#debito fanfiction
perplexedflower · 11 months
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [Z]eal
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
Z) Zeal: What he is willing to do for the relationship/the lines he is willing to cross.
Debito isn't necessarily a very zealous person in his day-to-day life and only gets passionate about very few specific things; the rest of the time, he's relatively laid-back. But when it comes to those very few specific things, those things he strongly cares about, he's willing to go to great lengths, especially if they involve his morals and the things he stands for. This is something you've had the chance to witness, as Debito's partner: ever since the first day you two got together, it was very obvious to you that he would be ready to do anything for you, no matter what it would ensue. In fact, he made this clear to you by letting you know directly that he loved you too much to let anything bad happen to you, and that he'd always be there for you, for whichever reason you may need him. Financially speaking, he's willing to spend a considerable amount of money for you, which you've always been highly grateful for, although you know this is in no way something that bothers him: as the head of the Coins division and the man in charge of money circulation for not only the Family but the entirety of Regalo as well, you're well-aware that his lifestyle is highly comfortable on a financial level, and that he can afford all of the things he's ever willing to get you. Debito is willing to cross more than just a couple of lines for you, even if it involves breaking the law; you know of this, as you've gotten to see this side of him before, and every time it's happened, a part of you quivered. You know, just as well as he knows himself that his emotions can take over him under certain circumstances, especially if he's got pent-up anger. It's no secret to anyone he's sworn to kill Jolly in the past for all the things he's done to him, and it's no secret to you he would be willing to go as far as hurting or even killing others for your sake, to protect you to the extreme.
Mini Scene
"Keep quiet, pretty face."
"Let her go, you bastard!"
Debito and I had been on our respective ways to work when the unexpected happened: a man ran toward us, visibly a criminal, followed by a few members of the Swords division, chasing after him. But when he came across us, when he noticed I was a member of the Family, he saw an occasion and took it. Before I even knew it, he had jumped on me and had taken me hostage, keeping me as leverage.
And here I was, held still by this man, a dagger against my side, piercing deeper inside my skin every time he grew angrier.
"Wait... I know you." He exclaimed at Debito. "Yeah, you're that kid who runs Isis Regalo, eh?"
Debito had one of his twin pistols pointed at the man's head, ready to shoot at any second, a look of fury on his face.
"I've lost a lot of money because of your stupid casino, you know?" He said angrily. "So, while we're here, and since you seem to care for the lady, why don't we add some of your money to the deal?"
"The only thing I'll be giving you is a bullet to the head, asshole!" Debito shouted.
But he could not shoot: although the man was a criminal and needed to be neutralized, it would have been wrong to kill him, he had to be arrested alive.
Debito's threat made the man dive his dagger deeper into my skin; until the pain suddenly stopped altogether.
In the blink of an eye, he was thrown face-first onto the ground in a strong blast. When I turned around, I saw Pace standing behind me, his fist glowing with his stigmata and an upset expression on his face.
"Good thing I happened to pass by..." He said as he stared down at the unconscious man. "Are you okay, [Y/N]?"
"Y-Yes, thank you so much, Pace." I replied with a shaky breath.
Debito came running to me, his pistol still in hand, and held me tight in his embrace.
"I know you really wanted to make this man pay, Debito." I softly said against his skin. "But I'm glad you didn't. I don't want you to shed any more blood for me."
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miele-e-farfalle · 2 years
Grazie per la tua risposta!
Mi sento decisamente più tranquilla!! XD xD Molti abbandonano le loro storie ma tu no, grazie!! Ti aspetterò!!
Solo per curiosità, ma quando la riprenderai farai uscire un capitolo per volta?
Capisco. Mi spiace per il tuo blocco😭 è una cosa comune negli scrittori ma sperimentarlo non deve essere affatto piacevole 😭
Cosa stai scrivendo di bello? 😊 Queste storie si trovano su EFP? 😊
Scrivi così bene!! Hai un talento naturale!!
