#dearest old man
thecoolestcowboy · 1 year
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alexa, play beautiful boy by john lennon
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saewokhrisz · 7 months
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another pair of cover art + scene illustrations commissions for the wonderful @ser-estinien for their fic "The Stone Heart" (please heed the tags again :9)
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Easter Greetings by the President of Ukraine
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Great People of Great Ukraine!
Today we celebrate a significant holiday — the Resurrection of the Lord. Easter. Easter symbolizes the liberation of the human soul from the slavery of evil and darkness. It symbolizes the victory of goodness and justice, the victory of life over death.
We have been fighting for all of this for 802 days in a row. 802 days of freedom standing up to darkness, valor standing up to terror. 802 days of our resistance, which can be described by the words from the Gospel of John: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it…"
The exact same words are dedicated to one of the exhibitions at St. Sophia Cathedral, where I am now. Together, this exhibition and the other works by various Ukrainian artists convey a deep meaning. These are the icons on ammunition boxes. They are saturated with the smoke of our land and the spirit of our people. They are the symbols of great trials and great power that helps us overcome them. Each of these icons is like a divine manifestation, a proof that the heavens are with us, an answer to the question of why Ukrainians have withstood. It is because in the most difficult circumstances and in the darkest times we are able to create light. We can do it on boards scorched by fire and grief, that came from Ukrainian cities and villages exhausted by suffering. We can do this by combining the seemingly incompatible: the war and the Lord, by overcoming evil with faith, overcoming adversity with hope.
When taking a closer look at these icons, one can understand the feelings of our entire nation. It's a mirror that reflects our reality in times of war, the path we have already taken, and this Easter, and our entire present. This is what our amulets look like today. This is how we feel that God is protecting us through the hands of our warriors. This is how we see the protection of the heavenly forces, embodied in the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine, every Ukrainian who devotes themself to the sacred cause of defending their native land from darkness and evil.
These icons bear the names of heroes who sacrificed their lives to protect us. They showed that Ukrainians kneel only to pray. And never do they kneel in front of invaders and occupiers.
The Bible teaches us to love our neighbor. And the present has shown us the true meaning of this word. When we support and help each other even hundreds of kilometers away from one another. We protect each other. We pray for each other. When we all have become closer to each other, we have become each other's neighbors. And our former neighbor, who was always making us take him for a brother, remains distant from us for centuries. They have broken all the commandments, coveted our house, and come to kill us. The world sees it.
God knows it. And we believe that there is a chevron with the Ukrainian flag on the shoulder of God. Therefore, with such an ally, life will definitely prevail over death.
As we overcome a common path and experience common pain, we are all united today by one common prayer. We pray for all our warriors who are celebrating Easter in the trenches and on the positions. We pray for our warriors of light, who restrain demons in all directions. We pray for those who keep another commandment in their lives: to defend Ukraine. We pray that they all come back alive.
We pray for all our civilians who work hard every day to strengthen our state and ensure that it successfully overcomes evil. We pray for those who live and work for this purpose.
We pray for all our children, for all the boys and girls brave far beyond their years, whose childhood was stolen from them by Russia, but who, despite everything, have not forgotten how to smile and believe in miracles.
We pray for all our mothers and fathers who were robbed of a happy, peaceful aging, and who, despite everything, are holding on and taking care of us.
We pray for all our cities and villages, that should feel the Lord's grace, not the constant terror of evil, and which have black clouds hanging over them, and bombs and missiles coming from those who belong in hell, not in the Ukrainian sky.
We pray for our lands and our people, whose spirit cannot be broken. And we remember the words written in St. Sophia Cathedral above the Oranta image, which came true in our lives: "God is in the midst of the city, and it will not be shaken. God will help it before dawn.”
Today, we are praying for all Ukrainians who are waiting for this dawn and will certainly see it. They will find peace, truth, and God, who will return to the scorched land, the land scarred with craters and trenches. He will return with peace, tranquility, and flowers instead of mines in the fields. He will return with children's laughter instead of the roar of an air alarm. The light that will return to all of our Lord-given land, to all the territories that are temporarily occupied by the devils. God will return to Mariupol. To the slag heaps and the seashores. It has always been so. It will definitely be so. I believe in this every day, especially on this glorious day in this glorious place, the history of which reminds us that neither the Horde invasion, nor the Nazi occupation, nor the Russian terror will be able to wipe us off the face of the Earth.
May the heavens strengthen our will in the battle against thralldom. May they give us courage for new achievements and wisdom to appreciate all that we have already gained. May they give us the strength to maintain unity, and give us unity to enhance our strength. May God grant eternal rest to all those who gave their lives for Ukraine and everlasting peace to their descendants, to all our children and grandchildren, and to all our future generations. They have the sacred right to know what a peaceful Easter in a peaceful Ukraine is.
Today we pray for it and we fight for it.
And the light shines in the darkness...
Happy Easter to all of you, dear Ukrainians!
Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed!
