appolled · 2 months
Dean Winchester as Your Boyfriend
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Okay so I'm rewatching spn right now and guys, Dean is sooooo babygirl.
Imagine the casual intimacy that comes with him!
His hands on the small of your back as you walk through crowds
Dean pulling you in for a kiss by your belt loops
When you two hug, he always places one hand behind your head to keep you closer to him
If you have a birthmark, he will kiss it every chance he gets
He won't admit it but when you hold his face in your hands, he absolutely MELTSSS
When you're getting hit on by men at the bar, he will be right there behind you, making it known you're his girl
An arm on your shoulder
Little kisses on the cheek from Dean as you smile uncomfortably at the man who just hit on you
When he's driving and you're sitting shotgun he will place his hand on your knee or play with your hair every once in a while, just to see you smile
He keeps an extra jacket of his in the Impala just for you
His hard exterior will come down the longer you two are together
At the start of the relationship, he would struggle to open up but after a few months, the two of you would be up late at night talking about your life goals and favorite things
Of course, after conversations get deep, he makes a joke
You lightheartedly hit his shoulder after each one, knowing he appreciates you listening to him and how rare it is getting him to open up
If Sam were to complain about something, Dean would call him sensitive but if you were to complain about it, Dean would try to fix the issue right away
He is extremely protective of you and Sam and feels responsible for both of you
Once during a hunt, a Wendigo had cut your cheek open and Dean spent an hour with you in the motel bathroom taking care of your wound, even after you told him you were fine
He is great at making you feel better
One of his favorite things to do for you is cook
When you two have alone time together in the motels, he tries to find fun recipes to make with you to kill time
Anything he can do to spend time with you, he'll do it
Need to run an errand? He's tagging along and offering to drive you
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unbrokenbitch · 3 years
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Salvation For the Damaged (D.W) Dean Winchester x OC - I'm Begging for You to Take my Hand Wreck My Plans (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1191771256-salvation-for-the-damaged-d-w-dean-winchester-x-oc?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=L0veMeS0meDeanW&wp_originator=R2fmUKpifQo9o5y3bkx9j09ApbcFCH%2BHnLYdE%2BiGovZz%2Fh0Xziho5L2a38KHUeum666JHI1CB1yu%2F6bvp8favZexjAl7%2FlzAPNMrIn%2B5T1cDRdm19E%2FawYjkumeVMdDy Dean Winchester x Original Character "Can we get some constancy in my life? Some balance? Let me live or let me die. Everytime I die, someone raise me from the dead. Everytime I get back, something tries to kill me."
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
The Read
Title: The Read
Pairing: Dean x Black!Reader, Sam
Word Count: 1148
Summary: The reader finds a way to pass time in the car and now Dean wants to join in
Warnings: None. Just a couple of f bombs. 
A/N: This is my first ever fic and I’m super nervous about it, but proud of my work. Feel free to critique! This is for all my black girls who love Supernatural, but don’t see themselves that much on the show or read it in fanfiction. Also shoutout to @thisistheread, the best podcast out there!
A/N: I know it’s not a writing challenge for @spnfanficpond but I just wanted to tag y’all.
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What’s one of the most things you hate about hunting? The drive. Who really wants to be stuck in the car for hours on end? Then there’s only so much arguing with Dean about who’s the better Avenger, between Captain America and Ironman (Team Cap all day), and geeking out with Sam you could do. And most of the time you were stuck in the backseat, unless Sam stayed back for a hunt and with Dean being so neurotic about Baby you never got to drive her, and you’re a better driver than Sam!
But the worst thing about the drive was, THE FUCKING MUSIC! Its like Dean never heard of music past the 80s. And it was all classic rock, not even one fucking blues song! Sometimes you wondered how you two were compatible as a couple, a 40-year-old white dude from the Midwest and a 25-year-old black girl from the South. There was some songs you could belt out with Dean, like You Shook Me All Night Long, or the stripper anthems like, Cherry Pie and Pour Some Sugar On Me (Dean had a newfound love for those songs since you gave him a lap dance to them a couple of weeks ago).  
Today was one of those days you could not listen to another AC/DC album again or you would start banging your head against Baby’s window. But thank God… or is it Chuck (you’re just gonna keep it with God, because you wouldn’t even want to know what your southern Baptist mother would do if she knew you were calling God, Chuck).
Anyways, thank God you were behind on your favorite podcast due to all day and night research on how to get Michael out of Dean. Soon as you realized you had at least another 8 hours on the road, you popped your headphones in and got ready to listen to Kid Fury and Crissle on The Read, talk shit about celebrities, tell women to break up with their triflin’ ass boyfriends, and of course read people to filth.
You were two episodes in when Dean snatched your headphones out. “What the fuck, dude!?” You yelled as you smacked Dean across the head. “Whatcha you listening to that gots you laughing so hard that you’re not listening to your kick-ass boyfriend’s story about how he ganked Hitler?” Rolling your eyes, you replied, “Really, Dean? I was there. And how many times are you gonna tell that story? Its been over a year, get over it!” “It’s a great fuckin’ story.” With a mumble, Sam replied, “Yeah, only the first time.”
“Shut up Sam!”
