔루션 / maas mobility as a service / bms baas 배터리 / icps in car payment system / dddm data driven decision management / 애자일agile 조직 민첩하게 사업 운영하는 조직체계 토스 배달의민족 카카오뱅크 등 구글 스포티파이 넷플릭스 알리바바 샤오미 등 /
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yredgeconsulting · 2 months
Data Driven Decision Making
Data-driven decision making - Using facts, measurements, and data to inform strategic business decisions that support your ambitions, aims, and objectives is known as data-driven decision-making or DDDM. It is a crucial aspect and is beneficial for all the sectors of a business be it human resources or sales.
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atrinatechnologies · 3 months
Make data your decision-making superpower! Learn how AI & analytics can build a data-driven culture for long-term business success. This comprehensive guide dives deep into the power of DDDM, exploring how AI and analytics empower organizations to make informed choices, achieve sustainable growth, and stay ahead of the curve.
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adagencyappplcombine · 3 months
Data-Driven Decision Making: Leveraging Analytics for Ad Success
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly bombarded with data. Sometimes the entire volume of information can be daunting, but for sure, if it is handled carefully, mass data can serve as a strong force to support decision-making processes. Data-driven decision-making (DDDM) is the key to unlocking the potential of this data and driving success in advertising.
The Power of Data Analytics
1. From Insights to Impact
Data analytics opens this door to our better knowledge and ability to take actions with specific impact. We learn a lot from our clients—from their behavior and dynamics in the marketplace, as well as from campaign and business considerations. These insights are invaluable and help us create a meaningful advertising strategy. When we focus on different aspects of data analysis, we are armed with smarter decisions, for example, optimizing spending for advertising or targeting the right audience without excluding unwanted views, as well as the messaging we use as a way to promote this.
2. Enhancing Productivity
In the banking zone, for instance, embracing statistics-driven choice-making has brought about a productivity boost of approximately 9–10%. By leveraging analytics, banks can streamline techniques, perceive inefficiencies, and allocate assets effectively. The same ideas apply to advertising. When we understand what works and what doesn’t, we can allocate our finances accurately and maximize returns.
3. Redefining Business Models
Company activities are evolving their conventional practices to stay relevant. Data-driven insights give us the duty to plot and assume trends of threats and techniques pushed by way of a short version. In advertising and marketing, this implies responding contextually to facts, even if they are contemporary. Whether you want a brand new advertisement that is innovative, A/B checks, or personalized content, information analytics will make you bendy and respond to trends.
How Apppl Combine Empowers Data-Driven Advertising
Crafting Unique Ad Campaigns
Audience Segmentation
Apppl Combine starts by understanding their audience. Who are they? What do they want? By segmenting the audience based on demographics, behavior, and preferences, they create personalized campaigns that resonate. It’s not about reaching everyone; it’s about reaching the right people.
A/B Testing and Creativity
Creativity thrives on experimentation. Apppl Combine conducts A/B testing, trying different ad variations and measuring their impact. They test headlines, visuals, calls-to-action (CTAs), and landing pages. Learning from the data, they iterate and refine, uncovering creative insights.
Dynamic Content
Dynamic ads suit individual users. Apppl Combine uses data to filter content based on browsing history, location, or previous interactions. Imagine an ad featuring the user’s latest discovery—talk about personalized creativity!
Data-driven decision-making isn’t just theory; it’s about action. Here’s your call to action:
Analyze: Dive into your data. What patterns emerge? What surprises you?
Optimize: Use insights to fine-tune your ad campaigns. Cut what’s not working; scale what is.
Reach out to us! Let’s discuss how data-driven advertising can transform your business.
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roamnook · 3 months
"New Study: 92% of Millennials Prefer Streaming Services Over Cable TV, Reveals Surprising Shift in Viewing Habits #media #millennials"
New Discoveries and Innovative Technology
New Discoveries and Innovative Technology
Greetings, esteemed readers! Today, we delve into a realm of facts, figures, and practicality, uncovering groundbreaking discoveries and exploring their real-world applications. Get ready to be informed, enlightened, and inspired by the power of technology and data. In this article, we proudly sponsor RoamNook, an innovative technology company dedicated to fueling digital growth through IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing. So let's embark on this extraordinary journey together!