#what a touching and moving greeting#perfect words again after over 800 days of full-scale war#always amazes me how he and his team are able to (still) do this#the shade at russia and all the “russia is your neighbour” people...#also loved the images he painted with his words#god wears a ukraine chevron...#for some reason this easter greeting felt a lot like the on in 2022#maybe because the situation feels so weirdly similiar#lets hope this also means the same successes for ukraine and they can liberate land#i love how he always talks about the “we”#including all of his people#these videos are never about him and praising himself#theyre always about ukraine and its people in the end#a servant of his people i have said it before and i will say it till the end#this man breathes and lives for his country and his country alone#he is committed to it and his goal and only that#ready to sacrify himself if necessary to give them peace and a future#his people and all the kids of ukraine and with this also his kids#he may be small but he is one of the greatest#i always have to think back to that one interview where he said he wants to be of use#he wants to feel needed#he really wants to change something for the better#and he does#and he is needed so so much#even though this is the worst period of his time and he has to give up and sacrify the dearest thing to him#he probably finds his purpose in it#may he find peace and calm afterwards#surrounded by friends and family to grow old#Youtube#volodymyr zelensky
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Robert Plant 🌿
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sorry for late post, the queue ran out of backup art and also i was feeling horrible today iykyk, have some low effort psychic memes for the soul
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Short sketchy comic idea in progress.
A resting pouty face John. Who could be the cause of it?
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aamusedly · 5 months
@wastelandwanderin. From COOPER.
His lungs were burning from the inside out, incinerating with every gasp for breath. He could hold it and save himself, but the pressure in his chest was growing too much. He had to open his mouth-- he had to swallow that smoke and fire and blood-- so much blood--
Cooper awoke with a lurch, hacking and wheezing. He'd fallen asleep in his lawn chair, overlooking the rocky gulch he and Sugihara had been staking out in the rumor of a loaded raider caravan sneaking by. So far no dice, and it was dark enough to have necessitated camping out for the night.
He was wheezing for breath as he clambered to his feet in search of his saddle bag. Fits like this didn't happen often between doses. But it was just another annoyance.
His knife was in his hand. The Ghoul hadn't even noticed he'd drawn it in his sleep. It slipped out of his hand and clattered to the rocks as the next coughing fit had him doubling over.
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genderfluidsgetguns · 6 months
I'm not trying to be a creep asking for age I was just wondering since you said you have a nephew
OOOHHHHHHH, makes more sense. Sorry, with me being on the internet 'n' all, I'm kinda antsy when people ask me for my age 'n' shit. I am a minor (which one can learn if one simply reads my intro post).
But my nephew? He's like twelve or something idfk
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anyways! here’s the official designs of the havens so far ^^ and yes there is another new one, they will not stop forming
in order, they're: Galene, Abnus, Cascade, Rune, Minerva, Endri, Marrovil, Noah, Tavarious, Vega, Hale, Ottline (new), Harbour, Genesis, and Perpetua!
i'll post the full images in another post :)
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cassius-is-confined · 2 years
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Some of my first digital pieces of Eris, my “operator”, from 2019/20. Back then I wanted to stay on track with the story line and stay within the realm of mundane design. Very boring, bad design, much cringe. Now days I said fuck it and threw the canon lore out the window and went “Your mine now.” and just started doing what made me happy instead of what follows the “rules” within the canon universe. So now I have my own Warframe AU that I care deeply for and have been casually adding onto for a few years now, of which I'll gradually share here! (I went threw a lot of name changes from 2019 to now.) Eris has changed a lot over the years, first image was the very first digital piece I did of him, second was before the warp gate sentients where dropped and all we had where concepts so I made my own thinking Eris would have one on his side or tangled in his web. However, I severely underestimated their size, these mofos are HUGE! I’ll have to come back to that some day. Next we got a doodle and a reference, very bland but I wanted him to have creepy vibes(better shown in traditional sketches.) I’ve always stuck with a more literal representation of demons as that's what Tenno are often referred to, as well as what I highly enjoy, that was before my brain expanded. Back then my lore stayed within the timelines of canon with my own flare here and there, but that wasn’t really fun for me and honestly over done. So, in current time I have my own wild ideas and lore for this evil mischievous man! 
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katasstrophy · 2 years
also you can yell about haruchiyo anytime ( I wud listen to you any day, any where ) he is my one of the top characters in TR for character study.
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haruchiyo <3333 my dearly beloved i’m soooooo obsessed with him he’s in my top three for sure!! i just love love turning him into some guy 🥺 some man who yeah yeah whatever is definitely not right in the head and kills people and bla bla bla whatever but sigh in my soul he is a SIMP. PERIOD. the right person need only to bewitch him and he turns (even more) pathetic. what a wet little dude LMAO.
i hope you know what you’re offering bc i WILL COME BOTHER YOU!!!! YOU SIGNED UP FOR THIS!!!
i mean just 🥺🥺
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he looks so fine when there’s murder in his eyes 🤭
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heavysass · 26 days
i kinda wanna try getting myself into overwatch tumblr again but i dont know how 2 do it, the actually active people around the general tags seem to be focused on characters i dont care about or ships i vaguely dislike so im just here like 🕴️ standing in the corner and scavenging my old blog for old fanart crumbs to reblog. i dont expect an older (by modern standards) media to be popping out but i wish it was easier finding your niche here as it is on twitter (rip)
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crypticcupid · 4 months
Dusk would do Demon TestosteroneTM. Which is functionally the same as regular testosterone, except it gives him some bullshit magic to flaunt.
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svbhuman · 4 months
continued from last post
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prairieghcsts · 4 months
tag drop 2
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trichoratsart · 6 months
yooo how do you guys plan a piece? do you thumbnail?
(i guess this is regarding my older post about discovering thumbnailing lol, i always struggle with planning a piece. Not much of a pantser i guess if we go by writers terms lol. need to get more creative and put more things in a scene)
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