In bocca a lupo per tutto😊
Di nulla, per me è sempre un gran piacere interagire con voi lettori, quindi non fatevi mai problemi a contattarmi per qualsiasi cosa (^-^).
Non so se il mio si possa definire proprio un "blocco" (xD), anche perché le idee ci sono e sto comunque continuando a scrivere. Chiamiamolo più un "capriccio", un desiderio di seguire più una certa ispirazione invece che un'altra. Purtroppo a volte capita... spero che i lettori siano lo stesso clementi con me e con i miei capricci vari, ahah (xD).
In ogni caso sì: quando riprenderò la pubblicazione del Miele ho sempre intenzione di far uscire un capitolo per volta, man mano che li scrivo e che li edito. Magari la cadenza di pubblicazione non sarà settimanale come un tempo (ahimè, la vita si è fatta decisamente più intensa, negli ultimi anni), ma cercherò per lo meno di essere regolare. Avevo anche una mezza idea di variare un po' di più la lunghezza dei capitoli, alcuni più corti e altri più lunghi, in base alle necessità, ma deciderò a tempo debito.
Ora come ora sono alle prese con una long (quasi finita, yee!) che ho scritto sul fandom di Luca. Il film della Pixar, sì... perché a quanto pare tartassare gli italiani ormai è diventata la mia specialità.
Inizialmente avevo cominciato a pubblicarla solo su AO3 perché mi vergognavo come una merda, lo ammetto. Pensa che non volevo nemmeno scriverla. Poi però ho buttato giù qualche schema, qualche bozza, e alla fine mi sono detta: "Ma sì, proviamo".
Per un motivo o per l'altro, ho deciso comunque di pubblicarla anche su EFP e ora sto procedendo in parallelo. Tanto non se la sta filando nessuno, quindi direi che ormai non ho nulla da perdere, lol (xD).
Comunque mi sto divertendo davvero molto a scriverla (e in realtà ho quasi in programma di farla diventare una piccola serie, ops!). E la sto anche vivendo come un'ottima occasione per migliorare come narratrice, dato che scrivere storie diverse dal solito e divertirsi a sperimentare fa sempre bene. Sicuramente anche le mie vecchie storie ne beneficeranno, quando le continuerò (^-^).
Se vuoi, ti lascio qui tutti i link anche per gli altri miei social:
Qui il mio AO3: Schmetterling_Frame, su cui sto anche trasferendo vecchie fanfiction di Hetalia, tutte storie che comunque sono già disponibili integralmente su EFP.
E qui anche la mia pagina Instagram: federica_marioni_schmetterling, dove tengo aggiornati i lettori sulle varie pubblicazioni online, su quelle dei miei libri, e dove a volte svelo anche quello che succede "dietro le quinte", tanto per tenere viva la curiosità. Nulla di eccessivamente impegnativo o da prendere troppo sul serio, lo giuro (xD).
Se hai altri dubbi o domande, io rimango a completa disposizione ;)
A prestissimo!
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solartranslations · 7 years
Debito 4/23: Overthinking Hermit
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The annoyed voices of the youth can be heard. The object of their dissatisfaction is…
~*Scene: Dining Room*~
Liberta: Geez! What was that earlier! You’re annoyed too, right Nova?
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems irritated
Food: My cheerful breakfast was spoiled!
Person: I don’t understand!!
Nova: Stop shouting…. Shut up. You’re interrupting my reading
❤≪Nova≫ Seems irritated
Place: I can’t concentrate on my book!
Person: You’re annoying enough already…
Liberta: Agh!! Just let me complain, okay!
Liberta: He went off somewhere…but now I’m just mad all over again!
Nova: Well don’t bring it up to me. Just remembering it is unpleasant
>What’s wrong, Liberta?
>What’s unpleasant, Nova?
Liberta: First of all, I didn’t do anything this time!