You thought you were off the hook when the boys began to argue, but you just had to let out a cackle that might just rival Crissle’s, which cause you to gain your boyfriend’s attention once again. “Hey, you never answered me. Whatcha ya listening to?” “Ummm, a podcast,” you replied in between giggles and not fully giving Dean your attention. But what he said next sure did, “Well, put it on your speaker. I need something to keep me awake and arguing with Sam is not fun anymore.” “Huh?”, you asked sounding like Scooby-Doo and big eyes. “I…said…put…it…on”, Dean said slowly with the flicking of his bottom lip. “Ummm…um…um, are you sure? Its really not for the elderly?”, you said with a smirked. You thought you got him there, now he won’t want to listen. Its not that your ashamed of the show, it’s the quite opposite, but how do you introduce a black as podcast to your white ass boyfriend that you loved dearly? “You weren’t calling me elderly last night, when I had your legs-““Whoa, whoa, whoa, dude I don’t want to hear about that”, Sam interrupting Dean talking about your latest sexcapades. “Well tell Y/N to play the podcast or I’ll tell you one of her most embarrassing sex stories”, Dean threatened playfully.
“You wouldn’t dare!”, you gasped
Then, Dean began his countdown “In 3…”
“Whatever man, you not gonna do it”
“Are you serious”
“Babe, pleeeeeease don’t”, you whimpered.
“0. Well, Sammy there was this one time when Y/N/N was in Vegas-“
“Ok, asshole! I’ll play it, but you gotta promise not to get offended, because I don’t have time for your white tears!”
“What the hell is white tears?”
“If you listen long enough, you’ll find out. Now be quiet, they’re just getting to the good stuff.”, you ordered as you hooked up your phone to the Bluetooth speaker.
You catch yourself not even pay attention to the podcast, but to the boys’ reactions. It was your favorite portion, the listener letters, which most of the time is about the listeners asking advice about their ain’t shit boyfriends. But as Crissle began reading the first question, you stopped paying attention to the boys and gave Crissle your full and undivided attention. The listener was a girl who broke up with her boyfriend who cheated on her with her best friend and gave her a STD, but couldn’t move out of their shared apartment because they shared a lease (Whew…chile, let Dean try something like that and the world would have one less Winchester).
After hearing the letter, you were thinking of your own advice you would give to the listener, but Kid Fury’s next joke had you spitting out your water and the whole car erupting in laughter, “Just kill him.” Before you missed anything else you had to pause the show and once there was silence Dean and Sam turned to you, “Hey! Why’d you turn it off?” “Um, because I refuse to miss another gem like that,” with a roll of your eyes. “Now shut the fuck up, so we can enjoy this masterpiece.” And that’s exactly what the boys did for the next 4 hours except for a couple of full bellied laughs and everyone’s take on what the listeners should do.
Once you guys reached your destination, you felt the most relaxed you had in weeks and you hadn’t even started the hunt yet. Heading into the motel room Dean swung his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him, “That was great, sweetheart. I really needed that.  We can listen to it on the way back home.” “Probably not. We caught up and episodes come out on Thursdays and today is Friday. Sorry babe.” When you told Dean this, he looked like a toddler who was about to cry because he got his favorite lollipop taken away. Thinking quick on your feet you offered, “Oh we can just listen to Whorible Decisions.”
“Whorible Decisions,” Dean questioned.
“Yeah its all about sex, and we can ruin sweet, Sammy’s virgin ears,” you mischievously smirked.
“Oh, hell yeah!” Dean screamed.
Shaking your head, you knew you created a monster at that moment and you loved it.
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wdwluver · 5 years
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believe me ; sam winchester (1) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/6pfGGbuWz3 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚 | " why didn't you just let me go? " " believe me, i tried. " - …
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fangirlbase · 6 years
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: pregnancy, Dean being an idiot
                                                 South Dakota
Heavy rain fell on that cold Saturday night, filled with lightning and thunder. No one in their right mind would have the guts to leave the house, or at least that's what Jody Mills thought until he heard his housebell ring, followed by ceaseless knocking on the door. She walked to the doorway afraid of the situation, but when she opened it she ran into a girl soaked from head to toe.
“Y/n?!  But what...? Come on in! You can not stay out there in this rain!”
Your state was chaotic, completely wet and emotionally shattered. In the rain, Jody did not realize how much your face was stained by the thick tears streaming from your eyes, as well as all your gnawed nails. Your hair looked more like a bird's nest and her eyes like a baby panda's.
A baby.
"What are you doing here at this time, Y/n? Dean knows he's here?” Jody tried to put the best possible on the sofa, avoiding possible pneumonia.
It was no secret to anyone about your relationship with Dean Winchester. They did not date, but it was more than just casual sex. You loved each other, but both were afraid to make the whole commitment and put the safety of one of the two on the line. It was even gentle, after all.
"He's the reason he came here, Jody. " You did not express much reaction, completely exhausted physically and emotionally.
"What happened, Y/n?"
“I'm .... We're done.” Your eyes filled with water again, completely lost in thought.
"So you traveled five hours in the rain here?" Jody knew you well enough to know there was something else in that story.
"No, it's just ..." You saw Jody's phone light come on, indicating Dean was calling the woman. "Please, Jody! Do not answer, do not say I'm here!” Your situation seemed even more pitiful, prompting Jody to lie shamelessly.
"Jody, did you see Y/n? Did she call you? Are you there?” He looked desperate.
"No, Dean. Did something happen?” She replied, staring at you.
“I ... I was an idiot.”
"I'll call you if you hear from her, Dean.” Jody hung up, turning her full attention to you, sitting down in front of you. "What happened, Y/ n?"
"Dean dismissed me when he heard I was pregnant." You tried so hard to hold back the tears, with only a faint sigh.
“He did what ?!”
You take a deep breath trying to maintain all the emotional control as you shrink even more in the blanket the sheriff had given you, figuring out how to count all that situation.
