blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
Today is the Day
Title: Today is the Day
Part 2
Pairing: Dean x black!reader
Other characters: Sam, Jack, Jody, Missouri
Word Count: 1172
Summary: You’ve known that you’ve been pregnant before the BMOL left Sam and Dean in the Bunker for dead. So, what happens when you’re ready to tell him the news.
A/N: Based on Season 13, Episode 3: Patience. Reader’s thoughts are in italics. This is for all the black girls who don’t get to see themselves on the show or in fanfic. There will be a Part 2!
A/N 2: Shoutout to @canumoveurseatup-no for inspiring me to start writing.
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Today was the day. You were gonna tell Dean that you were pregnant. You knew he would be pissed you kept it a secret for so long, but something was always in the way. Between the boys getting trapped in the bunker, Dean breaking Mary out of being brainwashed by those British dickwads, bringing down the British Men of Letters, keeping Lucifer away from his child, Castiel’s and possibly Mary’s death, and now taking care of Jack and keeping him from Dean’s wrath, when did you have time to tell him earth-shattering news?
Looking at the mirror, you rolled your shoulder, cracked your neck, ran your hands through your box braids, and gave yourself a pep talk, “Ok Y/N you got this. You faced much scarier things than telling Dean you’re pregnant.” You started bouncing around to pump yourself up, “Listen, you fought the devil and won, you took down a whole nest of vamps, dealt with God’s bitch ass sister, and told Dean you messed up the paint job on Baby when you crashed her. Now go in there and tell your husband, y’all are having a baby!”
Feeling confident you headed to the war room to inform your husband of the news, but you stopped before Dean or Sam could see you, due to a familiar argument about your newest roommate, Jack. “Because we need stay here. We need to help Jack learn how to control his powers.” Sam said trying to convince Dean. “Jody can handle this.” You hoped Sam could convince Dean, but you knew Dean better than that and his grief made him reply, “Yeah, maybe she can. Or maybe she ends up dead because you wanted to skip out on her to babysit the Antichrist.”
I guess today won’t be the day then, you thought to yourself. Rolling your brown eyes, you stepped out of the shadows to stop the argument before it went too far. “Dean, babe, Sam’s right. Jack could help-” Before you could finish, Dean interrupted you, “No. Just no.” If you or he wants to stay and Mr. Miyagi this kid, knock yourselves out. I didn’t sign up for that so I’m gonna go to work.” Dean said storming off.
At the same time, you and Sam let out deep exasperated sighs. Seeing this hunt as opportunity to get Dean alone to convince him to lay off of Jack some and tell him you’re pregnant, you offered to join him on the hunt, “Sam, I’ll go with him. Just try to help Jack and I’ll handle Dean.” “Good luck with that.” Sam murmured as you headed to the nephilim’s room.
“Come in,” you heard Jack say, after knocking on his door. “Hey kid, how are ya doin’?” “Good, just trying to find something on Netflix. How are you?” He asked looking away from the laptop, looking up at you with a puppy like smile. Did Sam teach him that? I hope not, because I won’t be able to tell him no at all. Like seriously, how could Dean hate someone so sweet and adorable? Asshole! Making your way to Jack’s bed you said, “Not bad. I’m about to leave with Dean to go help an old friend and Sam’s gonna help you learn how to control your powers.” “Why can’t you stay, and Sam go instead? I like Sam, but you’re the one with powers?” Aw damn, Jack definitely learned the puppy eyes from Sam because he was laying it on thick, so thick that you forgot about your plans and was about to tell Sam to take your place instead. But you remained strong. “I can’t, Jack. One, I don’t even use my powers. I just learned enough to not use them. And two, remember I still need to tell Dean about the baby.” At the mention of the baby, Jack practically jumped you. “Oh! You’re gonna tell him! Go ahead, I’ll listen to Sam.” “Thanks kid.” Kissing Jack on the side of his forehead you told him goodbye and headed to the garage.