Liberta: I just looked into this girl that he said he was interested in
Nova: …We can’t tell her what happened if you don’t start from the beginning
Nova: I’m just speechless
Felicita: *sigh*
Liberta: …Nova. You really are mad. Want me to say that line back to you?
Liberta: Like when Debito did that imitation earlier…wait
Liberta: Right! We were talking about Debito just now!
Nova: *sigh*…are you going to bring that up again too…
Liberta: Nope, I’ll have Ojou hear it too!
Liberta: I’ll support you as a fellow victim this time
(*glare) Nova: That’s weird. You don’t have to
Liberta: What!?
Nova: …But as an executive, you should probably hear about this
Felicita: Okay
Nova: The Chalices heard about the swindler incident that happened earlier…/p>
Nova: But Debito said that it was the Coins’ problem and neglected to write the report
Nova: And what’s more than that ––
(*rumble) Nova: ….I don’t like it when people imitate me!
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned ❤≪Nova≫ Can't seem to handle it
Daily: I did my job properly
Person: I don’t understand!!
Person: I’ve got nothing to say to him
Place: I should have gone to the study
❤≪Nova≫ Seems to feel insulted ❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Person: He’s exasperating…
Place: I can’t concentrate on my book…
Person: Nova should vent too!
Daily: Ojou will understand!
Liberta: Listen, Ojou!!
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned ❤≪Nova≫ Can't seem to handle it
Person: I really can’t understand it
Daily: Ojou will understand!
Person: I’ve got nothing to say to him
Place: I should have gone to the study from the start
~*Flashback: Dining Room*~
Liberta: Yup! Eggs really should only be half-done!
Nova: You can’t eat anything quietly, can you…
Liberta: I shouldn’t be bothering you! If you want somewhere quiet, then you move
Nova: And who do you think was here first?
Liberta: Let’s eat!
Nova: Are you listening?
Debito: Hey, Liberta. I received your report
Liberta: Nn!
Debito: Hey…. What’re you eating?
Liberta: Hm? Egg toast, as you can see!
Debito: Hmm…
Liberta: If you want some, I can fry the eggs? I’m only good at making half-done sunny side up though!
Debito: I don’t want any, stupid. My breakfast is going to be a glass of wine
Debito: Like I can eat that much in the morning
(*mad) Liberta: Wha! How can you call my kindness stupid!!
Debito: I said you’re stupid because you’re pushing me to eat even though I said I won’t
Debito: Besides, if you’re so good at it, why did you only make one?
(*smirk) Debito: If you don’t make two…they won’t become the two mountains on a girl’s chest, right? *snickering*
Liberta: Chest…two…? Wait! Uhhh!? You mean…b, b, boo…
(*uh) Liberta: *gulp*…
Nova: *sigh*…
Debito: Hey, are you going to eat your eggs with blood sauce?
Debito: This is why you immature brats are trouble…
Liberta: …Huh?
Debito: And that’s why, you’ll always be in at a lower rank. Right, Foolerta-kun?
Liberta: Wa…! Lower rank…why did you have to go mentioning that!?
Debito: But it’s the truth
Debito: Everyone knows you can’t handle your powers despite having a Major Arcana
Liberta: …Ugh!!
Nova: …You’ve been noisy for too long
Nova: If you’re going to yell do it outside
Debito: ….Ha. So the fussy one is butting in too now
Liberta: I can’t stay quiet when I’m being insulted! And I don’t need a reason or permission to yell!
Liberta: Hmph! Or, are you going to say it’s the Chalices’ job?
Nova: Wh…!
Debito: Nova~
Nova: ?
Debito: “Ha…I can’t associate with idiots”
Debito: Is what you say. Right, little Nova?
Liberta: !!!! / Nova: !!!!
Liberta: Ha…hahaha!!
Nova: You’re laughing too much, idiot
Liberta: Oh come on…!! Say it!
Nova: …Don’t laugh!!!
Nova: Of everyone on this island…you’re the only who can laugh at that, Liberta!