"It was this morning when we were at the Bunker. I found out last week and could not keep this for myself. I thought he would be happy, a little scared, but he reacted quite differently from that.”
"You had thought of everything. You'd expected him to have coffee and be humorous enough not to close his face and lock himself in the bedroom. He had already kissed you and made a joke or two when you hugged him tightly and whispered the words that had been rolling his mind for the past week.
“What? I did not understand a single word.” He pulled you away enough to face you with a sweet smile on his face.
You took a deep breath before facing those green orbs that have always given you confidence.
"I said, Dean, that I'm pregnant.
You saw before her eyes the expression of the blond - which before was soft and amused - harden to the point of letting go of him abruptly. He ran his hands through his hair frantically. He even had a vein jutting at his neck, consequently extending to his forehead. His eyes held no more confidence, only confusion with a mixture of anger and frustration.
"Dean, is everything okay?" The fear in your voice was remarkable.
"Of course you're not, Y/n! How can you let such a thing happen ?!”
“How is it? If I remember correctly, I did not do it myself!”
“But you take contraception!”
"Dean, I did not plan this! You do not have to react that way!”
"Oh, is not it?” He already had an expression of pure anger, distilling all his frustration at you. "You know the world we live in is too dangerous, we are always being pursued by monsters and demons. We can not even take the drug of our relationship without running the risk of putting something together! - He shouted - A son would only make matters worse as they are, Y/n. It would be the end of the few moments of tranquility that we have. I swore to myself that I would never put a child to suffer in this world, which neither my parents did. The tone of his voice was sharp, teasing your first tears.
"What do you mean, Dean?" Your voice even trembled, fearing the answer.
"Do not give more, Y/n.” His tone was somber.
Dean quickly disappeared from the kitchen, completely upset, leaving you planted absorbing all his words. A few minutes later you heard the door of the bunker hit hard, signaling he was leaving. Just then you allowed yourself to cry, facing Sam staring at you. You did not allow yourself to feel sorry for him, running off to the guest room to isolate yourself for a few hours.
But that alone was not enough. You had to leave. Dean had clearly said that he would not take over the child, let alone continue with you. There was no reason to stay in that bunker for another minute, maybe in that town. You knew that at one time or another he would become aware of his actions and go back, but he would not be happy, and much less would he lower his pride to deign to such a life, not really. You would disappear from the map of the United States so that he would never hear from you or the baby again.
You quickly and without Sam realizing went to your house that was not too far from the boys house, gathering enough to until they forgot to watch over your house. He'd gotten a bus to South Dakota quickly, leaving for Jody's house. "
“But he's looking for you, Y/n ....”
"Jody, I'm proud enough not to deign to that. He said he did not want this son and he did not want anything else with me, I just can not forget it and come back with open arms. Please let me stay until I get another place to stay.”
"But you do not have a house?"
"That's about ten miles from his house, Jody. He said he would never put a child in this world, so that's what he's going to get. I will disappear and he will never hear from me again.”
"You know he's not going to give up that easy, is he?"
"I know, and that is why I ask for your help.”
Though she did not agree with the situation completely, Jody Mills sympathized with his situation, giving him the roof for as long as he needed.
Dean had gone too far this time.
"HOW DID NOT YOU SEE HER OUT, SAM?" Dean was furious with your departure. He had returned a couple of hours later realizing the size of the bullshit he had said to you. He said that it would be very difficult to get your forgiveness, but not that you had disappeared. He had practically broken into your house screaming, but nothing of an answer. He had called all the hunters he knew in search of you, but nothing. Even Jody did not know of her whereabouts.
"No, Dean, how did you talk about them? Do not you think she was not feeling bad enough without you putting all our reality in her face?”
"She can not disappear, Sammy. I need her.”
"It was not what it looked like six hours ago when you walked out that door."
It had been two weeks since Dean had received the most shocking news of his life, and it only went from bad to worse. His aggressiveness had increased considerably, putting all his strength in searching for you where possible. He drank a little more often, becoming the drunken whiner. His nights were based on flooding his pillow with tears and reliving every second of that barbarity. He did not know what hurt the most: not knowing where you were or knowing that you had a child and that you would not know. He felt frustrated with himself, as if he had failed as a man. Dean was finished and this worried Sam too much, who feared the attitudes his brother might take in a moment of even greater anger.
At one point the blonde gave in to temptation and prayed for Castiel, crying out for help. He had avoided it to the utmost because he knew he would be reproached for his words-as if he himself was not bitterly sorry.
“Castiel, I know you're listening .... Please, I need your help. I know I've done a lot of bullshit in this life, but this time ... " A tear ran down his face, already completely exhausted. “ I need to find Y/n ..... Without her I am nothing.”
Castiel listened to the prayer silently, being smart enough to look for you before he showed himself to Dean. You had calmed down enough since the fight, but still you were hurt. And who would not, would not it? Jody and Claire did all the company you needed, doing their best to make you forget about Dean.
When women unite for a cause, there is nothing that makes them do otherwise.
This was one of the reasons Castiel did not interfere. He knew that if even the daughter of his shell had gotten involved, it would not be good. You had an empty cup in your hands when you noticed Castiel standing in the corner of the kitchen, letting it fall as he gasped in surprise.
"C-castiel ...." You were tense. "What are you doing here?
“Dean asked me to find you, Y/n .... He's devastated.”
"You can not do this, Cas. He who broke up with me. Please do not say you found me.”
“Y/n ....”