When you entered the garage, you were greeted with one of your favorite images. Dean was leaning against Baby, with his arms and legs crossed. “Ready Mrs. Winchester?” “Yup.” You started walking away when you encircled by thick strong arms around your waist. Dean turned you to face him and then those plump, pink lips descended onto your full ones. As Dean began the blissful assault on your lips, you thought to yourself, this is how I ended up pregnant in the first place. Regrettably you pulled away from his embrace, “What was that for?” “Just happy I can spend a bit of alone time with my favorite girl.” He opened your door and motioned for you to get inside the car. “Come on now, before I have to explain to Missouri and Jody how you made us late.” “You started kissing me! I’m the innocent one here!” The audacity of this nigga to blame you! “Hey, I can’t help that your ass looks so good in those jeans,” Dean replied with a smirk. The car ride was just like old times. Stolen kisses, Dean having one hand on the wheel and the other interlocking fingers with yours, sing-alongs, and peaceful silence. You decided to tell Dean about the pregnancy when you were on the way back to the bunker. If you told him before, he have no problem turning Baby around and dropping you back home, and never let you leave the bunker ever again.
You guys pulled up to the crime scene and saw Missouri and Jody talking.
“Dean and Y/N Winchester.” You heard Missouri greet the two of you.
You looked up to Dean, “How the hell does she know we’re married now? We haven’t seen her in over a decade?” Shaking your head, you answered your own question, “Of course she knows. She’s a psychic.”
“Missouri. Jody.” Dean went between them. “Not sure which one to hug first.” To make it easier you went to hug Jody first and she whispered in your ear, “Have you told him yet?” With a shake of your head no, Jody gave you a slightly disappointed look. To avoid that disappointed mom look you turned towards Missouri to give her a hug. As Dean pulled away from her, Missouri gave him a look of empathy and concern, “Oh honey. I’m sorry for your losses.” Heading towards Jody for her hug, Dean joked, “Well, leave it to a psychic to cut right through the small talk, huh?”
Not thinking that Missouri could sense the baby, you went right to her for your hug. “Aw baby! Congratulations on the baby! I won’t tell you the gender of the baby, I know you want to be surprised.” Missouri exclaimed as she held your face in both her hands.
“Baby!? What the hell is she talking about Y/N?” Dean pulled away from Jody menacingly making his way towards you.
Well, I guess TODAY is the day Dean finds out your pregnant.
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snowpiercer21 · 4 years
I'm watching Supernatural and im lovin up on Dean Winchester! Someone please point me in the direction of deanxblack reader? Or if some of my favs writers looking for new material to write id be on that like white on rice.
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
The Read
Title: The Read
Pairing: Dean x Black!Reader, Sam
Word Count: 1148
Summary: The reader finds a way to pass time in the car and now Dean wants to join in
Warnings: None. Just a couple of f bombs. 
A/N: This is my first ever fic and I’m super nervous about it, but proud of my work. Feel free to critique! This is for all my black girls who love Supernatural, but don’t see themselves that much on the show or read it in fanfiction. Also shoutout to @thisistheread, the best podcast out there!
A/N: I know it’s not a writing challenge for @spnfanficpond but I just wanted to tag y’all.
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What’s one of the most things you hate about hunting? The drive. Who really wants to be stuck in the car for hours on end? Then there’s only so much arguing with Dean about who’s the better Avenger, between Captain America and Ironman (Team Cap all day), and geeking out with Sam you could do. And most of the time you were stuck in the backseat, unless Sam stayed back for a hunt and with Dean being so neurotic about Baby you never got to drive her, and you’re a better driver than Sam!
But the worst thing about the drive was, THE FUCKING MUSIC! Its like Dean never heard of music past the 80s. And it was all classic rock, not even one fucking blues song! Sometimes you wondered how you two were compatible as a couple, a 40-year-old white dude from the Midwest and a 25-year-old black girl from the South. There was some songs you could belt out with Dean, like You Shook Me All Night Long, or the stripper anthems like, Cherry Pie and Pour Some Sugar On Me (Dean had a newfound love for those songs since you gave him a lap dance to them a couple of weeks ago).  
Today was one of those days you could not listen to another AC/DC album again or you would start banging your head against Baby’s window. But thank God… or is it Chuck (you’re just gonna keep it with God, because you wouldn’t even want to know what your southern Baptist mother would do if she knew you were calling God, Chuck).
Anyways, thank God you were behind on your favorite podcast due to all day and night research on how to get Michael out of Dean. Soon as you realized you had at least another 8 hours on the road, you popped your headphones in and got ready to listen to Kid Fury and Crissle on The Read, talk shit about celebrities, tell women to break up with their triflin’ ass boyfriends, and of course read people to filth.