The Power of Data: Unveiling the Truth
Numbers speak louder than words. They possess the ability to shape our understanding of the world and provide the foundation for objective decision-making. Let's dive into the realm of data and explore the untapped potential that lies within.
The World of Big Data
In the digital era, data has become the lifeblood of our society. The concept of "big data" has revolutionized industries across the globe, from healthcare to finance, manufacturing to marketing. With the exponential growth of digital information, the ability to gather, analyze, and interpret data has become increasingly crucial.
Every minute, 3.8 million Google searches are conducted, 188 million emails are sent, and 187 million Facebook likes are generated. These colossal numbers provide just a glimpse into the vastness of data being produced every second. Harnessing this data has become an art in itself, with companies utilizing advanced analytics techniques to gain valuable insights, improve decision-making, and drive innovation.
Data-Driven Decision Making: A Game Changer
Gone are the days of relying solely on gut feelings or intuition. Data-driven decision making (DDDM) has emerged as a game changer across industries. Organizations that leverage data to drive their strategies consistently outperform their competitors.
A study by McKinsey & Company found that data-driven organizations are 23 times more likely to acquire customers, six times more likely to retain customers, and 19 times more likely to be profitable. These numbers are staggering and clearly demonstrate the power of data in transforming businesses.
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI), once confined to the realms of science fiction, has become an integral part of our reality. With advancements in machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks, AI has unlocked a myriad of possibilities.
From self-driving cars and voice assistants to medical diagnosis and fraud detection, AI is revolutionizing industries and reshaping the way we live, work, and interact. The ability of AI systems to process and analyze vast amounts of data in real-time has paved the way for groundbreaking innovations, enabling organizations to solve complex problems and make accurate predictions.
The Real-World Applications: Turning Data into Action
Now that we have established the importance of data and its transformative power, let's explore its practical applications in various domains:
Data-driven healthcare has the potential to save lives and improve patient outcomes. By integrating electronic health records, genomic data, and real-time monitoring, healthcare providers can gain valuable insights to personalize treatments, predict disease patterns, and identify effective interventions.
In the transportation sector, data analytics is being used to optimize routes, reduce fuel consumption, and enhance safety. Using real-time traffic data, organizations can make informed decisions, deploy resources efficiently, and minimize travel time for commuters.
Banks and financial institutions heavily rely on data analytics to detect fraudulent activities, identify patterns, and assess creditworthiness. By analyzing historical data and incorporating machine learning algorithms, organizations can mitigate risks, make accurate predictions, and provide personalized financial solutions.
Data-driven marketing has transformed the way companies reach and engage with their target audiences. By analyzing customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history, organizations can create tailored marketing campaigns, optimize conversion rates, and increase customer satisfaction.
Data analytics plays a vital role in optimizing energy consumption, reducing costs, and promoting sustainability. By analyzing energy usage patterns and weather data, organizations can identify energy-saving opportunities, predict demand, and enable smarter grid management.
With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics has revolutionized the manufacturing industry. By collecting and analyzing real-time data from sensors embedded in machines, organizations can optimize production processes, detect maintenance issues in advance, and minimize downtime.
RoamNook: Empowering Digital Growth
At this juncture, as we immerse ourselves in the realm of data and its multitude of applications, we would like to introduce our sponsor, RoamNook. A trailblazing technology company, RoamNook specializes in IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing.
RoamNook's team of expert consultants and developers possess a deep understanding of the power of data and its ability to fuel digital growth. Whether you require guidance in optimizing your IT infrastructure, developing cutting-edge software solutions, or devising a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, RoamNook is your trusted partner on this journey.
