mice-rats-daily · 4 months
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Today's mouse is Deadgoa7 from Goat Simulator!
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tremorwrites · 1 year
I really like Goat Simulator, and I can't wait for Goat Simulator 3, which, as of the time I am typing this, releases in a week. To commemorate the occasion, I have decided to provide a list of my favorite mutators from the first game and what they do.
With Demon Goat, you can essentially play Katamari. If you ragdoll, you will spin in donuts vertically upward.
Repulsive Goat allows you to blow everyone away by your smell, plus after you unlock it, you can hangout with knockoff versions of the ninja turtles. If you ragdoll, you fly and become a limb-stretched abomination.
Tornado Goat allows you to spin things around yourself. If you ragdoll, you will spin in donuts horizontally upward in intervals that are similar to the engine of a lawn mower starting.
Double Jump allows you to perform an extra jump in midair. It's really helpful and is unlocked when you first start the game.
Robot Goat turns you into a robot from Sanctum. I just really like the goofy smile.
Hitchhiker Goat is a reference to my most favorite book of all time, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". You gain a towel with the number 42 on it and the ability to make whales fall from the sky.
Goatborn is a reference to Skyrim. Goatborn allows you to perform a special scream that launches anything in range.
Deadgoa7 is a reference to Deadmau5. With Deadgoa7, you can trigger music that will make any humans start dancing on the spot!
Wheel Goat is exclusive to the MMO Simulator DLC. Wheel Goat allows you to stop time anytime you want. I like pairing this with Goatborn and gazing at the humans' lack of a spine!
Old Goat is exclusive to the MMO Simulator DLC. You are just straight up a Tyrannosaurus Rex. No need to elaborate on it further.
Good Goat and Father Goat are exclusive to the Waste of Space DLC and are also references to Star Wars. These two are kinda similar to Devil Goat. Good Goat pushes away and Father Goat pulls toward.
Milky Way Goat is exclusive to the Waste of Space DLC. You are a cow with the ability to levitate items in the air.
Professor Goat is exclusive to the Waste of Space DLC and a great tribute to Stephen Hawking. Professor Goat allows you to launch black holes. Entering the black hole on the Waste for Space map is a one-way ticket to the far reaches of space. Entering the black hole and ragdolling on other maps will cause your goat to completely freak out.
Dolph Spagetti is exclusive to the Payday DLC. Dolph Spagetti is a dolphin in a wheelchair that can pretty much scale any wall or ceiling with ease. As you can tell, this mutator is extremely helpful.
Rocket Attacher is exclusive to the Payday DLC. This mutator launches rockets that send any unsuspecting human, goat, or object careening into the sky. Launch enough rockets really quickly and you might even get some rocket attached to yourself!
Cat is exclusive to the Payday DLC. This makes PNG's of cats appear on the sides along with a meow sound effect.
Hopefully this was a trip down memory lane for you! Here's to another 8+ years of Goat Simulator!
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nsr-simp · 4 years
I’m gonna be 100% honest when I say I didn’t know who Deadmau5 was. When I saw a picture I was immediately like “Wait a minute. Isn’t that the guy from Goat Simulator???”
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So this exists now!
Goats open for asks:
The classic one(Derrek)
Tall goat(Ellie)
Spider goat(Andy)
Feather goat(Jake)
Classy goat(Avery)
Rocket skate(Fin)
Robot goat(Macy)
And that's it,go nuts
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All hail lord DeadGoa7
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boobiemom · 10 years
Deadmau5's new song, wet 'nana, ft. Deadgoa7.
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