You were two episodes in when Dean snatched your headphones out. “What the fuck, dude!?” You yelled as you smacked Dean across the head. “Whatcha you listening to that gots you laughing so hard that you’re not listening to your kick-ass boyfriend’s story about how he ganked Hitler?” Rolling your eyes, you replied, “Really, Dean? I was there. And how many times are you gonna tell that story? Its been over a year, get over it!” “It’s a great fuckin’ story.” With a mumble, Sam replied, “Yeah, only the first time.”
“Shut up Sam!”
You thought you were off the hook when the boys began to argue, but you just had to let out a cackle that might just rival Crissle’s, which cause you to gain your boyfriend’s attention once again. “Hey, you never answered me. Whatcha ya listening to?” “Ummm, a podcast,” you replied in between giggles and not fully giving Dean your attention. But what he said next sure did, “Well, put it on your speaker. I need something to keep me awake and arguing with Sam is not fun anymore.” “Huh?”, you asked sounding like Scooby-Doo and big eyes. “I…said…put…it…on”, Dean said slowly with the flicking of his bottom lip. “Ummm…um…um, are you sure? Its really not for the elderly?”, you said with a smirked. You thought you got him there, now he won’t want to listen. Its not that your ashamed of the show, it’s the quite opposite, but how do you introduce a black as podcast to your white ass boyfriend that you loved dearly? “You weren’t calling me elderly last night, when I had your legs-““Whoa, whoa, whoa, dude I don’t want to hear about that”, Sam interrupting Dean talking about your latest sexcapades. “Well tell Y/N to play the podcast or I’ll tell you one of her most embarrassing sex stories”, Dean threatened playfully.
“You wouldn’t dare!”, you gasped
Then, Dean began his countdown “In 3…”
“Whatever man, you not gonna do it”
“Are you serious”
“Babe, pleeeeeease don’t”, you whimpered.
“0. Well, Sammy there was this one time when Y/N/N was in Vegas-“
“Ok, asshole! I’ll play it, but you gotta promise not to get offended, because I don’t have time for your white tears!”
“What the hell is white tears?”
“If you listen long enough, you’ll find out. Now be quiet, they’re just getting to the good stuff.”, you ordered as you hooked up your phone to the Bluetooth speaker.
You catch yourself not even pay attention to the podcast, but to the boys’ reactions. It was your favorite portion, the listener letters, which most of the time is about the listeners asking advice about their ain’t shit boyfriends. But as Crissle began reading the first question, you stopped paying attention to the boys and gave Crissle your full and undivided attention. The listener was a girl who broke up with her boyfriend who cheated on her with her best friend and gave her a STD, but couldn’t move out of their shared apartment because they shared a lease (Whew…chile, let Dean try something like that and the world would have one less Winchester).
After hearing the letter, you were thinking of your own advice you would give to the listener, but Kid Fury’s next joke had you spitting out your water and the whole car erupting in laughter, “Just kill him.” Before you missed anything else you had to pause the show and once there was silence Dean and Sam turned to you, “Hey! Why’d you turn it off?” “Um, because I refuse to miss another gem like that,” with a roll of your eyes. “Now shut the fuck up, so we can enjoy this masterpiece.” And that’s exactly what the boys did for the next 4 hours except for a couple of full bellied laughs and everyone’s take on what the listeners should do.
Once you guys reached your destination, you felt the most relaxed you had in weeks and you hadn’t even started the hunt yet. Heading into the motel room Dean swung his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him, “That was great, sweetheart. I really needed that.  We can listen to it on the way back home.” “Probably not. We caught up and episodes come out on Thursdays and today is Friday. Sorry babe.” When you told Dean this, he looked like a toddler who was about to cry because he got his favorite lollipop taken away. Thinking quick on your feet you offered, “Oh we can just listen to Whorible Decisions.”
“Whorible Decisions,” Dean questioned.
“Yeah its all about sex, and we can ruin sweet, Sammy’s virgin ears,” you mischievously smirked.
“Oh, hell yeah!” Dean screamed.
Shaking your head, you knew you created a monster at that moment and you loved it.
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