#decafcat talks sometimes
i don’t know if i can post any more snippets right now without spoiling certain things for the main fic.  would anyone be interested in snippets from the pre-war-between-humans-and-monsters prequel?  with this lovely lady?  (and some gaster too)
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(okay so most of it is gaster and calibri interacting because gaster is an emotionally maladjusted sack of dicks with an honestly stupid mouth and calibri is a lonely, slightly bipolar pile of anger and regrets BUT IT’S GOOD I SWEAR) 
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@silverryu25  ehh, i guess you’re right.  i’ll just have one cup.
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what’s that feeling called when you have a fever and cough medicine induced nightmare of a terrifying amalgamation and you end up drawing it but then you kinda end up liking it?  and kinda wanting to keep it or incorporate it into your fic?  i mean like a permanent fixture not like a one off ‘oh shit everything went wrong load frisk loAD OH GOD’ moment like it was supposed to be?
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kata am die.  ow my body.
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idea regarding Red’s amazing socks:
Sans buys them for him as a joke, and then Red decides to wear them everywhere, every day.  To bed (which Sans is kinda grateful for because Red has fucking bear claws for toes.  they pointy), to work (before he was a teacher he was a bouncer and yes he wore neon hell socks to his bar job) and he also leaves some around the house because they’re distinctly Red’s so Sans doesn’t get yelled at for ALL of the socks.
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whoops, where did saturday disappear off to?  
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so tire.  but the art is strong today.  haven’t slept in 26 hour.  am die
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Hi! so uhh I found you and I really liked what you wrote also I may or may not have gone through the tag with your fic-in-progress stuff till 3 am (no regrets) and I too want to protect UF Pap (and RJ/Scarlet) with all my might :3 I'm super curious about your fic :D I hope everything goes well for you :)
:D Hi!  I’m really glad you enjoyed it so far!  I’m working hard trying to get the first few chapters settled so I can start posting it soon.  Even tho UF Paps (and RJ) don’t come in until much later, I’m still coming up with stuff for all 4 (yeah, 4!) books of the story so far.  
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Storm the Sorrow headcanons:
So the prequel [I’m calling it Storm the Sorrow] to the kustard story is a bit different.  It takes place a long, LONG time before UT happens; before the main story takes place.  So a quick info dump:
It takes place before the War of Humans and Monsters.  Set in a more... medieval setting than modern, with kings and queens and lords, where there are bandits and travelers, where magic and mages are a commonplace mention.
It also goes over some rather specific headcanons for monsters, a little bit about how LV works and exactly what are the skeleton monsters, really?
So some quick info about things:
I headcanon that skeleton monsters, specifically those named after fonts, are connected to an old magic.  They have an innate ability to understand languages, both spoken and unspoken, knowledge, and memory.  That only skeleton monsters have the ability to access an ancient pool of knowledge, of memory, called The Font of Knowledge.   It should be mentioned that humans had a fear that skeleton monsters could steal their dreams and memories.  This is not entirely false, seeing as all humans return their bones to the earth at some point.  All of that knowledge and hope has to go somewhere.
There are very few physical access points to the Font.  They act as a natural wellspring of magic, flooding the area with it.  Monsters in general are attracted to this ambient source of life force.
However, standing in the wellspring simply floods you with magic, unless you are a font skeleton.  Only those with such a deep, innate connection to voice and language can understand the roar of knowledge in the Font.  
In Storm the Sorrow, Gaster’s initial meeting with the current Royal Judge is because he craves that knowledge.  He’s tried for months now since learning about it to access it outside of the wellspring.  Some skeletons can do that!  But he can’t, and he needs knowledge.  It drives him.  
Of course, his king tells him there’s a wellspring right down the hall, in the Judge’s chambers.  In Lady Calibri’s chambers.
...Oh.  That terrifying warrior woman that could crush him with a stare?
I headcanon that Gaster’s font is...special?  It’s one of those that isn’t taken well by non-skeletons.  No one can understand the words he says or read most of the things he writes.  When he writes, the symbols are weird and strange.  He can’t help that he was born with such a weird font, and he can’t change it.  
He learns to speak with his hands, but not a lot of people know that, either.  Gaster often gets frustrated over his inability to communicate and because no one can understand him, his mouth tends to run away from him sometimes.
Except Calibri is another skeleton.  
Calibri gets to hear all of the stupid shit he says.  
Calibri (and other skeletons) are not the only ones that have the ability to understand strange ways of speaking.  I believe elementals that have trouble speaking can also understand weird things, like Gaster’s font.
Gaster is referred to as the Archivist, because this is medieval times, there is no scientist yet.  There are a number of members in the Court, The King and Queen, The Judge (or Adviser, as she’s known to members outside the court), the Archivist (he’s a glorified librarian and he loves it), a few others I haven’t fleshed out yet, the Guard and the staff around the castle.  
Everyone is super friendly with each other and the castle staff are pretty much thought of as family in Asgore and Toriel’s eyes.  