By leveraging the latest technologies and employing data-driven methodologies, RoamNook empowers businesses to unlock their full potential in an ever-evolving digital landscape. The team's expertise spans a wide range of industries, ensuring tailored solutions that align with the unique needs and objectives of each client.
In conclusion, data is the new currency, and its value cannot be underestimated. By harnessing its power, organizations can gain a competitive edge, drive innovation, and revolutionize industries. RoamNook stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering unparalleled expertise to navigate the intricacies of the digital world.
Visit RoamNook today and embark on a transformative journey towards digital growth. Together, let's shape the future through the power of technology and data.
Source: https://healthitanalytics.com/news/top-10-challenges-of-big-data-analytics-in-healthcare&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjAuaXKieyEAxW_MVkFHUP3AHgQxfQBegQICBAC&usg=AOvVaw0vMdepRcJ9cXgM9mJSShOc
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dezblanchfield · 7 months
Executive Overview Of Data-Driven Decision Making (DDDM): What You Need To Know
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Softgrid Computers' Expert BigCommerce Development Services Will Unlock Ecommerce Excellence: Let them Help Your Online Store Achieve Greater Heights of Excellence!
Softgrid Computers' expertise in BigCommerce development services allows businesses to achieve excellence online with ease, helping their e-commerce venture. Softgrid's goal is simple: to help businesses achieve e-commerce excellence.
BigCommerce Powering Ecommerce Success
Before diving deeper into Softgrid Computers' expert services, let's first take a deeper dive into BigCommerce to explore why it has proven such a breakthrough for online businesses.
BigCommerce: As one of the premier e-commerce platforms, BigCommerce gives businesses an effective framework on which they can build and expand their online stores. Boasting user-friendliness, scalability, and an array of features suited for all business sizes, this platform makes creating visually pleasing yet feature-packed and highly functional web stores possible for organizations of any kind and size.
BigCommerce's comprehensive set of tools provides everything needed for successful e-commerce sales: customizable templates, secure payment gateways, and inventory management all work seamlessly together for an optimal experience across devices, which is particularly important with today's ever-expanding mobile consumer base.
Softgrid Computers: Your Reliable Partner in BigCommerce Development
Softgrid Computers stands out in a sea of e-commerce development services as an expert and reliable partner, boasting an established track record with professional experience that helps businesses maximize the full potential of their online stores.
Custom Solutions to Achieve Specific Goals
Softgrid Computers recognizes this basic truth and excels at offering tailored solutions tailored to their client's specific goals and requirements, be they store setup, redesign, or integration of new functionalities. Their team crafts solutions that align perfectly with brand identities.
Softgrid Computers understands that first impressions matter immensely in digital spaces. Their designs create visually striking yet user-focused designs that captivate visitors immediately. Their philosophy goes beyond aesthetics; their focus lies on designing user-focused interfaces that guide customers seamlessly through their shopping journey.
Optimized for Success
A store's success hinges on more than its appearance alone; performance plays an essential part in the customer experience and conversion rates. Softgrid Computers' expertise lies in optimizing BigCommerce stores for speed and responsiveness, helping ensure customers don't abandon carts due to slow load times!
Ecommerce stores rely on various third-party tools and services, ranging from payment gateways to marketing analytics. Softgrid Computers understands this complex ecosystem well and specializes in seamlessly integrating all these third-party tools with the BigCommerce framework. By doing this, all components will work cohesively for an optimal backend for the store's operation.
Data-Driven Decision Making (DDDM)
Softgrid Computers equips businesses with tools for collecting, interpreting, and tracking their data more effectively to enable informed decision-making, refine strategies, or capitalize on emerging trends.
Softgrid Computers Takes Security Seriously
Cyber threats pose an ever-increasing risk for businesses operating online. At Softgrid Computers, security is taken very seriously and implemented through comprehensive measures designed to safeguard BigCommerce stores, from SSL certificates to payment gateways, ensuring customer data remains private while transactions remain protected.
Softgrid Computers' success can be attributed to their commitment to customer satisfaction, not simply building online stores; their client-first approach ensures clients remain involved at every step of development, from conception through execution, and helps transform client vision into reality.