"I beg you, Castiel! He does not have that right! He said he would never have a child in his life and he will not. You just have to say you did not find me.”
"He broke up with you for this?"
Castiel had no control over the horrified expression on his face, agreeing vehemently to never say a word to Dean, which left the blonde totally hopeless, since the answer to his prayer never arrived.
"Y/n, I'll have to call them." Jody would explain calmly to you about the situation you were in. "I need their help with these werewolves."
"They're not going to sleep here, are they?"
“Probably not.”
"Then I can hide in the room until they leave."
You already had a five-month-old belly, and even then it was not all that pain. Whenever he went to the doctor and saw his baby, he felt a pang in the heart for not being Dean by your side, but Jody. She acted more like a mother to you, making everyone think she really was.
It was night when you heard the noise of the Impala's door knock on the outside, promptly running to his room and locking himself in, trying hard not to hear the sound of the voices from below.
The little you could hear was a good-humored, relaxed voice. Had he forgotten you so quickly that he'd been talking to friends?
"Dean, you do not look well." Claire was slightly frightened by her exhausted look on the man's face.
"It's because I'm not.
"I'm sorry for Dean's behavior, girls.” Sam apologized quickly.
As they drove away to the motel, Jody stopped him at the door, confirming his suspicions.
"I have not found you yet, Jody. Looks like she's gone on purpose and this is breaking up with me!”
"But what happened to her disappear ...?"
"I ... Damn, I told her what I should not and it hurt you. Shit, Jody, I'm going to be a father and not even without where she and my son are!”
"What did you do for that, Dean Winchester?"
"I was frightened of it and I took it for granted, said that I would never have a child and that we would not give up our relationship any more.”
"I can not believe you. How can you ?!”
“I do not know.” He had begun to cry silently. " I've taken all my frustration out on the monsters, but that's still not enough. Castiel does not answer my prayers for her and I can not do anything. I need her, Jody.”
"You should not have said those things, Dean. I'm sorry, even knowing you the longer I as a woman can only give reason to her.”
"Are you sure she did not come by?"
“Abolute, Dean.”
With each passing day the pain subsided a little more, causing Dean to believe that he would not really see you anymore. His patience and hope were enormous, but he did not know where to draw more strength to keep looking for you. With much effort from Sam, Dean accepted each day a little more his departure, getting even occasionally to have a few laughs. He had narrowly gone into depression, having as a therapy to shatter every demon that came his way and dare to tell lies about you.
After the day you heard him laughing in Jody's room you accepted that he had moved on, that all statements of love had been false since theoretically who forgets the love of his life and his son in five months? Did it hurt once in a while? Of course, but you tried to forget the most. The day your son was born, Jody and Claire were at the hospital with you keeping you company, not the Winchesters. Although they were not around, he knew that Castiel was always watching you, taking care of your safety. It was not a guardian angel, but it was what you had.
Even so, Castiel can not protect you from that Tuesday night, two weeks after Bobby's birth, when his worst nightmare knocked on his door.
You were with Claire in the kitchen, helping the younger woman prepare dinner while Bobby dozed off at his Moses when you heard a rumble from the engine of a well-known car, followed by doors slamming. Claire glanced at the kitchen door, finding Jody white with paper, clearly showing she did not know about the visitor, directing her to go upstairs to her room. You practically ran upstairs with your son, slamming the door in despair.
"Why does he only come at the worst time?"
They were passing through town and they took advantage of it to check on Claire, since it was not too long ago that the girl had almost turned into a werewolf by an oversight in her hunt. At first they surprised the nervous expressions of their women, perhaps even a little paler than normal.
“What do you think about going out, boys?” Claire tried to get them out of the house at all costs as quickly as possible.
"On a Tuesday, Claire?" Sam obviously complained.
"If the girl wants to go out with us, there's no denying it, Sammy! I bet Jimmy would want Claire to drink safely.” Dean tried his best to amuse himself.
I just did not realize that the moment it did not hurt so much, he heard a loud cry coming from upstairs. Dean turned pale, sporting a confused look, quickly making a mental note and realizing that his son was already to be born. Frightened, he looked at Sam before running up the stairs almost cheering to be a connected television.
-DEAN, YOU CAN NOT! Jody screamed, and before she could reach the blond, she felt her strong arms holding hers, preventing her from leaving.
-Jody, stop! He needs to at least talk ...
Jody wept softly for taking pity on the situation. No woman should be in such a stressful situation.
As Dean approached the top of the stairs, the weeping became stronger as a guide to his location. After finding the right door, he had to take two deep breaths before opening it and entering, fearing what he would find.
You had carelessly knocked on the door, eventually waking Bobby that not satisfied, made the biggest scandal showing how dissatisfied he was with the situation. You were nervous, could not think straight and just wanted your child to be quiet. You did not want to draw attention to you.
"Please, Bobby, he can not hear us ..." You would cry with tears in your eyes, swinging the baby in your arms in an attempt to make you sleep.
"Who can not hear you, Y/n?"
Dean was standing by the door, holding his breath and analyzing you. You had not changed much and certainly made your heart miss a beat or two. His tone was serious, making you fear for your own safety. His natural reaction had been to squeeze Bobby further into your body, trying to hide it.
"Y/n ..." Dean was almost glued to his back now staring at the baby with awe in his eyes.
"Bobby, please ..." despite trying to ignore him, there was no point.
In a natural act, Dean stretched his arms to the baby in his lap and although you had tried to stop at first, gave it to the man and handed it over. He did not suppress a sigh and tear as he realized that little Bobby had shut up the instant he went to his father's arms.