The Guard don’t live in the castle, and there’s a barracks for the recruits but for the most part the guard live in the town around the castle.
There are other monster settlements outside, and even some humans living inside the town and palace as staff.  
Calibri is currently Captain of the Guard, although her Lieutenant is a familiar face.  Good ol’ Gerson, the Hammer of Justice.  
If you look carefully, you might even see a young Grillby (although his name might have changed over the years)
Something that carries over into the main story and sequels:  Font skeletons do not get to choose their name/font.  They are born with it.
This can lead to bad things, like Gaster’s inability to communicate with 95% of the people he interacts with.  Or the fact that Sans and Red (especially Sans) are upset over [mystery boy]’s font and why they can’t change it.
One of the songs in my playlist for this story is called Storm the Sorrow, and you can listen to it in this private post.  You don’t need to to understand the story, but it has my voice claim for Calibri and a good feel for her struggle.  :3c  
That’s all I can think of for right now!
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kata is so sorry for all the weird stuff she did yesterday when she had no sleep.
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“this is going to be so cute!”  “MY HEART!  CUTE”  “Oh stars, this is adorable!”
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kata gonna feel bad when she starts posting the actual fic and she wreks red so hard he yeets himself out of his own timeline in the first chapter and then starves him to death for months and then throws him off a building. actually no, sans throws him off a building. kata don’t feel as bad now.
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@silverryu25  Oh no, Papyrus is fine!  (I could never hurt the sweet bean I’ll throw red off 100 buildings before i do that)
:)  That’s the mystery boy.  Luci’s big brother.  
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@silverryu25 You have to understand; Red punched a crack in Undyne’s house in that one snippet, and he only had a few LV then.  The only reason no one has died when Calibri punches them is because she doesn’t intend for them to.  (And Toriel can heal)  No one’s really sure if the rumor about her feeding someone one of her boots is true or not, though.
And yes, that is exactly what she thought he was doing.  And he never lets her forget it either.  But I mean, seriously.  The only other skeleton in the castle comes and knocks on your door at 2am and says he has a problem she can help him with, how does that even sound to a normal person? xD like come on Gaster you have the people skills of a tea spoon.
I believe all the font skeletons are connected in some way.  They can understand each other in ways other monsters can’t.  Like, the village Cali was born in was almost entirely skeletons, and so everyone just automatically knew she was a girl, and they could instantly tell what her font was whenever she talked, it’s just.  They understood.
And then when her bearer ended up bringing her to the castle with a premonition that their entire village was going to be destroyed in 3 days time, and then Fell Down when it actually happened, little 4 year old Cali was suddenly abandoned with these fuzzy soft monsters that didn’t understand her very well.  Thankfully, Vivaldi was there to take care of her (pretty much against his will, they just threw her at him because he’s also a skeleton.  Turns out he was a pretty good adoptive dad.)
No one likes to talk about Tempus, so she learned more from her time in the Font wellspring than from anyone else.  She’s terrified that her fate is going to be similar, and she doesn’t want that.
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kata must sleep now, there’s only (squints at clock) 3 hours before i have to wake up for work
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@silverryu25​ xD Someone is going to be punched over the suggestion, for sure!
Gaster was definitely emotionally confused in the beginning.  Calibri less so, but uh, she’d never had a serious relationship and is quite a bit older than Gaster at the point they first ‘met’.  She was just anxious in the beginning because their first meeting she thought he wanted something else when he knocked on her door at like 2am and she wanted to die of embarrassment afterwards.  
And yep, Calibri was the Judge before the war.  It’s not hereditary, since Calibri isn’t related to Tempus, they’re just both Sanses.  And technically Calibri isn’t related to Sans or Papyrus, either.  Weird old Font magic, or something.  
Tempus had, uh.  A lot of LV.  He wasn’t really...okay around the end of it all.  He was technically Asgore’s grandfather’s judge, who wasn’t very nice and didn’t really like humans all that much, so...
Cali doesn’t talk about him much, because she’s never met him.  But she learned a lot about him and his trials from the Font, and her caretaker Vivaldi, the Archivist before Gaster, told her a few things.  Tempus was his twin brother.
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@silverryu25 If i’m being honest, Sans calls Red mom that more than either of the kids do.  Just to bother him.  Sans is a little shit to him all the time (and Red loves him for it).  So it’s a thing.  the mystery boy doesn’t really start calling him that until he learns that it bothers Red, and then he starts teasing him with it too.  But of course Red can’t be mad at him.  But he sure can ground him. And just because Luci wants to be like Red doesn’t mean she doesn’t love the absolute heck out of Sans.  She’s always snuggled up under his arm or something if there’s a cuddle pile, and she loves talking with him.  Sometimes they’ll just hang out and be lazy together.  And puns.  Oh my god the puns.
Oh my god, the dirty puns.  Sans is an absolute gremlin and so is Luci.
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