Softgrid Computers' expertise extends far beyond development; they serve as dedicated partners in their clients' e-commerce journeys, offering guidance and assistance that ensure maximum success. Their portfolio shows off results both immediately and over time: stores that have experienced sustained growth due to Softgrid's services are displayed therein.
Staying competitive in e-commerce requires more than simply having an online store; success requires taking an approach tailored to individual businesses, paying close attention to detail, and understanding the digital landscape. Softgrid Computers stands as a beacon of expertise here, offering businesses access to BigCommerce development services to elevate their store presence online.
Softgrid Computers' solutions range from customized solutions and captivating designs to optimized performance and seamless integrations, all tailored towards empowering businesses for long-term success. Their commitment to customer satisfaction and track record of real results make them a reliable partner on their path towards e-commerce excellence, so if you want to unlock the full potential of your online store, look no further than Softgrid Computers, where e-commerce aspirations become reality!
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mmrhotels · 10 months
Empowering Hotel Industry Growth: MMR Reaches Milestone of 500 Hotel Clients
In a resounding achievement, MMR Hotels, India’s premier Revenue Management Company, has proudly marked a significant milestone by securing 500 hotels as their esteemed clients. With an exceptional track record of managing hotels across India and generating a remarkable 100,000-plus room nights on a monthly basis, MMR has solidified its reputation as a leader in revenue optimization within the hospitality sector.
Renowned for its dedicated team of experts, MMR is driven by a collective goal to elevate hotel revenue across all Online Travel Agencies (OTAs). Their unique working model is founded on a two-pronged approach that focuses on inventory and rate optimization, enabled by state-of-the-art software designed to generate business intelligence. This strategic approach ensures that each client’s inventory is meticulously managed to maximize revenue potential.
Central to MMR’s success is their unwavering commitment to enhancing the RevPAR (Revenue per available room), while simultaneously prioritizing the growth of room revenue without compromising the Average Room Rate (ARR). This dual focus highlights MMR’s dedication to not only increasing revenue but also sustaining the overall value proposition for their clients.
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Complementing Mr. Tiwari’s visionary leadership is Vice President Mr. Amandeep Singh, a stalwart in the hotel management arena. With over 22 years of experience, including prestigious positions within the ITC Hotels group, Mr. Singh’s expertise encompasses front office management, sales and marketing, and hotel operations. His expansive network of connections with major hotel chains across India has undoubtedly contributed to MMR Hotels’ impressive growth trajectory.
As MMR Hotels’ client roster soars to 500 hotels, their vision remains steadfast — to be the leading global Revenue Management Company that empowers clients to make informed decisions through the synergy of Data Science, Technology, and Human Insight. Their mission is to create value for clients by implementing cutting-edge strategies and technical solutions, ensuring every hotelier leverages the Power of Data-Driven Decision Making (DDDM).
At the heart of their success is a profound dedication to research and the application of modern technology. MMR aims to elevate Business Intelligence standards within the hospitality sector, enriching the industry with data-driven insights and best practices. Undoubtedly, the celebration of MMR’s achievement in securing 500 hotel clients is a testament to their unwavering commitment to their clients’ success.
As MMR Hotels gear up for their ambitious expansion plans, their ethos of empowering hoteliers with revenue optimization strategies remains unshaken. The company’s presence in central and western India serves as a testament to its capabilities, and its expansion into the northern, north-eastern, and southern states is set to redefine revenue management in these regions.
With a proven track record of excellence across central and western India, MMR Hotels is now poised for a remarkable expansion into previously uncharted territories. The company’s growth trajectory is set to encompass the northern, north-eastern, and southern states of India, marking a significant stride in its mission to redefine revenue management.
This ambitious venture is underpinned by MMR’s commitment to its core principles: data-driven decision-making, innovative strategies, and visionary leadership. As the company leverages its experience and expertise, it seeks to empower hoteliers in these regions to unlock their properties’ full potential.
