#dea nand sam
hannahcoursey · 4 years
Take a Sip Part 2
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Author: Hannahc56
Word Count: 2,348
Request: Hi there, hi! Could you maybe do a fic where the reader accidentally gets roofied and Dean comes to the rescue?
Your eyes fluttered lightly. The stench of the old motel room flooded your senses. The smell of sheets that haven’t been washed in ages and the feel of itchy blankets that have laid across countless bodies. Before you could even open your eyes, you felt the headache swarming around your temples, only pounding filled your ears and a grimace left your lips. You could hear the sound of heavy boots shuffling around the room before a warm hand slipped underneath your neck and pulled you carefully up. 
“Hey, hey, don’t move too fast, alright?” His deep voice was raspy and felt like it rattled around in your sore head. You reached a hand up and placed it over his lips. When you opened your eyes, he stared back at you, his orbs searching for validation that you were alright.
“Whispers, please,” You let your hand drop to the mattress, “Whispers.” You croaked. Dean let out a sigh as his hand brushed your cheek. Even in your dazed state, you could feel the heat rise to your cheeks at the sensations his touch left on your skin. After a moment, he let his hand fall away and he cleared his throat. He laid you back down onto the bed and sat straight.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, trying his hardest to clear the tension out of the air between the two of you. You could feel your hands shaking slightly, so you closed them in tight fists.
“Is it dramatic to say I feel like I was sucker punched by an 18-wheeler?” You let a light laugh escape your lips, “Because honestly, I feel like I was sucker punched by an 18-wheeler.” Dean shook his head as his eyes cast down, ignoring your attempt to lighten the mood. After a moment passed you reached out and grazed his leg. Yet, he still didn’t meet your eyes.
“Dean,” You said, careful as if he was a deer you could easily spook,”Everything’s alright.” You tried to reassure him, but his eyes were dark and his mind had been turning while you were out.
“Y/N, do you even remember anything?” He turned and looked down at you, his eyes searching yours for answers you weren’t sure you could give him.
“I-I remember me and you and the hunt,” You hesitated, suddenly wishing you could sink into the bed and avoid the coming conversation, “And then I went to the bar,” You looked away from his eyes and tried to look anywhere else, “A-And that’s where it stops.” You tried, grasping at whatever you could. The douchebag frat boy. Sticky bar floors against your cheek. You sat up straight, your head swimming. You pressed your eyes shut and felt Dean’s calloused hand press against your cheek again. “Fuck, I was roofied? Are you kidding me?” You shook the fogginess from your head and opened your eyes. Dean stared back at you, his eyes filled with more guilt than what usually clouded his beautiful green irises. You knew the way he thought, you could read him like a book. And he thought this was on him. You reached up and covered his hand that still laid on your cheek with your own. “Dean, I’m fine,” You pulled your lips together and formed a small grin, “Nothing a little sleep can’t fix, am I right?” You teased, but he didn’t answer. 
“I shouldn't have yelled at you Y/N, I don’t know what I was thinking.” He said, his hand falling at his side, “I don’t know why I get so angry with you, I can’t help it.” He said, his brows furrowing together. 
“I’m reckless,” You started, cutting him off, “I know I am, you have every right to be upset with me for that. Because the thought of losing you keeps me up at night,” You said, ignoring the heat that rose to your cheeks, apart of you praying he didn’t notice, “And I refuse to have your blood on my hands,” You shook your head and stared at him, trying hard to maintain your confidence facade with your head pounding. His eyes were trained right on yours, his expression unreadable. You took a deep breath and looked at the ground. “Dean, I shouldn’t have put myself in the line of fire like I did last night on the hunt, and I know that - but you can’t be upset with me, because I know you’d do the exact same thing.” You added, your eyes still cast down. He cleared his throat and the silence that settled between the two of you was deafening.
“We’ll talk later.” He said standing up, suddenly stiff, his voice tight. He turned on his heel and started to walk out of the motel room.
“Dean, don’t be like that,” You pleaded, swinging your legs over the side of the cheap, spring-loaded bed, “Don’t walk out.” You said and he turned to face you so fast, you almost jumped back.
“You’re telling me to not walk out, Y/N? Me?” He pointed his finger at himself, his eyebrows raised, his voice growling with anger. You hadn’t expected him to act like this, but the more you let it sink in the more you realized he had every reason to feel like this.
“Dean, I didn’t mean it like that, I just meant th-” You tried, but he was already steaming.
“No, Y/N, you left, you don’t get to tell me how I should take it, message received loud and clear.” His voice rose and you felt like he could hear how fast your heart was racing from across the room.
“Dean, pleas-” You tried again, but he wasn’t finished.
“You don’t know what it felt like to watch you walk away, to watch you turn your back,” His eyes were pointed, burning through you.
“Dean-” You called his name through his rant.