Nova: Because I’ve been silencing anyone who would laugh about this!
Nova: Debito! Besides that, about the report for that previous case––
Nova: …He ran
Liberta: Huh? Wh, what! Wait a second!
Liberta: Hey! You can’t just say that and get away with it!!
Liberta: Let me say something too!
~*End Flashback*~
Nova: Ever since meeting him, he’s been making jokes like that…
❤≪Nova≫ Seems irritated
Person: I remembered the look he gets when he insults people
Pain: Next time…I’ll kill him
Nova: Every time I start forgetting about it he does that imitation again…
(*rumble) Nova: He was making fun of me…!! Making fun of…!
Liberta: When I think about it afterwards, I thought maybe Debito was just in a bad mood…
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems irritated
Daily: Should this be a part of the Liberta Memo?
Person: But I don’t understand it!!
Liberta: But that means…we’re just getting dragged in to it! It really is annoying!
Jolly: So it seems the noise was childish behavior as usual…
Jolly: I guess you’ve finished talking, kids
❤≪Jolly≫ Seems as usual
Person: There are only children here…
???: I can’t see very well here
Jolly: Now then, won’t you listen you my request?
Liberta: Wh, when did you…. Hey, eavesdropping’s a bad hobby
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems nervous
Person: He has no presence!
Daily: I have to summarize the Liberta Memo!
Nova: It isn’t something that started today
❤≪Nova≫ Seems concerned
Person: He has the worst hobbies in the Family
Daily: Next time…I’ll definitely kill him
Jolly: *chuckling*…then I’ll ask again
❤≪Jolly≫ Seems as usual
Pleasure: Now, what will happen…
???: I can’t see very well here
Jolly: I’d like you to find Debito, and bring him to my office
Liberta: Debito?
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems irritated ❤≪Nova≫ Seems irritated
Daily: I have to summarize the Liberta Memo
Person: Who would!
Pain: Next time…I’ll definitely kill him
Person: Who would!
Liberta: No / Nova: No
Jolly: That’s disappointing. Those two refused…. Then, Ojou-sama
❤≪Jolly≫ Seems to be plotting
Daily: I’ll look forward to the results…
???: I can’t see very well here
Jolly: I’ll leave this job to you
~*Scene: Hallway*~
Felicita: …
~*Flashback: Dining Room*~
Jolly: What…, he shouldn’t be too far away
Jolly: You should be able to find him easily, Ojou-sama…*chuckle*
~*End Flashback*~
Felicita: *sigh*
~*Scene: Courtyard*~
>Maybe I should ask Debito on a date
(+20 Amore)
>…I’ll try going back to the dining room
(No Amore)
>Debito, get out here!
(+10 Amore)
Debito: If you think you can lure me with such a simple invitation––
Debito: You’d be right
Debito: By the way, were you serious, Bambina?
Felicita: No
Debito: I guess not…*chuckle*
Felicita: !?
Debito: Huh…
Debito: Bambina, instead of a passionate gaze…do you prefer signs of danger?
Felicita: …
Debito: …Geez
Debito: Calling me by name, I’m surprised…Bambina
❤≪Debito≫ Seems excited ❤≪Debito≫ Seems as usual ❤≪Debito≫ Seems as usual
Pleasure: I wouldn’t turn down Bambina’s invitation
Link: Not a bad plan
Person: I don’t want to go along with what that old geezer says
Pain: Good thing that didn’t turn out boring
Place: I don’t feel like returning to the dining hall though
Pain: ???
Pain: Can’t you just let me go?
Place: I’m not going back to the dining hall
Pain: ???
Debito: Don’t look so surprised
❤≪Debito≫ Seems as usual
Daily: It’s a date, a date!
Pain: I’ll get depressed like this
Debito: …Weren’t you looking for me?
Debito: I heard the whole conversation in the dining hall after all
Debito: Even so, who would go to that old geezer’s place?