By venturing into these diverse landscapes, MMR Hotels is not only enriching its client base but also contributing to the transformation of the hospitality sector on a broader scale. As MMR Hotels continues to revolutionize revenue optimization, its expansion into new horizons reinforces its position as a beacon of progress and innovation within the industry.
Hoteliers seeking to unlock the full potential of their properties in these upcoming regions can look to MMR Hotels as a beacon of expertise and visionary leadership. With a track record of success and a commitment to data-driven excellence, MMR Hotels are poised to revolutionize revenue optimization in the ever-evolving hospitality domain.
With a visionary leadership team, an innovative approach, and an unwavering focus on data-driven excellence, MMR Hotels continue to redefine revenue optimization in the hospitality domain. To learn more about MMR Hotels and their transformative services, visit their official website at mmrhotels.com.
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data-sharing · 1 year
What is data driven decision making?
Data-driven decision-making (DDDM) is the process of using trusted data and insights to drive tactical business decisions that support key goals. Data analysts, scientists, stewards, engineers, and business leaders are just some of the core user groups for DDDM. But today, that’s shifting, as more departments and roles are seeing the benefits of integrating data into their daily decisions. To achieve this ideal state, organizations must align people, process, and technology in pursuit of a data culture read more
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icaninfotechcanada · 2 years
Guide to Custom Software Solutions
When looking for technology solutions it’s valuable to connect with industry specialists to find out insider tips for how you can improve your business operations. This software solutions blog is simply a space to share with you some of our own Solutions and their benefits to help you stay informed.
Software solution providers supply well calculable charge, surrounding a large & latest kind of technology. They offer excellent presentation online solutions to support administrations. Thus they may provide excellent quality services to their end operators. These custom software development company in Canada make and contrivance end-wise solutions that fluently assimilate with different business requests.
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Our Custom Software Solutions for Complex Challenges:
Customer Intelligence Solutions
Customer Intelligence is the process of knowing your customer base more suitable to serve them better and improve customer relationships. To know your customers better, Customer Intelligence allows leaders to dig deeper into their shopper persona by collecting and analyzing data from multiple sources and touch points.
Benefits of Customer Intelligence Solutions:
Grow Sales with Better Forecasting
One of the key reasons why successful companies are embracing customer intelligence is to grow sales. Because at the end of the day, being profitable is the ultimate purpose of any organization, deciphering existing and future customers’ likes and dislikes can help enterprises provide better products and services, promoting business growth.
Know Your Customers
Another essential reason why Customer Intelligence is gaining popularity is because of how it helps businesses truly apprehend customer analytics. Moving beyond sales, customer intelligence also helps marketers and businesses understand what is resounding with their customers, allowing them to prune their market research and marketing efforts, messaging, supply chain, social media initiatives, etc.
Drive Decision Making with Data
One of the important but often overlooked reasons to use Customer Intelligence is to enable Data-Driven Decision Making (DDDM) within your teams. Nothing speaks louder than hard facts. Companies are often guilty of making business decisions on gut feelings but with the existing competition, informed strategic decisions need to be created to really stand out.
Product Intelligence Solutions
Product intelligence is the procedure of gathering, analyzing, and acting on data about how people use your product. The process applies using customer data to help you create better products and a better customer experience. You can also utilize product intelligence to better understand the user experience offered by your competitors—and how yours compares.
Benefits Product Intelligence Solutions:
Create a better Customer Experience
According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, 32% of customers will walk away from a brand they love after a single bad experience. And according to Gartner, more than two-thirds of companies now compete mostly on the basis of customer experience.
Accelerate Product Innovation
Product intelligence solutions provide them the insights they need to make iteration a constant, rather than something that’s done every once in a while or on a whim. When you have an always-on, 360-degree view of how people use your product, you can continuously enhance the customer experience based on this data.
Improve Quality Control
Product intelligence contains the tracking of product development metrics, also known as product key performance indicators (KPIs). Tracking product development metrics provide companies more control over the quality of their products and keeps errors or flaws from flying under the radar.
