#deceit wears a bowler hat and capelet and some ppl really out here saying he DOESN’T love the evil villain aesthetic??
wroammin · 4 years
the sides + animal crossing
absolutely hates fishing. he has to slam his eyes shut and nervously wait for the plop every single time, and if he misses a fish he will mentally berate himself for twenty minutes
TARANTULA. HUNTING. he is an absolute boss at catching them so he doesn’t really have trouble getting bells. definitely keeps one in his house as a pet.
he doesn’t like all of his villagers, but he’d feel bad ignoring them (bc he knows how it feels) so he talks to all of them anyway
made his real jacket in custom designs and never takes it off
resident representative?? nah bro, he’s the prince of the people
loves to talk to the villagers bc it makes him feel like he’s checking on his faithful subjects
literally never pays his debt because he’s too broke after buying all of the furniture, wallpapers, and flooring he can get his hands on
once he unlocked terraforming, he went a little crazy with it and basically created a feudal state, complete with fields for the serfs (the villagers), a castle (his house) on the highest hill, and all the shops spread out on the second highest cliff
has over a thousand custom designs that he’s made and others that he’s just seen and thought they were cool, still only ever wears one of them
likes taking a bunch of cute lil’ pictures with the nook phone’s camera app
completely loses it whenever the villagers sing or pretend to be airplanes bc they’re just!! so cute!!!
cries when villagers say “i just can’t seem to shake you today, what’s up?” after he talks to them twice because he doesn’t wanna be too clingy and oh no now they hate him and they’re gonna move and–
unholy screaming when he saw his first tarantula
he is on a Quest to fill up his museum and is practically halfway there already
blathers is absolutely his fave with all those bug, fossil, and fish facts
probably the only one besides virgil who pays his debt off fairly quickly
made himself a little telescope area on the beach & almost cried when he found out shooting stars were a thing
very confused by tom nook’s business practices and how fruit seems to grow so quickly
absolute menace. doesn’t listen to blathers’s facts and only brings him bugs just to see him panic
physically harasses his least favorite villagers with a net. also runs behind them with a metal axe, just because he can
he doesn’t pick any of the weeds on his island and instead digs up all of the flowers. everyone else is horrified when they all come to visit
he found out you could put patterns on the floor and recreated a crime scene outside his house with a fake chalk outline of a body
no one gives him best friend privileges on their islands because they are terrified of the chaos he will bring about
refuses to pay his crippling debt to tom nook in order to rebel against society
no one (except remus) visits his island bc he Will force them into slave labor like they’re his henchmen
breeds flowers until he gets the cool, dark black versions and then gets rid of every other color until there are only dark black flowers everywhere for the Aesthetic
as soon as he is able, he moves his house to the highest cliff in order to make himself a cool evil villain hideout area also for the Aesthetic
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