(*glare) Debito: If he needs something he should come himself, that senile old man
Debito: …And…since he got you to find me, I’ve got to get even…
Debito: Since the weather’s so nice –– shall we go on a date?
Felicita: …
Debito: Right?
~*Scene: Fiore Street*~
Debito: Well? That dolce’s good, right?
❤≪Debito≫ Seems as usual
Person: A date with Bambina isn’t bad
Daily: Stupid sun, isn’t it too bright?
Food: Tasting new food is also part of work
Arcana: ???
Felicita: Yeah
Debito: It’s called cannoli, it’s a popular treat among Signorinas in this area
(*step) Debito: Now, shall I have a bite…
Felicita: !
Fukurota: Hoot!
(*kick) Debito: Ow! Hey, that hurt! Don’t interfere, owl
Felicita: !
Debito: Fine! I guess it’s not something to do in public
❤≪Debito≫ Seems as usual
Pain: It’s daytime, so isn’t that owl too lively?
Food: Tasting new food is also part of work
Person: A date with Bambina isn’t bad
Arcana: ???
Debito: Or, are you hogging the dolce? Not very attractive
Debito: Then, next…where do you want to go, Bambina?
Felicita: …
Debito: Hm? Is there something you want to say?
>…Were you bullying Liberta and Nova?
>What are you doing about Jolly’s message?
Debito: I wasn’t bullying them. I was just…playing a little
Debito: They’re so happy that they don’t understand anything
Debito: Actually…it’s something they don’t need to understand
Debito: ……hmph…
Debito: That’s obvious. My answer is to continue our date
Debito: Hah? Like I care that the old geezer is the advisor
Debito: I just don’t want him to think that I will just listen quietly forever
Debito: ……ugh…
❤≪Debito≫ Seems as usual ❤≪Debito≫ Seems as usual
Arcana: They are different from us
Person: Just forget it, Bambina
???: I can’t see very well here
Person: Haven’t I already answered?
Pain: Just forget it, Bambina
???: I can’t see very well here
❤≪Debito≫ Seems irritated
Pain: I’ve lost my motivation…
Arcana: ???
Debito: When you’re with me, don’t talk about other guys…
Debito: ……
Debito: …
Felicita: …
Debito: Oh…since you ate something sweet, are you thirsty?
❤≪Debito≫ Seems as usual
Daily: But, I do pay attention. That’s a Regalo man
Arcana: I don’t want to say it
Debito: Let’s go in
~*Scene: Bar*~
Bar Employee: Welco…ah, you’re from…!
Bar Employee: Th, th, this way please
Debito: I’m not going to rampage today
❤≪Debito≫ Seems irritated
Food: I want a drink
Person: Is he new?
Milena: *sigh*…. I finally have this much…
Milena: Earning money really is hard
Milena: But, I can’t quit now…
Debito: …Hm?
❤≪Debito≫ Seems concerned
Person: That’s…
Daily: I want a drink
Milena: *sigh*…oh?
Debito: Oh, haven’t I seen you before?
Milena: It’s been a while. You two are the brave Ojou-san and casino playboy
Felicita: !?
Debito: Calm down, Bambina
Debito: Geez…it’s really true when they say Regalo’s a small place…
Milena: It’s true. I feel the same
Milena: But, I haven’t done anything here, and I never committed a crime in front of you two in the first place
Milena: …I was going to return the money I’m “borrowing” anyway
Debito: Well, that’s true. You just ran from me, Miss Milena
Debito: Besides, if we start a fight here, it would call those annoying Chalices
Debito: I also want to avoid getting pulled into something troublesome
Milena: I’m glad you’re wise, Mr. Playboy
Felicita: …
Debito: Well, since I’m with you two beauties again, shall we drink some espresso?