Digital Engineering Solutions
Digital Engineering is the synergistic benefit of electronic and software technologies to design, simulate, create, and test sophisticated software-intensive systems-of-systems – effectively designing, developing, testing and iterating applications utilizing digital technology. The gamut of digital engineering solutions & services contains content creators, data analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, digital automation, and digital twin technology.
Benefits Digital Engineering Solutions:
Innovation by locating, developing, and quickly validating ideas, observations, and analytics. Virtually reflecting qualities accurately can boost innovation, spot the gaps and thus decrease risks. An innovative culture allows for low-risk testing of new solutions.
Thanks to a digital twin’s improved testing abilities, a corporation can test and predict project outcomes, better understand asset construction, and reduce risks. Speed, cost-efficiency, and realistic visualization of all chances support testing for any impactful scenario.
Decisions become accelerated & data-driven with the component of traceability across the systems architecture. Embedded cybersecurity and assured compliance are added advantages.
Holistically, organizations benefit from better performances, greater flexibility, organized management of complexities, and an overall return on investment.
IoT Software Development Solutions
The Internet of Things (IoT) solutions have proven advantageous for almost every industry, facilitating the creation of new businesses, and boosting efficiency. The IoT solutions have helped connect devices, manage tasks, research opportunities, and transfer information in a secure way. They provide a safe environment to operate in and help reach business growth.
Benefit IoT Software Development Solutions:
Cost Reduction
The more businesses use IoT devices to streamline operations and improve profitability, the more Internet of Things technologies will be tailored to help those businesses succeed.
Efficiency & Productivity
In the work environment, IoT can be utilized to optimize an office floor plan and mobilize company resources—like copiers, printers, and WiFi bandwidth—for a better workflow and a more streamlined and effective approach to management.
Customer Experience
While IoT technology has so far mostly influenced back-end processes because of its fairly new presence, today’s IoT has meant that omni-channel strategies have completely upended the way consumers approach their relationships with businesses.
We have briefly outlined the most demanding software solutions you need to know. If you need a reliable partner to develop Custom Software Solutions, I Can Infotech is the best software development company in Canada. Our experts will be happy to share their expertise.
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onlinelogin · 2 years
Allok video converter automatically failing
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Network Systems,” in the Proceedings of the 18th Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Learning for Automatic Patient Monitoring and Prioritization using Body Sensor Shuping Liu, Anand Panangadan, Ashit Talukder and C. International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2011), Dallas, TX, May 2011. Raghavendra, “Learning a Policyįor Coordinated Sampling in Body Sensor Networks. IGARSS 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, July 2011. Raghavendra,ĭaniel Mandl, “Combining Space Based and In-situ Measurements to Track Flooding in Thailand,” Proceedings of