“You have no idea how I feel about you, Y/N, God, I just-”
“Dean!” You said, raising your voice louder than you knew he’d ever heard it, louder than you’d heard it in ages. The room fell silent at your feet again and tears burned hot behind your eyes. “I left because you told me to,” You matched the anger in his tone to yours, a cover for how hurt you’d been the night before, “You told me to leave, you told me you couldn’t watch me try to save your ass time and time again, you wouldn’t hang around and watch me kill myself, but that’s all I am ever going to do when you’re around,” You’re voice trembled as you raised your voice at him, “All I ever want is to make sure you’re okay Dean, I would let myself die before I let a single thing get their hands on you,” Tears forced their way past their lids, seeping down the sides of your cheeks. Dean’s expression softened and his shoulders slumped slightly as you spoke, “Why can’t you understand that?” You questioned, your voice wavered, dying flat on your lips. You had become so tired of trying to convince this man that he was worth something to you, that you loved him so obviously it was painful. You brushed away your tears with the sleeve of your shirt and let your hands fall in your lap. 
After a moment, he crossed the room and sat next to you on the motel bed. You stared at your clasped hands in your lap and sniffled back tears, trying your hardest to stubbornly will them away. The conversation between the two of you wasn’t one you’d been planning on having, not at all. You figured that with the more time that passed, you’d feel different, and the strong emotional pull Dean had on you would float away. But you were wrong. It had only grown, until the point it’d blown up. The two of you sat there, waiting for the other to make the next move, your friendship laying between you both like shattered glass.
“I would do anything,” He spoke, his voice low, “To make sure you’re okay.” He said. You sat there and nodded slow, leaving him to continue. “Y/N, when I walked in and saw you thrown over that asshole's shoulder, God, all I could see was red.” Out of the corner of your eye, you could see his head shake sullenly, “He threw you down like nothing, you just fell right to the floor, I knew something was wrong. I was two seconds away from beating the life outta the kid when I looked over at you and saw you laying there by yourself, just helpless.” His voice faltered and he grew quiet. “You’re always capable and independent and just like that, in a blink of an eye; you were down and out. And I can’t stop thinking about what would’ve happened if I hadn’t gotten there right then, Y/N/N, I never would’ve forgave myself.” As he talked, his hand made its way to your lap and wrapped itself around yours. You squeezed his hands and he held you back tight. When you looked up at him, you could tell he wasn’t there. He was far away, in a world where he hadn’t come at the right time, and his dark eyes showed it. 
“And that’s exactly why I got involved in the hunt last night,” You answered, causing him to look back at you, “Because I never would’ve forgave myself if I hadn’t. I can’t bury you Dean, I won’t.” You shook your head and reached your other hand up to his cheek. Your thumb brushed over his stubble and he lightly leaned into your hold. “I don’t wanna imagine a world without you Dean. You’re my everything, I mean it.” You whispered, as his eyes wandered over your lips. Before you could even catch your breath, he wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and pulled you in, your lips grazing softly. Your heart pumped loud in your chest and you tried to savor every second of it before his lips on yours became nothing but a fleeting memory. When he pulled back, he took a small breath before kissing you again, this time deeper, more passionate. Your hands slid along his back and you pressed him up against you, like you’d always imagined. But this was better. This was happening, this was real. He pulled away far enough to lean his forehead against yours, his eyes closed. To see him this up close felt like a dream. His freckles scattered over the bridge of his nose, his fluffy eyelashes moving as his eyes did underneath their lids. He was everything you thought he was and then some. You pulled back, causing him to look you in the eyes, curious of your reaction.
“I’m sorry I left Dean - I won’t again, ever.” You had to remind yourself to maintain eye contact, as your gaze fell slowly to his lips, “I love you, I can’t do this without you.” You said, hardly above a whisper. His eyes shot back and forth between yours and a small grin climbed his features.
“God, Y/N/N, I think I loved you the second I met you, you know that?” He let out a long breath he must’ve been holding, “This is all I need, I have you… and Sammy,” He said almost as an afterthought and rolled his eyes, raising a laugh out of you, “I don’t need anything else.” He finished as both hands cupped either side of your face. “I’ll tell you that as many times as you need to hear it.” He grazed his lips against yours again, taking it all in as you just had done. 
Before it could go any further, Sam opened the door, causing you both to look up at him. He had a bag of food and coffees, the motel room key in his hand and his jaw on the floor. You let out a laugh and Dean awkwardly leaned back and fixed his shirt. Sam hurriedly placed the breakfast on the table as a smile covered his features.
“You don't know how long I’ve waited for this,” He leaned back and laughed, smacking his hands together. You and Dean shot glances at one another, both of your faces red with embarrassment. Sam looked at the two of you and shook his head. “You know, I think this is cause for celebration - How about we get some beers? I know this great college sports bar, right down the road,” He said with a tight-lipped grin. You turned, picking up the pillow from the bed you sat on and chucked it at him. He dodged your throw and chuckled to himself. “What, I’m sorry, c’mon now - Too soon?”
Hope you liked it ! Please send any requests, I’d love to write them!
@mila-dans​ @vicmc624​ @sammedeansandwhich​
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