"Can I say he knows who I am?" Dean tried to contain the emotion in his voice.
You could not say anything, cursing the day Claire had hunted a werewolf.
"Because you ran away that day, Y/n?" He looked deep into your eyes.
"Why are you holding my son, Dean?" - You said giving up the reason
"So far as I know, he's mine, too, and he seems to know that too."
"If you do not remember, you were very clear when you said you would never have a child and that things would not work.”
"And you do not know how much I regret saying that." Dean realized that the baby had already fallen into unconsciousness again, placing it carefully in the crib before beginning the conversation.
"I've been up for weeks looking for you. I called all possible places and you were not anywhere. I kept watch in your house, but you did not appear either, nor did Castiel answer me if you were at least ok. I even thought you was dead, Y/n!”
"It was not for you to have found me ..."
"Please, Y/n, listen to me! I know I do not deserve your forgiveness, but I can not live without you. Without you both.” He looked with tears in his eyes. "I thought I'd lost you forever, woman!" Before you could refuse you were already with her face hidden in your chest, crying next to him.
"I hate you, Dean.”
"And I love you too much to let you walk away like this. Please, Y/n ....”
"It's not going to be that way you're going to get Dean." I can not.
“I'm waiting for the time it takes, Y/n. Just, please, let's get back home soon?”
“Mine or yours? "You were suspicious.
“Our. I've spent too much time away from you two. I know you need time and we have a room left over at the bunker. You two will stay there with us.”
“Dean ...”
“I need to fix my mistake, Y/n.”  He was close enough to steal a light kiss, squeezing you all against him. "I love you and I will not let you escape with our baby again."
It took about a year for Dean to regain his confidence and come back to you, which he did not spare the strength to achieve. If before he had failed as a man by losing you, now he felt like a family head just for keeping you safe in the Bunker.
"You agree to move to my room?"
"I thought you'd never ask."
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pansexualgrapes · 7 years
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Dean Winchester x Reader One-Shots (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/XRXmx9gAFI Smut, Fluff and Angst one shots with the green-eyed bow-legged beauty, Dean Winchester, for all y'all.
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wdwluver · 5 years
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believe me ; sam winchester (1) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/rCs8jYtWz3 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚 | " why didn't you just let me go? " " believe me, i tried. " - …
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unbrokenbitch · 7 years
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Salvation For the Damaged - Our Hearts Are (Not) Footloose (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/RK4bPECrQD Dean Winchester x Original Character "Seriously. One minute I was the queen of boredom, the next, everything everyone were trying to protect me from is thrown in my face without a simple "may I come in". Lucifer is more polite than life. Believe me, I know. But let's not jump start, let's explore the only thing I can right now. My memories. Holy cow. That's a deep dark hole. For now, let's go back to the very beginning." deanwinchester #fanfiction #dean #fic #fanfic
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spnfanboy777 · 7 years
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Dean Oneshots (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/gwhiC4giBK Oneshots with that perfect man!
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fangirlbase · 6 years
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Pairing: Deanmon x Veela! Reader
Summary: 8 months had passed since you and Dean discovered about your matte relationship, but everything changes when Dean be a Deamon.
Part I
                                            Eight Months Later
It had been eight months since you and Dean discovered you were partners, and contrary to what Sam thought, you really were together until then. They were slow to see each other, but still they were together. You were not a woman who depended on any man to survive-which sparked some discussion with him, which insisted that you drop Ballet school and live with them in the Bunker. But no, decidedly you did not want to be like your great-great-grandfather who gave up his life to stay under the wing of the companion. And he was not even the one who had the protection powers of the relationship. No, you were slowly moving to Kansas, setting up your own school there to avoid exhaustive travel for your boyfriend - and weeks of worry without being able to check your body for bruises.
That would be the last time they would have to go to Michigan to get a new shipment of their things. It was definite now: you would live a few miles away from him - as much as Dean preferred a few inches. He himself was surprised at the intensity of his feelings for you, never thought he was capable of nurturing something so strong and desperate for someone in his life, especially for a creature. Those were certainly the best eight months of your life, whenever you came home completely forgot all the problems, leaving only the love and security you could give.
It was because he had chosen just that moment to tell him he would be gone for much longer this time.
"Do you really think Crowley will help you with Cain?" "You asked as you put the last boxes in the back of the Impala.
"He wants this as much as I do, Y/n.”
"You know I do not trust him.”
"And much less me, but it's .... necessary. Look, I promise I'll be careful and come back as soon as I can to help with the house.” He was caressing her face, trying in vain to calm you down.
You knew you could not trust or stay calm when Crowley was involved and not just because he was a demon. No one knew, but by the time you met Crowley he had tried something, which insulted his commitment and magic condition. He evaporated after receiving a growl and realized that maybe the Winchester's were too protected now.
A month went by and Dean did not come back and did not even answer his calls, leaving him in anguish. Castiel and Sam were always going to visit you, they did not want to leave you alone to prevent something from happening, as you try to find him alone. And it was just on a Friday morning that Sam had a clue where Dean was, calling Castiel and trying to keep him away.
“Y/N, NO! We do not know how it is, you can end up hurting yourself!”
"Sam, he's my mate, and I can not relax without seeing how he is!"
“He's my brother, no ....”
“Y/n, you stay. "Castiel came up in the middle of your argument, being clear about your position.
"Wait here until we get back with him, I promise we'll bring him safely to you." You just can not take a chance.