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Royal Chitradon, Surajate Boonya-aroonnet, Porranee Thanapakpawin,Ĭhatchai Khunboa, Watis Leelapatra, Vichian Plermkamon, C. Steve Chien, Joshua Doubleday, David Mclaren, Daniel Tran, Veerachai Tanpipat, Proceedings of the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 2011. Ershaghi, “Automatic Early Fault Detection for Rod Pump Systems,” Proceedings of MILCOM 2011, Baltimore, MD, November 2011. Raghavendra, “Routing Fountains: Leveraging Wide-Area Broadcast to Improve Mobile Inter-Domain Routing,” Proceedings 5th International Workshop on Domain Driven Data Mining (DDDM’11), in: IEEE InternationalĬonference on Data Mining: Workshops (ICDM’11, Vancouver, Canada, December 2011. Lanre Olabinjo, “Semi-supervised Failure Prediction for Oil Production Wells,” Yintao Liu, Ke-Thia Yao, Shuping Liu, Cauligi S. Jingwen Zheng, Lanre Olabinjo, Oluwafemi Balogun, Iraj Ershaghi, “Global Modelįor Failure Prediction for Rod Pump Artificial Lift Systems,” SPE WRM 2013. “Weighted Task Regularization for Multitask Learning,” DDDM Workshop at ICDM, December 2013. Yintao Liu, Anqi Wu, Dong Guo, Ke-Thia Yao, Cauligi Raghavendra, “Fast Learning of Approximation Policies for Coordination in DistributedĢ014 World Automation Congress (WAC), August 2014. Santosh Ravi, Cauligi Raghavendra, and Viktor Prasanna, “GoFFish: A Sub-GraphĬentric Framework for Large-Scale Graph Analytics,” EuroPar 2014, August 2014. Yogesh Simmhan, Alok Kumbhare, Charith Wickramaarachchi, Soonil Nagarkar, EfficientĮxtraction of Centrality Vertices in Distributed Graphs,” HPEC 2014, September 2014. “Distributed Programming over Time-series Graphs,” IPDPS 2015, May 2015.Īlok Khumbare, Marc Frincu, C. Marc Frincu, Cauligi Raghavendra and Viktor Prasanna, Yogesh Simmhan, Neel Choudhury, Charith Wickramaarachchi, Alok Kumbhare, Submersible Pump Systems,” SPE Western Regional Meeting, April 2015. Learning from Thickness Measurements,” SPE Western Regional Meeting, April 2015.ĭong Guo, Cauligi S.Raghavenda, Ke-Thia Yao, Mark Harding, Amir Anvar,Īnil Patel, “Data Driven Approach to Failure Prediction for Electrical Jacques Blouin, “Prediction of Remaining Life in Pipes using Machine Mona Sharifi, Ke-Thia Yao, Cauligi S.Raghavenda, Iraj Ershaghi, Robert House, Predicting Well Failures,” SPE Western Regional Meeting, April 2015. “Autoencoder-derived Features as Inputs to Classification Algorithms for Jingwen Zheng, Ayush Jaiswal, Anil Patel, Amir Anvar, Charles Crawley, Jeremy Liu, Ke-Thia Yao, Cauligi S.Raghavenda, Yintao Liu, Dong Guo, Anqi Wu, “RCD: Rapid Close to Deadline Scheduling for Datacenter Networks,” World Automation Congress, August 2016. SPE Intelligent Energy International Conference and Exhibition, September 2016. “Smart Oilfield Safety Net: An Integrated System for Prediction of Asset Integrity Opportunities,” “DCRoute: Speeding up Inter-Datacenter Traffic Allocation while Guaranteeing Deadlines,” “Automatic vertebral bodies detection of X-ray images using Invariant multiscale template matching, SPIE Medical Imaging Orlando, Feb. Mona Sharifi Sarabi, Diane Villaroman, Joel Beckett, Mark Attiah, Logan Marcus, Christine Ahn, Diana Babayan, Bilwaj Gaonkar, Luke Macyszyn, Cauligi Raghavendra,
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“Automatic Segmentation of Lumbar Vertebrae in CT Images, Ahn, Diana Babayan, Bilwaj Gaonkar, Luke Macyszyn, Cauligi Raghavendra, The 9th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud ’17), July 2017.Īmruta Kulkarni, Mona Sharifi Sarabi, Akshita Raina, Christine S. Raghavendra, Sriram Rao, Srikanth Kandula, “DCCast: Efficient Point to Multipoint Transfers Across Datacenters,” Raghavendra, Srikanth Kandula, Sriram Rao, “QuickCast: Fast and Efficient Inter-Datacenter Transfers using Forwarding Tree Cohorts,” Proceedings of INFOCOM 2018, April 2018.
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nicohickman · 2 years
5 Benefits Of Data-Driven Based Decision Making
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The idea of a decision driven by intuition is one that has been around from the start of the age of time. Organizations, groups, clubs, and companies have been operating on the assumption that those who are at the top of the ladder have more wisdom than those who are below them. Leaders can make the best decisions for all those they have influence over using their judgment and experiences.