❤≪Debito≫ Wants a drink
Person: This isn’t that bad
Arcana: It’s annoying, but I guess I should do some work
???: I can’t see very well here
Milena: I’m a little tight on money, but if you’re treating me it's fine
Debito: Alright! Okay, I’ll have this one
Debito: Bambina, pick one you like too
Felicita: *sigh*
(*step) Debito: …So, Miss Milena. There’s something I wanted to ask you
Milena: …
Debito: What…not answering?
❤≪Milena≫ Arte
>Money trouble…?
Milena: …!?
Debito: That town…should be four days from this island, right?
Milena: Yes…. It’s a big city called the capital of the arts
Milena: …
Debito: Hm~, that's right. For a girl like you, if you want money it would be normal to ask your parents
Debito: But, you’ve been doing something like fraud
Milena: …Do you know about my family’s circumstances?
❤≪Debito≫ Seems concerned ❤≪Debito≫ Seems concerned
Person: The relationship between that place and Miss Milena…is?
Place: Her expression changed
Arcana: Money circulation is the Coins’ main job
Person: Her expression changed
Felicita: …
Debito: …Ok, let’s just leave it at that, Bambina
❤≪Debito≫ Seems concerned
Person: I know that much from my investigation
Arcana: This is the Coins’ job now
Felicita: ?
Debito: Even if you didn’t take the time to peek, I knew that much from my investigation
Debito: Bambina, why don’t you just drink your tea and listen
Felicita: *sigh*
Debito: Our Family is informed of even that
Debito: You moved here from a neighboring peninsula, we understand that much about your family
Debito: Recently, it looks like you’ve been causing small disturbances here and there
Debito: Our Chalices have really been making a fuss about it
Milena: …So you knew that much
Milena: As you say, troublemaking is common in my family
Milena: Since I was raised in such a place, I don’t know any other way of making money
Milena: –– But, without using my parents’ money, I wanted to go to the capital of the arts, Arte, no matter what
Debito: This is just my intuition but…your actions seemed to be on the path of love
❤≪Debito≫ Seems concerned
Daily: Bambina is not experienced enough in both work and this kind of thing
Person: “He” is probably a guy that’s not Jeremy
Pleasure: This has gotten fun
Debito: You have some passionate feelings in your gaze when you talk about it
Milena: …!
Milena: *sigh*…I hate that your guesses are so good. You saw right through me to that extent
Felicita: ?
Milena: …It seems that the cute girl next to you doesn’t understand though
Debito: It’s fine. If Bambina understood that, the person who told her would meet Papa’s death glare
Milena: Really?
Milena: So, you are also being troubled by your family…
Debito: Papa’s just too doting. Even flowers wither if they are sheltered too much
Debito: Now, back on topic. Miss Milena, you have business in a far town that requires travel expenses
Debito: So, you’ve been using fraudulent methods to gather money…
Milena: …
Debito: Perhaps, you are desperate to meet someone in this far away city?
Milena: I guess you’ve found out everything
>If you’re in trouble, I want to help
(+10 Amore)
>But, fraud isn’t right
(No Amore)
>Someone…a person you like?
(+20 Amore)
Milena: Huh…!?
Debito: So according to you, Ojou, anyone on the island can be given protection
Debito: Sounds good…that’s Papa’s daughter for you
Debito: Didn’t she say so? Miss Milena is going to return the money “eventually”
Milena: Sorry. I’ve learned that I have to work to return it
Milena: At the time I couldn’t think of anything besides robbery…
Debito: How were you raised that you came up with that?
Milena: …Yes
Debito: You really are straight forward, Bambina. I’m amazed
Debito: Or, is it because you don’t know love that you can say that?
Debito: Well, I knew from the start and planned to help her
❤≪Debito≫ Seems as usual ❤≪Debito≫ Seems as usual ❤≪Debito≫ Seems happy
Person: For the sake of the world and the people,….right?
Daily: Should I settle this properly with the Chalices?
???: I can’t see very well here
Daily: Should I settle this properly with the Chalices?
Arcana: Doing something about this is our job
???: I can’t see very well here
Pain: Does she want to know about this too?