"Talking like this even seems like they know something ..."
"Just because he does not answer the phone is something."
You actually stayed in your house for at least half an hour, until you decided that there was enough distance between you and the Impala. This would surely be the most daring attitude of his life if he risked the veela link. You quickly got in your car and following the GPS of the phone, managed to find Sam's location, following him.
It was nightfall when Sam finally parked in front of a cheap mid-road hotel.
"That's not so unusual.” Castiel went straight.
"What worries me is what's inside, not out here.” Sam confessed as he headed down the long corridor to the last door, taking a deep breath before breaking the handle, entering everything in the room. “But what...? Dean ?!”
The scene was certainly shocking: on entering, they found Dean in the middle of the bed, shirtless, in the midst of two half-naked women. He was kissing her mouth while he nibbled on his neck. They were so absorbed that they did not even notice the door being broken open, only parting when Sam called. The girls got scared and tried to hide under the sheet, but Dean did not. He just turned to his brother with an arched eyebrow, then shifted to a sarcastic smile.
“Sam! I did not think you'd like to watch your brother in action.”
"Dean, what's going on here?"
“You do not see? I was about to amuse myself with ..... What's your name?
"Dean, how can you do this with Y/n?" Castiel was horrified.
“Who is Y/n?” One of the girls asked accusingly.
“My ex-girlfriend.” He said seriously. "She'll get used to the idea."
"Dean, she might die for it!" - Sam was worried about how he would tell her, he had promised to bring Dean safely ...
"She would not be the only one, Sammy.” And with that, Dean blinked his eyes, revealing black cracks, characteristic of a demon.
"Is he ... possessed?"
"I assure you bot, Moose." "Crowley knew how to show up at the wrong times, but especially on that night because he felt something great would happen, especially because he felt his presence from a distance.
"You did it, Crowley?"
"The squirrel did this to himself by accepting the mark of Cain, I just helped him survive. And I assure you that he is much better this way.”
As if to agree, Dean let out a loud laugh, looking at the brunette at his side and stroking his leg.
“No worries, no explanation. Certainly, everything I ever asked for.”
You arrived in time in the room just to hear that last sentence, getting even angrier than it already was.
"So that's what you think, Dean?" Your voice came out raging, scaring everyone in the room.
“Y/n ?! I told you...”
"Do you really think I would lose that with my own eyes, Samuel?" A glow took over your clear eyes. "I do not know what you were thinking, Dean, that you could disappear and think I'd just have to learn to deal with it?" Castiel grabbed his arm, preventing him from reaching the bed.
“If you do not remember, we are companions, which, yes, forces you to give me a satisfaction of your disappearance and the ... WHY ARE YOU IN A BED WITH TWO BITCHES ?! “- Only at that moment did you realize the situation by complete, since we had just picked up the part about having no worries. “DEAN WINCHESTER, IT'S BETTER YOU LOOK AT ME WHILE I SPEAK WITH YOU!”
Dean did not look at you at all, he looked away to every corner to avoid you.
“I can not.”
"You .... You are too pure for me, Y/n. I look at you ... it hurts.” His tone was low, almost resentful.
“What you mean? "You threatened to get closer.
“Castiel!” Sam warned the angel to stop him again.
"I would never mix with you, Y/n, no more.” He stared at her with much effort, displaying his black eyes and a sarcastic smile.
“WHAT DID YOU DO?!” The cry was directed at Crowley who was amused by the whole situation.
“What did he want.” It was obvious that he would make matters worse as much as possible.
"Like I said, you're going to have to learn to deal with it. Any kind of connection, relationship or whatever it was that you thought we had ended the moment I joined him. It will not be you who will stop me from doing my job, you are too pure, you would never understand.” Dean had a huge smile on his face, still with his black eyes, looking deep into his soul.
-W-Wha .... - Your legs were beginning to weaken.
"I'm refusing to be your partner for another minute, Y/n.” He laughed at the end, watching you jerk off Castiel and run out of the Hotel.
An anger rose in you, how could he have done such a thing to you? Did he know the matter was serious and now he dared to play with your life? You would have advanced on him, but Crowley would certainly kill you without flinching. And moreover, that whole situation awakened in you something that was long dormant: its true veela form. His back burned and you stumbled, hopelessly trying to keep up long enough to fly away from there, but surely you would not go that far.
“Dean, it does not have to be this way, we can ....”
"You better give up the idea of ​​healing, boys. He's already mine.” Crowley sneered, throwing Sam and Castiel out of the room.
They even tried to punch the door a few times, but it did not help. They were so stunned that they even forgot that you had followed them, just remembering their presence as they neared the car and found a dark figure propped between the hood and heading toward the ground.
“But what...?” Sam had already pulled out his weapon when Castiel realized what it was.
“Y/N!” Running to keep him from falling to the ground.
“Is that her ?!” Sam was startled to approach when Castiel pulled away the black wings that purposefully hid his face.
“ Is everything okay?” The angel ignored Sam's comment, concentrating on you, trying not to fall on the floor at all costs.
"I ... I do not know.” Your voice came out thicker than usual, leaving Sam on alert. Until then you were careful to hide from the dark.
“Can I see you? He asked carefully.”
“Sam, I do not think ....”
"I do not want you to see me like this.”
"Are they for the wings? I kinda already see this ... "Sam was taking it easy, worried about your state ... altered.
You slowly turned to him, staring into your eyes with all the hurt you were feeling right now. When Dean made it clear that he no longer intended to be his big fellow within you broke, allowing the uncontrolled beating and you had your true revealed form. It hurt a lot, not only the transformation but also the rejection. You honestly did not know how you still stood, even just wanting to fall and close your eyes for the pain to pass.