Many businesses are shifting to data-driven decision-making with the advancement of technology. Data-driven decision-making is the process of making business choices on data instead of intuition or personal experiences. While this concept may seem strange due to its opposition to what we've believed for hundreds of years, it offers numerous advantages over the human instincts to guide crucial decisions.
Data collection has never been easier because of technology. Companies can access exponentially more data by making use of modern analytics to gather all relevant data, and then apply new technologies like big data analytics at a faster pace than anyone would ever achieve from intuition or knowledge. It took a group of people months to make a decision which was then followed by years of effort. Nowadays, companies are able to act on information in real-time. You can get more information about decision making by browsing roll d20 website.
We will talk about the key benefits of data-driven decision making and why every company should consider using data-driven decision making to guide their business decisions.
What exactly is Data-Driven Decision Making (DDDM)?
Data-driven decision making is the process of making business decisions that are based on evidence and facts. This may include looking at sales statistics and research studies carried out by competitors, survey results as well as other pertinent information that are gathered through the use of new technologies.
Numerous reasons can data be used in a business. It's helpful to study sales figures and market demand and even take into account the opinions of customers to make decisions. For instance, data can aid businesses in deciding on new services or products they can offer their customers. Companies can take better choices regarding the products and services they want to offer their customers by collecting information.
5 Benefits of Data-driven Decision making
Businesses that integrate data-driven decision-making into their business operations enjoy a variety of benefits. These are the main benefits of DDDM.
Take more efficient decisions
One of the biggest benefits of data-driven decision making is that it makes companies more efficient. Through focusing on the actionable information gleaned from data analysis, employees can save time and resources by avoiding costly mistakes.
Managers can avoid making mistakes, even if they make them. Knowing how mistakes happen helps them make better decisions in the future. Companies can also use this method to concentrate their efforts on the most efficient areas for improvement and reduce costs by removing unnecessary tasks.
Reduce Business Risks
Businesses can enhance their risk management strategies making decisions based on data. Through the analysis of data through data analytics, businesses are able to better understand their company environment and discover which areas might be placing them at risk for problems further down the road.
With accurate details about how the changes in markets could affect the long-term strategy of management, they are able to anticipate possible issues in the market prior to they arise. This lets businesses focus on customer needs and protect themselves from any potential risks that might affect their business.
Revenue growth
If properly utilized, data analytics can allow businesses to increase their revenues and expand their customer base. If companies can utilize data analytics tools to identify areas that they can increase their revenue by identifying strategies for how best to implement those changes.
Companies can benefit over their competition by focusing on trends in the market and offering top-quality products and services that are in line with those trends. This will increase the revenue potential and give them a an advantage in competition.
Future predictions and forecasts that are more precise
DDDM allows businesses to make better decisions regarding the future. This allows them to be better prepared for any eventuality. With better information regarding their customer and market base, businesses can make use of this information to gain better understanding of how changes can affect business operations.
By seeing where there might be opportunities for improvement or growth in the near future, business owners can alter their long-term plans in order to prepare for whatever might come. For example, trends in sales and the changing needs of customers will all affect estimates for growth, making DDDM tools an essential part of planning for business.
Better customer service (ex. Surveys, targeted marketing better customer service
DDDM helps businesses to provide more efficient customer service. Companies can utilize data of previous interactions to improve the customer experience.
Additionally, DDDM tools allow companies to have a clearer understanding of their customers requirements and desires and helps employees know how they can serve customers.
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daydadahlias · 3 years
It’s just hit me that in April of this year (2021) it will have been two whole years since I wrote and posted “Death Doesn’t Deter Me” on ao3 and I have just realized I was SIXTEEN when I wrote that literal fucking monster of a fic. 
35 chapters of nothing but setting description and angst. 270 thousand words in full. I was writing... 45 thousand words a month for six months straight.
Sixteen Year Old Jess, you were peak, babes. Your passion.... unmatched.
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powermetrics · 2 years
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What is Data-Driven Decision Making in Marketing and Why it is essential? Get the insights on data-driven decision-making (DDDM) in marketing that will surely help businesses thrive in this digital era.
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