Daily: Should I settle this properly with the Chalices?
???: I can’t see very well here
Milena: Thank you…
Milena: It’s strange. I never thought I would spend time with you two like this
Debito: That’s because I’m a good guy and ––
❤≪Debito≫ Seems as usual
Daily: It was meant to be a date but it became work
Arcana: The Chalices are fussy
Debito: Bambina is a good girl
Felicita: *smile*
Debito: You know how helpful Ojou is, right?
Milena: Well, she’s cute
Debito: Hahaha! She is!
Debito: All of Ojou’s suits are lenient with her too. *chuckle*…
Milena: Suits, huh. ….I did something bad to your subordinate
Milena: I’m sorry
Debito: …You mean Jeremy?
❤≪Debito≫ Seems concerned
Arcana: The Intelligence Division was also useful
Daily: The Chalices are fussy
Person: He always has bad luck
Milena: Yes. I went to that casino because the people spend money like water. So, I thought it would be fine if I used some of it
Milena: But, some of that water was earned with hard work…I’ve realized that
(*sigh) Milena: That’s why, I really am sorry…
Debito: It’s fine. You can take Jeremy’s share as his study fee
Debito: I won’t tell the Chalices about this situation. The Coins and I are the allies of Signorinas in love after all
Milena: That would be helpful. But, my father has been monitoring me lately
Milena: Just a little more, and I would have saved up enough for the travel expenses to Arte…
Debito: Then, why don’t you hide at Jeremy’s place?
Debito: We’ll also raise the rest of the money you need
Felicita: !?
Milena: Huh? Even after listening to what I’ve said!?
Debito: What, didn’t I say so? None of my subordinates would abandon a Signorina in trouble
❤≪Debito≫ Seems to be plotting
Person: Jeremy’s unluckiness with women is godlike
Daily: The Coins are all flexible
Arcana: The Intelligence Division’s information was also useful
Debito: Of course, I’ve thought a lot about the future too
>You gave this a lot of thought…
>Are you talking about making a profit?
Debito: Being the Capo of the Coins isn’t just for show
Debito: There isn’t another man on this island who cares about Signorinas more than me, right?
Debito: Well? Fallen in love yet? *chuckle*…
Milena: *laugh*. She really is cute
Debito: Well, we were going to end up there eventually
Debito: I just want to be thought of as someone who treasures all the Signorinas on this island
Debito: Huh, how lonely…
Milena: It ends up the same but, was it money first or was it feelings…right?
❤≪Debito≫ Seems as usual ❤≪Debito≫ Seems to be plotting
Daily: I’ll let Renato and the others finish this up
Pleasure: This excuse date turned out expectedly
???: I can’t see very well here
Daily: I’ll leave the money circulation to Vittorio though
Pleasure: This excuse date turned out expectedly
???: I can’t see very well here
Debito: Well, it is thanks to you that we could believe in her
❤≪Debito≫ Seems happy
Pleasure: It really was a good thing we went on this date
Daily: She’s supporting this investigation now
Debito: You were a great help, Bambina
Debito: We got a result using your powers. Now it’s just how you use it
Debito: Good work today
Felicita: Yeah
~*Scene: Fiore Street*~
Bar Employee: Thank you very much! Please come again!
Milena: Thank you for today
(*smile) Felicita: Yeah
Debito: I’m also happy that the two flowers with me have bloomed so beautifully
❤≪Debito≫ Seems as usual
Arcana: ???
Pleasure: It really was a good thing we went on this date
Daily: Now I just need to have a drink and sleep
Milena: …I was tired from worrying alone, it was worthwhile to come to the bar
Milena: Well, excuse me
Debito: Now, I would like to walk you back you the mansion, but that annoying geezer might be waiting…
Felicita: !
Debito: If you see him, just stall for me
Debito: See you. Why don’t we go on a date again, Bambina?
Felicita: …
~*End of Scene*~
You have one Heart Voice. It can be heard within SPECIAL
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