When you turned to him, you saw the wonder pass through your face. Sam was unprepared for his change: claws in the place of nails, full-bodied, trapped in the place of the canines, and completely black eyes - the same as Dean's. You did not like that frightened, angry look, you hissed at him, exposing his fangs even more.
"Are you going to want to kill me now that I'm nothing more to your brother?" "You tightened up on Castiel, scratching the car a little.
“Y/n, I never ....”
"Because if you do not do this, I'll go myself." Your expression was beginning to twist, your breathing ragged.
You let out a sigh, putting your arm around your chest and squeezing it.
“SAM, THE EARS!” Castiel managed to warn seconds before a sharp cry came from your throat, tearing a few tears away.
“She started to moan. Sam, she will not hold out for long!”
"Is she dying?"
Desperate, they only had an idea after you fell into unconsciousness, having a little blood flowing from your eyes, nose and mouth.
“Dean's room! Sam, I will not be able to go with you, but meet me at the Bunker. She needs to stay there.”
And in a flash Castiel disappeared, carrying you in his arms. The next second he was putting you in Dean's tidy bed in the bunker. You could be out of breath, but the moment you smelled her, leting out a loud purr and clung to his pillow, having some of your features receding. It was not long before the wings disappeared, close to the claws. Castiel took the time waiting for Sam to arrive in Kansas caring for you, wiping the blood that flowed down his face, soothing you when you cried silently,  even gaving his T-shirt for you to smell.
“How is she?” Sam managed to get to the Bunker in record time, worried about having to bury a body.
“Bad. I got her back into human form, but she's broken. I warned him that this could happen, but did he hear me?” Castiel felt a little guilty for not having accompanied Dean, as well as feeling powerless about his likely extinction.
“Do you think she might die?”
"She's dying, Sam. Back at the hotel, she had started a cardiorespiratory arrest, which I was able to control when I left her close to his scent. I do not know how long she'll hold. If we can not get him back soon ...”
"We can lose both."
It had been two months since you had been rejected, and to everyone's surprise, you was still alive, but it still worried Castiel. Since that night you had hardly opened your eyes, remaining in unconsciousness most of the time. You just could not stand the reality of knowing that your partner had rejected her and turned a demon. Sleeping was the best option, but the smell was unfortunately running out. Castiel feared that when it was over, everything would come down, even with you, while Sam was confident of your recovery.
In your dreams, everything held as it should have, Dean still loved you and you were together. But one night that night you heard an unusual sound in the room, a very muffled cry that made you awaken almost immediately from your sleep. With a long sniff, your skin bristled and your ears sharpened. In a jump, you felt your fangs come down, your eyes darken and with superhuman strength, you broke the knob of Dean's room, startling Castiel who was about to enter the room.
“Y/n? What are you doing out of ...?”
“WHERE IS HIM, CASTIEL ?!” Your hands pulled at his overcoat, leaving him slightly frightened by the thickness of his voice and wide eyes.
He had to use his angelic strength to control you at that moment.
"At the basement, with Sam. But before you try to go there I recommend you calm down a bit. Sam is there trying to get him back to you, to us.”
“How long?”
"About three days ago, but so far nothing.”
"I'll bring him back, Castiel. I need to do this....”
"You have a time to calm down before the blood has to be applied again.
"But who spoke of blood?"
Castiel understood at once what you intended, hoping it would work out and not lose either.
"An hour, Y/n.”
Within that time, you showered, calmed down, became anxious, and your heart was racing when Sam saw you and hugged you to finally be awake. You were about to leave the room when you noticed a small wrap hidden under the pillow. Reluctantly, you opened it, letting out a growl of anger at the same time as you noticed the little gold ring on the velvet box.
"I'm refusing to be your mate for another minute, Y/n."
With a snarl of pure hatred you stomped down the hall, pushing Sam who tried to stop you from going into the basement.
"Y/n, it's better ..." You threw the box into his chest, hissing with rage and returning on his way.
With a crash, you opened the basement doors, smelling the atmosphere and reveling in Dean's strongest aroma. It relaxed enough to him to approach slowly of his cell, entering and finding him tied to a chair full of symbols.
"Is you still alive? I thought I'd died that night.”
"I'm stronger than you think. "You were approaching slowly, like a predator.
"Too bad, I thought I'd gotten rid of the weight you bring me."
"If your intention is to reach me, I'm sorry to inform you that you will not succeed."
"Are you going to tell me that you came here to bring me back? What part of me am I better then you did not understand ?!” Dean pushed against the ropes, trying to be frightening.
"No, Dean. I came to do what I should have done a long time ago.”
"Letting go?"
His smile died as you drew closer, sitting on your lap in the chair, blinking and leaving your black eyes like the ones he showed, smiling and letting your fangs grow, and the claws were out. You saw in your eyes Dean being a little afraid of you, but you did not care at all.
"It's not only you who can change, Deanmon ..." You whispered as you sniffed her neck, delighting in the source of the scent and causing discomfort to him.
"What did you call me?"
"Deanmon, because that's what you are. But not for long."
You stared at each other, and after you uttered a loud hiss, plunged your head into your neck, giving the first bite, which made the blond scream louder than the blood.
With a little difficulty you managed to take your fangs without drawing blood, biting his shoulder then. Dean wriggled, tried to loosen up at all costs, but there was no point. In normal situations the marking would not hurt at all, on the contrary, it would be exciting. But the contact of pure venison poison with demon blood triggered a very painful reaction. Demons could be strong, but Veela was indefinitely more powerful, which eventually replaced the toxin in his blood. To summarize: Veela's poison was purifying Dean, bringing back his humanity.
This method is much more effective and much more painful than the application of blood.
The screams Dean gave echoed throughout the Bunker, terrifying Sam and Castiel in the living room.
“What is she doing?” Sam's face was horrified by the way his brother was shouting.
“The fangs.” That's what Castiel just said.
In the meantime you had already given at least three more bites, stopping to breathe a little. Ejecting the venom would wear you off, but you would not give the arm twisting. Or Dean was better now or not. Breathing hard, you looked deep into those devil eyes, using claws to scratch your nape-where you held it tight. Although exhausted, the surprise came with force as he felt Dean's mouth strike his violently, searching for a desperate kiss. He could not move, leaving all the work for you-but not that he cared. For a few moments you forgot the situation you were giving yourself up to, rubbing yourself tightly against your lap when you felt ...
“Are you excited?” Your voice showed how confused you was with the whole situation.
Dean did not answer anything, just lowered his eyes completely black so you would not see the solitary tear trickle down. You immediately pulled your hair back, placing it face to face, hissing with indignation at the understanding.
"You lied when you said it hurt to look at me. You said I was too pure, but look who's excited?”
"That's just my will to corrupt you.’
The bite you gave her lip was loaded with venom and hurt, making you shed a few tears this time. With every new bite you gave, it was clearly noticeable how weak Dean was getting to the point of unconsciousness. With one last dose of venom and a kiss on her lips, you withdrew from the cell, in ecstasy at the amount of blood you had in touch, but at the same time exhausted and hungry.
Stumbling a little, you came to the kitchen without any worries. Your breathing was still spaced, but this time it was accompanied by a feeling of lightness. Sam breathed a sigh of relief as he saw you standing, without the appearance of suffering.
“Are you alright?” He asked, hugging you.
"I just need to eat."
"I made some salad earlier, if you'd like ..."
“Sam, as much as I enjoy healthy food, I need something more caloric now. That night was .... Tiring.” You sighed, throwing yourself into the nearest chair.
“So, chicken cobs for breakfast?”
"If you do not mind."
"What happened in there?" Castiel was sitting in front of him trying to understand what you had done.
“I caught him in the lie. He suffered, passed out and probably will not wake up for a long time.”
“How much time?”
"I can not say for sure. But it sure will hurt.”
You refused to eat your thighs in front of Sam when he brought them. But he was irreducible.
"Y/n, I already saw you as you are, no need to worry about appearances.”
"If you say ..." Your eyes darkened as he glanced down at that bucket of chicken, attacking him like an animal without mercy. This certainly was not the Y/n who loved salad, it was the veela starving.
After eating, you threw yourself on the couch, remaining there awake for the next few hours, recovering from the effort. Not long after his breakfast, Sam and Castiel had come to check on Dean's condition, being shocked at the number of bite marks scattered all over his back and lips.
"It will not leave so soon."
"I doubt she'll let him heal. It's sure to make him rethink before do something stupid again.”
Carefully they moved him to his room, leaving him as comfortable as possible for the next few hours. And what time it was. After much mourning and suffering, Dean was finally clean and awake. He'd had enough time to bathe and eat something while you were still asleep. When he got up, he wanted to be as presentable as possible to face you.
“It's all right? "You were propped up on the doorframe, staring at Dean in a relaxed manner. He tried to stand up to look at you, but it only caused another painful spasm in his body. "I would not move if I were you, there's a lot of venom in your veins yet.”
"I ... I do not know what to say, Y/n. I ... I almost killed you.” He was very resentful of the whole situation, almost with tears in his eyes.
"Yeah, you did not do more than your job.”
“I said horrible things that ... ....”
"That they did not have a drop of truth. I know, Dean.”
"Was that really you?" He meant the creature with sharp teeth.
"And you did not even see it all." You rolled your eyes at the stupid question. "Of course it was, it's me, Dean. I brought you back so maybe a thank you is very welcome.”
"But you marked me for that, just what you did not want to do.”
"Look, if you come up with this sacrificial spit on me, I swear I'll growl at you."
“But nothing! You know very well what I think about your superhero complex, but you still do not do anything about it, but when it's me making a difficult choice and sacrificing myself, you've been wanting to intrude and put something to yourself separate from me? No, Dean. This is not for my good. I did this, I wanted to do this for the survival of both of us. I did not stay two months unconscious for the end to be rejected again.”
“You just see how much I've already made you suffer, Y/n! I almost killed you!”
“And I brought you back! Does not that count a lot?”
"You do not know how grateful I am, but-"
“No more. You'll be quiet, shut your mouth waiting for the pain to pass there so I prove to you how wrong it is.”
"You can not do anything by then?"
"Lay down on your side, that's all." It will lighten up a bit. "You snuggled in beside him, so you did not hurt him badly."
"I do not know what I would be without you, Y/n.”
"Probably Deanmon yet. And just for the record, I never believed in your story of being too pure for a demon.
"I know," he said through a sigh. "I would never forgive myself for dragging you into the middle of it. But at least I tried to get you away.”
"You'll never get away from me, Dean Winchester. I am your lifemate.’
Amid confessions, you ended up falling asleep, improving Dean's discomfort by 110% overnight. A growl was heard an hour later, but no one could ever tell which side of the bed it came from.
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